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Frisian Roundtafcle Table of contents from autumn 1975 through Vol.**, No.8, 1980 A. General Subjects Introduction v Frisians in Early New York Purpose of FRT Friesland Frisian Values,Jens Ualden and his Son,by Henry Was it Adventure, was it Opportunity? Vj/lin Silun Feer Good News from Home, the Dikes held The North Frisian Island of Heligoland, by Henry Barts Incertum Quo Fata Ferunt ^Frisians in the History of the US, by Dr.. F. Paultfen The Cautious and the Careless Between the 3rd Golden Age and the Gold Rush Here and there, Danger lurket everywhere £o"l rien Confirmation in St. Joh^nnis ?7 Y Age and Origin of the Frisian Islands 33 Order or Disorder with the Sword? 37 Martini, a Day of Clearance 3® Julf Christmas 39 Help and Gratitude 39 Christmas Season on Heligoland, by Henry Barts ^0 The beautifully decorated Christmas Tree H A frightning Radio Report ^2 Biiker's Inj 50 Simple Navigation ^ 53 Spring is in the Making * 5^ Thoughts on Mother's Day . 56 Borigsem Borig, Lembecksburg 61,70,77t88 A Skeleton in the Ojr^o&rd 63 Mare Frisium "3 Harro Harring,the Dream and the Man, by Henry Barts 71t75f&3v85 How Times have changed 73 The Foehingers in Retrospect, by Qelte Behrsnds ?° Greetings from Oomram 89 Frisians, Ethnicity, and America, by Dr. 0> Droege ?O?i97rlO94115;i2O, 12 Who says Pidder Lung is Dead? by Jans Shristensen 95 A. General Subjects An Appraisal of Friesland and the Frisian People 101 Florida and Little Florida 103 They never came back 112 The Month of February Q<£& The Time is Right, the Time is Ripe 119 Our Part in a Protest against Hi-Risers 141 A warm Welcome, and a moving Fare-well 146 An extra-ordinary Silver Wedding for an ordinary Couple 147 Three valid Reasons for Celebrating 154 The History of our Islander's Club 155 Legends and Facts 158,160,173 The Snowstorm turned out to be a Blessing 164 Bits of Island News l82 ^Introducing the Frisians, by Henry Barts 179 Death Statistics of 1774 from the St. Nickolai church 182 The Kui l85 Min Eilun Sol, my Island Sylt 189 Flying High and Fast *93 B. Stories about Individuals (Their Names in Parenthesis) ( Conrad Boysen) *° Another Immigrant's Experience (Ruulew Flor) 16 ( Jong Goentje) 21 ( Detlef Bronk) 22 A Letter from Petaluma ( Dine Fetersen.nee Feddersen ) 24 Jake the Cowboy ( Jacob Martens ) 35t 176 An Honorary Subscription ( Tim Parker ) „ .46 Holiday on Ice ( Susan Chasteen ) , 78 Jens is doing well ( Jens Jacob Eschels ) 50 The Steamship "OevenunT ( Andresen and Ernst Ketels ) 53 Her Dream came true ( Susan Chasteen ) 78 Visiting Relatives in Chicago ( Hein Simonsen ) 80 A Letter from Rev. Nissen ( Conrad Nissen ) 85 He denied his Own a Burial at Sea (Riewert Ketel{^V.^Quedens } 92 Sierks Lane ( John Sierks) 93t94 Three Generations on a Pilgrimage ( George Faltings ) 98 The Great Commander ( Cpt. Boy Petersen ) 11Ur He was not among them ( Tjiddl or Ketel Harken ) I26 B. Storios about Individuals' " ' Reliving the last 100 Years ( With Goentje Flor ) 127 An unforgettable Journey ( Hans Christian Andersen ) 132 A Letter to his Son in America ( Julius Roluffs ) 137 A Rank and Honor well deserved ( Eddy Petersen ) I'M) More about the Froddens ^ Experiences of a Frisian in South America (Fritz Kersten) 151 From the Memoirs of ( Nickels Gerret Ricklefs ) 156, 162, 168 Family Reunion in Chicago ( Simonsen-Behrends ) ^ Goos Cemetery, Goosport, Goos Mill ( Cpt. Daniel Goos ) 170 An Unexpected Visitor ( Dr. and Mrs. F. Paulsen ) 175 The "Peking" ( Henry Hinrichsen and Ernst Ketels ) 177 American-born Visitors (Mr. and Mrs.George halting with daughter and granddaughter,Carl & Elsa Braren) 182 1 R^ More on the Froddens in Chile At the Edge of a Tornado ( Rita Hansen ) 18? Return of Happy Wanderers (Chris Arfsten, Susan Lorenzen. Ingwert Juergens ; loo rC. Special Editions Hark Olufs Mutiny on the "Braganza" * Experiences of Newton Peters in America The Frisian Congress of 1979 D. Our Own little Hall of Fame Volkert Bohn Boh Nickelsen, Cornelius Kroon, Haye Laurens ^5 Lucky Matthias, Matthias Petersen , 7 116 Oluf Braren E. Bright Savings from our own Youngsters 122, 159, F. Poems Nu faar wel, min leew stal taarep 2" As't ens me mi forbi Woss. Nu wurd a eekern waller green Der Konig und der Kapitan Ju maad ei muar G. flnlden Wedding Anniversaries John Detlefsen and Julie, nee Ketelsen 10° ^Christian Simonsen and Inge, nee Nickelsen 10° 1 Henry Behrends and Ida, nee Rindfleisch 10° Max Frudden and Ingke, nee Roeloffs 136 H. Obituaries Henry Petersen Bernhard Rickmers Boy Bohn ^ Ocke Braren Peter Paulsen 62 Broder Braren 63 Simon A. Jacobs r Frodden Carlos Frodden Lorenzen, Chile Hinrich Hinrichsen Dr. Lorenz Hansen *"' 103 Goentje Braren, nee Ketelsen 103 Ingwert Juergens Dr. Asmus Schmidt-Petersen 108 Christian Simonsen Rev. Conrad Nissen Eric Kristensen 120 Christian Riewerts,jun. Jose Roeloffs, nee Matzen Roerd C. Matzen Max Rath3e . John P. Ketelsen • * Bernhard R. Rickmers JFRISIAN ROUNDTABLE 3&k Mhedekoatum ofithjp.£fhiMani S&aarn. BY AND FOR FRISIANS AND FRIENDS OF FRIESLAND Autumn, 1975 The Frisian Roundtable - our modest little newsletter - makes with this issue its first strides into the world. Hopefully it will for us, who live outside and often completely cut off from Friesland and from each other, become the meeting place where we can chat with each other in a friendly, honest, straight forward way about things and thoughts close to our heart and inner self, which we would have otherwise to bottle up inside, there just isn't anybody to talk to. Even at home, Frisians were driven by circumstances and force, first geographically and consequently mentally, into isolation, but nevertheless, in spite of oftentimes severe pressures from alien centralized governments, we have clung to our customs and manners. However, customs and manners are not the source for the human frame of mind, but its expression. And yet, even with such limi tations, the unique atmosphere of living, wherever there is a concentration of Frisians, the harmony, the *iharm, the tolerance, justice and reason, has brought many a non-Frisian as a friend into the Frisian family. Thus proving to us, that the values in our heritage are by no means of a minor order. But in the long run identity cannot survive, if the awareness of one's own self is not based on knowledge. Amiable sentiments f^are fine - and may even be durable - if there would be no outside "~ world to interfere, pressuring us into the conformity of un distinguished masses, Unfortunately there is, and the demands we are confronted with to withstand these pressures are threefold. -1- 2. First we have, like Lazarus, to rise from our psychological ck-bed of loosing identity. (A process which has already made some progress)• Secondly we have to learn not only to live with a Frisian identity, that has been done before, but to change it from a sort of liability lacking social status, to an asset by making it the basis for personal success and a meaningful life. Even in isolation and as a single individual we must not be afraid to rise above pressuring masses, just as the string of Frisian Islands is not afraid to rise above the raging North Sea. This, of coursef requires a deep-rooted faith in the worldfs unceasing need for many of the values embedded in our heritage, something that cannot be revived and stay alive without a thorough knowledge of history, particularly the events which formed our soul and consequently our national character, whose very existence we find today already more often denied than acknowledged. But only knowing is not enough, also to recognize its value is not enough - to live it - and to pass it on to our children - even in isolation - that is the Frisian Legacy, Frisians in Early New York: Tens of thousands of motorists enter Manhattan daily over the Third Avenue Bridge or leave it over the Willis Avenue Bridge. Very few of them are aware of the fact that they are crossing the site of the first European settlement north of the Harlem River. It is also the site of Jonas Bronckfs farm, which he named Emmaus, after the village where, according to the Bible, the risen Christ first appeared to His disciples. The farm house, east of the Third Avenue Bridge at trie foot of Lincoln Avenue, bore the Bronck family motto, "Yield not to evil.1' Jonas Bronck was a remarkable man. The son of a Danish Lutheran pastor, he was born in Copenhagen but spent most of his youth in the Faroe Islands, to which his father had been transferred. Later Jonas became influential in shipping circles in Holland, and was able to acquire ownership of a shipping vessel. The name choosen for his farm, his. family motto, and the selection of a name for his ship are indicative of the nature of this man. -2- 3 He named his ship De Brand van Trogen reminiscent of the Fire of ov. It may be recalled that after the fall of ancient Troy survivors sailed westward and founded the city of Rome. Mindful of his mission, the establishment of a new settlement in the New World, Bronck, too, sailed westward, not with survivors of a fire but with survivors of a devastating tide. It was the tide, so well known in Frisian history, that destroyed Old Nordstrand in 163*+ with a loss of lives estimated at 7000-8000. Dr. Frederick Paulsen, Alkersum/Foehr, has traced the passengers of De Brand van Trogen to the Frisian mainland in the area of Husum where most of the survivors of that tide had found refuge. Our Roundtable has been designed mainly for Frisians overseas particularly those living in the U.S.A. Many Frisian-Americans have expressed the need for such a publication. We hope it will Jfering about an awareness of our participation in the development of v .iis country. Our contributions may have been insignificant, yet, some of the well known American families can trace their ancestry back to Frisian immigrants. Each of the three parts of Greater Friesland has had, at least, one of its members in high government positions\ Peter Stuyvesant, Governor of New Amsterdam, a West Frisian? U.S. Senator Arfst Fruedden, a North Frisian; U.S. Senator Everet Dirkson, an East Frisian. The timing for the issuing of this first bulletin coincides very appropiatly with the approaching Bicentennial "celebrations. Our ever so small ethnic group has ample reason Ho join. The relatively massive immigration of our people to the U.S. started with the Gold Rush in 18*4-8. Many of these newcomers have gone thru interesting experiences, pleasant or unpleasant. With our next issue we shall begin printing stories about them. If a reader has any such story, we would appreciate having them sent to: Henry Barts, Chestnut Street, East Orange, New Jersey 0?018; or« R.C. Ketelsen, 2885 Roosevelt Avenue, Bronx, N.Y. 10*4-65. -3- FRISIAN ROUNDTABLE BY AND FFOR FRISIANS AND FRIENDS OF FRIESLAND Late Autumn* 1975 / Frieslandi/ The theory of an ancient Friesland, extending distantly into the a^ea now covered by the North Sea, may be fairly far-fetched even though traces of towns have been discovered in the shallow waters close to contemporary coastlines. Perhaps beneath its treacherous waves and powerful» turbulent currents the North Sea is preserving evidence of other settlements for future discovery. There is no single, unified nation by the name of Friesland des pite an -effort to maintain a Frisian identity and character. Each of the three areas now known as Friesland (West Friesland, East Friesland, and North Friesland) has had its own experience on the chessboard of ^t European politics. West Friesland, the largest of the three areas, was reduced to province status in the Netherlands in the sixteenth century. East Friesland lost its independence as a duchy in the eighteenth century when the government of Prussia placed the duchy under its "protection11 duririg the absence of a male heir, and to "avert the resultant unrest.11 North Friesland has Shown the greatest unwillingness to cooperate with centralized governments. Its time of greatest independence was when it was known as the Uthlande. Laws coming from Copenhagen or Schleswig were less strigently enforced here than ih other places. The Pledge of the Seven Hards (Siebenhardenbeliebung) in the St* Nikolai church in Bualigsem-Feer in 1426 was directed against yielding any of the special rights granted to North Friesland in the past. New kings and queens often tried to take those privileges away by drafting men into the army or by raising taxes. This was resented by the freedom- loving Frisians. After some juggling which preceded the War of 1864, Prussia annexed North Freisland and later incorporated it into the German Empire. -1- 5~ Even tiny Haliglun (Helgoland), the beautiful rock island 60 km. _from the mainland, could not evade the struggling European powers. Jenmark, dominating the North Sea for many centuries, counted Helgoland among its possessions until England took Helgoland over during the Anglo- Danish conflict of 1806. Another growing seapower, Germany, in 1890 received Helgoland from England in exchange for Zanzibar, off the coast of Southeast Africa. Frisians in Earlv New York (cont.): The Brand van Troeen arrived in Manhattan in I639 with a very interesting cargo. It was indeed unusual for the owner to be on board. He was, of course, Jonas Bronck, whose original name probably was Jens Mortensen Bronck. Being a member of an intellectual family, or, perhaps, having ex tensive training himself* he was aware of the importance of educational guidance for his mission, the establishment of a settlement in a foreign land. Therefore, he arranged to bring a library (consisting of fifty books) the selection of which is noteworthy* A Bible and several other theological books, books on agriculture, navigation, on construction of windmill's» a book for children in Danish, a book on Danish law, ohe on nish history, and a Danish calender. Other books were in Dutchj in German, and in Latin. The ship carried building material and, equally important, skilled men for construction. Bronck had not overlooked the importance of chimney sweeping. Therefore, he accepted a chimney-sweep for his journey. He was Peter Andressen. Peter, like many other immigrants, saw opportunities here which the old country could not offer. While continuing to practice his trade as a chimney-sweep he also became the owner of "a'tavern as well as the proprietor of a farm. His farm was located to the east of the Jonas Bronck farm in the area now known as Mott Haven. South-west of the Bronck farm, on the Manhattan side of the Harlem River, we find the goat farm of Jochen Pietersen-Kuyter, the captain of the Brand van Trocen. The fate of the remaining members of that group is not recorded ^but we do find numerous very familiar names as property owners during f that time1 Jens Jensen, Volkert Jensen, Jan Petersen Slot, Nicolas de Meyer (who became mayor of New York in I676), Hans Hansen, Arfst -2-

Meteorologists had detected the presence of an daughter, our glamor girl on ice, and Paula (Heinjs wife) made their appea rance, the latter three
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