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Preview Pathological changes in murine hearts induced by intermittent administration of ciguatoxin

; PATHOLOGICALCHANGES INMURINEHEARTS INDUCEDBY INTERMITTENT ADMINISTRATION OFCIGUATOXIN KIYOSH! *reRAO.EMIKOITO, MISAKOOHKUSU ANDTAKESHI YASUMOTO Terao, K., Ito,E.,Ohkusu,M &Yasumoto,T. 19940801: Pathological changesinmurine hcaru induced by intermittent administration ofciguatoxin. Memoirs ofthe Queensland Memoirs34(3): 621-623.Brisbane.ISSN0079-8835 Ciguatuxin (CTX) atdoses of0,1 or0,05u,g/kg were given orally by intubation into male ICR miceonceaweekfor25weeks(0.1fig/kggroup)or40weeks(0.05u,g/kggroup). Until about 10 weeksafterthe beginning ofthe experiments the mice in both groups showedno abnormal clinical signs. Afterabout 18 weeks, mice treated with0.1u,g/kg showedmarked hypertrophyofthehearts;nopathologicalchangeswereseenintheheartsoftheothermice. Therewasswellingorruptureoftheendotheliumofthecapillariesand wideningcausedby exudation orcollagen fibers in the interstitial space. Occasionally, degenerated of swollen mitochondria wereprominent in the myocardium. Accumulationsofplatelets in thecapil- laries were frequently observed, Mice treated with low CTX dose showed no pathological changeseven attheultrastructural leveluntil40weeks. tHUSCTXhasapotentcumulative effectonthecardiactissue. Kiyoski Tvrao, Emiko ho & Misako Ohkusu, Research Centerfor Pathogenic Fungi and MicrobtalToxicoses,ChibaUniversity. I-S-l,Irtohuna, Chuo-ku.Chiba260,Japan;Takeshi Yasumoto, FacultyojAgriculture, Tohoku University, 11 TsutsumidoriAmemiva,Aoba-ku. 980Sendai, Japan; 2 February 1994 Ciguatera is one of the most serious tropical 23g) were obtained from Charles River Japan food poisonings of fish in the vicinity ofcoral Inc..Tokyo. 40mice weredivided into 3 groups, reefs;itssymptomsareneurological,gastrointes- Group I: Five mice were given physiological tinal and cardiac (Baden,1983). Several toxins saline with a stomach tube once a week for 40 were isolated from contaminated fishes or cul- weeks and servrxi as ContcoL Group 2: Twenty tured dinoflagellates and the chemicaJ structures miceweregivenCTX(0.1p-g/kgofbodyweight determined (Murata et al.,1989). Among them, Group 3: Fifteen mice were given low CTX CTX is the mostpotent.A feature ofciguatera is (0.05fjLg/kg). Micein groups 2 and 3 were given its obstinacy and recurrence of attacks (Bae- the phyeotoxin in a similar manner to group 1. nis,1968,Ba'gnisctaL 1979). Ourstudyofshort- Two mice each from group 2 were sacrificed by term, successive administration ofCTXata low cervicaldislocation5hoursaftertheintubationat dose,confirmedthatCTXhasacumulativeeffect the 12th, 14th, ISth and 23rd week from the on the cardiac tissue. In experiments reported beginning. Afterthetreatmentallsurvivingmice here we re-examined the potency ofthe cumula- were fed a standard diet (CE-2.Nihon Clea Inc., tiveeffectsofthetoxinon themousehearttissue. Tokyo). Two mice from the group 3 were also killedand controlled in a similarmannertomice MATERIALSAND METHODS in group 2 at the 1Sth and 40th week. Toxin CTX used herein was isolated from reefsnap- MorphologicalExamination pers {Lutjanus bohlar) from Micronesia and Afternecropsyall internal organswerefixedin Okinawa. Phyeotoxin was purified as described 10% neutral formalin and embedded in paraffin. bmyinLiemgarlalnedtheatladl.os(e19o8f9)C.TOXne24mhorussaeftuenriti pis atdh-e TanhdePslAiSd.esFfoorr lTiEghMt.mipcirecoesscoopfythweerheearstt,aiknieddneHyE. ministration into 20gmouse and is equivalentto and liver were fixed by cold paraformaldebyde- 0.35p-g/kgbodyweight(Yasumotopcrs.comm. i glutaxuidehydesolution(finalconcentration:2%) OralLD50was notdetermined becausethe avail- and immersed in buffered 1% OSO4 at room abledose ofphyeotoxin was limited. temperature. Then dehydrated in a series of graded ethanol, embedded in Epon 812.and cut ExperimentalAnimals withadiamondknifeonaPorterllultratome.The Male ICR mice (4 weeks ol age weighing 20- ullrathin sections were stained with urany] 622 MEMOIRS OFTHEQUEENSLANDMUSEUM W -w w* v / - te v litJ:v* ! FIG. A,Electron micrographofheartfrommouse given 0.1p-g/kgCTXorally byintubationsonceaweekfor 1. 25weeks.Betweencardiacmuscles(M)arethickbundlesofcollagen(Co). Bloodcapillaries(C)areembedded in the collagen fibers. V: vein. Bar: 10u,m. B, Electron micrograph ofthe heart from mouse given O.lpg/kg CTXorallybyintubationsonceaweekfor25weeks.Inasmallvein(V)athrombus(arrowheads)isdeveloping. M:cardiacmuscle.Bar: lOpjn.C, Electron micrographoftheheartfromamouse given0.05 pg/kgCTXorally by intubation for40weeks. Nodiscerniblechanges areseen.M: cardiacmuscles. Bar: 10p.m. PATHOLOGICAL CHANGES IN MURINEHEARTSBYCIGUATOXIN 623 acetate and lead dime and examined with a markedly swollen and ruptured with seventy of Hitachi H700HTEM. changedependenton dose. Theseedema may be causedby theincreasedinfluxofNa*channelsof RESULTS cardiac musclecells (Ohizumi l990). Inourpre- 1 vious report, short-term successive administra- Oral administration of CTX at a dose of tion ofCTX at low dose resulted in acumulative 0.1|ig/kgresultedin noabnormality,whereas i.p. effect of CTX on the mouse heart (Terao et al, injection ofthe same dose caused severe watery 1992). In the present study, an intermittent dose diarrhoea within 10 minutes. In contrast, mice ited in similarsevere morphologicalchanges injected i.p. with the phycotoxin at a dose of in theheart tissue. CTX may bind very tighti 0.05|xg/Vg induced no diarrhoea at all. Na* channels on the cardiac muscle cells or to Even at the ultrastructural level a single oral those on theendotheliumofthe capillaries m the dose of0.1fcg/kg ofCTX producedno abnormal interstitium. changesintheheartmuscle. Long-term,intermit- tentadministrationofCTXatadoseof0.05p-g/kg L1TF.RATURF CITED induced nopathological changes in the heart tis- sue until 40 weeks. En contrast, intermittent ad- BADEN, D.G. 1983. Marine food-homedinoflagellate ministration of 0.1M-g/ke CTX once a week for toxins.Pp 99 150.JnG.H.Bourne&J.F.Daniel!i over 12 weeks resulted in severe morphological \ais) International Review of Cytology 62* changes in heart tissue. (Academic Press: New York). Mice given 0-05u..g/kg CTX showed no abnor- BAGNIpoSi,soRn.ing1]96m8.FCrleinnicchalPoalsypneecstisa.ofHacwiaguiaiteMreadi{fciaslh mal behaviour through the experiment. Mice treated with CTX at an intermittent oral dose of BAl;NJIoSur.naR.l,2K8;UB25E-R2S8.Kd, T. & LAUGIER, S. 1979. O.Iftg/kg also showednoabnormalityduring the Clinical observations on 3,009cases ofciguatera first 12 weeks. After that, however, shock often (fish poisoning'i in the South Pacific. ATOC Occurred shortly after administration of CTX. Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygin< Usually die animals recovered spontaneously tOU7-1073, within 10 minutes. After 18 doses or at the 18th LEGRAND. A.M., UTAUDON, M., GENTHON, week two mice were sacrificed. Both ventricles IN.. BAGNIS, R. ft YASUMOTO, T 19K9. of the animals were dilated at necropsy. His- ., tnd some propertiesofCTX, Journalof topathoiogically, multiple single cell necroses Applied Physiology 1: 183-188. were often seen in the mural orpapillary muscles MUKATA, M. LEGRAND.A.M., ISHlfiASHI, Y. & of the left ventricle. TEM examination showed YASUMOTO,T 1989.StructuresofCTX andits swelling ofmyocardiac cellsandedemabetween coogener. journal ofAmericanChemical Society 111 8929-8931. becleuelnlcdstlreobsne-odcfeanmmsuees.clOrceocufanisbdireoedsn.alaMindtdiossctohhcoeinadtmriaiotnaroiifnxitnhwteeasrse- OHIZUo]f9M8CI1,T.XMYo.i,dnetShHoefJgaBuiAenxTecAait.apitoSgr.vya&asnddTefAienCrheiHnb1si.tBoJAroyNuarAcn,tailoKon.sf calated discs was noted. Blood capillaries were Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics embedded by bundles of collagen fibers and 221: 748-752. electron-dense flocculent materials (Fig,]A), TERAO, K.. fTO, E St YASUMOTO, T. 1990. Capillaries and small veins were often occluded Paihoniorpholngieal studies on experimental by accumulation ofblood platelets (Fig.IB). nuatoKwicoMs and ciguatoxicosis in mice. Pp. Mice given 05u.g/kg CTX produced nochan- T0\ In TJ. Tostexon fed.), 'Ciguatera Puerto ges in heart tissue until 40 weeks (Fig.1C). Rk» 1990* (Polyscience Publication: Quebec). TERAO. K ITO, E. OARADA. M., ISHlfiASHI. Y., DISCUSSION LEGRA, ND, A.M. & YASUMOTO. T. 1991 Light and electron microscopic studies of 1 ologic changes induced in mice hy CTX The most prominent morphological changes poisoning. Toxkon 29. 633-643. afteradministrationofCTXoccurredin the hcaii TER vo. K ITO, E. & YASUMOTO, T. 199? Light muscles (Terao et al.,1990,199IT992) Almost and el,ectron microscopic studies of the marine all cardiac muscle cells and the endothelium of heart after repeated administrations of CTX or blood capillaries in the cardiac mterstitium were CTX-4c. Natural Toxins I; 19-26.

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