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CREDITS Auth•To irmH itchcock CovAerrt iGsrta•Sfi ttu dios InteArrito•irG s ontszaFllrooe asn Adn drReywa n Cartpohge•rrR aoebrLta zzaretti CreaDtiirvee•c J taomsrJe acso b Publi•Es hreiMrok n a Editor-iFnW.-e sClhSeihceynf e•i der PaiCzEoO• L siaS tevens SeniEodrit Joarms•Le .Su tter ChiOepfe ratOiffiocnesJr e•ff Arelayvr ez DevpemleonLte a•dM sarMko rnedla anPdta riRcekn ie DireocftS oarl•P e sieWratcte ers MarkeDtiirneg•c J teonrBnenyd el DevpemleonTte a•mA daDma igRloMebc ,C arrey, FinaMnacnea •gC ehrsrtiopSheelrf MarMko relaannPddta ,r iRcekn ie StaAffc cou•nK tuajnnSite do EditoTreia•amJ lu dBya uer,B onLnoegra,n ChiTeefc hnOifficcaelVr i•Wc er tz ChroipshtCearer ya,n Rdy an Macklin SeniSoorft wDaervepe el•roG arTyet er LeaDde si•gJ nsaeorBnu lmahn CampaigCno ordi•nM aitkBoerr o ck DesiTgena• mS tepRhaedenny -Maarclfand ProjMeacnta •gJ eseriscPar ice anSde aKRn e ynolds CustoSmeerrvT ieca•emC osmEoi sEerliKeke,ti h, SenAiroDtri re•cS taorrEa.Rho b inson anSda ra TMetaerri e GrpahiDce sig•nS eojrnaMso rrainAsdn drVealwl as WarehToeuas•meW ilClh aMsiec,h Kaeenlw MaatyR,te tnon, ProducSpteicoina• Cl risytsFtraals ier JeSfft raannKdde, v Uinnd eordw o WebsTietae•mR osBsy seL,ri Czo utrsL,si sGau illet, anCdh rLiasbm ertz BrokCehna iinasPs ta hfinMdoeudrl dee gsniefodr fo6utrh -clheavtreealarc nsud s tehsme e diXuPma dvanctte rmaeTcnhkim.so duilse deisgnfoerpd l yia nt hPeta hfincdaemrp asiegtntb iuntg e,ca asbnie al dya pfotrue sdwe i tahnw yo lrd. Thipsr uocdmta kuessoe tf h Pea tiiRfiPnGCd oerRreu lebPoaotki,iR fiPnGAd devra nPcleadyG euri'Pdsae t,i iRfiPnGBd eesrt iary, PatiiRfiPnGBd eesrt 2i,P aartyi iRfiPnGBd eesrt 3i,Pa artyh .fiRnPdGGe arm eMaGsutiePdrayet ,i iRfiPnGd eUrl tCiommabPtaaett ,i iRfiPnGd er UltiEmqautiep amnePdna tt,i iRfiPnGUd letri MmaantiTech .er suelc easn beo nfoluainspnd ae r tth Peoa ft hfiRnodleerp lGaaymRieefn egr ence Documeanptat i zo.prcdo.m / Thipsr oduicst complwiiattnhht eO penG amel icen(sOeG La)n di ss uitafbolures ew itthh eP athfindReorl eplaGyaimnega ndt he3 .e5d itiooftn h ew orld's oldest fantarsoyl eplagyaimneg. ProduIcdte ntTihtefy o:l lowiitnegma sr e heriedbeyn tiafiseP dr oduIcdte ntitdye,fi naesid n t heO penG ameL icense vie.rosaiS,oe nc tito(ne a)n,da ren otO pen ContenAtl:tl r ademarrkesg,i stetrreadd emarks, nparmoeps(e crh ar<icdteeirtsi,ee tsc,.d )i,a logpuleo,t ssl,o rylilnoecsa,t ions, characters, darretswosr.k , and trade PaiPzuolb iisnhLgL,C Elementthsa t hparveev iobueselnyd esignaatsOe pde nG ameC onteonrla rei nt hep ubldiocm aianr e niontc ludetdh idisen c laration. OpenC ontenExtc:e pfto rm ateridaels ignaatseP dr oduct Id(esnetaeib toyv et)h,eg amem echaniocfst hiPsa izPou blishgianmge p roduacrte O penG ame 7112805 AtvhNe E S,t 1e2 0 Contenats,d efineidn t he OpGeanm eL icense veir.soiSaoe nc tiio(nd N)o. p ortioofnt hiwso rko thetrh atnh em ateridaels ignaatseO dp enG ameC ontent mayb er eproduicnea dn yf ormw ithowurti ttpeenr mission. RedmonWdA,9 8005527-7 �Pat�t�h'.fi�� nMhd��o�e:d�ru�� lB�er:o� kypCe::hnan ;��ieJnh�st2��©0 1���3,�t�� PP�a�uibz��dlo:0ir �st :hzL;i�hLnaCg� .�,'. i �:tA�l�ln �r�rei;s�gh,Xe�hr�tv��sPe, dadpei;�.tz� Po�a,fii z;Py�o�u !bn�l�dis��hhLi�L��nCg�,t,�nh p �e�P ea�:i:zvgoe�;o�o�t �leim�; l���o�ga��o,!� ��dnPdaeP;lahtfi�hnfid�nedre�,r :�� paizo.com trademaorfkP sa izPou blishLiLnCg., PrintienCd h ina. BROilhNC IIAINS Il atapesihsp roudetrh ana nyo thecri tiyn t hew orlodf t hes inist sellinsi tsst reelttsss.o ld-Hnceodff erosv erflofrwo m theb lood and scarosf a millisolna veasn,di tpse oplteh innko thinosfc onsortins witthh em onstrooursi mmorailfi tm eanss ettian bse tteprr icTeh.e irissa conscienwciep edd eanb ys reedt,h eitrr anssressaibosnosl vbeydt heo nly sodt heyt rulwyo rshitph:efl ickersilnesa omf s old. -Horvus Arbenchal, Deno fV iceA:n AndoreVni ewo ft heS outhern Slave Trade BROll1:N CllAINS ADVENTUBRAEC KGROUND WHERE ONG OLAR10N? ThTwe ilitTg aholnasc ,o vberratno cfAh n dornaonb'lse Thiasd venttuarkeep sl acient heci toyfK atapeisnth h,e EagKlnei tgsh, unudseevr ecarog tesnt or oootu atn d natioofnt hes amen ameK.a tapeissah s prawltirnagd e bridnogw env oirlg anifrzoamtw iiotnhOsin ne. t hoefi r hubo nt hee ascto asotfG arunadn,d r umorosft he lonsgtue-nrnionpgre atiiosan nsa ggsrvseeic ampaigns trandgeea litnhgastt a kpel acwei thiitnms i les-long agaisnlsartvi en tghsr oouugtthh e ISnenraee rg ion.b azaaarnsd n efarioduasr mka rkeatrsew hispeorfe d Fiealgde Ontth iDnael ansteo p rroomsien ientn hcee throughtohueIt n neSre ar egioFno.mr o rei nformation campabiyig nnt firtlainsgl arvigens u,n rlaivnetgh eir onK atapeasnhdi tdsi verisneh abitsaenePt sa.fi,t nhder commasntdr ruecastn urdeo surcien ascn,hsd au ecsfucslly CampaSiegtntD ianrMgka: r kAe Gtusi,td oeK atapesh, dimsatnlitnhge m mwiintihcm aasliu easl.t availaatbp laeo i.zcoorym o ulro cgaalm es tore. Ay eari nat ghcoei, ot fyK a teaspOht,h iinntefir lated thmeo setx tveean nsidin sidsiloaruvisen gh ecoraf r eer. Sevemroanlto hfis n svtgeiatrieovne tahltaehtds e lv aers wercei rvceunmttianrsgib ffys tortihnegsi tro icnk abandonqeadnt autn nbeelnste hta hcei tTwyi'lsit g h Gatea rqtDueirs.g uaiss veaadg tr,Oa tnhiennert eed thseet unnaenlds swoanocs a tpurOevde.or wepreadn d throiwncn h ainsp-aaroltfhl e prl atnoi ntfirtlaet he gang-Otwhaisn ed efosrtt ihaneue cdt biloonc tki,l un shcea ugthhetey oeft hselv earlse'ea rdIswt.a tsh etnh at shdei csoevretdh ey aww eircek edo fLc aumlats htans that smeacnrieptuslllyaao tvpeeed r afotri foraand sa rker purpoUsnbee.nk owsnetv etnom osotft hoet hselvrea rs, thLea matsahncso verretmloyvp erodin sefrrosm t he slapveena sn uds edda rmka gtiomc a kteh ehmos tfosr monstcrhoiulsdT rheecn u.sl tttish erne intrtohdeu cdeids tTrhiPecC tms.u s t tshlrootguh gtehu nnteol stfi hned unntauryap lrleagnnstal vetsot he apnedn st aiuocnesdlv earssbu't errcaonpmeoaunn d. theomfft ou nwitbtuiynegr s tGhorloaursgiohowoniu,nt g Oncteh eyl'ovcea tesdle arvtbsha'es t eh,Pe C msu st thsee eodfsL amtaufis'ehsn dcihsihl dren. infilttrhcaeot mep ouusnnidge ither orsb treaawlnt.h Yet wthhceeutn li tsotoOskt hifonrte h ediarrr kia tlus,D uritnhgPe C se'x pietdifroene,sd l adveecssr isbmoee thder utghsea yd misntiecruaesdet dhk en igtholt o seo ft hefeilrl ocwa ptmiavde s ramabbloisunttgr sa nge hesre nasnerdse vheeatrli t eots h Tewi ltiT gahlsoT.nh e procedureosn t choeDnmed.eiu ptnc h tseele dar vs't hbea se, Lamatsahnpsr oceteobd reeda k thaebo ltdiiaorniinsPgtC s encomuinsstiTenwrgi ltiThgaehl tOo tnh iwnheho,a s witmha gainctd o rtburraeis,nh wihanegir n streov iansg fallen tuhcneud lectro' rsr uipntfilnugSe hnpecr ee.t ends ad oubalgeeH netlr.o tyiatelhsu s sOhtihftibenedaeg,n tob ew orkdieneugpn deracnohdva esyrat titletmop tlse ad worktioni gn carsteeh ceu latc'ttsii vaeinsdi n ufelncet.h ema d teom otneimctp hllaeit be esn etahtceho m opund, Shree oprtbeadct koh eEra gKlnei gshutp ertihoartsi ntoengn tu idtihneigmn atno baumsh. shded 'ersotytehdse lv earosp're atsia,on ntdh euns ehde r WitOht hianied',sP Ctdshi es caol voetsret m polfe potsiiotnoh eltphL ea matsahnasv ofuirdt hAenrd oreLna masfihltlwuei dtc hu ltainsdt tdshe meoianrli slcC.i l esu e not.iU cseihnegkr n olwedagnedc ontaarcotustn hde witphoiintn otth e ex isotfe nocLteah mears shltacavuntel s . Inners hSceeo tani,n tuoea di d ctuhsletti sins rpeadinIgn siindfoer maotnwi hoinoct fhh sel arvientrgh Tsewi light their roetahscelvhrai nrtgiog n sa,lt lh weh ifleeed ingT alpolnasin n tfioln terrxaettv ee alsc oOrtrhuipntei'osn . misirnmfoatbiaocntk ot hEea gKlnei tgsEh.v entualIlnty h,de e epbeoswteo lfs t he LtaemmaptslhhPeetC, as n howevOetrh,id neec itdoe dg gor otuwoni dtt hh e cudlits,c solvawevhreao s rfa erm ordea matgheatdnoh sient h e cuttoiffhn egr aolllde gsai nafadnk ciehnegor w dne ath.h oldpiennagsb oavneld e atrhnta htse lv eaasrfr ee qutelny impregwniatmthoe dn stbrbaoiuebsse forbeei snogl d. ADVENTUSRUEM MARY Ino rdepru atts ot toopt hceu letff'tosrst ,hP eC msu st Att hbee heosfat T wiltiT gahlcoonm manndaemre d seeoku t daensdt trhopeyr e istwehsoms a sterminded Whsipeardstehh,Pe C s undtehsreaet rackhae m foisrsi ngt hpel ott-aams akd ael lm otrhdeei ffitcw uhletnh PeC s fieladg entd iwpshpaoe awrheidtl rey tionb gr euapka dicsovtehret iarr iglsei tt mtolrteeh aanno ftp-ossessed powesrlfualrv ienT gh.Pe C isn'v estiag astmsialolanlv eop fa wontf h geh oostfth t ee mpfoluen'dse r. markete ruassn c ecropevats gseta oas eroifaeba sn donedI nt heen dt,hP eC ssh ouelntddh selv earospe'r ation, qantautn ntehlrasut b ne ntehKa ateas'phTsw iglhiGta te dimsanttlheLe a matsahn acnuddl itcs,o vtehre truth behitnhdEe a gKlnei tgsth'rt aoiromuosl,a e sw elals messgaear, e lanteiswvl eaalvucyet ihoosnule o caitnte hde uncotvhelero tciaons ofs lsacviuemlo itpelsra art inTgwi glhiGta tdei starm eircsett ,o ne'frso mtt hhReri ovwe r throouutgthh Ien nSeerra e gion. ScourspH.ie n ottehsat thp el aaclew asyese tmohs a ve morselv aetsh ano uigttho tl, e adhiinmtg ob leietvhea t PAROTN ET:H EG ARDEONfC HAINS thseal vresar hei dismnoego ft heirt oas vtoopicadky ing Thaed venbteugriean K sa teianspc hoiff seheow ph etrhee thfuel tla rsli effvbeylte hcdei ty. PCasr sehc edutlome edew ti tahh i gh-ruanndkeirncgo vAes rh ogratz eotftt heGeea rr doefCn h aiinpssr e etnsed TwiliTgahltco onm mankdneorwo nn laysW hipesrshadienA ppen2,db iexgn iinnognp ag30e.R egarsdsolf he ow (LG malep ahlua6md)ai.nn e Hxoawct thlmiyes e tiisn gt hPeC gso a boiuntsv tgeiatitnhageu cthioosunet ,h ey arranogrhe odw, PtChaser riinKv aet easpihnt hfier st shoeuvledn tfiugaulorluetyt h tahtse lv aeasrm eo vdie nto plaicusep t, ot hGeM . thcei tthyr otuhgpeha sgseba yeontdho el wda ter trough. Theco ffseheo p asseafr rovnefotsrt hTewi light Thecya unn cotvheiirns fo rmabtyei xopnl oring TaloinnKs a pteasOhn.ct ehP eC esn ttehrce,l erk thGea rdetne,rg raitonisnlvgaea sn ds lvears, clotshesesh oapn lde atdhset moa s matlalb le looking tthahecr cotouaugtnnhsl 'e dsg,e r wheWrhesi presahdwea tisA.ft er introducing orsm oeo thmeerna sT.oc onttihneuei r himstehlpef,a lacdoinunte isn. insvtetiigotanh,me uys stmo ehoawcs cse thter oupgashsa g(reae Da7 w) ithout "'Ivcea llyeoduh erteo r equeysotu ars sistance attracttoimonu gcah t tention. ina delicoapteer atiinovno lvai mnigs sing TheG Ms hould encPoCutsro a ge the fielda gennta medO thinDea lansSeh.e devetlhoepoi wrnp latnoi nfiltrate the hasa flawletsrsa crke coorfdi nfiltrating pasgseba enetahtGeha rdoefCn h asiT.nh e andd ismantlsilnagvr ei ngasn,d h er easwiaeys tt aos tshb geyu paridtsso s neak succeshsaevsse a vemda nyl iveOsv.e r upo na nsdu bdtuheed mu ritnhngei ght, thep asyte ars,h e'bse enw orking buott hmeert dhsmo ay intchlueus dee deep caosvseirg nmtehnrtosu ghout ofd isigsuepsoo,in sitngh geu rads, KatapeasnhdI, ' hvaed l esasn dl ess creatai dnirgsa tctbiyor ne leasing contawcitt hhe rI.t n'osw b eeno ver slsaav,ne ds oo nO.n ce PtChse gain two monstihnshc eerl asmte ssage. acscste ot hipsa sgsepa,r octeoPe adr t "Earllays wte ekw,e recovear ebdo dy Twoo f atdhvete unre. alontgh be ankosft heR ivSecro rpAitufi sr.s mty, PARTT WO:T HE agenfteasr eidtw asO thinefo'ris t,w asw earing ABANDONQEADN AT hera rmoarn dh ads imiltaart toTohsa.n kfully, whenc leriinctse rrogtahtebe odd yt,h ec orpsper ovetdob e Aq aniaastn a ncimeenaton fmso ving alw oanttgue nrn:e l nothimnogr et haan vagrawnitt ah passing resetmob laincbseo riendat h oi wlhle trhewe a teri hsti agbthlheeart n h e Othnie t,h tea ttoobovsi ofoursg eries. armeeaa tnobt e i rrtiegadan,gd r avcuiasttyeh swe a tteor "Thsiist uadtoieosnnb 'otdw ee lfolr O thinIbe e.l itehvseel aversf loouwb te foirctea sni innkc, r eaatn ientgwo otfru kn nels havcea pturheedra ndm ayb et orturhienrfog r i nformatoiro n, thaatcl tisak h eo roinztwaellT lh.rg ohuotuhtsi set cion worsIef.s heb'ese nc aughtth,es lavceerrst asiunslpye wcet' re oft haed vteunrteh,PeC msu stn avitghaaetba en doned investigtahteiman,ng d w ilble o nt hel ookofourtu ndercovert unenlosfad rqya ntaotc alttoheee tn ratnotc hese lv ears' EaglKen ighItn se.e ds omeonneo td irecatffillyi atweidto hu r sbuterrcaonpmeoaunn d. organiztaotg ieotin n ttoh es lavebrass'ed ,i scoOvtehri nter'use Afteforl lowtihpnega s sagbee hitnhtder ouignth h e fatea,n dfi niswhh asth es tarbtyed di smanttlhioenp ge ration."G ardoefCn h aifonrss ve erhaunld rfeeedtt ,h e PCs can atteamD pCit sP ercecphteitcoohkn e atrhs euo ndsa no f Whsipeardsoehffe rtshP eC is, 50g0pfo rt hesirerv isc,e argutmu epan heads-lvteahrwesh ko eewpa tocvhae rre a thouigtfhh P eC hsa gwgiltehh i mw,i tash u ecsscfuDlC Aifr equtelbnyi cwkieterha coht her. 20D iplocmhaectcyhk ce,ay cn o nvhiintmcio en rceahsies offetro2 , 00g0p H.er emitnhdPesC t sh wahta tteavcetri AcBsO UTT HEO ANAT theemyp ltohyse,hy o uld stpauyb eloyiuect- ononofltty h Kea teahsp'qsa nsayts tweabsmu tid luritnhge oeftn hde iss lavleergiyanK l a teaspwhh,i mcahk tehsPe C asc't ionAsg e Eonft hronaesam nea nttt etmopp tr ovcildeea n, agaitnhsselt a cvreirms ibnuaatn ly, cwointtthahl ceat w runnwiantgte otr h teh eunp-a ncdo-minnegib gorhhood couelxdp tohsieen volvoetfmh Teewni tl iTgaohlnt.s ofT wiltiG gatheT.h ec iptoy urgeodli dn ttohw ea ter Tos tatrhPteC osff W,h sipsehraidnefo rtmhset mh at systbeumt, afteorfc oymepatlriisoc( naisun dciltnhge Othimnaedr eee fretnotc heGe a rdoeCfnh aiinnhs el ra stc olsleoa fapm ajroc itse)rt nhper imianrsvyte ofirnsay l l BROll1:N CllAINS dropopuefotdr, c itnhegen geirnisenc hargaeb atnod otnh cee nttehrce e oifl in(gT hmaear ptc ihfrl.oe msP ath.finder thperj ocet. MapP ack: sSiuemwleatrtehses l eot ciaownesl l.) Foarw hilteh,de r tyu nnweelrasge r tea attracfotri onT hed itsribucthiaonnn( eolrsao nntg heme a p) stem advteunroluolscs ab,u bte rfoel ontgh qea nbaetc amefr omsr eviccheae nlnse.sw eTe hrbeut it lod isbturwtiaet er infeswtietdah l mla nneorfv ermainndv agtrsa.n tov arilooutcsia ons htohutrtho ceui gtctyii;z uesnesd Eventutahlecli yta,yr ctheicotrsd etrheedm o sceld,w eltloas c sctseh wea tbelero Twh.de i tsributtuinonne ls delibecroaltleaslpeysv ieonrftga h tleu nnaenlsds el ainga rieof ee wti dwei t8h- foto-hairgchch eeidsl .i ng thvea riwoeulsslh acftosn netchteitmnot g h set raenedt s Finafalilnryu ,m baoe sfru pplemcehnatna(nrpeyul rsp le buildaibonvges. on mtahpew) e raed daeftdet rho er igcihnaalnlwns ee re Theq an'acsth annvealrisyns izsehp,ae a,n dd epthb,u itloht e lp itmhpeeriffiorcv iee Tnhcecysr.ea emdpo,v al­ depdeinnognt hepiurrp oasneld o tciaoAnsn. ot eodnt he shpaetdu nnaeruleuss a lalbyo3 uf etet wain3ddfe e e t tall, mapo f qtahneta hte,r teh rateryeepo ecfsh aenlnssre:v icea,n adl blu tth sem alclretesuatrm eusstc ratwotl r earvse disbturtiiaonnsd,u p plementaorfy t-ehaieltmldh reyr theMmo.sS tm aclrlte uarmeussct r oucht htroo uggoh . orc ontainaifo notgo rso oon fl yw atweirtd.ho sftT hhee Intersectiocnisr hcmalavserehsk a elftdes a wdiitnhg up tunenlasn tdh e osfti hzee coints htmeea rpan r neo tto to stuhrefas ciem itloa ortn hieena rAeiab ,uw ti thaonuyt saclbeu,tt h teu nnleeln gctahbnsea smseud bteao b outm eaonfs raoirls oiwnegtr hiinsngM.g a noyft hese shafts 100f eetl onpge sruq aroent hger iFdo.er x ampthlee ,h avceo plsleoardb eeont hersweliaeasdtte h teo epi,t bhye r dinsctfreao ma rAe4at oa rAesai rso guhl40y0fe et. yeaorefs r osaincodo nn stroubrc yt sitlohanetv heermss elves. Thsere vicchea ln(nsye elolno mwta hpew) e rdee signUendls eso thesrenw oidt,ee acht eritsnieobcne twteweon toa llsorewv iwcoer ktemor osvt eh routghhaeoq uute ducstesrp aattuen nieassl uqsa dr-eocffh am3b0fe eerwt i de. tom akree paainrdus n clboolgc kTsh.e is5e- foot-wide pasgsehasa vaec ent5r-atfol-oi wd4e-,tfo d-oeecph anneRAlN, DOM ENCOUNTERS falnkeodne itherb y5 s-itfod-oew ildeeds g.Ser eviceI na ddittoiv oanr isolveuarsbs e,g gaanradsd ,d sit,ch te chalnrnsie 1s2fee e hti gfrho mt hbea soeft he chtaon npeaslsa goefts h aeba ndoqnaenda t astytsratalesclmot r ts NAV1GAT1TNHGE T UNNELS OFFENSE Whilseo mep artwiielssli mpelxyp lotrheeq anasty stem Spe2e0ftd . byc hoosing tautrn annedlosom t,h ewrisle lx plomroer e Mel+eifela ch+i1o0( ind 4+5/18-20) strategiTcheas lllayv.em ross'tfr equernotu tteh rough Rangreepde atliinggch rto ssb+o6(w 1 d8/19-20) thes ystesmi mpfollyl owtsh ew idetsutn neallsl,o wing SpeActtiaacblka ns(e 7 r ounds/day) themt om oveg rouposf s laveeass ilBye.c autshee InqiutSioepsrlL klieA- btiil(eiCsL7 t hc;o ncentration +8) qanat's irnedsiigdeeannltts usos et het unnehlosw,e ver, Atw lild-etaelcitg nment this rmoauybt eeo bscured-PtChsce a na ttemap DtC 7r ounds-/ddaiyslcieersn 25S urvicvhaelct kot ratchk es lavaelrtlsh ew ayb actko 5/day-strseunrggt(eh+ 3) theliari orr,fa, i litnhgi as D,C 15S urvicvhaelca kte ach InqourSi pseiKltnlos(w CnL7 thc;o ncentration +8) tunnel jutnodc ettieornm wihniec wha yt het raliela ds. 3rd( 1/d-aiyj/)nicste rwioouuns(d DC 1s5 )s,e arliinggh t 2nd( d4/ay)-bliinsvteec(rtDCi i1n4vg)ce, a" sct i(gDCa 1t4)e," PG death( DCk 14n)he,ol plled r (sDCo 1n4 ) ofv ermFioner.v ehroyut rh PeC ssep nedx lportihneg lS(t2 /d-aay)la,cr ommm(aDCn 1d3 f)ro,baicdt i(oDCn 13")M, tunenlosri,a f at npyo tit nhaec tbieognti ofna lsgr ,o olnl interorn"oM(gDC 1a3t)li,i toafwn eya kness"c thtea bbleoelwfo ra r andeonmc ounter. o (awti l-lb)le(eDC dn) ,b raAnP(GdDC 12)c,r ewaattee r, detectr epmaoadi gssioiftcnA,,P G d% Encounter AvgC.R Source DomaStirne ngth 1-12 1e mpercoorb ra 5 Besti2 a25r2y TACTICS 13-21l d8c avsec orpion5s Besti2 a2r4y0 BefoCroebm aBtefo reen gagionpgp onenZtash,r ah 22-28l d4d ealers 5 GameMasGtueir3dy0e 1 29-63 ld4s lavers 5 GameMaster2y 6G6u idec onsumheesrp otoifbo ena ern'dsu rSahneh acsae l.r eady 37-4l7d 4g noblrlu tes 6 Seep ag7e casatl aorntm w oo ft hep ittr aipnst heq ana(tm arkAe2d 48-66Za hrah* 6 Seep ag6e ont hem apa)n di nt hec rawslh a(fta rAea4)· T hiissfa ctored 67-717g iamnots quito 6 Besti2 a1r9y3 inthoe rn umbeorfr emainiisntg- lsepveelfollr st hed ayi n 78-815w ill-o'-wisp6 Besti2a7r7y hers tabtl ock. 86-941b lapcukd ding 7 Besti35a ry DurCionbmga Ztah rasht arctosm baftr otmh es hadows, usinhge rr epeatcirnogs sbtooaw t taocpkp onefnrtosm 95-100 1g iasnltu g 8 Besti25a4r y afarS.h eu sehse rs peltloss u bduaen dw eakeonp ponents * Reroilsflh eb'ese dne feated. beforeen termienlge wei thhe rfa lchion. ZAHRAHT HES LVAE HNUTER MorLailkmeea nyL amashtaZnashr,a fihn ddse atah Ina ddittihokene yetenodc toeuanrtts h leco taiolniss tedp referfaatbelt eod efeat. bewl,aow oman namehdu nsZtt ahqhear napahat s sagBeassS.ett sa ictisWi thohuetrp otioZna,h rasht'ast iasrtehi cp4s2 ; A rutshsil neuqitsoiorf L amatsuZh,a hrwaohr fokrs Fo+r5tC; o1n0 . thselv aerbsyt racdkoinwegnsa cpeds lvsae,an ds he STATISTICS was otnhweeh oo riagliclnohys Oet hifonrte h ceu lt'Ssti r6D, e1x3 C, o1n4 I,t n1 2W, i1s4 C, h1a0 minsittriasoM.no sotf the loswlv-raersta-hnoekn sie ngB asAte+k 5C ; MB+8 C; MD20 whod elaelws ist hc uttlh eam nodrw ei thb utsheieson sf FeaAtlesr tnDeosdsg,eI ,m provIendi tiaLtoiovkeo,u tAPG, slelisnlvgsae -ferah earn,td h udso np'rstesh e arbo ut OutflankSAkPiGFl,ol c u(sS teaWletahp)o,Fn o cu(sfa lchion) hebru seisns. SiklBllus+ff5 C,l im+b6 D,i plom+a5cD,yi sgu+i5sH,ee al +11, Mosottf h tei mZea,h rsathat lhpkeas sgseoastf h qea nat,I ntimi+d1a2tK,en owle(drgeel i+g1i0oP,ne )r cep+tii3oS,ne nse placailnasrgpml e losn ttrhsaea p nadt temtport oioonutgt Moti+vie6 S,p ellc+r9aS,ftt ea+l9tS,hu rvi+viaoSl,w im+ 5 anyoonrae n ytthhimanitgg chuats teh sel aavp errosb lemL.a nguCaomgmeons, GnOoslilr,i ani SQc unniinngi tiajtuidvgem,e( n3t/ damyo)n,s tleorr +e2 s,o lo ZAHARH CR6 tactisctse,rg na zet,r a+c3k XP2 ,400 CobmaGte aport oifbo ena ern'dsu rpaontcoiefco, un r e Femalheu mani nquis7i( tPoar thfinAddevra nPRlcPaeGyd e r'sm odewroautnefod amsi,n pgo wde(r3 s)m,o kest(i2c)k,s Gui3d8e) tanglebfoaogtO; thGeera+ irl ivsitneageg lib lree astplate, CEM ediuhmu mano(ihdu man) +1aflchriepoena,tli inggch rto ssbwoiwt2 h0 b olt1s0,1g p lin+t7 S; ensPeersce p+t1i3o n DEFENSE DevpemleonAtn:y ownheo searcbhoedsny o Ztaaih creash 's AC1 9t,o uc1h2 fl,a t-foo1t7e( d+ a7r mo+ri,D ex+,i d odge) braonafds tzyeljdcia khaelao dnt hbea cokhf e nre cAkP .C hp56 ( 7d8+i4) whos uccaeateD dC2s 0K nowl(erdegleci hgeikconkno )w s Fo+r7tR, e+f3W, il+l7 thsey mbiosl iaastsweoidtcw ho rsohLfiapm ashtu. BROll1:N CllAINS Ifc aptuarleei-dvos methsihndego ehse bre stto SALVETRHU G(S2 ) CR2 aovid-Zaihqsr uaihtc ok attd hmtai swhoer wkistt hh e XP6 0e0a ch slvaerasn pdr ottehcettisur ne nltsh,o usghhde o e'stn Humanfi ght2e/rr og1u e mentaiynotnh ianbgot uhte Icafus lktae.bd o Outth ineN,EM ediuhmu mano(ihdu man) shter iteocs o nvitnhPceeC t sh tas hen'esi tsheeern In i+t2 S;e nsPeesr cep+t7i on nor hoefta hrwedo maInft. h PeC sse teh rohuegrh DEFENSE liheo,w evsehared, m sit toh avisnegeO nt hianmeo ng AC1 4t,o uc1h2 fl,a t-foo1t2e( d+ a2r mo+r2,D ex) thselv saeA.n i nuqitsoihre rsZealhf,rh aohl udpsw ell hp22 e ac(h3 H D;2 d10+id8+3) agaiinnstte triroobngu,iat fs uccelsyms afudplel bilae Fo+r4t,R e+f4( +v1s t.r apWsi)l,+l 1( +v1s f.ea r) vimaa goircic ,fo nofrntewdi trhe ciotgionofnhb erra nd,De efsniAvbelii ietbsra very +1 shree vetahcelut sl'i sn volvNeomtehnsithn.ogo r fdt i recOtF FENSE magiccoapmlu iloscna mna khee wro rakg aitnhcseut l t,S pe3e0ftd . howeovrre erv,Oe tahli nneesw't tsau assa d ouablgee nt.M elmewekw hi+p2 ( 1d3n+o3n letchlaul+b)i( , 1 d6o+ri ) clu+bs ( 1d6+3) A1.E NTRACNES HAFT (CR 7) SpeActtiaacslnk esaa kt ta+cikd 6 TACTICS Thirso omc enteurpso na no pewne lslh afto,v ewrh icaht hick BefoeCr obmaTthe s lavtehru guss et heCioro rdinated woodecnr ossbesaums penad rso plei aftffi xetdo a s izable Defensteots r iapn dh indfoeers w itthh ewihri pwsh ile woodecna geF.i llhianlgtf h es hafti s layiinngtt oh emw itthh eciurd gels. a stranbgaed, lryu stemde chanism MorTahlete hu gasr ceo waradnsd,i rfe ducteofd ew er consistoifn hgu ges creswe t tha1n0 h ipto intthse,fly e eo rb egfo rt heliirv es. insiadl eo nvge rtipciaple . STATISTICS St1r6D, e1x5 C, o1n3 I,t n1 0W, i1s2C , h8a Thwe elslh ahfte ries BasAte+k 2C ; MB+s C; MD17 20f eetd eep, haonids tt he FeaCotmsb at ReflCeoxoersd,i nated mechsamnt iakuepms o sotft he ManeuverEsxAoPtGWi,ec a poPnr oficiency rooTmh.e s lvaerussi ett om ove (whiPpa)i,r Oepdp ortuniTswtos­APG, botthh eemlsvaensd tshleaiivnret so WeapoFni ghting and ooftu thfo er gotptaesgnse as SiklAclrsob a+t8i,c s B+l5u,ff bleowT.h es trapnigpieesa s rcew Intimi+dsa,Pt eer cep+t7i,o n pumopn,c ues ed to frdorma w water Stea+l8tS,hu rvi+v6a l thqea nbaleto w. LanguCaomgmeons Theh oimsetc hsamni isc ounterweighted SQt rapfind+iin g anodn las yu ecscsDfuC1l 0 S trecnhgetichsk CobmaGte aport ion needteomdo vuept o fopueroa patlt ei muep ofc ulriegw hotu nds; ord owInct.a bneo perafrtoemde itthheer OthGeeram wrk l eather topt hoberto toomtf h wee slhla Fftr.o m armocrl,u mbw,k w hipe,v erburning thleo wlearn dtihnsegh ,ao ftp einnst o torcmhw,k m anaclseislr,ko p(e5 ft0. ) al armgaeos nrtyu nnAeP lCw. h o succaetaeD dC1s 5K nowledge GNOLBLR U(T2E)S CR4 (engin)e cehreiconkrg XPi ,020e ach a DC 20 Knolwedge Gnolrla ng3e( rP .fiantdhRePrGB est1i55a)r y (dungeo)nc eheercikn g CEM ediuhmu mano(igdn oll) idteinfitehste u nnel lin+t2 S; endsaerskv i6s0ift o.n; asp arta qoaftn .a Percep+t8io n A suecscsDfuCl2 0 Knowdlgee(h is)t ory AC17 t,o uc1h2 fl,a t-foo1t5e( d+a 4r mo+r2,D ex+,in atural) checekn laebas PC hp35 e ac(hs H D;2 d8+3d10+10) tor ecmaolsoltft hhei stooftr hayeb andoned Fo+r8t,R e+fsW, il+l2 qanaasnto t eadbo ve. OFFENSE CreatAu grreosou:fhp u maann gdn osllla vers Spe3e0ftd . keeps owvatetrhc ihs Trhoehoyam vs.et roircdte rs Melmewked ire +fl6(a 1idl8 +m6w)kd, i re +fl6(a 1idl8 +2) toc aptourkr iaeln lty r esseprass. SpeActtiaaclfakv osr ed en(ehmuym a+n2s) TACTICS DevpemleonOtn:e Zaohfrmaahn'tysa siktsso k eeap DuirnCgo bmaTthe g nolulsset hediirr flea itlosd eal watocnht hpei ttrp asi nt hqea nwahti,c he ffischtiele yn massidvaem agteot hefoiers .It fh etyh intkh efi ghwti ll montiowrist ahl asrpm eTlwloos ft. h foeu rp it itnr aps bee astyh,e ayt temtpot tvaikcet ipmrsi sobnyel ro cking thqea naartce u rtrlesyne wti tahl asrpme rlalnsd;o mly themu pi nm anaclbeusti, ft hesye easn ya llifaelslt ,h e decwihdietc rha aprmseo ntiorientd h is watyh eb efore gnolbllso'o dldursitvt ehse mt ofi ghutn tailltl h efoiers PCesn ctoeuarnno yf thWehme.n eatv repiar ss p rusnhge, ardee ad. rusfrhoemsh ecra m(pa rAeiatz oi) n stpt ehgcisn. MorTahlege n olfilgsh tto t hed eath. STATISTICS A3.T HEL AGOON( CR6) St1r9D, e1x4 C, o1n5 I, n6,tW i1s3C , h8a Ast he aPpCpsr otahacirhse tahu,en miaksatsbelcneot f BasAte+k 4 C; MB+ 8C;M D20 ranwcaisdat seust latsh em. FeaEtndsu ranEcxeo,t ic WeParpoofinc ie(ndciflyra ei Pl)o,w er AttaTcwko,- WeapFoing htWienagp,o Fno cu(sd iflraei l) Thet unnjeuln cthieornie sh eriets hirfeteytw ide,a m yaests ive SiklCllism+b 8 I,n timi+d6a,Pte er cep+t8iS,ot ne a+l9t,h piloeffi ltahn dt rarshe sbtesn eaatnhi ntersewcetlislnh agift n Survi+v6aS,lw im+ 9 thec eilianlgm,o esntt irbelloyc ktihnepg a ssaaghee ad. LanguGanoglel s SQfa voretde rr(auirnb +a2n)t ,r a+cikw, i ledm pat+h2y Thiwse lslh alfte audpts ot hper opoefars tuycs fucsle CobmaGte aport oifco unlr iewg ohutn Odtsh;Ge era rst uddeddr overw awsdh eolt iegdh whhede icnso evreadd eep, +i leatmwhked rir,flea imlw,k m anaclheesm,pr op(e5 ft0. ) eartheonn h hiposrl eoerp tayn,di mmetdeiblaeyg an usnigi atsa p latcode ic sarswdea ge tarnardsa ht her than TreasOunreoe ft: h gen oplolss seass msaemlsel t alp afoyr i str emoval. plates veweirstalhloc tuastr outnheded egsT.h e pilasa teC reatTuhrreeae sd:sy uo rcoef fihlatastht r acttheed ketyot h bey spsasw ifotrct hht eu nmniestlrt ia npa rAe4a . attenotfapi aooinfor t yhusTg.h vei clrete uargelsel elfuy wallionw w tahseat nead,t taanccykr teuartehsia ntt rude A:i.. SLVAERT RAPS( CR6 ) upon ktihnegiodrfgo ambr age. Thsel vaerdussg v eerpaitltr sai pnt hoeu tteurn noefl s thqea nbaottt,hop rotectte trtorhfrrieoyim tr r espas0sTeYrGUsH( S2) CR4 antdop reenvrtu wnaasylv aefrso me csapiTnhegst.er sa p XPi ,020e ach arceo ncewailtevhd a rai oeftt ryaa snhod t hdeertt ruis,h p39 e ac(h PathRfiPnGBd eesrt2 i23a)r y and eaicmsha rpkaiestad r Aeazo nt he Tmhaopu.g h the stc roavtpehrfue l wli dotfh ttuhne nfoelolar n d A41.C RAWL SHAFCTC R7 ) ar1e0 f eetl ong-matkhienemgffe tciyvi emplosblsei fora c haratcoat cecrit daelanlovyi d-ehaacsshp ieficc Thissm alolp ening exap porseecsa rious-clroaowkliwnagy reinforcaeldo inatsgrsi e dwaehsrse ea s lvaeorrs lvaec an sittai nfegw f eeta bovweh erteh ew aterliismn aer keTdh.e stecpa rleyifu nlo rdteoar v iodt riggietNr.oi tnigc isnhgalft e adisn ttoh dea rkness beyond. tehspeio tnsr equai sruecsc eDsCs2 fu0 Ple rception chewchikl ien stpietnchgpe it tr ap. PCs mwahkoaes ucsfucsleD Ci sS urvoirPv earlc eption Trpa:O rigliltnyha,pe i ttr saw perseip mlnee t-atn dc-hpeick tnhooetb iivcoeus src atcahnedss c sui ffnt he affaidressn ietgdoc aptruarteth hearkn i blulat,r asohf dusta nds ludge arsopuupnldet materchnyhi asn nel's ecsapaet te(mcupasteisdn p abrytt hLea mashttearnrsi'be ltner anrceect-ce onnfwliitchtP set shLheo ridn aAr7e a rituhaaclsos n)v itnhcceue sldtt tsih iatt' s more ihmapvloeers dvte earnoatfl ltsehsce o nfitdg ennoalnlhdsu man tom akee xamanp loeft hsoweh oa rdei bseoidetn-hencse lveartso sutsairtnthg ic sr apmeadn adw kward shaft thien asltlatwiiocnks epoedifs k . instoefas dkr iiannge nctoeuwrni tthh cer azed drug dealetrhn eo irnm raotluet hrotuhgsehre vicchea nnel SPKIEPDIT TRA P CR6 bactkot hcei stern. XP2 ,400 Mosctr teuarmeusstc ratwhlr otuhgishsh awfth,i ch Typeme chaniPcaelr;c eDpC2 t5iD;o ins aDbelvDeiCc 1 5e iso nl3 yfe eitn d iametetrh.ee a Nseteaenrrt nr aan ce, EFFECTS sucscsefuDlC2 0P ercecphteiacolknl PoCwtsso n otice Trgigelorc atRioens;m eantu al as tramnegtesa oklce jtu st tihnlesi oipftd hepe a sgsea. Effe2c0t-ft .-dpeie(tp2 dfa6l lidnagm agep)is;tp ik(eAst+ k1 5 Thesc okmeatt hcetsh kee foyu nodn t hgen olli bnr ute mele1ed,4 s pikpeesrt argfoerti d6+d5a mageea chR)e;fl ex arAeIaI. ne srtinkgei ynt tthhoese ok ceatc ttieavbs ayp ass DC2 0a voimdusl;t itpalreg e(tatsla lr geitnas 1 0-ft.-wide switthctahet m piolrdyaib rslatehste rp ia nt hteu nfonerl swatohft het unnel) 5m intues,w haifticeathru tomarteiacctatleilsvy.a

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