KOBOLRDA CIALT RAIST +2D exter-i4t Syt,r eng-t2Ch o,n stituKtboioonla:edr f sa bsuwtte k a. ReptilKiboano:la edrh su nmoaiwditsth hrep et islbuitaynp e. SmalKlbo: olaedrS sm acelralet sau nrgda ai+ n1s ibzoent utosh AeCia,+r 1 s ibzoeno unas t tralo,cl -ksa1p elntoaynt hcemoibarmt a nveecurh ecks antdot hCemoibraM ta unveDeeref nesa,n ad+ 4 bsoinzouenSse t alcthehc ks. NormaSlp eeKd:bo olhdaesv b aa sspee oe3fd0 f eet. DarkvisKibooon:lc dassne i etn h dea rtk6o 0uf pe et. ArmorK:bo olhdaesv + a1n ataurrmabolor n us. CrafKtybo:o lgdaasi+ n2r c aial Cbro(antfupr)tssPa, e coprent iaonPndor,e f ss(imion)nce hreck(st.pr) saa CnrSdat lfetataehr a wlaycsl saksisl ls foakr bo old. WeaknesLsi:sg ehnts .iK btooivlaeidrd tsay ziznlee aaodsbfr r isguhnttlo wirig ththhriedan i ouafsd a ylisgehptl l. LanguagKebos:o lbdeisgpn l sapyke iaonngDl ryoa ncKiboco.lw dist hI tnhlegilnegichsec ocracensh ofoorsmte h felo lowCmiomnog,Dn: w ravne, Gno,am neUdn dcoemrmon. KOBOLD NAMES Beucsakeob olsd deitnyi fpsao sonsailytw eiht rdagothnesys, tv reti or einfothericcreo nnetchrtoihuon gna mse hattr elefcthte ir dracohenriictK aoboglebdi. rh nt amesr leaatrliyev h oesruts,lu ylac onsiosfttiswlnyoalbg el sa,nda ralem osaltw safa yitlnrye micnetin s ofdr ag'on nasmes. Tofu rhtere mluatthee idrra cobrnehirtce, kn obolsd hacngthee inra mste olo ngaendrm orceo mlepxfo rmastsh e yr ehai cmpaonrtt agmeil esotnepse,r fosrpmte aclcaura ctosra, t tnaoibtnelaa cihevetmsKe.obno ldad vetnuroetfresand d m orselya lbeltsot he inra mes upon hirnesgai cgnnitpfi oicnsait nth eicra reeevres5lr -eyvls eo rs. o Kobo lsdr alrhyea vseru nasmm;eo sitn sdtu escalea nn amoerhso nroifitcoidse tnyi hfetmslveTehso.sk oebo lsd howd ou sseu armnes armeo sottf erne infoar claciintmgoa h erdietathrryo neat teorm pttioadn hegr er etgoil oo rn atcuulril anlfuences. FEMALNEA MES MALE NAMES Ahmam r Melrynn Ahtarz Merelpo kr Azzlyn Peathrk Dyrtrax Nydryn Enga Ryztzyng Fajz i Nkytox Gyrmwyr Sykxa Gyrtnok Ryzztyl Gynznze Tryerll Jkekjaak Tropehxr Kergnaan Vrashez Kaidynn Vraarnn jnyjnun Vergma Keegyn Verknog Lrythrka Zrarnyl Krirok Xhadnyg Autho•r TsorSkh awM,a tS mitahn,d J eromVei rnich CoveArr ti•s DtanS cott CartograpRhoybL• a zzaretti TABLEO F CONTENTS InterAirotri •sJ tosrgFea reTsa,y lFoirs cher, Francesco Graziani, Miroslav Petrov,F MoaiRcYh oolu QRuCi nHtoA,R ACTER 2 BryaSno lXai,aT aptaarnad,R adoslTaovp alov KosoLDOsN G oLARtNO CreatiDvier ectJoarm•e s Jacobs 4 Editor-in-FC.hW ieesfl•eS yc hneider SeniEodri toJra•m es L. Sutter L1F EA SA KOBODL 6 DevelopmeLneta• d L ogaBno nner CULTURE 8 DevelopmTeenatm • LogaBno nner, CJoomhpnt on, AdamD aiglReo,bM cCrearMya,r kM orelanadn,d TRIEBS 10 PatriRcekn ie EditorTieaalm• J udBya ueCrh,r istopher Carey, and WoRSHlP 12 RyaMna cklin LeadD esigneJra•s oBnu lmahn PLYAER CHARACTERS DesigTne am• StephReand ney-MacFaarnlda nd Sean K Reynolds SNARLO FT HEE MBERMWA CLAN SeniAorrt D irec•t SoarrahR oEb.i nson ArtD irec•t AonrdreVwa llas CoLORTAOlN GraphDiecs igneSro•n jMao rris ProductSipoenc ia•l Cirsyts tFarla sier TRAPS 20 PublishEerriM•ko na PaizCoE O•L isSat evens ARCHETYPES 22 ChieOfp eratiOoffincse rJ•e ffrAelyv arez DirectoofSr a l•e sPierWcaet ters FEATS SaleAss soci•a Ctoes moE isele MarketiDnigr ec•tJ oernny Bendel SPELLS FinanMcaen age•r ChristopSheelrf StaAffc count•a Knutn jSie do EOU1MPENT ChieTfe chniOcffiacle rV•i cW ertz SenioSro ftwaDreev elo•p GearrTye ter MAG lCl TMES CampaigCno ordina•t MoirkeB rock ProjeMcatn age•Jr essiPcrai ce NEXTM O NTH! 32 LicensCionogr dinatMoirc•h aKeeln way CustomeSre rviTceea m• EriKke itJhu,s tRiind dler, KosoLRADc 1ATLR AITASN DN AMES 1N SlDFER ONTC OVER andS arMaa riTee ter WarehouTseea m• WilClh aseH,e athPeary ne, RANDOM KoBOLD CHARACT1TESC1RS 1N SlDBAEC KC OVER JeffS tranadn,dK eviUnn derwood WebsiTteea m• RosBsy erLsi,Cz o urtLsi,s sGau illet, andC hriLsa mbertz REFERENCE ThiPsa thfinPdleary Ceorm paniroenf etross everoatlh ePra thfinRdoelre plaGyaimneg producatnsdu setsh ef ollowaibnbgr eviatTihoensse. booknso tr aerqeu itroem da keu se of tPhliasy Ceorm paniRoena.d eirnst ereisntr eedf eretnocP east hfiRnPdGeh ra rdcovcearns fintdh ec omplertuel efsr otmh esbeo okasv ailafbolfrer eaetp aizo.com/prd. AdvancPelda yeGru'isd e APG UltimEaqtuei pment UE AdvancReadc Geu ide ARG UltimMaatgei c UM UltimCaotmeb at UC Thpirso dicusoc mtp wliittahhnOe tp eGna mLei censaeni(dssO u GiLtf)aou brswl eie tt hhPe a thfRionldeepGrla amyei ng otrh 3e.e 5d iottfih oweno rolldd'fesas ntrt oalseyp glaamyei.n g Product TIhdfoeeln ltioitwyti:ena mgrhs ee riedbeyn atsPi rfoideudc ta sI ddeeinfnti iOnttpehyeGde,na mLei cense versti.OSoaen,c tii(aoenn)ad ,r n eoO tp eCno ntAeltnlrt a:d ermeagriktssrt,ae rdeepdmr aornpkaesmr,(e csh aracters, deietticed.si),a, lp olgoustets,o, r ylloicnaectshi,ao rnasac,rt tewaronsrtd,kr ,ad dree( sEsl.e mtehhnaattpvs re e viously bedeens igansa tOGepadem Cneo ntoeran riten ptuhbdelo imcaa irnneoi tn cliund detedhc ilsa ration.) • � F!�L�S!Ope2n •CoEn txectnfo trm: atedreisailga nsPa rtoeddIu dcetn( tsieatbeyo tvhege)a ,m mee chaonfti hcPisas i zo ��i��l�f�� ;o:o� ht;r�at�h e;a�:r���:��i���:� ��;a���r;Je;i��haie m���P� :n�:i�:���i�=end\ ����i�;���;{;�� h:u�f� ;� wriptetremni ssion. Paizo PubLlLiCs hing, � PathfinderaPnfiaKoyonoeb:lr odCfsoG mol@a2r0i1oP3na, iPzuob liLsLhACilR.nli g gR,he tsse PraviePzdao.iP, zu ob lishing, 7R1e2d10m8 o5AnWtvdAhe,N9 E8,S0 t51e22 -00 tP5at71t7�1h��f F/�=:ilfrdni %0dvdp:1Pee�-arMft: aa�ht�fMn,�ia��d .Pnp�'!�ad �dh!cetPkra�, t h�ifM��io·��ndvfudu��P.ela:�ret� ,�hs�� fP�i�a�n�w��Pdng��aeshtr,;fih i�f�P�di�l��ndaC�dy�o�,ee�tm0rr�pr� an�P�n:ali��;�to�h�nf;f,� if ndd�er Roleplaying TGaalameneRsd,i, o s tfPeh aR etu hnfeialnrotderre darsd eomPfaa riPkzusob liLsLhCi.n g, paizo.com Priinnt eCdh ina. FOCUS FOR EVERY CHARACTERS CHARACTER n QUESTITOON S ThiPsla yeCrom panihiohgnil hgts Cretagianme lee menttrsa ndst hcee n V ASKYOURGM optisoepncsi tfiocch aracotfe rpsa rltairocsafu h acra'scr taeocrrela scs. Asikngy ourG M thefo llowing the lfoolwicnlags saendsr aciens ,T he llfoowelienmge nwtoksre qluyla questicoanhnse lypo gu et mtohset addititooelne metntsha tc an lya ppwelfolr a nyha rcaicnthe eP trah fitnder outo fP athfindeCro pmaPnliaoyne:r tooh terch arasc.t er RolelpayiGnagm ree,gd ealsrosf focusK,bo o lodGfso larion. typeba,kc gorrod. u n KoBOLDS 0 Arew ea llowteopd l akyo bolds Mosotp tiothnisbso koia nr ues elfu REGOINALT RAITS orc haracwtheoro sn clei vweidt h tom antyy poefsch aractbuetr sT,he r egilto rnaaiinltcdused i nth is kobolidnts h icsa mpaign? kobolsdd og esto mcheo ictheasta re boko (pag9)ec ovmearn rye gions uselofu nlyt oth emT.h eo ptiionn sw herkeob olsdl ivwei,ht multilep €} Wilwle bgeo inga dovne ntures thibso kot hata plypo nlyt oko bolsd optifoorcnh asr taecwrhosh alifr om thatta kues i ntdou ngeoonris n to arlies dta etthe e dno tfhi psa ge. dieffrte pnarotfsth e Dakrldasn natusruablt erratnuenanne ls? bentehta hes urcfaeo fGlaori.o n 5PELLCAST ERS €) Sinckeo boladrse n ormally Then ews plselo np ag2e6s- w2o7kr TRAPS lawfeuvliw lh,a atl ignmemnatkse form andyi effrte lnacs,si enluscding Newr angterra(p pasg 2e0s- 2le1t) them osts ensgei vetnh et ypoef thee v-eprolaprkuo boldsr ocerersy.og ue mto roeuo tfth eL eaRrann ger campaiwgen' blelp laying? Traapnd Imporvde LeaRrann ger SMALCLH ARACTERS Trafpaes t( pag2e)4, hiwhcy ocua n The kobolds tley feat(psa g2e)5 tkaee veiynfo 'rueno atr angDeeorcy. KOBOLDO PTlONS givsem lalch aracta ewrasyt o trig(pgaeg2r)8esc a mnak e ytoruarp sTh ouhgt her lueiset mst hiibsno ko brinbigg gert ucrdroeewsnat oth e mordeev ioaundt srp,ap eidt ecmasn arkeob oldth emde, nlooltf t h eam grodu. nheTS mlaBlu Dte dayla nd make fora dedayl surep-raidns requyiotruobe e koabo ldt och oose Wallo fFl ehs faeste nhancthee ir comienb o htm udnan(pea g2e8s-) 2 9themT.h ek obol-dscpiefiocp tions cobmatb iliaetis. anmda gli(p caag3)e1v ariieest. arlie sdt eelbowfo re asryer feence iyfo 'ruepla iynagk o boldch ara.c ter BARDS hEMSA NDE QUIMPENT Badsr howw ants ptrdote h ea logriouCsh aracetxleoprrsid nugn gecoanns KOBLODO PTION PAGE wodra bouthte p woerlfu rdagcoanns ustheen emwa giitce (pmasg 3e0s-) 3 1Alteer rcanitaartla its 7 choostheed raghoenrl ada rhectypea nd alchemilci ate(mpsa g2e9)t o Blootsttroiimklae giitce m 30 (pag2e2s-). 2 3 cleatru nlsn,ec rteeafa lsew alsl, Drahgeotarn lor e 14 stuunnd ergrdo curnteuaraends , Irradiattoiimnlag giitce m 30 CLECRSI muhcm ore. KbooClnodf nicdfeee at 24 You cant kae het koboldfa iht KbooFlldos otfdye laet 25 racter atiogt a iancs cste os pelc iTaRIBSE KbooGlordu ndsltifynelgaet 25 sbudomiansA:mb uhs, Raditaoin, Nootnl y ckoabonl sdu sthee s maple KbooSltdsy tlfyeel aet 25 andT ra(ppa g1)e3. trbeis(p ag1e0s-) 1a 1sh eitbri rht MecrislMse agic feat 24 trbeisb,u tv eteardvaentn urerMse crislse cPirsfeieoant 24 FGlHTRES mihgtd esrbciep revideolaiunsg sM ixSecldaef se at 24 Fobra tlitnign clo steu nlsnu esnig theyha vhead wiht thesger oupsR,e deeKbomoeflded a t 25 their sunpuebmreiroskor,bo ld whehtera tnagonoirfrs itediynlc,a s Sclacelo orrat cairet s 1-891 fightedresvlo epdet hes wafirgmht er elemetnostf he ibarkc stories.S claeDdi sfceiaptl e 25 arhecty(ppaeg2 )e3. DIDY OUK NOW? RoGUES Kboolcmdoesf rGoemr mmyatnwh h,eet rhweeryoe riingamnlielsIry.n Thes nasreet atrheecrt y(ppaeg2 )e3 ClasMsoincs teRresv isiKtebodo,P lerdsm sat seirnmWdolg faBnuagwr an ted ist aloir-dmefo arr oguwheos want troie fncoetr h-ishsoeg ave btuthltdeeeim g mgaicnnhegiis toc reaantsdee t tr sa.p 2 RULES lNDEX Inad dittioon ne wal tneartrea clti araist (pag7)e, arhecteys(pp ag2e)2,e uqipmt(ep nag2e8,fa ) vroecdla ss opti(poangis)e,5 fe at(psa g2e)4,r angtersra( p pag2e0), rloe(sp agi)e4,s plsel(p ag2e6),a nds budomai(pnasgi )e,3 the lfolowtirnagai ndt msa giict eamppse airn h its PlaeyrC ompaonni. REGIONTARLA IT PAGE Birabra n(dfrioets t) 9 Garevlawel(rkD laar)nk ds 9 Girgto g(gDlaers)k lands 9 Iornl ugns k(lDa)an rds 9 Liasrn ea( kdrna'lgsa)o ir 9 Sonwrsit(dDea r)k lands 9 Setmar nom(aDda r)k lands 9 Suicynkuo r (gDulatar )nk ds 9 Trpsa avvy( Darklands 9 RACTER AIT PAGE Alchebmrie(caegtanerhl- sckaolbeodl ds) 19 Bosgcm ap( bclka-lsekcdoa bolds) 18 Carnsacltaeiso n 19 Clofdrot it(uwdheci lateekdb-o os)l ds 19 Droanceicc(h boel -usckabolo)el dd s 18 Elaabttaoerpr per- sl(cekbadbol ou)le ds 18 Feibr(uergd -skcoabloeldd s) 19 Feio-rntg(ueredd- skcoabloeldd s) 19 Frsopstite( trw hcilateekd-o sbolds) 19 Golsdcleaens 19 Hefarotti t(eurdd-es kcoabloeldd s) 19 Iycm emnet(owsh cilateekd-o sbolds) 19 Kboofliadt h 13 Kboohlebdrla si(teg ner-sckaolbeodl ds) 19 Lighbtelnssi(enbdg-l sulceekado bolds) 18 Liqtuoindg(-ub-elsdulc eekado bolds) 18 Oodzee fe(nbsl-easl ccekkadbo o)l ds 18 Purspcllaees 19 Saktseb ran'lc(aew hcilateekdb-o os)l ds 19 Silthsetrri(inegdgere cnl a-eskdbo o)l ds 19 Smeor kseis(teradn-tsk coabloeldd s) 19 Sneys awmkime(rbc lka-lsekcdoa bolds) 18 MAGIICT EM PAGE Bloatsttraiikle 30 Displga sctionne 30 Dragohne ravleds tments 30 Dwindlbiunlgl et 30 Hezzilresepne'sl lbook 26 Implodsitnogn e 30 Irradiattaiinlg 30 Levitaltainnmdgi ne 31 Paralyzsinnagr e 31 Scarecrlouwr e 31 Trappbeedv erage 31 Trapppeudz zbloex 31 Trappsewdo rd 31 Kobolsda rpee harsp het most deurnestdi rmaactee oAlnm osaltal c tivheiyet nigeaisgna e rtd ei rleyoc rtd iirnleyc t GolariIo'stnh a.dr yls urpnrgci,o sndiesriithneg nbeurm ofrl eatdte tohe s urlvo ifhvetamslveeasnd t heirbe .t ri advent'ut rlaeetshra spt aianp ti ctoucfro ewd aylwr eaiknlgs TribeB eforeS elf-UsualWliyh:t theiirn grda ine whofl efreo ma ncyo flnicTthe.s uen ipmrevsees nicountceormsm,u lmn iadn-stke,o bolsdp uthte w elfaraend s aeftoyf howevaernreo,h it nmgo rthea na s mkoesrceetnop reventhtet rbei boavaele lls .e haT'tsn ottos y a het'yrmeid nelslys adventufrroemtrh rse atethneit nbregio rle arnthien g sleflesosrs udialc,hi owevehyrd -iwe thfoert rbei if dedaylt rhu:ht atttho uhg idminuktbooilvsdae r,ae vs i ciousmsoe onelseec adno ?iW htenp uhsc omste osh ov(aen d andv englae tsfuhe d ragtowonh sih ct heycla ikmi nhisp. itdo e),s koabo ldw o'tn hitkn twiacboeu stca rificing Asm etliocuausst he ya rel imcaikoobuolssd,a rheih gyl anhoetr ectsaop daen gTeoro h.te rkob olsdt,hi bseh avior orgad,ns iohzipeisctda,it dneustraindoi unvse,n hteiivre d.e mTonrsastt qeuicthkik ninga nd creaptribovlee m natlut rlaeanfotr m inianngdg ifoftr t rakpimnag arselov inAgnd.t h et rbein edsem oroetfh a t. knowann edn vdti hreohuoguthte D akrldasna nd ebydo.n Inter-KobRoellda tioKnsob:ol dt breisfu nctilikoen Wisee xloprelerasrt noid enyt ihetfh almlakrso fko bold wel-lioledm ahcinbeescu asoeft h ec oopteiroraneu qidr e tunlsna endfi nds aefralt ernraotuiatvreeos dut hnem. by heticro mmulsn oac.i eHtoywbeevcueasoretf,h e ihirhg Kooblsd'a bility jnuosttots urvthievu en fahotmbael morlittarya tset,r ofrnigdesh nipasr selo wt ofo rmF.o r dangoetfhr esD akraldnsbu ttt oh ritvehers ep kesa mlooudsylt silmairr eoanskso,bol sdd on'tm atfoerl i eft,ho uhgs moe otfhe itre na,rc eliisteiynacnder ,eo surclneefusKsobo.ls ad re,p airmianlyag ssfot rm onhste,v eyne aOrnsca.fe re tleie gg infa catr ,a ocfce r eattobue rr eeessc pdt-eevfeaenrd. eA nd ilsad i,i 'stt kaent othe h athecrtyob e p rotdea cndct aedr e thosweho d aruend eresatttheie mmdo asttho e pierl.r i forT.h ep arteshan vneo a ttmaecnthtot h eierg gosrth e hathcilntghesym apy rduocaend,a lmle mberostfh e t brei KOBOLDP SYCHOLOGY beasrmo er esnpsbioilittyolo koa ftearnt dr athieyn o ung. Asi dnivduilask,bo olsda raesu niqausthe e m emberosf Obsessive Pwiictkhsa nd TricWkhse:ht eri 'st an anoyht err acBeut.tka ena ahwsole k,ob olsd hasraev eryi bnorcno mlpsuioonrbe haviworroh utfrg omg enerations consnitas ndct oemlepxp schye. oft rainkiboonlsgdh ,a vae p rloicvifotrym inianndg SurvivIaln stinKcobto:l sda rhead rwidrt eos urvAilvle t.r akpimnaTgh.er easfoorhn istss e ecmlesta herfo :r meirs tocoo nscoiftho eurisera l tifrvalteiy k,boo lsda rcea utioaub sy,pd urcoottfh enierdet oc recaotnelt ldree onvironments, hypewraaroetfhe isru rrdionugansnds, o metpiamreads.n oiandt hela ttheelrpp sr otthoescsetpc aes. 4 SmalRle ptiCloem plexK:ob olsd's tataundrp hey sli cainntseflea ovrsBe.t wtehiesnr anagnde t heiarbil ity weankessi nlslit nith ema socihiocpde aistrteop rovet o connseluaymar enh yitngi's,te xtrleydim fefiltct uo themslveebse ttthearne verylsoenT.hei se theis suo rce finds moehtintgha tw ilclha lelngake o boldsi' ncdibryle ofko bols'dm erlecsicsr ltuyea,nd w hy hety ek:ajilolyi ngr,e psrsdege argfle exes. maimianndgt ,o rtuohrteircn rge ast-uersceiplyael htose whoa rlaer goerr mpoorweel .r fu FACT4 :" KosoLDNSEV ER GET losT" DraconKiicn shiFp:o krbo olsd,th eicro nnewcithti onF loolwa k oboldm ovithnrgo hut ghes nlao rfhe rla i,r dragioisnr sr ebfulWteh.aeh tetrh e'ryae h lcirda cdies,rp aatea nd yo'lulq ukiylc reliaztew oth ignsfi:r sktob,ol sd sbiilngdiss,t caonuts oirpn eshar,sp e vefonr eruntnoe rhasv aen aunnncsye nosfdei recatndis oencd;,o y no'rue dragokonbosl,sda rcee rtoafthi enip larc aelo nges hietd hopleeslysl os.Kt obolsd'd irecsteingosoneefa rsbe ydo n powelr rfudagondst h-a'astn cao ndefinbcoeo sr.t e nogte tttiunrdgna erodue nalsyi-ailstop rodevstihe m DraconSiucp eriorKiobtoyl:sd lsaop ossaes sesno sfe wihte xceplts iptoailnaa awaresnsTeh.i so,n caeg ain, is enlteimteanndtt h ebe liehfattth ey faarber tett haenro h ter, ealysd iemontsdet yrb atao uthrro hua gk obolds nlar clumsirearcT ehisis.ds u et othe idrra cohenriict ahog e-twhe fahcattth e tyt unlns euhcc omlepxlab yrtihsnw ihotut doe'tsb nelietvhaetd r agaornthese p inlneoa facl ble ingsc?a rlep lafunninsgru voeryi imsni gdn-b ogligng. Anda ksob olsda rael mdorsatg othnestyo, boa k si nth elo rgy obfeianttghe t opbi-dinthge itri mwea,i tfoirthn egA goef FACT5 :" KoBOLDTSA STTEE RRBILE" Dragtoon sg itvtohee A wgoaefy Kb oolsd. Thisisb e sttkae n faoinht. W ihtt he hesenru bmero f crteuartheastli vient h eD akralnds hatta re tmhaonr e FlVEF ACTSA BOUTK OBOLOS cabpela ofpl ungipnagsa tn yde efnskeobsol sdc an The lfoolwirnegp ernektes yi nfomratiaobonu ktob olsd. must,eh ertrmeus bte rae aksoboolnsd a r'et nrae gaurl parotfs moehtin'sgd ieTth.a tr easiosbin lo ogil:c a FACT1: " KoBOLDASR ED RAGONS" kobolds cleasm,us lcesa,nd idgsevteio rgacnosn tain Jusaktsa nkyob old-hes'lltl ely ouc,o ndefinlytl itsing sbustanthcaetas rd ei stal,sr teelpefuletno,r p oinsoous offa n ubmer soiflma irtiiessuh,c a sba ssikucl lsha pe,t om oslatr gperda eotrs. toho stttruurchoer,n pcootsmiioena,r l slfr,ai nd sclea clooratAindo,n h.we onn ceo ndesrithse u ncommbuotn noetn tlyir raeirnes taonfkocbolesds hww iitnagndse ven brehaw teaopntshe,p alrellasa reev emno re sutknaabmeli. Thessei lmairirtiaisteheesq uetsiaotsnow h etehkrob olsd arael e srsu,en devloepdev ersoifthoe nid rra gkoinn -or if,i nfa ctthe,'yr eam oradev andc( aleebilets ism pesrsi)v e sbuspieecdset,si dnt eoo ulitvhee ilatrr gceoru sins. FACT "KoBOLCDASN TURN 2: ANYHTINGI TNOA TRAP" Givaek boolda l iltett imweih t ah andfulo fod dsa nd ednsa,nd e'lhtlu riintn at o conthraatcp athnai mopne rt, incapamcaiitmao,tr ke il,.l heT kboolsd'd ibaolicla obsessioannd skillw iht trakpimnagi su nplaellreda. Outesrwihsdo w anttio m prhoevisekril sltw ihtt rsas peke oubta ndaonde obkoltdr sat pos tdyuo,rp akyob oltdu tors. Somgeo vernmedn etvse-thnia en'vg euslisd-are rumodtr oce ontkorboalcsdtt od e siagndn u bliid ncdibryle comlepxt rafoprs lvtasau ndo htehri hgyls etnisaviree as. Thei ntrciocnastter aundcu tnicoonn velan ptpirhooenasac kbooldt rakpemratskae hwencr eatthienimgra stekr wor trsam pake hetmn ojtu dsitffi cltut os ptoo rdi sabrumt, asthoinnlyigd sifficlttu or elipcate. FACT3 :" KoBOLDASR EN'EATS IYL REPULSOERDN AUSAETED" Gewtih itn20 p acoefask o boldm oundto ena luskr,a nd yo'luble c onvdit hnactkoe bolsdh avneo s enosfe ls.lm e Infa cthe,y ha tver eamk aabrels enosfe lstlmha etal olws them atppor etcethie an uacneosfa s taggrearniognfeg sectn-smuhc ass omeonhet s amvieogvret hne m ost LIFAES A KOBOLD Crodewdi nttheoi nra rrtouwnl snk,eob olsdle arinm mdeitaleyh attth eilirvs be elontgot h et rbeia,nd t hatth eybo ht repra ewdsa rfrohemt rbteia nd ahvaed u ttyom aintiatBi.etn we enth eiprr omxiittyoo naen hoetra ndt heiprr maagtic lieftslyesko,bo lsdk notwhe iorw nlie fc ylecsan dp hysloigoqyu iwtele.l heTf wes tdaonuitnsko bolds oicetteydnt obe idnivduials owh havger teeagrit fsfro mh etidrra cobnolido.c yAo huw thoh athecswi htt he" jwa ofad rag"oo nr"th e wyremaf"ir mmdeialytb eecomape rsid mz eember thoet frb ei. KOBOLDE COLOGY and females vairrelty lu iadnitsinhgabueli tsoo hter Kobolsda rfaesc inarteiplnitgaci nr teuartheasts eetmo racesa,ft ererevh aeicnna gdu lthodo.L ieef xpteacnfocry beb uipleter cftfolrthy e irde urngrdo iulfneles.t y moskotbo lsdi asbo u3t0y eathrosuh,gs ompea rtlailrcyu hadrya ndc arle ofubkolsdh avbee eknn owtnoli vuept o llFEC YCLE i4y0e ars. Hadr-hseleld obkolde ggsd- tahen embryso hwiint them-arreem kaabryls tduyarb,el t o duernbee inmogv de EXTERNPAHLY OSLlOGY ore xpdot sorel eatliyhv aerhsc odintioortn rse atfomre nTth e earvakogboel ds tdasan rodu3 fn eettl aalnd w ehisg shorpte rdsio oft imwheil es ltrlie maivnibiealnA.gft ear abou4t0p oudsnT.h ougphhy silyclw aeka,k obolsda re 45t-o6 5da-yi nbcautipoenrd ,i kooabo ldha thclibnrgeks a remkaabrylq ukia cnda glei. ouotfi st helsuls nigi ttsw moo sptr omicnreanntoi ranl hKobolsd'fl exbeilt alsiw,hi hce xtdre onhuylgt w-ohtidrs buds.M earsiunfrgo m6 -8i nhecstl a,l nael ywh athecd theiheri htgi nle nhg,pt rodeve ixlcleenntatu lr aalabnce koboldi sful ylfo rmdea ndi mmdiealyt bealteof n edfo r anda ret eiglntr oma anoyft h ec rteuar'ge esstaunrde s istlf.eI tty plyils cpadesnh etfi rhsotu orf ilitefcs o nsumisnbugtle n onbvalec rues. ther emnaonfits ts he lsolr a nhyitnegls en eaisrtb irht Theihrih gyls etniseviye ewhsi,hc alolwh etmt os ee placteha ts eeampsp zeitniSgo.m veo riaocuhasth cilngsp eerclfyti np iht acdkrnesasrp,er otde ycb tnaei ctitating havbee eknn owtnoc anbanliizthee iwrek aersb iilngasn, membranTehi.tsh i kc,t ranstpe aylidreg eundasra gainst acadtul tk obolsd loalws,ei enigat sa s iogfsn t rhe.n gt debriasndo hteirr ribtuatdon et'tssn n,e gtahetd iecs omfort Hathclindegvsloe pq uiqtueki ylc,do builnign s izec uasde ybb rihtgl ihgtsB.e caculossneigt h em embrane eahcy euanrlt th ieyr ehat hcej vuelnesi tagaer odau3 tn cuasaes sbut leh isfti ne yceloo rim,ta syi glwn heanak obold yeaorfas ga end fu laldu lhtodo yb hetitreth ny aerM.ale s iasbo uttoa tkto arc antaid acnigpeasrtioetusus a tion. Ak obol'dss cleas,h ,at nde eohtrnasra elw aygsr owing ands cleasar sheed w ihtr elgauriAt ylfus.l e ot5f 4 t ehei ts losatnd r elapcdee ve5yr eya orrss, ow ihtt hes eocnds eotf tehes teeansas igonfad ulthodo.H orgnrso ewx trlye me slowly,t kainnge layr deacd eat oa ccraunneyo tbielc ea lenhgo tr acuturrev. Kobolsd't hikc idhesv ariync loorM.o shta vsec leas thatm athct hosoefc h romadtriacg onds e-birnethge mosptr elevnath-otuhgs moee hxibit meoxroectl ooircs , inlucdinogr anygleoelw,g, r aaynd,p ulrep. 1N TERNPAHLY OSLlOGY Kobolsda roem noirvoaunds ,eb cuasoeft h eiprwo erlfu jwassh,a rtpe he,at ndt ohug gizdzsta,her ye taa nhyitng theyc acnhe wF.u hretrmothreeyh,a vae loswh,i hgyl efficimeentbotali s.m Assuh, c hetyr equrilearteli yv e litletfo oda nd watekre,yfa cat oofrth e ir krabeelm ar wokre htic-hetya r'etd nitsradc ytbh uengoertrh i rst andt heiabrili ttyos uirvvuend ergrd.o un Kobolsd afrertelei hrtohuoguthte ir eadnultltii vsre.e Femleast ypliylc parduocoen ee gegv e2r0y- 2da5sy , thouhg underid elac odniitonasnu ndisbteduf rmeael coludla ya lucthco fu pt os ix aetagt gismRe e.m kaabryl, af mealek obol'dsb odyc arne tvaiibaenlm atelrfr ioam as ilnec goluipnwgi ht am atfoer a slo nga s6 years, prduocifenrglti izdee ggdusr ithnagte nttiirmee . 6 KOBOLODR IGINS Thsetr oikeboso tlledalsob uhtot wh ceaymi tenbo e ivnagro ymt rftirtobr eiR ebltehdo.ee ar ert eherotf h meo csmotm ocenrta imoynt hs. THTEH IBRRDO OD TEAORFDS A HAK Thder agoDna hcgaroked ta htceeho drm adtarigncosy ,e th ahse Ana tlernastioeof" n Tv heerd B Trhociolrda"ti hmDasat h ak nov efl otorh eesaeet suDc.ruri rntghl eaa snmtdo dsetv aatsitnwgo tnh bea tatgnlaseAit p sua,sh eyf eitns aelhnlitfys a ther ofh irsmap agaegnsasd itr agnodhn,esk liew anse aymr alnfyl eheeis nhtgee,drao ssf h afmoterh f reis atno dn tliymT eh.e chormadtarigcoa nss d himede a tlolnieHcsit .sr aapnssdn e asr terafsle la r iianno bwo cflo soa,rn adst hsetyr tuhecerak t h, latihdel moa wn hde ldf atshte.m thternyas foirtnmtoeh dre sk tbfo oi,lw dhsischehad r stahmee Thgiersaa tt rsooccoiuantg yth hte e natotiDftoa nkh 'fasa t, hesrclacelo soa rtsh tee artdhrpaoortpd esudt c hem. ApsausD, a hhaakhd o pedA.p sWcmuahe ed no wtnor l eease thdear go(cnhosrm aatnimdce a tlallei),icD k ahaambku sheTdH FEI RSTBORN hifsa tahnendre asrllheyiw Ym te.A pspeurv iealda,n fdro cedW heanlt lh iwneegrf sri sctr eatthkeebod o,lw deesrt uecdk Dahtafokl ee. awadye ewpit thhgieorn nu dk,e ptb escaatfuhewse eeyert he Apsluoe oduk potnhd ey idnargg otnhswa erte D akh'as wolrsdg 'eratteersasuetLr. a ,tw ehreDna hramakp agteohdur gh vic,at nisdma stwh aamto tnhgeo mnt lhytei i ensrtk slse pi oafft hweo rtlhkdebo, o lgedrwcs u riouso uattnhs deoc usoero fu ght rmeainTehde.sr ek, A ssppskaeunw w,e ert osom afloglrer at thdei steuA.rst b haepnsiceo nkeboeorldisdincsgo vDearh,ea dk darcobnoiedcssi ,ot os avteh efmr odme ahtemh a dteh eihres o copuepadh anodtff huealmn t dr anstfhoeirtmnmto eh de bodsimeaaswls el ll -nadt hdeee sncndtoastf h edasrgeo lvnies vefrsiydtr ar go-nthshoesl eeb feth ciuonlnddo f tit nhdwe aiyr ont odaaksybo olds. bahcok,m a enhdae lv eidivc na vneetsah rser u feavcrsee i en.c ALTENRATER AC1AtT RAlTS andC limbc hekcsa,nd y ou cayno uturalst i eodr aaw The lfolowrianclgt i raamiatybse s leecdti ensdt oefa hiddenw eapaosn a amcotviieno sndt o efaa ss tada andr extiisnkogbo ldr aclt iraaCiotnsls.ty u ouGrM b efore actiThoinrs.a clt iarairtel apctehesa rmroarcl t irata.i sleectainnoygtf h e snee owp tions. SercetS tridYero:uh a vehe btilaittyot rvearsthee DayR aideYro:'r ueo noeft h ef we kobolsdb orwni hta wildeerswnsih otuatt raTcwiec.pe e dra yy,o u mcoavne gretaotelerrafo nrcs euli nhgt. dYoon'thu a vliehg ts eintsivitthryo,h un gatulrs aurrdionuwgnishot uleta vait nrglafo ir andy ohua vloew li-hgtv isiinosdnto edfaa krvision. im inuitnec,r ethaesD iCon fg aatntype ttmsot rkay cou DragonmaYw:o udrra cohenriicmt aakegyseo sum lei by1 0T.h irsa clt iraarielatpc cersa .ft y nojtu sbetcu asietm akesy ohua p,pb yutal sobe cuase ShouldteorS houldHera:v ilinvdgae ndw okredi nclo se youprwo erljfu wasa ntde hea tre porfy oouokirfnh ispt o quarwtiehtr yso utrrbe i-tmeayso,'vu ele ardn oehwt o a hrcomadtriaocgnY .o gua ibni taaet ktt ahactde las d4i maneuwviheitrnth e ipre rnsalso apcweih otudti sbtiunrg potisonf da magOen.cp ee dra yy,o cua dne lai d6p iontst hemY.o cua oncc upthyes maes apcaeso noeht erS mlal ofad ditiloe nnaerdagmya gwieht y oubirt e k.a theTt acalylw ihotuptne altyI.fy osuha raes pcaew ihta nhoetr damagtey pdeep desno ny ousrcle ac loora:cd i admagek oboldwh oh asthi tsr ayioetua, hcg aia+ nic ircunmcset a forb alcokrg reenel,e tcircifotrby ul efi,r foer d,ro erc lod bonutsoA Ca,sy ohuel pj oleso tnaen hoetro uotfth e w ay forw hitIeyf.o hua vaed i effrtes ncleac loory,o sult glia in ofincoamtiktsnaY.gco uls ogaa ia+ nir alc iobanuosn da i theb itaet kt,ba uctc a'tnd o het daditileo nneadragmya ge.a nhoetrrl oslT.h irsa clt irtaar ielapccersa .ft y Thirsa clt iarairtela pctehesa rmroarcl t iarait. SpellcaSsnteearTk :r arvisenthge t unlsnn eeabirgn ,a s,t y EchoW histlBeryo:b srevithnegn o sieisnu ndergrdo unhungcrrye atyuolruee asrd,nt eok eeqpu ietdt -oake nep tunlsny,eo leua rdtn uoen calyn nmiiamnivyco iocrseu o nd yousrpl selq uiteotYo o.gu a ia+n 2r alc iobanusS toltehna yohue ad.r hrTetei mpeesdra yy,o cua ant tetmotp rtki cchekcsa,nd o ncpeed ray y ocua gna ihenb e tneofitfhte S lient smoeonienth iwsa byy m akinag l uBffch ekca gaithnes tS pleflae ot nas plyelo cua Tshtir.sa lct iraraeilatpc cersa .ft y litsen'seS renMsoet ihveekc. cYgoeuat+ 2c ircunmces taWildF oresKto bolYd:o 'rueo noetf he b abrarkiocbol sd bonuosnth icshe kci yfo 'urient unlsno erh eorst tructudwreleilsn ignt h efo reosftthe ss urfawcoler.dY ourc luture wheryeo uvro iccaeenhc oT.h irsa lct iraraeilaptc cersta yf. shunasr tciebfiu,tt ehaecsho wt oe dnuraend huYnotu. FrighteLnekier: h etg rted raagoynosu, s ctkaernf i aer gaia+n 2r acl iobansuo nP erceapndtS iuvorinlvc h aekcs. inth eh earotfys o ufore wsi hty oumraj setpirce csee.n Thirsa clt iarairtel apcsce rtaySf.t ltehaa ndS urvvlaai re Fewe neimessu stp heatcty omua key osulerfl okom ore alwsa lyacssksil slfo ry ou. dangerwoihut ssmi plet rkisy coule ardn aebkc when WyrmcrowneYdo: uhro rnhasv ger owtonth ee xtent yowue rneel ywh athecd.Y ogua ia+n 1r acl iobanutsoth e thatth eya ppeasril mairt oth osoefa d ragwohon hasres DCo fsv ainthgr owasg aisnplsselyt o cua wsithtt hef aer yousrcle ac loorle,dn inagd racopnwoiecr meonr atcoe decsrpitoThri.rs a lct iarairtela pctehesa rmroarcl t iraaity.o uderla ingwsih t ohterCsh.o oseeihe trD ilopmacoyr PrehensTialiel Y:ou rt alii sep seclyil alefxbeila nd IntdiamtYieo.gu a ia+n 2r alc iobanuosnch ekcs hwt ihatt strosnoyg o'v,ue le ardnt eou siefot r bo htm ovemta endn skil,la ndi itas lw ayas la cssksil folr y oTuh.i rsa ctiraali t siplmet rkisYc.o gua ia+n 2 r acl ioabnsuo nA cbraoitcs relapccersa .ft y 7 KOBOLDH AB1ATT & SOC1ETY havaes mlanlu bmero fp ernsalpo osssieosbnustr, al yr e Kobolsd aervee hreyrwTeha.t toisys ak, o boldla ihrasv e claimosw nheirpos fa nhyitntghe yc a'tn cwairhtrt hye m beeenn coudni tnee vreceroynv cbaeelpi aorft Glaoroin. evehreyarwndea atl tli mes. Duet oth eilrih gt sentisviaindt ys izkoebo,l sd Thouhgc oopteiarvndaei dnutsrikoobuolsd,s oiceitsy constthreuiclrat i rasn yhewrteha 'ts sutbiayl dakr alsodr acaonnT.hie t rbeii osnl ya ss traosnis tgw ekaest andr esttrheim cotvse mtoe fan nhyitnlga rgthearna memberasnd,t h os"seo ftlescsa"ar ceo nasnlyttc lueldfo r kobol;dh itsc oludbe d eewpi hitna fo reosrst w amp, theb enetofi tfhe t rbeiW.e ka,i ncpoemttoe,rnd ull-wd itte butm oslta irasr leo actde far duenrgrd.o uhneT kobolsd arreelga lurye mlpoyde tot etsrta mpisn,e in majroiotfyko bolsd ainngy i vterbnei t ypliylc haasre dangeraorueasand s( e,se pcliy)lja ionp atlsrw,ho erthee y scleac looratwiihott hnet ypoefdr agthoantfa vorthsa t aroef tcheanr dgw eiht" tkainpgio n"ot r"h olidng aonff reogni-hwiet-sledc aobkolsdi n lcdro egiboulnes, atktea"rwc hileo hterrse ttr.he iaTesx lapitnhesc ommon scleda obkolsdi nde sretasnd,s oo n. ideatha kto bolsda rfoeol ihso rc owdaylcr rteuarethoss-e Them osntot orifaeouturse a k oobofl lda iirtsh e m azeartheek obolsdm osadtv teunreenrcso unter. liken etkwo ofr httt iugnlsna endt rpapdep assagtheast Allt rbei membercso nbturtiee qluyla,b uts moe surrdoi tTuh.ni dse daylla byrtihin ksn owbnyk obolsda s conbturtmieo reeq luyla hatno hterTsh.a ti sc,e rtain thel ai's"r snla."Br urdi eedewpih itnth es nla,h retm ain rloesa raeff oderdm orree stpp,ewo cera,ndp rvliiege koboldla iirass eroinfeat su lr a usluylab ecuasthee r loei mso rcer iltt iothc eas ceurity andc onstdrc uaecvrtntehsa t otfhe t rbeiT.h ilso ohsiee rhyai,r noc drero fde secdning srevsae sth ec ommuln oahme impaonrctweo,lu dbe s rocerterraspke,mr awsa,r riors, andw okrspcae foalrlt h e netswahetrcpsr,i emsitnsec,rr sta,ef rasni,lm aahndelrs, memberostfh e t rbei. andfa rmers. LEDAERSlHP Moskotbo ltdbr eisar oer gadn izMeosttrb eisa rleed yb ahi eccf,o mmlyo nhet ledest as cao mumnisstoiitccey , membero fth e trbei.E ahc chiedfe termtirbnaile s wiht everbyoohtnw eok ring lawst;he svea rwyil dyfrl omo nehi ectfot h en exats, toc otnrbuitaend sharinge ahce sbtilahsesla wtsha tp unhio sreli mitnera ilsvA.a praclytl ilcalra eusrocesc,hi eufs luylar eigunnlts i etdah-whehterdu et oa ge, wokrspcaeasnd, ilving"a ccein"dto ,ro uthrtti rgehear.cy quartKeobrolssd. Mosottf etnhe hiceifs p woae rlfus roceorrpe rri est, mihgte ahc buth ecs oludals obe kail eldsw arroiroo htre rko bold thatha sp rovteoben w isea ndw ilye nohut gos uirvve and edla.A gealo ndeo e'stg nuartaenthee l edaerhisp potsii.oA nnpya rtlailrych eur,op iwocerl,fuo roh teriwse imrpevsesko biolsdm ayr itsoeth e r loeo fch ief even konboolndle- daerasr 'etu nnheadro f. A smlalc oulno cfii mpaonrkttob olsd advithsee hi ceMf.e mbermsi hgti nucdel eldemrilsi,t alerdaey rtsr,a psmtaenretssw,ah etrcasnd, mastcertrae frIsfhe. t t rbei ilislde w aihta d ragtohen , drag'soh enrladi slw aasyh edao tfhe c ouln,ac ndiu sluyla becosmh eet hiceafsw el.l DRAGONASN DK osotos Them osfotr tnuatedp woaenrlfu obkoldt rbeisar theo se whob oa(satnd obatshetyd o )a nal liawnihcta de r ag.o n Inth esree mkaabrel circumstthea tnrbcei'se lsa,i r concnttesoth ed rag'so(w nhehterby sai lnep gasgsea or wihtfu liln teg)rK aobotlisdao nrab.es loutlyes busrevite,n focusithnegie rffo rttosw dap lerastihenidgrr a coalnyli.c