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Pedagogy and the Politics of Hope: Theory, Culture, and Schooling: A Critical Reader (Edge, Critical Studies in Educational Theory) PDF

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Pedagogy and the Politics of Hope THE EDGE: CRXTICAL STUDIES IN EDUCATIONAL THEORY Series Edi;kors joe L. KincheEae, Peter McLaren, and Shirley R, Steinberg Pedagou and l.he hlitic; ofHope: meow, Cul&repa nd Schooling (A Cdtic~Rle a&r] Henry A, Giroux Ligeracies ofPowec m a tA mericam Are Nut Allowed I.u Know Donalldo Macedo FORTHCOMING Kintde7-cutture: The Corporate Constrution ofChi;tdhiood edited by Shirley R. Steinberg and Jae L. Kincheloe Reuotul.ionary iMiLl;~ietllturalismP;e hgo@e; of Dksml for the New Millennium Peter MeLaren Edacatim and the Amelltwn Puturn Stanley Aranovvitz reacliers as Cultural Workers:L et-tgrs to W oD ~rree ach Paula Freire Pedagogy and the Politics of Hope Theory, Culture, and Schooling A Critical Reader Henry k Giroux . '-. , A Member of the Pcrscus Books Group The Edge: Critical Studies in Educaho~zaTl heory All rights reserved. Printed in the Efnited Svdtes rzf An~ericaN, o part of this pubtieaticm may be reproduced ur transmitted in any farm or by any means, electronic or mechanicat, in- cluding pbotr~copyr, ecording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Coppight 8 1997 by Wesmievv Press, A Member of the Perseus Btztnks Group Published in f 997 in the Efnited States of Anlerica by Wes~ewPr ess, 5500 Central Avenue, Boulder, C2trlorado 80301-21277, and in the linited Kingdam by LVesWiew Press, 12 Hid's Copse I&:clada, mnor Hill, Oxford 9JJ Library uf Cr~ngresCs atalrzging-in-Publicati~~Dna m Girom, Henry A. 1"edagogy and the przlitics rzf hrnpe : thesq culture, and schooling : a critical reader I Henry A. C;irsux, p, cm.-(The edge, critical studies in educaticnnal thetlry) Selection uf author's essays pre\riously published rzver past fifteen years. Includes bibliczgraphicd references and index, lSBN 0-8133-3273-7(hc).-TSBN 0-8133-3274-5(pb) 1, Critical pedagom. 2. Postmodernism and education. 3. Ptzlitics and edueatic>n, I. 'ritfe. 11. Series. LdC196.G573 1997 370.11 ' 5 4 ~t2 96-39884 GIP The paper used in this pubtieaticm meets the requirements of the American Natisnd Stan- dard for Permanence rzf Paper for Printed Library Materids 239.48-1984. POD ON DEMAND 1, 9 For the children This page intentionally left blank Contents Serits Editors'F~rewordJ~O E Id.K TNGHEI~OFI, EN, & SESZRLEU R, DEXNBERG P~rXt Theoretical Foundations for Critical Pedago~ 1 Schooling and the Culture of Positivism: Notes on the Death of History 2 Cultwe and Ration&~in FPanHW School Thought: Ideological Foundations for a Theory of Social Educa~on 3 Ideology and Agency in the Process of Schooling 4 Authority, Intellectuals, and the Politics of Practicd Leadrzg Part 2 Critical Pedago~in the Chsroom 5 Radical Pedagogy and the Politics of Studentvoice 6 Bor&r Pedagaw in the Age of Pasmodernism 7 Disturbing the Peace: Writing in the Cdturd Studies Classroom viii / Contents Par8 3 ContemporaryC oncerns 8 Rethi&mg the Boundaries of Educational Discourse: Madernism, Postmader~sma,n d Feminism 183 9 Inswgent MuXticultm&sm md the Promise of Pedagom List of Credits About the Bnak and Author Index Series Editors' Foreword As edtors of V\iestview"s series The Edge: Critical Studies in Educational Theory, we asked Henry Giroux to put together a series of his most definitive essays from the past fifteen years so that education and cultural smdies scholars collfd gain a sense of the roots and pro- gmssion of his work, Pedagop and the Polisics @Hope is the product of that request. Giroux's work is so prodigious and multidimensional that the effort to select a manageable but comprehensive sampling of it be- came a frustrating chore: '4Howc an we leave out the essay on the Frank- furt School?" or '" itdo? understand why the essay on the critique of re- production theory was deleted" became common questions and observations in our deliberations. To do justice to the variety of dis- courses that Giroux has dmkvn upon or the various theoretical advances he has offered in his relatively short career would require a QuintiZ- ianesque multivolume set. VVe yielded to the demands of practicality; Pedagoa and $he P0liti:ies sfHope is the result of our csnferences. We hope that readers will And the work inctuded here as compellirlg and in- sightful as we do, As this volume illustrates, Giroux is undoubtedly one of the most creative educational thinkers of "re last third af the twenti- eth cerrtury, and his innwatiwe scholarship and ixlflrlence will continue into the twenv-first century and beyond. Giroux's passion and genius revol~ar ound the strugge for a radical democracy both in the United States and in the world at large, Radical democmcx as he uses the term, involves the effofi to expand the possi- bility for social justice, freedom, and egalitarian social relations in the educational, economic, political, and cultural domains that locate men, women, and children in everyday Lik, Thus, Pedagog and Ile Polilics of Hope documents the development of Giroux" trademal-k language of critique and possibility and the ways be deploys it in the effort to expose the forces that undermine education for a critical democracy In the cantext of recent U.S. history such forces have Rsurished in the cocaan of Keaganism; ixldeed, it is in this envirunmezrt that GiruuxPsi nsufgelrt analyses take shape. In the Age of Reagan, Giroux's iaroduaion of Frankhrt School critical theory into the discourse of educational schol- arship struck a responsive chard with those offended by duplicitous rigllt-wing proclamations of an oppression-clean& history of Arrreri-

Henry A. Giroux is one of the most respected and well-known critical education scholars, social critics, and astute observers of popular culture in the modern world. For those who follow his considerably influential work in critical pedagogy and social criticism, this first-ever collection of his cl
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