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"Zur Dislokation der Auxiliartruppen in den Donauprovinzen" Limes-Stud.ien Vortrge des 3 Internationalen Limes-Kongresses in Rhein- felden (Basle 1959) "Neue rütische Nilitardiplome aus Straubing und Elning" Germania 39 (1961) "Em neues Nilitrdiploinfragment aus Eining" Germania 11.6 (1968) Radn6ti A. and. "The Distribution of troops in Pannonia Bark6czi L. Inferior during the 2nd Century A.D." Acta Arch. Hung. 1 (1951) Richmond l.A. "Roman Britain and Roman Nilitary Antiquities" Proceedings of the British Academy (1955) Ritterling E. "Zur Erklrung von Arrians" ' AXcLV\l t K T ty K Vd.ner Studien 211. Bormann Pestheft (1902) "Nilitary forces in the Senatorial Provinces" JRS 17 (1927) Rostovtzeff N. Iranians and Greeks in South Russia (Ocford 1922) Howell H.T. Review of Kraft Rekrutierung, JRS k3 (1953) Sad.d.ington D. "The Roman Auxilia in Tacitus, Josephus and. other Early Imperial writers" Acta Classica (South Africa) 13 (1970) Salama P. 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Die kaiserlichen Beamten und Truppenk8rper im rmischen Deutschland. unter dem Prinzipat (Vienna 1932) (Beamten) "Die römischen Reichsbeamten von Achaia bis - aui Diokletien" Schriften der Balkankommission 9 (1939) Suolahti J. Junior Officers of the Roman Army (Helsinki 1955) Sutherland aH.V.The Romans in Spain (London 1939) Swoboda E. "Forhungen am obermösischen Limes" Schriften der Balkankommission 10 (1939) Syme R. "The Spanish War of Augustus (26-25 B.C.)" American Journal of Philology (19311.) 55 "First Garrisons of Trajan's Dacia" Laureae Aquincenses (1938) "The Lower Danube under Trajan" JRS 11.9 (1959) "The conquest of North-West Spain" Leglo VII Gemina (León 1970) Szilagyi J. "Die rmische Okkupation von Aquincwn und Nordostpannonien" Laureae Aquincenses 1 (1938) "Roman garrisons stationed at the Northern Pannonian-Qua.d frontier-sectors of the Empire" Acta Arch. Hung. 2 (1952) Tth E and "Beitr&ge zu Pannoniens Geschichte im Zeitalter Vekdny G. des Vespasianus" Acta Arch. Hung. 22 (1970) Toynbee J.N.C. Death and Burial in the Roman World (London 1971) Tudor D. "Collegium d.uplariorum" Latomus 22 (1963) "Comunicri Epigrafice 3" Studii ci cercetri de Istorie Veche 2t. 16 (1965) 589 Ulbert G. "Aislingen und. Burghfe" Limesforschungen I (Berlin 1959) "Zur Grenze zwischen den rmischen Provinzen Norikum und Raetia" BVb1. 36 (1971) Vigil N. "Ala II Plavia Hispanorum civium Romanorum" Arch. Esp. Arg. 3i- (1961) Vukovic - "Recherches rScentes sur le Limes Danubien T od.o rovi6 en Serbie" Quint. Congr. Internat. Limitis Romani (Zagreb 1963) Vulpe R. "La Valachie et la Basse-Noldavie sous les Romains" Dacia 5 (1961) Wagner W. Die Dislokation der r8mischen Au.xiliar- formationen in den Provinzen Noricum, Pannonien, Moesien und Dakien von Augustus bis Gallienus (Berlin 1938) (Dislokation) Watson G.R. The Roman Soldier (Bristol 1969) Weerd. H.van de "La Cohors Astunun et Callaecorum et la and Cohors I Asturum et Callaecorum" Hommages . De Laet S.J. J. Bidez et . F. Cumont (Brussels 19k9) Collection de Latomus 2. Weigand E. Zweiter Bericht über die Ausgrabungen in Pergainon (1928/32 (1932) Wenham L.P. "Notes on the garrisoning of Maryport" 39 (1939) Wheeler R.E.N. The Roman Fort near Brecon (London 1926) Wilkes J.J. Dalmatia (London 1969) 590 ABBREVIATIONS Acta Arch. Thing. Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hurigaricae, Budapest. Archaeologia Aeliana, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Series 1_br. AE L'Anne Lpigraphique, Paris. AJA American Journal of Archaeology. AJP American Journal of Philology. Arch. Anz. Arch&ologischer Anzeiger. Arch. Cajnb. Archaeoiogia Cambrensis, Cardiff. Arch. Ert. Archaeologiai rtesit8, Budapest. Arch. Esp. Arg. Archivo Espeol de Arqueologia. Arch. J. Archaeological Journal, London. Athenaeum Athenaeum. Stud.i period.ici di letteratura e storia deli' Antichit, Pavia. BAA Bulletin d'Archeologie Algrienne. BAN Bulletin d'Archeologie Marocaine. BerRGK Berichte der R8misch-Germanischen Kommission, Frankfurt/Berlin. BGU lgyptische Urkunden aus den Museen zu Berlin: Griechische Urkunden. BJ Bonner Jahrbücher, Bonn. B?IP British Museum Papyrns, London. BVb1. Bayerische Vorgeschichtsbltter, Munich. CAH Cambridge Ancient History, Cambridge. OIL Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, Berlin. Owl-2 Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmorland. Antiquarian and Archaeological Society, Kendal, Series 1-2. Dada Dacia: Revue d'Archolog1e et d'Histoire Ancienne, Bucharest. 591 EE Ephemeris Epigraphica, Berlin. Ep. St. Epigraphische Studien (Beihefte of BJ), Kln-Graz. Germania Anzeiger der R8mlsche-Germanischen Konimisslon des Deutschen Archaeologischen Institute, Berlin. Historia Historia: Zeitsebrift Thr alte Geschichte, WI e sbad.en. IEJ Israel Exploration Journal, Jerusalem. IGR Inscriptiones Graecae ad. res Romanas pertinentes, ed.. R. Cagnat, Paris 1901-1921. ILN Inscriptions Latins du Maroc, fasc.1 ed.. L. Chatelain, Paris, l9i.2. ILS Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae, ed. H. Dessau, Berlin, 1892-1916. JbRGZM Jahrbuch des R8inisch-Germanischen Zentral- museums, Nainz. JAI Jahreshefte des österreichischen Archablogischen Institute, Vienna. Journ. Jar. Pap. Journal of Juristic Papyrology. JRS Journal of Roman Studies, London. Klio Kilo: Beitrge zur alten Geschichte, Berlin. LA Laureae Aguincenses (memoriae V. Kuzsinszky dicatae) 1-2 (Dies. Penn. ser.2, 10-11). Budapest, 1938-1.1. Lat omus Latomus: Revue des tudes Latines, Brussels. Libyca Libyca, Bulletin du service des Antiguits, Algiers. Madrid. Mitt. Madrider Nitteilungen. MAMA Monumenta Asiae Ninoris Antigua. 592 ORL Der Obergermanisch-rtische Limes des Rmerreichea 189ktf. P. Dura. The Excavations at Dura-Europos, Final Report V, Part 1 The Parc hments and the Papyri, ed. C.G. Welles, R.O. Fink and J.P. Gilliam (New Haven 1959). PIR1 , PIR2 Prosographia Imperii Romanii. P. London Greek papyri in the British Museu.m. P. Nich. Michigan Papyri (University of Michigan Studies, Humanistic series). P. Oxy. The Oxyrbynchus Papyri. Vols. 1-16 by B.P. Grenfell and A.S. Thint, London. PWRE Pauly Wissowa Real-EnzklopMie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft, Stuttgart. RIB The Roman Inscriptions of Britain: 1 Inscriptions on Stone, ed. R.G. Collingwood and H.P. Wright, Oxford, 1965. SB Saininelbuch griechischer Urkunden aus Igypten by P. Preisigke and F. Bilabel. Srpska Spomenik Srpska Kraljevska Akademija Spomenik, Belgrade. TIR Tabula Imperii Roniani. 593 Table I plo'rita o t} n4 C. in Painona iprior CIL XV 6 11 77 XVI P4 XII 178 XVI 96 XVI 97 XVI 99 LVI 104 AE 1960 Ai 133 133 1 146 148 149 150 154 163 ALA. I Ulpia contarlorum & 1 (1) (1) 1 1 1 I Thracum victrix 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 I Cannnefatim 5 (3) 3 3 4 2 3 2 I Hispanorum Ar(a)vac. 4 (4) 4 4 3 3 1' 11. 3 III Au usta Thracm sag. 5 5 5 5 4 2 5 (4) CO 0RS. I Aelia Caez. & sag. 1 (1) 1 2 1 7 I IJipia Pannoniorum & 2 2 3 2 1 2 1 3 I Thracum o.R. 3 (3) 3 5 3 2 (5) II Alpinorum 4 (4) 1). 7 4 6 IV voluritariorur. c.R. 4? 6 4 5 1 V Caliaecorum Locensium 5 5 5 6 4 (4) XVIII volun ariorum c.R. 5 7 3 7 5 2 () indicates a probable restoration. - indicates that the diolorna was issued to a mao from the unit concerned. * recruited from the Azali. 594 Table II RElATIONS IN PPE SAI'E U'IT IN TFIE SPALH AIXILIA ALA TRIBE OR RELATIONSHIP DIFFERT:T 3Ar.E POSSIBLY DATE NATIONAtIFY) UNIT UNIT 3AE UNIT (APPROX.) j. II Aravacorun Sueltri Cousins (2) Early 1st C. (III 5286) ii. II Aravacorum Spanish Brother 4 flidlstC. (Ill 5271) (both decurions) iii. Asturum Ubii Brother Early 1st C. (II.s 2509) iv. I Auriana Treveri Brother + + Earlyist C. II Asturum (III l!4.349,8) V. II Ulpia Brother 3rd C. ? Auriana (decurion & (ILS 2535) duplicarius) vi. I Fispanoruni Lin'ones Brother Early 1st C. (ILS 2529) vii. I Rispanoruin Vangiones Brother Early 1st C. (Arch. Anz 1909,290) viii. I Asturuin Celtic I Brother + First half III Lusitan- (Noricuin?) 2nd C. Drum (Pro Austria Romana 15, 1963,1) ix. V Riepanorum ?1oesia ? Brother + 3rd C. ? (VIII 4416) (decurion & (probab1y duplicariun) x. 1I fLlu censiuni Spanish ? Brother 1st C. 8486) (eques) xi. VII Lusitan- ? Brother 2nd C. orulli (eques) (VIII 3147) +? indicates that the inscription was erected by a relation who does not state that he is a serving soldier.

Roman Britain and the Roman Army (Kendal. 1961) (RBRA.) "Promotions and transfers in the Roman Army 2: the Centurionate" Carnuntum Jahrbuch 1963/ti.
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