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Peliosanthes reflexa (Asparagaceae), a New Species from Guangxi, China PDF

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Preview Peliosanthes reflexa (Asparagaceae), a New Species from Guangxi, China

植物研究雑誌 J.Jpn.Bot. 83:339–342(2008) Peliosanthes reflexa (Asparagaceae), a New Species from Guangxi, China Minoru N. TAMURAa, Mikinori OGISUb and Hai-ning QINc aBotanicalGardens,GraduateSchoolofScience,OsakaCityUniversity, 2000,Kisaichi,Katano-shi,Osaka,576-0004JAPAN; E-mail:[email protected] b Suginami-ku,Tokyo,168- JAPAN; cInstituteofBotany,theChineseAcademyofSciences, 20,Nanxincun,Xiangchan,Beijing,100093CHINA (ReceivedonJune17,2008) Based on a specimen from Shangsi, Guangxi, China, Peliosanthes reflexa (Aspara- gaceae) isnewly described. This species is similar to P. kaoi, but differs from it in the reflexed perianth, flowers drooping or descending, and linear, pale green, erect bracts. Key words: Asparagaceae, China, new species, Peliosanthes kaoi, Peliosanthes reflexa. Peliosanthes Andrews (Asparagaceae) 1967, Chen and Tamura 2000), but differs comprises about 16 species, distributed in from it in having reflexed perianth, flowers India, the Himalaya, Indochina, Malesia, S. drooping or descending, and linear, pale China and Taiwan (Chen and Tamura 2000). green, erect bracts. We therefore consider Peliosanthes, Ophiopogon Ker Gawler and this specimen to be a new species, and name Liriope Loureiro share a unique feature of it Peliosanthes reflexa. fruit development, i.e., fruit bursting irregu- larly early in development and exposing Peliosanthes reflexa M. N. Tamura & seeds with a sarcotesta. Thus, these three Ogisu, sp. nov. [Figs. 1–2] genera have been long considered to be re- Affinis Peliosanthi kaoi, sed perianthio lated, and they were often grouped in the reflexo, floribus cernuis vel descendentibus, tribe Ophiopogoneae Endlicher (Conran and bracteis linearibus viridescentibus erectis Tamura 1998). This relationship was con- diversa. firmed by molecular phylogenetic studies Type: CHINA: Guangxi, Shangsi, ca. (Yamashita and Tamura 2000, Tamura et al. 870 m alt., Mikinori Ogisu 178 (holo–PE). 2004). Peliosanthes is distinguished from Herbs perennial, evergreen. Rhizome ver- Ophiopogon and Liriope in having leaves tical, 5 cm long, moniliform; swollen por- subplicate veined with transverse venation tions 4.5–6.0 mm in diam., producing roots; betweenmainveinsandfilamentsunitedinto intercalary portions between the swellings a corona (Chen and Tamura 2000). 2.5–3.5 mm in diam.; annual growth 3.5– One of the present authors, Mikinori 9.0 mm long; internodes 0.5–5.0 mm long. Ogisu, collected a specimen of Peliosanthes Roots 1–2 per year, 23–30 cm long, up to from Shangsi, Guangxi, China, at a mesic 4.8 mm in diam., pubescent, often branched site, rich in humus, in a dark evergreen for- in middle and distal portions. Foliage leaves est,atabout870maltitude.Thisspecimenis glabrous, basal, tufted, 5–11 per tuft; petiole similar to P. kaoi Ohwi from Taiwan (Ohwi 6.5–10.6 cm long, 2 mm broad; leaf blade —339— 340 植物研究雑誌 第83巻 第6号 平成20年12月 Fig.1. Peliosanthesreflexa M.N.Tamura&Ogisu.Habitandabaxialsideofleaf(M.Ogisu178,PE). December2008 JournalofJapaneseBotanyVol.83No.6 341 deedE). SindP 宇、.N.吋 er.d.expa178, wau FlooronOgis –f.dcM. dn 。 mW111υ.2 ω・刀 z0・恥・ M-4 owerandbracts.hirdofperiantha(cid:1)5mm.(allfrom 」1111 Maturefln.j.One-twer.Bar bracts.c.osssectiooungflo werandw.i.Crherofy flovieant gntd non Youh.Frenta b.w.gm nce.viease een a.InflorescPistil.g.Sidgment,coro gisu.g–i.hse d On.ant ち量 a&ctioPeri Tamurdinalsewer.k. M.N.ngitugflo on aLu x o osanthesrefleFrontview.f.oanthersofy Peliw.e.htw 2.viewit g. Fi 342 植物研究雑誌 第83巻 第6号 平成20年12月 broadly linear to linear-oblong, 7.2–9.7 cm Habitat: Evergreen forest floor, dark, long, 1.7–2.6 cm broad, acuminate at apex, mesic, rich in humus. attenuate at base and decurrent on the peti- ole, slightly scabrous at margin, subplicate We express our sincere thanks to Pro- veined, with 5–9 longitudinal veins and con- fessor De-zhi Fu of Institute of Botany, the spicuoustransverseveinletsbetweenthelon- ChineseAcademyofSciences,andProfessor gitudinal veins, sometimes variegated Jie-mei Xu of Sichuan University for their irregularly. Scape 4–5 cm long, 1.7–2.0 mm encouragement and support for this study. in diam., glabrous, weakly striate, purple, Our thanks are due to Mr. Masayoshi basally greenish, with 1–2 sterile bracts. Umebayashi for his kindness in drawing the Inflorescence terminal, racemose, 3.2–3.8 figures. Thanks are also due to the director cm long, glabrous, weakly striate, 7–8-flow- and staff members of the herbarium TNS, ered; axis purple, sometimes partially green- who permitted us to examine the type speci- ish. Flowers solitary, hermaphrodite, droop- men of Peliosanthes kaoi. ing or descending; pedicel 3–5 mm long, 0.9 mm in diam., pale green, sometimes pur- References plish; bract and bracteole linear, pale green, Chen S. C. and Tamura M. N. 2000. Peliosanthes erect, basally dilated with white membrane; Andrews. In: Wu Z. Y.and Raven P. H. (eds.), bractupto10.5mmlong;bracteoleupto5.0 FloraofChina24:261–263.SciencePress,Beijing andMissouriBotanicalGardenPress,St.Louis. mm long. Perianth 4.2–5.0 mm long, pale ConranJ.G.andTamuraM.N.1998.Convallariaceae. green, more or less speckled with purple; In: Kubitzki K. (ed.), The Families and Genera of lobes 6, 2.8–3.2 mm long, 2.0–2.5 mm Vascular Plants, vol. III. Flowering Plants: Mono- broad, reflexed. Corona epipetalous, hemi- cotyledons.pp.186–198.Springer,Berlin. spherically elevated, 3.7–4.0 mm in diam., Ohwi J. 1967. A new Peliosanthes from Taiwan. J. Jpn. Bot. 42: 317–319 (in Japanese with Latin de- 1.0–1.8 mm high, dark purple, fleshy, scription). apically 6-lobed; lobes 0.5 mm long, oppo- Tamura M. N., Yamashita J., Fuse S. and Haraguchi site to perianth lobes. Anthers 6, ovate, 1.0 M.2004.Molecularphylogenyofmonocotyledons –1.5 mm long, pale yellow, introrse, sub- inferred from combined analysis of plastid matK sessile, attached to adaxial side of corona and rbcL gene sequences. J. Plant Res. 117: 109– lobes. Ovary 1.5–2.0 mm long, half-inferior, 120. Yamashita J. and Tamura M. N. 2000. Molecular 3-locular; ovules basal, 4 per locule, 0.7–0.8 phylogeny of the Convallariaceae (Asparagales). mm long, 0.3–0.4 mm in diam. Style 1, 1.0 In:WilsonK.L.andMorrisonD.A.(eds.),Mono- –1.3 mm long, thickened downward, dark cots: Systematics and Evolution. pp. 387–400. purple. Anthesis November to December. CSIRO,Melbourne. 田村 実a, 荻巣樹徳b, 海寧c:Peliosanthes reflexa (クサスギカズラ科), 中国広西壮族自治 区から見つかった1新種 淡緑色, 直立することで異なるので, 私達はこの 著者の一人である荻巣樹徳によって中国広西壮 植物を新種と考え, Peliosanthes reflexa M. N. 族自治区上思の標高約870mの暗い常緑広葉樹林 Tamura&Ogisuとして記載した. 林床で発見されたペリオサンテス属植物は, 台湾 (a大阪市立大学大学院理学研究科附属植物園, 産のPeliosanthes kaoi Ohwiによく似ているが, P. b168- 東京都杉並区 , kaoiとは花被が反曲し, 花が下を向き, 苞が線形, c中国科学院植物研究所)

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