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TaiaiaAklef red ani ndigenmoaunsi e fst o PEACPEO,W ERRI,G HTEOUSNESS AN INDIGENOUSM ANIFESTO PEACEP,O WERR,I GHTEOUSNESS ------- -- ------- AN INDIGENOUS MANIFESTO TAIAIAKEA LFRED • • • OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS OXFORD UNIVERSITYP RESS 70W ynforDdr ivDeo,n M illOsn,t ariMo3 C 1J9 www.oupcan.com OxfrodN ewY ork AtheAnusc klBaanndg kBookg oBtuae Aniorse Csa lcutta CapTeow n ChennDaaeirsS alaDaeml Fhlio rence Hong Kong IastnbuKalra cKhuia Lluam rp Muadrid Melbourne Mexico City MumbaNia irPoabriSi iisPo a ulSoi ngaTpaiopreeTioky o Toronti-voa rsaw anda ssociated coimnp anies Berlin Ibadan Oxfrodis a trademaorfOk x forUdn iversPirteys s Canadian CataliongP uuibnlgi catDiaotna AlfreTda,i aiake Pe.1pcoew,e rr,i ghteousness Includbeisb liograprheifcearle nacnedis n dex. ISBN 0-19-541216-8 1.N ativpee oples-Canada-Poalnidtg iocvse rnment.* 2.I ndiaonfsN ortAhm erica-Polaintdig cosv ernment. 3.S elf-determiNnaattiioonna,l -Cana4d.Sa e.l f-determiNnaattiioonna,l ­ UniteSdt ate5s..N ativpee oples-Canada-Goverrnemleantti ons.* 6.I ndiaonfsN ortAhm erica-Governmreenlta tioIn.Ts i.t le. E98.T77A14939 9 323.1'197 C99-930-242 6 Copyri©g hOtxforUdn iversPirteysC sa nad1a9 99 1 2 3 042 0 -10 09 9 Thisb ooki sp rirtoendp ermane(natc id-fpraepee�)r· PrintiendC anada Inm emorRyo Lnoa ffrn acae ,t Mrouhea wk. Brotmhaeyyro ,fiu n pde apcoew,ae nrrd,i tgehousness on thoet hseird teh seok fy . Today Is uddenbleaycm aew aero f youuro iscoedusnin ga corss thfero ets. Appr1mcmhoiivnnaggrc ,so s, brarias yosu1 wi,nc oimng, trcaeo5ft hem, ouar. 1tco.er ss Asi if ubsatr ely, iitsc ecionmogm inous, fros moskhelo dsui tlbler iisng att hpel ace, thpel awchee reu stdeht oes ymo ke anwdh efrroem,e rwlegy ai,n ewdio smd. Thearsey ,oc ua myeo,su a w numeruossg ins ofo uarnc esst.o r -frotmh eKa ienkeorwea Contents Thanksgivinigx FirsWto rds xz A Noteo nT erminologxyx v PEACE • • • NativAem ericaPno litTircaadli tio1n s NativPeo litEilciatle s3 0 POWER • • • TheA buseo fP ower 44 Re-empowermen4t6 'Soverei-gAnnt yI'n approprCioantcee pt5 5 ColoniMaeln talit7i3e s Co-optati7o0n Self-ConsTcriaoduist ional8i0s m Leadershi8p9 Responsibil9i1t y RIGHTEOUSNESS • • • Money 114 ModerTnr eatiAe Psa:t ht oA ssimilatio1n1?9 Fort heY outTho:w ardasN ew NativLee adershi1p2 8 Notes 147 Bibliograp1h5y9 Index 169 Thanksgiving Watkwanotnsieior nawteonntt oshantorenoh·n,no enr kowhen atoanhnsikowna,r tskina ieanrhetniwoant,n ehnkoionkkaww,na e otneethna shnkoanh ihsonha, onhnonkwtaashontnoshiniao kwirtoathonnnoei,n o kwiroiweahnteinnsi ­ ahesthaahsnn,oeka n r ioon kwateinhnkatetansh enirooann kiiawis ahtakwehnia, nek ewenreonwtsaa hnnoekn e nnikawerhartaiswtaesshi,rt aesh,tw iaotksehhi­ha neokar akiweah,te insinotahthaas ontieonrnaehthta ohknneeoShn o, n kwaiatison rahonahtstearhanohohonnnk iero anh,o nha Sonnekt weahisaotnikswoanw,i s nahotteehnw anitaahhensohna s,n ihtehiwoenttohisaott naann hianhoont an tstis ionneh. We addreasnsd o ffethra nktsot hee arth where bheuimnagdnsw eltlo, thes treamtsh,ep oolasn,d t hel aketsh,ec om anfdr uitthsem, e dicines andt reetsot, h ef oresftosrt heiurs efulnaensdst ,ot hea nimatlhsa atr e fooda ndg ivteh eipre ltfso rc lothitnotg h,e g reawti ndsa,n dt hel esser onest,ot het hundetrot; h eS unt,h em ightwya rritoort ,h em oont;o t he messengoefrt sh eC reatwohro r evehailws i sheasn dt ot heC reatwohro dwellisnt heh eaveanbso vweh og iveasl tlh et hinugsse ftuolh umans, andw hoi st hes ourcaend t her uleorfh ealatnhd l ife.

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