Patterns of Ancestry, Signatures of Natural Selection, and Genetic Association with Stature in Western African Pygmies Joseph P. Jarvis1, Laura B. Scheinfeldt1., Sameer Soi1., Charla Lambert1., Larsson Omberg2., Bart Ferwerda1, Alain Froment3, Jean-Marie Bodo4, William Beggs1, Gabriel Hoffman2, Jason Mezey2,5, Sarah A. Tishkoff1,6* 1DepartmentofGenetics,UniversityofPennsylvania,Philadelphia,Pennsylvania,UnitedStatesofAmerica,2DepartmentofBiologicalStatisticsandComputational Biology,CornellUniversity,Ithaca,NewYork,UnitedStatesofAmerica,3UMR208,IRD-MNHN,Muse´edel’Homme,Paris,France,4MinisteredelaRechercheScientifique etdel’Innovation,Yaounde,Cameroon,5DepartmentofGeneticMedicine,WeillCornellMedicalCollege,NewYork,NewYork,UnitedStatesofAmerica,6Departmentof Biology,UniversityofPennsylvania,Philadelphia,Pennsylvania,UnitedStatesofAmerica Abstract AfricanPygmygroupsshowadistinctivepatternofphenotypicvariation,includingshortstature,whichisthoughttoreflect past adaptation to a tropical environment. Here, we analyze Illumina 1M SNP array data in three Western Pygmy populations from Cameroon and three neighboring Bantu-speaking agricultural populations with whom they have admixed.Weinfergenome-wideancestry,scanforsignalsofpositiveselection,andperformtargetedgeneticassociation with measured height variation. We identify multiple regions throughout the genome that may have played a role in adaptive evolution, many of which contain loci with roles in growth hormone, insulin, and insulin-like growth factor signalingpathways,aswellasimmunityandneuroendocrinesignalinginvolvedinreproductionandmetabolism.Themost striking results are found on chromosome 3, which harbors a cluster of selection and association signals between approximately 45 and 60Mb. This region also includes the positional candidate genes DOCK3, which is known to be associatedwithheightvariationinEuropeans,andCISH,anegativeregulatorofcytokinesignalingknowntoinhibitgrowth hormone-stimulated STAT5 signaling. Finally, pathway analysis for genes near the strongest signals of association with heightindicates enrichmentforlociinvolved ininsulin and insulin-likegrowth factorsignaling. Citation:JarvisJP,ScheinfeldtLB,SoiS,LambertC,OmbergL,etal.(2012)PatternsofAncestry,SignaturesofNaturalSelection,andGeneticAssociationwith StatureinWesternAfricanPygmies.PLoSGenet8(4):e1002641.doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1002641 Editor:JoshuaM.Akey,UniversityofWashington,UnitedStatesofAmerica ReceivedNovember16,2011;AcceptedFebruary21,2012;PublishedApril26,2012 Copyright: (cid:2) 2012 Jarvis et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricteduse,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalauthorandsourcearecredited. Funding:ThisworkwasfundedbyNSFgrantsBCS-0196183andBCS-0827436andbyNIHgrantsDP1-OD-006445-01,R01-GM076637,andR01-GM083606toSAT. JPJissupportedbyanNIH,NRSAfellowship(1F32HG005290-01).BFissupportedbyaRubicongrantofTheNetherlandsOrganizationforScientificResearch.LO andJMarefundedbytheDepartmentofGeneticMedicine(WeillCornellMedicalCollege),NIHgrant1P50MH079513-02,andNSFgrantsDEB-0922432andIOS- 1026555.Thefundershadnoroleinstudydesign,datacollectionandanalysis,decisiontopublish,orpreparationofthemanuscript. CompetingInterests:Theauthorshavedeclaredthatnocompetinginterestsexist. *E-mail:[email protected] .Theseauthorscontributedequallytothiswork. Introduction well asacultural exchangethat eliminatedthePygmy’sancestral language [9]. Theterm‘Pygmy’isappliedtohumanpopulationswhoseadult Short stature in human Pygmy populations is thought to be males exhibit an average height of ,150cm or less, although adaptive and its global distribution indicates either ancient thresholds between 140 and 160cm have been employed [1]. common ancestry among tropical hunter-gatherers or extensive Such groups are found all over the world including Africa, Asia, convergentevolution[2].Severalselectivemechanismshavebeen andtheAmericas,tendtoliveintropicalenvironments,havehigh proposed to explain a fitness advantage for small body size in levelsofpathogenexposure,andpracticeapredominantlyhunting tropical, forest-dwelling, hunter-gatherer populations. These and gathering lifestyle [2]. Studies of African mtDNA diversity include resistance to heat stress under humid forest conditions suggest a time to most recent common ancestor (TMRCA) [2], reduced caloric requirements in a relatively food-limited betweenAfricanPygmiesandWestAfricanBantugroupsof,60– environment [2], and a life-history trade-off between cessation of 70 thousand years ago (kya) and between Eastern (Efe, Mbuti, Batwa,Babinga,etc.)andWestern(Biaka,Baka,Bakola,Bedzan, growthandearlyreproduction[1,10].However,thetimingofthe etc.) Pygmy groups ,10 to 27kya [3,4,5,6,7]. Approximately 4– putativeselectiveepisodesandemergenceofcontemporaryPygmy 5 kya, Bantu speaking populations practicing slash-and-burn morphologyandphysiologyremainunclear.Itisalsounclearhow agriculture expanded into the forest habitats populated by the the genetic architecture of body size in these groups may differ ancestors of modern Pygmy populations [8]. This secondary from that observed in other West African populations [11] and contact resulted in admixture, predominantly involving maternal Europeans, in which ,180 loci explaining ,10% of the PygmyandpaternalBantuancestorsthatremainson-going[6],as phenotypicvariance havebeen identified [12]. PLoSGenetics | 1 April2012 | Volume 8 | Issue 4 | e1002641 StatureandAdaptationinWestAfricanPygmies signaling pathways. This multifaceted approach identified several Author Summary genomic regions showing strong signals of selection and associa- Africa is thought to be the location of origin of modern tion,someofwhichcontaincandidate genesforheight variation. humans within the past 200,000 years and the source of Together, our results provide unique insights into both the our dispersion across the globe within the past 100,000 complex adaptive process that took place in the ancestors of years. Africa is also a region of extreme environmental, contemporaryWesternAfricanPygmiesandBantuagriculturalists cultural, linguistic, and phenotypic diversity, and human and the genetic architecture of short stature in Western African populationslivingthereshowthehighestlevelsofgenetic Pygmies. diversityintheworld.Yetlittleisknownaboutthegenetic basisoftheobservedphenotypicvariationinAfricaorhow Results local adaptation and demography have influenced these patterns in the recent past. Here, we analyze a set of Population Structure admixingBantu-speakingagriculturalandWesternPygmy We observed extensive and significant genetic and phenotypic hunter-gathererpopulationsthatshowextremedifferenc- differentiation(Figure1,Figure2,FigureS1)andvaryinglevelsof esinstature;Pygmiesare,17cmshorteronaveragethan admixture among the Pygmy and Bantu populations. Average theirBantuneighborsandamongtheshortestpopulations levelsofBantuancestry,asdeterminedbySTRUCTURE(K=2), globally. Our multifaceted approach identified several inthethreeWesternPygmypopulationswere27%(Bakola),35% genomic regions that may have been targets of natural selection and so may harbor variants underlying the (Baka),and49%(Bedzan)withindividualvaluesrangingfrom16– unique anatomy and physiology of Western African 73%. Average levels of Pygmy ancestry in the three Bantu Pygmies. One region of chromosome three, in particular, populations were ,1% (Lemande), 2% (Tikar), and 7% harbors strong signals of natural selection, population (Ngumba), with individual values ranging from 0–39%. We also differentiation, and association with height. This region observed a highly significant correlation between ancestry and also contains a significant association with height in height(p=5.047610218)aftercorrectingfortheeffectofsex(full Europeansaswellasacandidategeneknowntoregulate modelr2=0.7411,r2forsex=0.4247;r2forancestry=0.3164).In growth hormone signaling. addition,theeffectofancestryremainssignificantinamodelthat alsoincludesPygmy-Bantuethnicityasacovariate(p=3.861025). Todate,avarietyofphysiologicaltraitsrelatedtostaturehave TheseresultsareconsistentwithBeckeretal.[21]andindicatea been examined in African Pygmy populations [13,14]. These strong genetic influence on height. Similar findings were also studies documented normal levels of circulating human growth observed using Pygmy samples only (pancestry=0.000216; full hormone(HGH)butalteredglucosehomeostasis,insulinsecretion, model r2=0.5066; r2 sex=0.3744; r2 ancestry=0.1322) and the and free fatty acid profiles following HGH, glucose, and arginine independent set of genome-wide microsatellite markers described challenges [13,14]. These observations suggest peripheral sub- inTishkoff etal.[9] (datanot shown). responsivenesstotheeffectsofHGHinvarioustissues.Subsequent work noted a significant difference in overall growth rate in Inference of Local Ancestry PygmiesonlyduringpubertyandsuggestedareducedlevelofIGF- TherelativelyhighlevelsofBantuancestryinWesternAfrican 1, whose production is stimulated by HGH, is more likely Pygmyindividualssuggestsadmixturemappingapproacheswillbe responsible for short stature in adults [10,15,16]. In addition, useful for identifying loci underlying the short stature phenotype both a reduction in IGF-1 receptor expression and decreased [22]. Thus, we inferred ancestry blocks across haploid Pygmy signal transmission in response to physiological concentrations of genomes using the machine learning method SupportMix, which IGF-1wereobservedinimmortalizedPygmyT-cells[16,17].The does not require an a priori admixture model. Consistent with a observationsoflowlevelsofhigh-affinityHGHbindingproteinin model of ancient gene flow, we observe very short average tract bothAfricanandPhilippinePygmies[18,19],andasevereunder- lengths of Bantu ancestry (3.1+/24.6Mb; Figure 2A). No expression of HGH receptor (HGHR) in the Bakola Pygmies [20] autosomal regions were significantly enriched for either Pygmy suggestadeficiencyinHGHreceptoractivitycontributestoshort or Bantu ancestry (Figure 2A). However, we do observe regions stature as well. with reduced levels of switching between ancestry blocks. One With the goal of providing a genomic perspective on the suchregionextendsacrossa7Mbregionfrom46Mb–53Mbon adaptiveandgeneticbasisofshortstatureinPygmies,weanalyzed chromosome 3 (Figure2B). genetic and phenotypic data in a set of neighboring Western Pygmy (Baka, Bakola, and Bedzan) and Bantu-speaking (Tikar, Scans for Selection: F /LSBL Analyses ST Ngumba, Lemande) agricultural populations from Cameroon. We performed several genome-wide scans for selection that Our sample includes 67 Pygmy and 58 Bantu individuals have complementary properties for detecting adaptive events on genotypedusingtheIllumina1MSNParray.Ofthese,57Pygmy different timescales and under different selective scenarios [23]. and39Bantuindividualshavecorrespondingphenotypedatafor WebeganbycalculatingpairwiseF values[24]usingtheBantu ST height. We performed several genome-wide scans for positive (N=44)andPygmysamples(N=30)estimatedtohavethelowest selection, including the calculation of F and locus specific levels of admixture in our STRUCTURE analysis. Next, we ST branch length (LSBL) metrics, as well as iHS and XP-EHH identified SNPs that are differentiated specifically on the Pygmy analyses. Since regions exhibiting selection signals are likely lineage using three-way Locus Specific Branch Length analysis enriched for functional variants contributing to adaptive differ- (LSBL [25]) comparing Western Pygmy, Bantu, and Hapmap encesinphenotypebetweenpopulations,wesummarizethetypes Maasai (N=45) populations. These cross-population scans for oflocifoundintheseregionsusingpathwayenrichmentanalyses. selection (e.g. F and LSBL) are expected to be useful for ST Finally, using both SNP genotypes directly as well as ancestry detecting regionally restricted adaptation, including selection on estimates that facilitate admixture mapping approaches, we standing variation[26]. performed association tests within candidate regions identified in Genome-wide values for pairwise F ranged from 0 to 0.58. ST our selection scans as well as for SNPs near genes in candidate HighF SNPsarefoundonall22autosomes,butdonotappear ST PLoSGenetics | 2 April2012 | Volume 8 | Issue 4 | e1002641 StatureandAdaptationinWestAfricanPygmies Figure1.Admixtureandpopulationstructure.PlotsofprincipalcomponentsA)1versus2andB)2versus3calculatedusing1MSNPdatafrom 67Pygmyand58Bantusamples.TheproportionofvarianceexplainedbyPCs1,2,and3is0.245,0.0192,and0.0109,respectively.ThethreePygmy ethnicgroupsareclearlydistinguishedfromtheirneighboringBantupopulationsbythefirsttwoPCs,whilethethirddifferentiatesthethreePygmy groups from one another. C) Regression of height on Pygmy ancestry inferred using STRUCTURE (K=2). Higher levels of Pygmy ancestry are associatedwithshorterstature.Thetrendlineintersectstheinterceptfromthefullmodelandhasaslopeequaltotheregressioncoefficientfor percentancestry.D)VisualizationofpercentancestryinferredusingSTRUCTUREatK=2,3,and4. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1002641.g001 randomlydistributedacrossthegenome.Rather,ofthe947SNPs LSBL.0.2215) are found on all 22 autosomes (Table S2) and a in the top 0.1 percentile of the empirical distribution (F .0.33; large proportion of these (306 SNPs, ,34%) are found in 38 ST TableS1),approximatelyonethird(308)occurin37high-density physical clusters (visualized as regions of density .2.31 high (.2.31/Mb)blocksthataverage93kbinlength.Suchblocksare PygmyLSBLSNPs/MbinFigure3)averaging99.85 kbinlength. defined as a series of four or more high F SNPs with less than ManyoverlapwithhighF clusters,asexpected.Nineofthe38 ST ST 100kbseparatingeachandoccuronallchromosomesexcept11, Pygmy-specific LSBL regions also occur on chromosome 3 13, 16, 20 and 22. Using these criteria, 33% of the most between 45and60Mb. differentiated loci in the genome are found in a total of just Inordertotestthenullhypothesisofarandomdistributionof 3.42 Mb. The most striking signal (34.7 high F SNPs/Mb) signals over the genome, we defined non-overlapping 500 SNP ST occurs within a 15Mb region containing 9 separate blocks on bins(averagesize,1.77 Mb)andassessedthesignificanceofthe chromosome3(between45and60Mb),7ofwhichoccurbetween number of high F and high Pygmy LSBL SNPs observed in ST 48and53Mb(Figure2B,Figure3,Figure4A–4E).Interestingly, eachusingthebinomialdistribution.Weidentify82and81 bins thehighestF SNPintheregionforwhichthereisgenotypedata with over-representation of high F and high Pygmy LSBL ST ST from the CEPH human diversity panel (rs7626978 at position SNPs, respectively, that are significant at the p,0.01 level. 48505831;F =0.53[27])showsastrikingglobaldistributionin Amongthesearethreecontiguousbins(47560863–49772375 bp, ST which the minor allele is most common in the Western and 49773236–52166147 bp, and 52169095–53855083 bp) in the Eastern Pygmy, San, and neighboring populations and is nearly chromosome 3 region showing p-values less than 1610212 absent outside ofAfrica (FigureS2). (numbers of high F SNPs=18, 83, and 11; numbers of high ST Genome-wide values for Pygmy-specific LSBL SNPs ranged LSBLSNPs=22,92,16).Together,thesethreebinsaccountfor from0to0.42.HighPygmyLSBLSNPsrepresentingthetop0.1 11.8%and14.3%ofallhighF andhighPygmyLSBLmarkers ST percentile of the empirical distribution (912 with Pygmy in the genome. PLoSGenetics | 3 April2012 | Volume 8 | Issue 4 | e1002641 StatureandAdaptationinWestAfricanPygmies Figure2.Resultsfromlocalancestryinference.A)Genome-wideblocksofPygmyandBantuancestryinPygmyindividuals.B)BlocksofPygmy andBantuancestryinPygmyindividualsforchromosome3.ShadesofbluerepresentPygmyancestryandshadesofredadmixedBantuancestry. Shadesaredeterminedbytheposteriorprobabilityoftheestimates;darkercolorsindicategreaterconfidence.Eachindividualisrepresentedbytwo horizontal rows (one for each haploid genome) and columns represent each windowin the genome. Inferred percent Pygmy ancestry for each window is given below. Using SupportMix analysis, we determined the average ancestry block sizes in Pygmies to be 1.7+/22.4Mb for Pygmy ancestry,and3.1+/24.6MbforBantuancestry. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1002641.g002 F andPygmy-specificLSBLvaluesforXchromosomeSNPs and60Mb(TableS4;Figure3,Figure4).UsingiHSweidentified ST are given in Table S3A, S3B). As expected due to its smaller 784 SNPs in the Pygmy population and 807 SNPs in the Bantu effective population size, these values are higher on average than populationshowingsignalsofselectionthatarewidelydistributed valuescalculatedfortheautosomes.Weidentify31highF and across thegenome(Tables S5,S6).In thePygmies, 25ofthetop ST 11 Pygmy specific LSBL SNPs within the top 0.1% of X iHS SNPs are again found between 45 and 60Mb on chromosome values, none of which are near obvious candidate chromosome 3. genesforheight.Becauseofthedistinctdemographichistoryofthe X chromosome, we focus further analyses on only autosomal Pathway Enrichment Analysis of Scans for Positive SNPs. Selection Inordertosummarizethetypesoflociandexplorethepotential Scans for Selection: XP-EHH and iHS Analyses adaptive genetic architecture implicated by our genome-wide Next, we performed iHS [28] and XP-EHH tests of neutrality selection scans, we identified all protein coding genes within [29] in the full set of samples to identify regions that may have 100kb up- and downstream of SNPs showing signatures of been targets of recent selective sweeps within and between selection. Using PANTHER, we then identified pathways that populations, respectively. Using an XP-EHH threshold of 4.08 appear enriched in each analysis (Table S7). Significant enrich- (top 0.1%) we identified 400 SNPs, 54 of which fall in the 45– ment for neuro-endocrine signaling and pathways potentially 60Mb region of chromosome 3. The others are spread over the involvedinreproductionandthyroidfunction,includingoxytocin remainingautosomeswiththeexceptionsofchromosomes15,18 receptor mediated signaling and thyrotropin-releasing hormone and 22. Using an even more stringent threshold of 5.0 (the top receptor(TRHR)signaling,wasfoundforgenesnearhighPygmy 0.02% of the distribution) we identified six Pygmy-specific XP- LSBL SNPs (Table S7A). Oxytocin plays a role in lactation, EHH signals, two of which occur on chromosome 3 between 45 parturition, and pair bonding [30] whereas the TRHR signaling PLoSGenetics | 4 April2012 | Volume 8 | Issue 4 | e1002641 StatureandAdaptationinWestAfricanPygmies Figure3.Genome-wideclustersofsignalsofnaturalselectioninPygmies.Blocksofhighgenome-widedensitybasedonSNPs/MbforF ST (tophalfofeachchromosome)andPygmyLSBLSNPs(bottomhalfofeachchromosome)areshown.AlsoshownareXP-EHHsignals.5.0inthe Pygmy(Black)andBantu(Red).Theonlygenomiclocationshowingallthreesignalsoccursonchromosome3roughlybetween45and60Mb.iHS resultsforthisregionaregiveninFigure4Cand4D. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1002641.g003 pathwayplaysaroleinregulationofthehypothalamic-pituitary– highF cutoff,andmost(N=94)showedF values,0.10.Only5 ST ST thyroid axis and influences growth, thermo-regulation, reproduc- showvaluesgreaterthantheapproximateworldwideaverageof0.15 tion, and immune response [31]. The observation of a relatively andonly7occurwithin100kbup-anddownstreamofahighF ST low incidence of goiter in Eastern [32] and Western Pygmies SNPinourstudypopulations.Similarly,thehighestPygmy-specific (personal communication, B. Hewlett and L. Cordes) relative to LSBL value for these markers was 0.14, also far below our 0.1% neighboring non-Pygmy populations raises the possibility that cutoff.Inaddition,themaximumabsolutevalueXP-EHHscorefora Pygmies possess a biological adaptation to a low iodine non-AfricanGWASsignificantSNPwas2.68,muchlowerthanour environment [32,33], consistent with the observation that genes cut-off of 4.08. However, one non-African GWAS significant SNP involved in thyroid function are targets of selection in Pygmies showsaniHSscoreinthe0.1%mostextremevaluesinthePygmies [33]. Though there is little significant pathway enrichment for (rs16964211=3.233). The positional candidate associated with this genesnearPygmy-specificXP-EHHandiHSsignals(TableS7B– SNP is CYP19A1, a member of the cytochrome P450 superfamily. S7C) after correction for multiple tests, several suggestive Overall,thesefindingsareconsistentwithPickrelletal[35],which enrichments are observed for pathways that play a role in reports little evidence for selection at these loci in Western and immunity and neuroendocrine function. Several of these enrich- EasternPygmypopulations.Additionally,onlyfouroftheseGWAS ment categories overlap across different analyses (e.g. 5HT2 type significant SNPs show raw p-valuesforassociation with statureless (serotonin) receptor mediated signaling, oxytocin receptor medi- than 0.05 in our combined sample (rs1351394=0.01978097, ated signaling, and TRHR signaling pathways). Finally, a more rs724016=0.02810565, rs9969804=0.04384069, rs4630309= formaltestforenrichmentofselectionsignalsatSNPsneargenes 0.04465145). in the candidate HGH/IGF1 pathway [34] indicateda significant Because of thepossibility that the EuropeanGWASassociated enrichment (p,0.0001) of iHS signals. Similar analyses for FST, markersandnearbyfunctionalvariantsidentifiedinnon-Africans LSBL,and XP-EHHwere non-significant. are unlinked in our African populations, we also compared the positionalcandidategenesreportedinnon-AfricanGWAS(rather Signatures of Selection and Association at GWAS than the SNPs themselves) to a list of all genes within 100kb Significant SNPs for Height in Non-Africans windows up- and downstream of signatures of selection in our Atotalof112ofthe211SNPssignificantlyassociatedwithheight study. We observe 69 candidate genes for stature that fall within variationinrecentGWASinnon-Africans[12]arealsopresenton such windows, including DOCK3 (33 occur near Pygmy-specific the 1M chip, passed QC, and are polymorphic in our study signatures of selection, Table S9). However, 50 candidate genes populations(TableS8).Interestingly,thehighestF calculatedfora fromGWASwereobservedin2000randomlysampled,genome- ST non-AfricanGWASSNPinourstudywas0.23,avaluefarbelowour wide 200kb bins. Thus, observing 69 such loci in the PLoSGenetics | 5 April2012 | Volume 8 | Issue 4 | e1002641 StatureandAdaptationinWestAfricanPygmies Figure4.Signalsofpositiveselectionandassociationwithheightonchromosome3between45and60Mb.A)ResultsfromF (Black) ST andPygmyLSBL(Red)analysis.Theregionbetween,50and52MbcontainsthelargestconcentrationinthegenomeofSNPswithscoresinthe 0.1% tailofthe empirical distribution andcontainsthepositionalcandidategenesCISH, MAPKAP3,and DOCK3. B)Resultsfrom XP-EHHanalysis. ScoresdepictedinredshownegativevaluesindicatingasignalintheBantusamples,andscoresingreenshowpositivevaluesindicatingasignalin thePygmysamples.C)ResultsfromiHSanalysisintheBantusamples.D)ResultsfromiHSanalysisinthePygmysamples.E)Resultsofassociation analysisforheight(cm)usingEMMAXwithsexasacovariate.Twosuggestiveassociationsareevident.Thefirst,at,46.5Mb,occurswithinthe codingregionofLRRC2.Thesecondisastrongenrichmentofassociationsignalsbetween,49.5and51MbdirectlycorrespondingtoPygmy-specific signalsofpositiveselectioninA–D,centeredonthethreepositionalcandidatesCISH,MAPKAP3andDOCK3. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1002641.g004 approximately 3500 such bins identified in our analyses does not Targeted SNP–Based Association Analysis for Height in appear exceptional. These results suggest that the genetic Western African Pygmies architecture of height in Pygmies differs from that observed in In an approach adapted from Moore et al. [37], we next Europeans; however some overlap in specific genes involved performed targeted association tests, first in Pygmy individuals remains a likelypossibility. only, for SNPs showing Pygmy-specific signatures of selection (extreme high Pygmy LSBL, Pygmy XP-EHH and Pygmy iHS; Admixture Mapping in West African Pygmies N=2288 SNPs). These marker-based association analyses identi- In order to incorporate ancestry information directly into fied several suggestive associations with height (Table S11A), association testing, we performed admixture mapping [22] using though they were not significant after multiple tests correction. EMMAX. Specifically, we tested high confidence ancestry blocks The marker showing the strongest association (p=0.0004; inferred in our Pygmy samples (N=57) by SupportMix (unpub- FDR=0.241) is found in a cluster of immunoglobulin lambda lished data) for association with height variation. This analysis loci. The second strongest association (p=0.0005; FDR=0.241) identified several suggestive associations with stature (p,0.002; occursnearthegeneNDUFA4.Whileadirectconnectiontoheight Table S10), though none show striking FDR-corrected p-values. variation is not obvious for NDUFA4, it is a component of the Thestrongest(p=1.4061025;FDR=0.304)isobservedfora 50 mitochondrial respiratory chain, which plays a role in metabolic SNP ancestry bin on chromosome 2 approximately 268kb from function. The next several strongest associations are found in or the gene APOB. Interestingly, studies have demonstrated a nearthegeneMAP3K2,whichisinvolvedinNF-kappaBsignaling correlation between highAPOB levels andshortstature [36]. andtheregulationofJNKandERK5pathwayswhichplayarolein PLoSGenetics | 6 April2012 | Volume 8 | Issue 4 | e1002641 StatureandAdaptationinWestAfricanPygmies growth factor signaling. Additionally, five of the strongest statistical significance after Bonferroni correction for multiple association signals are observed for markers within the 49– tests, the likelihood that these two pathways are the two most 53Mb regionof chromosome3 (Table S11A). enriched by chance is very low, as evaluated using a non- Since growth hormone and IGF-1 signaling are strongly parametric re-samplingtest (p=261024). implicated in Pygmy-specific phenotypic variation by extensive physiological studies in African Pygmies, we next tested SNPs Discussion 100kb up- and downstream of genes in HGH, IGF-1, and INS Our analyses suggest that a complex set of demographic and signaling pathways (N=40,558) for association with height selective dynamics have shaped genetic and phenotypic variation variation in the Pygmy population. The markers showing the inWestAfricanPygmiesandneighboringagriculturalgroups.For strongestassociationswithheightnearGH-IGF1-INSgenesarein or near the genes GCK (p=6.0861025; FDR=0.591), DUSP4 example, theveryshortaverage tractlengthsof inferred ancestry (p=7.8261025; FDR=0.591), and IGFALS (1.2061024; we observe (average Bantu tract length of 3.1+/24.6Mb) are strikinglydifferentfromthoseseeninsimpleradmixturescenarios FDR=0.591), although none of these associations are significant (e.g. African Americans). The shorter average Bantu tract length after correction formultiple tests (FDR,0.05). we observe appears to reflect the long history of admixture betweenWesternPygmyandneighboringBantupopulationsthat Targeted Association with Height Variation in the has taken place, possibly since the Bantu expansion into the rain Combined Pygmy–Bantu Sample forestseveralthousandyearsago([8]).Althoughmodelsassuming We next performed association tests in the larger combined a scenario of a single recent pulse of admixture have been Pygmy-BantudatasetforSNPsshowingPygmy-specificsignatures developed for inferring the time of admixture based on the of selection. This both maximizes our sample size and takes distributionofadmixturetractlengths[38],morecomplexmodels advantage of the extensive between-population phenotypic will need to be developed to make inferences about ancient variation. We observed 128 SNPs (Table S11B) showing admixture events (e.g. .100 generations) which may fluctuate in significant associations after correction for multiple tests rate overtime[39]. (FDR,0.05) and for population substructure. The strongest While the increased genetic resolution offered by short tract significant associations are found in or near the genes NDUFA4 lengths may eventually prove useful in fine mapping the genetic (p=1.3161025; FDR=0.007), ATP2B4 (p=2.7361025; basis of complex traits, it also complicates the application of FDR=0.007), and DOCK3 (p=2.9961025; FDR=0.007) (Table standardapproachestoancestryinference.Thenovel,model-free S11B,Figure4E).Interestingly,NDUFA4isalsoimplicatedinthe SVMapproachtoancestryinferenceweapplyhereperformswell Pygmy-only analysis above. The strongest association signal in compared to standard approaches in admixed Western Pygmy DOCK3 consists of 8 linked SNPs spread over ,268kb that are populations. However further refinement of ancestry inference found in the middle of the genomic region on chromosome 3 methodsdesignedtodealwithcomplexadmixturehistoriesaswell (45 Mb–60Mb) displaying multiple signals of positive selection as multiple and/or unknown ancestral populations are needed. (Figure 4A–4D) and association in the Pygmy population (Table Additionally,thedevelopment ofunbiased AfricanSNP genotyp- S11A). They also occur ,85kb from a marker (rs13088462) ing arrays (e.g. those not based on SNPs and patterns of LD showingsignificantassociationwithheightvariationinEuropeans identified in non-African populations) are likely to provide novel [12]. Two additional SNPs flanking this European GWAS- insights into genome-wide patterns of ancestry and, coupled with associated SNP by ,4 kb on either side (rs4443210 and increased samples sizes, will facilitate association studies of rs7638732) also show significant association with height variation complextrait variationinAfrican samples. inouranalysis(p=0.00018and0.00023;FDR=0.013and0.013, respectively). Signatures of Selection We next tested SNPs 100kb up- and downstream of genes in Ourmultipletestsofneutrality,whicharesensitivetodifferent HGH, IGF-1, and INS signaling pathways for association with selection scenarios and timescales, revealed many signatures of height variation in our combined Pygmy-Bantu samples (Table positive selection which are enriched for genes influencing a S12). The strongest associations are found in or near CISH variety of complex traits with potential fitness implications (p=2.9961025; FDR=0.199), LEPR (p=3.3661025; including body size, thyroid function, immune system function, FDR=0.199), EEF2K (p=3.4461025; FDR=0.199), PRL and reproduction. Although we see evidence for enrichment in (p=6.3861025; FDR=0.323), and IFNG (p=8.8061025; HGHpathwaygenesinourPygmy-specificiHSresults,suggesting FDR=0.397),thoughnoneweresignificantafterFDRcorrection some selection on these loci after the split between Eastern and for multipletests. Western pygmies (.10kya), the genome-wide distribution of signals is not consistent with a strong, recent selective sweep at a Pathway Enrichment Analysis in Extreme Genome-Wide single locus. Rather, the overall results of our selection scans Association Signals suggest that theprocess oflocaladaptation involvedmultiple loci Thoughoursmallsamplesizelimitspowertodetectsignificant that may have been favored at different points in time. associations using full genome-wide association analyses (see Additionally, targets of selection from standing variation or those Figure S3), we explored potential pathway enrichment for genes showing slight changes in allele frequency at multiple loci are 100kbup-anddownstreamofmarkersintheextremetailofthe challengingtoidentify.Furtherdevelopmentofmethodssensitive empirical distribution of genome-wide p-values (the lowest 0.1%) tothesetypesofcomplexadaptivesignatureswillgreatlyfacilitate (TableS7D).ConsistentwiththephysiologicalliteratureinAfrican theanalysisofthegeneticarchitectureofadaptationintheseand Pygmies, the top two pathways that are significantly enriched in other global populations [40]. the combined Pygmy-Bantu association analysis are the protein kinaseBsignalingandthemitogenactivatedproteinkinase/MAP The Chromosome 3:45–60 Mb Region kinase cascades of the Insulin/IGF pathway (Table S7D). While The region found on chromosome 3 between 45 and 60Mb PANTHER enrichment for these pathways does not reach shows an overlapping pattern of selection and association signals PLoSGenetics | 7 April2012 | Volume 8 | Issue 4 | e1002641 StatureandAdaptationinWestAfricanPygmies (Figure 4). The presence of multiple, Pygmy-specific signals of private) in the Pygmy population across the region (right half of selection using different tests of neutrality could indicate that the Figure S5B). This pattern of variation is consistent with the region has been repeatedly under selection during the process of possibility of an ancient inversion encompassing the 8 ‘‘scaffold’’ local adaptation in Western Pygmy populations. However, the SNPs that has restricted recombination in the region, with the additional presence of Bantu-specific signatures of selection subsequent accumulation of variation resulting in each sub-type. suggests that the region may be more broadly relevant for Moreover, we observe multiple long-range population-specific adaptation in human populations. Indeed, this region has been haplotypes (,1 Mb in size; Figure S5) in the CISH/MAPKAP3/ previously implicated in genome-wide scans for selection in DOCK3 region in both the Bantu and Pygmy populations that Hapmap populations from Europe, Asia, and Africa likely contribute to the high F signal (Figure 4A). Additionally, ST [23,28,29,41,42,43]. SNPs in this region also show significant weobservedreducedlevelsofswitchingbetweenancestryblocksin association with height variation in both our combined Pygmy- the 46Mb–53Mb region on chromosome 3 (Figure 2B), BantusamplesandinrecentGWASstudiesinEuropeansaswell consistent with reduced recombination. Future functional studies as suggestive association in Pygmy samples only (Tables S11 and will be required to determine the magnitude of any CISH S12). expression differences between Pygmies and other populations Among the most promising positional candidates in the and how these might alter the downstream effects of HGH in chromosome3regionareDOCK3,aguaninenucleotideexchange African Pygmies. factorshowntobeassociatedwithheightvariationinnon-African In addition to CISH, MAPKAP3, and DOCK3 there are several populations [44], MAPKAP3 a mitogen-activated protein kinase other positional candidate genes in the chromosome 3 region central to several signaling pathways [45], and CISH, a negative between 45 and 60Mb that may have played a role in Western regulator of cytokine signaling that also inhibits HGHR activity Pygmy adaptation. These include ERC2, at position ,55Mb, [46].The709kblongDOCK3geneisexpressedspecificallyinthe whichoccurswithin100kbofsignalsinallfivescansforselection brain[47]andhasnoobviousimpactonstature,althoughaSNP (Table S9). Together with BSN located at ,49Mb in the within DOCK3 is associated with height in Europeans [12]. chromosome3region,ERC2appearstohelpregulateneurotrans- However, ,63kb away from DOCK3, oriented in the opposite mitter release [52]. This raises the interesting possibility that an direction, is the 5.4kb CISH gene. CISH, a member of the interactionbetweentheseloci,possiblyrelatedtoreproduction,is cytokine signaling (SOCS) family of proteins, is up-regulated by contributing to the strong Pygmy-specific differentiation in the interleukin-2 (Il-2) and plays a critical role in the signaling of region.Thus,itispossiblethataco-adapted complexofgenesin cytokines by binding tyrosine residues on activated cytokine thechromosome3:45–60Mbregionhasbeenunderselectionin receptors,particularly IL-2R[48],aswellasT-celldifferentiation theWesternPygmylineage,ashasbeenobservedinotherspecies [49].ArecentstudydemonstratedthatgeneticvariationatCISHis inregionswithreducedrecombinationduetostructuralvariation associated with susceptibility to bacteremia, malaria, and tuber- [53]. culosis in several global groups including a Gambian population [48], indicating the important role that CISH plays in infectious Pathway Enrichment disease susceptibility.CISHalsodirectlyinhibitsHGHRactionby The pathway enrichment results from our selection scans and blocking the STAT5 phosphorylation pathway [49], and CISH heightassociationresultsprovidesuggestive,novelinsightsintothe expression is highly regulated by levels of HGH expression [50]. possible genetic and physiological architecture of adaptation in Transgenicmicethatover-expressCISHshowreducedgrowthand Western African Pygmies. Signatures of selection in Western overall smallbody size [49]. Pygmies are often found near genes involved in neuro-endocrine Sequencing of 5 kb of the CISH gene inclusive of the protein signaling pathways related to reproduction and steroid hormone coding region, (Figure S4A–S4C) reveals increased diversity in synthesis,supportingtheproposalthatdifferencesinthetimingof Pygmy individuals relative to the Bantu individuals, but no reproduction may partly explain short stature as adults in these deviationsfromneutralexpectations.Wealsodidnotidentifyany populations[1].Furtherstudyofspecificgenesinthesepathways common population-specific SNPs. However, it is possible that a andtheirexpressionpatternsarelikelytoyieldnovelinsightsabout genetic variant upstream of CISH, possibly within or near the their functional role in adaptation in Pygmies. In addition, the DOCK3gene,containsaregulatoryelementthataltersCISHgene enrichmentforgenesthatplayaroleintheInsulin/IGFpathway expression inPygmies. near the strongest signals of genome-wide association further Althoughwedidnotdetectanystructuralvariants(SVs)inthe supportsamajorroleforthispathwayinthegeneticarchitecture region using SNP data (data not shown), DOCK3 is known to of heightin WesternAfrican Pygmies. contain inversion polymorphisms in global populations between ,50.88–50.97Mb[51].Thisobservationraisesthepossibilitythat Conclusions and Future Studies anundetectedSVcouldplayaroleinalteringgeneexpressionin Our multi-dimensional approach incorporating ancestry esti- the region. Indeed, 8 SNPs among the most strongly associated mation, genome-wide scans for positive selection, and genotype/ with stature in our combined Pygmy-Bantu analysis occur in the phenotype association identified several candidate genes and DOCK3geneandarein100%LDovera,268kbregioninboth pathways that may contribute to adaptive phenotypes, including Pygmy and Bantu populations. Specifically, after phasing, short stature,inWestern African Pygmypopulations. Our results genotypes at these SNPs are found as two ‘‘scaffold’’ haplotypes: raisethepossibility thattheadaptiveprocessthat producedsmall AAGGGAAG andGGAAACGA, withthe‘‘A’’form(thosewith bodysizeinPygmiesmaybetheresultofselectionfortraitsother an A at the first SNP, rs6779819) at ,73% frequency in the than stature, including early reproduction, metabolism, and Pygmysample,and,36%intheBantu.Thesemarkersalsoshow immunity, and that the functional variants (possibly regulatory strong linkage disequilibrium in HapMap European and Asian innature)thataretargetsofselectionmayhavepleiotropiceffects. sampleswherethesame‘‘A’’formhaplotypeisfoundat26%and Indeed,giventheextremelyhighpathogenloadandshortlifespan 38% frequency, respectively. Additionally in our Pygmy-Bantu inPygmies(between15.6and24.3years[1])immunefunctionis analyses, variation at intervening marker loci define lower- likely to have been under strong selective pressure in Pygmy frequency haplotypes, several of which are private (or near populations. Furthermore, many of the loci that play a role in PLoSGenetics | 8 April2012 | Volume 8 | Issue 4 | e1002641 StatureandAdaptationinWestAfricanPygmies immune response (e.g. cytokines) are known to directly influence separately to determine F and Pygmy LSBL values. In order ST genes related to HGH and insulin/insulin-like growth factor to identify close genetic relatives in the autosomal dataset, we signaling [54]. It is also possible that there have been multiple estimated identity by descent (IBD) using PLINK v 1.07 [59]. selective events in the history of the Pygmy populations, at Seven individuals (4 Bakola, 2 Bedzan, and 1 Tikar South) were different time periods, that may have contributed to the co- closelyrelatedtooneormoreindividualsinthesample.Aftertheir adaptive evolution of loci that play a role in immunity, removal no pairwise estimate of pi-hat exceeded 0.25, a value metabolism, and neuro-endocrine function. Comparison of roughly corresponding to relationships closer than grandparent- selection and association signals in Western and Eastern Pygmies grandchild.Theremainingsetof125samples(67Pygmiesand58 will be informative for distinguishing if selection for short stature Bantu) servedasthebasisfor subsequent analyses. evolvedinanancestralPygmypopulationpriortotheirdivergence within the past ,25,000 years [3,4,5,6], or whether this trait Estimates of Population Structure and Ancestry evolved independently in these populations due to convergent In order to evaluate population structure in our sample, we evolution.Inaddition,futureanalysisofwholegenomesequence, identifiedasubsetofSNPsthatmaximizesthenumberofmarkers characterization of structural variants, and functional studies of while minimizing linkage disequilibrium (LD). Specifically, we gene expression after challenge with HGH and IGF-1 in removed SNPs within a sliding window (100 SNPs per window appropriate cell types will be particularly informative for and an offset of 50 SNPs) based on the variance inflation factor identifying genomic variants that play a role in short stature in [59](VIF=2).Theresulting30,404markerswereanalyzedusing Pygmy populations. STRUCTURE to estimate the proportion of individual ancestry for a range of ancestral clusters, K=2, 3, and 4 (Figure 1A). Materials and Methods Principal components analysis (PCA) was performed using R (Figure 1B,1C;RDevelopment CoreTeam[60]). Subjects and Samples Appropriate IRB approval for this project was obtained from Correlation between Global Ancestry and Height both the University of Maryland and the University of Variation Pennsylvania. Prior to sample collection, informed consent was We explored the relationship between global admixture and obtained from all research participants, and permits were heightvariationusinglinearregression.Estimatesofancestrywere received from the Ministry of Health and National Committee analyzed usingthefollowing model: of Ethics in Cameroon. In total, our study included 132 individuals from six populations residing in Cameroon. Three are Niger-Kordofanian Bantu-speaking hunting and gathering Y ~mzb Gzb P ij 1 j 2 j populations: the Baka, Bakola, and Bedzan, and three are neighboring Niger-Kordofanian Bantu-speaking agricultural Where G is a co-variate representing sex and P represents the populations:theNgumba,SouthernTikar,andLemande.While proportionofPygmyancestry.Agewasinitiallyincludedbutwas theterm‘Pygmy’hashistoricallybeenpejorative,morerecentlyit not significant and so was removed from the final analysis hasbeenusedbyindigenousgroupsthemselvesaswellasactivist (Figure 1D). groups working on their behalf [55,56,57]. In acknowledgement of this recent trend and in the absence of a better term that Pairwise F and LSBL analyses ST encompassesthehuntingandgatheringpeoplesfromCameroon, First, using the subset of least-admixed Pygmy (N=28) and weuse‘Pygmy’tocollectivelyrefertothesetofthreepopulations, Bantu (N=40; Baka=17, Bakola=13) individuals identified in theBaka,theBakola,andtheBedzan,includedinourstudyand our STRUCTURE analysis, we calculated pairwise F [24] ST theirancestors.Likewise,wewillusetheterm‘Bantu’toreferto values for all SNPs that passed quality control. Cross-population thethreeagriculturalpopulationsinourstudy,theLemande,the scansforselection(e.g.F andLSBL)areexpectedtobeusefulfor ST Ngumba,andtheSouthTikar,andtheirancestors.Sampleswere detecting regionally restricted adaptation, including selection on collected in villages in the Eastern Province (Baka and standingvariation[26].SNPswithF valuesgreaterthan0.3308 ST neighboring Bantu groups), Southern and Ocean Provinces represent the 99.9% tail of the empirical distribution and are (Bakola and neighboring Bantu groups), and Center Provinces referred to as ‘‘high F SNPs’’. Next, in order to identify allele ST (Bedzan and neighboring Bantu population). White cells were frequency differences specific to the Pygmy lineage, we incorpo- isolatedinthefieldfromwholebloodwithasaltingoutprocedure rated data fromunrelated individualsfrom theHapMap Phase 3 modified from [58] and DNA was extracted in the lab with a Maasai sample (N=45) [61]. We then calculated Pygmy locus- Purgene DNA extraction kit (Gentra Systems Inc., Minneapolis, specific branch length (LSBL) values [25] for each SNP that MN). Height measurements as well as self-identified ethnicity, appeared in both datasets. Values greater than 0.2215 represent parentandgrandparentinformationwerealsorecordedexceptin the99.9%tailoftheempiricaldistributionandarereferredtoas thecaseoftheLemandeforwhichnophenotypicmeasurements ‘‘high Pygmy LSBL SNPs’’. In order to better visualize both the are available. clustering and concurrence of F /LSBL signals, we calculated ST andplottedthedensity ofhighF andhighPygmyLSBLSNPs ST Genotyping and Quality Control per Mb for all non-overlapping 500 SNP windows across the DNAsamplesweregenotypedontheIlluminaHuman1M-Duo genome (Figure 3). A matrix of average pairwise F values ST DNAanalysisBeadChip.AllDNAsamplesshowedSNPcallrates between each population is given in Table S13. We were also of at least 95%. In order to ensure the quality of genotype calls, interested to see if any unusual patterns of population structure SNPs with more than 5% missing data were excluded from existontheXchromosome,andsoanalyzedthesedataseparately. analysis. The remaining autosomal dataset includes a total of TheIlluminasoftwarepackagegenomestudio(Illumina,Inc,San 1,083,730 SNPs of which 960,497 were polymorphic in our Diego, CA) was used tocall SNPs in thefemale individuals only, populationsofinterest.Anadditional40,949XchromosomeSNPs and once this was accomplished, males were re-incorporated to exceeded similar quality control metrics and were analyzed establish hemizygous allele calls. PLoSGenetics | 9 April2012 | Volume 8 | Issue 4 | e1002641 StatureandAdaptationinWestAfricanPygmies XP-EHH and iHS Analyses performed. The non-standardized scores returned by the XP- Using binary executables made publically available by the EHH and iHS binary executables were adjusted such that all Pritchard laboratory at the University of Chicago, we performed scores had zero means and unit variances, either with respect to both cross-population extended haplotype homozygosity (XP- theentiredataset(forXP-EHH,asdescribedinreference[29])or EHH) [29] and integrated haplotype score (iHS) [28] tests of to SNPs with similar derived allele frequencies (for iHS, as neutrality. The XP-EHH test is most powerful when the selected described in [28]). The threshold values established from the allele and its associated haplotype are nearly fixed in one 99.9%tailofeachempiricaldistributionwereasfollows:absolute population but remain polymorphic or absent in a comparison value of XP-EHH=4.08, iHS_Pygmy=3.18, and iHS_- population. In contrast, iHS is most powerful when a selected Bantu=3.16. This imposes cutoffs that are either comparable or haplotype has reached intermediate frequency and is thus useful moreconservativecomparedtothevaluesusedinpreviousstudies for detecting partial selective sweeps within a single population using these tests (e.g. [29]; [28]). It is important to note that [29]. The iHS test has also been shown to be more robust than genomic regions identified using ‘‘outlier’’ approaches are not all alternative methods under complex demographic histories and expectedtobetargetsofselection.Rather,SNPswithinthetailsof variable recombination rates [62]. theempiricaldistribution areexpectedtobeenrichedforlinkage SNPgenotypeswerecomputationallyphasedusingfastPHASE withadaptivevariantsorcanbefalsepositivescausedbyhistorical v 1.4 [63] treating each chromosome independently. Haplotypes demographic events [29]; [28]. We focus primarily on Pygmy- that minimized the fastPHASE switch error were used in specific signals as these are of greatest interest with respect to subsequent analyses, as is recommended for data sets with many identifying candidate loci that play a role in short stature in that markers [63]. A fine-scale recombination map relevant to the population. African populations included in our study was generated using LDhat version 2.1 [64] and a dataset including a total of 100 Local Ancestry Inference and Admixture Mapping unrelated samples. Specifically, we analyzed 25 males and 25 Common methods for admixture mapping assume recent females, from each of two populations in HapMap3 Release 2 admixture, relatively long tracts of LD throughout the genome, [65]:theYorubafromIbadan,Nigeria(YRI)andtheLuhyafrom and the presence of both reference parental population samples Webuye,Kenya(LWK).HapMap3Release2(January2009)data [68].WhilemethodssuchasSTRUCTUREare abletoestimate wereusedratherthanthemorerecentHapMap3Release3(May admixture proportions well globally, they perform poorly with 2010), sincethese were phased usingtrios. respect to the local ancestry assignments critical to accurate LDhat uses a Monte Carlo approach to sample from the admixture mapping analysis [69]. Other methods such as LAMP posteriordistributionofthepopulationgeneticparameter4N rfor [69] do significantly better in this respect, but require knowledge e intervals between consecutive markers, where N is the effective of allele frequencies from both ancestral populations for optimal e population size and r is the per-generation recombination rate. performance[70].HAPMIX[71]andPCAdmix[72]havesimilar The LDhat Markov chain was run for 10,000,000 iterations; requirements. In addition, with the exception of HAPMIX, most 1,000,000 iterations were used as burn-in and only every 5,000th methods require unlinked markers. The demographic history of sample was retained to reduce auto-correlation among the WesternAfricanPygmypopulationscreatesauniquechallengefor posteriorsamples.Thiswasdoneforbothpopulationsseparately. these methods since admixture is both ancient and on-going. The median of the retained samples was calculated in order to Thus, we expect a wide distribution of haplotype sizes including obtain point estimates for the population-specific 4Nr values. To many that are relatively short. Furthermore, since every Pygmy e avoid any population-specific demographic or selection effects in individual inour sampleshows somedegreeof Bantuadmixture, the recombination map, the YRI and LWK estimates were only one of the two ancestral populations is still available and averaged.Usingthesepopulation-averagedestimates,wecomput- sampled (Bantu). We therefore have applied a novel method of edgeneticpositionsforeachSNPinourdatainunitsof4Nrthat local ancestry inference, SupportMix, that can identify relatively e weresubsequentlyusedintheXP-EHHandiHStests.ForSNPs smalltractlengthstoestimategenome-wideancestry(unpublished present in our data but not in HapMap3, genetic distance was data).Simulationsdemonstratethismethodismoreaccuratethan assumed toscalelinearly withinintervals. LAMP for several different degrees of population structure iHS analysis requires ancestral state information. To establish (unpublished data). When LAMP-ANC was performed using ancestralandderivedallelesforallSNPsinourdata,weusedthe information from both ancestral populations and compared to human, chimpanzee, orangutan, and rhesus macaque reference SupportMix using only a single ancestral source population, alleles in dbSNP131 [66].The datawere downloaded fromtable SupportMix was again more accurate (Figure S6). Thus, snp131OrthoPt2Pa2Rm2 oftheUniversityofCaliforniaatSanta SupportMix is an appropriate method to use when ancestral Cruz genome browser [67]. An allele was determined to be allelefrequenciesareknownforonlyoneancestralpopulation,as ancestral to the human population if the human reference isthecasefor theWesternPygmies. matched 1) the corresponding chimpanzee allele, or 2) the Briefly, SupportMix is a two-step process that classifies the orangutan allele if the chimpanzee allele was missing, or 3) the ancestral origin of small regions of the genome using a support rhesusmacaquealleleifboththechimpanzeeandorangutandata vectormachine(SVM)trainedontheancestralpopulation(s).This were missing. Approximately 5% of the SNPs in our data could isfollowedbyaclassificationofancestrywiththeaidofaMarkov not be assigned an ancestral state, due mainly to missing data in model. Specifically, the SVM learns the parameters of the dbSNP131; this was consistent across all autosomes (data not Markov-process and the most probable ancestral state is solved shown).SNPswithminorallelefrequencieslessthan5%ineither by the forward-backward algorithm over the observed states. As the Pygmy or Bantu populations were removed from the phased noted above, the complex pattern of admixture observed in our datasetinagreementwithrecentpublications[e.g.28].SNPswith Pygmy samples hinders this training step. To overcome this, an ambiguous ancestral states were also removed from the iHS additional SVM was trained at each window on all Pygmy and analysis.AsingleXP-EHHprocesscomparingthePygmysample Bantu samples. Those Pygmy samples most different from the to the Bantu samples was executed and two independent iHS BantuasmeasuredbytheL2normfromthedividingSVMhyper- processes,oneforthePygmyandonefortheBantusamples,were plane, were chosen as region-specific ‘‘ancestral’’ Pygmies. This PLoSGenetics | 10 April2012 | Volume 8 | Issue 4 | e1002641