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Preview Pediatric Radiology 2001: Vol 31 Table of Contents

Contents of Volume 31 - 2001 Abernethy LJ — Harrison RI Adams RJ — Jones AM \damsbaum ( >»A it-Ameur A \damsbaum ( >»G oasdoueé P Adi M > Pirogovsky A Agrawal M Clarke SA Aguirre | — Lopez de | Ahn Y-M — Lee S-K Aickin R — Rees MJ Ait-Ameur A, Wakim A, Dubousset litaG , Adamsbaum C: The AP diameter of the pelvis: a new criterion for conti nence in the exstrophy complex? 64 Akalan N — Oguz KK Al-Assir | — Del-Rio CamachoG Ala-Kokko L — Unger SI Allen S — Ashley LM Alonso P > Docal I Ambrosetto P — Coe M Amin N — Brudnicki AR Andronikou S, Fieggen AG: Klippel-Fe syndrome with cervical diastematom lia in an 8-year-old boy 636 Andronikou S. Kader I Bronchial mu coepidermoid tumour in a child present ing with organomegaly due to secondar amyloidosis: case report and review of the literature 348 Aovama K —K awano §S Applbaum YH — Sklair-Levy M Applegate KE. Dardinger JT, Lieber MI Herts BR, Davros WJ. Obuchowski NA Maneker A: Spiral CT scanning techni que in the detection of aspiration of LEGO foreign bodies 836 Applegate KE — LinnelGl J Applegate KE —M yersM 1 Arbeiter KM, Aufricht C, Mueller 1 Balzar E, Prokesch RW: MRI in the diagnosis of a peritoneal leak in con tinuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis 745 Arcement CM, Meza MP. Arumanla S Towbin RB: MRCP in the evaluation of pancreaticobiliary disease in children yg? Arumanla S — Arcement CM Ash S — Karmazyn B Ashley LM, Allen S, Teele RL: A normal sonogram does not exclude malrotation 344 sernara ( Ashtari M >L iu X lips ¢ »>Ka Ashwood N, Witt JD. Hall-Craggs MA t GS Ill — Moya MP Fibrous hamartomao f infancy at the izik | — BoljeSikova I wrist and the use of MRI in preoperative lankenberg FG, Wen P. D uM planning 450 Panchal SN. Tait JF. Post \M Aszkenasy M —W augh R HW, Valantine HA Aszkenasy OM — McCarty M itherosclerosis Aufricht C — Arbeiter KM yte chemoatt: AutenR L Js >Mova MP diabeteic Zucke AvniE F — Ziereisen| slickman JG -—L y astile RG >Long FR oley BD, Murakami JW. Koch BL, Shiels Dinkel H-P. Maroske J, Schrod L: Sono err GG »>Doria AS WE II. Bates G, Hogan M: Diagnostic graphic appearances of the abdominal etinkursun S = Yalcin B and interventional ultrasound of the pe manifestationso f hereditary angioede hampigneulle J — Cannard | diatric spine 775 ma 296 han C-B —Sze RW oley BD, Shiels WE II. Hogan MJ: Diag Dirlik A — Ozcan Z han Y > Liu X nostic and interventional ultrasonogra Docal I. ¢ respo (¢ Pardo A, Prieto A han YL —P ang LM phy in neonatal and infant lumbar Alonso P Calzada J Epidermoid cyst of harron M, Di Lorenzo C, Kocoshis SA puncture 399 the testis: a case report 365 Hickeson MP. Orenstein SR, Goyal A ollier I >Avni FI Doerfler O. Reittner P. Groell R, Rat Kahn S, Collins I Ic antigranulocyte ollins L — Charron M scheck M,. Trummer H. Szolar D: Pe monoclonal antibody imaging for the de- onnolly B — Hughes| ripheral primitive neuroectodermal tection and assessment of inflammatory ormier-Daire V. Savarirayan R, Unger S tumour of the kidney: CT findings bowel disease newly diagnosed by colo Rimoin DL. Lachman RS Duplicate Donnelly LF. Frush DP: Fallout from re noscopy in children 796 calcaneus a rare developmental defect cent articles mn radiation dose ind pe heon J-E — Choi YH observed in several skeletal dysplasias 38 diatric CT 388 heon J-E, Kim I-O, Kim WS, Hwang YS ox K > Jones AM Doria AS, Kiss MHB, Lotito APN. Molnar Wang KC, Yeon KM: MR diagnosis of ramer BC. Walsh EA Cisterna magna LJ. de Castro CC. Medeiros CC. Cerri cerebellar infarction due to vertebral ar clot and subsequent post-hemorrhagic GG: Juvenile rheumatoid arthritiso f the tery dissection in children 163 hydrocephalus 153 knee evaluation with contrast enhanced heon J-E — Kim KW respo( >Docal I color Doppler ultrasound 524 heow HK, Steward CG, Grier DJ: Imag respo C, Navarro M, Gonzalez I Lorente Drozd T — Karmazyn B ing of malignant infantile osteopetrosis MF. Gonzalez R, Mayol MJ Intracranial Dubois J —B urrows PI before and after bone marrow transplan and mediastinal inflammatory myofibro Dubousset J —A it-Ameur A tation S69 blastic tumour 600 Dufour D =>Z iereisen | hi JG —Choi YH risc! KL —Smergel I Dunn S —S ze RW higot V. De Lonlay P. Nassogne M-C, La sizv 1. Lombay B, Szabé I Ladanyi F borde K, Delagne V. Fournet J-C, Ni Réti G. Yeboah AA l reteric prolapse Einhorn M >S chulman H houl-Fékété C, Saudubray J-M, Brunelle in a child Lsiae?r| Elder JS + Mvers M1 F: Pancreatic arterial calcium stimula Elliston CD >B renner DJ tion in the diagnosis and localisation of Dagan A — Pirogovsky A Engebretsen L —R osendahl K persistent hyperinsulinemic hypoglycae Dai M >B lankenberg FG Engelbrecht V —S cherer A mia of infancy 650 Daimon Y —K awano § Erinc R — Ozcan Z hitayat D — Unger SI Daneman A — Manson DI Ernst G —S chneider K hiumello G —>P rinster( ¢ Dardinger JT Applegate KI Ervilmaz M — Haliloglu M ho B-K — Choi YH Dardzinski BJ ~Sze RW Esparza Estaun J, Gonzalez Alfageme A ho KH > Ruess I Darge K, Ghods S, Zieger B. Rohrschnei Testicular microlithiasis associated with ho YA >Yoon H K der W lroeger J Reduction in voiding congenital urethroperineal fistula 676 ‘hoe KO + Lee K-H cystourethrographies after the introduc Evans A, Ganatra R. MorrisS J Imaging hoeh K —H an TI tion of contrast enhanced sonographic features of primary malignant rhabdoid hoi Y-S > Lee S-K reflux diagnosis 790 tumour of the brain 631 hoi YH. Kim I-O, Cheon J-E. Kim WS. Das Narla L >N evitt P¢ Yeon KM, Wang K-C, Cho B-K. Chi JG Das Narla L, Siddigi NH, Hingsbergen EA Fano \ Lejarraga H Barreiro( ¢ Spondy Gangliocytoma of the spinal cord: a case Inflammatory pseudotumor of the right lo-meta-epiphyseal dysplasia, short report 377 atrium 35] limbs, abnormal calcification type: a new hoo I-W > Yoon H K Davidoff A » Hoffer FA case with severe neurological involve hoo S-W — Yoon H-K Davros WJ » Applegate KI ment 19 horvath M — Boljesikova f de Castro C¢ »>Doria AS Farris SL. Fernbach SK Axial torsion of hung JY —H an TI De Lonlay P > Chigot \ Meckel’s diverticulum presenting as a ila A ~ Oguz KK De Schepper AM — Makkat S pelvic mass 8&6 lark R — Young LW Deak M — Lombay B Felman AH — Boal DKB larke SA, Agrawal M, Reidy J: Percuta Deane DA » Mercado-Deane M-G Fenton LZ. Foreman N, Wyatt-Ashmead J neous transfemoral testicular vein em- DeFriend DE, Franklin K Isolated sternal Diffuse, retroperitoneal mesenteric and bolisation in the treatment of childhood fracture — a swing-related injury in two intrahepatic periportal plexiform neuro varicocoele 515 children 200 fibroma in a 5-year-old boy 637 laudon M — Cannard | Del Maschio A — Prinster (¢ Fernbach SK — Farris SI laudon M, Upton J, BurrowsP E: Diffuse Del Maschio M — Prinster ¢ Fieggen AG — Andronikou § venous malformations of the upper limb Del-Rio CamachoG , Leal Orozco A, Pé Fines B, Ben-Ami TE. Yousefzadeh DK morphologic characterization by MRI rez-Higueras A, Camino Lopez M, Al- Traumatic prenatal sigmoid perforation and venography 507 Assir I, Ruiz-Moreno M Movamoya due to amniocentesis 440 leary B — Manna SS disease and sagittal sinus thrombosis in a Firat MM > Oguz KK oe M, Carfagnini F, Tani G. Ambrosetto child with Down’s syndrome 125 Fishbein MH, Stevens WR: Rapid MRI P: Wernicke’s encephalopathy in a child Delagne V —Chigot V using a modified Dixon technique: a non case report and MR findings 167 Deveci S > Yalcin B invasive and effective method for detec Cohn DH > Unger SI Di Lorenzo C — Charron M tion and monitoring of fatty metamor Coley BD > Bates DG Dillon MJ — Bartella | phosis of the liver 806 I\ Fisher D, Hadas-Halpern I nogastric intussusception } plication of gastrostomy tube >Cahill AM etcher BD — Kaste S( odmark P. Wattsgard ¢ mandibular syndrome 36 lynn PM — Hoffer FA ong D >I ee ACW ontana L +N aran AD ord WDA > PiottoI reman N —F entonL Z ornes P —H oeffelJ -( ournet J-( >Chigot V ranke H >H allerJ O ranklin K — DeFriendD I reeman A — Sklair-LevyM reeman J =>P iotto I rush DP —D onnelly LI rush DP — Mova MP ujioka M >K ono 7 ujioka M — Kuwashima $ urman WI >McCarville MB »> LOvblad K-O C innard| salloy M sanatra R sent R mrarad mods S lland K —O lsenO F aL ind K —R osendahl K slaser DI » Mahboubi § ilass JO >M iller SI slover AS —M ercado-Deane M-G soasdoue P. Rodriguez D. Moutard M-I Robain O, Lalande G. Adamsbau Pontoneocerebellar hypoplasia: d tiono f MR features 613 ;loubeva O —M cCarville MB sonzalez Alfageme A — Esparza sonzalez | + Crespo¢ sonzalez R -— Crespo¢ ra Or 700 HW » Yoon CH arck Hl ioshen Y — Karmazyn B rlow SA —M ioske MJ —L ababedeO immed IT RK. Str iow K —H offer FA idio/visual svst oval A + Charron M lat s0zal D —S klair-Levy M iraham JM Jr. Krakow D, Tolo VT, Smit AK. Lachman RS: Radiographic find ings and Gs-alpha bioactivity studies ar mutation screening in acrodysostosis dicate a different etiology from pseudo hypoparathyroidism 2 elenius IJ iravev AM, Boal DKB, Wallach DM. S« eller RM gal LS: Metaphyseal fractures mimick nize S — Sergi ¢ ing abuse during treatment for clubfoot rms JW — Papos M $59 ernandez RJ. Strouse PJ ondy FJ. Wa Greenberg SB — Smergel I kefield TW: Gadolinium-enhanced MR Grier DJ >Cheow HK ingiography (Gd MRAof) th oracic vas Griffith JF — Pang LM culature in an animal model using dou HwangY S limura | >Kono 1 dicator of response and outcome in cal kyphosis in osteopathia striata with limura | > Kuwashima S nonmetastatic primary extremity osteo cranial sclerosis: case report 659 Ikeda K > Kurihara N sarcoma 25] Kono T, Kohno A, Kuwashima§ , limura fF Ikegawa S$ » NishimuraG aste SC, Neel MN, Rao BN, Thompson Fujioka M, Miyata R, Mizusawa Y, Ka Irie H > Tajima 1 VF, Pratt CB Complications of limb gawa F. Kaneko S-i, Yoshino Y, Misawa Irizabal J¢ >| Opez de I acalle IM sparing procedures using endoprosthetic M., Ito M, Otsuka M., Sekil: ¢ I findings Isaacson G —O sorio A replace ments about the knee for pedia of descending necrotising mediastinitis Ishimoto H —K urihara N tric skeletal sarcomas 62 via the carotid space (“Lincoln High Italian Study Group for Hypochondropla- Kataoka N >K awano § way ) 54 sia —P rinster (¢ Kathary N, Bulas DI, Newman KD Kornreich | » Karmazyn B ltoM >Kono I Schonberg RL: MRI imaging of fetal Kosaki K » NishimuraG Iwamura Y — Kawano § neck masses with airway compromise Koumanidou C, Vakaki M, Theofanopou utility in delivery planning 727 lou M, Nikas J, Pitsoulakis G. Kakavakis Jacir N — Calhoun SK Katz ME — Sidden CR K: Appendiceal and appendiceal-ileo Jackson RW — Taylor MB Kauffman WM — McCarville MB colic intussusception: sonographic and Janssens F - Avni FI Kawano S, Tanaka H, Daimon Y, Niizuma radiographic evaluation 180 Jasonni V > Torre M lr, Terada K, Kataoka N, Iwamura Y Kovanlikavya A — Cakmakci H Jayakrishnan VK, Wilkinson AG Ireat Aoyama K: Gastric pneumatosis associ Kozlowski K — Basel D ment of oesophageal strictures in chil- ated with duodenal stenosis and malro Krakow D Graham JM J: dren: a comparison of fluoroscopically tation 656 Kramer PPG — Valk JW guided balloon dilatation with surgical Kaye RD — Cahill AM Kramer SS — Newman B bouginage 98 Keengwee IN —M anna SS Kretzschmar HA — Papos M Johnson JF Ill —W ebster HI Kessler RM — Osorio A Kriiger-StollfuB | —S chneider K Jones AM, Seibert JJ. Nichols FT, Kinder Kim B > Lee K-H Krugman RD — Boal DKB DL. Cox K, Luden J, Carl EM. Brambilla Kim CJ — Kim KW Kubota T — Kondoh 7 D. Saccente S. Adams RJ Comparison Kim EAR — Yoon CH Kuhn JP — Newman B of transcranial color Doppler imaging Kim I-O >Cheon J-I Kuijk C van >R ijn RR van (TCDI) and transcranial Doppler (TCD) Kim I-O — Choi YH Kumta SM —P ang LM in children with sickle-cell anemia 461 Kim I-O — Kim KW Kurihara N, Tokieda K,. Ikeda K. Mori K Jung KJ —Y oon H-K Kim I-O —Lee JW Hokuto I, Nishimura O. Ishimoto H Kim I-O — Lee S-K Yuasa Y: Prenatal MR findings in a case Kader E — Andronikou §$ Kim KS — Yoon CH of aneurysm of the vein of Galen 160 Kagawa F — Kono T Kim KW. Kim W-S, Cheon J-E, Lee H! Kuroiwa | > Tajima 7 Kahn S > Charron M Kim CJ, Kim 1-O, Yeon K-M: Complex Kurugoglu S »Mihmanili | Kakavakis K — Koumanidou ( bronchopulmonary foregut malforma Kuwabara Y —T ajima 1 Kalifa G > Ait-Ameur A tion: extralobar pulmonary sequestration Kuwashima S —K ono 1 Kamoda T, Nakajima R, Matsui A, Nishi associated with a duplication cyst of Kuwashima S, Nishimura G, limura I mura G Patterson-Lowry rhizomelic mixed bronchogenic and oesophageal Kohno T, Watanabe H. Kohno A. Fujio dysplasia: a potentially lethal bone dys type 265 ka M: Low-intensity fetal lungs on MRI plasia? 81 Kim M-J »>Han TI may suggest the diagnosis of pulmonary Kanberoglu K » Mihmanli | Kim M-J »>Lee K-H hy poplasia 669 Kaneko S-i — Kono T Kim W-S >Kim KW Kantarci F — Mihmanili | Kim WS »>Cheon J-I ababede O. Bardo D. Goske MJ. Prayson Kao P-F, Tzen K-Y, Tsai M-F, Lin J-N Kim WS »>Choi YH RA: Desmoplastic infantile ganglioglio [c-sulphur-colloid and heat-dena Kim WS >I ee IW ma (DIG): cranial ultrasound findings tured Ic-labelled red cell scans de Kinder DI »>Jones AM 403 monstrating a giant intrapelvic spleen in Kismet E — Yalcin B aborde K >Chigot \ a girl after splenectomy 283 Kiss MHB — Doria AS achman RS >Cormier-Daire \ Kaplan FS —M ahboubi S Kitoh H, Lachman RS: A new form of achman RS »>Graham JM Jr Karmazyn B, Ash S, Goshen Y, Yaniv | spondyloperipheral dysplasia with facial achman RS Introduction and overview Horev G, Kornreich L: Significance of dysmorphism, flattened vertebrae, hypo- achman RS >Kitoh H residual abdominal masses in children plastic pelvis, brachydactyly and soft tis achman RS > Unger Sl with abdominal Burkitt’s lymphoma 801 sue syndactyly 23 achman RS — Young LW Karmazyn B, Michovitz S, Sirota L, Drozd Kivelitz D -S cheer I adanyi E > Csizy I I, Horev G: Intracranial cavernous he Knol IE —N ikkels PG alaji TA. Haller JO, Burgess RJ: A case mangioma in a neonate 610 Koch BI »>Coley BD of head and neck kaposiform heman Karnak I —H aliloglu M KocoshisS A —C harron M gioendothelioma simulating a malignan Kassarjian A —B urrows PI Kohn MM — Schneider K cy on imaging 876 Kassarjian A, Patenaude YG, Bernard C, Kohno A —K ono 1 Lalande G — Goasdoué P Bell L: Symptomatic splenic hamartoma Kohno A —K uwashima §S Laxer R >W ihlborg (¢ with renal, cutaneous, and hematological Kohno T —K uwashima S Laya B > Morrison S¢ abnormalities 111 Kolbe A —R ees MJ Le Merrer M > Unger SI Kaste SC, Billips C, Tan M, Meyer WH, Kondoh T, Yoshinaga M, Matsumoto 1 Leal Orozco A —D el-Rio CamachoG Parham DM, Rao BN, Pratt CB, Fletch- Takayanagi T, Uetani M, Kubota T Lebensart PD —S klair-Levy M er BD: Thallium bone imaging as an in Nishimura G,. Moriuchi H Severe cervi- Lebowitz RL —R ooks VJ Vi ee ACW, Hau KL. FongD : CT findins in hyperacute non-accidental brair jurv 67 ee CW — RoebuckD J ee H-J —Lee JW e HJ — Kim KW HM — Lee K-H l-H —Lee S-K IW. Kim I-O. Kim WS, Yeon KM. I H-J. Hwang YS: Herpes simplex en phalitis: MRI findings in twe firmed by polymerase chair issav 619 e K-H. Yoon C-S. Choe KO. Kim M-] Lee HM, Yoon H-K, Kim B: I maging tor iSSESSINA inatomic I iche obronchi ’ ited with left pulmonary S —Y oon H-K e S-K, Lee J-H. Han C-H, Ahr Choi Y-S. Kim I-O: Calcified subcut ous tat necré sis indTuT ced Dy1 mr Ol ' exposure to cold Vv ther fton DR. Torrisi JM. Haller JO: \ osteoid osteoma n >Rijn RR van evin Tl » Brudnicki AR evy Y > Schulman H iCK > Roebuck DJ ibson| » Sklair-Levy M ieber MI » Applegate KI in J-N >Kao P-I innellG J Applegate Kft Mediastina ind abdominal lymphadenopathy im Maros tating lymphoma in an adolescent wit! Marttir autoimmune hepatitis 458 Martu iu X, Ashtari M, Leonidas JC, Chan M Magnetic resonance imaging of the fetus Mat in congenital intrathoracic disorders Mat preliminary observations 435 Mat ohiniva J > Unger SI M ombay B > C'si7zy I M ombay B. Szabo L. Deak M Apparent M suprarenal mass: splenic cleft ind persis Ma che tent lobules 305 MavolM J — Crespo (¢ ondy FJ —H ernandez RJ McCallum H — McCart ong FR, Castile RG Technique and clin McCallum HM » Wauel ical applicationosf full-inflation and end McCarty M > Waugh R Moser J —B r exhalation controlled-ventilation chest McCarty M, Waugh R. McCallum H Moutard M-I CT in infants and young children 413 Montgomery RJ. Aszkenasy OM Mova MP. B Opez de Lacalle JM, Aguirre I, Irizabal Paediatric pelvic imaging improvement Miller C. I IC, Nogues A: Congenital epulis: prena in gonad shield placement by multidis« Reliability tal diagnosis by ultrasound 453 plinary audit 646 bronchop Lorente MF - Crespo( ¢ McCarville MB, Hill DA, Miller BE, Pratt MR/CT Cor Lotito APN — Doria AS CB: Secondary ovarian neoplasms in diatric Radiolo Lévblad K-O, Ruoss K, Guzman R children: imaging ff eatures with histopa pediatri Schroth G, Fusch C: Diffusion-weighted thologic correlation 358 Mueller 1 Munoz A, Villafruela M: Inflammatory Odita JC: The significance of recurrent Pérez-Higueras A > Del-Rio Camacho G pseudotumor of the larynx: MR findings lung opacities in neonates on surfactant Perez R Jr > Lowe LH inachild 459 treatment for respiratory distress syn- Person DA — Ruess | Murakami JW >Coley BD drome 8&7 Pi SY — Yoon CH Murphy AV > Wilkinson AG Oguz KK, Cila A, S6ylemezoglu F, Yaku Pilling DW — Roche CJ Murphy RC > Calhoun SK poglu H, Firat MM, Akalan N: Lumbar Piotto L, LeQuesne GW, Gent R, Bourne Mutaf O > Ozcan Z rhabdomyosarcoma in a patient with spi AJ, Freeman J, Ford WDA: Congenital Myers MT, Elder JS, Sivit CJ, Applegate na bifida 895 cystic dysplasia of the rete testis 724 KE: Unenhanced helical CT in the eva- Ohashi H —N ishimura G Pirogovsky A, Adi M, Dagan A, SinaiI luation of the urinary tract in children Ohga S, Matsumoto N, Takada H, Nomura Sthoeger D, Barzilai N. Tabachnik I and young adults following urinary tract 4. Matsuda T, Hara T: Progressive vas Superior sagittal sinus thrombosis: a rare reconstruction: comparison with sono- cular calcification in autoimmune poly- complication in a child with nephrotic graphy 135 glandular syndrome type I 213 syndrome 709 Olsen WE, Gjelland K, Reigstad H. Ro Pitsoulakis G >»K oumanidou ( ahum E, Ben-Ari J, Schonfeld T, Horev sendahl K: Congenital absence of the Plétz FB > Valk JW G: Acute diaphragmatic paralysis n3o7s5e : a case report and literature review Post AM > Blankenberg FG caused by chest-tube trauma to phrenic Pratt CB — Kaste S¢ nerve 444 Olsen OE — Rosendahl K Pratt CB —M cCarville MB Nakajima R — Kamoda 1 Orenstein SR — Charron M Prayson RA — Lababede O Nakamura K — Nishimura G Osorio A, Kessler RM, Guruprasad H Prieto A >D ocal I Naran AD, Fontana I Sickle cell disease Isaacson G: Isolated intrathoracic pre Prinster C. Del Maschio M, Beluffi G with orbital infarction and epidural he sentation of Mycobac tertum avium com Maghnie M, Weber G. Del Maschio A matoma 257 plex in an immunocompetent child 848 Chiumello G, Italian Study Group for Nassogene M-( >Chigot V Oto A — Haliloglu M Hypochondroplasia: Diagnosiso f hypo Navarro M >( respo ¢ Otsuka M >K ono 17 chondroplasia: the role of radiological Neel MN — Kaste S¢ Otting U —S cheer | interpretation 203 Neuhaus T — Schrod I Otto HF —S ergi ¢ Prokesch RW —Arbeiter KM Nevitt PC, Das Narla L, Hingsbergen EA Ozcan C > Ozcan Z Mucormycosis resulting in a pseudoa- Ozcan O — Yalcin B Ramos IM »Madureira AJ neurysm in the spleen 115 Ozcan Z, Ozcan C, Ering R, Dirlik A, Mu Ramu N > Sklair-Levy M Newman B Delayed adverse reaction to taf O: Scintigraphy in the detection of Ranson M » Wihlbore ( nonionic contrast agents 597 gastro-oesophageal reflux in children Rao BN > Kaste SC Newman B, Kuhn JP. Kramer SS, Carcillo with caustic oesophageal burns: a com- Rao BN — McCarville MB JA: Congenital surfactant protein B de parative study with radiography and 24-h Ratscheck M — Doerfler O ficiency — emphasis on imaging o4 ie el pH monitoring 737 Reddick WI > Miller SI Newman KD — Kathary N Oztiirk H — Yalcin B Reed MH — Huebner S Ne HK —P ang LM Rees MJ. Aickin R. Kolbe A, Teele RI Nguyen KO — Hoeffel J-( Paassilta P — Unger SI Che screening pelvic radiograph in pe Nicaise N — Avni FE Panchal SN — Blankenberg FG diatric trauma 497 Nichols FT — Jones AM Pang LM. Roebuck DJ, Griffith JF, Kumta Reidy J — Clarke SA Niehues T —S cherer A SM, Metreweli ¢ Alveolar soft-part Reigstad H —O lsenO F Nihoul-Fékété ¢ »>Chigot V sarcoma: a rare soft-tissue malignancy Reinberg O —H odina M Niizuma T >K awano § with distinctive clinical and radiological Reittner P — Doerfler O Nikanorov AY — Miller SI features 196 Remes VM, Helenius IJ, Marttinen EJ Nikas J — Koumanidou ( Pang LM, Roebuck DJ, Ng HK, Chan YI Manubrium sterni in patients with dia Nikkels PG, Stigter RH, Knol IE, Harten Sellar and suprasellar medulloepithelio- strophic dysplasia radiological analysis HJ van der: Schneckenbecken dysplasia, ma 594 of SO patients 555 radiology, and histology 27 Papos M, Pekrun A, Herms JW, Behr TM, Réti G >C sizy | Nishimura G >Kamoda T Meller J, Rustenbeck H-H, Kretzschmar Rijn RR van, Lequin MH, Robben SGI Nishimura G >K ondoh T HA, Becker W: Somatostatin receptor Hop WCJ, Kuijk C van: Is the Greulich Nishimura G > Kuwashima §S scintigraphy in the management of cere- and Pyle atlas still valid for Dutch Cau- Nishimura G, Manabe N, Kosaki K, Haga bral malignant ectomesenchymoma casian children today? 748 N, Ohashi H, Nakamura K, Ikegawa S a case report 169 Rimoin DL — Cormier-Daire \ Spondylar dysplasia in type X collageno- Pappo AS — Miller SI Rimoin DL — Unger SI pathy 76 Pardo A > Docal I Robain O — Goasdoué P Nishimura O > Kurihara N Parham DM — Kaste SC Robben SGF — Rijn RR van Nogues A —L épez de Lacalle JM Parizel PM —M akkat S Robbins J — Sze RW Nomura A —O hga S Park JM — Yoon H-K Roche C, Carty H: Spinal trauma in chil Nourisamie K, Vyas P. Swanson KF: Two Parker BR: The mystery of the dog in the dren 677 unusual complications of ventriculoperi- night 357 Roche CJ, Pilling DW, Walkinshaw SA, toneal shunts in the same infant 814 Patel H —H indle KS May PL: Extracranial vascular malfor- Nuss D —Sidden CR Patenaude YG — Kassarjian A mation: value of antenatal and postnatal Patrick LE — Hopkins KI MRI in management 706 Obuchowski NA » Applegate KI Pekrun A — Papos M Rodriguez D > Goasdoué P O’Connor SC >Ruess L Pelton SI — Lynch JL Roebuck DJ >» Pang LM Vill Roebuck DJ, Yuen MK, Wong MK, Lee CW. Li CK: Imaging of pancreatoblastoma 50! Rohrschneider W —D arge K Romaniuk P er | Rooks VJ. Lebowitz RL: Extrins opelvic junction obstruction crossing renal vessel: demography DPPFPFAPFLFE imaging 120 4 Rosendahl K, Maurseth K. Olsen OE. H 4 vorsen OJ. Gjelland K. Engebretsen | Neonatal lethal dwarfism with distir skeletal malformations ty , thy 4 Rosendahl K — Olsen OF Ross MB —M cCarville MB Rossi A. Tortori-Donati P: Inter: ein phiebectasia and dupl« ort wit magnetic reson | iphy Rossi A Royal SA: Hypovolemic shock eduction of intussuscepti Royal SA — Slovis TI Rubel IF. Seligson D: Descriptior rior pelvis traumatic | treen-stick fractur eha I. Shiels K¢ onnor SC, Whitton R ntizing pediatric chest 1 omparison of low-cost mercial oti-the-shell t Ruiz-MorenoM — Del-Rio ¢ Ruoss K — Lévblad K-O Rustenbeck H-H — Papos M Saccente S — Jones AM Saerens M — Ziereisen | Salwen JK —S mergel Sanbe A —Sze RW Sarici SU. Yurdak6ék M. UnalS : Acut gastric dilatation complic iting the us mydriatics in a preterm newborn 58 Sartoni Galloni S — Mengozzi I Saudubray J-M —Chigot \ Savarirayan R — Cormier-Daire V Scheer I, Kivelitz D, Taupitz M. Romaniuk P. Otting U. Stoever B. Hamm B: Patent ductus venosus: diagnosis by MR angio graphy 279 biopsy in children — summ SchekerL E — LoweL H perience with 57 children Scherer A, Niehues T, Engelbrecht \ Slim MS — Brudnicki AR Modder U: Imaging diagnosiso f retro Slovis TL: Controvers la SPCC »R peritoneal ganglioneuroma in childhood ibuse 759 »K 106 Slovis TL. Roval SA: Ris ind bene n Dt Schiesser M — Sergi ( pediatric CT 386 Theofanopoulou oumanidou ( Schmithorst V —Sze RW Smergel E. Greenberg SB, Crisci Kl Thompson VI Schneider K, Kriiger-StollfuB 1. Ernst G wen JK: CT urograms in pediatric lokieda K — Kur Kohn MM: Paediatric fluoroscopy — a tients with ureteral calculi: do adu loloV T -—Gral survey of children’s hospitals in Europe criteria work? 720 Torre M, Martucciel usonni V: Sacral 1. Staffing, frequency of fluoroscopic Smith AK — Graham JM Jr development in anorectal malformations procedures and investigation technique Séylemezoglu F — Oguz KK ind in normal population 858 238 Speer CP —S chrod | Torres CM — Webster HI Schnyder P —H odina M Stein SM — Lowe LH TorrisiJ M — Lefton DR Tortori-Donati P > Rossi A Wang H-S: Hypoxic/ischemic etiologic fac- Yeon KM >I ee JW Towbin RB » Arcement CM tors in the development of infants with Yoon C-S >I ee K H Towbin RB >Cahill AM sonographic lenticulostriate vasculopa- Yoon CH, Goo HW, Kim EAR. Kim KS, Pi Troeger J » Darge K thy 674 SY: Sonographic windsock sign of a lroeger J » Sergi ¢ Wang K-C -—Choi YH duodenal web 856 Irummer H >»D oerfler O Wang KC —C heon J-I Yoon H-K —H an BK Tsai M-I > Kao P-I Watanabe H —K uwashima S Yoon H-K — Han TI Tsodikow \ >Schulman H Wattsgard C — Flodmark P Yoon H-K, Jung KJ, Han BK, Cho YA zen K-Y >Kao P-I Waugh R, McCallum HM, McCarty M, Park JM. Lee KS. Choo S-W, Choo I-W Montgomery R. Aszkenasy M: Paedia- Mediastinal interfaces and lines in chil etanit M > Kondoh T tric pelvic imaging: optimisation of dose dren: radiographic-CT correlation 406 nal S$ >S arici Sl and technique using digital grid-control Yoon H-K — Lee K-H nger S ~ Cormier-Daire \ led pulsed fluoroscopy 368 Yoshimitsu K — Tajima T nger SL, Briggs MD, Holden P. Zabel B. Waugh R —M cCarty M Yoshinaga M —K ondoh 1 Ala-Kokko L, Paassilta P. Lohiniva J, Weber G — Prinster (¢ Yoshino Y — Kono T Rimoin DL, Lachman RS, Cohn DH Webster HL, Johnson JF I, Torres CM Young LW, Lachman RS: Asynchronous Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia: radio- Ahaustral colonic segment following asymmetric form of heterogeneous os- graphic abnormalities correlated with trauma: a possible sign of seromusculat teopetrosis: initial case expanded and a genotype 10 tear 49] new case 48 nger SL, Le Merrer M, Meinecke P. Chi- Wen P > Blankenberg FG Young LW, Wilhelm LL, Zuppan CW tayat D, Rossi A, Superti-Furga A: New Whitton RK — Ruess I Clark R: Naumoff short-rib polydactyly dysplasia or achondrogenesis type 1B? Wihlborg C, Babyn P. Ranson M, Laxer R syndrome compounded with Mohr oral Che importance of histology and mole- Radiologic mimics of juvenile rheuma facial-digital syndrome 31 cular biology in delineating skeletal dys- toid arthritis 315 Yousefzadeh DK >Fines B plasias 893 Wilhelm LL —Y oung LW Yuasa Y —K urihara N nsal E — Cakmakci H Wilkinson AG — Jayakrishnan VK Yuen MK — Roebuck DJ pton J + Claudon M Wilkinson AG, Murphy AV, Stewart G: Re Yurdak6ék M — Sarici SI yehara CFT — Ruess | nal venous thrombosis with calcification and preservation of renal function 140 Zabel B > Unger SI Vakaki M >K oumanidou ( Witt JD — Ashwood N Zhu D >B lankenberg FG Valantine HA — Blankenberg FG Wong YC — Roebuck DJ Zieger B >D arge K Valk JW, Plétz FB, Schuerman FABA Wright NB > Taylor MB Ziereisen F, Heinrichs C, Dufour D. Sae Vught H van. Kramer PPG, Beek EJA Wu S >M iller SI rens M, Avni EF: The role of Doppler The value of routine chest radiographs in Wyatt-Ashmead J » Fenton LZ evaluation of the uterine artery in girls a paediatric intensive care unit: a pro Wynn RI » Manna SS around puberty 712 spective study 343 Zoubaa S — Sergi ¢ Vandevenne JE »>MakkatS Xiong X —M iller SI Zuppan CW — Young LW Vieira AM » Madureira AJ Villafruela M »>Munoz A Yakupoglu H > Oguz KK Acknow ledge ments to referees SYO Voigtlander T > Sergi ¢ Yalcin B, Oztiirk H, Kismet E, Deveci S. Vught H van > Valk JW Cetinkursun S, Ozcan O: Giant retro- Book reviews 259. 583. 898 Vyas P » Nourisamie K peritoneal lipoma in a child 304 Yanaga K — Tajima T he Society for Pediatric Radiology Wakefield TW — Hernandez RJ Yaniv | — Karmazyn B Abstracts Bl Wakim A >A it-Ameur A Yeboah AA >C sizy I Walkinshaw SA — Roche CJ Yeon K-M >K im KW The Society for Pediatric Radiology and Wallach DM —G rayev AM Yeon KM Cheon J-I The European Society of Paediatric Radiol Walsh EA > Cramer BC Yeon KM —Choi YH ogy awards at IPR 2001, Paris 817

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