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Pauline Christianity: Luke-Acts and the Legacy of Paul (Supplements to Novum Testamentum) PDF

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PAULINE CHRISTIANITY: Luke-Acts and the Legacy of Paul CHRISTOPHER MOUNT BRILL NTS.Mount.vw104e 07-11-2001 13:58 Pagina 1 PAULINE CHRISTIANITY NTS.Mount.vw104e 07-11-2001 13:58 Pagina 2 SUPPLEMENTS TO NOVUM TESTAMENTUM EDITORIAL BOARD C.K. BARRETT, Durham- P. BORGEN, Trondheim J.K. ELLIOTT, Leeds- H.J. DEJONGE, Leiden A.J. MALHERBE, NewHaven M.J.J. MENKEN, Utrecht- J. SMITSIBINGA, Amsterdam Executive Editors M.M. MITCHELL, Chicago& D.P. MOESSNER, Dubuque VOLUME CIV NTS.Mount.vw104e 07-11-2001 13:58 Pagina 3 PAULINE CHRISTIANITY Luke-Acts and the Legacy of Paul BY CHRISTOPHER MOUNT BRILL LEIDEN •BOSTON •KÖLN 2002 NTS.Mount.vw104e 07-11-2001 13:58 Pagina 4 This book is printed on acid-free paper. Die Deutsche Bibliothek – CIP-Einheitsaufnahme Mount, Christopher Luke-acts and the legacy of Paul Boston ; Köln : Brill, 2002 (Supplements to Novum testamentum ; Vol. 104) ISBN 90–04–12472–1 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is also available ISSN 0167-9732 ISBN 90 04 12472 1 © Copyright 2002 by Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, The Netherlands All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission from the publisher. Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use is granted by Brill provided that the appropriate fees are paid directly to The Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Suite 910 Danvers MA 01923, USA. Fees are subject to change. printed in the netherlands TypographicaAcademicaTraiectina.Mount.Proef3,6-11-2001:917,page-5. TABLEOF CONTENTS Acknowledgements ................................................... vii Abbreviations ......................................................... ix I. TheActsof theApostles andPaulineChristianity ............. 1 II. TheActsof theApostles inEarlyChristianity ................. 11 Irenaeus........................................................ 12 TraditionsofAuthorshipandTitles .............................. 29 ActsandtheApocryphal ActsintheSecondCentury .............. 44 III. Lk-Acts,ItsAudience,andthe HistoryofChristianity......... 59 ThePrefacesofLk-Acts......................................... 60 Paul’sFarewellSpeechandtheLiteraryPaulinismofLk-Acts ..... 83 Jesus’apocalypticdiscourseandthecomingofthekingdom .... 85 Jesus’farewellandthecomingofthekingdom ................ 88 Paul’sfarewellandthecomingofthekingdom ................ 94 IV. ThePaulofActsandPaulineCommunitiesinEarly Christianity ....................................................... 105 Ephesus........................................................ 111 Paul’sFarewell ................................................. 128 Corinth ........................................................ 131 ThessalonicaandBeroea ........................................ 140 Philippi ........................................................ 142 Paul’sMissionwithBarnabas .................................. 149 Rome .......................................................... 152 V. Lk-Actsandthe Construction ofChristianOriginsinthe SecondCentury .................................................. 163 Bibliography .......................................................... 181 IndexofAncientLiterature .......................................... 197 This page intentionally left blank TypographicaAcademicaTraiectina.Mount.Proef3,6-11-2001:917,page-7. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This volume is a revised version of my dissertation accepted by the University of Chicago. I am grateful to the Editorial Board of Supple- ments to Novum Testamentum for accepting this study for publication. Any work such as this takes place in a web of social relationships that shape the thinking of the author. I owe special thanks to my teachers, Hans DieterBetz, AdelaYarbroCollins,andArthurDroge.Their perceptive criticisms, careful scholarship, and support made this volume possible. I also wish to extend thanks to D. Dale Walker and Matt Jackson- McCabe, colleagues with whom I have engaged in many a profitable conversation about Christian origins. The University of Iowa School of Religion generously supplied the resources for Travis Voth to help proofread the manuscript and compile the index. I am grateful for his assistance. This page intentionally left blank TypographicaAcademicaTraiectina.Mount.Proef3,6-11-2001:917,page-9. LISTOFABBREVIATIONS AB AnchorBible ABD AnchorBibleDictionary ANRW AufstiegundNiedergangderrömischenWelt BBET BeiträgezurbiblischenExegeseundTheologie BDAG W.Bauer,F.W.Danker,W.F.Arndt,andF.W.Gingrich, Greek-EnglishLexicon oftheNewTestament,3rdedition BETL BibliothecaEphemeridum theologicarumLovaniensium BHT BeiträgezurhistorischenTheologie BWANT BeiträgezurWissenschaftvomAltenundNeuen Testament CBQMS CatholicBiblicalQuarterly—MonographSeries EKKNT Evangelisch-katholischerKommentarzumNeuen Testament ErFor Erträgeder Forschung FRLANT ForschungenzurReligionundLiteraturdesAltenund NeuenTestaments GNT GrundrissezumNeuenTestament GTA GöttingertheologischeArbeiten HTKNT HerderstheologischerKommentarzumNeuen Testament HUT HermeneutischeUntersuchungenzurTheologie JSNTSup JournalfortheStudyoftheNewTestament—Monograph Series LCL LoebClassicalLibrary LSJ Liddell-Scott-Jones,Greek-EnglishLexicon PWSup SupplementtoPauly-Wissowa,Real-Encyclopädieder classischenAltertumswisssenschaft SANT Studien zumAltenundNeuen Testament SBL SocietyofBiblicalLiterature SBLDS SBLDissertationSeries SBLMS SBLMonograph Series SBLSBS SBLSourcesforBiblicalStudy SBT StudiesinBiblicalTheology

This text offers a perspective on the composition and reception of Luke-Acts in relation to the category "Pauline Christianity" as it has been used to describe traditions, communities and persons connected to Paul. This inquiry is pursued along three lines: the reception of the Acts of the Apostles
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