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PATTERN FORMATION AnIntroductiontoMethods From the stripes of a zebra and the spots on a leopard’s back to the ripples on a sandy beach or desert dune, regular patterns arise in nature everywhere. The appearanceandevolutionofthesephenomenahavebeenafocusofrecentresearch activityacrossseveraldisciplines. This book provides an introduction to the range of mathematical theory and methods used to analyse and explain these often intricate and beautiful patterns. Bringing together several different approaches, from group theoretic methods to envelope equations and the theory of patterns in large-aspect-ratio systems, the bookprovidesinsightbehindtheselectionofonepatternoveranother. Suitable as an upper-undergraduate textbook for mathematics students or as a fascinating, engaging, and fully illustrated resource for readers in physics and bi- ology, Dr Hoyle’s book, using a nonpartisan approach, unifies a multiplicity of techniquesusedbyactiveresearchersinthisgrowingfield. REBECCA HOYLEisaSeniorLecturerinMathematicsattheUniversityof Surrey. PATTERN FORMATION An Introduction to Methods REBECCA B. HOYLE DepartmentofMathematicsandStatistics,UniversityofSurrey CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge,NewYork,Melbourne,Madrid,CapeTown,Singapore,Sa˜oPaulo CambridgeUniversityPress TheEdinburghBuilding,CambridgeCB28RU,UK PublishedintheUnitedStatesofAmericabyCambridgeUniversityPress,NewYork www.cambridge.org Informationonthistitle:www.cambridge.org/9780521817509 (cid:3)C CambridgeUniversityPress2006 Thispublicationisincopyright.Subjecttostatutoryexception andtotheprovisionsofrelevantcollectivelicensingagreements, noreproductionofanypartmaytakeplacewithout thewrittenpermissionofCambridgeUniversityPress. Firstpublished2006 Reprinted 2007 PrintedintheUnitedKingdomattheUniversityPress,Cambridge AcataloguerecordforthispublicationisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary ISBN-13 978-0-521-81750-9 hardback CambridgeUniversityPresshasnoresponsibilityforthepersistenceoraccuracyofURLsforexternalor third-partyinternetwebsitesreferredtointhispublication,anddoesnotguaranteethatanycontentonsuch websitesis,orwillremain,accurateorappropriate. Contents Preface pageix 1 Whatarenaturalpatterns? 1 1.1 Convection 3 1.2 Reaction-diffusionsystems 12 1.3 Faradaywaves 20 1.4 Outlineoftherestofthebook 22 2 Abitofbifurcationtheory 23 2.1 Flows,stationarypointsandperiodicorbits 23 2.2 Localbifurcationsfromstationarypoints 30 2.3 Normalformsforbifurcations 38 2.4 Codimension-onebifurcations 38 3 Abitofgrouptheory 52 3.1 Groups 52 3.2 Subgroups,quotientgroupsandconjugacy 57 3.3 Mappingsofgroups 61 3.4 Productsofgroups 64 3.5 Liegroups 67 3.6 Representationsofgroups 68 3.7 Characters 77 3.8 Isotypicdecomposition 82 4 Bifurcationswithsymmetry 85 4.1 Ordinarydifferentialequationswithspatialsymmetry 85 4.2 Theequivariantbranchinglemma 93 4.3 Bifurcationsinabox 97 4.4 Hopfbifurcationswithsymmetry 116 4.5 Heterocliniccycles 122 4.6 Appendix:Proofs 131 v vi Contents 5 Simplelatticepatterns 134 5.1 Latticesandlatticepatterns 134 5.2 Bifurcationsonalattice 136 5.3 Steadybifurcationonasquarelattice 141 5.4 Steadybifurcationonahexagonallattice 147 5.5 Roll/stripesolutions 157 5.6 TheKu¨ppers–Lortzinstability 158 5.7 Hopfbifurcationonaone-dimensionallattice 161 6 Superlattices,hiddensymmetriesandothercomplications 168 6.1 Superlatticepatterns 168 6.2 Modeinteractions 174 6.3 Spatial-period-multiplyingbifurcations 178 6.4 Quasipatterns 182 6.5 PseudoscalaractionsofE(2) 187 6.6 Hiddensymmetries 190 6.7 Hiddensymmetriesandreflectingboundaryconditions 198 7 Spatialmodulationandenvelopeequations 209 7.1 Envelopeequationsforspecificmodels 209 7.2 Envelopeequationsandsymmetries 216 7.3 FreeenergiesorLyapunovfunctionals 224 7.4 Conservationof‘angularmomentum’ 227 7.5 HopfbifurcationsandthecomplexGinzburg–Landauequation 232 7.6 TravellingwavesandthenonlinearSchro¨dingerequation 234 7.7 Modulatedhexagons 238 8 Instabilitiesofstripesandtravellingplanewaves 243 8.1 Universalinstabilitiesofstripes 243 8.2 TheEckhausinstability 247 8.3 Thezigzaginstability 260 8.4 Ageneraltheoryofphasedynamics 266 8.5 Thecross-rollinstability 274 8.6 Prandtl-number-dependentinstabilitiesofconvectionrolls 277 8.7 TheBenjamin–Feirinstability 286 9 Moreinstabilitiesofpatterns 292 9.1 Instabilitiesoftwo-dimensionalsteadypatterns 292 9.2 Driftinstabilities 306 9.3 Galileaninvarianceandflatmodes 315 9.4 Conservativesystemsandflatmodes 319 10 Spirals,defectsandspiraldefectchaos 325 10.1 Typesofisolateddefect 325 10.2 Dislocationofarollpattern 327 Contents vii 10.3 Amplitudegrainboundaries 337 10.4 Domainboundariesbetweendifferentpatternsinsystems withafreeenergy 342 10.5 Energeticconsiderationsforrollsinfinitedomains 349 10.6 Spirals 353 10.7 Spiralsinoscillatoryandexcitablesystems 354 10.8 Driftingandmeanderingspirals 362 10.9 Spiraldefectchaos 375 11 Large-aspect-ratiosystemsandtheCross–Newellequation 380 11.1 Fullynonlinearpatternsinlarge-aspect-ratioboxes 381 11.2 StationarysolutionsoftheCross–Newellequation 388 11.3 DefectsolutionsoftheCross–Newellequation 390 11.4 Modelswithvariationalstructure 400 11.5 Systemswithmeandrift 404 References 408 Index 417 Preface Regular patterns are found in abundance in nature, from the spots on a leopard’s back to the ripples on a sandy beach or desert dune. There has a been a flurry of recentresearchactivityseekingtoexplaintheirappearanceandevolution,andthe selection of one pattern over another has turned out to be an inherently nonlinear phenomenon. My aim in writing this book has been to provide an introduction to the range of methods used to analyse natural patterns, at a level suitable for final yearundergraduatesandbeginninggraduatestudentsinUKuniversities. Thebookbringstogetherseveraldifferentapproachesusedindescribingpattern formation, from group theoretic methods to envelope equations and the theory of patterns in large-aspect-ratio systems. The emphasis is on using symmetries to describe universal classes of pattern rather than restricting attention to physical systemswithwell-knowngoverningequations,thoughconnectionswithparticular systems are also explored. I have taken a wholeheartedly nonpartisan approach, unifyingforperhapsthefirsttimeinatextbookamultiplicityofmethodsusedby activeresearchersinthefield. ItwasDavidCrightonwhooriginallysuggestedIshouldwritethisbook.Ihad been lecturing a Cambridge Part III course on pattern formation, and David men- tionedinpassingthatitmightbeaniceideatoturnmylecturenotesintoabook.Of courseIhadnoideawhatIwaslettingmyselfinfor,butDavidwasalwayspersua- sive and inspirational so naturally I said yes. Several years of sweat and toil later I havefinally produced the book, though it bears little resemblance to my Part III course, which is probably just as well. I am only sad that David is no longer here toseetheresult:heinspiredandencouragedsomanypeople,particularlythoseat thebeginningoftheircareers,andheissorelymissed.Likesomanyothers,Iowe himagreatdebt. Mike Proctor, my Ph.D. supervisor, first introduced me to pattern formation. Later, it was Mike who gave me the opportunity to lecture the course that led to this book. I am very grateful to him for all his support and encouragement over ix

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