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THE MAGAZINE FOR EMPLOYEES AND CUSTOMERS OF MC-BAUCHEMIE 2-2017 Auflösung Mitmachaktion Seite 3 M C Report Powering ahead MC power plant expertise in global demand Pages 8-10 MC News MC News MC News MC Innovation La Seine Musicale – a visionary Heritage-compatible Prestige project New high-tech mortar architectural landmark Page 4 refurbishment in Berlin Page 7 in Accra Page 11 for sewage structures Page 13 MMMCCC NEEddeiiwttoosrriiaall Dear Reader, Global energy demand is set to Musicale in Paris and the heritage-compatible restoration of the rise in the coming decades, with Gedächtniskirche (Memorial Church) in Berlin, through to construction of further shifts in the energy mix the Hilton Garden Inn in Ghana and the waterproofing of structures towards more regenerative sources. in Slovakia and Poland. Our partners are able to rely on our ability to It will only be possible to satisfy this consistently provide intelligent, high-quality solutions, backed by increase in demand by building individual advice and innovative product systems, two of which you’ll new power stations and upgrading, be able to read more about later in this issue. modernising and repairing existing facilities. This is where the compe- As ever, we round off our MC aktiv with news relating specifically to tence of our Energy & Renewables MC and its people. FoE (Field of Expertise) comes into play, a unit in which we have pooled We wish you an enjoyable read! more than 50 years of experience and expertise in the power plant sector. The main story in this issue of MC aktiv provides you with a small insight into Kind regards, our globally sought-after capabilities in this area. In the power plant industry and many other sectors, our product systems represent high-quality construction, reliable waterproofing and durable repair and protection. This issue illustrates another broad range of appli- cations, from refurbishing the fair-faced concrete façades of La Seine Dr.-Ing. Claus-M. Müller Contents Cover Photo View from below a cooling tower in Nied- MC Inside MC Report eraussem (Germany) which, at 200 metres high with a base diameter of 145 metres, is 3 MC’s distribution partner in South Africa 8 Powering ahead – the highest natural-draught stack of its kind MC power plant expertise in in the world. Products and admixtures from Training for Israeli applicators in Bottrop global demand MC ensure that the high-performance con- MC runs – smooth and fast to the The world’s hunger for energy is showing no crete used in the structure offers exceptional finishing line sign of slowing down. Whether fossil, nuclear or resistance against acid attack. regenerative energy, MC has a proven track record of 50 years serving planning engineers, contractors MC News and facility operators as a technology leader and Photo: MC-Bauchemie, Bottrop (Germany) 4 La Seine Musicale – trusted partner in the construction, repair and a visionary architectural landmark protection of concrete structures. MC product systems chosen to upgrade the fair-faced concrete façade of a unique concert venue. MC Innovation 6 Outstanding performance in Šamorín All buildings in the “x-bionic® sphere” sport and leisure 13 New high-tech mortar complex waterproofed with Nafuflex Profi Tech 2. With ombran MHP-SP 3000, MC has launched a new generation of mineral coatings for sewage structures onto the market. 7 Heritage-compatible refurbishment in Berlin Credits Intricate repair and refurbishment of the Kaiser Wilhelm New waterproofing slurry Memorial Church. With Nafutop HT, MC is able to offer a highly Publisher: flexible, crack-bridging waterproofing slurry MC-Bauchemie Müller GmbH & Co. KG 11 Prestige project in Accra for hot surfaces up to +70°C. Am Kruppwald 1–8 MC contributes to pioneering construction approach to 46238 Bottrop, Germany the Hilton Garden Inn in Ghana. MC Personnel Tel. +49 (0) 20 41/1 01-0 12 Safe and bright tunnel vision Fax +49 (0) 20 41/1 01-688 Tunnel operators in Switzerland opt for MC surface 15 Welcome to the team protection systems. www.mc-bauchemie.de New trainees at MC [email protected] 12 Frosty application in Poland “The Rock” Steinberg takes retirement Waterproofing systems from MC impress even under Managing editor/Conception: winter conditions. Saki Moysidis, MC-Bauchemie Editing: 14 News in brief Saki Moysidis, MC-Bauchemie Thomas Haver, Leitpunkt Kommunikation Design: iventos – Agentur für Marketing, Bochum 2| MC aktiv 2_2017 MC PMMMeCCrCs oII Nnnnsseaiiwddlieeas Verni employees at the MC/Verni stand at the “African Construction Expo & Totally Concrete Expo 2017” held in Johannesburg at the end of May 2017. MC’s distribution partner in South Africa MC has concluded an exclusive part- repair and protection of concrete In Johannesburg from 19 to 21 April together for their first joint exhibi- nership agreement for MC injection structures. The South African mar- 2017, MC employees met their Verni tion, manning a booth at the “African systems in South Africa with Verni ket is the most advanced on the con- counterparts from the back office and Construction Expo & Totally Concrete Speciality Construction Products tinent and offers MC good prospects field sales teams to deliver presenta- Expo 2017” in Johannesburg, which (Pty) Ltd., a South African provider for further expanding its presence tions and training on MC’s injection ran from 23 to 24 May 2017. of construction products for the in Africa. systems. Verni and MC then came Training for Israeli smooth and applicators in Bottrop fast to the finishing line Applicators from Israel travelled to Bottrop to participate in an Injection Sport is a great unifier, fostering team spirit across the generations and & Concrete Repair training course from 18 to 20 July 2017. The event was beyond departmental boundaries. This was impressively demonstrated by organised by Wolfgang Litz, Business Development Manager at MC, whose 12 colleagues from MC who, in three relay teams of four, took part in the territorial responsibilities include Israel, together with AZ Marketing Ltd, fifth VIVAWEST Marathon on 21 May 2017. And they posted some great MC’s long-standing distribution partner in Israel and itself a manufacturer results as they passed the baton along the course through the heart of of building products. The first two days were dedicated to providing the the Ruhr district, coming in first (3:30:37 hours), fifth (3:44:00 hours) and applicators with theoretical and practical insights into the benefits, appli- 32nd (4:37:08 hours). The group photo before the start, taken at the Music cations and usage of MC’s injection products. The fundamentals of con- Theatre in Gelsenkirchen, shows from left to right, standing: Dr. Jana Schüt- crete repair were then dealt with on the final day, with the areas covered ten, Kevin Buchholz, Markus Lebek, Matthias Rosenberg, Lars Jankowski, ranging from damage diagnosis and substrate preparation to repair and Friederike Lange, Christian Fyrk, Felix Elberfeld, Anna Richterich and Saki surface protection. Moysidis; and squatting: Vincent Oderah and Uta Griesdorn-Kleinkoenen. MC aktiv 2_2017 | 3 MC News La Seine Musicale – a visionary architectural landmark Paris – a city known for its The futuristic 36,000 square metre were also responsible for the Cen- of La Seine Musicale, the client and beauty and culture – has now building has an auditorium of 1,150 tre Pompidou in Metz. The concept the planning engineers decided to been enriched even further. seats and a performance hall that includes self-sufficiency in energy sup- adopt a façade upgrade system, opt- After three years of construc- can take up to 6,000 people. All ply: the dome-shaped glass façade in ing for MC’s products and expertise. tion, La Seine Musicale concert kinds of music are expected to be the centre of the building harnesses hall opened its doors in April played there. There are also rehearsal the sun’s rays and a photovoltaic sail Strong performance 2017. Costing 170 million euros, rooms for musicians, several record- moves in synchronisation with the In January 2017, the contractor this construction project on the ing studios, terraces and a restaurant. sun’s movement across the sky. Bouygues Construction had a number small Seine island of Seguin, And from the fourth floor, there is of test surfaces prepared by various west of the French capital near a beautiful panoramic view of the An overhead view of the glass roof bidders. As the music venue was due to Boulogne-Billancourt, has surrounding area. gives the impression of a bird’s nest, to open in just three months’ time, the already won numerous awards blending perfectly with the natural solution had to be as quick as it was for its bold visionary architec- At the MIPIM exhibition in Cannes, environment of the island and the reliable, and it was the product systems ture. And MC made a significant the construction project won the greenery of the building’s roof. In from MC that ultimately won the day. contribution to the external Best Futura Project Award for 2015, contrast to this centrepiece of the appearance of this prestige and one year prior to this was rec- construction, the building is enveloped The MC system consisted of a fine build. ognised with the Biodiversity Label. by an imposing façade of impres- concrete cosmetic filler from the The planning and execution of this sive aesthetic elegance based on a Emcefix family, the pigmented major project was a joint effort symbiosis of glass and fair-faced concrete coating Repacryl and the between the Departement Hauts- concrete. transparent graffiti protection coating de-Seine and the “Group Tempo Île MC-Color Proof vision. It was applied Seguin” consortium, made up of the High-specification fair-faced within the shortest time thanks to companies Bouygues Construction, concrete façade the efforts of the specialist applicator Sodexo, OFI Infravia and the French Constructing a fair-faced concrete – Contreat of Belgium – easily beat- state television company TF1. façade is not easy. Optical impair- ing the competition. Following the ments such as porosities, blow holes, success of the test surface, work was The architecture of La Seine Musi- coloration irregularities, shading and begun on the project proper and was cale is reminiscent of a cruise ship. It clouding phenomena are common soon moving along quickly. Within was designed by Frenchman Jean de and tend to disrupt the overall result. just eight weeks, over 9,000 square Gastines and Japanese star architect As the quality of the concrete is of metres of concrete surface had been Shigeru Ban, master builders who vital importance to the appearance reprofiled, coated and protected. 4| MC aktiv 2_2017 MC PMerCso Nneawlias The Seine Musicale sits on the Seine like a cruise ship – a beautiful symbiosis of glass and concrete. Curtain up for Emcefix, Repacryl to offering excellent aesthetics, the based on innovative speciality resins the challenges encountered in Paris and MC-Color upgraded concrete surfaces are UV- that reliably protect the floor. Not only within the specified timeframe and Following expert preparation of the stable, weather-resistant and colour- does this deliver an excellent level of with the usual high quality,” he said. substrate, the first phase involved the fast. The concrete surfaces were then scratch and mechanical resistance, it correction of porosities, blow holes coated with the transparent graffiti also ensures a long service lifetime Contreat also received training from and formwork joints, together with protection MC-Color Proof vision up and a high-quality finish. MC application engineer Uwe Strauch general deviations. This was done using to a height of 3 metres, delivering on the application of the system com- the high-quality concrete cosmetic around 3,000 square metres of coverage. Walter Devue, Regional Manager plex used in Paris, which certainly system Emcefix-Spachtel F, mixed from This makes the façade easy to clean Western Europe 2, praised the level contributed to the project’s success. the three colours – white, grey and even for stubborn graffiti – particularly of cooperation evident between sales Looking magnificent – both inside anthracite – in order to achieve the beneficial for buildings accessible to employees Lucas Loupe (MC France) and out – this remarkable addition to required concrete shade. The fair-faced the public. and Peter Gaillez (MC Belgium) in work- Paris’ skyline opened at the end of April surface was further upgraded with ing together with Dr. Jana Schütten 2017 with a concert by Bob Dylan. Repacryl to ensure a homogeneous MC’s final crescendo (Global Product Management Concrete and high-quality finish across the Finally, around 150 square metres of Cosmetics) as well as the planning [email protected] entire area. Here, MC worked with floor surface in the entrance area of engineers and the Belgian application [email protected] [email protected] Contreat to develop a special mixture the building complex were coated firm Contreat. “Thanks to the smooth, of three Repacryl colours: grey, con- with MC-Floor TopSpeed. The pig- international collaboration of all parties, crete grey and light grey. In addition mented, fast-setting roller coating is we were able to successfully meet Left: The fair-faced concrete surfaces were ex- pertly prepared. Right: The first steps in the fa- çade upgrade operation have been completed with MC’s concrete cosmetics and retouching systems. The last phase involves applying the transparent graffiti protection coating MC-Color Proof vision up to a height of 3 metres. MC aktiv 2_2017 | 5 MMCC NNeewwss View of the finished Aqua Arena of the x-bionic® sphere: Here too, all the buildings were sealed with Nafuflex Profi Tech 2. Top performance in Šamorín In the Slovakian town of Šamorín, A unique sport venue A proven pro in structural yield per unit area. The powder com- south-west of the capital, Brati- The ambitious project was the result waterproofing ponent ensures the applied thick- slava, a multifunctional sport of a joint vision conceived by the In order to waterproof the various film coating dries quickly, while its and leisure complex has been influential Slovakian investor Mario buildings and structures, the gen- solvent-free formula makes Nafuflex constructed in the form of the Hoffmann and Prof. Dr. Bodo Lam- eral contractor, Ingsteel spol. s.r.o., Profi Tech 2 particularly environmen- x-bionic® sphere, designed as a bertz, founder of X-Bionic, a brand decided on MC’s Nafuflex Profi Tech 2 tally compatible. paradise not just for professional with an international reputation for from a product range that already athletes but also for ambitious innovative professional sportswear. enjoys an excellent reputation based Over a period of some three and a amateurs and health and fitness on numerous references in the Repub- half years, application specialists from enthusiasts. Top performance in Located in the centre of Europe close lic of Slovakia and beyond. the company NSM s.r.o. progressed the structural waterproofing dis- to the international airports of both from the Aqua Arena to all the other cipline was also achieved by the Bratislava and Vienna, the x-bionic® The main task lay in waterproofing facilities of the sports complex, includ- polymer-modified thick bitumi- sphere is a completely unique venue the Aqua Arena – an area of around ing the hotel and the biogas plant. nous coating Nafuflex Profi Tech 2 and resort. It offers professional facili- 8,000 square metres – in which Nafu- Since that time, Nafuflex Profi Tech from MC. ties for 27 Olympic sports over a total flex Profi Tech 2 proved to be a strong 2 has kept the buildings of the huge area of more than 1 million square performer. The two-component, poly- x-bionic® sphere sealed and dry, pro- metres, and has been the official Olym- mer-modified thick bituminous coat- viding strong evidence of the high pic training centre for the Republic ing is ideally suited to waterproof- performance capabilities of MC’s of Slovakia since 2016. ing vertical, horizontal and inclined waterproofing systems. surfaces under protective coatings The huge complex includes indoor in accordance with DIN 18195. It is [email protected] and outdoor swimming pools, a riding highly flexible and crack-bridging, centre, a modern track and field sta- and thanks to its sprayable consist- dium, a first class hotel and conference ency can also be airlessly applied. Not facilities, together with restaurants, only does this ensure fast, problem- bars, lounges and relaxation areas. free application, it also offers a high 66| |M MCC a akkttiviv 2 _12_0210716 MMCC PPMMeerrCCssoo NNnneeaawwlliiaass Heritage-compatible restoration in Berlin One of the most important ecclesiastical complexes in Germany, the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church in Berlin serves as a reminder of the Second World War and is a must-see for any tourist visiting Germany’s capital. Restoration of the chapel meant ensuring its historic preser- vation while complying with current regulations and the technical necessities of concrete repair. A major portion of the church ruins was significantly reduced or completely torn down in the 1950s and replaced eliminated. A carbonation-retarding by three buildings designed by Egon coating was to be provided with as Eiermann, one of the most significant high an sd-value as possible, provid- German architects of the post-war ing the maximum level of protection modernist movement. The church available. A sample area was to be complex includes not only the church renovated in situ, for which MC sales itself but also the bell tower, the foyer representative Thomas Baumgartner, and the chapel. The latter is a steel- and MC’s Sales Manager for Infrastruc- framed building clad with precast ture and Industry, Oliver Krause of concrete components which proved to our Berlin Service Centre, suggested be particularly difficult and technically a system complex comprising hydro- complex to maintain. Restoration had phobic Emcephob WM combined therefore become overdue. with a protective coating of MC-Color Proof pro. The latter product easily A challenging task met all the specified requirements. With the help of the Wüstenrot chari- This transparent concrete protective table foundation, the restoration of coating is water repelling yet also the chapel, and particularly its façade, offers good vapour diffusion and was taken from feasibility study to final highly effective carbonation-retarding decision in 2014. The façade consists properties. The product is classified of concrete honeycombs infilled with as compliant with the non-trafficable some 20,000 coloured thick-glass ele- surface protection class OS-B as listed ments produced by a French glass by the Federal Highways Research artist, each of which unique in its own Institute (BASt). All the material speci- right and assembled together as frag- mens were subjected to a rainstorm ments in the concrete moulds. The test with rear moisture penetration concrete quality of the 50 year old in a trial comprising 50 test cycles, building was characterised by a very conducted by the Federal Institute for uneven washed concrete look with Material Research and Testing (BAM). aggregates of up to 15 mm in size. Completed by the end of June 2016, The honeycomb construction itself the laboratory tests provided clear exhibited a very intricate and finely evidence that the multi-component defined geometry interspersed with system offered by MC was the most inclined individual surfaces. technically reliable and visually attrac- tive of all those examined. Test and proving phase At the beginning of 2016, the archi- Implementation tectural partnership abd ewerein und The application work was carried obermann sent out an invitation to out by the firms A&M restore and bid for the restoration of the chapel, Repenning + Sohn Bauwerkserhaltung accompanied by the following repair of Berlin and successfully executed by A sensitive, intricate approach was required in order to ensure the heritage-compatible restoration of system specifications: the autumn of 2016. All the accom- the chapel and the façade of the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church complex. panying construction activities in the The appearance of the concrete was interior were completed by spring to remain largely unchanged, but 2017, allowing normal church business [email protected] with its water absorption capacity to be resumed without disruption. [email protected] MC aktiv 2_2017 |7 MC Report Powering ahead – MC power plant expertise in global demand The world’s hunger for energy Energy – today and tomorrow this expertise is expanded through- plants, while the lion’s share of 50% is showing no sign of slowing In its World Energy Outlook pub- out the world. He supports the local is currently being taken up by the down. Whether fossil, nuclear or lished at the end of 2016, the Inter- target managers of MC’s international wind energy sector.” regenerative energy, MC has a national Energy Agency (IEA) forecast companies with specialist know-how, proven track record of 50 years that by 2040, global energy demand promoting knowledge transfer and Still hot: thermal power plants serving planning engineers, will increase by 30%. Over the same helping to establish and expand the Although a large number of thermal contractors and facility opera- period, the share of regenerative ener- FoE, while also implementing and power plants are getting on in years, tors as a technology leader and gies is expected to rise from around 23% supporting major projects. the output of these nuclear, gas-fired trusted partner in the construc- to approx. 37%. The Federal Institute and coal-fired facilities is still essential tion, repair and protection of for Geosciences & Natural Resources “As a technology leader in the field of for the energy mix – both now and concrete structures. (BGR) emphasises in its “Energy Study power plant-specific concrete tech- in the future. So it is worth knowing 2016” that the growing global popu- nology, we are able to offer a huge that MC has many decades of exper- lation and a general increase in living range of solutions,” says Reinhard tise as a specialist in the repair and standards will also result in increas- Martin, not without a little pride. “In refurbishment of power plant cooling ing energy demand over the long recent years, we have been able to towers and chimneys. These repair term. In order to satisfy this hunger implement these solutions in a sig- and protective measures are becom- for energy, we are seeing new power nificant number of new construction ing increasingly important in order plants being constructed on every and refurbishment projects in Asia, to ensure that facilities can continue continent, as well as the upgrade and Europe and South America.” At the to be used in the future. The product modernisation of existing facilities. end of the 1960s, MC was still focused systems for such projects have to meet As a result, the experience, compe- on classic coal-fired power stations. exacting requirements and offer very tence and power plant product sys- However, its range of projects and high resistance values. MC maintains tems of MC’s Energy & Renewables applications has increased as the years a comprehensive product portfolio Field of Expertise (FoE) are very much have progressed. Today, it encom- comprising admixtures and coating in demand, and are being utilised passes thermal power plants, includ- systems that satisfy these demands in major projects around the world. ing nuclear, gas-fired and coal-fired, with respect to resistance to acids, together with hydroelectric and wind water penetration and hydrolysis, MC in power plant construction turbine generating facilities. Holger ensuring that the concrete used for Back in the 1960s, MC established its Schwarze, Sales Manager for the Infra- power plant construction exhibits own specialist department for power structure & Industry segment in MC’s the necessary stability, durability and plant construction in Bottrop, which Service Centre West in Germany, is a effective protection. These concrete was able to accumulate a unique level proven power plant expert with many coatings can achieve exceptional ser- of expertise over the ensuing decades. years of experience in major inter- vice lifetimes even under the extreme Under the leadership of Global Target national projects in the energy sec- conditions encountered in the cool- Manager Reinhard Martin, an engineer tor. He explains: “The thermal power ing towers. This is exemplified by the who has been working in the energy plants currently make up a quarter of anthracite-fired power plant on the sector for over 20 years, the Energy & our project volume. A further 25% is eastern edge of the city of Rostock Renewables FoE aims to ensure that accounted for by hydroelectric power on Germany’s north-eastern coast, 888| M|| MMCCC a kaatkkittvii vv 2 31_2__22000111766 MC Report From Germany to China, wind parks to seawater-operated cooling towers, MC’s know-how has been incorporated into power plants right across the world. which was constructed in 1992/93. coat inside cooling towers. This was steel in the cooling water basin and accounted for a global energy share Remarkably, the cooling tower of this then covered by a protective coating the column and beam construction of 16% in 2016, casting it as the lead- power plant is operated with seawa- of MC-DUR VS-NR 3. This highly acid- of the cooling water distribution sys- ing technology in the world’s shift ter from the Baltic – with simultane- resistant epoxy resin sealant was also tem, which required products of the to renewable energies. In October ous flue gas discharge. Combined, especially developed by MC for use MC-RIM range. This sulphate-resist- 2016, the American Energy Informa- these two phenomena represent in cooling towers. The subsequent ant, mineral surface coating system tion Administration ranked the top the toughest of all corrosive stress topcoat was provided in the form of is carbonation-retarding and chlo- ten most powerful power stations in loads. The cooling tower’s inner shell the pigmented, colour-fast polyure- ride-resistant. It offers high levels of the world, nine of which are hydro- is constantly exposed to water and thane resin sealant MC-DUR VS PUR. protection, particularly at pH values electric. The biggest generators in this permanently in contact with acidic between 3.5 and 14. In Tianjin – as in sector are currently China and Bra- condensate, while the cooling water In 2010, when the inner coating of the Rostock – the work was performed zil. In Germany, hydroelectric power basin and support structure for the cooling tower top had to be renewed to the full satisfaction of the opera- accounts for a little more than 3% water distribution level are continu- for the first time, the concrete struc- tor, and the project’s excellent results of its total energy output, leaving it ously exposed to chloride attack. As a ture was found to have no damage meant that the same system was used rather less significant due solely to result, the cooling towers were coated whatsoever, with no more than a to protect two further cooling tow- the topographical conditions of the from the start with a highly resistant portion of the coating cross section ers in 2016. country. Nevertheless, pumped stor- surface protection system from MC having been consumed. The coat- age power stations in Germany still – both inside and out. ing had thus fulfilled its purpose to High pressures in hydropower make an important contribution to protect the reinforced concrete, very Hydroelectricity is regarded as the grid stability and supply security by The outer walls of the cooling tow- much to the satisfaction of the opera- classic renewable energy. After all, smoothing out peaks in energy gen- ers were covered with the protective tor. As a result, when it came to the the first hydroelectric power plant eration through intermediate storage. coating MC Schutzüberzug 702. This repair work, the decision again went was commissioned in England back ready-to-use fresh concrete sealing in favour of MC’s products. in 1880. According to the IEA World agent is an ideal solution, particularly Energy Outlook, hydroelectric power Continued on page 10 for structures built using the sliding The reputation of the Rostock power and climbing formwork construction plant project has even extended to method. It adheres brilliantly to slightly the Far East. The Hangu power sta- Invitation to attend MC’s International damp substrates, prevents excessively tion project in the Chinese harbour Energy Symposium fast water loss, is extensively resistant city of Tianjin, south-east of Beijing, to chemicals and reliably protects the again involved seawater-operated cool- MC’s Energy & Renewables FoE invites clients, operators and planning concrete against aggressive compo- ing towers which had been coated engineers from the energy sector to an International Energy Symposium nents in the atmosphere such as car- in 2008 and 2009 with MC systems from 24 through 27 October 2017 in Bottrop, Germany. The programme bon dioxide. For the substrate of the inside and out. Because the project will include presentations by internationally renowned speakers on various inner shell and the upper ring beam, specifications demanded particularly subjects associated with wind, hydroelectric and thermal power generating the first coating and the levelling coat durable resistance against water and facilities, together with details of current projects and numerous product were provided using Zentrifix F 82 osmosis, additional protection of the demonstrations. If you are interested in participating, please email us XX, the speciality mortar specifically concrete was required. This was par- at [email protected]. The event is limited to 100 attendees. developed for providing the scratch ticularly true for the reinforcement MMC Cak atkivti v3 _22_021051 7| |99 MC Report Plant operators and planning engineers opted for maximum reliability when it came to the repair and refurbishment of the huge Sayano-Shushenskaya dam in Russia, as well as the coating of the cooling towers of the Bełchatów power station in Poland (two photos left). MC know-how also helped in the re-lining of the headrace tunnels that duct the high-pressure water into the Amsteg hydroelectric power plant (photo centre). And in the wind park near Trairi (Brazil), MC systems were used for everything from the foundations and in-situ bonding of concrete components through to the coating of the towers. Continued from page 9 The maintenance and restoration of and reinforcing resin MC Injekt 2700 L, already boast high levels of wind power repair solutions. While MC admixtures hydraulic structures using sustainable was found to be the most successful generation within their energy mix, ensure the required concrete proper- repair technologies has been one of solution. Significantly stronger than such as Denmark, which covers over ties, release agents from the Ortolan the core competences of MC for more concrete, MC Injekt 2700 L can be used 40% of its total energy requirement product family deliver high-quality fair- than 30 years. These product systems to reinforce high-rise, civil engineering with wind power, or Germany (16%). faced concrete surfaces. The precast serve to upgrade and protect concrete and technical structures, effectively However, many countries have virtu- concrete components are reinforced components exposed to the wide- filling cavities and voids along the ally zero wind power to fall back on, and bonded with adhesive filler and ranging aggressive effects of salt and way. It also consolidates loose rock including major economies such as grouting mortars from MC. The crack- fresh water, as well as changes in the and mountain sediment, providing a Russia. A future study carried out by bridging, pigmented surface protection foundation soil, all of which threaten permanent seal irrespective of whether the Council indicates that wind energy system MC-Color Flex is also used to to create structural weakness in the the substrate is dry, wet or, as in the could cover around 20% of the world’s guard against weathering, the effects build materials. current case, exposed to water at high annual electricity demand by 2030. of UV, thermal cycling and carbona- pressure. The system satisfies in full the tion. This protects the outer walls of Special solution for the Amsteg Federal Environment Agency (UBA) In South America too, more and more these gigantic concrete columns against hydropower plant guidelines for substances in permanent wind power facilities are being built aggressive elements from the atmos- The differing challenges in this sector are contact with potable water. Amsteg to supplement the more traditional phere – essential for the peace of mind illustrated by the Amsteg hydroelectric hydroelectric power station once again hydropower resources. Since 2012, Brazil of wind park operators everywhere. power station in the Swiss canton of demonstrates the importance of MC has moved to ninth position among Uri. In the power plant, built in 1922, know-how when it comes to ensur- the countries with the world’s largest MC’s contribution to energy provision the water is ducted through two 7.3 ing the sustainable rehabilitation of installed wind power capacity. One of The expertise and experience acquired kilometre long headrace tunnels through concrete structures under the most its major works is the Santos Energia by MC around the world in the past Mount Bristen to a surge shaft high up difficult of conditions. Wind Power Complex in the north- few decades, complemented by com- on the mountain. From there, it thunders eastern province of Ceará on the Atlantic prehensive consultancy services and down over a height of more than 280 Stability key for wind power plant coast, a construction project in which high-resilience, high-resistance product metres to the three Pelton turbines, Wind power is one of the fastest-growing MC-Brazil was heavily involved. Since systems, provide the company with which generate 450 gigawatt-hours sectors in the renewable energies field. its third phase was commissioned in a significant USP in the power plant of energy each year. Here, MC product In 2015, the global output provided by February 2015, this wind park near sector. By providing this expertise to systems were used not just to repair a wind power exceeded nuclear energy the city of Trairi now generates almost planning engineers and power plant dam but also to waterproof and con- for the first time. According to annual 90,000 GW of electricity. Ever since operators, MC is making its own unique solidate the gradually disintegrating statistics from the Global Wind Energy 2011, when Brazil’s first wind power contribution to securing the world’s headrace tunnel walls. The tunnels were Council, more than 54 gigawatts (GW) project was implemented, MC solu- future energy supplies. initially constructed using shotcrete as of wind power was newly installed in tions have been successively introduced the lining and already had some seri- 2016. According to the same source, into facilities throughout the country. ous damage, with spalling and cavities this means there is now around 487 The range extends from admixtures very much apparent. MC’s concept, GW installed worldwide, corresponding for concrete foundations and precast [email protected] based on injecting the rigid-sealing to a total share of 3%. Some countries components, to protection, coating and [email protected] 110010|| M|M MCCC aa kaktktiitvvi v 2 3 1__2_22000111766

represent high-quality construction, reliable waterproofing and durable repair and Concrete Repair training course from 18 to 20 July 2017. The event territorial responsibilities include Israel, together with AZ Marketing Ltd, Sport is a great unifier, fostering team spirit across the generation
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