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Preview Peer-Reviewed, Published Research on the Adverse Effects of Mercury

Peer-Reviewed, Published Research Showing Adverse Effects of Mercury The literature showing the toxicity of mercury goes well beyond its associations with autism. This document includes the abstracts for over 240 studies that show the harmful effects of mercury, from both thimerosal and environmental sources, on brain cells, immune cells and other body systems. These include cellular, animal and human studies. There can be no justification for any intentional use of mercury given the extent of this literature. The following pages are abstracts from the peer reviewed 240+ studies. childrenshealthdefense.org Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 70: 1046–1051, 2007 Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC ISSN: 1528-7394 print / 1087-2620 online DOI: 10.1080/15287390601172080 MUTeEH rcury, Lead, and Zinc in Baby Teeth of Children with Autism Versus Controls JamMercury, Leead, ands Zinc in BBaby Teeth. Adams and Jane Romdalvik Chemical and Materials Engineering, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona V. M. Sadagopa Ramanujam and Marvin S. Legator Department of Preventive Medicine and Community Health, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas, USA including especially language/communication problems and This study determined the level of mercury, lead, and zinc in social withdrawal. Therefore, they suggested that autism was baby teeth of children with autism spectrum disorder (n = 15, age primarily due to infantile exposure to mercury. Their hypothe- 6.1 ± 2.2 yr) and typically developing children (n = 11, age = 7 ± sis is plausible because mercury exposure at hazardous levels 1.7 yr). Children with autism had significantly (2.1-fold) higher is common in the United States and other countries; the Food levels of mercury but similar levels of lead and similar levels of and Drug Administration (FDA) estimates that 1 in 6 women in zinc. Children with autism also had significantly higher usage of oral antibiotics during their first 12 mo of life, and possibly higher the United States have mercury levels that increase the risk of usage of oral antibiotics during their first 36 mo of life. Baby teeth neurological damage to their children. (Mahaffey et al., 2004) are a good measure of cumulative exposure to toxic metals during The major sources of mercury exposure for infants are (1) fetal development and early infancy, so this study suggests that maternal seafood consumption, (2) maternal mercury amalgam children with autism had a higher body burden of mercury dur- dental fillings, and (3) thimerosal (an ethylmercury compound) ing fetal/infant development. Antibiotic use is known to almost completely inhibit excretion of mercury in rats due to alteration of in childhood vaccines and in anti-RhoD immune globulins gut flora. Thus, higher use of oral antiobiotics in the children with given to Rh-negative mothers during pregnancy. Thimerosal autism may have reduced their ability to excrete mercury, and was largely but not totally removed from childhood vaccines hence may partially explain the higher level in baby teeth. Higher by 2004. usage of oral antibiotics in infancy may also partially explain the Mercury toxicity might occur either due to high exposure, high incidence of chronic gastrointestinal problems in individuals with autism. or due to a decreased ability to excrete mercury, with the latter case seeming to be the primary issue in autism. The primary mechanism for excreting mercury involves its binding to glu- tathione and then being excreted in the bile (Ballatori & Clarkson, Autism is a severe developmental disorder that involves 1985). Infants are poor excretors because they produce less social withdrawal, communication deficits, and stereotypic/ glutathione (Ballatori & Clarkson, 1984) and because they are repetitive behaviors. The causes of autism are unknown, but usually on all-milk diets (which decreased mercury excretion both genetic and environmental factors have been implicated. by a factor of 3 in a study of rats); thus, they are especially vul- The purpose of this study was to investigate the environmental nerable to mercury poisoning (Rowland et al., 1984). factor of heavy metals (mercury, lead) toxicity. Infants with autism were even more vulnerable to mercury A thorough review by Bernard et al. (2001) reported that all toxicity, because their glutathione is much lower than in typi- of the major symptoms reported in the literature for autism cal children (James et al., 2004; Audhya, 2004) and a higher were also reported for cases of infantile mercury poisoning, fraction of their glutathione is oxidized (James et al., 2004). Further, two studies (Konstantareas & Homatidis, 1987; Adams et al., 2003) found that children with autism had much Received 19 June 2006; accepted 13 November 2006. higher usage of oral antibiotics, which (in rats) resulted in a We thank the Autism Research Institute, directed by Bernard near-total loss of the ability to excrete mercury (Rowland et al., Rimland, PhD, for funding this research. We thank the children and 1980, 1984). The reason appears to be that normal gut anaer- their families for participating. We thank Vas Aposhian, Jon obes are able to convert methylmercury (which is rapidly Pangborn, and Boyd Haley for helpful comments. Address correspondence to James B. Adams, Arizona State absorbed) into inorganic mercury (which is poorly absorbed University, PO Box 876006, USA. E-mail: [email protected] and hence mostly excreted). In contrast, most strains of yeast 1046 HindawiPublishingCorporation JournalofToxicology Volume2009,ArticleID532640,7pages doi:10.1155/2009/532640 Research Article The Severity of Autism Is Associated with Toxic Metal Body Burden and Red Blood Cell Glutathione Levels J.B.Adams,1M.Baral,2E.Geis,3J.Mitchell,1J.Ingram,3A.Hensley,3I.Zappia,3S.Newmark,4 E.Gehn,3R.A.Rubin,5K.Mitchell,3J.Bradstreet,2,6andJ.M.El-Dahr7 1DivisionofBasicMedicalSciences,SouthwestCollegeofNaturopathicMedicine,Tempe,AZ85282,USA 2DepartmentofPediatricMedicine,SouthwestCollegeofNaturopathicMedicine,Tempe,AZ85282,USA 3AutismResearchInstitute,SanDiego,CA92116-2599,USA 4CenterforIntegrativePediatricMedicine,Tucson,AZ85711,USA 5DepartmentofMathematics,WhittierCollege,Whittier,CA90601-4413,USA 6InternationalChildDevelopmentResourceCenter,Phoenix,AZ,USA 7DepartmentofPediatrics,TulaneUniversitySchoolofMedicine,NewOrleans,LA70112,USA CorrespondenceshouldbeaddressedtoJ.B.Adams,[email protected] Received10April2009;Revised30June2009;Accepted12July2009 RecommendedbyWeiZheng This study investigated the relationship of children’s autism symptoms with their toxic metal body burden and red blood cell (RBC) glutathione levels. In children ages 3–8 years, the severity of autism was assessed using four tools: ADOS, PDD-BI, ATEC, and SAS. Toxic metal body burden was assessed by measuring urinary excretion of toxic metals, both before and after oraldimercaptosuccinicacid(DMSA).Multiplepositivecorrelationswerefoundbetweentheseverityofautismandtheurinary excretionoftoxicmetals.Variationsintheseverityofautismmeasurementscouldbeexplained,inpart,byregressionanalysesof urinaryexcretionoftoxicmetalsbeforeandafterDMSAandthelevelofRBCglutathione(adjustedR2of0.22–0.45,P <.005in allcases).Thisstudydemonstratesasignificantpositiveassociationbetweentheseverityofautismandtherelativebodyburdenof toxicmetals. Copyright©2009J.B.Adamsetal.ThisisanopenaccessarticledistributedundertheCreativeCommonsAttributionLicense, whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. 1.Background of autism. A small study by Adams et al. [4] found that childrenwithautismhada2-timehigherlevelofmercuryin Autism is a severe developmental disorder which involves theirbabyteeththantypicalchildren.AstudybyBradstreet social withdrawal, communication deficits, and stereo- et al. [5] investigated the body burden of toxic metals by typic/repetitivebehaviour.Thepathophysiologicaletiologies giving dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA), an oral chelation whichprecipitateautismsymptomsremainelusiveandcon- medication approved by the FDA for treating infantile lead troversialinmanycases,butbothgeneticandenvironmental poisoning.Theyfoundthatthechildrenwithautismexcreted factors (and their interactions) have been implicated. One 3.1timesasmuchmercuryintotheirurine(whichiswhere environmental factor that has received significant attention DMSA is excreted), P < .0002, but lead and cadmium isthebodyburdenofmercury,lead,andothertoxicmetals levels were not significantly different. Overall there is some [1–5]. evidence to suggest that mercury and possibly other toxic Bernardetal.[1]discussedthemanysimilaritiesbetween metalsarerelatedtotheetiologyofautism. thesymptomsofchildrenwithautismandchildrenpoisoned This study investigates the possible relationship of the by mercury. An epidemiology study by Windham et al. [2] severity of autism to the relative body burden of toxic foundthattheamountofairbornepollutants,andespecially metals.Theseverityofautismwasassessedusingfourtools, mercury, correlated with an increased risk for autism. A a professional evaluation based on the Autism Diagnostic study by DeSoto and Hitlan [3] found that blood levels ObservationSchedule[6],andparentalevaluationsbasedon of mercury did significantly correlate with the diagnosis thePervasiveDevelopmentalDisordersBehaviourInventory BiolTraceElemRes(2013)151:171–180 DOI10.1007/s12011-012-9551-1 Toxicological Status of Children with Autism vs. Neurotypical Children and the Association with Autism Severity JamesB.Adams&TapanAudhya&SharonMcDonough-Means& RobertA. Rubin& David Quig&Elizabeth Geis&Eva Gehn& Melissa Loresto& Jessica Mitchell&SharonAtwood& Suzanne Barnhouse&Wondra Lee Received:3August2012/Accepted:12November2012/Publishedonline:29November2012 #SpringerScience+BusinessMediaNewYork2012 Abstract This study investigates both the level of toxic significant variables. Overall, children with autism have metals in children with autism and the possible association higher average levels of several toxic metals, and levels of of those toxic metals with autism severity. This study in- several toxic metals are strongly associated with variations volved55childrenwithautismages5–16yearscomparedto in the severity of autism for all three of the autism severity 44controlswithsimilarageandgender.Thestudyincluded scalesinvestigated. measurements of toxic metals in whole blood, red blood cells(RBC), andurine. Theautismgroup hadhigher levels Keywords Autism .Toxicmetals .Mercury.Lead . ofleadinRBC(+41%,p00.002)andhigherurinarylevels Thallium .Tungsten of lead (+74 %, p00.02), thallium (+77 %, p00.0001), tin (+115 %, p00.01), and tungsten (+44 %, p00.00005). However, the autism group had slightly lower levels of Backgroundand Significance cadmium in whole blood (−19 %, p00.003). A stepwise, multiple linear regression analysis found a strong associa- Determination of toxic metal exposure in classic lead poi- tionoflevelsoftoxicmetalswithvariationinthedegreeof soning, such as due to ingestion of lead paint, is relatively severity of autism for all the severity scales (adjusted R2 of easyandinvolvesmeasuringbloodlevelsoflead.However, 0.38–0.47,p<0.0003).Cadmium(wholeblood)andmercu- inautism,theproblemappearstousuallynotbehighexpo- ry (whole blood and RBC) were the most consistently sure, but rather decreased excretion. The half-life of lead, mercury, and other toxic metals in the blood is weeks to months, so those metals rapidly leave the blood and accu- : : : : : J.B.Adams(*: ) E.Geis E.Gehn M.Loresto S.Atwood mulateintissueand/orbone.Sincebiopsiesofthosetissues S.Barnhouse W.Lee areinvasive,thismakesassessmentoftoxicmetalexposure ArizonaStateUniversity,POBox876106, inautism more complex. Tempe85287-6006AZ,USA e-mail:[email protected] Many studies suggest that children with autism have a decreasedabilitytoexcretetoxicmetals,leadingtoahigher T.Audhya bodyburden.Thedecreasedabilitytoexcretetoxicmetalsis HealthDiagnostics,SouthAmboy,NJ,USA partlyduetolowglutathione[1–4]sinceglutathioneconju- S.McDonough-Means gation(andsubsequentexcretioninthefeces)istheprimary IntegrativeDevelopmentalPediatrics,Tucson,AZ,USA pathway for removal of some toxic metals. Another factor thatalsodecreasesabilitytoexcretetoxicmetalsinfecesis R.A.Rubin increased use of oral antibiotics [5–8] since oral antibiotics DepartmentofMathematics,WhittierCollege,Whittier,CA,USA have been shown (in rats) to almost completely inhibit D.Quig excretion of mercury [9, 10] due to their effect on altering Doctor’sData,St.Charles,IL,USA gut flora. This is consistent with two studies which found lower levels of mercury in the baby hair of children with J.Mitchell SouthwestCollegeofNaturopathicMedicine,Tempe,AZ,USA autism, [8, 11], one study which found decreased lead, RESEARCHARTICLE Significant Association of Urinary Toxic Metals and Autism-Related Symptoms—A Nonlinear Statistical Analysis with Cross Validation JamesAdams1*,DanielP.Howsmon2,UweKruger2,ElizabethGeis1,EvaGehn1, ValeriaFimbres1,ElenaPollard1,JessicaMitchell3,JulieIngram1,RobertHellmers4, DavidQuig5,JuergenHahn2 1ArizonaStateUniversity,Tempe,AZ,UnitedStatesofAmerica,2RensselaerPolytechnicInstitute,Troy, NY,UnitedStatesofAmerica,3SouthwestCollegeofNaturopathicMedicine,Tempe,AZ,UnitedStatesof a1111111111 America,4ArizonaAllergyAssociates,Phoenix,AZ,UnitedStatesofAmerica,5Doctor’sData,St.Charles, a1111111111 IL,UnitedStatesofAmerica a1111111111 a1111111111 *[email protected] a1111111111 Abstract OPENACCESS Introduction Citation:AdamsJ,HowsmonDP,KrugerU,Geis Anumberofpreviousstudiesexaminedapossibleassociationoftoxicmetalsandautism, E,GehnE,FimbresV,etal.(2017)Significant AssociationofUrinaryToxicMetalsandAutism- andoverhalfofthosestudiessuggestthattoxicmetallevelsaredifferentinindividualswith RelatedSymptoms—ANonlinearStatistical AutismSpectrumDisorders(ASD).Additionally,severalstudiesfoundthatthoselevelscor- AnalysiswithCrossValidation.PLoSONE12(1): relatewiththeseverityofASD. e0169526.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0169526 Editor:FranciscoJ.Esteban,UniversidaddeJaen, Methods SPAIN Inordertofurtherinvestigatethesepoints,thispaperperformsthemostdetailedstatistical Received:March25,2016 analysistodateofadatasetinthisfield.Firstmorningurinesampleswerecollectedfrom67 Accepted:November16,2016 childrenandadultswithASDand50neurotypicalcontrolsofsimilarageandgender.The Published:January9,2017 sampleswereanalyzedtodeterminethelevelsof10urinarytoxicmetals(UTM).Autism- Copyright:©2017Adamsetal.Thisisanopen relatedsymptomswereassessedwithelevenbehavioralmeasures.Statisticalanalysiswas accessarticledistributedunderthetermsofthe usedtodistinguishparticipantsontheASDspectrumandneurotypicalparticipantsbased CreativeCommonsAttributionLicense,which upontheUTMdataalone.Theanalysisalsoincludedexaminingtheassociationofautism permitsunrestricteduse,distribution,and reproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginal severitywithtoxicmetalexcretiondatausinglinearandnonlinearanalysis.“Leave-one-out” authorandsourcearecredited. cross-validationwasusedtoensurestatisticalindependenceofresults. DataAvailabilityStatement:Allrelevantdataare withinthepaperanditsSupportingInformation ResultsandDiscussion files. Averageexcretionlevelsofseveraltoxicmetals(lead,tin,thallium,antimony)weresignifi- Funding:TheASUportionofthisstudywasfunded cantlyhigherintheASDgroup.However,ASDclassificationusingunivariatestatistics byagiftfromtheAutismResearchInstitute(ARI), www.autism.com.Thefundershadnoroleinstudy proveddifficultduetolargevariability,butnonlinearmultivariatestatisticalanalysissignifi- design,datacollectionandanalysis,decisionto cantlyimprovedASDclassificationwithTypeI/IIerrorsof15%and18%,respectively. publish,orpreparationofthemanuscript.TheRPI Theseresultsclearlyindicatethattheurinarytoxicmetalexcretionprofilesofparticipantsin portionofthestudywasnotfunded.DavidQuig theASDgroupweresignificantlydifferentfromthoseoftheneurotypicalparticipants.Simi- andRobertHellmersareemployeesofDoctors DataandArizonaAllergyAssociates,respectively, larly,nonlinearmethodsdeterminedasignificantlystrongerassociationbetweenthe PLOSONE|DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0169526 January9,2017 1/24 Thimerosal induces TH2 responses via influencing cytokine secretion by human dendritic cells Anshu Agrawal,1 Poonam Kaushal, Sudhanshu Agrawal, Sastry Gollapudi, and Sudhir Gupta Division of Basic and Clinical Immunology, University of California, Irvine, California, USA Abstract: Thimerosalisanorganicmercurycom- associationbetweentheexposuretomercury(viavaccination)and poundthatisusedasapreservativeinvaccinesand thedevelopmentofneurodevelopmentaldisorders,especiallyau- pharmaceutical products. Recent studies have tism and learning disabilities [3–8]. This has led to thimerosal shown a TH2-skewing effect of mercury, although being withdrawn from pediatric vaccines in the United States the underlying mechanisms have not been identi- starting in 1999 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, fied. In this study, we investigated whether thimer- 1999). Nevertheless, thimerosal is still used in influenza, diph- osal can exercise a TH2-promoting effect through theriatoxoidandacellularpertussis,andtetanustoxoidvaccines. modulation of functions of dendritic cells (DC). Themajorityofthestudiesaredirectedtowardunderstandingthe Thimerosal, in a concentration-dependent man- neurotoxiceffectofthimerosal,andfewstudiesdealwithitseffect ner, inhibited the secretion of LPS-induced proin- ontheimmunesystem. flammatory cytokines TNF-(cid:1), IL-6, and IL-12p70 The effect of mercury on the immune system has been from human monocyte-derived DC. However, the studied mostly in rodents. These studies have revealed that secretionofIL-10fromDCwasnotaffected.These subtoxic doses of mercury exposure in genetically susceptible thimerosal-exposed DC induced increased TH2 H-2 mice strains result in the development of systemic auto- (IL-5 and IL-13) and decreased TH1 (IFN-(cid:2)) cyto- immunitycharacterizedbylymphoproliferationwithpolyclonal kine secretion from the T cells in the absence of B cell activation and hyper-(cid:1)-globulinemia, production of au- additional thimerosal added to the coculture. toantibodies targeting the 34-kDa nucleolar protein fibrillarin, Thimerosal exposure of DC led to the depletion of and development of immune-complex deposits [9–15]. The intracellular glutathione (GSH), and addition of different forms of mercury differ in the type and range of exogenous GSH to DC abolished the TH2-promot- immune disorders, and ethylmercury (thimerosal) and inor- ing effect of thimerosal-treated DC, restoring se- ganic mercury are similar in that they cause systemic autoim- cretion of TNF-(cid:1), IL-6, and IL-12p70 by DC and munity, characterized by a marked increase of IgE and sys- IFN-(cid:2) secretion by T cells. These data suggest that temic immune-complex deposits [16, 17]. Antifibrillarin auto- modulation of TH2 responses by mercury and antibodies (AFA) and maximum levels of serum IgE are thimerosal, in particular, is through depletion of present as early as 10 days after exposure to ethylmercury in GSHinDC. J.Leukoc.Biol.81:474–482;2007. the mice [16]. Similar to the autoimmune disease induced by inorganic mercury, thimerosal induces a distinctly increased Key Words: APC (cid:1) heavy metal (cid:1) immune modulation expressionofIL-4mRNAandalargeincreaseinTH2-depen- dent, Ig-secreting cells and serum Igs [18]. The increase in IL-4 has been attributed to a direct induction of IL-4 gene INTRODUCTION expression in lymphocytes by mercury [19]. Methylmercury, conversely,inducesonlymodesttitersofAFAandnoneofthe Exposure to mercury is widespread in the world, and inorganic abovesymptoms[16,17,20].Oneofthepossibleexplanations mercury, ethylmercury, and methylmercury are the predominant is that ethylmercury is converted much faster into inorganic chemicalspecies.Theprimarysourcesofexposuretomercuryare mercury compared with methylmercury, leading to an earlier amalgam,mercuryvapors,vaccination,andseafoodconsumption and more potent effect on the immune system. The immuno- [1–3]. Thimerosal (ethylmercurithiosalicylate) is an organic mer- suppressiveeffectsofethylandmethylmercuryaresimilarand curycompoundthathasbeenusedasapreservativeinvaccines, more potent than inorganic mercury in that they both cause intramuscular immune globulin preparations, skin test antigens, reductioninthenumberandproliferativecapacityofsplenicT antivenoms,ophthalmicandnasalproducts,andtattooinks[1–3]. and B lymphocytes [17, 20]. Studies in humans document Ithas49.6%mercurybyweight,andfollowingitsadministration, its metabolite, ethylmercury, dissociates from thiosalicylic acid andbindstobloodorothertissue.Theextensiveuseofvaccines intoday’ssocietyhasledtoconcernsaboutimmunizationsafety. 1Correspondence:DivisionofBasicandClinicalImmunology,Med.Sci Today,childrenreceivemoretotalnumberofvaccinationsgiven I C-240, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697, USA. E-mail: [email protected] together during the first two years of life, leading to exposure to Received July 21, 2006; revised August 22, 2006; accepted October 6, quantities of mercury that exceeds the safety guidelines through 2006. thimerosal in vaccines. There is an increasing concern about doi:10.1189/jlb.0706467 474 JournalofLeukocyteBiology Volume81,February2007 0741-5400/07/0081-474©SocietyforLeukocyteBiology Downloaded from www.jleukbio.org to IP Journal of Leukocyte Biology Vol.81, No.2 , pp:474-482, October, 2016 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Review Genetic Aspects of Susceptibility to Mercury Toxicity: An Overview VirginiaAndreoli*andFrancescaSprovieri InstituteofAtmosphericPollutionResearch,NationalResearchCouncilofItaly,DivisionofRende, Rende87036,Italy;[email protected] * Correspondence:[email protected];Tel.:+39-984-493-150 AcademicEditor:PaulB.Tchounwou Received:3November2016;Accepted:12January2017;Published:18January2017 Abstract: Humanexposuretomercuryisstillamajorpublichealthconcern. Inthiscontext,children haveahighersusceptibilitytoadverseneurologicalmercuryeffects,comparedtoadultswithsimilar exposures. Moreover,thereexistsamarkedvariabilityofpersonalresponsetodetrimentalmercury action,inparticularamongpopulationgroupswithsignificantmercuryexposure. Newscientific evidenceongeneticbackgroundshasraisedtheissueofwhethercandidatesusceptibilitygenescan makecertainindividualsmoreorlessvulnerabletomercurytoxicity. Inthisreview,theaimisto evaluateanewgeneticdimensionanditsinvolvementinmercuryriskassessment,focusingonthe importantroleplayedbyrelevantpolymorphisms, locatedinattractivegenetargetsformercury toxicity. Existingoriginalarticlesonepidemiologicresearchwhichreportadirectlinkbetweenthe geneticbasisofpersonalvulnerabilityanddifferentmercuryrepercussionsonhumanhealthwillbe reviewed. Basedonthisevidence,acarefulevaluationofthesignificantmarkersofsusceptibilitywill besuggested,inordertoobtainapowerfulpositive“feedback”toimprovethequalityoflife. Large consortiaofstudieswithclearphenotypicassessmentswillhelpclarifythe“windowofsusceptibility” inthehumanhealthrisksduetomercuryexposure. Keywords:mercury;toxicokinetics;humanhealth;riskassessment;childrenexposure;environmental genetics;DNAvariants;biomarkersofsusceptibility 1. Introduction Mercury(Hg)isaglobalpollutantandwell-knownneurotoxinthathasraisedgreatfearinthe internationalscientificcommunity, duetoavarietyofsignificantanddocumentedadverseeffects onhumanhealthandtheenvironmentthroughouttheworld[1]. Despitebeingawell-documented systemictoxicant,anunderstandingofallthemolecularmechanismsunderlyingthedamageinduced byHgisstillelusive. TheneedtofurtherreduceHgemissions,aswellastodeveloppreventivestrategiesinrelation toHgriskassessmentandmanagementmakesthesituationevenmorechallenging,especiallyfor thoseindividualsmostsusceptibletotheeffectsofHgexposure,suchaschildrenandadolescents[1]. ThetwocategoriesarehighlysensitivetotheneurotoxicHgeffects,displayingextremevariabilityin mainlyneurologicalandneurobehaviouraloutcomesthroughoutsubsequentlifestages[2]. ThepathologicalimpactofHgonhumansandotherorganismsiswidelyproven,andtheoverall pictureisquitecomplex. Humanexposuremayoccurchronicallythroughavarietyofpathwaysinthe worldpopulation,includingindustrialprocesses,occupationalandhouseholduses,dentalamalgams, Hg-containingvaccines,consumptionofcontaminatedfishandmarinemammals,andmanyothers[2]. To date, two main types of risk for human health have been detected: a direct one, related to the inhalation ofgaseous Hg, with several pathophysiologicalimpacts, andcollateral risks, related to differencesbetweenHgspecies. Int.J.Environ.Res.PublicHealth2017,14,93;doi:10.3390/ijerph14010093 www.mdpi.com/journal/ijerph Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 71: 1349–1351, 2008 Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC ISSN: 1528-7394 print / 1087-2620 online DOI: 10.1080/15287390802271723 AnUTEH Investigation of Porphyrinuria in Australian Children with Autism DaPorvphyrinuiria idn Austra lianW Children with .Aut ismAustin and Kerrie Shandley Swinburne Autism Bio-Research Initiative (SABRI), Faculty of Life and Social Sciences, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia Mutter et al., 2005; Kern & Jones, 2006). Urinary porphyrins Two recent studies, from France (Nataf et al., 2006) and the provide a convenient and non-invasive measure of xenobiotic United States (Geier & Geier, 2007), identified atypical urinary exposure generally (Brewster, 1988) and of Hg specifically porphyrin profiles in children with an autism spectrum disorder (Woods et al., 2005; Heyer et al., 2006). (ASD). These profiles serve as an indirect measure of environ- Excess urinary porphyrin excretion (porphyrinuria) results mental toxicity generally, and mercury (Hg) toxicity specifically, from the inhibition of enzymatic steps in conditions including with the latter being a variable proposed as a causal mechanism of ASD (Bernard et al., 2001; Mutter et al., 2005). To examine genetic deficiencies in heme production enzymes, hepatitis, whether this phenomenon occurred in a sample of Australian renal disease, and erythroid disease (Gross et al., 2000), as well children with ASD, an analysis of urinary porphyrin profiles was as by heavy metal inhibition (Bowers et al., 1992; Woods, conducted. A consistent trend in abnormal porphyrin levels was 1996). The causal relationship between Hg and porphyrinuria evidenced when data was compared with those previously has been demonstrated both in rats (Pingree et al., 2001) and in reported in the literature. The results are suggestive of environmen- tal toxic exposure impairing heme synthesis. Three independent humans (Woods et al., 1993). studies from three continents have now demonstrated that por- The steps in the heme pathway most vulnerable to heavy metal phyrinuria is concomitant with ASD, and that Hg may be a likely inhibition are those that involve uroporphyrin decarboxylase xenobiotic to produce porphyrin profiles of this nature. (Woods & Kardish, 1983) and coproporphyrinogen oxidase (Woods et al., 2005). The result of these inhibitions is specific elevations of urinary coproporphyrin and pentacarboxyporphyrin levels. Although nonmetal agents targeting the heme pathway Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder presenting in child- also elevate urinary porphyrin levels (Daniell et al., 1997), hood that affects up to 1 in 150 children in the United States precoproporphyrin (also known as keto-isocoproporphyrin) is (Centers for Disease Control, 2006) and 1 in 160 in Australia produced by in vivo conversion of pentacarboxyporphyrin in the (Wray & Williams, 2007). Autism is characterized by severe presence of heavy metal, providing a specific porphyrin marker impairments in socialization, communication, and behavior for Hg exposure (Woods et al., 2005; Heyer et al., 2006). (American Psychiatric Association, 1994). The prevalence of Two previous studies reported porphyrinuria among autistic autism is increasing at epidemic rates (Yazbak, 2003) that can- subjects consistent with elevated body burden of Hg (Nataf not be accounted for by changing diagnostic criteria or improved etal., 2006; Geier & Geier, 2007). The pattern is one of gener- diagnostic systems (Blaxill et al., 2003; Croen et al., 2002). alized porphyrinuria with marked elevation of coproporphyrin Mercury (Hg) toxicity has been proposed as a causal and of precoproporphyrin and of the ratio of coproporphyrin/ mechanism whereby a small subset of children are uniquely uroporphyrin. This study aimed to examine this phenomenon sensitive to Hg and, in such individuals, exposure triggers a among a group of Australian autistic children. cascade of events leading to autism (Bernard et al., 2001; METHODS We are indebted to Dr. Richard Lathe (Pieta Research, Edinburgh, UK) and Dr. Elisabeth Minder (Swiss Porphyrin Reference Subjects Laboratory SGKC/IFCC, Stadtspital Triemli, Zürich, Switzerland) for Urinary porphyrin profiles were obtained from 41 consecu- providing their original data for reanalysis. tive patients with an ASD presenting to the first author’s Address correspondence to Dr. David W. Austin, PhD, Faculty psychology clinic from October 2006 through March 2008. of Life and Social Sciences, Swinburne University of Technology, Mail 31, PO Box 218, Hawthorn VIC 3122, Australia. E-mail: Each patient was previously diagnosed with an ASD, by a [email protected] health professional, based upon accepted international 1349 Thimerosal Exposure in Early Life and Neuropsychological Outcomes 7–10 Years Later John P. Barile,1 PHD, Gabriel P. Kuperminc,1 PHD, Eric S. Weintraub,2 MPH, Jonathan W. Mink,3 MD, and William W. Thompson,4 PHD 1DepartmentofPsychology,GeorgiaStateUniversity,2Immunization SafetyOffice, USCenters forDisease ControlandPrevention, 3UniversityofRochesterMedical Center,and 4Division ofAdultandCommunity Health,National Center forChronicDiseasePreventionandHealth Promotion,US CentersforDiseaseControl andPrevention All correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to John P. Barile, PhD, Division of Adult and Community Health, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 4770 Buford Highway, NE, Mailstop K51, Atlanta, GA, 30331-3717, USA. E-mail: [email protected] D o Received December 6, 2010; revisions received June 8, 2011; accepted June 9, 2011 w n lo a d e d Objective The authors used a public use data set to investigate associations between the receipt of fro m thimerosal-containing vaccines and immune globulins early in life and neuropsychological outcomes h ttp assessed at 7–10 years. Methods The data were originally created by evaluating 1,047 children ages 7–10 ://jp years and their biological mothers. This study developed seven latent neuropsychological factors and ep s y regressed them on a comprehensive set of covariates and thimerosal exposure variables. Results The .o x authors found no statistically significant associations between thimerosal exposure from vaccines early in life ford jo and six of the seven latent constructs. There was a small, but statistically significant association between u rn early thimerosal exposure and the presence of tics in boys. Conclusions This finding should be inter- als .o preted with caution due to limitations in the measurement of tics and the limited biological plausibility rg b/ regarding a causal relationship. y g u e s Key words children; modeling; neuropsychology; public health; structural equation. t o n O c to b e Introduction associations between methylmercury exposure and neuro- r 1, 2 0 psychologicaloutcomes(Crump,Kjellstrom,Shipp,Silvers, 1 Theassociationbetweenexposuretothimerosal-containing 6 & Stewart, 1998; Grandjean et al., 1999). Specifically, the vaccines and developmental outcomes has been debated Faroe Island studies found that high levels of methylmer- since 1999 (Bernard, 2008; Clements, Ball, Ball, & Pratt, cury exposure due to maternal consumption of mercury- 2001; Offit, 2007; Rooney, 2008; Sugarman, 2007) when contaminated fish during pregnancy have been associated the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) determined with children exhibiting lower motor function and verbal that children who received multiple thimerosal containing skills at 7 years of age (Grandjean et al., 1999). As a pre- vaccines at a young age were at risk for exceeding the cautionary measure, the U.S. Public HealthService recom- Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) safety limits for mended the removal of thimerosal from vaccines methylmercury (Ball, Ball, & Pratt, 2001; Stratton, Gable, administered to children early in life and the Centers for & McCormick, 2001). EPA had never determined safety limitsforethylmercuty,thecompoundfoundinthimerosal Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) proceeded to containingvaccines.EPAsmethylmercurysafteylimitshad sponsor several studies investigating the possible associa- been determined based on previous studies that found tions between exposure to thimerosal-containing vaccines JournalofPediatricPsychology37(1)pp.106–118,2012 doi:10.1093/jpepsy/jsr048 AdvanceAccesspublicationJuly23,2011 JournalofPediatricPsychologyvol.37no.1!TheAuthor2011.PublishedbyOxfordUniversityPressonbehalfoftheSocietyofPediatricPsychology. Allrightsreserved.Forpermissions,pleasee-mail:[email protected]. TOXICOLOGICALSCIENCES74,361–368(2003) DOI:10.1093/toxsci/kfg126 Thimerosal Induces DNA Breaks, Caspase-3 Activation, Membrane Damage, and Cell Death in Cultured Human Neurons and Fibroblasts David S. Baskin,1 Hop Ngo, and Vladimir V. Didenko DepartmentofNeurosurgery,BaylorCollegeofMedicine,6560FanninSuite944,Houston,Texas77030;andVeteransAffairsMedicalCenter, Houston,Texas77030 ReceivedFebruary10,2003;acceptedApril18,2003 ranging from 0.003 to 0.01% (30–100 (cid:1)g/ml) (Ball et al., Thimerosalisanorganicmercurialcompoundusedasapreser- 2001). Thimerosal contains 49.6 % mercury by weight and vativeinbiomedicalpreparations.Littleisknownaboutthereac- releases ethylmercury as a metabolite. In the body, ethylmer- tionsofhumanneuronalandskincellstoitsmicro-andnanomo- cury can be converted to inorganic mercury, which then pref- Do lar concentrations, which can occur after using thimerosal- w erentially accumulates in the kidneys and brain (Blair et al., n containing products. A useful combination of fluorescent lo techniquesfortheassessmentofthimerosaltoxicityisintroduced. 1975). Inorganic mercury is known to induce membrane and ade Scehroerbtr-atelrcmortthicimalenroesuarlotnosxiacnitdyiwnansoinrmveasltihgautmedaninficburlotubrlaesdtsh.uCmeallns DinNcAelldacmulatugree(cFoenrrdaittieotnasl.i,t2w0a0s2;shBoewn-nOtzoerbeetmalu.,ta2g0e0n0i)c, aanndd d from wereincubatedwith125-nMto250-(cid:1)Mconcentrationsofthimer- generateDNAbreaksinconcentrationsbelow500nM(Schurz http osal for 45 min to 24 h. A 4(cid:1), 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole dihy- et al., 2000). Ethylmercury can significantly increase the con- ://to drochloride (DAPI) dye exclusion test was used to identify non- centrationofinorganicmercuryinmanyorgans(Magosetal., xs c viable cells and terminal transferase-based nick-end labeling 1985). After in vivo administration, ethylmercury passes i.o x (TUNEL)tolabelDNAdamage.Detectionofactivecaspase-3was through cellular membranes and concentrates in cells in vital fo performed in live cell cultures using a cell-permeable fluorescent organs, including the brain, where it releases inorganic mer- rdjo caspaseinhibitor.Themorphologyoffluorescentlylabelednuclei cury,raisingitsconcentrationshigherthanequimolardosesof urn awotbatsasecrahvneeaddlycazetel2lds.(cid:1)aAnMfdtebarats6aedh1-oo(cid:1)nfiMnthcleuebvmaeatlinwouniat,hlthdtheetetehmcitmoioreneroosesfantlshitetoiflvxeuicoGitryEesNwceainosst i1t9s8c5lo).seandhighlytoxicrelativemethylmercury(Magosetal., bals.org/ Plus Multi-Detection Microplate Reader with Enhanced Fluores- However, little is known about acute reactions of various y g u cence. The lower limit did not change after 24 h of incubation. typesofhumancellsfollowingshort-timeexposuretothimer- es Cortical neurons demonstrated higher sensitivity to thimerosal osal in micro- and nanomolar concentrations. t on O comparedtofibroblasts.Thefirstsignoftoxicitywasanincrease In this paper we used a convenient and easily reproducible c to in membrane permeability to DAPI afte r 2 h ofincubation with combinationoffluorescenttechniquesanalyzingvariousmark- b e 250(cid:1)Mthimerosal.A6-hincubationresultedinfailuretoexclude ers of DNA and membrane damage, and investigated the r 1 DAPI, generation of DNA breaks, caspase-3 activation, and de- toxicity of micromolar and nanomolar concentrations of , 20 1 velopment of morphological signs of apoptosis. We demonstrate thimerosal (125 nM–250 (cid:1)M) occurring in the first 24 h of 6 that thimerosal in micromolar concentrations rapidly induce exposure in cultures of human cortical neuronal cells and in membrane and DNA damage and initiate caspase-3–dependent human fibroblasts. apoptosis in human neurons and fibroblasts. We conclude that a Wefoundthatthimerosalinmicromolarconcentrationsrap- proposed combination of fluorescent techniques can be useful in idlydecreasedcellularviability.Withinseveralhafterthimer- analyzingthetoxicityofthimerosal. Key Words: thimerosal; active caspase-3; apoptosis; toxicity; osal administration, cells lost their capability to exclude the neurons;fibroblasts;DNAbreaks;membranedamage;DAPI. fluorescent dye 4(cid:1),6-diamidino-2-phenylindole dihydrochlo- ride(DAPI)anddevelopedmultipleDNAbreaksaccompanied by caspase-3 activation and apoptotic morphology. Neuronal cell cultures demonstrated a higher sensitivity to thimerosal Thimerosal (sodium ethylmercury-thiosalicylate) is an anti- compared with fibroblasts. bacterialandantifungalmercurialcompoundusedasapreser- vative in biological products and vaccines, in concentrations MATERIALS AND METHODS 1To whom correspondence should be addressed. Fax: (713) 798-3227. Cell cultures. HCN-1A Human cerebral cortical neurons (CRL-10442) E-mail:[email protected]. were purchased from American Type Culture Collection (ATCC, Manassas, ToxicologicalSciences74(2),©SocietyofToxicology2003;allrightsreserved. VA)andwereculturedaccordingtoATCCrecommendations.Thelinewas 361

Address correspondence to James B. Adams, Arizona State. University, PO Box Received 10 April 2009; Revised 30 June 2009; Accepted 12 July 2009 .. Academic Editor: Paul B. Tchounwou . McCormick, 2001) Correspondence to: Sallie Bernard BA, ARC Research, 14 Commerce Drive,.
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