Emerging Role of Stress Perfusion Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance in the Patient with Congenital Heart Disease Andrew M. Crean, Djeven P. Deva, and Rachel Wald Contents InterpretationofStressPerfusionCMR........... 10 Introduction.......................................... 2 LimitationsofStressPerfusionCMR.............. 11 LimitationsofConventionalMethods TreadmillStressCMR:Perfusionand ofAssessment..................................... 3 WallMotion...................................... 11 TheComprehensiveNatureoftheCMR DatafromtheAdultIschemicStress Examination...................................... 4 CMRWorld...................................... 12 LimitationsofCMR................................. 4 StressPerfusionCMRinPatientsFollowing ArterialSwitch................................... 13 PhysicalPreparationoftheStressPatient......... 5 StressPerfusionCMRforAnomalousLeft/Right MentalPreparationoftheStressPatient.......... 6 CoronaryArteryfromthePulmonaryArtery ChoiceofVasodilatorAgent........................ 6 (ALCAPA/ARCAPA)............................ 13 AssessmentofVasodilatorEffectonthe StressPerfusionCMRinKawasakiDisease....... 14 Patient............................................. 7 StressPerfusionCMRinAssortedOther MonitoringforStressPerfusionCMR............. 8 CongenitalLesions............................... 15 PracticalAspectsofPerformingStressPerfusion Conclusion............................................ 18 CMR.............................................. 9 References............................................ 19 A.M.Crean(*) DivisionofCardiology,UniversityofCincinnatiMedical CenterandCincinnatiChildren’sHospitalMedicalCenter andJointDepartmentofMedicalImaging,Toronto GeneralHospital,Toronto,Canada e-mail:[email protected] D.P.Deva DepartmentofMedicalImaging,StMichael’sHospital, Toronto,Canada e-mail:[email protected] R.Wald DivisionofCardiologyandtheJointDepartmentof MedicalImaging,TorontoGeneralHospital,Toronto, Canada e-mail:[email protected] #Springer-VerlagLondon2016 1 E.M.DaCruzetal.(eds.),PediatricandCongenitalCardiology,CardiacSurgeryandIntensiveCare, DOI10.1007/978-1-4471-4999-6_250-1 2 A.M.Creanetal. Abstract fascinating coronary anomalies – the anomalous left or right coronary artery from the pulmonary Rapidadvancesinsurgicalrepairofcongenital artery,theanomalousleftorrightcoronaryartery heart disease has led to ever increasing num- fromtheoppositesinus,etc.–thesepatientsarein bers surviving into adult life. A proportion of fact outnumbered by those who have undergone adultcongenitalheartdisease(ACHD)patients coronary reimplantation procedures as part of a willhavehaddirectsurgicalinterventionupon Ross,Bentall,orJatenearterialswitchoperation. the coronary arteries which renders them vul- Thislattergrouprepresentsaparticularlyinterest- nerable to issues in later life. There is no ing challenge for management and surveillance acceptedmethodfor either thesurveillanceof for severalreasons:thisisnotarare operationat thesepatientsnorfortheirinvestigationwhen anylargecongenitalcenter;thepatientsneedtobe presenting with new symptoms. This chapter followed for many years; as children the typical arguesforashiftinparadigmawayfromtest- presentationsofischemicchestpainrecognizedin ing associated with radiation (nuclear tech- theadultmaybeabsent;andsuddencardiacdeath niques, computed tomography, coronary has been occasionally reported as an unfortunate angiography) to a paradigm where stress per- first (and last) indicator of a previously fusion cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) unsuspectedcoronaryproblem. imaging is used as a gatekeeper to determine Thereisasecondlargegroupofpatientswho who needs go on for formal catheterization. are typically also followed by pediatric cardiolo- The technique of stress perfusion CMR is discussed along with its benefits and weak- gists(andthenoftengraduatetoadultcongenital nesses.Practicalillustrationsofthetechnique’s cardiologists), despite being born with structur- ally normal hearts – these are the children who utilityareprovidedthroughoutthechapter. succumb to Kawasaki disease, a proportion of whom will develop cardiac abnormalities as part Keywords oftheinadequatelynamedmucocutaneouslymph Anomalousleft/right coronaryarteryfromthe node syndrome. The coronary aneurysms that pulmonary artery (ALCAPA/ARCAPA) (cid:129) result in some cases may have important effects Arterialswitch(cid:129)Calcifiedconduitsandcalcific on distal coronary flow that pass unrecognized, masses (cid:129) Cardiovascular magnetic resonance particularlyinchildren,andthenaturalhistoryof (CMR) (cid:129) Congenital heart disease (CHD) (cid:129) these aneurysms in adult life is not well Coronary surveillance (cid:129) Dark-rim artifact understood. (DRA) (cid:129) Dipyridamole (cid:129) Ischemic stress Regular coronary surveillance is therefore CMR (cid:129) Kawasaki disease (cid:129) Nitinol-based appropriate for several patient populations devices (cid:129) Perfusion imaging (cid:129) Regadenoson (cid:129) followedincongenitalheartcenters.Theliterature Stress perfusion CMR (cid:129) Treadmill stress (cid:129) suppliesadvocatesforalmostanyoftheavailable Vasodilator imagingmodalities:computedtomography,echo, nuclear, and catheterization, although there are almostnolargestudiesinthisarea.Inthischapter, Introduction wewouldliketopresentourexperiencethatstress perfusion cardiovascular magnetic resonance Thesuccessstorythathasbeenthesurgicalman- (CMR) imaging is not only the most appropriate agementofpatientswithcongenitalheartdisease testforthesechildrenandyoungadultsbutisalso (CHD) overthelast50yearshasbroughtitsshare –quitesimply–themostcompleteoftheimaging of challenges due to the “unnatural history” fol- modalities. The following section will discuss in lowingrepair.Ourpatientsarenotonlybornwith greaterdetailthecomprehensivenatureofCMR, coronaryanomaliesbutmayhavecoronaryabnor- whilesubsequentsectionswilldealwiththeprac- malitiescreatedbythesurgicalproceduresthem- tical procedural elements of performing stress selves.Althoughwetendtothinkoftherareand CMR, its applications in the patient groups EmergingRoleofStressPerfusionCardiovascularMagneticResonanceinthePatientwith... 3 described,theevidencebaseforstressCMRinthe change.Forcongenitalpatientswhoareunableto adult ischemic world, and the (very) limited cur- exercise adequately, vasodilators such as adeno- rentdataonstressCMRforpatientswithcongen- sineordipyridamolemaybeusedtoinducecoro- italheartdisease. nary hyperemia (note not ischemia – a common misconceptionregardingvasodilatorstress). Vasodilatorstressiswelltoleratedandincred- Limitations of Conventional Methods ibly safe with a very low major adverse cardiac of Assessment eventrateborneoutbymillionsofpharmacologic stress nuclear studies throughout the world. For One of the unique challenges facing congenital reasons of availability, ease of performance, and heart patients is the requirement for lifelong patient acceptability, nuclear stress perfusion has follow-up. In patients with coronary “issues” or become widely accepted as one of several “first- inwhomcoronaryarteryreimplantationhasbeen choice”techniquesinEuropeanand(particularly) performed,thischallengeisparticularlyrelevant. NorthAmericancongenitalinstitutions.However, Asphysiciansweseektolimitradiationexposure physiciansreferringtheirpatientsforthesestudies toourpatients,andyetmanyofourconventional often have only a hazy idea at best of the dose methods for assessing the coronary arteries associatedwiththistest[5].Manyaresurprisedto involve ionizing radiation. The use of ionizing learn that it is equivalent in dose to roughly 3–4 radiationincongenitalpopulationswasdescribed coronary angiograms (technetium – rest/stress in a recent European-wide registry, which doseapproximately15mSv)orashighas8coro- highlighted the potential for significant cumula- nary angiograms (thallium – rest/stress dose tivelifetimedosesinourpatients[17]. approximately40mSv). There has historically been a very heavy Whileall data linking exposuretosubsequent dependence upon cardiac catheterization in con- cancer is questionably based upon theoretical genital heart disease. Not only is it available at assumptionsderivedfromtheNagasakiandHiro- everymajorcenter,itprovidesunparalleledvisu- shimaevents–aswellasanunprovenassumption alization of the coronary arteries with a spatial ofalinearno-thresholdrelationshipbetweendose resolution that is still not really approached by a and malignancy – physicians are nevertheless modern method of noninvasive imaging. While appropriately seeking to shield their (young, this is certainly necessary in the preoperative radiosensitive) patients from the excesses of the period or if there are major coronary concerns, past. A further limitation of nuclear cardiology catheterization is expensive, is disliked by some reflects the physical limitation of current equip- patients, and comes with a small risk of serious ment. Post-collimator spatial resolution is in the morbidity and death. It is thus not an ideal tech- order of 8–10 mm – since this is approximately nique to use in routine follow-up for coronary the same as transmural myocardial thickness, it surveillance, although even in this situation it canbedifficulttorecognizesubendocardialische- hasitsadvocates. mia or balanced three-vessel disease. This is a Perfusion imaging with radionucleotide iso- point we will return to in subsequent discussion topes (thallium, technetium, etc.) has been avail- about stress perfusion cardiovascular magnetic ableformanyyears,iseasytoperformandreadily resonance(CMR)imaging. available, and is well tolerated by patients. The Treadmill stress echo has been historically basisofperfusionimaging(nuclearandmagnetic underused in congenital populations for reasons resonance) is the induction of differential tracer thatarenotentirelyclearbutmayreflectdominant flowdownthearterieswhichvasodilatenormally adultexperienceintheischemicworldwithmuch versus those which are narrowed, distorted, or lowerlevelsofexperience/confidenceinthetech- obstructed.Stressmaybeperformedbytreadmill nique in pediatric institutions. However, even exerciseinwhichcasethereisalsotheadvantage adultcongenitalinstitutionsappearlessenthused ofhavingworkloaddataandassessmentofECG with this method of assessment compared to the 4 A.M.Creanetal. alternatives of single-photon computed emission demonstrated by administering gadolinium- tomography(SPECT)orCMRimaging.Thisisa based contrast agents (magnetic resonance angi- pity because the need in coronary surveillance is ography)andmyocardialscarringidentifiedusing to rule out significant flow limitation – which is the technique of late gadolinium enhancement something stress echo does particularly well. A (LGE) imaging in which images of the heart are further advantage is the availability, again, of acquired 10–15 min after a bolus of contrast, workloadandECGdata.Finally,ofcourse,there allowingfordifferentialwashoutbetweennormal isnoexposuretoionizingradiationatallwiththis and abnormal areas of the myocardium technique, making it attractive for long-term fol- [8]. Through a process of cardiac gating to the low-up. Patients unable to adequately raise their ECG, it is possible to acquire so-called “seg- heart rate by exercise can be stressed by mented” cine images in which data acquired dobutamine infusion with little or no change in over a number of heart beats is used to build up the sensitivity and specificity of the test. One a composite beating image of the heart with an limitation of the technique is the need for a rea- effective temporal resolution in the order of sonable echo window, which may be difficult or 35 milliseconds. Similar techniques can be limited in patients with chest wall deformity or employedtovisualizeflowinvascularstructures simple obesity. There is also a rather providinginformation(viaaverydifferent phys- unquantifiable “impression” among many cardi- ical principle) similar to Doppler echocardiogra- ologiststhatreadingstressechoisaratherdarkart phy [28]. Phase-contrast imaging of this sort and somewhat subjective. While these authors allows for the relatively precise measurement of would challenge that opinion, there is of course flowvolumesaswellaspeakandmeanvelocityin littleornodatatosupporttheargumenteitherway the user-defined region of interest. Finally, user- inthecongenitalfield. defined imaging planes can be prescribed in any Itisfairtosaythatthewholeareaofimagingin orientationtoacquireanatomicallyhelpfulimages congenitalheartdisease isriddledwith opinions, aligned to the anatomy of interest without any conjecture, and personal beliefs stated as gospel limitation by body shape or imaging “window.” truth. Data are very limited even for well- Therefore–inacomprehensiveCMRexam–itis established techniques like SPECT, are almost possible to acquire valuable information about nonexistent for stress echo, and are only just anatomy, function, flow, perfusion, and fibrosis starting to emerge for stress CMR. In the rest of inaprotocolthattakeslessthan60mintoperform this chapter, the authors will share their bias in andwithoutanyionizingradiationatall. favor of stress CMR, explaining why we hold theseopinionsandwhatlittlepublishedevidence exists. Limitations of CMR Despite its many advantages, CMR has several TheComprehensiveNatureoftheCMR important limitations. The magnet bore is claus- Examination trophobic to a small percentage of individuals with an examination refusal or non-completion The principal advantage of CMR over all other rate of around 5 %. The newer magnets with a forms of imaging is its comprehensive nature. 70cmdiameter borecomparefavorablywiththe Manipulationofthewaterprotonsintrinsictothe standard 60 cm bore present in most 1.5 T sys- patientbyuseofstrongswitchingmagneticfields tems,althoughthelatterremainmuchmoreprev- results in the ability to characterize tissue with alent.Somepatientswhoappearinitiallyreluctant much greater contrast resolution than any other toenterthemagnetcanbereassuredbyacombi- technique. Various “weightings” can be applied, nationofeithermedicationoreyeshield.Pediatric designedtoenhancethevisibilityofedema,fibro- institutions sometimes have third-party equip- sis, thrombus, etc. Vascular structures can be mentthatmakesitpossibletoshowvideosinside EmergingRoleofStressPerfusionCardiovascularMagneticResonanceinthePatientwith... 5 the magnet (using specially adapted goggles), andtrainedsupport.Magnet-compatibleanesthe- which greatly improves scanning tolerance in sia machines and crash trolleys are available but childrenolderthan5years. attention also needs to be paid to the proper Implanted medical devices fall into two cate- screening of itinerant anesthesiology personnel gories–thosesuchaspacemakers,defibrillators, toensuremagnetsafety. andaneurysmclipsareconsideredrelativelysolid ContraindicationstostressCMRarerelatively contraindicationstoroutineCMR,althoughthere fewandreflecttheusualcontraindicationstoany isagrowingliteraturesurroundingsafescanning MRexam(non-MR-compatibledevices,claustro- ofpatientswiththefirsttwotypesofdevice.The phobia, pregnancy, etc.) as well as the standard second category relates to implanted ferromag- contraindications to vasodilator stress agents netic devices which pose no safety issue to a (asthma, regular dipyridamole use, second- or patient in a scanner but may significantly impair third-degreeheartblock). localimagequalityduetodisturbanceofmagnetic field uniformity. Such devices include Blalock- Taussig shunt clips, atrial septal defect closure Physical Preparation of the Stress devices, metallic heart valves, coronary stents, Patient Harringtonspinalrods,etc.However,thegreatest degree of field distortion is seen with stainless The commonest reason for an inadequate stress steel coils used for vessel embolization, as well examination is consumption of caffeine in the asFontanfenestrationclosuredevices–thelevel 24hprecedingthetest.Caffeineactsasacompet- of artifact from these often precludes adequate itiveantagonistattheadenosinereceptorandmay visualizationoftheanatomyinquestion.Nitinol- lead to an inadequate vasoactive response with based devices, in contrast, cause relatively focal submaximal coronary hyperemia. Since it is hard fielddisturbancesuchthatpatientswhohavehad torecognizewhethermaximalhyperemiahasbeen nitinol atrial septal defect closure devices can reached clinically, it is common practice among usually be scanned without problem. On further stresslabstobancaffeineconsumptionforamin- peculiarityofCMRisitsrelativelypoorsensitiv- imumof24hpriortotheexaminationtoensurean ity for identifying calcium. This is because the optimalresponse.Informationsenttothepatientat protons within calcified structure are fixed in a the time of booking should include a diet sheet relatively rigid lattice and do not generate much explaining that abstention from caffeine includes signal.Calcifiedconduitsandcalcificmassesmay nonconsumption of all caffeine-containing sub- therefore occasionally be overlooked by CMR stances including coffee, tea (brewed, green, since they tend to simply appear dark – with black), hot chocolate, sodas (including so-called experience, this appearance is usually “caffeine-free”),andenergydrinksaswellaschoc- recognizable. olateandsomeover-the-counteranalgesicsandflu Finally,themagnetisnotanidealenvironment remedies.Patientswhoadmittobeingnonadherent for sick patients. Not only do unwell patients atthetimeofexaminationaregenerallybetteroff rarely tolerate the breath-hold and prolonged being rebooked following an explanation of the examination times that may be required, but importance of these restrictions. There is occa- hemodynamically unstable patients cannot be sionalmeritincontinuingwiththeexaminpatients managed safely due to limitations of access and whohavecomealongdistanceandhaveconsumed monitoring. Similarly patients with cognitive minimal caffeine [55]; thishoweverremains con- impairment often find it impossible to lie still troversial[3,7,36]. and follow commands regularly, leading to Allpatientsrequireintravenousaccesspriorto blurred and suboptimal studies. In all of these going into the magnet room. It is preferable for situations, the most acceptable solution is often accesstobeestablishedinalargeantecubitalvein to consider an alternative test or else to proceed inordertobeabletoinjectatrelativelyhighflow with full general anesthesia, proper monitoring, rates. 6 A.M.Creanetal. Mental Preparation of theStress Table2.Mentalpreparationiseverybitasimpor- Patient tant as physical preparation. Limited survey data suggest that stress perfusion CMR – when One of the most important parts of the prestress performed well – is overall tolerated no worse preparation is the process of informed consent, thanperfusionSPECT[45]. which should be sought prior to every exam. Thisisnotsimplyamedicolegalnicetybutoffers arealopportunitytocoachthepatientinwhatto Choice of VasodilatorAgent expect when they are in the magnet. Patients are oftennervous,andliberaluseoftheword“stress” Therearethreevasodilatoragentscurrentlycom- rarely helps, evoking as it does an image of a mercially available for stress imaging (CMR or sweating, palpitating figure perhaps clutching SPECT).Theseareadenosine,dipyridamole,and his/her chest in discomfort! In truth, the drugs a newer agent – not yet licensed worldwide – usedforstressperfusionareremarkablysafeand called regadenoson. All three are from the same generally very well tolerated. It is worth family of drug, which works through alpha- reemphasizing – to the reader – that the aim of receptor blockade on the coronary endothelium vasodilatorstress(unlikedobutamineortreadmill with resulting vasodilatation. Although for each stress) is not to induce ischemia but rather to drug it is possible to find strong supporters, it is uncoverrelativedifferencesinmyocardialperfu- the authors’ opinion that there is little practical sionreservethroughdifferentialvasodilatationof differencebetweenthem,withmostofthetouted normalandabnormalcoronarybeds.Patientsmay advantagesanddisadvantages(Table1)reflecting bealarmedtobetoldtheywillbe“stressed”and personalpreferencesratherthanharddata. shouldbereassuredthatthemedicationswillnot Adenosine is probably the drug used most make the heart race wildlyor thump heavily and ofteninstressCMRandmostofthelargerseries that,ingeneralsymptoms,willberelativelymild. havebeenperformedusingthisagent.Thisprob- Weprefertousetheterm“myocardialbloodflow ablyreflectsanearlyuncertaintywiththesafetyof imaging” rather than stress imaging when we performingstressinthemagnetenvironmentand consentpatientssincewefeelthisreflectsamore aconcomitantwishtobeableto“turnoffstress” accurate – and sedate – picture of what will take quickly–achievableduetotheveryshorthalf-life place. It is important, however, to describe the of the drug. The half-life, however, also necessi- commonest side effects, which are listed in tates a second intravenous line since gadolinium Table1 Comparisonofvasodilatoragents[19] Dipyridamole Adenosine Regadenoson ivinfusionover4min ivinfusionover4min 30sbolusivinjection Longhalf-life Veryshorthalf-life Shorthalf-life Gradualonsetofsymptoms Morerapidonsetofsymptoms Morerapidonsetofsymptoms Peakintensityofsymptoms:usually Peakintensityofsymptoms: Peakintensityofsymptoms:usually mild usuallymoderate mildtomoderate Reversalusuallygiven Reversalrarelyrequired Reversaloccasionallyrequired Verycheapalmosteverywhere Fairlycheapinmostcountries Expensiveandnotuniversally approved Only1ivlinerequiredoverall 2ivlinesrequiredoverall(second Only1ivlinerequiredoverall (gadoliniumgivenafterdrug) lineforgadolinium) (gadoliniumgivenafterdrug) Nonselectivealpha-agonist Nonselectivealpha-agonist SelectiveA2areceptoragonists (relativelysafeinasthma) Requirescalculationofdosebasedon Requirescalculationofdosebased Singlepre-prepareddoseregardlessof bodyweight onbodyweight bodyweight EmergingRoleofStressPerfusionCardiovascularMagneticResonanceinthePatientwith... 7 Table2 Commonsideeffectsofvasodilatoragents Cardiovascular Respiratory CNS Gastrointestinal Facialflushing(18%) Shortnessofbreath(12%) Lightheadedness(2%) Nausea(3%) Headache(2%) Chestpressure(7%) Dizziness(rare) Metallictaste(common) Sweating(rare) Hyperventilation(1–2%) Armtingling(rare) Vomiting(<1%) Palpitations(rare) Numbness(rare) Chestpain(commonbutmild) Hypotension(<1%) bolusmustbeadministeredwhilethevasodilator ensure that the rest images are acquired under is still being infused. These – together with the genuinelynon-vasodilatedconditions. relatively sudden onset of side effects felt by Regadenosonisthenewestagentonthemarket patients – are the two principal disadvantages of andcomesasasingleprepackageddose(indepen- adenosine. dentofbodyweight),whichisgivenasanintra- Dipyridamolehasbeenusedandcontinuestobe venous bolus by hand injection. It is quick and used, extensively in nuclear laboratories through- easytouseasaresultandhasan onsetofaction outtheworld.Likeadenosineithasanextremely and duration of effect somewhere between the good safety profile with a vanishingly low inci- other two agents. It too will need to be reversed denceofseriousorlife-threateningevents.Itmay if stress and rest are not separated by at least beinfusedor–conveniently–givenbyslowhand 30 min of other imaging. Its principal disadvan- injection (thus obviating the need for expensive tage is price and the fact that it has not been magnet-compatiblepumps,orelselonglengthsof approved for clinical use in all worldwide juris- tubingpassingoutofthemagnetroomtoastandard dictions. All three agents produce similar side infusionpump).Itsprincipalbreakdownproductis effects(Table2). adenosine, and since this breakdown must take place for activedrugtobeproduced, the onset of symptoms is slower than for adenosine and their Assessmentof Vasodilator Effect overallintensityappearsreduced. onthe Patient Occasionalconcernsarevoicedthatdiagnostic accuracymightbereducedfordipyridamolecom- Crucial to interpretation of stress imaging is the pared to adenosine. In the authors’ experience, confidencethatthe“stress”portionofthetesthas these concerns arenotborne out in real life. The beenadequate.Thisiseasytojudgewithtreadmill drug is given, like adenosine, over 4 min but ordobutaminestresswhereanage-adjustedheart because of the need for conversion to occur, rateisthetarget,butmorechallengingwithvaso- peak vasodilatation does not occur for another dilator stress where adequacy of vasodilatation 2–3 min; this provides ample time to slide the cannot be directly monitored. The stimulation of patient back to the isocenter of the magnet in alpha-receptors by the three vasodilator agents ordertoruntheperfusionsequence. can produce a range of effects (Table 2). It is Theprincipaldisadvantageofdipyridamoleis usualforapatienttoexperiencebothphysiologi- its longer half-life, which raises concerns that a cal and pharmacological effects which should be stress-rest protocol could actually be a stress- describedintheclinicalreportandformpartofthe stress protocol if its alpha-agonist effects have internal quality control of the examination. The notadequatelywornoff.Thisisa valid concern, commonest side effects experienced are mild andinourlaboratory,weadministerthecompet- breathlessness, chest heaviness (occasionally itive antagonist aminophylline (1–1.5 mg/kg iv) pain),andheadache. toallpatientspost-stress(regardlessofseverityof The earliest sign of onset of drug action can symptoms and including the asymptomatic), to oftenbeseenwhenconversingwiththepatientat 8 A.M.Creanetal. the table-side while supervising the infusion. A inflatedonlytobereleasedasabolusondeflation patient who has been talking freely becomes returning centrally to the heart and potentially noticeably less “chatty” at around 2 min from causingheartblockorventricularstandstill. the start of infusion and often needs to be Secondly,theECGmonitorisonlyreliablefor reassured at this point that their sense of unease detecting ST segment shift while the patient is is being provoked by the medication and to be outside the bore of the magnet. Once inside the expected. Frank symptoms usually develop soon pulsatile movement of blood through the aorta thereafter. results in production of a current which causes Severe symptoms are very unusual but can distortion of the ST-T wave complex, making reflect severe underlying three-vessel disease, interpretationdifficultorimpossible.Sincevaso- and, on these rare occasions, an individual judg- dilator stress only very rarely leads to inducible ment has to be made about whether to run the ischemia(asopposedtoinduciblechangesinper- perfusion sequence somewhat prematurely or fusion reserve), this is more of a theoretical than evenabandonthestudyatthatpoint.Regardless, practicalconcernofwhichtobeaware. patients generally respond very quickly to the Theuseofcontinuousoxygensaturationmon- discontinuationoftheinfusionand/ortheadmin- itoring may be regarded as excessive by some – istration of aminophylline. In the authors’ per- however,itsprincipalbenefitisnotinmeasuring sonalexperience,theyhaveonlyhadtoconsider oxygen saturation (which is unlikely to change administeringivbetablockerinasinglecaseout unlessthepatientwereunfortunateenoughtogo of over 3000 stress CMR studies – symptom intopulmonaryedema,ahighlyunusualscenario) severityofthisextentshouldprompttermination but in providing an audible account of the of the exam and transfer to an area where full patient’sheartrate;heartblockinducedbystress clinical assessmentincluding a12-leadECG can agent is very quickly recognized, even if not beperformed.Nevertheless,suchexperiencesare studyingtheECG,throughthegapbetweenaudi- extremelyunusual. blebeepsthatoccurswithanyalterationfromthe The physiological changes expected with normalcardiaccyclelength. stressarediscussedinthenextsection. Therearedifferingopinionsaboutwhetherthe patientshouldbestressedontheMRtableoutside orinsidetheboreofthemagnet.Theadvantageof Monitoringfor StressPerfusionCMR stress outside the bore (our approach) is that it is possible to directly visually and verbally monitor Monitoring patients undergoing stress perfusion the patient and usually helps to keep them calm CMR is similar to that undertaken in the nuclear when symptoms first develop. It is important to laboratory. All patients have a baseline record of emphasize that even people with completely nor- pulse, saturations, and blood pressure, and these mal coronary arteries may experience chest dis- recordingsaremade–inourlab–at1minintervals comfortandbreathlessnessandthatonsetofthese untilthepointofinjectionofgadolinium.Oncethe symptomsisinfacttobewelcomedsinceitproves perfusion sequence has finished running, the thedrugishavingitsdesiredphysiologicaleffect. patientisbrought outside the bore ofthe magnet, The principal advantage to stressing with the andmonitoringeveryminuteisperformedforthe patientalreadyatmagnetisocenteristhatitsaves following 5 min by which time it is common for time, which may be helpful – particularly when symptoms to have entirely resolved and hemody- adenosine is used as the vasoactive agent – since namicstobereturningtonormal. thegadoliniumbolusneedstobegiven,whilethis Several important points should be noted. drugisstillbeingadministered(seenextsection). Firstly,itisimportantnottoplacethebloodpres- The expected hemodynamic changes from all surecuffonthearmintowhichvasodilatoragent forms of vasodilator stress are relatively minor isbeinginfused–theriskbeingthataquantityof regardless of the chosen agent. It is usual to see drug builds up in the forearm while the cuff is aheartrateincreasebyameanof10–15beatsper EmergingRoleofStressPerfusionCardiovascularMagneticResonanceinthePatientwith... 9 minute(occasionallyupto30–40beats/min)with leftventricle.Toolowaresolutionrunstheriskof a drop in systolic blood pressure of a mean of inadequate spatial discrimination of the 7–10 mmHg. These effects are generally notice- subendocardium from the subepicardium, which ablebythethirdminuteafterstartingtheinfusion/ isoneoftheprimebenefitsofCMRcomparedto injection.Itbearsrepeatingthatsincetheseagents nuclearperfusion.Inpracticeitisusuallypossible donotworkbyinducingischemiaperse,thereis toacquireanin-planespatialresolutionofroughly no “target heart rate” to aim for as there is in 1.7 (cid:1) 1.7mm(withastandardslicethicknessof dobutamine stress. There is no clearly defined 8–10mmthroughplane)andalmostneverworse relationshipbetweenthedegreeofhemodynamic than2.5 (cid:1) 2.5mminplanewhichissubstantially response and extent of change in coronary flow. better still than the 8–10 mm resolution of con- Conversely,however,almostallpatientswouldbe ventional gamma cameras. Recommendations expected to demonstrate some hemodynamic from the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic change from baseline as well as symptoms of a Resonance suggest a target of no worse than mild-to-moderateextent(seeTable2). 2 (cid:1) 2 mm for perfusion, which is achievable, in Occasionally, patients with long-standing dia- theauthors’experience,in95 %ofcases[26]. betesmayfailtodevelopovertsymptoms–how- Perfusionslicesareconventionallyacquiredin ever such patients should still demonstrate a theshortaxisandareprescribedatbasal,mid,and change in heart rate and/or blood pressure with apical left ventricular levels, thus achieving cov- stress. A failure of hemodynamic response erageof16outofthe17recommendedAmerican togetherwithalackofanyrealsymptomsshould HeartAssociation(AHA)segments[6].The17th begroundsforconcludingthatthepatientmaynot segment (true apex) represents only a small vol- havesufficientlyabstainedfromcaffeine.Aneg- umeoftotalmyocardiumanditsabsencedoesnot ativetestinthesecircumstancesshouldbetreated appeartosignificantlyimpairdiagnosticaccuracy. with appropriate circumspection and alternative In patients with relatively slow heart rates (even investigationmaybeappropriate. aftervasodilator),itispossibleonsomemanufac- turer systems tofitina fourthsliceacquiredina long-axisplane,either2or4chamberasselected Practical Aspectsof PerformingStress by the operator – in these cases the true apex is Perfusion CMR alsosampled. There is disagreement in the literature about ThefundamentalaimofallCMRstresssequences thebestorderinwhichtoperformstressandrest (of which there are many varieties) is the same. perfusion.Intruththelackofconsensussuggests Thewishistogetasmuchanatomicalcoverageof itdoesn’treallymatteralthoughtherearetheoret- theleftventricle(i.e.,asmanyslices)aspossible ical argumentssupporting both positions. Propo- at the highest achievable spatial resolution and nents of rest-first imaging suggest that the with the best possible temporal resolution – that experience (including the prolonged breath-hold istosay,withrepetitivesliceupdatingeveryheart required) acts as a “training run” for the patient, beatduringthewash-inofcontrast.Unfortunately whichthereforeimprovesthequalityofthestress these requirements are all mutually conflicting images subsequently acquired. They also argue andcompromisesarerequired.Productperfusion thatifrestperfusionisperformedafterthepatient sequences currently allow for acquisition of has already received contrast (for the stress por- 3slicesperheartbeatassumingamildtachycardia tion), then there is a risk that areas of infarction isproducedbyvasodilatorstress. willhavetakenupcontrastandmaynotbevisible Theprecisein-planespatialresolutionhastobe asperfusiondefects.Althoughtrue,thisisrarelya optimizedperpatientinordertoallowtheacqui- problemsincethemosteffectivemethodforiden- sition of 3 slices per cardiac cycle. Too high a tifyingscar–lategadoliniumenhancement(LGE) spatial resolution will result in fewer slices imaging–isroutinelyperformedattheendofall acquired per heart beat, i.e., less coverage of the stressCMRprotocols. 10 A.M.Creanetal. Protagonistsofthestress-firstapproach(includ- defectaswellasanassessmentofwhetherthedefect ingtheseauthors)contendthatthisallowsthemost appears mild (soft appearances, subendocardial, importantpartofthestudytobecompletedincase vanishes quickly on later images) or whether it the patient decides to terminate the overall study appears more severe (intenser, darker defects, prematurely.Inaddition,ifstressappearsnormal,a extendingtosubepicardium,morepersistent). reasonableapproachmaybetodroptherestportion Oneofthechallengesfacedbynovicereaders entirely,thusshorteningtheoverallexamination. is the separation of genuine perfusion defects Thenextdecisionrelatestothedoseofgadolin- fromartifact–thiscanbequitedifficultonocca- ium and the speed at which to inject. There are sion,andthebestadviceissimplytogettoknow limiteddatatosuggestthatadoseof0.1mmol/kg your pulse sequence (and stick with it), since gadolinium-DTPA provides optimal enhancement different sequences may generate a greater or forvisualassessmentofperfusiondefects.Thisis lesser degree of artifact. The principal mimic of ourexperiencealsoandhastheadvantagethatitis aperfusiondefectisknownas“dark-rimartifact” alsoasufficientdosewithwhichtoperformLGE (DRA)andalthoughalmostuniversallypresentto imagingevenifthedecisiontodroptherestportion somedegreeisusuallydistinguishablefromatrue ofthestudyismade.Therearevalidargumentsthat perfusion defect by virtue of its timing. DRA is can be made pertaining to the loss of linearity causedbyveryrapidlychangingconcentrationsof between gadolinium concentration and measured gadoliniumintheleftventricularbloodpoolinthe signalintensityatdosesabove0.05mmol/kg;how- early portion of contrast wash-in. This manifests ever, this only becomes an issue when a fully as a dark line in the subendocardial portion of quantitative measurement of perfusion by CMR septumandoftentheanteriorwall.Thekeytoits in ml/min/g of myocardium is required. This is a recognition is appreciation of the fact that the researchapplicationofCMRandisnotdonerou- “defect” is present from the earliest moments of tinelyinanyclinicallaboratoryintheworld,tothe contrast washing into the ventricle, i.e., before bestoftheauthors’knowledge. contrast could conceivably have reached the Similar arguments relating to speed of injec- aorta, passed into the coronary arteries, and cre- tion or need for a dual-bolus injection (allows ated a genuine perfusion defect. The transmural measurement of true arterial blood pool upslope extent of DRA also appears to be linked to the byusingaverylow-dosepreinjectionpriortothe in-plane spatial resolution of the image – aiming main injection) are essentially superfluous in for the highest achievable resolution (depending everyday clinical practice although references onheartrate)willtendtominimizetheissue[34]. are provided for the interested reader [18]. We Genuine perfusion defects therefore may be prefertoinjectat5ml/sthroughacannulasituated recognizedbyanumberoftypicalcharacteristics, inalargeveinintheforearmorantecubitalfossa. namely: Although this reflects the standard wisdom, the use of lower flow rates through more peripheral 1. Theyoccuronlyaftercontrasthasreachedthe cannulae in the hand – when that is all that is ascendingaorta. practical–oftenworksperfectlysatisfactorily. 2. They occur in relationship to one of the main arterialterritories. 3. They are present on several adjacent slices InterpretationofStressPerfusionCMR withinanarterialterritory. 4. Theypersistforaminimumof5cardiaccycles. As mentioned in the last section, stress perfusion 5. They always involve the subendocardium CMR – when performed for clinical purposes – is regardlessoftheextentoftransmurality. near-universallyinterpretedusingqualitativevisual 6. They tend to have “soft” rather than “hard” assessment [1]. In practice this translates into a marginsifdue toischemia alone (harder mar- report describing the number and distribution of gins, or very persistent defects, are often sug- segments demonstrating an inducible perfusion gestiveofunderlyingscar).