PathNet: Evolution Channels Gradient Descent in Super Neural Networks Chrisantha Fernando, Dylan Banarse, Charles Blundell, Yori Zwols, David Ha†, Andrei A. Rusu, Alexander Pritzel, Daan Wierstra GoogleDeepMind,London,UK.†GoogleBrain [email protected] ABSTRACT neuralnetworkonamultitudeoftasks. Thisisthemostef- 7 ficientwayforthenetworktogainexperience,becausesuch 1 For artificial general intelligence (AGI) it would be efficient a network can reuse existing knowledge instead of learning 0 ifmultipleuserstrainedthesamegiantneuralnetwork,per- fromscratchforeachtask. Toachievethis,weproposethat 2 mitting parameter reuse, without catastrophic forgetting. each user of the giant net be given a population of agents PathNet is a first step in this direction. It is a neural net- n whose job it is to learn the user-defined task as efficiently workalgorithmthatusesagentsembeddedintheneuralnet- a as possible. Agents will learn how best to re-use existing workwhosetaskistodiscoverwhichpartsofthenetworkto J parametersintheenvironmentoftheneuralnetworkbyex- re-use for new tasks. Agents are pathways (views) through 0 ecutingactionswithintheneuralnetwork. Theymustwork the network which determine the subset of parameters that 3 in parallel with other agents who are learning other tasks areusedandupdatedbytheforwardsandbackwardspasses for other users, sharing parameters if transfer is possible, of the backpropogation algorithm. During learning, a tour- ] learning to update disjoint parameters if interference is sig- E nament selection genetic algorithm is used to select path- nificant. Eachagentmayitselfbecontrolledbyanarbitrar- N ways through the neural network for replication and muta- ily complex reinforcement learning algorithm, but here we tion. Pathway fitness is the performance of that pathway . chose the very simplest possible ‘agent’, a unit of evolution s measured according to a cost function. We demonstrate c successful transfer learning; fixing the parameters along a [4]. [ path learned on task A and re-evolving a new population of paths for task B, allows task B to be learned faster than The framework for AGI described above includes aspects 1 of transfer learning [22], continual learning [16] and mul- v it could be learned from scratch or after fine-tuning. Paths titask learning [2]. Our work shares a motivation with a 4 evolved on task B re-use parts of the optimal path evolved recentpaper“Outrageouslylargeneuralnetworks”inwhich 3 on task A. Positive transfer was demonstrated for binary the authors write that“the capacity of a neural network to 7 MNIST, CIFAR, and SVHN supervised learning classifica- absorb information is limited by its number of parameters” 8 tion tasks, and a set of Atari and Labyrinth reinforcement [19]. Ifastandardneuralnetworkisnaivelytrainedtraining 0 learningtasks,suggestingPathNetshavegeneralapplicabil- cost scales quadratically with model width, whereas Path- . ityforneuralnetworktraining. Finally,PathNetalsosignif- 1 Net theoretically has constant computation speed with re- icantly improves the robustness to hyperparameter choices 0 spect to the network width because only a fixed-size subset ofaparallelasynchronousreinforcementlearningalgorithm 7 ofthelargernetworkisusedfortheforwardsandbackwards (A3C). 1 pass at any time (although there is no guarantee that more : v training may not be required in some cases). Our work is i Keywords relatedalsoto“ConvolutionalNeuralFabrics”inwhichcon- X nectionstrengthsbetweenmodulesinthefabricarelearned, Giant networks, Path evolution algorithm, Evolution and r Learning,ContinualLearning,TransferLearning,MultiTask but where (unlike PathNet) the whole fabric is used all the a time [18]. Learning, Basal Ganglia ThispaperintroducesPathNet,anovellearningalgorithm 1. INTRODUCTION with explicit support for transfer, continual, and multitask A plausible requirement for artificial general intelligence learning. Figure 1 illustrates the algorithm in action. The is that many users will be required to train the same giant firsttaskAisPongandthesecondtaskBisAlien;bothare trained consecutively for 80M timesteps each. The purple linesinBox1ofthefigureshowsall64randomlyinitialized pathsthroughtheneuralnetworkmodelatthebeginningof Pong training. A tournament selection genetic algorithm is thenusedtoevolvepaths,whereduringafitnessevaluation the path is trained for a few game episodes by gradient de- scentusingareinforcementlearningalgorithm. Thus,evolu- tionandlearningaretakingplacesimultaneously,withevo- ACMISBNX-XXXXX-XX-X/XX/XX. lutiononlyguidingwheregradientdescentshouldbeapplied DOI:XXX tochangetheweightandbiasparameters. Box2showsthe linear, followed by a transfer function; rectified linear units population converging (with many paths overlapping with are used here. For each layer the outputs of the modules each other) as performance improves. As perfect perfor- in that layer are summed before being passed into the ac- manceisachievedthepopulationconvergestoasinglepath tive modules of the next layer. A module is active if it is as shown in Box 3. Box 4 shows that the converged single presentinthepathgenotypecurrentlybeingevaluated(see pathway persists until the end of the training session. At below). A maximum of N distinct modules per layer are this point the task switches to task B (Alien) and the op- permitted in a pathway (typically N = 3 or 4). The final timal path for Pong gets ’fixed’, i.e. the modules on that layer is unique and unshared for each task being learned. path have their weights and biases frozen. Box 5 shows the In the supervised case this is a single linear layer for each fixedpathasheavydarkredlinesalongsideanewrandomly task, and in the A3C case each task (e.g. Atari game) has initializedpopulationofpathsinlightblue. Thenewpopu- avaluefunctionreadoutandapolicyreadout(see[12]fora lationofpathsevolveandconvergeonAlienbyBox8. After complete description of the A3C algorithm used). 160M steps, the optimal path for Alien was fixed, shown as dark blue lines in Box 9. 2.2 PathwayEvolution: SerialandParallel PathNetsevolveapopulationofpathwaysthroughaneu- P genotypes (pathways) are initialized randomly, each ralnetworkthatscaffoldsandchannelsanydesiredgradient- genotype is at most a N by L matrix of integers, which descent-based learning algorithm towards a limited subset describe the active modules in each layer in that pathway. of the neural network’s parameters and then fixes these pa- In the serial supervised implementation, a binary tourna- rameters after learning so that functionality can never be mentselectionalgorithmisimplementedinseriesasfollows. lost;itresemblesprogressiveneuralnetworks,inthatcatas- A random genotype is chosen, and its pathway is trained trophicforgettingispreventedbydesign[17]. Inprogressive for T epochs, its fitness being the negative classification er- neural networks the topology determining transfer is hard- ror during that period of training. Then another random wiredratherthanlearned,wherebythefirstneuralnetwork genotype is chosen and its pathway trained for T epochs. is trained on the source task and then a second neural net- A copy of the winning pathway’s genotype overwrites the workistrainedonthetargettaskwhichreceivesinputsfrom losing pathways genotype. The copy of the winning path- the first neural network, which has its weights fixed. Path- way’s genotype is then mutated by choosing independently Nets allow the relationships between the original ‘columns’ eachelementwithaprobabilityof1/[N×L]andaddingan and later ‘columns’ to be evolved, where a column is one integerintherange[−2,2]toit. Alocalneighbourhoodwas deep neural network. usedtopromotespatiallocalizationofnetworkfunctionality. TwoexamplesofPathNetswereinvestigated,aserialim- IntheA3C(reinforcementlearning)case,all64genotypes plementation on two supervised learning tasks where the are evaluated in parallel, one by each of the 64 workers. PathNetistrainedbystochasticgradientdescent,andapar- Thereforepathwaysrestrictthesimultaneousupdatesofpa- allel implementation on reinforcement learning tasks (Atari rametersbytheworkerstoonlytheirspecificsubsets,asop- and Labyrinth games) where the PathNet is trained by the posed to the standard A3C algorithm in which all workers Async Advantage Actor-Critic (A3C) . A3C is an efficient update all parameters. The fitness of a genotype is the re- distributed reinforcement learning algorithm which runs on turn accumulated over the T episodes that a worker played multiple CPUs with e.g. 64 asynchronously updated work- using that genotypes pathway. While a worker is evaluat- ersthatsimultaneouslyshareandupdatetheparametersof ing, it writes a large negative fitness to the shared fitness asinglenetwork[12]. Positivetransferfromasourcetaskto array, so that no genotypes wins a tournament until it has atargettaskisdemonstratedinallfourdomains,compared beenevaluated. OncetheworkerhasfinishedT episodes,it to single fixed path controls trained from scratch and after choosesBotherrandomgenotypesandchecksifanyofthose fine-tuning on the first task. genotypeshavereturnedafitnessofatleastitsownfitness. If at least one has, then the highest fit genotype overwrites The concept of the PathNet was first conceived of within the current worker’s genotype, and is mutated as above. If the framework of Darwinian Neurodynamics as an attempt no other worker had a genotype with fitness greater than to envisage how evolutionary algorithms could be imple- this workers own genotype, then the worker reevaluates its mentedinthebrain[5]. However,inthatoriginalworkboth own genotype. the topology and the weights of the path were evolved and therewasnogradientdescentlearning[4]. Performancewas 2.3 TransferLearningParadigm comparable with a standard genetic algorithm on combina- Once task A has been trained for a fixed period of time torial optimization problems. Here we show performance or until some error threshold has been reached, the best superiortoA3Candstochasticgradientdescentfortransfer fit pathway is fixed, which means its parameters are no learning. longer allowed to change. All other parameters not in an optimal path are reinitialized. We found that without re- initialization transfer performance did not exceed that of 2. METHODS fine-tuning. In the A3C case (but not the supervised learn- ingcases)theoriginalbestfitpathwayisalwaysactivedur- 2.1 PathNetArchitecture ing the forwards pass of the network, in addition to the A PathNet is a modular deep neural network having L newly evolving pathway, but its parameters are not modi- layers with each layer consisting of M modules. Each mod- fied by the backwards pass. A new set of random pathways ule is itself a neural network, here either convolutional or istheninitializedandevolved/trainedontaskB.Inboththe supervisedandreinforcementsettings,pathNetiscompared accuracy compared to when it was learned from scratch. withtwoalternativesetups: anindependentlearningcontrol where the target task is learned de novo, and a fine-tuning controlwherethesecondtaskislearnedwiththesamepath 2.6 Atarigames that learned the first task (but with a new value function Wetestedwhethertherewasaspeedupinlearningasec- and policy readout). ond (target) game after having played either Pong, River- Raid or Seaquest as a source game. The target games were asfollows: Alien,Asterix,Boxing,Centipede,Gopher,Hero, 2.4 BinaryMNISTclassificationtasks JamesBond,Krull,RoadRunner,StarGunner,WizardofWor. ThesearethesamegamespresentedbytheauthorsofPro- AbinaryMNISTclassificationinvolvesdistinguishingtwo gressive Neural Networks. In this case the A3C algorithm classes of MNIST digits from one another, for example 5 wasusedwith64workersrunninginparallel. Thefirstgame verses6[11]. Tomakethetaskmoredifficult,saltandpep- is learned for 80M (or 40M) timesteps of training in total per noise of 50% is added to the MNIST digits. A trans- across all workers. During this time, workers are evolv- fer experiment involves training and evolving paths on the ing pathways through the network. After the first game first task until perfect classification on the training set is is learned the population of paths is reinitialized and the achieved. workers play the second game for 40M timesteps in total. Between tasks the following modifications are made to the At this point, a new population of path genotypes is ini- underlying network. The parameters contained in the opti- tialized and evolved on the second task until perfect per- mal path evolved on the first task are fixed, and all other formanceonthetrainingsetisachieved. Betweentasksthe parameters are reset to their random initial values. Evo- followingmodificationsaremadetotheunderlyingnetwork. lution takes place according to a distributed asynchronous The parameters contained in the optimal path evolved on tournamentselectionalgorithmwhichworksasfollows. The thefirsttaskarefixed,andallotherparametersareresetto populationofpathwaysandtheirfitnessesisstoredinacen- theirrandominitialvalues. Thereportedoutcomemeasures tral parameter server. Each worker accesses its own partic- arethetrainingtimesrequiredtoreachthisclassificationac- ular index into this population of genotypes corresponding curacy. The overall PathNet consists of L=3 layers. Each tothatworker’sid. Whileitisfirstevaluatingthatpathway layer contains M = 10 linear units with 20 neurons each itwrites-1000tothefitnessarrayatapositioncorrespond- followedbyrectifiedlinearunits. Betweenlayerstheactiva- ing to it’s id. After T =10 episodes that worker writes the tions of the units are summed. Reading out from the final totalsumofrewardsobtainedintothefitnessarray. Itthen layer is a separate linear layer for each task. observes the fitnesses of B =20 other random workers and if any worker has a higher fitness than itself, it chooses the A maximum of 3 of these units per layer can be included highest fitness worker in that set, and copies the pathway in a single pathway. The genotype describing this pathway genotype to its own location with mutation, and resets its isa3×3matrixofintegersintherange[1,10]. Apopulation own fitness to -1000. However, if no other worker of the B of 64 of these genotypes was generated uniformly randomly chosenhasapathbetterthanitsown,thenitsownpathway atthestartofeachtask. Theoverallalgorithmisasfollows. is re-evaluated without resetting the fitness obtained from Two paths are chosen randomly for evaluation. The evalu- thepreviousevaluation. Mutationisasbefore,withthemi- ation of one path involves training with stochastic gradient nor modification that if a location is chosen for mutation, descentwithlearningrate0.0001on50mini-batchesofsize then there is a 20% chance (during the second task) that a 16. The fitness of that pathway is the proportion of correct module from the optimal pathway evolved in the first task examples classified on the training set during this training will be incorporated into the genotype. In the variant of period. Once the fitness of both pathways has been calcu- PathNet used for this task, the optimal path evolved in the lated, the pathway with the lower fitness is overwritten by first task is always active during the forwards pass, in this a copy of the pathway with the higher fitness and mutated. sense, this version resembles progressive nets more closely Mutation takes place with equal probability 1/(3×3) per thanthesupervisedversionspresentedabove. Thearchitec- elementofthegenotype,addinganewrandomintegerfrom ture of the network used consists of a core of L=4 layers, range[−2,2] to the current value of that element. This is a each with a width of M = 10 modules: namely, 3 convolu- binary tournament selection algorithm (B =2) [7]. tional layers where each module consists of 8 kernels, and a final layer of fully connected modules of 50 hidden nodes each. Between layers the feature maps and activations are 2.5 CIFARandSVHNclassificationtasks summed. Reading out from the final layer are two linear The larger version of the above network is used to train layers for each game, one encoding a value function and on CIFAR and cropped SVHN [13] of standard size 28×28 the other encoding an action policy. Figure 2 shows the withL = 3 and M = 20 modules per layer of 20 neurons network architecture: The first three layers’ modules are each, and with pathways that may contain up to 5 mod- shown as green boxes; final layer of modules shown as pur- ules per layer. In this case the networks were not trained pleboxes;thebetween-layersummingmodulesareshownas to some fixed accuracy, but for a fixed period of 500 gener- blue boxes; and active modules specified by the pathway as ations. Each generation consisted of the evaluation of two redboxes. ReadoutunitsnotinvolvedinthePathNetitself pathways, each for 50 mini-batches of size 16 images. The are shown as circles on the right. performance measure here was the accuracy achieved after this fixed training time. Evidence for positive transfer in 2.7 LabyrinthGames this case is given by the second task showing a higher final WeinvestigatedtheperformanceofaverysimilarPathNet a layer specific manner. Analysis did not reveal that the architecture on 3 Labyrinth games. Labyrinth is a 3D first speedupratiowascorrelatedwithpathoverlapasmeasured person game environment [10]. We used the same settings bythenumberofmodulesintheoriginaloptimalpaththat used for Atari games. We chose three games: ’Laser Tag were present in the population of paths at the end of the Chasm’(lt chasm),’SeekAvoidArena01’(seekavoid arena) second task. This suggests that speedup can be obtained and ’Stairway to Melon 01’ (stairway to melon). lt chasm byPathNetbothdeterminingwhenthereshouldbeoverlap takesplaceinasquareroomwithfouropponentsthatmust and when there should not be overlap. The fact that on betaggedforpoints. Achasminthecenteroftheroommust averagefine-tuningisslowerthanindependenttasklearning be avoided and shield pick-ups exist that the player must in MNIST binary classification tasks implies that generally jump to reach. seekavoid arena is a 3D room containing overlap would not be expected to provide speedup. Thus, apples and lemons. The player must pick up the apples PathNetcanbeseentohavedoneitsjobbycontrollingthe whilst avoiding the lemons. stairway to melon offers the amount of overlap properly, see Figure 4 player two options; the player can either collect a set of smallrewards(apples)ortheycanopttotakeapunishment 3.2 CIFARandSVHN (lemon) in order to reach a melon which results in a higher net reward. In this experiment we compare only the accuracy Path- ThePathNetarchitectureusedforLabyrinthwasidentical Netobtainsafterashortfixednumberof500generations. A to the one used for Atari with the exception of a module- fully connected network of this size is generally insufficient duplication mechanism. In the previous models there has to perform well on these datasets. After 500 generations, not been any actual copying of parameters, only copying of when learning from scratch with PathNet, cSVHN and CI- viewsoverafixedsetofparameters. IntheLabyrinthmodel FAR are learned to 25.5% and 35.3% accuracy on average, weenabledPathNettocopytheweightsofmodulestoother seeFigure5. Butafterthefirsttaskhasbeenlearnedtothis modules within the same layer, emulating Net2Net [3] or a accuracy,learningthesecondtaskisfaster,sowhencSVHN distillation [9] like operation. To aid this, we measure the and CIFAR are learned as the second task with PathNet, extent to which a module contributes to the fitness of all then accuracies of 35.7% and 39.8% are achieved respec- thepathsitisinbytakingaslidingmeanoverthefitnessof tively. Thus, both cSVHN and CIFAR are learned faster any path which contains that module. Using this measure with PathNet when learned second rather than first. it is possible to bias a weight-copying operator such that currentlymoregloballyusefulmodulesaremorelikelytobe 3.3 AtariGames copiedacrossintoothermodulesandhenceintootherpaths. Transfer performance on PathNet is compared with fixed Thehyperparametermoduleduplicationrate determinesthe maximum-size-path de novo training and fine-tuning con- rate at which modules would be allowed to duplicate them- trols for which a hyperparameter sweep was conducted in- selves. For the Labyrinth games both the first and second volvinglearningrates[0.001,0.0005,0.0001]andentropycosts tasks were trained for 40M timesteps. [0.01, 0.001, 0.0001]. The following hyperparameters were investigated for PathNet: evaluation time T [1,10,50], mu- tation rate [0.1, 0.01, 0.001] and tournament size B [2, 10, 3. RESULTS 20]. In Figure 6 the performance of PathNet (blue) is com- 3.1 BinaryMNISTClassification pared with independent and fine-tuning controls (green) on Figure3showsthatwithPathNet,learningasourceMNIST 4 target games, having learned RiverRaid first. In all cases classificationtaskhelpsspeeduplearninginthetargetMNIST the top 5 runs of a hyperparameter search are shown. We classification task (mean time to solution = 167 genera- generally found that strong selection with tournament sizes tions); greater than the speedup achievable by fine-tuning of B = 10, T = 10 game episodes per evaluation, and low a fixed path that had initially been trained on the source mutation rates of 0.01-0.001 were optimal, allowing rapid task (mean time to solution = 229), and also compared to convergence of paths to a single path, followed by explo- denovolearningofthetargettaskfromscratch(meantime rationofsmallvariantstoapath,thusfocusinglearningon tosolution=195). PathNet(bottomgraph)learnsinfewer a few parameters, with occasional exploration of novel by- generations with less data than both the fine-tuning (mid- passes. PathNet is superior to controls in these 4 cases. dle) and independent learning controls (top). The control networks consisted of exactly the same learning algorithm, Figure 7 shows that PathNet is on average superior to butwithnoevolutionofpaths,andonlyonefixedmaximum independent learning and fine-tuning over the Atari games size pathway through the network. The total speedup ratio we investigated. Compared to a control of 1.0, fine tun- compared to the independent controls was 1.18. ing achieves a 1.16 speedup on average whereas PathNet achievesa1.33timesspeedup. Resultsfortransferonmore Videos showing performance of PathNet can be obtained Atari games can be seen in Figure 12. online at They reveal that the modules in early layers of the big network converge in the 3.4 LabyrinthGames population of pathways the quickest, followed by later lay- ers, there being much more exploration and training of all PathNettransferbetweenthethreelabyrinthgameslt chasm, the modules in the final layer. Many modules in the final seekavoid arenaandstairway to meloniscomparedwithfixed layercontributetohighfitness,whereasonlyafewmodules maximum-size-path de novo training and fine-tuning con- in the first layer do so. Thus, a population provides an el- trols for which a hyperparameter sweep was conducted in- egant solution to the exploration /exploitation trade-off in volvingmutationrates[0.1,0.01,0.001],moduleduplication rate[0.0,0.05,0.1,0.5](perepisodecompletedbyworker0) and biases of the network are learned by gradient descent, and tournament size B [2, 10]. The learning rate was fixed but evolution determines which subset of parameters is to at0.001,entropycostat0.0001andevaluationtimeT at13. be trained. We have shown that PathNet is capable of sus- taining transfer learning on at least four tasks in both the Figure 9 shows the mean of the training performance for supervised and reinforcement learning settings. the top 5 experiments for both PathNet and the fixed-path controls. Each row represents a different source game and PathNet may be thought of as implementing a form of eachcolumnadifferenttargetgame. Wherethesourcegame ‘evolutionary dropout’ in which instead of randomly drop- and target game are the same the graph shows the results ping out units and their connections, dropout samples or oflearningthegamedenovofromscratch. Figure11shows ‘thinnednetworks’areevolved[21]. PathNethastheadded that in some cases the module duplication operation pro- advantage that dropout frequency is emergent, because the duces improved performance compared to standard Path- population converges faster at the early layers of the net- Net. work than in the later layers. PathNet also resembles ‘evo- lutionary swapout’ [20], in fact we have experimented with In several cases (transfer to lt chasm and transfer from having standard linear modules, skip modules and residual lt chasmtoseekavoid arena)PathNetlearnsthesecondtask modules in the same layer and found that path evolution fasterthanfine-tuning. Interestingly,PathNetalsoperforms was capable of discovering effective structures within this betterthanfine-tuningwhenlearningstairway to melonand diverse network. PathNet is related also to recent work on seekavoid arena from scratch. convolutionalneuralfabrics,buttherethewholenetworkis always used and so the principle cannot scale to giant net- Resultsofthebestrunsfromahyperparametersearchare works [18]. Other approaches to combining evolution and summarizedinFigure10. Hereperformanceisevaluatedby learning have involved parameter copying, whereas there is measuring the area under the learning curve (average score no such copying in the current implementation of PathNet per episode during training), rather than final score. The [1][3]. numbers in the table show the relative performance of an architecturelearningatargettask(eachcolumn)compared Whilst we have only demonstrated PathNet in a fairly with an independent baseline with a fixed maximum size small network, the principle can scale to much larger neu- pathtrainedfromscratchonlyonthetargettask. Thecon- ralnetworkswithmoreefficientimplementationsofpathway trols are labelled as ’Fixed path de novo from scratch’ (top gating. Thiswillallowextensiontomultipletasks. Wealso row)andis1foreachcolumn(targettask). Aratioinacol- wish to try PathNet on other RL tasks which may be more umn>1representsthespeedupwhenlearningthatcolumn’s suitable for transfer learning than Atari, for example con- target task, and <1 is a slowdown. The three rows below tinuous robotic control problems. Further investigation is the de novo control show the fine-tuning results between requiredtounderstandtheextenttowhichPathNetmaybe the three games. The first row in the PathNet results show superior to using fixed paths. Firstly, a possibility is that performancelearningtheindividualgamesfromscratchand mutable paths provide a more useful form of diverse explo- thethreerowsbelowthatshowthePathNettransferresults rationinRLtasks[15]. Secondly,itispossiblethatalarger between the three games. numberofworkerscanbeusedinA3Cbecauseifeachworker candeterminewhichparameterstoupdate,theremaybese- On transferring to lt chasm both fine-tuning and Path- lection for pathways that do not interfere with each other. Net perform worse than the control de novo learning. On the the other two games both exhibit positive transfer per- Wearestillinvestigatingthepotentialbenefitsofmodule formance. Theaverageperformanceratioforfine-tuningfor duplication. seeSupplementaryVideo transferacrossallthegamecombinationsis1.00(2d.p.),es- Using this measure it is possible to bias the mutation oper- sentially no faster than learning from scratch. The average ator such that currently more globally useful modules are performance ratio for PathNet is 1.26 (2 d.p.); largely due more likely to be slotted into other paths. Further work is to the good performance transferring from seekavoid arena also to be carried out in multi-task learning which has not to stairway to melon. yet been addressed in this paper. WealsocomparedPathNettoindependentandfine-tuning Finally, it is always possible and sometimes desirable to controlsoverthesamesweepof243hyperparametersasused replace evolutionary variation operators with variation op- intheAtariexperimentsdescribedabove. OntheLabyrinth eratorslearnedbyreinforcementlearning. Atournamentse- levelseekavoid arenainwhichtheagentmustcollectapples lectionalgorithmwithmutationisonlythesimplestwayto but avoid lemons we found that the PathNet had signif- achieve adaptive paths. It is clear that more sophisticated icantly higher mean performance than control runs, both methods such as policy gradient methods may be used to whenlearningseekavoid arenafromscratchcomparedtothe learn the distribution of pathways as a function of the long de novo controls, and for relearning from the same task, termreturns obtainedbypaths, andasafunctionof atask comparedtofine-tuningfromanetworkthathadpreviously descriptioninput. Thismaybedonethroughasofterformof learned seekavoid arena, see Figure 8. gating than used by PathNet here. Furthermore, a popula- tion(ensemble)ofsoftgatematricesmaybemaintainedand anRLalgorithmmaybepermittedto’mutate’thesevalues. 4. CONCLUSION The operations of PathNet resemble those of the Basal PathNet extends our original work on the Path Evolu- Ganglia, which we propose determines which subsets of the tion Algorithm [4] to Deep Learning whereby the weights cortexaretobeactiveandtrainableasafunctionofgoal/sub- [14] R. C. O’Reilly and M. J. Frank. 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Reading digits in natural images with unsupervised feature learning. 4 1 7 2 5 8 9 3 6 e Pong r o c S Alien 8e7 steps 16e7 steps Figure1: Apopulationofrandomlyinitializedpathways(purplelinesinBox1)areevolvedwhilstlearningtaskA,Pong. At the end of training, the best pathway is fixed (dark red lines in Box 5) and a new population of paths are generated (light blue lines in Box 5) for task B. This population is then trained on Alien and the optimal pathway that is evolved on Alien is subsequently fixed at the end of training, shown as dark blue lines in Box 9. Figure 2: The PathNet used for learning Atari and Labyrinth games consists of a 4 layer network with 10 (or sometimes 15) modules in each layer. The first three layers’ modules are convolutional 2D kernels with 8 kernels per module (green boxes in figure), kernel sizes (8, 4, 3), and strides (4, 2, 1) from 1st to 3rd layers respectively, and with the final layer consisting of fully connected linear layers of 50 neurons each (purple boxes). After each module there is a rectified linear unit. Between layers the feature maps are summed before being passed to the modules of the subsequent layer (blue boxes). Typically a maximumof4modulesperlayerarepermittedtobeincludedinapathway(shownasredboxes),otherwiseevolutionwould simply grow the pathway to include the whole network as this would improve fitness by growing the number of parameters that can be tuned by learning. C1 + C2 Independent control C1 +C2|C1 Fine-tuning control y c n e u q e r F P1 + P2|P1 PathNet Generations to achieve 0.998 accuracy Figure 3: PathNet is capable of supporting transfer learning in binary MNIST classification. The top figure shows C1 + C2 which is the sum of learning times over the source and target tasks required to learn both tasks to 0.998 accuracy, with a separate maximum sized fixed path for each task, and thus constitutes the independent learning control; mean = 195 generations. The middle figure shows C1 + C2|C1, which is the time required to learn both tasks where the second task is not learned from scratch, but by fine tuning the same maximum sized fixed path as was used to learn the first task; mean = 229 generations. The bottom graph shows the sum of times required to learn the source and target tasks using PathNet; mean = 167 generations. e ur s a e m p a erl v O Speedup Ratio Figure 4: Overlap (y-axis) is not correlated with speedup ratio (C1 + C2)/(P1 + P2|P1) suggesting that PathNet discovers how much overlap to use based on whether the tasks could benefit from overlap or not. cSVHN → CIFAR = cSVHN = CIFAR y c n e u q e Fr CIFAR → cSVHN Correct classifications out of test set of size 1000 Figure5: TopgraphshowsahistogramofaccuracieswhenlearningcSVHNfirstandCIFARsecond. Thebottomgraphshows a histogram of accuracies when learning CIFAR first and cSVHN second. Learning either task second with PathNet results in improved performance, suggesting that PathNet is able to use weights in the optimal path found in task A, when learning task B.