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PATHWAYS MIND • BODY • SPIRIT • ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES NOW IN OUR 35th YEAR IN THE WASHINGTON DC METRO AREA FALL 2011 • FREE Pathways Interview: Neal Barnard, MD: Health Benefts Of Plant-Based Diets • The Ten Most Incredible Herbal Products Guess Who’s Not Coming To The Environmental Dinner • Fighting Diabetes: Green Antidiabetics • Energetic Literacy Combating Chemicals In Our Water, Food And Air • Medical Mistakes That Kill And Injure • Energy Medicine For Women Justice And The Laws Of Mind • It’s All About “We” Not “Me” • Books, Music, And100’s Of Local Resources & Events PATHWAYS 35th NATURAL LIVING EXPO - 8 Page Centerfold Pull Out Explore • Learn • Play • Shop / 110 Booths • 64 Workshops “SHAMAN’S WAY” BY SUKIA Washington’s Premier Center for Integrative Medicine Comprehensive Treatment Options: • Acupuncture • Bioidentical Hormone Replacement • Biological Dentistry • Care for the Whole Family • Chiropractic • Colonic Hydrotherapy • Detoxifi cation/Rejuvenation • Functional Medicine • Holistic Primary Care • IV Therapies • Naturopathic Medicine • Nutritional Programs • Oxygen Therapies • Thermography Health and Healing Programs For: • ADD/Autism • Aging and Loss of Vitality • Allergy • Cancer • Cardiovascular Disease • Chronic Fatigue/Fibromyalgia Introducing… • Chronic Pain • Depression and Anxiety • Heavy Metal Toxicity NIHA’s Integrated • Menopause & Hormonal Imbalances • Insomnia Physical Health Team • Lyme Disease For more information, see page 30. • Nutritional Imbalances • Stroke/Brain Injury • Thyroid Disease and Adrenal Fatigue OPEN MANY SATURDAYS! • Weight Loss & Management National Integrated Health Associates 5225 Wisconsin Ave., NW, Suite 402 Washington, DC 20015 Call (202) 237-7000 or www.NIHAdc.com Please visit our online wellness store at www.products.nihadc.com 2— PATHWAYS—Fall 11 Traditional & Alternative Pharmacy for the Entire Family KNOWLES APOTHECARY ALAN CHIET, R.Ph. 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Pharmacist Pharmacist PHARMACIST OWNED/OPERATED Old Fashion Service in Modern Times.  Biomimetic Hormone Replacement Therapy *  Customized Vitamin/Supplement Compounds *  Lactose Free Formulations * Natasha Ryan, ND Loni McCollin, MScCN  Practitioner Brands Stocked Wellness Manager Clinical Herbalist  Herbal/Homeopathic Remedies Full Service Pharmacy  Natural Health And Beauty Aids Compounding Specialists  Veterinary Compounds We accept most insurance plans.  Gluten Free Products Knowles Apothecary  Kosher Vitamins 10400 Connecticut Ave., Suite 100  20% Off Supplements Kensington, MD 20895 Year Round* PHONE: 301-942-7979 * Requires Valid Physician’s Prescription FAX: 301-942-5544 * May not include ALL vitamin lines P H ARMAC Y HOURS: Monday – Friday, 9 am – 6 pm Saturday, 9 am – 1 pm 30% off KNOWLES APOTHECARY • YEAR-ROUND COUPON Annual Fall Sale 30% OFF any one nutritional supplement on Including these hard to fi nd national and practitioner recommended brands: Vitamins* & Supplements Boiron • Country Life • Enzymatic Therapy • Jarrow All of November New Chapter • Renew Life • 2Docs • and more. *May not include ALL vitamin lines ~ We Accept Competitors Coupons ~ Cannot be combined with 30% sale or promotions We’ve Expanded! Transfer your prescriptions from another pharmacy and receive $5 off . Excluding Medicare and other state and federal programs. Come in and see our newly renovated space and all we can now off er. Delivery and UPS Service Available www.KnowlesWellness.com PATHWAYS—Fall 11—3 A Space to: Learn, Network, Celebrate, Chill, Hold Your Workshops Pathways Magazine has opened the Rivendell Center in Silver Spring. Reasonably priced workshop and celebration space • Lots of free parking at the door. Just of the Beltway at Georgia Ave. • Seats up to 45 for workshops. Tables for classroom and cafe seating • PA System • Big screen for presentations. White board • Wood foor, great for yoga and movement • Free Movie Nights Green design with fltered water, real glasses & cofee mugs 240-247-0393 • www.PathwaysMagazine.com for Movie Schedule 4— PATHWAYS—Fall 11 Explore, Learn, Shop, Play, Network And Have A Great Time At Our 35th Expo Of Healthy And Unique Goods And Services Pathways Presents the 35th Natural Living Expo Sunday, October 9, 2011 • 10 AM - 7 PM 110 EXHIBITORS • 64 WORKSHOPS PLEASE PULL OUT THE 8 PAGE CENTERFOLD IN THIS ISSUE OF PATHWAYS University of Maryland University College Inn & Conference Center by Marriott 3501 University Blvd. East, Adelphi, MD $15 at the door or only $10 with a coupon available on page 76 of this issue of Pathways. Additional coupons and updates at www.naturallivingexpo.com • Save The Date! ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE • ANGEL READINGS • ART • ASTROLOGY • AURA PHOTOGRAPHY AROMATHERAPY • BEADS & CRYSTALS • BIOFEEDBACK • BOOKS • CHILDBIRTH CHIROPRACTIC • CLOTHING • CRAFTS • DENTISTRY • FACE READING • FENG SHUI • GARDENS HEALTH PRODUCTS • HERBS • HOLISTIC DOCTORS • HYPNOSIS • JEWELRY • KABBALAH LEARNING CENTERS • MASSAGE • MEDITATION • METAPHYSICS • MUSIC • NUTRITION PAIN MANAGEMENT • PALM READING • PHARMACIES • POLARITY THERAPY •PSYCHICS PSYCHOLOGY • REIKI •SHAMANS • SKIN CARE • SPIRITUAL CENTERS • TAROT • WEIGHT LOSS The Pathways Event of The Year PATHWAYS—Fall 11—5 Lou deSabla editor/Publisher Clare Dell’Olio Managing editor Michelle Alonso assoCiate editor Claudia Neuman oPerations Manager What We’re about Pathways is a quarterly journal and resource guide for the greater Washington area. We are committed to James Duke providing the public with free access to local resources and specifc tools for improving the quality of life Cam MacQueen physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It is our intent to provide this access through information Daniel Redwood and ideas. The articles and advertisements in Pathways demonstrate a growing commitment on the part of Mary Kay Reynolds local individuals to do business in a spirit of unity, cooperation and understanding and to maintain a high Carol Kurtz Walsh level of integrity, responsibility and service. Harvey Wasserman Tom Wolfe The world public has become disenchanted with both the political and fnancial Contributing editors leadership, which it no longer trusts to solve the problems of historical crises. Further more, all the individuals of humanity are looking for the answer to what the little Ann Silberlicht individual can do that can’t be done by great nations and great enterprises. graPhiC design —R. Buckminster Fuller Our journal encourages the “little individual” to join together in the dynamic process of personal and social Geraldine Amaral transformation. James Duke Donna Eden Pathways is a communications network that can provide the who, what, where, and when for you to become Honora Finkelstein involved in this dynamic process. But these tools for communication become meaningful only when you use Stephanie Krone Firestone them. Connect with individuals and groups listed in Pathways and take the next step towards your further Kathy Jentz involvement in this transformation. Misty Kuceris Claudia Neuman Daniel Redwood Laila Riazi Rose Rosetree Fred Tutman Tom Wolfe Making ConneCtions Contributing Writers Pathways presents useful information in several ways—through articles, advertisements, a directory and a calendar of local events. Many of the journal articles contain specifc resource lists that enable you to delve deeper into the subject area. Alyce Ortuzar Lisa Wechtenhiser When an ad, an article or an event in Pathways intrigues you, don’t hesitate to call the people up or arrange book reVieWs to visit them. The people in the Pathways network are happy to talk to you about what they do and why. Feel free to contact the authors and advertisers for comments or advice. The resources listed here are the Claudia Neuman people as much as the goods, services and activities they offer. So, when you call them up, it’s helpful to tell MusiC reVieWs them what it was that caught your interest. The personal connection is the important thing. HD Delivery Service 571-435-2161 CirCulation Finding PathWays Sukia Pathways circulates 40,000 copies quarterly by direct mail and through over 350 local businesses. Check the “Shaman’s Way” directory section under Natural Food Stores for a partial list of our distribution points. These points are also www.centerofcreativeconvergence.com key locations where you can make connections with people of interests similar to your own. You can also fnd many of our locations on our web site: www.pathwaysmagazine.com. on the CoVer Pathways disappears quickly each quarter from many of our distribution points, so it’s a good idea to get Fall 2011 on our mailing list. Send us $20 for a one-year subscription and have Pathways delivered to your door each Volume 35, Number 3 quarter. Make all checks payable to Pathways and send to us at 9339 Fraser Ave., Silver Spring, MD 20910, Published quarterly or call us at 240-247-0393. with the season change by LOU DESABLA PATHWAYS MAGAzINE 9339 Fraser Ave. Silver Spring, MD 20910 www.pathwaysmagazine.com adVertising in PathWays PHONE 240-247-0393 If you would like to advertise with us, contact us for specifcations and rates. You can fnd our rates and (Mon.–Thurs. • 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM) specifcations on our website at: www.pathwaysmagazine.com. You can now even place and pay for your ad on our secure website. Or write to: Pathways, 9339 Fraser Ave., Silver Spring, MD 20910, or call us at FAX 888-262-0870 (toll free) 240-247-0393 (Mon.-Thurs. 10 AM - 3 PM). You can e-mail us at masthead-inside.pdf 8/22/05 11:26:33 AM C M Y CM MY CY CMY K The PaThways InTervIew neaL BaRnaRd, Md: HeaLtH BeneFits oF ..................... 9 PLant-Based diets By danieL Redwood herB COrner tHe ten Most incRediBLe HeRBaL PRoducts ................ 11 By toM woLFe CulTIvaTIng COmPassIOn guess wHo’s not coMing to tHe ............................... 15 enviRonMentaL dinneR By FRed tutMan, coLuMn edited By caM MacQueen neaL BaRnaRd, Md aCCessIng yOur InTuITIOn HeaLtH BeneFits oF PLant-Based diets Justice and tHe Laws Of Mind ..................................... 21 Pathways IntervIew • Page 9 By geRaLdine aMaRaL The sPICe ChesT FigHting diaBetes: gReen antidiaBetics ....................... 25 By JiM duke asTrOlOgICal InsIghTs it’s aLL aBout “we” not “Me” ................................... 36 By Misty kuceRis energeTIC lITeraCy you Have so MucH MoRe to youR HeaRt .................. 41 By Rose RosetRee BOOk revIews By alyCe OrTuZar guess wHo’s not coMing to waLL oF siLence: tHe untoLd stoRy oF tHe MedicaL Mistakes tHat kiLL & inJuRe ... 17 tHe enviRonMentaL dinneR Fred tutman • Page 15 tHe tReatMeRt tRaP: How tHe oveRuse oF MedicaL caRe is wRecking youR HeaLtH and wHat you can do to PRevent it .............................................................................. 19 ResouRces FoR tHe MedicaL waR against cHiRoPRactoRs: tHe untoLd stoRy FRoM PRosecution cReative Living to vindication ..................................................................................................................... 99 more articles Community Action: A Call To MND • BODY • SPIRIT C.R.E.A.T.E. A Warm Night For eneRgy Medicine FoR woMen, By donna eden ................................................................ 45 All .............................................. 51 tHe PRactice oF siLence, By stePHanie kRone FiRestone ................................................. 54 Washington Gardener: green news anD vIews Chrysanthemums .................... 56 Music Reviews ......................... 58 cHeMicaL waRFaRe: coMBating cHeMicaLs in ouR wateR, Food and aiR ..................... 47 Metaphysical Books ................ 61 PuRe and siMPLe: cLean natuRaLLy witH PLant essentiaL oiLs .................................... 48 Network of Light News ......... 89 signs oF cLiMate cHange .................................................................................................... 49 resources An InvItAtIon From PAthwAys PublIsher, lou desAblA Fall Calendar ............................ 77 Please set aside Sunday, October 9th on your calendar to share our joy at our 35th Natural Living Expo. It is a Classes & Learning Centers ..111 wonderful opportunity to explore, learn, shop, play, network and have a great time. Health Services ...................... 115 I have been blessed with the honor of producing this mind, body, spirit event for all these years and I am Metaphysical Sciences .......... 119 constantly amazed at the diverse group of attendees that wander the exhibit halls and workshop rooms with a Psychology & Therapy ......... 120 common look of awe and amazement. Everyone has a sublime time. Retreats & Getaways ............. 122 At only $10, it’s cheaper than most movies. You can attend up to 8 workshops of the 64 that are offered, all included Resource Directory ................ 123 in the $10 price of admission. You can learn about alternative medicine; get a massage and other healing services; a psychic, tarot, shamanic or face reading; or peruse hundreds of unique products. Natural Food Store Guide .... 133 Please join us. Bring your friends. For information and coupons, see pages 69-76. Online Directory .................... 141 Ad Index ................................ 142 Pathways 35th Natural Living Expo • Sunday, October 9 PATHWAYS—Fall–11—7 PATHWAYS—Fall 11—7 VGA_Pathways Ad_May2011_Layout 1 5/10/11 11:40 AM Page 1 It’s all about YOU! You are a unique person, and you deserve an individualized approach to your healthcare needs. ® Individualized Nutrition, Pharmacy and Healthy Living At Village Green, you’ll find a full range of nutrition and healthy living resources, as well as traditional pharmacy services, plus… Personal attention & top-notch service We offer the kind of person-to- person help that mass-market pharmacies just can’t give you. Extensive product selection We have over 10,000 nutritional supplements, plus natural beauty care products, homeopathic remedies, and health-related books. Personalized health plans/Essentials of Healthy Living™ program Consult with our health experts about an individualized health plan and get a free, customizable information packet. Private consultations are also available. Individualized testing We work with doctors and health practitioners who test for nutritional deficiencies, hormone imbalances, food sensitivities, heavy metals, and environmental toxins, and then recommend a plan that includes specific supplements or specially compounded formulas. Extensive knowledge & expertise Our 45 team members (including pharmacists, nutritionists, naturopathic doctor and clinical herbalist) are knowledgeable about the highest quality forms of nutrients and how they work together. Drug/nutrient interaction and depletion review Ask us for help in making sure your prescriptions and supplements aren’t working against each other. Educational resources Visit MyVillageGreen.com and discover our healthy living blog, free email newsletter, and “Ask the Expert” service. And tune in to our weekly radio show, “Essentials of Healthy Living” Sunday mornings from 10-11am on 1500 AM (WFED). Customized compounded prescriptions (Just what the doctor ordered!) Allergic to dyes or fillers? Need an easy-to-swallow liquid? Looking for a special formulation for your dog or cat? We’re experts at compounded prescriptions — custom-blended in the form, flavor, and size you prefer. Save up to 20% everyday on nutritional supplements and body care products including specialty and “physician brands” products like Xymogen, Metagenics, Nordic Naturals, and Thorne. DELIVERY SERVICES SAVE $5.00 We conveniently deliver in the suburban MD area. when you spend $50 or more on nutritional supplements. Shop in-store or online. Tel 301.530.0800 | PATHWAYS INTERVIEW Health Benefts of Plant-Based Diets BY DANIEl REDWooD, DC which for most people means for the rest of their lives. That becomes pun- Neal D. Barnard, MD, is a leader in ishing after a while. preventive medicine, nutrition, and research. As an adjunct associate pro- Do people on those diets fnd it too dif- fessor of medicine at the George Wash- fcult and eventually give up? ington University and a researcher funded by the National Institutes of Many people do, or they compro- Health, he has led key research studies mise with it. And if they then ratchet to improve the health of people with back up their calorie intake, all of the diabetes, obesity, lipid disorders, and unhealthy foods that they were eating other serious health problems, and to in “moderation” increase as well, and improve nutrition in schools and in the they’re right back where they started. workplace. So with a plant-based diet, we don’t He is the editor-in-chief of the Nutri- use calorie limits at all. Having said tion Guide for Clinicians and the author that, calorie intake does fall, largely be- of more than 15 books on nutrition and cause because the foods are low in fat. health for lay readers, including Dr. Neal Barnard’s Program for Reversing Could you explain what this diet con- Diabetes, Foods That Fight Pain, The Food sists of? Seduction, and the newly released 21- Day Weight Loss Kickstart: Boost Metabo- Sure. We focus on four food groups: lism, Lower Cholesterol, and Dramatically vegetables, fruits, whole grains and le- Improve Your Health. His research has gumes. The legumes are beans, seeds been cited by the American Diabetes and lentils. We also encourage people Association and the American Dietetic to have any reliable source of vitamin Association in offcial policy state- B12, which might be a multiple vitamin ments on healthful diets. or it could be fortifed foods. That’s it. Dr. Barnard’s articles have appeared However much you want to eat is up in Diabetes Care, the American Journal of to you. If you want to follow, say, an Clinical Nutrition, the American Journal Italian pattern, it might be lentil soup of Medicine, Pediatrics, the Journal of or minestrone soup, followed by spa- the American Dietetic Association, Sci- ghetti with a chunky tomato sauce. If entifc American, the American Journal you want to do a Latin American pat- of Cardiology, Obstetrics & Gynecology, tern, it might be beans and tortillas. An Lancet Oncology, Preventive Medicine, Asian pattern might be tofu, rice and and many other scientifc and medical vegetables. How you interpret it is en- journals. He is a frequent lecturer at tirely up to you. scientifc societies and a peer-reviewer for many medical journals. Without getting too technical, could you He received his M.D. degree at the give some of the measures by which it was George Washington University School determined that the Barnard diet outper- of Medicine. He founded the Physi- formed the American Diabetes Association cians Committee for Responsible Med- diet in this study? icine (PCRM) in 1985. PCRM is a na- tionwide group of physicians and lay The main index of blood sugar supporters that promotes preventive control is called hemoglobin A1C. It medicine and addresses controversies should be below 7 in a person who has in modern medicine. He later initiated diabetes. Our people weren’t near 7, the Cancer Project, providing nutrition they were around 8 at the beginning. information for cancer prevention and As time went on, the people who survival, and the Washington Center began the vegan diet had a drop of for Clinical Research, a center for nu- Neal Barnard, MD about 1.2 absolute percentage points, trition-related studies. compared to a drop of 0.4 for the The PCRM website is www.pcrm. ADA group. By the way, a drop of 1.2 org. It includes a wide range of evi- ple approach a diet change with a cer- their own food, or they ate at restau- is huge. That’s bigger than you would see dence-based nutritional information tain amount of trepidation, but very rants or fast food places, wherever with typical oral medications. We also supporting a plant-based diet, along rapidly the diet ft like a new pair of they wanted to eat. We did not provide tracked body weight. Both groups with the online Kickstart program, gloves and people did very well with meals for them. That was intentional lost weight and they kept the weight which has already had 150,000 partici- it. In fact, when we looked at the data because we wanted to see how it works off. We tracked people for a full year pants. on dropout rates with other kinds of in the real world. and a half and they never put all the diets, and how people react to them, it weight back on. The vegans lost more Your NIH-funded diabetes research appears that a plant-based diet is as ac- Were there limits on calories or portion weight but the difference between the (Diabetes Care, 2006) demonstrated that ceptable or more acceptable than other sizes in those following your diet? two groups was rather small on weight a low-fat, plant-based diet achieved bet- therapeutic diets. That was delightful loss. What’s surprising is that the veg- ter health outcomes for reversing diabetes to see. No. That’s in many ways the beauty ans lost more weight than the people than the diet recommended by the Ameri- of it. People with diabetes are used to who were intentionally counting calo- can Diabetes Association. Aside from that In this study, did people prepare their being given a calorie limit, typically ries and trying to lose weight. On the take-home message, what should people own food or did you provide food for them? 500 calories less per day than what vegan diet, they were free to eat as know about this research? Was it a controlled, closed setting, or were they would eat normally. So if a per- much as they wanted, yet they still lost people living their normal lives while fol- son is normally eating 2000 calories a more weight than the people on the Perhaps the most surprising thing lowing this diet? day, a weight loss diet would cut them calorie restriction. was not simply that a plant-based diet to 1500. And they are asked to main- With regard to cholesterol, we is effective; we were also struck by the In prior studies, we provided food. tain that level of intake for as long as it fact that it was quite easy. Many peo- But in the NIH trial, everybody made takes them to lose their excess weight, continued on page 106 PATHWAYS—Fall 11—9 Soul Source an oasis for transformation Join us on the path to health, serenity and joy . . . . . . and discover that you are the instrument of your own fulfi llment! Hypnotherapy Emotional and Spiritual Transformation Holistic Healing Acupuncture | Aromatherapy | Energy Healing | Reiki | Naturopathy | Nutritional Kinesiology | Angel, Psychosocial & Reference Point Therapies Meditation | Qi Gong | Yoga Readings Psychic | Medium | Angel | Tarot Spiritual Soul to Soul Dialogue | Spiritual Travel | Spiritual Counseling & Groups Staff Development Retreats Workshops | Classes www.theSoulSource.net 18015 Muncaster Road, Derwood MD 20855 Near: Olney | Rockville | Gaithersburg 410.371.7950 10—PATHWAYS—Fall 11

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