\jf\>C^(r^ M\ r^ CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY GIFT OF Coolidge Otis Chapman ,PhD. Cornell, 1927 URIS . CORNELLUNIVERSITYLIBRAfiY 924 059 407 035 DATE DUE i^AviOBp PRINTEDINU.S-A. Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924059407035 SELECT EARLY ENGLISH POEMS * SELECT EARLY ENGLISH POEMS EDITED BY SIR GOLLANCZ. I. PEARL, WITH MODERN VIII. RENDERING, &c. •:^'4Q.^;-g'•f•;';'0';.ig)':;•-.(S;::0"-'iVi0'iLi>m;i'.r©'n}l Byarrangementwith Messrs. Chatto&^ IVindus, thepublishersof" TheMedievalLibrary"in which the OrdinaryEditionisincluded, this LargePaper Edition{limitedto 200copies, 1^0forsale) hasbeen specially,prepared, to range in format with the Series of"Select EarlyEnglishPoems" ofwhich itforms Vohcme VIII. J^hlfn^yt^.^jJi/OAt