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Just In: First WINDOWS VISTA Desktops and Laptops HoES w X P t o P A DL efOM enSI d For clear printing, YO ouN r I n plz contact [email protected] b o x For clear printing, TURBOCHARGE MUSIC & MOVIES to Go: plz contact notemCaorotl@esgt mNeawi lP.claoymers YOUR BROWSER 46 Free IE & Firefox Add-Ons LAB TESTS: 32” LCD HDTVs MARCH 2007 u TECHNOLOGY ADVICE YOU CAN TRUST®u WWW.PCWORLD.COM For clear pTrinHting,I NGS plz contact [email protected] EVERY For clear printing, plz contact [email protected] PC USER SHOULD For clear printing, plz contact [email protected] KNOW! For clear printing, plz contact [email protected] You’ve got questions— $6.99 USAu$7.99 CANADAuPrinted in USA For clear printing, the answers are inside plz contact [email protected] DISPLAY UNTIL MARCH 13, 2007 For clear printing, plz contact [email protected] M A R C H 2 0 0 7 V O L U M E 2 5 u N U M B E R 3 W W W . P C W O R L D . C O M For clear printing, plz contact [email protected] FEATURES BROWSER TOOLS 87 Build the Perfect Browser For clear printing, Here’s a comprehen- sive look at add-ons plz contact [email protected] and tools designed to boost performance for the latest versions of Internet Explorer and Firefox. Simplify site shar- ing, sharpen your searches, sync For clear printingyo,ur bookmarks, protect your privacy and gather news more quickly. Plus: toolbars, plz contact notemart@gmdownaloadi ml.ancagoers,m netw ork settings opti- mization, ad blocking, tabbing, and more. AUDIO PLAYERS 94 Jukebox in Your Pocket The latest audio players do much more than just play tunes—and the best of them sound For clear printing, 66 top-notch. Many new models play video and connect to music services, and one lets you plz contact [email protected] wirelessly share music and photos with oth- ers. We test 21 fl ash- and hard-drive–based players, and reveal which have the features COVER STORY and performance you want. 66 35 Things Every PC ON THE COVER User Should Know For clear printing, In this all-in-one guide, we’ve col- 18 37 lected instructions for performing plz contact [email protected] essential tasks that will keep your 94 87 PC, your Internet and network con- nections, and your mobile devices 50 humming. Whether you need to For clear printing,6 6 solve a nagging problem or just want to make a few helpful tweaks, our plz contact [email protected] tips and how-to’s will point the way. 94 Cover photography by Robert Cardin. MARCH 2007 WWW.PCWORLD.COM 7 REVIEWS & RANKINGS DEPARTMENTS For clear printing, 64 50 High-Definition LCD TVs 15 Techlog plz contact [email protected] 32-inch models from Dell, Browsers continue to coevolve with the Internet. HP, Panasonic, Toshiba, 33 Letters Vizio, and other makers Readers question the value of a Vista upgrade. 54 PDA Phones 37 Consumer Watch Palm Treo 680, Cingular One of the best ways to fi ght the recent surge in 8525 spam is to change the way you handle e-mail. For clear printing, 55 Privacy Software 43 Hassle-Free PC 58 Anonymizer Safe Surfi ng Free add-on applications deliver Windows Vista plz contact [email protected] Suite features and performance to your XP machine. 56 Top 10 Inkjet Printers 45 Gadget Freak 58 Digital SLR Camera Not all Voice-over IP services are created equal. Nikon D40 47 Bugs and Fixes 58 Photo Service/Software Sites with user-posted content attract attackers. Sharpcast Photos 142 Full Disclosure 59 Photo Viewers For clear printinNeegd ad,v ice to install a home theater? Get Goofy! Digital Foci Picture Porter Elite, Epsonp P-5l0z00 contact notemart@NgEWmS &a TRilE.NcDSom 60 Desktop PC HP Pavilion Media Center 18 Vista PCs Perform TV m7690n In our tests, the fi rst desktops preloaded with the 60 Blu-ray Disc Player new OS run smoothly—with a few limitations. 56 Philips BDP9000 24 Watch Out for Online Ads That Watch You 61 Top 5 Blog Services Privacy advocates worry about “behavioral” ads. For clear printing, 62 LCD Monitor 26 Vista’s Promising Video Upgrades Dell 2707WFP Teamed with updated system hardware, Micro- plz contact [email protected] 62 Notebook PC soft’s new DirectX 10 should boost PC graphics. Fujitsu LifeBook P1610 28 Virtual Gold Could Draw Real Taxes 63 TV Accessories Congress ponders whether the IRS should col- Monsoon Hava Wireless lect taxes on game loot traded in the real world. HD, Sony LF-B20 30 Plugged In 64 VoIP Device Hackers target copy controls in high-def DVDs Logitech Cordless Inter- For clear printinandg Vis,ta . Plus: in-car Wi-Fi, Bluetooth headsets. net Handset See page 50 for a cpompllezte lisct ofo ntact notemart@HgERmE’Sa HOiWl.com 60 new products reviewed. 120 Internet Tips FIND-IT URLs Avoid the three biggest security threats of 2007. TO ACCESS INFORMATION about any item in PC World with an ac com- 124 Windows Tips panying Find-It URL, enter find.pcworld.com/xxxxx (where xxxxx is Sync your PC’s music fi les with any MP3 device. the appropriate fi ve-digit number) intFo yoourr br owcselr’es loacatrion fip eldr. in 12t6i nHargdwa,r e Tips You’ll jump to a Web page containing the information you want. Upgrades that will also migrate to your next PC. 128 Answer Line plz contact [email protected] Thaw out a frozen PC; synchronize Outlook data. COMING UP IN APRIL 130 Digital Photo Tips Ultimate Windows Guide: From Cell Phone Tips: E-mailing voice Free ways to organize a digital photo collection. XP to Vista, our tips will keep mail? Texting a Google search? For clear printing, your OS running in tip-top shape. Make your phone act like a PC. RESOURCES Motherboards: We test the latest Zero-Day Attacks: We explain plz contact [email protected] models for Intel and AMD proces- what they are, why they’re on the 12 How to Contact PC World sors and choose the best buys. rise, and how to protect yourself. 133 PC World Marketplace 141 Advertiser Index MARCH 2007 WWW.PCWORLD.COM 9 For clear printing, IIIffpf yyylooozuuu wcwwoaaannnnttt ttttoooa gggceeetttt lllniiinnnkokkssst fffeooorrrm lllaaattateeesrsstttt PP@PCCC gWWWmooorrrllldadd MMiMlaa.agcggaaaozzzimiinnneee, ,, dddooonnnttt hhheeesssiiitttaaattteee eeemmmaaaiiilll mmmeee nnnooottteeemmmaaarrrttt@@@gggmmmaaaiiilll...cccooommm wwwiiittthhh sssuuubbbjjjeeecccttt """ PPPCCC WWWooorrrlllddd llliiinnnkkksss rrreeeqqquuueeesssttt"""... For clear printing, pYYYoolozuuu '''llcllll rorreeenccceeetiiivvvaeeec ttththhee en lllaaaottteeetsssettt llmliiinnnkkkasss rrrriitiggg@hhhttt giiinnntmttooo yyyaoooiuuulrrr. ciiinnnobbbooomxxx eeevvveeerrryyy tttiiimmmeee aaannn nnneeewwweeesssttt iiissssssuuueee rrreeellleeeaaassseeesss,,, aaannnddd nnnooo nnneeeeeeddd tttooo cccllliiiccckkk aaannnddd cccllliiiccckkk For clear printing, ssseeevvveeerrraaalll tttiiimmmeeesss tttooo gggeeettt ttthhheee llliiinnnkkksss tttooo dddooowwwnnnllloooaaaddd... plz contact [email protected] NNNếếếuuu bbbạạạnnn mmmuuuốốốnnn nnnhhhậậậnnn đđđưưượợợccc llliiiêêênnn kkkếếếttt đđđểểể tttảảảiii PPPCCC WWWooorrrlllddd MMMaaagggaaazzziiinnneee mmmớớớiii nnnhhhấấấttt,,, For clear printing, ĐĐĐứứứnnnggg nnngggầầầnnn nnngggạạạiii gggửửửiii ttthhhưưư đđđiiiệệệnnn tttửửử ccchhhooo tttôôôiii nnnooottteeemmmaaarrrttt@@@gggmmmaaaiiilll...cccooommm plz contact [email protected] VVVớớớiii tttiiiêêêuuu đđđềềề """ PPPCCC WWWooo rrrlllddd llliiinnnkkksss rrreeeqqquuueeesssttt"""... BBBạạạnnn sssẽẽẽ nnnhhhậậậnnn đđđưưượợợccc llliiiêêênnn kkkếếếttt gggửửửiii tttớớớiii hhhòòòmmm ttthhhưưư cccủủủaaa bbbạạạnnn For clear printing, mmmỗỗỗiii kkkhhhiii mmmộộộttt sssốốố mmmớớớiii ppphhháááttt hhhààànnnhhh,,, plz contact [email protected] VVVààà kkkhhhôôônnnggg ppphhhảảảiii cccllliiiccckkk rrrồồồiii lllạạạiii cccllliiiccckkk nnnhhhiiiềềềuuu lllầầầnnn mmmớớớiii cccóóó đđđưưượợợccc llliiiêêênnn kkkếếếttt đđđểểể dddooowwwnnnllloooaaaddd... For clear printing, plz contact [email protected] For clear printing, plz contact [email protected] W EDITOR IN CHIEFHarry McCracken For clear printinCREgATIV,E D IRECTORRobert Kanes EDITOR, PCWORLD.COMRamon G. McLeod MANAGING EDITORKimberly Brinson plz contact notemaEXErCUtTIV@E EDITgORSmEdwarad N.i Allbr.o,c Ranody Rmoss, A lan Stafford TEST CENTER DIRECTORUlrike Diehlmann This issue is dedicated to the memory of Rex Farrance E D I T O R I A L PCW COMMUNICATIONS SENIOR EDITORS PRESIDENT, CEO Jeff Edman For clear Ypardenra Airarn, Erict Daihl,n Kalpagna , VP, PUBLISHER — PCWORLD.COM, Ettenson, Narasu Rebbapragada, Anush CUSTOM PUBLISHING Yegyazarian Michael Carroll plz contact notemSMEeNliIsOsaRa PJ.R POreDrUetCnTsSo@ nEDITORg mailS.ENcIOR VoP, COmO/CFO V icki Peilen VP, HUMAN RESOURCES Kate Coldwell SENIOR ASSOCIATE EDITORS Eric Butterfield, Liane Cassavoy, Anne B. McDonald, Dennis O’Reilly NEW PRODUCT ANNOUNCEMENTS SENIOR REPORTER Tom Spring Send press releases via e-mail to [email protected]. ASSOCIATE EDITORS Danny Allen, Laura Blackwell, Erik Larkin SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES SENIOR WEB PRODUCER David Lake Access your subscription account SENIOR COPY EDITORS online—24 hours a day, 7 days a week—at Stephen Compton, Steven Gray, www.pcworld.com/customer. You can For clear Tpracy Yree-iVanught,t Salily Znahnegr , use online subscription services to view EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Amber Bouman ypoauy ry oacucro buinllt, sretanteuws, ycohuarn gsue bysocurrip atdiodnr,e ss, FOUNDER David Bunnell report a missing or damaged issue, get the plz contact notemFOUNDaING rEDITtOR @Andrewg Fluemgelmanailam.nuswcche rms ootor ef.remquently asked questions, and A R T A N D D E S I G N MAIL: PC World Subscriber Services, P.O. Box 37571, Boone, IA 50037- PHONE: ART DIRECTOR Barbara Adamson 0571 (Include a mailing label with 415/243-0500 correspondence.) DEPUTY ART DIRECTOR Pierre Granier FAX: ASSOCIATE ART DIRECTORS Jeff Berlin, WEB:www.pcworld.com/customer 415/442-1891 Beth Kamoroff E-MAIL: [email protected] (Send your full name and the address at E-MAIL: DESIGNER Chip Taylor which you subscribe; do not send letters@pcworld. MEDIA SPECIALIST Chris Manners attachments.) Forcom clear IMpAGINrG SiPEnCIALIStT Rionbert Cgardin, PHONE: In the U.S. 800/234-3498 New orders 800/825-7595 WEB: www.pcworld.com CONTRIBUTING EDITORS FAX: 515/432-6994 plz contactMAI L:notemGScroatcte aD Auqnunrin, So,tt uSatre@tv eJ. BJoahssn,gs Atonnd, rmSetwep Bhreanna dt, il.QcUESoTIONmS AND SUBMISSIONS PC World Editorial Manes, James A. Martin, Aoife M. Send material electronically to the appro- 501 Second St. #600 McEvoy, Scott Spanbauer, Lincoln Spector, priate online address listed below, or mail San Francisco, CA Kirk Steers, Carla Thornton, Dan Tynan it to PC World. We reserve the right to edit 94107 letters.PC World pays $50 for published PC WORLD TEST CENTER Here’s How tips and questions; accepted STAFF E-MAIL submissions will be acknowledged by pay- ADDRESSES: MANAGER OF BENCHMARK DEVELOPMENT ment. Editors cannot guarantee personal To contact any PC James Motch responses to all questions. World staff member, DATA MANAGER ANSWER LINE: [email protected] simply format the Jeffrey Kuta BUGS AND FIXES: [email protected] For clear printing, address as follows: SENIOR PERFORMANCE ANALYST CONSUMER WATCH: firstname_lastname@ Elliott S. Kirschling [email protected] pcworld.com SENIOR DATA ANALYST FULL DISCLOSURE: plz contact notemTony aK. [email protected]_manmes@pcw orld.com DEVELOPMENT ANALYST HARDWARE TIPS: Thomas Luong [email protected] PERFORMANCE ANALYST Chen Xing Wang HASSLE-FREE PC: SENIOR TEST CENTER COORDINATOR [email protected] Greg Adler INTERNET TIPS: [email protected] M A I L I N G L I S T S LETTERS:[email protected] ON YOUR SIDE: [email protected] Occasionally we make our subscribers’ names available to other companies PLUGGED IN: [email protected] For clear wphose rproiduncts mtay iintenrest ygou. T,o PRIVACY WATCH: have your name excluded from these [email protected] mailings, send a request along with your mailing label to PC World WINDOWS TIPS: [email protected] Subscriber Services, P.O. Box 37571, plz contact notemBoonea, IA r5003t7-0@571 or eg-mailm us at ail.RcEPRoINTmS AND PERMISSIONS [email protected]. You must have permission before B A C K I S S U E S reproducing any material from PC World. Write to PC World, Reprints and PC World issues are available in digital Permissions, 501 Second St. #600, San format starting with the July 2002 issue. Francisco, CA 94107, or e-mail Go to www.pcworld.com/singlecopy.PC [email protected]; include a For clear Wporld rissuies nand atrticile cnopiesg are a,va il- phone number. To order reprints of your able on microfilm and microfiche from company’s editorial coverage in PC World, UMI, 300 N. Zeeb Rd., Ann Arbor, MI call 717/399-1900 ext. 135. 48106-1346; 800/521-0600. plz contact [email protected] 12 WWW.PCWORLD.COM MARCH 2007 For clear printing, HHAARRRRYY MMccCCRRAACCKKEENN plz contact [email protected] For Browsers, the Best of Times Is Now For clear printing, It’s not just the Web that’s evolving fast—so is the software we use to get there. “browser.” onpcel uzpo nc ao timne,t thaat cwats a nlogoicalt meonmikera forr thte@ appgli- marea a vainlis.hcingo bremed: I c ould tell that the sea change was nearly complete when cations we use to navigate the Web. In 2007, it’s pitifully inadeq uate. MSNBC.com, co-owned by Microsoft, Sure, we still browse. But the same software lets us talk to the world, dumped its IE-only video player for one that works equally well in Firefox. share stuff of all kinds…even crunch numbers and process words. Tempted to leave IE? Firefox and Browsers can do it all. Which is why For clear printing, Opera, the powerful browser from it’s more likely than ever that you Norway, are far from your only op- practically live ipn yoluzrs— canod wnhy tact notemart@gmationisl. .Thcesoe damys, in fact, they’re part this issue features “Build the Perfect of the old guard. Newer alternatives Browser” (page 87), Associate Editor abound: Flock, for instance, of fers Erik Larkin’s re view of In ternet Ex - built-in blogging, and K-Meleon is plorer and Firefox add-ons, from inter- snappy even on low-end hardware. face tweakers to security fi xers. (Both are built on the same open- As cool as today’s array of add-ons source underpinnings as Firefox, but For clear printing, is, it’s only one enjoyable aspect of they’re by no means clones.) what Erik says is “a great time to be a Neither Flock nor K-Meleon is the plz contact [email protected] browser user.” Right now, more via- best choice for everybody, but that’s ble options are angling for your atten- kind of the point. On today’s Web, a tion than at any time since the brows- browser doesn’t have to be the right er wars of the mid-1990s. Yet it feels one for all users in order to thrive—it less like a battle royal this time just needs to be the right one for some- around and more like a period of ERIK LARKIN, PCW’S man on the browser beat. body. And that’s yet another reason peace and harmony. That represents For clear printing, why it is, indeed, a terrific time for a tremendous change from just a few When IE 7 arrived last fall, we fi nally browsers and the folks who use them. years ago, when Ipntelrnzet Ecxploorern 6 wtasa cgott a nMicorostofet bmrowsaer trhatt’s@…wegll, mail.com outdated, unsafe, and—for millions of decent. More important, there’s less and Harry McCracken is editor in chief of PC World. people—unavoidable, since many major less reason why a nyone should feel All browsers mentioned here are available at sites were unusable with other browsers. trapped into using IE. Sites that require it www.pcworld.com/downloads. IN MEMORIAM M) OTTO SHORTLY BFEFOoREr WE wcenlt eto paresrs peverryi tinme tyoiu nreadg PC,W , whether or not you knew his name. R (B this month, PC World lost a beloved We, his coworkers, benefi ted simply from knowing the guy. E RIZN plz cfroiendn antd acollceagtue wnheon Steneior mReax wars tan@ upbegat, wmry praesenicle .arcounod tmhe offi ce, and he was CK Technical Editor Rex Farrance was an astute student of technology and life in general. Most of all, RI OP); murdered in a home invasion at his he was among the most courteous, considerate individuals any T N ( residence in Northern California. of us have ever met—both a gentleman and a truly gentle man. DI AR With 19 years on staff, he was our Outside the offi ce, he had many passions, from rock guitar to RT C longest-seFrvinog erdit orc, anlde hea wars pweirghit nliftitngi. Bnut ganyo,n e who met him, even casually, knew E B RO endlessly dedicated to his job’s that the biggest one by far was his family. He leaves his wife S: plz contact [email protected] PH mandate, which was to make our content as clear, fair, and and four grown children, and he was a proud grandfather. For A R OG accurate as possible. You have benefi ted from his expertise more on Rex, see our tribute at find.pcworld.com/56213. OT H P MARCH 2007 WWW.PCWORLD.COM 15 What’s new and what’s next in technology INSIDE 24 VISTA, HYBRID HARD DRIVES TO BOOST LAPTOPS For clear printing, 26 ONLINE ADS THAT TRACK YOUR BROWSING plz contact [email protected] 28 VISTA PROMISES BETTER GAME, APP GRAPHICS 30 ONLINE GAMING: WIN A SWORD, PAY A TAX? 32 PLUGGED IN: HACKING For clear printing, COPY PROTECTION plz contact [email protected] EDITED BY EDWARD N. ALBRO Vista PCs Perform For clear printing, plz contact [email protected] IN OUR TESTS, THE FIRST DESKTOPS LOADED WITH THE NEW OPERATING SYSTEM PROVE TO BE For clear printing, SOLID PERFORMERS, BUT SOME ROUGH EDGES REMAIN. B Y RICHARD BAGULEY plz contact [email protected] it’s been a while, CyberPower long wait, but and Shuttle will con- Windows Vista PCs tinue to off er XP as an are here. We evaluated option on their con- the fi rst set of desktop sumer systems. systems with Micro- We found a similar soft’s new operating For clear printing, schism among some system preloaded— other PC vendors that and the re sults opf oulrz contact [email protected]’ve spoken with (but benchmark perfor- whose systems were mance tests show that not included in this even sub-$1000 sys- story). Polywell will be tems can ably handle sticking with XP as the Vista. But some of the default option, install- new OS’s highly tout- For clear printing, ing Vista only if the ed features aren’t pres- customer requests it. ent in these fi rst Vista And even then, the plz contact [email protected] desktop systems. company will in s tall If you’re planning VISTA RUNNERS: The high-end Gateway FX530XT (left) was our top Vista PC per- both Vista and XP, on buying a PC after former, while Dell’s more modestly configured Dimension C521 was our slowest. allowing the user to January 30, you may choose which OS they ON For clear printing, M be destined to get Vista on ent approach to integrating books. These two companies want to boot the system into. C SI R your machine whether you Vista. Once the new OS ships, will also continue to sell sys- At this writing—before Vis- MA plz contact [email protected] S: want it or not. Of the four Dell and Gateway are switch- tems running Windows XP, ta’s retail store launch, but PH A R vendors whose systems we ing exclusively to Vista for but only through their respec- after manufacturers had G O tested, each is taking a diff er- consumer desktops and note- tive business divisions. Mean- received the final version of HOT P 18 WWW.PCWORLD.COM MARCH 2007 IN BRIEF the operating system—Poly- able oFn oour wro rkcstaltieon aliner, pharrd dirnivest thiant wigll sp,ee d up well CEO Sam Chu claims because those customers are disk access (seefind.pcworld. Product Pipeline that Vista is still having com- more sensitive to the idea of com/56102 for more informa- plz contact [email protected] patibility problems with many switching, and some of their tion); notebooks with these applications and drivers. applications may not work on hybrid drives will be available Chu is not the only vendor Vista. We wanted to leave the fi rst, and they’re not arriving we talked to who expressed option for them.” until about midyear, maybe concern over the state of read- Hewlett-Packard, on the sooner. Furthermore, the iness—or lack thereof—of other hand, is taking a route desktops we looked at also For clear printing, Vista’s drivers. “Right now, similar to Dell’s and Gate- lack the secondary SideShow we’re seeing some issues on way’s. In its online store for displays that can ac cess and plz contact [email protected] the R&D side,” according to consumer systems, HP will show you system information. Marc Diana, product market- switch to Vista at launch. At These displays may be inte- ing manager for Alienware. retail, the company will let grated into peripherals, such as a keyboard or a remote control, or potentially even the For clear prinPtCi’sn chagssis, it self. APPLE CELL PHONE: TESTING plz contact [email protected] says its long-awaited VISTA PCs iPhone will be available in in terms of hard- June and will work exclu- ware, the first six sively on the AT&T (former- desktops we tested ly Cingular) wireless net- are identical to work. The iPhone, priced at same-model XP $499 or $599, features a For clear printing, PCs we’ve seen 3.5-inch touch screen and over the past few includes integrated Wi-Fi plz contact [email protected] months, and have and Bluetooth. The iPhone no specifi c features will synchronize via iTunes that take advantage and sync calendars, e-mail of the Vista operat- accounts and photos. VISTA ALL THE way: Dell’s Dimension XPS 410 (left) and its XPS 710 gaming ing system. By system. Dell will switch to Vista exclusively once the operating system ships. comparison, early For clear prinVtisitan notgebo,ok s are The issues, he says, are re- existing stock run its course; poised to take better advan- lated to things lipke lgrzaph iccs oVnistta waill cbet th e nOSo thetreeaf-mtagae orf thte @new OgS (msee “Vaistai l.com card drivers (our test systems ter. HP will continue to off er Opens New Directions for with both ATI and nVidia business desktop and laptop Laptop PCs” on page 24). used beta drivers during this PCs with XP Professional and Although the fi rst of these HARD-DISK MILESTONE: story), and software, such as Vista as options, through the systems to cross our lab bench Hitachi is gunning to be the that used for Blu-ray Disc end of 2007. By early 2008, were all desktops (Vista note- fi rst to market with a mam- playback. “If this continues thougFh, oHPr ex pcectls eto oafferr pboorksi nwerte niont avgaila,b le in moth 1-terabyte hard disk. post-launch, we will give our only Vista on business PCs. time for this article), major By March the company customers the option of XP. Velocity Micro will switch to laptop makers, including planned to release a 1TB plz contact [email protected] Most likely, though, [these Vista at launch, both at retail Asus, Dell, Gateway, Hewlett- Deskstar 7K1000 hard drive problems] will get sorted out and via its online store. Packard, and Toshiba, say for $400. The 7200-rpm, before launch.” Notably, these fi rst-genera- they will be selling Vista note- 3.5-inch SATA drive will tar- B arring ongoing driver is- tion Vista desktops lack some books at the same time Vista get high-performance appli- For clear printing, sues, Alienware plans to off er of the components that take desktops go on sale. Adding cations. Seagate says it will only Vista Home Premium advantage of the interesting Vista to a portable can be release a 1TB drive by June, plz contact [email protected] on its consumer desktops and features in Windows Vista. more challenging for a vendor but had no pricing or model notebooks. However, says For example, they don’t in - than adding it to a desktop information at press time. Diana, “We will have XP avail- clude the ReadyDrive hybrid PC; among other things, MARCH 2007 WWW.PCWORLD.COM 19 NEWS & TRENDS installing it re quires testing tively F(seoe “Lrab Tcesltse: Viasta’rs p(whricihn ditspilanys gyou,r pro- tem ran at 143 frames per Vista’s power-management sys- Fast If You Have the Hard- grams like a pack of cards as second in the game Far Cry at tem, which will affect battery ware,” find.pcworld.com/ you switch among them). 1024 by 768 resolution. An plz contact [email protected] life diff erently than XP’s imple- 56151, in which we tested identical system using the VISTA GOTCHAS mentation does. single-core and dual-core sys- same settings with Vista man- W e looked at a mix of expen- tems running Windows Vista drivers are critical to aged a frame rate of just 108 sive, high-performance PCs Ultimate Edition). your PC; they are the fi les that fps—some 24 percent slower. and sub-$1000 value systems. In our hands-on tests, we let your OS communicate O ur other test game, Doom The desktop makers included found that these systems were with devices such as graphics 3, didn’t run at all on the Vista For clear printing, CyberPower (the $999 Gamer quite capable of running the cards, printers, or storage systems that used ATI graph- Infinity 7500); Dell (three advanced, more graphics- devices. All drivers have to be ics cards; at this writing, ATI’s plz contact [email protected] models: the quad-core, $4224 intensive features of Vista. rewritten for Vista, but not all beta drivers for Vista don’t XPS 710; the $1954 XPS 410; Even the sub-$1000 Dell C521 may be ready at launch, and support the OpenGL graphics and the $979, bargain- some older peripher- system that this game re- basement C521); Gate- These systems could als may never get an quires. nVidia’s beta driver, way (the speedy $4500 updated driver. however, did support OpenGL FX530XT); and Shuttle handle the graphical T he lack of Vista graphics. ATI and nVidia both (the compact, $1860 For clear prindrivteris nforg som, e pe- claim that they will have full G2-3200). ripherals could be a versions of their drivers ready features of Vista. All of them cpamlez contact notemarmtaj@or issgue mfor maanyi l.bcy tohe tmime V ista ships. with the Home Pre- users. For example, WORLDBENCH 6 BETA mium version of Vista in- and CyberPower Gamer Infi n- with the beta drivers in our stalled, with at least 1GB of ity 7500 could handle features tests, games ran signifi cantly to test these new Vista memory, and with dedicated such as the new, translucent slower under Vista than under systems, we used a beta ver- graphics—the minimum Aero Glass effects. We were Windows XP. In earlier test- sion ofPC World’s test suite, specifications that we found also able to successfully use ing of the Dell XPS 710 run- WorldBench 6, which has For clear printing, you need to run Vista effec- features such as Flip 3D ning Windows XP, this sys- been optimized for Win- TEST REPORpT lz contact [email protected] EXCLUSIVE TESTS: FIRST VISTA DESKTOP PC BENCHMARKS QUAD-CORE PCs RUNNING Intel’s Core 2 Extreme QX6700 CPU did better on our WorldBench 6 (beta) suite than dual-core sys- tems, and Gateway’s FX530XT led the pack, excelling on all of our productivity tests. But as our gaming trials show, not all units had fully baked graphics drivers at the time of testing. For clear printing, Productivity tests (seconds) 2 Gaming tests (fps) 3 plz contact noteWmorldBencah [email protected] VISTA PC Price CPU Graphics (RMABM) 6s (cboertea 1) MFuirlteiftoaxs kainndg : PhAodtoosbheo p Aut3oddsesk MiOcfrfoicsoe ft Far Cry Doom 3 Windows Media max 8.0 2003 Encoder CS2 (rendering) (seconds) CyberPower Gamer 2.4-GHz Core 2 Duo EVGA GeForce $999 1024 110088 265 449 671 353 112 124 Infinity 7500 E6600 7900GS Dell Dimension 2.4-GHz Athlon 64 $979 ATI Radeon X1300 2048 9191 359 597 774 395 81 n/a 4 C521 X2 4600+ For clear printing, 2.4-GHz Core 2 Duo Dell XPS 410 $1954 GeForce 7900 GS 2048 111188 291 387 672 362 109 111 plz coE66n00 tact [email protected] 2.66-GHz Core 2 GeForce 7950 Dell XPS 710 $4224 2048 121929 258 360 348 342 108 120 Extreme QX6700 GX2 2.66-GHz Core 2 ATI Radeon X1950 Gateway FX530XT $4500 4096 148148 211 295 292 325 159 n/a 4 Extreme QX6700 5 XTX (Crossfire) For clear printing, 2.13-GHz Core 2 Duo Shuttle G2-3200 $1860 ATI Radeon X1300 2048 101000 325 495 755 370 62 n/a 4 E6400 plz contact [email protected] CHART NOTES: All systems ran Windows Vista Home Premium edition. Best scores are in bold. FOOTNOTES:1Results are not comparable with WorldBench 5 scores. 2For timed tests, lower numbers are better. 3Tests performed at 1024 by 768 resolution with antialiasing turned off; higher rates of frames per second (fps) are better. 4n/a = not applicable. Systems with ATI-based graphics were unable to complete this test. 5Factory-overclocked to 3.2 GHz. 20 WWW.PCWORLD.COM MARCH 2007 NEWS & TRENDS dows Vista. This performance that’sF dooublre t hce almeounat orf ptesrt wians a tlititlne slgowe,r than tem lagged behind the other benchmark runs a variety of system RAM we typically see the times of the more expen- machines in all of our tests common tasks in several pro- on a power desktop. sive models, but fast enough except the Far Cry game. It plz contact [email protected] grams (such as processing a T he $4500 FX530XT is well to prove its mettle at juggling took a rather lengthy 597 sec- photo in Adobe Photoshop tricked out—and is one of the simultaneous tasks. onds to run the Photoshop and opening a complex Web most expensive systems we’ve Although our previous tests test, or about twice as long as page in Firefox) and times tested recently. Its compact have shown that adding more the Gateway model. The C521 how long these tasks take. configuration leaves little memory to Vista systems was also very slow in multi- WorldBench 6 uses, among room for expansion, though. often boosts performance, the tasking, taking 359 seconds to For clear printing, other things, updated applica- The Dell XPS 710, the sec- CyberPower Gamer Infinity complete a test that the XPS tions (such as Adobe Photo- ond-best performer here, 7500 proves that performance 710 fi nished in 258 seconds— plz contact [email protected] shop CS2), and more demand- lagged the Gateway by 10 to is not just about memory: 28 percent slower. Even when ing tests employing, for 20 percent on most of our With its Core 2 Duo E6600 compared with a more simi- example, bigger files, as on tests. At $4224, it’s slightly processor and 1GB of RAM, larly equipped system, such our Photoshop test. as the CyberPower, The WorldBench 6 test this Dell PC was poky, VISTA WILL COME results can’t be com- requiring 148 seconds loaded on PCs of all pared with World- For clear printing, more to complete our shapes and sizes, Bench 5 results for our Photoshop test. including CyberPower’s desktop PC reviewps olrz contact [email protected] To b e fair, even run- Gamer Infinity 7500 with other tests. ning Vista, this very (left) and Shuttle’s inexpensive system is THE RESULTS diminutive G2-3200. fast enough for gener- the top score in al computing tasks. our evaluations went Gaming is a diff erent to the speedy Gateway story, though: With an For clear printing, FX530XT, which was ATI Radeon X1300 the quickest in every graphics card, it man- plz contact [email protected] test it completed; the aged just 81 frames ATI graphics card it per second in Far Cry came with, however, at 1024 by 768 resolu- failed to run our Doom tion, and a marginal 3 game. Providing the 25 fps in Doom 3. Gateway’s zip was an over- less expensive than the Gate- this machine was consistently The $1860 Shuttle G2-3200 clocked quad-core Intel Core way, Fando itsr la rcge lcaese apror- pfasrteri nthatn ithne Dgell, C 521, proved to be a mixed bag: This 2 Ex treme QX6700 processor vides a lot more room for which came with 2GB of RAM diminutive PC came in near (running at 3.2 GpHz,l uzp fr ocm oenx patnasiocn tth ann dooest tehe manad anr AtM@D 2.4g-GHmz Athaloni l.tche obotmtom i n performance, the standard 2.66 GHz). cramped FX530XT. It was 64 X2 4600+ processor. And taking a lengthy 495 seconds The FX530XT completed also signifi cantly quieter: The despite its sub-$1000 price, to complete our Photoshop our Photoshop component in case allows room for bigger, the Gamer Infi nity 7500 ran test. Its other performance 295 seconds, while the next- less noisy fans to remove heat only slightly more slowly than results were equally slow, fastest system (the Dell XPS from components like the the much more costly Dell with our multitasking test tak- 710) took 360 seconds, mean- CPU and the GeForce 7950 XPS 710 on a couple of tests. ing a protracted 325 seconds. For clear printing, ing that the Gateway was 22 GX2 graphics card. The Gamer Infi nity also fea- Although the small case percent faster. It sped through D ell’s $1954 XPS 410 tures a large, glass-fronted means that this machine plz contact [email protected] our multitasking test—in proved to be a good balance of case that gives it a stylish de - could be squeezed into tight which a video en coder and a price and performance: Built signer appearance, as well as spots, it also means it has lit- Web browser run at the same around an Intel Core 2 Duo a retro-looking analog inter- tle room for expansion: There time—in only 211 seconds. E6600 dual-core processor, it nal temperature meter on the are no vacant PCI or PCI Ex - N For clear printing, MO T he speedy performance of ran through our Photoshop front; a cobalt-blue light inside press card slots, and only a SI C the FX530XT is likely helped test in a reasonably quick 387 shows off its innards. single vacant drive bay. Shut- AR M not only by the prpocelsszor, bcut osnecotndas, rcanktin g nthirod amtoeng m Taher $9t79@ Dellg C52m1 yiealdedi l.tcle oalsom discourages users PH: A R by the 4GB of fast DDR2 these six systems. And its 291 the slowest performance we from opening the case them- G O memory Gateway included; seconds on our multitasking saw in this group. This sys- selves to install upg rades. HOT P 22 WWW.PCWORLD.COM MARCH 2007

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