Patterson’s Allergic Diseases 1 2 Acquisitions Editor: Kate Heaney Development Editor: Sean McGuire Production Project Manager: Linda Van Pelt Senior Manufacturing Manager: Beth Welsh Marketing Manager: Rachel Mante-Leung Design Coordinator: Joan Wendt Prepress Vendor: S4Carlisle Publishing Services Eighth Edition 2018 Copyright © 2018 by Wolters Kluwer. © 2009, 2002, 1997 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1993, 1985, 1980 by JB Lippincott Company All rights reserved. This book is protected by copyright. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including as photocopies or scanned-in or other electronic copies, or utilized by any information storage and retrieval system without written permission from the copyright owner, except for brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Materials appearing in this book prepared by individuals as part of their official duties as U.S. government employees are not covered by the above- mentioned copyright. To request permission, please contact Wolters Kluwer at Two Commerce Square, 2001 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103, via email at [email protected], or via our website at (products and services). 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Printed in China Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Grammer, Leslie Carroll, editor. Title: Patterson’s allergic diseases / [edited by] Leslie C. Grammer, MD, Director, Ernest S. Bazley, Asthma and Allergic Diseases Center, Professor, Feinberg School of Medicine, Clinic Practice Director, Division of Allergy-Immunology, Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois, Paul A. Greenberger, MD, Professor, Feinberg School of Medicine, Associate Chief, Education and Clinical Affairs, Division of Allergy-Immunology, 3 Northwestern University Medical School, Attending Physician, Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Chicago, Illinois. Other titles: Allergic diseases Description: Eighth edition. | Philadelphia : Wolters Kluwer Health, 2018. | Revised edition of: Patterson’s allergic diseases / editors, Leslie C. Grammer, Paul A. Greenberger. 7th ed. 2009. | Includes bibliographical references. Identifiers: LCCN 2017035250 | eISBN 9781496360304 Subjects: LCSH: Allergy. Classification: LCC RC584 .A34 2018 | DDC 616.97/3—dc23 LC record available at This work is provided “as is,” and the publisher disclaims any and all warranties, express or implied, including any warranties as to accuracy, comprehensiveness, or currency of the content of this work. This work is no substitute for individual patient assessment based upon healthcare professionals’ examination of each patient and consideration of, among other things, age, weight, gender, current or prior medical conditions, medication history, laboratory data and other factors unique to the patient. The publisher does not provide medical advice or guidance and this work is merely a reference tool. Healthcare professionals, and not the publisher, are solely responsible for the use of this work including all medical judgments and for any resulting diagnosis and treatments. Given continuous, rapid advances in medical science and health information, independent professional verification of medical diagnoses, indications, appropriate pharmaceutical selections and dosages, and treatment options should be made and healthcare professionals should consult a variety of sources. When prescribing medication, healthcare professionals are advised to consult the product information sheet (the manufacturer’s package insert) accompanying each drug to verify, among other things, conditions of use, warnings and side effects and identify any changes in dosage schedule or contraindications, particularly if the medication to be administered is new, infrequently used or has a narrow therapeutic range. To the maximum extent permitted under applicable law, no responsibility is assumed by the publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or property, as a matter of products liability, negligence law or otherwise, or from any reference to or use by any person of this work. 4 5 Preface O ur goal is for the 8th edition of Patterson’s Allergic Diseases to be an excellent source of current practical information just as the first edition was when it was published in 1972 with Dr Roy Patterson as the sole editor. He was an extremely gifted clinical allergist-immunologist, investigator, and educator, a true “triple threat.” We are committed to extending Roy’s tradition of allergy- immunology excellence with this newest edition, which we believe is replete with knowledge that continues to exponentially expand in our fascinating field. We have es-pecially tried to include references to the most recent evidence- based guidelines including the Practice Parameters from The Joint Task Force (JTF) on Practice Parameters, which was formed in 1989, and comprises members from the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology and the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology. Like every edition before it, this book is written principally as a guide for physicians and other health care providers. Although it is intended to be oriented toward patient evaluation and management, there are also discussions of underlying immunologic mechanisms, pathophysiology, pharmacology, and diagnostic techniques. Because atopic diseases are common and becoming increasingly prevalent, we hope that a variety of health care providers will find this edition useful as they care for patients with allergic and other immunologic diseases. We have added two new chapters dealing with laboratory tests in allergy-immunology and personalized medicine in the discipline of allergy- immunology. We believe that caring for patients with atopic diseases sometimes is best accomplished in collaboration with physicians from other specialties. Therefore, about one quarter of the chapters are written by other specialists with whom the allergist-immunologist is likely to collaborate. Those specialties include dermatology, gastroenterology, otolaryngology, psychiatry, pulmonology, and radiology. We are indebted to each of the contributing authors and hereby express our heartfelt gratitude for their participation in this 8th edition of 6 Patterson’s Allergic Diseases. Leslie C. Grammer, MD Paul A. Greenberger, MD 7 Contributing Authors Sultan Alandijani, MD Instructor Department of Internal Medicine Division of Allergy and Immunology University of South Florida Tampa, Florida Andrea J. Apter, MD, MA, MSc Professor Department of Medicine Section of Allergy & Immunology Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, & Critical Care University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Pedro C. Avila, MD Allergist-Immunologist Allergy and ENT Associates Woodlands, Texas Melvin Berger, MD, PhD Adjunct Professor Pediatrics and Pathology Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, Ohio 8 Senior Director Medical Research and Education Global Medical Affairs CSL Behring, LLC King of Prussia, Pennsylvania David I. Bernstein, MD Professor of Clinical Medicine & Environmental Health Department of Internal Medicine Division of Immunology University of Cincinnati Medical Center Cincinnati, Ohio Jonathan A. Bernstein, MD Professor Department of Internal Medicine Division of Immunology/Allergy University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Cincinnati, Ohio Gregory D. Brooks, MD Associate Professor Department of Medicine Section of Allergy, Pulmonary and Critical Care University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health Madison, Wisconsin Wesley Burks, MD Professor University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, North Carolina Robert K. Bush, MD 9