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int liepiorl5uo rtt ig:Khntvility:l lfo atglineeos r.,tt lillWei nterwall '. oftWlioeralt dr,a c . ' Autho•rM satthGeowo daSlhla,u Hno cking, RobM cCreaPrhyi,lM iipn chainnd,W illiTahmr asher TABLEO F CONTENTS CoveArrt i•sJ tepse rE jnsgi FoR.Y ouR.C HARACTER. Interior AAlrtbiesrDttasolL• a goR,o bertPoi tturru, JasoRna invBirlylaeSn,o lCar,a iSgp)e arianngd, WELCOMETO THEN OR.TH 4 BenW ootten KELUOS 6 CreatDiivree c•tJ oarmeJsa cobs Editor-in-F.CW heiselfeS•yc hneider SNOWCASTEELR.V ES 8 SeniEodri toJra•m eLs.S utter DevelopmLeenat•d RobM cCreary ULFEN 10 EditiJnugd•By a ueLro,g aBno nneCrh,r istoCpahreery , ER.UTAKI andR yaMna cklin 12 EditoArsisails t•aJ nacseoBnu lmanh,A damD aigle, jADWIGA MarkM orelaSntde,p hReand ney-MacFarland, PatrRiecnki aen,dS eaKn R eynolds OTHER.P EOPLEOSF T HEN OR.TH SeniAortrD irec•t SoarraEh.R obinson SURVIVITNHGE NOR.TH GraphDiecs ig•nA enrdreVwa llas ProductSipoenc ialCirsyts•Ft raals ier lR.R.ISEN PublishEerriM•ko na LANDSO F TH1E1 NNOR.KMI NGS 20 PaizCoE O L•i sSat evens Chief OperOaffitcieo•rnJ se ffrAelyv arez REALMO FT HEMA M MOTHl oR.OS 22 DirecotfoS ra l•e PsierWcaet ters BATTELI NT HE NOR.TH SaleRse presen•tA adtaimvL eovell FinanMcaen ag•eC rhristoSpehlefr MAG ICO F THE NOR.TH StaAffc countaKnutn•jS ie da ChieTfe chniOcffiacle• rV iWce rtz EQUIPMEONFT THE NOR.TH Senior SoDftewvaerleo •p Gearry Teter CampaiCgono rdinaMtiokreB• r ock REIGN WOIFN TEPR.L AYER.G'usm e ProjMeacnta g•eJ ressPirciac e NexTMONTH! 32 CustomSeerr viTceea •m CosmoE iseElreiK,ke ith, andS arMaa riTee ter LANDSO F THE NOR.TH 1N SIEOF R.ONTC OVER. WarehouTseea m• WilClh asMei,c haKeeln way, MatRte ntoJne,ffS tranadn,dK eviUnn derwood SPELOLFSl eeA NDS NOW 1N SIEO SACK COVER. WebsiTteea m• RosBsy erLsi,Cz o urtLsi,sG suai llet, andC hriLsa mbertz REFERENCE ThPiatshi fndPelra Cyoepmra nrieofnte osr esev rloa thPeatrhi fndReorll eanpygGi ame prodauncudts ste hsfe loo lwinagb ebvaritnisTo.h ebsoeo akerns o rte iqerudt om aeku se oft hPilsa Cymoeparno inR.ed aesir tnereisrnte refeden tcPoeat shn fdiRePrhG ra dcocvnae rs fnidt hcemo ptlere ulfersot mh ebsoeoa kavsai blfloefr r aetpe a izo.com/prd. Advanced PlGauyiedre' s APG PathfinSdoecri eFtiye Gludi de PSFG Besti2a ry B2 PathosfP restige POP CitioefGs o /orion COG UltimaCtoem bat UC InneSre aM agic ISM Ultimate Magic UM Thipsr odiucsco tm pliatnhOtep weint GhUa cmeen sea(nOidGss Lu )i tfoarub slweei tthhPe a thfiRnodleerp lGaaymien g ort hJe.e 5d itoifto hwneo rlodl'dsfe asntt r.loslye pglaamyei.n g ProdIudcetn Tthifeto yl:l oiwtieanmrgshe e reibdye ntaisPfi reodd Iudcetn atsdi etfiyn,ie ntd h Oep en GLaimcee nse vers1i.ooSnae ,c tii(oaenn) ad,r neo Otp eCno ntAelntltr :a demraergkissl,tr eardeedmp arrokpnsea,rm ( ecsh araclers, deiteitecds.i,)a ,l opgluosett,so ,r ylloicnaetcsih,oa nrsa,ac rttewraosnr,tdk r ,a ddree (sEsl.e mtehnahttas vp er eviously beedne sigansOa pteeGnda mCeo ntoeran rtie nt hpeu blic adrnoeom itan icnl iuntdh edides c laration.) � Open CoEnxtcetnfo trm: a tedreisailg naasPt reodd Iudcetn (tsieateby o vteh)ge,a mmee chaonfit chsiP sa izo PaizPou blishLiLCn g, w�r�itip��te1efr�n�m ;i�so�sht;tir�at�oh 1ean�.;� �!:h�ki���0d �a�1�����ei�;�hae �mi�p��n��:;;i�;���i�e:nd\ ���:;��;{;��hu��f;J ���� 7R1e2d10m8 o5nWtAdAhv, eN9 E8,0S 5t21e-2 005 L�7Lh!t�7CPh;a e�� t:h�fiAo?n�ddv:leern;�nP �tarut�Prh�aeh,t t� hfiP�t�fi�n�:fide�<fdes��r t, �t�:Ca��m6:p��a�i=id g�t n�e� �S�;:ee��tii��ti�nr�g�Pv,l:d� a·C��Pyae:ozae�kmftr�p h �:afi:n�n�i d�o�enr�, M:Poad:tuh�lfie�n,d :ePra� t�hfi'.nd er RolepGlaamyaein,nPd ga thfiTnadlaeerrtse r adeomfaP rakiPszu ob liLsLhCi ng, paizo.com PrinitnCe hdi na. FOCUS FOR EVERY CHARACTERS CHARACTER ThiPsl aCyeomrp anihoing hligChrettsa gianm eel emetnrtacsne snd optisopniesfict coc haraocftt heer st hpea rticulaanrcdsal sToshf.er ace followcilsnaegss . followfaieutnrgwe osr ekuq aylw lell fora ncyh araicnt ePtrtah hefi nder BARBARlANS RoleplGaaymienr,ge gasrsod fl e Fotrh Ceo nasnp-iibrnaebrda rianwsh atth ceh aractetrye'po,sr focus, otfh Reea lomtf h Meam motLho rdsb ackgrmoiugtbnh ed. (pa2g)2et, h per oruadi doeftr hse BACK.GROUNDS Lanodfts h Lei nnoKrimn( gpsa ges 10a n2d) 0a,n tdh reu ggpeoedp leL eawrhnai tmt e atnobs e am ember oft hCeor wno ft hWeo r(lpda 1g2e) ,o fsm oeo fth meo srtu ggceutdlu res ragaen wdi ntgeohr a nidnh and.o ft hIen nSeerra e giwointi hn ­ FealtisTk rei bal( pSa2cg)4aae rn sd depdteht oanit lhKsee ll(ipda6sg) e, exnpdaedde toani lptsoeh peol tfeh e thUel f(epna 1g)0,ea ntdh neta ions TuskM outnaipnrso vnieddwee pthosft hNeo r(tpha 1g-8e2s3a )sw, e ll as ofd ettaoti hlre o upgehlo ep tohfe netwr afoiret asc h. Reaoltfmh Mea mmoLtohsr d. CAMPAlGN ORACLES The RoefWiignntA edrv enPtautrhe The moifwg ihntta entrdh ber utailsc omi!Mn agkseu ryeop ur epare lasncdawpienw si sdperdde eavotiyoonsu ertlofaf c e ctohled awdivtihcT ehi sP layer Compianntiroond utchees acrtohsNeso rtehs,pi eaycli lnt he andc ampaignb uttit rloa itasifo dll owirnogl eRso.l emsi ghbte c onsidered heaorftt hsKe e lslhiadm kannosw n chatreaircnts h ciasm paaiggani nsbuti lcdhsa,r actteemrp laotrek si,tt soh elp absol odesapk(epras7ga) en E dr utakfrio satnfu dr (yp a3g)0.e tiec haractteora s p articpurleamri se. spti-rta(lpkae1g)r2.Tes h efaiirti hn Remembeerv,e rays peocfta roliesj usat ETHN1C1&T RA1CEESS witnemri'gsih rstel fecttehdne e iwn suggestsiooy no,uc anp ersonaelaiczihen winmtyesrt e(rpya2 g)6.e Thouygohmu a ayl ardebyefa miliawrha tevweary mso st aptpoey aolu . witthh Kee lalnidUd l fehnu man RANGERS ethtneiistc,hiN eo ritsah l hsoom e Role Pgae Thosweh oc asnu rvniavteu ircey' ts ot hEer tuakoift hCer wono ft he BeaWsrta ngler 23 frecoiatryhe e lidnh igrhe gaarldl Wor(lpda 1g)2,te h hea utgJyha dwigaB lackrWaivtehcnW- arden 21 acsrtsoh neo rthslw,ah tnehdtehre yw hor ulIer ri(spea1ng)3, ea ntdh e ErutaSkpii rit-Talker 12 earfanm ea sK ellgiitda- ntamertsr iVbaarlk i ().pT ahgeae r ct1i5cG­iant-Tamer 23 (pa2g)3,em ammtohst-alkbienags td wellSinnogcw asEtvleser( pgae8 ) lrrisCeronwih unter 19 wranrgs(l pea2g)3,eg losrekyei-ng alosffoey ro aun e xciattlienrtgni ave lrrisFeenyic aller 19 linnhourtnme (rapsg 2e)1, s nertiest ot hmeo rceo mmfoorne dswtle-ling JadwiCgray omancer 13 oft hSen ocwasetlesvr( e pa9g),e elsvo efyKonin. KellBildo odspeaker guardoiflarnersni W'shsi Wtiet ches KeildlH un tmaster SuRlVAVL (pa2g)5,eo r obtyh esrebw eiing at LinnorHmu nter 21 homient hieca en sdn ow. Getth rei gghetaa rnsd ru vitvisap l SkalWdaiycfa rer 11 yonue etdow eatthheera nisdcn eo w SnowcasSteenrt ry 9 WlTCHES with enuqeiwp mt(e pna2g)8,e and SnowcasTtweirl iSgpheta ker 9 ThWeh iWtiet cohiferrsin sa entdh eirt iopnsfa ciincgdy a ng(epra1sg)6 .e UlfeRna ider 11 snocwoj-nruing brdeotmhitrneea n thmea gitcraald iotfti hoNeno sr th (pa1ga3en s1d )9. L eatrhneg irtree ast magwiict thhn ee ws pedleltsa iled here(ipna2 g)6ea ntdh soey ocua n reefrefrnocmeo thseuorr c(eosn the insbiadcceko v.e r) RULESlNOEX Ina ddittioot nh en ews pelalnsdn ewo racmlyes te(ryp ag2e6 )t,h e followianrgc hetympaegsi,c itaenmdts r,a iatrsep resenitnet dh is PlayCeorm panion. ARCHETYPE PAGER ELATCELDA SS Viking 24 Fighter Witcghu ard 25 Ranger FEAT PAGEP REREQUISITES ColCde lerity 24 Endurance TribSacla rs 24 MammothL ordtsr ibe Witcbhr eaker 24 IroWni ll MAGIICT EM PAGE Buoyahnatr poon 28 Cloaokf tshaeg kae eper 28 Helmo f tMhaem motLho rd 29 Hexn ail 29 Mammotlha nce 29 Pelotfp rimpaolw er 29 Sagoaf tLhinen o rmK ings 29 Shardw ionft er 29 CAMPAITGRNA IT PAGEC AMPAIGN AdaptMiavgei c 30 Reigonf Winter BlooodfG iants 31 Reigonf Winter Failed WWiinttcAehpr p renti3c1e Reigonf Winter NortheArnnc estry 31 Reigonf Winter RestlWeasysfa rer 31 Reigonf Winter VigilWainttceHh u nter 31 Reigonf Winter WardeAdg ainWsitt chery 31 Reigonf Winter RACTER AIT PAGER AC(EE THNICITY) ChilodfT woP eoples 15 Half-heallff,- oorrh eu,m an Glint-Tongued 10 Human( Ulfen) Honor-Driven 11 Human( Ulfen) Insular 15 Dwarf IrritDaibplleo mat 15 Half-ore JadwiSgcai on 13 Human( Jadwiga) ObscrueT raditions 8 El(fnS owcaster) Snowblooded 9 El(fnS owcaster) Snowstepper 15 Gnome SpirLiotd gDer eamer 12 Human( Erutaki) StoriSecda rs 6 Human( eKllid) VarkLia ndspeaker 15 Human( Varki) Waryo fD anger 6 Human( eKllid) REGIONTARLA IT PAGER EGION BigG ameH unter 23 Realomft he MammothL ords Calolft heL ongships 21 Landosft heL innorm Kings ChillbElmiigshsta ry 19 lrrisen HuldrLau'csk 21 Landosft heL inno rmK ings SpirAinti mal 23 Realomft he MammothLo rds WhitethrGoonuer mand 19 lrrisen LANDS OF THE NORTH PEOPLEO F THE NORTH Thne orthreeranco hfAev ssit an sfrtormte htLeca hn dsU lefna nKd ellmiadkusep t hmeaj roiotfyt hNeo rth's oft he LiKninnoigrnstm h wees tt,h rotuhgeht inoann ative wpiettohhfop erl mee,pr r ciinaplfoluyn tdot he ofI rritsoe nRt,eh aelo mft hMea mmotLho ridns thwees tan tdh lea tmtoerrpe op uloutsh ei nBe etawseetn. easAtlo.lf e tslhea nadrse cboyl octrohenleddo rthetrhne tmh,Je a dgwati,h dee csentdsaon fB baa Yfoargma , clitmeba,ue ta chhai sto sw dn istiinngfguaet iussrh.e ar ulcialnsgis nt hnea tioofIn r riOsnte hnne.o rthern The Loaftn hdes LiKninnoagrrsmae c olleocft ifroinn goefts eh slead nst,h heu maEnr utaankdVia rki petktiyn gsd,eoa mcchet neroenda m ajros teetmletn ethtniieecxsii asltos nigtdheSe n ocwasetlesvrT.e i ans anrdu lbeyadk inwgh ho acsl aihmieosdrh etrh robyn e fromfa r-oTffi aXni haa vmea dteh ewiary otvheer virotfu eed aetfoinnoegft hlea nfdae'rossm el ionrnm.s Crown Woofr tltodsht eet tlehes lea nadsws e lDlw.a rves TheL innoKrimn gdeonmcspo amsvsat srtas o cfct olda ndg nommeasyb efo undsa cttertehdrg ohuottu he maressht,a iagnard,o ctkuyn darnasd,t restuoctthho moutnaionfts h Neo rtahne,dv ehna- lrofehsa vfoeu nd wherteh eeva seo ft hmei gthyG runFgorierls oto m ovpelra focret sh eemlssvi ent hhea rrsehae csh. thfoeo thoitflh les KMootlutananris . TheLa nodfts hLei nnoKrimnh gasv leo nbge eant Thneta ioonfI rriissale ann frdo ziennt hger iopf oddwsi tIhr riosveetnrht eh eoftft heliarn adnstd h e ane terwnianltC earr.vo efffrd o m teahset Leirnnn oremn svleamteo nft hepioerp ldeu ritnhgbe r utWiatnle r Kingdio,m4sy0 e0aa rgsIo r,r iisrseu nlb eytd h e crWuaerl. tTwhoce o turniaersneo ctu ernrtaltwy a rb,u t WhitWei htcesd,a utgehrasn dg randtdaeurogsfh bordsekri rmiasrcheoe msm oMna.yn ethnUilcfe n thWei tcQhu eeBnba aY agTah.eW itnerwall GrleamcaiiineIn rr rissbujeenttc ,o ctrhuewe hilm so ft he encrouapchotenhs ie c e-bloaunfrndod m t hneo rthJ,a dwniogbai lity. while ptemhraen telnsyon wc-oevreHdo aorowFdo restT hRee aolmft hMea mmoth mLusotar lddsseo fend stresat ccsrhtsoeh nea tisouont'ahsse treercanhse . agaiInrsertni 'spsr etdiaso,bn utt hWeh itWeit csh e ThRee aolftm h Mea mmoLtohr idassn a nctip elnacea rneo tth e doannlgyte hrrt eeanitnhtgal anKde'lsl id wherper ehisbteoarssittcsi llt hreo almaa nndid s, inbhiattasTn.ot heea stth,de e monhiocrs do eft he claibmye don nobe u tth neo maKdeilcpl oeipdl Teh.e Worludnwdso eetkoe xnpdat heAibyrs lst aetrorroiyn TuskM outnaidnisvt ihdseeon wpyl aoitfnh swe e sfrto m Golarwihioltneh, se va agoer eofs Belkzseuont ht o the thvea tsutn dorfta hT eh undSeterp wphiecsrh,e aaclhl jelaoyue sylteh pewo erwfualbr eatshtttas rv aeiln tg rea thwea tyot hdee mont-etWdao irnludnwdo. heradcssr tsoh lea nd. OTHER NOR THlANOS AlthoIursgrehitn h,Le na dostf h Lei nnKoirnsmag ,n tdh e Reaolmft hMea mmoLtohr adrsbe o ubnydg eroagphic prxoimisthya,rc eudle tsau,nr sdmi ileatrh neistc,hi etyi are noontln yatt ihoeon fts h neo rtnhdlsSav.ee roatlh er coturneiso cucptyh sema el attuidteh,o utghhe irs theme andda negrsste thaepmaI rnbt r.i tehf,foe l olwianrge as migahsltob ec onsipdaerortfte hdne o rtnhdlbsau,at r e detlaeeidle swhere. BrevCoolyd:w inbdlsoa wc srtsoh e oLfMa ikseat nsd Veilisn tthoi s orfevraaillm hnoosbuelpsee rcohnte hde brionfkw a rfarTeh.ed isarpapneocafBe r evrooyy'asl famiyhl aesx abctaeerfdue dbse twtehereni vraelg ions of Issiiant hneo ratnhRd os tliantn hdse uo tBhey.o ntdh e infoaritmocnot naiinnTeh dIe n nSeerWa o rGludi mdae,n y detaiBlrse vaopponye ainrP atlifrnAddevre ntu#r31e. P ath TheC rowonft hWeo rlBdye:o ntdh meo utnaiannsd glactiheafortrs mt hneo rthbeorrndo eftr hsce o ntinent ofAv itsasnt reatv cahsets, c ohnatriksnnheo nwatnst he Crwono ft hWeo lrdA.l thoculgohai knae rdc itciaecn d snotwh,ii assl anodffr igdieds esorlwt-sm,o rviievnrgs , sacnfot rsetmsi,n d-bomgogultnianigan nsds, t range ruiHnasr.yd dlae aedm,p ltayn tdh,ii tssh heo moeft he EruttahkSein ,oc wasEtlesvr,ae n dm yriamdys terious anudn iqcurteeu earsT.hC er wono tfh Weo ralldss reov es ast hmeo sdti rreocuttt ote h dei asntlta nodf TXiiaan. Daritnregal verrisst kh eliirsvu epotnh een dslsie cy exnpsafoelsl owari onugt e akstn hoPewa nto hfA g anhei, ad eayda lnlda rygu enlmarpkaetddhub ioyul silnking Avitsawni tthhfa ere aAsd te.t agialzeedot tfth eCeer wron otfh Weo ralppde airnPs a thfiAnddveernP taut#rh5e 1 . IobaEraiosaf:t eB vroaynt dh Lea koef MiasntVdsei ls strettchrheee asol fmI obaarnie ax,p aonfrs ueg ged wildeesrsndeesn,fos rese tcsy,oc plerauni pnlsa,g ue­ emptviieldsl a,an gides olcaotmemdut enisiC.et nuars, cyocplegsit,as an,no dt hbeesrt riaaclre asna grceo tshsi s varsetg iooftned,nw lelianmgi d dtbehreio sfv arious falleemnp sir-recumblimnogn umernetpser netsing altlht ra emaoiffon rsg otten bkoithnhug mdaonmosi d anmdo nstsrA.on ou verovifIe owb airspir aee nstiend PathfiAnddveern Ptaut#rh3e 3 · MendeTvh:ek ingdoofMm e ndfaecvet sh ceo nasntt thrtoe fa boevienhrgew lmbeytd h tee brlrfoeir coefts h e Worwlodu nadn,ad c atsts h e raplioltnfoy rit nhfoger ces thtsa atnadg aiGnolsatr' idsoe nmoinnisvcia oSneT.eh e InnSeerWa o rGludi fodrem ordee toaniM lesn d,e wvaesl l asth uep comWirnagot tfhh Rei tgehoAudsvt eunPrtaeh . ThWeo rldwoSuanrrdki:os l-aano pdfwo erdfurliu ds, wisewi tsca,hn emdy stergioocdua-sl lsiumnmogn se­r waso btleirabtyea d t eairn arlietthtya u nalsehed counstdsle emohnoircsdi entthowe o r.Al ldthotuhgeh fiensdhti ihdaebs e esnle odwt,hW eo rludnwpdor eetnsas thrtte oaa lolf GloarMioorne. doenSt aariklaosnrt dih se Worludnwcdoa bnefo unidnP atlifrnCdaemrp aS(gent tin.!J: LosKti n.!Jdaonmdst huep comPiantglifr nCdaemrp ai.!Jn SettTihnWe.!Jo :r ldwound. NomadKiecl tlrbiidew sa ndneorr thAevirsnnt fr aom possaue nsisq cuoedo efh onoarnw,do urladt ohffeerr thaer sitde popfeNsu mteotrh isean opwlya wiesnotstf h e ah taeedn eyms helfrtoemar na rcsttioctr hma anl low TuskM outnaifonlsl owgianmhgee d rsa,n scteraill st,ar naotthoes rue ffra nu ndiigfineadn dg ridmet ahb y omensa,n d atmhbteii ons omfa tccihhcai ireniftssa.e xpoosrusa trretv iaon. Thesbea nmduss tc ontweinttdhh refraotmas l slie ds, Thefw e Kellwihdoas ba ndonno madlieic sft etle botnhta uraanlds urpnetaurBaetlw.e tenh ceru sesi nct iiaenstd o wwnhse rteh esikri alswl asrr ioarnsd oft hwei ntwetirc hoefIs r ritsote hwnee s tt,hs eva age tracakredere ss iorrpe uddt,o wrno owthesr ee yip,rr on, orheo rdoefBs e lktzote hnse uo ht,a ntdh dee moniocr odtehsebirlrr eea usrocaersre e tliayve ealtsoyc ome horrorsfr obmot ihWleoi rnlgud nwdio nt heea st, btyhy ee ar-rDoepusinttdihe.s u ,r baannsd t etlKeedl lids Kelploiepdl hea ve ewaerlntleh ded iered pi storfu scto nttioon buseer tvhepe r acltiisfectlayoelft h eriorv ing outsdiesra,s w elalso fm againctd oh sweh ow ieiltd. kiEnv.e innt hbee osft etsiaK,m e lolwindls i tmtolree Ath omien a ne nvirotwn hmeerne ysd uavriilviasl thahnec acna rorry wIetan'rost.t h taK elldiiddsasi n thfiers t-aonftde onn lcyo-ncetrhnes,im ra llp hysilcuaxlus ar nicder teuarceo mfosrb,tu rta tthhetar trbieasr uen comtpelbdiy ec labaotreac odoefs threayyr h ealvteh ex ulrouyrg oofodr tutnoae c cuulmate etiqauneodtt thele xuru rfoiuenswd i thciint ys ucthh isna,gn idn many cnaoskten so wwhw aottuo l d waslI.ln eddeK,e ltlrbiiedts h vreii nb rutadlo w itthh eimtf h edyi d.t heIenn d at, y piKcealll id conditthitaow nosu lbdr emaokr rei dgliy neendost hmionrgte h aanm ammohtihda ecs rsho is strucstouicreeetsAdi.s u nfoirvgianstg h e bacaks e,pa irn hhainsad n,ad c hallienhn isgsgie ht . tundtrhaew ya ndKeerl,ln ieedvrst ehsesl NAM.ES Kellniadm es souoftnedbn r suuqea ndh arswhi,t h guttsuuornadalsn hda rcdo onnsatnsU.sa ulcloyns stiing ofn om ore ttwhsoay nbll leaKse,l nlaimdsae rber ibeyf nesctseyiI.nt huen foirvgianngvd i otlw eanstoefts h e Nortthhh,ea -lsfoencidt t akteos baaK rekl nlaimde cano ftemne atnh ed ieffrenbceet weseuvnri val andde aKtehl.l miadklsei tutsloeefs c eond sn ame withtihneo iwrnc ommutnisie,th ourgehn owned figureesa rdcneac snr ivpett iitbletefitsi tnhged iere ds anadc cpolmhimsetnsT.ra dtiioynK,a elllclhiidl gdor en unnamuendtt ihles yuv ritvhee fiirrws itn ter. FemaNlaem eAsd:d Bievtk,Da je,i Ekh,tG a,r Jrear,d a, KagKuarn,a t,M eLdadRraena,kt a,, TSelekrVaieh,tk , MalNea meAs:n okB,r uDdr,o guGkot,o Jro,k on, HrunJgoaKd,o, rt Mu,o rtNoukn,e k,T oPrugYr,ora tt , TitlBeesta:S-s talGkietarkn,i Lno,n Ygea rsM,an y ScaRresdS, p re,Sa noMwa nTero,l lkTiuslklb,r eaker, ThUen broken TRAlTS Charaocftt ehKrees l leitdh nihcaivatecy sc ste ot he followriantcgret a si. StorSiceadYr ospu:r oubdelatyrh n eu mreoussc aorfs youlrio fen y oubrod ya,n eda cohnt ee latl asl yeo uorf exepriseY.noc guea ai+ nit r baointou nDs i plocmhaeccyk s madteoi ntewriatochtt hK eerls la,in dad+ 1t rbaointo uns Intimcihdeawcthkeesd n e alwiintngho n-Kpeoelpellsi.d WaroyfD angYeour:rp oepalerb ee tso ena ll sides by thrtesaa,n d hyaovduee voepleakd e esne nfosre danger. 'Y ogua ia+n 2t rabiontuo sn i nittiicvaheke sc. KELL10R OLES ROLEPLAYING Evemreym boefarK ellid fotlrliobwheiah nsiog osr rh er Persoenay eaeslr to mfeoanrns pd o rttshe,in denbdo,u own rpollwaei yt thtoih gner oMuops.t Ktealkleai dosn rsepetcartidst, is oanga,cs ipoeuiaspnka sar be;lsc onsider vocaitnwi hointc hhhe ayvd ee monsatbriaaltniepdtdr y o ven beians gp irgiutitudoae ol at nhperartm ye mber thepirroe wsTsh.e se aafr wee o fj utshte calliPnregfser ErqKeudei lpmleminatd mmso th-dsrkumimen,d ibcaign,e migahdto aplto,wn igtt hh e rulecso memltoeonm esnutcshz o ifce tishP'rsewfoe;r Lraendg uaHgeai ltPlr;e ferred roslC.el afesatsu rmeasr kweidta hs upcerrinspumte ral ReligDioens na on(ea'p)p oenap ra g2e6s- 27 ofwthhifilaesetm sab rokoekd, witash u pcerrinsputm etrwaola( p'p)oe na rp 2a4g-e2s5 . KELLDI H UNTMASTER IndomitHaubnlteoe frM astodons KELLIBDL OODSPEAKER Speciaclutyn ntirna,gcf kerealrsetsleaskor fp e ryt,i srseh nluteer WisKee epeorfT ribLaolr e Rache um;aE tnhnicKiletly id Speciaelntyta hlrlsitnoegrl ,ylp terriimvwieot nrdweo,r ker CLASSO PTIONS poretctoofcr l taarnid tions Clasbsa rb;aA rrciheatnytpeomst wearArPis6ocr,ra rreadrg uec, Rache um;aE tnhnicKiletly id trpureii temiuCvcl;a sFse aturregasep owse( breatsottP eGm,A CLASSO PTIONS powrefbullos wcn,e,t s piittro tPeGsm,wA iffo)to t Clasbsra dAr;c hetyapensi smpaelua Mks,eaa rvgseak lAdPG; Clasfgsi the;A rrchetyppeosl emaarsmAtP eu6rbn,er kabal"e'; ClasFse aturveesar tspielorerf mnac(eosar troyp,ec rus)s ion ClasFse aturweespa otnar in(sipnregsta ,ho rw)n Clasdsr duA;ir chetyapcerstd ircuP iGpd,a Aclrkod upMl,a ins Clasrsna g;eA rrchetytpaerps p"eMw,ri sltdlea k'r"Cl;a ss druPi6Cd;la 'sFse aturneaset b uorn(adn icmmoapla n;i on Featurfeasv oerneed(ma yn i),mf aalvotreeirdnr(c sao ld, auorc,hm sastomdeoglnao,oc s2e6o,rrw ololryhn ioco)es,r pla),ri nangsterrua M(pf sreientzgrp a,m arktair)pn g naetb uorn(ddo m;aa innai,lma crt"iMmc,o nutna"ipMl, a"iM,n sPREFERREODP TIONS owra t),en raetb uorn(sdu bdnoAmPfaGuoi;rri c )e SkilClrs a(wfetpa o)n,K snowl(geedoggehr yna,a pet),u r Clasosar c;Al rechetyppoes seosrseae"cCMdll; a sFse atures PerpcteiPorenos,fs (ibount, ct ahrppeer),rS teaSluvtrihlv, a mysrtie(aensec sutMol,reo ,r nwt)ie,rr ee'vlat(cihoionfls d FeatBsl oAosdusytla AEP0nu,dar nec,Fe le,Pt owrAe ttaRcu,kn , wnitre1i,cs ykn i1l,eo k reep,es rtoorfsm o "uMlw,si sdom ofS lef-iScnuitSfea,lfy re'Ksn auccT,kbr iaSlcr a,sV 'ilSt taer ik thaecn esrts)o" M DESCRIPTION PREFERREODP TIONS Klelhiutdnm taessa rer peradtso,vr ersientd h leeo orfg erat SkilClrs a(afn)t,yD iplyo,Hm aancdle, K Anwnoliemdagle beaasntadst tutnote hsdep i itorsft he Whhuentntr .i bes clash (hitrosyl,o cnaalet,,ru l erig),Li ioningscutsPi,er from(o artroy, ovreh untgiornugn, hd sutnmtaessl reatdh epiero ptlo er w.a pecrusswiio)n,nSd ,e nMsoete i,Sv uvrival A hnutmtaehsro nsto hrpeer ya nimtahlsasutt is anh etrbr ei, FeatAsn iAmfanftliiy D,i vlitnneere fcneer"PMes,ru aes,Si kvill portteictnhghe ed rsfo rmf oloihsuhns te eargteokr im loelrt han Foc,T ubrsiaSlcr a,sW 'iSlpde "eMc h thneeye Sdh.ea laiwysrs ed ayt ota rvferalf o rmh etrr ibe to seek DESCRIPTION ounte hw utnignorgu n,od bssveet rhe hoefta hgleert ahht ed rs, Blookdessrpa eer tahkee espo eftra rditiont hKeale mloindga nlder anw isdiotnmh d ena cbee etewne adptraonrpd r ey. peo,pi lmeptairng- tteiswmtieesddt ooym uo nwga rorsria nd ROLEPLAYING exrpieeednc cheifTsh.e aeyr i tnremerdiibeaest wtehetenr ibePe rsoenam bacrnease t'uhsrad rsphsli,o wnoel, pf aacpklh a, anidtg so, db seetewhnnu tsea rntdh teo mtsoe ft heprierMy o.s t qiuerstep efcontra et,suo tric imptonalrtyb,ol odskpesera ear thmeo spto telniotnf e c uolctP referErqeudi pmeknnte i,sf preP;ar eferLraendg uaHgea !l;l i defeangnsasetit hm ea gitchearatlth sKe le lpiedo plef erra.i ghPtrlefye rRreeldi gEiaornsi tl Snocwasetlesvhr ea vneon atinosc,tie iso,rl artgoew nsh iddienrn an veibse twbeleinz czlaoradmk-oeutdna ins, oft heoiwrna ,n id ll-inofotursmiedodeft rebsnle ievei nt hdee pthsson wco-afr ppeitnefoedr esso,tr i ni ce thetmob en omadsiicnf,cweh ea veev seeroe nnoe tf h eirc avfoersm efrdo m gtrhoew otfgh l acoiveemrris l lennia. (; stetletmsTe.hn issu itthssece rveete ilsvj eufisnte a,si t Snocwasetlesvhr ea vaefi erlcoey atlott hye wphlearcee srevset op rotecgtr etahttereiesrast s- tuhreehiorms e, thecyoh osteol i,v eewthhietra' nsa ncestbruarli al thefaimri lsai,ne tdh efaiirt h. groutnhdhe,o m oefa r evelreeadd eapr a,r taoirrcl uyl Snocwasteelsrv e liivne smiaoslltlae,dt ribal holsyi te. commutenisih,i ddfreonmt hoeut siwdoer lodft,e n Whenc ontwaicttoh ut sidiesnr essc aser,yi t r_;,s/ dwellitnhrgee mianoi ftn hsoe n -crgeansdt ructu isc ommnolay s ingSlneow sctaecra lal "etdw gihlti butib lyt heainrsc terosT.he sreu ianrsue s lu-lay spaekewrh"oe tnearfo sr eicgonmu mnihtayv,ib nege n conceoaril necadec bslsuein elsosn ken otwhs�e ay- traisnpeefidcca ilfolyrt htea sSkn.oc wasetlesvra e re uusallcyat uioautbs e isntt h ediera lwiintsghtsn r gears, / anhda vaer etptauiofonrb lusnptke ianTgh.ii ssn ot rudeesnhso,w evmeerry,e ldae stiorc eo ncltuhdeei r buseisanssq u icaknledyffi c itelanysp ossbil.e NAMES Snocwasetlesvrh e avteh uemt osrte escpt fafomriy l antdr adiatncdioh oons toeh ontohre ainrsc teobrys naming cthhielifodrrrt ehne m. Hboewceaveurs,e theayra el istnoe enlspyir vaatned woafrr eyv ealing thesierrce tsst rteaorn tsgh,e oy octshohe i de their true namienss inglem ullotin-gts,ry aldliantbaiimoscen .a l As suchg,en aeilrtil ymp iossb lsfoeir a nyone r-.-:::...- otusiodfae p artiScnuoclwaasret le'ftsrr ibe toi deynj tuisft pwahriotcfash ni ndividual's namree lahtieos r t oh ceers taonrs anwdh icihts h gei vneanm Ien. anyd ealiwnigtnsho nev-lse, reveatlhienigr inssae meens asb aldu cskoS, n ocwaster evlsei tnruocdteh eemlssv e withsb orai qiunestt Ieta d. isq uiatnei nsttu ola sak Snocwasetlefrnh aemrwe i tthfi orugsitv yionuogrw n. FemaNlaem eCse:el sraoeEal,u brerhaeKrorraey,rv etru, Lumiavlavr,Mat ierryaolsrPhaa,r ralatea MalNea meEs:u roliyevrrenn,K, ur Iodurilemaerra, LiiornNuaodriunRfa,al yeaosllr,a din SobriqDuauegthst:oe fTr wi liSghootnf,t hSen wos, SunsBelotod'W,si tnerwRaunlnle r TRA1TS Evlecnh araocft eStrnhsoe ws cteaetrh nihacviaetcs ycs e tot hfoel lowtiwrnoag tc reta si. ObscuTrrea ditYiooucn osn:fo utnhsdoe w hot hink thkenyo w aeblsovA.uen tcy r eaattutreem tpomt aiknaeg Knolwedcgheea cbko utp oeypolauSe re, n Msoet icvhee ck tod eterwmhientyeho eaurr l ey ionragS ,uv rivcahlet cok traycotkua ka-e 2ps e lntaoynt hceh eAcdkd.i tiaonnya lly,

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