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Pearl, transcribed by Ross G. Arthur PDF

35 Pages·1999·0.084 MB·English
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Pearl transcribed by Ross G. Arthur In parentheses Publications Middle English Series Cambridge, Ontario 1999 39a erle plea˜a(cid:158)te to prynces paye (cid:229) to clanly clos in golde ˜o|clere oute of oryent ˘ hardyly ˜aye ne proued ˘ neu¥ her precios pere ˜o ro(cid:158)de ˜o reken in vche araye ˜o ˜mal ˜o ˜mo%e her ˜yde’ were quere ˜o eu¥ ˘ ˘ugged g(cid:145)me’ gaye ˘|˜ette hyr ˜engeley (cid:148) ˜ynglure allas ˘|le˜te hyr (cid:148)|on erbere %ur’ gre˜˜e to gro(cid:158)de hit fro me yot 10 ˘|dewyne for#dolked of luf daungere of %at pryuy perle w(cid:160)#outen ˜pot Sy%en (cid:148) %at ˜pote hit fro me ˜prange ofte haf ˘ wayted wy˜chande %at wele %at wont wat’ whyle deuoyde my wrange & heuen my|happe & al|my hele %(cid:160) dot’ bot %rych my hert %range my bre˜te in|bale bot bolne & bele ’et %o’t me neu¥ ˜o|˜wete a|˜ange as ˜tylle ˜to(cid:158)de let to me ˜tele 20 for ˜o%e %¥ fleten to me fele to %enke hir color ˜o clad (cid:148) clot o moul %¢ marre’ a|myry iuele my p“uy perle w(cid:160)#outen ˜potte 3 %at ˜pot of ˜py˜e’ #####t nede’ ˜prede %er ˜uch|ryche’ to rot is r(cid:158)nen blome’ blayke & blwe & rede %er ˜chyne’ ful ˜chyr agayn %e ˜(cid:159)ne flor & fryte may not be fede %er hit do(cid:159) drof (cid:148) molde’ d(cid:159)ne 30 for vch gre˜˜e mot grow of grayne’ dede no whete were elle’ to wone’ w(cid:153)ne of goud vche goude is ay by#g(cid:154)ne ˜o ˜emly a|˜ede mo’t fayly not %(cid:160) ˜prygande ˜pyce’ vp ne ˜p(cid:153)ne of %at p“cios perle wythouten ˜potte 39b 4 To %at ˜pot %at ˘ in ˜peche expo(cid:158) ˘|entred in|%at erber grene in augo˜te in a|hy’ ˜ey˜o(cid:159) quen corne is coruen wyth croke’ kene 40 on|huyle %er perle hit trendeled do(cid:159) ˜chadowed %is worte’ ful ˜chyre & ˜chene gilofre gyngure & gromylyo(cid:159) & pyonys powdered ay by#twene ’if hit wat’ ˜emly on to|˜ene a|fayr reflayr ’et fro hit flot %er wonys %at wor%yly ˘|wot & wene my p“cio(cid:130) perle wyth#outen ˜pot 5 Bifore %at ˜pot my|honde ˘ ˜p(cid:144)nd for care ful|colde %at to me ca’t 50 a|deuely dele in my hert d(cid:144)ned %a’ re˜o(cid:159) ˜ette my#˜eluen ˜a’t ˘|playned my perle %(cid:160) %¥ wat’ ˜p(cid:144)ned wyth fyrte ˜kylle’ %at fa˜te fa’t %a’ kynde of kry˜t me comfort k(cid:144)ned my wreched wylle (cid:148) wo ay|wra’te ˘|felle vpon %at floƒy fla’t ˜uche odoƒ to|my herne’ ˜chot ˘|˜lode vpon a ˜lep(cid:192)g ˜la’te on %at p“cos perle w(cid:160)#outen ˜pot 60 Æ ro ˜pot my ˜pyryt %er ˜prang (cid:148) ˜pace my body on|balke %er|bod (cid:148)|˜weuen my go˜te is gon in gode’ grace in auenture %¥ meruayle’ meuen ˘ ne wy˜te in|%is worlde quere %(cid:160) hit wace bot ˘|knew me ke˜te %¥ klyfe’ cleuen towarde a|fore˜te ˘ bere %e face where rych rokke’ wer to dy˜creuen %e|ly’t of hem my’t no mon|leuen %e glemande glory %at of hem gl(cid:144)t 70 for wern neu¥ webbe’ %at wy’e’ weuen of half ˜o dere adubmente 40a 7 Dubbed wern alle %o downe’ ˜yde’ w(cid:160) cry˜tal klyffe’ ˜o cler of kynde holte#wode’ bry’t aboute hem|byde’ of bolle’ as blwe as ble of|ynde as borny˜t ˜yluer %e lef on|˜lyde’ %at %ike con|trylle on vch a|tynde quen glem of glode’ agayn’ hem|glyde’ wyth ˜chym¥(cid:192)g ˜chene ful ˜chrylle %ay ˜chynde 80 %e grauayl %at on gro(cid:158)de con grynde wern p“cio(cid:130) perle’ of oryente %e ˜(cid:158)ne#beme’ bot blo & blynde ˘n re˜pecte of %at adubbement 8 The adubbemente of %o downe’ dere garten my go˜te al greffe for#’ete ˜o frech flauore’ of fryte’ were as fode hit con me fayre refete fowle’ %¥ flowen (cid:148) fryth (cid:148) fere of fla(cid:159)bande hwe’ bo%e ˜male & grete 90 bot ˜ytole ˜tr(cid:192)g & gyt¥nere her reken myr%e mo’t not retrete for quen %o˜e brydde’ her wynge’ bete %ay ˜ongen wyth a|˜wete a˜ent ˜o gracos gle cou%e no mon gete as here & ˜e her adubbement 9 So al wat’ dubbet on|dere a˜y˜e %at fryth %er|fortwne forth me fere’ %e der%e %erof for to deuy˜e nis no wy’ wor%e %at tonge|bere’ 100 ˘|welke ay forth (cid:148)|wely wy˜e no bonk ˜o|byg %(cid:160) did me dere’ %e fyrre (cid:148) %e fryth %e|feier con ry˜e %e playn %e|plontte’ %e ˜py˜e %e pere’ & rawe’ & rande’ & rych reuere’ as fyldor fyn her bnkes brent ˘|wan to a water by|˜chore %at ˜chere’ lorde dere wat’ hit adubbement 40b 10 The dubbemente of %o derworth depe wern|bonke’ bene of|beryl bry’t 110 ˜wangeande ˜wete %e|water con|˜wepe wyth a|rownande rourde raykande ary’t (cid:148) %e fo(cid:158)ce %¥ ˜tonden ˜tone’ ˜tepe as glente %ur’ glas %at glowed & gly’t a|˜tremande ˜terne’ quen ˜tro%e m(cid:144) ˜lepe ˜taren (cid:148) welkyn (cid:148) wynt¥ ny’t for vche|a pobbel (cid:148) pole %er py’t wat’ Emerad ˜affer o%¥ g(cid:145)me gente %at alle %e lo’e lemed of|ly’t ˜o dere wat’ hit adubbem(cid:144)t 120 he dubbem(cid:144)t dere of do(cid:158) & dale’ (cid:223) of wod & wat¥ & wlonk playne’ bylde in me blys abated my bale’ for#didden my|˜tre˜˜e dy˜tryed my payne’ do(cid:158) after a|˜trem %at dry’ly hale’ ˘|bowed in|blys bred#ful my brayne’ %e fyrre ˘|fol’ed %o˜e floty vale’ %e more ˜trengh%e of ioye myn|herte ˜trayne’ as fortune fares %¥ as ho frayne’ whe%¥ ˜olace ho ˜ende o%¥ elle’ ˜ore 130 %e wy’ to wham her wylle ho wayne’ hytte’ to|haue ay more & more 12 More of wele wat’ (cid:148) %at wy˜e %(cid:144) ˘|cow%e telle %a’|˘|tom hade for vr%ely herte my’t not ˜uffy˜e to %e ten%e|dole of %o gladne’ glade for#%y ˘|%o’t %(cid:160) parady˜e wat’ %er o%¥ gayn %o bonke’ brade ˘ hoped %e water were a|deuy˜e by#twene myr%e’ by mere’ made 140 by’onde %e broke by|˜lente o%¥ ˜lade ˘|hope %(cid:160) mote merked wore bot %e water wat’ depe ˘|dor˜t not wade & eu¥ me longed a|more &|more 41a 13 More & more & ’et wel|mare me|ly˜te to| ˜e %e|broke by#’onde for if hit wat’ fayr %¥ ˘|con fare wel loueloker wat’ %e fyrre londe abowte me con ˘ ˜tote & ˜tare to fynde a|for%e fa˜te con|˘|fonde 150 bot wo%e’ mo ˘wy˜˜e %¥ ware %e fyrre ˘|˜talked by %e|˜tronde & euer me %o’t ˘ ˜chulde not wonde for wo %er|wele’ ˜o w(cid:192)ne wore %(cid:144)ne nwe note me com on honde %at meued my|mynde ay more|&|more 14 More meruayle con my dom ada(cid:158)t ˘|˜e’ by’onde %at myry mere a|cry˜tal clyffe ful relu˜a(cid:158)t mony|ryal ray con|fro hit rere 160 at %e fote %¥#of %¥ ˜ete a|fa(cid:158)t a|mayden of men˜ke ful|debonere bly˜nande whyt wat’ hyr blea(cid:158)t ˘|knew hyr wel ˘|hade ˜en hyr ere as gly˜nande golde %at man con ˜chere ˜o ˜chon %at ˜chene an|vnder ˜hore on|lengh$ ˘ loked to|hyr|%ere %e lenger ˘|knew hyr more & more 15 The more ˘ fray˜te hyr fayre face her fygure fyn quen ˘ had fonte 170 ˜uche gladande glory con|to me glace as lyttel byfore %erto wat’ wonte to calle hyr ly˜te con me enchace bot bay˜m(cid:144)t gef myn|hert a|br(cid:158)t ˘|˜e’ hyr in ˜o ˜trange a|place ˜uch a|burre my’t make m(cid:192) herte bl(cid:158)t %(cid:144)ne vere’ ho vp her fayre fro(cid:158)t hyr vy˜ayge whyt as playn yuore %at ˜tonge m(cid:192) hert ful ˜tray ato(cid:158)t & eu¥ %e|lenger %e more & more 180 41b ore %en me ly˜te my drede aros (cid:231) ˘|˜tod ful|˜tylle & dor˜te not calle wyth y’en open & mouth ful|clos ˘ ˜tod as hende as hawk (cid:148) halle ˘ hope %at go˜tly wat’ %(cid:160) porpo˜e ˘ dred on#ende quat ˜chulde byfalle le˜t ho me e˜chaped %at ˘%¥ chos er ˘ at ˜teuen hir mo’t ˜talle %at gracios gay w(cid:160)outen galle ˜o ˜mo%e ˜o ˜mal ˜o ˜eme ˜ly’t 190 ry˜e’ vp (cid:148) hir|araye ryalle a p“cos pyece (cid:148) perle’ py’t 17 Perle’ py’te of|ryal prys %ere mo’t mon by grace haf|˜ene quen %at frech as flor de|lys do(cid:158) %e bonke con|bo’e by#dene al bly˜nande whyt wat’ hir beau|uiys vpon at ˜yde’ &|bo(cid:158)den bene wyth %e myrye˜te margarys at my|deuy˜e %at eu¥ ˘|˜e’ ’et with myn y’en 200 wyth lappe’ large ˘|wot & ˘|wene dubbed with double perle & dy’te her cortel of ˜elf ˜ute ˜chene w(cid:160) p“cios perle’ al vmbe#py’te 18 A py’t coroune ’et wer %at gyrle of mariorys & non o%¥ ˜ton hi’e pynakled of cler quyt perle wyth flurted flowre’ perfet vpon to hed hade ho non o%¥ werle her lere leke al hyr vmbe#gon 210 her ˜embla(cid:158)t ˜ade for doc o%¥ erle her ble more bla’t %en whalle’ bon as ˜chorne golde ˜chyr her fax %(cid:144)ne ˜chon on|˜chyldere’ %at legh$ vnlapped ly’te her depe coloƒ ’et wonted non of p“cios perle (cid:148) porfyl py’te 42a 19 Py’t wat’ poyned & vche a|h(cid:145)me at honde at ˜yde’ at ouerture wyth whyte perle & non o%¥ g(cid:145)me &|borny˜te quyte wat’ hyr ue˜ture 220 bot a|wonder perle w(cid:160)#outen w(cid:145)me in#mydde’ hyr|bre˜te wat’|˜ette ˜o ˜ure a|m(cid:137)ne’ dom mo’t dry’ly d(cid:145)me er mynde mo’t malte (cid:148) hit me˜ure ˘|hope no|tong mo’t endure no ˜au¥ly ˜aghe ˜ay of %(cid:160) ˜y’t ˜o wat’ hit clene & cler & pure %at p“cios perle %¥ hit wat’ py’t 20 Py’t in perle %at p“cios pyse on wy%¥ half wat¥ com|do(cid:158) %e ˜chore 230 no gladder gome he%en (cid:148)#to grece %(cid:144) ˘ quen|ho on|br(cid:216)me wore ho wat’ me nerre %en|a(cid:158)te or nece my ˘oy for#%y wat’ much %e more ho „fered me ˜peche %(cid:160) ˜pecia´ |˜pyce enclynande lowe (cid:148) w(cid:154)mon|lore ca’te of her coro(cid:158) of grete tre˜ore & hayl˜ed me wyth a|lote ly’te wel wat’ me %(cid:160) eu¥ ˘|wat’ bore to ˜ware %at ˜wete (cid:148) perle’ py’te 240 perle ˇ ˘ in|perle’ py’t O art %¢ my perle %at ˘|haf playned regretted by m(cid:192) one on ny’te much longe(cid:192)g haf ˘|for %e layned ˜y%en into gre˜˜e %¢ me agly’te pen˜yf payred ˘|am|for#payned & %¢ (cid:148) a|lyf of lyk(cid:192)g ly’te in paradys erde of|˜tryf vn˜trayned what wyrde hat’ hyder my iuel vayned & don me in %ys del & gret daunger 250 fro we (cid:148) tw(cid:192)ne wern towen &|twayned ˘|haf ben a|˘oyle’ ˘uelere 42b 22 That ˘uel %(cid:144)ne in g(cid:145)me’ gente vered vp her vy˜e w(cid:160) y’en graye ˜et on hyr coro(cid:158) of perle ori(cid:144)t & ˜oberly after %(cid:144)ne con|ho ˜ay (cid:236) ’e haf yoƒ tale my˜e#tente to ˜ay yoƒ perle is al|awaye %at is (cid:148)|cofer ˜o|comly clente as (cid:148) %is gardyn gracios gaye 260 here#(cid:148)ne| to|lenge for|eu¥ & play %er mys nee morn(cid:192)g com neu¥here her were a|for˜er for %e (cid:148) faye if %¢ were a|gentyl ˘ueler 23 Bot ˘ueler gente if %¢ ˜chal lo˜e %y ioy for a|g(cid:145)me %at %e|wat’|lef me %ynk %e put (cid:148) a|mad porpo˜e & bu˜ye’ %e aboute a|ray˜o(cid:158) bref for %at %¢ le˜te’ wat’ bot a|ro˜e %at flowred &|fayled as kynde hyt gef 270 now %ur’ kynde of|%e ky˜te %(cid:160)|hyt con clo˜e to a|perle of prys hit is put (cid:148) pref & %¢ hat’ called %y wyrde a|%ef %at o’t of no’t hat’ mad %e cler %¢ blame’ %e|bote of %y me˜chef %¢ art no kynde ˘ueler 24 A ˘uel to me %en wat’ %ys ge˜te & iuele’ wern hyr g(cid:144)tyl ˜awe’ ˘wy˜e ˇ ˘ my bly˜fol be˜te my grete dy˜tre˜˜e %¢ al|todrawe’ 280 to|be excu˜ed ˘|make reque˜te ˘|trawed my perle don|out of dawe’ now haf ˘ fonde hyt ˘|˜chal ma fe˜te & wony w(cid:160) hyt (cid:148) ˜chyr wod ˜chawe’ &|loue my lorde & al|his lawe’ %at hat’ me bro’ %ys blys ner now were ˘ at yow by’onde %i˜e|wawe’ ˘ were a ioyful ˘ueler 43a 25 Iueler ˜ayde %at g(cid:145)me clene wy borde ’e|men ˜o madde ’e be 290 %re worde’ hat’ %¢ ˜poken at ene vn#a#vy˜ed for|˜o%e wern alle %re %¢ ne wo˜te in worlde quat ####on dot’ mene %y worde by#fore %y wytte #######con|fle %¢ ˜ays %¢ trawe’ me (cid:148) %is dene by#caw˜e %¢ may w(cid:160) y’en me ˜e ano%¥ %¢ ˜ays (cid:148) %ys co(cid:158)tre %y#˜elf|˜chal won w(cid:160) me ry’t|here %e %rydde to|pa˜˜e %ys wat¥ fre %at may no ioyfol ˘ueler 300 halde %at iueler lyttel to pray˜e (cid:237) %at loue’ wel %(cid:160) he ˜e’ wyth y’e & much to|blame & vn#cortoy˜e %at leue’ oure lorde wolde make a|ly’e %at lelly hy’te yoƒ lyf to ray˜e %a’ fortune dyd yoƒ fle˜ch to dy’e ’e|˜etten hys worde’ ful we˜ternays %at loue’ no#%(cid:192)k bot ’e hit ˜y’e & %at (cid:148)s a|po(cid:192)t o|˜orquydry’e %at vche god mon may euel by˜eme 310 to leue no|tale be t£e to|try’e bot %at hys one ˜kyl may|dem 27 Deme now %y#˜elf if %¢ con|dayly as man to god worde’ ˜chulde heue %¢ ˜ayt’ %¢ ˜chal won (cid:148) %is bayly me %ynk %e|burde fyr˜t a˜ke leue & ’et of gra(cid:158)t %¢ my’te’ fayle %¢ wylne’ ou¥ %ys water to|weue er mo˜te %¢ ceuer to o%¥ co(cid:158)˜ayl %y cor˜e (cid:148) clot mot calder keue 320 for hit wat’ for#garte at paradys greue oure ’ore#fader hit con my˜˜e’eme %ur’ drwry deth bo’ vch ma dreue er ou¥ %ys dam h(cid:216) dry’t(cid:192) deme

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