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Preview Pathologic Evaluation of Appendectomy Specimens in Children: Is Routine Histopatholgic Examination Indicated?

0 Iran J Pediatr Original Article Dec2011; Vol21(No4), Pp:485-490 Pathologic Evaluation of Appendectomy Specimens in Children: Is Routine Histopatholgic Examination Indicated? Maryam Monajemzadeh1,2, MD; Mohammad-Taghi Hagghi-Ashtiani*1,2, MD; Laleh Montaser-Kouhsari1, MD; Hamed Ahmadi1,MD, Heidar Zargoosh1,MD,andMehdi Kalantari2,3,MD 1. Departmentof Pathology,Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran 2. Children’s Medical Center, Pediatric Center of Excellence, Tehran, Iran 3. Department ofSurgery,Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran Jul70, 2010 Dec13, 2010 Jan15, 2011 Received: ; Final Revision: ; Accepted: Abstract Objective: Acute appendicitis is the most common cause of abdominal surgery in children. Similarity between signs and symptoms of appendicitis and other common pediatric illnesses, atypical manifestations of appendicitis in young children, and children's inability to give precise explanation for their symptoms contribute to considerabledelay in proper diagnosis andincreased rate of perforation. Current study reports the surgical and pathological findings of appendectomies in the largest Children's Hospital in Iran. It also evaluates whether common protocol for pathologic Methods: evaluation following appendectomy is beneficial. Pathologic reports of 947 appendectomies, performed with the presumptive diagnosis of acute appendicitis, were gathered. Correlation between surgical and pathologic findings was assessed. Demographic characteristics of patients between surgical and pathological subgroups Findings: were also compared. The mean age of participants was 6.9±3.5 years. Eighty seven (25.5%) children had abnormal pathological findings and normal surgical report. None of miscellaneous findings including appendicular carcinoid tumor 3 (0.3%), oxyuriasis 2 (0.2%), and mycobacterial infection 4 (0.5%) were recognizable during the surgery. Of all pathologically confirmed cases with Conclusion: perforated appendicitis, 9.7% were not detected during the surgery. In current study, acute appendicitis was the most common pathological diagnosis, however, high normal appendectomy rate along with noticeable proportion of surgically missed perforated appendicitis and unusual histopathologies strongly supported routine histological IraenxiaamnJionuartniaolno.fPediatrics,Volume21(Number4),December2011,Pages:485-490 Key Words: AcuteAppendicitis; Appendectomy;PathologicalExamination; Histopathology * Corresponding Author; Address:Division ofPathology, Children’s Medical Center,No 62, Dr Gharib St,Keshavarz Blvd,Tehran, Iran E-mail:[email protected] © 2011by Pediatrics Center of Excellence, Children’s Medical Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences,All rights reserved. 486 Pathologic Evaluation of Appendectomy Specimens; MT Haghi-Ashtiani, et al Introduction histological evaluation. Sections were taken from the base, body and tip of appendix and were Acute appendicitis, the most common cause of immediately fixed with formalin prior to transfer abdominal surgery in children, has an incidence of to the pathologic laboratory. Demographic 70,000 pediatric cases per year in the United information and initial presenting complaint of [1] States . Similarity between signs and symptoms patients were gathered. Intra-operative and of appendicitis and other common pediatric microscopic reports of appendectomies were illnesses such as acute gastroenteritis, atypical categorized into different subgroups and patients' manifestations of appendicitis in young children, characteristics were compared between these and children's inability to give precise explanation subgroups. Characteristics of cases with and for their symptoms contribute to considerable without perforated appendicitis were also delay in proper diagnosis and increased rate of compared. Institutional Review Board of Tehran [2-4] perforation . In fact, complicated appendicitis University of Medical Sciences approved the study. P occurs in 75% of young children in some The results were analyzed using SPSS, version [5] centers . In addition, the rate of normal 14. A -value less than 0.05 was considered appendectomy comprises as high as 20% of all statistically significant. Results are expressed as [6-8] appendectomies in this group of patients . mean(standard deviation). Accordingly, the need for complementary evaluations in pediatric patients in order to confirm the initial diagnosis and to detect the Findings complicated cases of appendicitis seems unavoidable. ± Submission of specimens from various routine surgeries including tonsillectomy, varicectomy The mean age of participants was 6.9( 3.5) years and hernia sacs for pathologic examination should (range, 10 months to 15 years). Of all patients, 637 [9] ± be omitted , however, there are no similar (67.3%) patients were males who had no ± P recommendations for appendectomy specimens. significant age difference with females (6.8 3.6 In spite of concerns about the cost and 7.1 3.3 years); ( =0.2). The most common [10] effectiveness , pathological examination may clinical presentation was abdominal pain in 918 reveal additional pathologies such as appendiceal (96.9%) individuals and other reported tumors and inflammatory bowel diseases that may presentations were rectal bleeding 20 (2.1%), not be evident during surgery but may affect abdominal distention 4 (0.4%), constipation 4 [11] subsequent clinical management . (0.4%), and prolonged icterus 1 (0.1%). Current study evaluated surgical and Surgical findings were abnormal in 607 cases pathological findings of appendectomies in the (64.1%) including inflamed appendix 431 (71%), largest Children's Hospital in Iran. It also aimed at perforated appendicitis 84 (13.8%), gangrenous determining whether common protocol of our appendicitis 77 (12.6%), and periappendicular center for routine pathological evaluation of abscess 15 (2.4%). In other 340 cases (35.9%) no appendectomy specimens is rational. appendiceal abnormalities were found during surgery; nevertheless in 152 cases (16%), non- appendicular pathologies that mimicked acute appendicitis were established (Table1). Subjects and Methods Grossly the most common lesion found was congestion accompanied by dull serosa which P were signs of acute inflammation related to Records of 947 patients who underwent appendicitis microscopically ( =0.0004). appendectomy at Pediatric Center of Excellence, Histopathological findings were abnormal in 783 Tehran, Iran between 1988 and 2009 due to a (82.7%) including acute appendicitis 205 (26.1%), presumptive diagnosis of acute appendicitis were acute suppurative appendicitis 381 (48.6%), evaluated. All appendices had been removed by gangrenous appendicitis 82 (10.4%), perforated open surgery and were routinely submitted for appendicitis 93 (11.8%), chronic appendicitis Iran J Pediatr; Vol21(No4);Dec2011 487 Table1: Intraabdominal pathologies mimicking acute subgroups. Table 2 summarizes the distribution of Diagnosis Number (% appendicitis of all records) pathological subgroups in each surgical category. Invagination Accordingly, 87 (25.5%) of appendices which Meckel's diverticulum seemed apparently normal during the surgery Incarcerated hernia 81(8.6) found to be pathologically abnormal (total false Malrotation 22(2.3) Hirschsprung’s disease 16(1.7) negative appendectomy). Evidences of Congestion 8(0.8) inflammation, perforation and periappendicular Others 6(0.6) abscess were mostly compatible with the 4(0.4) diagnosis of acute supporative appendicitis. 15 (1.7) Surgical evaluation had the highest accuracy for the diagnosis of acute gangrenous appendicitis. None of miscellaneous findings on pathology were correctly diagnosed at the time of surgery. As (defined as fibrous obliteration of appendix with demonstrated in Table 3, there was no intra- recurrent attacks of abdominal pain suggesting operative report of perforation in case of non- appendicitis clinically)7(0.8%), periappendicitis perforated appendicitis while surgical assessment 6 (0.7%), miscellaneous findings 9 (1.1%): failed to recognize perforation in 10 (9.7%) oxyuriasis 2 (0.2%), appendicular carcinoid tumor patients with perforated appendicitis. There was 3 (0.3%), and mycobacterial infection shown by no significant difference between these two Ziehl-Neelsen staining 4 (0.5%). groups in terms of age and gender. All children with miscellaneous findings were clinically asymptomathic. Two cases of parasitic infection received antihelmithic treatment. Of three carcinoid tumors, one being microscopic Discussion wascompletely resected,two of them were larger than two cm with focal invasion to the mesoappendix so that right hemicolectomy was performed. Patients with presence of Current study presents the surgical and mycobacterium had primary immune deficiency pathological statistics of appendectomies and died. performed with the suspicion of acute appendicitis Patients with pathologically normal appendices in 21 consecutive years in the largest Children's ± ± were significantly younger thanthosewith simple Hospital in Iran. Acute appendicitis is the most P ± acute appendicitis 4.7 3.7 years and 8 2.8 years common cause of acute abdomen in children and ± P ( <0.001), acute suppurative appendicitis 4.7 3.7 appendectomy is considered as one of the most ± [12] years and 8.1 2.8 years ( <0.001), and acute common surgeries worldwide . True incidence ± P gangrenous appendicitis (4.7 3.7 years and of appendicitis however, may be overrated based 7.3 3.2 years <0.001). There was no statistically on hospital discharge records without histo- [13] considerable difference in terms of gender and pathological evaluation . Timely intervention initial presentation between different pathological for acute appendicitis reduces the rate of Table2. SurgicaDl ifsintrdibinugtison of various pathological subgroups accordingP toa tihnotrlao-goipc efrinatdivineg gsross evaluation Normal SAA ASup.A AGA CA PA Other Normal Inflammation 160(47.1) 63(18.5) 7(2) 1(0.2) 6(1.8) 4(1.2) 6(1.8) Perforation - 140(32.3) 282(64.7) 3(0.7) 1(0.2) 2(0.4) 3(0.7) Gangrene - 2(2.3) 80(95.4) 2(2.3) - - - Periappendicular abscess - - 1(1.2) 76(98.2) - - - - - 11(100) - - - - AGA, acute gangrenous appendicitis; ASup.A, acute supporative appendicitis; CA, chronic appendicitis, PA, periappendicular abscess; SAA, simple acute appendicitis 488 Pathologic Evaluation of Appendectomy Specimens; MT Haghi-Ashtiani, et al Table3: With perforation without perforation Characteristics of patients with pathological diagnosis of appendicitis with and withoutperPf ovraaltuioen (n=93) (n=854) Age(year) Male gender[ Perforation 7.5 (2.9) 6.9(3.6) 0.07 Number (%)]Inflammation 65(69.9) 572(67) 0.5 Surgical findings Gangrene 83(90.3) _ Normal 2(2.2) 444(52) <0.001* 7(6.5) 71(8.3) 1(1) 339(39.7) perforation in children and its possible routine pathological survey a non-cost-effective consequences such as intra-abdominal adhesions method which is only indicated for a grossly [11,26,27] or later, infertility. Therefore, surgeons consider abnormal appendix . Pathological normal appendectomies in up to 15% of all examination after appendectomy follows two [14] appendectomies acceptable . However, the rate main goals: 1) It can confirm the diagnosis of of misdiagnosis in some patients may be much appendicitis especially when it is not obvious at [15-17] higher . For one thing, the accurate diagnosis the time of surgery. It has been shown that is difficult to be made in children with atypical apparently normal appendices may have evidence presentations and unreliable physical findings of an inflammatory condition at microscopic [18,19] [11,28] . In spite of some recent derogatory observation . Similarly, we found that nearly a [20,21] comments , advanced diagnostic utilities such quarter of grossly normal appendices were as computed tomography with rectal contrast and pathologically abnormal. 2) It may reveal some laparoscopy have dramatically increased the other pathologic conditions that substantially diagnostic accuracy in children. Accordingly, influence the treatment strategy. For instance, less acceptable rate of negative appendectomy in than half of appendiceal tumors are [22] [11,29] children hasbeen reduced to up to 18% . distinguishable during operation . As Deans et Age and gender considerably affect the rate of al stated, abnormal pathologic results which need false negative appendectomy. Agafonoff et al additional examination or treatment were missed [30] reported significantly higherrate of false negative intra-operatively in 10 out of 13 patients . [23] appendectomies in children . In a study by Moreover, other pathologies such as inflammatory Primatesta et al female to male ratio for false bowel disease, parasitic infections, endometriosis, negative appendectomies was found to be 1.8:1 and mycobacterial infection may be retrieved from [24] [28,31,32] with a peak at age 15-19 years . Another study appendectomy specimens . In current reported the highest false positive appendectomy study, pathological examination revealed specific [13] rate in children younger than 9 years old . pathologies that need additional treatment in 1% Likewise, albeit no difference was found in terms of all appendectomies. of gender; children with false negative One of the most important limitations of our appendectomy were significantly younger in study is that we did not have the exact radiologic current study. and paraclinic data of our patients, especially Perforation rate in pediatrics has been reported normal appendectomies. [25] between 18-72% . In current study, the rate of perforation, 9.8%, is notably low. As Gofrit et al [25] suggested , this low rate could be relevant to a trend toward the pathogenesis of appendicitis and Conclusion not essentially to earlier or enhanced diagnosis of the children. Routine histopathological examination of removed appendices is still the matter of debate. As for the rarity of significant In conclusion, among variety of pathologies which unexpected pathologies and the high costs of involve the appendix, acute appendicitis was the specimen processing, some authors consider most common cause of appendectomy. High rates Iran J Pediatr; Vol21(No4);Dec2011 489 10. MBra Jt tShuyrsgsens LE, Ziol M, Barrat C, Champault GG. of normal appendectomy and surgically missed Routine surgical pathology in general surgery. perforated appendicitis as well as considerable 2006;93(3):362-8. rate of unusual histopathologies strongly 11. Jones AE, Phillips AW, Jarvis JBRM, CS arSguerng K. 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