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Pathfinder Adventure Path #76: The Midnight Isles (Wrath of the Righteous 4 of 6) PDF

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Preview Pathfinder Adventure Path #76: The Midnight Isles (Wrath of the Righteous 4 of 6)

CRedit:s Authors AmandaH amonJ,a mes JacRoobbsiD,n. L awsM,i keS healn,d G reAg. V aughan CoveArr tist WayneR eynolds InterAirotri sts EriBce lisElreiB,cr addoFcikl,Bi upr buran, EkBautremraikn,aCJ aerffl iDsileeg,do e A lmeidFaa,b iGoo rla, MigueRle god6Hna rkneRsasl,p Hho rslReoyb,e rPtiot tuDroruug,S tambauagnhd,K ierVaann ner Cartographer RobeLratz zaretti CreatiDvier ec•tJ oarmes Jacobs PublishEerriM•ko na Editor-in-FC.Wh eiselfe•Sy c hneider PaizCoE O• LisSat evens SeniEodri toJra•m esL .S utter ChieOfp eratiOoffincse •rJ effrAelyv arez DevelopmLeneta d•s AdamD aigalnedJ ames Jacobs DirecotfoS ra lesP•i erWcaet ters SaleAss soci•a CtoesmoE isele DevelopmTeenatm •L ogaBno nneJro,h nC ompton, MarketiDnigr ectJoern•n Bye ndel AdamD aiglReo,bM cCreaMrayr,k M oreland, FinanMcaen ag•e rChristoSpehlefr andP atriRcekn ie StaAffc count•a AnsthlGeiyl laspie EditoTreiaaml•J udyB aueCrh,r istopher Carey, ChiefTechOnffiiccea•rl V iWce rtz andR yaMna cklin SenioSro ftwarDee velopGearr•Ty e ter EditorIinatle• r CnassiWdeyr ner CampaigCono rdin•a MtiorkeB rock LeaDde signJears•o Bnu lmahn Project ManJaegsesriP•cr ai ce DesiTgena m• StephReand ney-MacFarland LicensCionogr dinatMoirc•h ale<le nway andS eanK Reynolds CustomeSre rviTceea m• Erilk< eiJtuhs,t Riind dler, SeniAorrt D irectSoarr•a Eh.R obinson andS arMaa riTee ter ArtD irec•t AonrdreVwa llas WarehouTseea m• WilClh asMei,k aH awkins, GraphDiecs igneErmsi•l Cyr owealnldS onjMao rris HeathPeary nJee,ff S tranadn,dK eviUnn derwood WebsiTteea m• Christopher ALniCtzoh uorntys,, CrystFarla siLeirs,Gs uai llaentdC, h riLsa mbertz Thibso okr efetros severalP aotthhfeirnR doelre playGianmgep roducutssi ntgh efo llowianbgb reviatyieottn hse,sa ed ditiosnuaplp lements aren otr equirteomd a keu seo ft hibso okR.e aderisn terestreedf eirne ntcoPe ast hfinRdPeGrh ardcovcearnsf intdh ec omplertuel eosft hese paiz/op.rcdo.m books avaoinll aibnfolere f reaet AdvancPeldya erG'usi de APG Besti4a ry 84 NPCC odex NPC AdvancReadc Geu ide ARG BlooodfF iends BOF UltimCaotmeb at UC Bestiary B1 InnSeera M agic ISM UltimaEtqeu ipment UE Besti2a ry 82 LorodfsC h aoBso, ookft hDea mne,d V2o l8.0 TD2 UltimaMtaeg ic UM Besti3a ry 83 MythAidcv etnures MA TheW orldwound WOR This product iwsi tcthoh meOp pleinaG natm eL icen(sOeG La}n di s suifotrau bslewe i tthh e PathRfionldeepr laGyaimnego rt he3 .e5d itiooftn h ew orld's oldefasntt asryo leplagyaimneg. ProdIudcetn Tthiefot lyl:o wiintge ms haerree ibdye ntiafise dP roIdduecntt aist yd,e fiinnet dh eO penG ameL icenvseer siio.no Sae,c tion i(e), and are not Open ContenAlttl:r ademarrekgsi,s tterraedde maprrkosp,ne arm e(sc haracdteeirtsie,et sc,d. i)a,l ogpuleo,t s, storylincehsa,r alcotacerarttswi,ooa rnnksd,t, r adder ess. (Elemetnhtasht a vper eviobueselny designatedG amaesC oOnpteenon rta rien t hep ubldiocm aianr ne oti ncluded dienc ltahriast ion.) OpeCno nteEnxcte:fop rtm aterial desiPgrnoadtueIcddt e anst( isteayeb ovet)h,eg amem echaniocfts h iPsa izPou blishgianmgep roduacrtOe p enG ame Conteanst , definetdh eOi pne nG ameL icenvseer siio.noS ae ctionN olp (odr)t.i ooftn h iwso rokt hetrh atnh em aterdieasli gnaatsOe pde nG ameC ontemnaty ber eproduicnae ndy fo rmw ithowurti ttpeenr mission. PaiPzuob lisLhLiCn g, 7120 iA8v5etN hE , Sit2e0 RedmonWdA, 98052-0577 paizo.com PathAfidnvdeePnrat tuhr e# M7i6d:nI isTglhh2eet0s 1 ©P3a, i zPou blishLiLnCgA.,l Rli ghRtess erved. PaizPoa,i zo PublLiLsCht,ih neg ,P agiozloe lmo goP,a thfindtehreP, a thfinder logo, SoPcatiheafitnnydGd, ae mre Mastearryer egistterraedde maorfkP sa izo Publishing, LLC; PathfinAdcecre ssorPiaetsh,fi nAddevre ntuCraer Gda meP,a thfinAddevre ntuPraet h, PatChafimnpdaeirg Sne ttiPnagt,h findCearr dPsa,t hfindFelri p-MPaatt,h finMdaeprP ack, PathfinMdoerd uleP,a thfindPearw nsP,a thfindPelra yCeorm panioPna,t hfindReorl eplaGyaimnegP, a thfinTadleers a,n dR isoeft heR uneloarrdest rademaorfkP sa izPou blishLiLnCg., PrintienCd h ina. -_ �-- - -- �- '_ I'vbee ewna nttiown rgia tnae d vensteiutntr heAe by ss entidrieefflryed nitm enosfri eoanfrl iotmwy h emroes t forevAelrafo.sr a, w hilmey, h secdwulamesa king aidtvt eunrteaspk lea Rceea.il intt hAyeb sywso rdkiseff rently loolki ikteb' edi mpobslsteiow ri"tTeh Mei dnti ghfromh oiwdt o eosn Mtahtee PrliaaMnlae k.se u troer ead Ies"lsb ,utth ehn eaIfrr odm Greg Vahuewg ahsa nt htrhoatuthgA ehb s ysga zeitntt eheviorsl utmoge e atb asic havisnigm islhcaeurdl per boelmsA.n ds ow eh eeldp idoewfah aittl 'isk beeo ntt oh hioss ptlialneae d.d iItni on, eacoht hoeurat b it,t aekaiacdn hig eff rtep nortoifo ns veertahlit nkoge sei pnm inwdh irluen ntihnaegd venture thaidsv teunrew-rIoP taer ita ns2d ,w hiGlreet ga ckleadrl ei sbteeldo swte-ehu speio natsns e edteord e mitnhde Par3t asn 4d. I h opyeo eujn yot hreeu tsl.s.o .ra ,tt he PCtsh enyo'otrn e the PMlaataneneyr mioarle ! verlye asto,u nrca umsrfoe srte h vei falteesv itseuidp on BanishWmheiniltnet: h Aeby stsh,Pe C gsa iann e w youcrh arabcyfot lekrsssu cahsM inagGheol,d erfansbgut,y peex:tp rlaanTahri.is sn ott hehiorm pel ane; Hepmziaraohrt, hF eul osmeQ ueen! cnosueeqntslplyell,si dkies mlia snsbdaa nisbhcemoemnet thretaott hPseC asn,bd al spyhi eesmv en dmaonrogeue sr. the Jsles Facrs about: Midnic;ht: Havianc gh arabcatneirbs haectdkot hMea tePrliaanle AlthotuhMgeih d niIlgsehmtsi glhoto kr elgiiktoehn ast i nt hmei ddolfae fi ghcta bne m ordee vasttahtainn g couwledle lx iosnt the PMlaateneser,pii eaacllwl hye n meryeh lavitnhgac th aractseirng cedeti tteih,nPe gC considerionng eatnnhc ionugnst er-bbya-seinsbc,ao ctukotn htpeer res cepio tio nfh edre paratfutsrehereb 'ese n yosuh onuelvdle sores i gohtfth e tfahctatht ee yxi isnat n shtuneodff- plcaanbnee n os matlalsK ke.ei pnm ind thaatsl onagsa PC iosnh ebra chpkol maesn hece,a n't takpea rtt haiedn v teunrIetf.h hiapsp e(nasnc dh canes ariet wilmla,nd yes niinozcftee hn Aesby spsa cskpl els anadtt acdkessn iegdd ott oh iisti)'nt,s h b ee istnte roefs ts yougra mteog ettoh sbea nisPhCbsea dci kn pqluaiyc kly. Ac ombinoafpta linosenh a inft13 dr eatleetpeorcr abtnr ing thebma cakn,dd o nh'etts aittoe simptlhyea ilhrla ivees provtiehdseel lissfp tebhaen iPsChse dgc eabtna 'citkn to thbea totntl hee ir own. CosntaMnitd niTghhetirn:seo t r2u4eo -uhdra oynt he MidgnhiItes lsj,uc sytc l8ih-nogup re rioofad lst ernaetilixnitgrh sPe,C msu sta ccpolmitshhro efe fotlhleo wing moonlta ingdh dsasArfu. kl ncley cil1se6h ourtsuh-sa, tasiknts h Mei dntiF gah:nd eefetMa utaesnad,fe feta "daiynt" h riesa ilsmh o8u srohsr ttehran no rmTahli.s Urstahedlseltar,to hyleb a orationra yr eAsao, rd estroy doe'sctnh antghdeeu raotfsi polnel s and leaffescttt hsge r tihniadnate r rAe Sa. fora d aoycf,o ursee-ffescuatcrsihe tn erparshea tveidn g Tri2a-Cll otsheMe i dniFgahnRtei ftT:h e mPuCsst ad urat2i4ho onus Br.oef i innag na rwehae furledl a yligchlstote h reit b fetwteheMenat erPilaaalnn etd h Aeby ss. nevers i cpsor emhesat phger teeawsatyy o cua rne mind Tri3a-lD eeafMti nagThhoe: m PuCssstly Ma inagho. thPeC tsh tahte yi'nar nae l ireena lm. Tri4a-lB ecoNmoet oriinAo luuss hiTnhyePr Crsa : NorItnsh'N to rTthhce:o ncoef"pnto ritashp "rd ouct must raNe oatcohrs oicreoet4f y0o hri gihAnel rhu isynrra. ofcv iiltiizooanna p lawnheetmr aeg neticcr tefieae ldTsr i5a-Slce urNeoc tiCcouolapate'irsTo hnPe:C msu st thaeb ifolria tc yop mansese tdoal lew oaryist e snietlaf ins peatkh et od leomNrodocn t icaunsldea uc rhee ari idn cotnasdnitr ecOtnri eoanbl.yme osn tdhM ea tePrliaanle fi,n ishintga sotknths heM eii rdg nhiItes ls. forcaepsafr rotmp lanemtaagerntyia sramewt orWkh.i le Tri6a-lD eeafHte zpamirTahhe: PmCussts lya theyn'oartbe tl oei ndtieact aru"eno rptehsr"e , magBiacpahlo' mdsea tughHteepmrzi,ar ah. copmaslsiewksyaefi nedrosrs plellsi kkneo diwer ctsitoinl lT ri7a-lW itnaCe lsass h bDeemtownLe orednTs h:e provriedtseus l,t asbehlsii"nngo rttobh ei" n a s pieficc PCsm uste xeprieBnacpeh o'mspe rctolamaatnido n direcItnti hoAenby .s "sn,o ritsth h"foe c uosfp woer witsnshe is eoxnfrp oumlt shiMei dinghIts laetts h e fora noyn reae lm-hoenrt ehM ei dgnhiItes ls",n ortha"d vteunrcel'ism ax. indtietcshad ei recticotni cpturoli abvN'aoostu edd oeierp, withheiprna latchece i iotnfy Ahliyunrsra. Non-MythiMci dnic;ht Play Ewxiptehc tAantdfii noanlsml:ay ks,eu ryeou 'rIen " ThMei dniIgsh"lte e vse,anrtresa piadplpyr oaching decsrivpeit nti hwea tyh Aeb sysfe elDson!'fo tr gtehta tt hlei moiftw sh aatn on-mythic paadrvcteaynn t uring thPeC hsa vmeo rsee ntsheasjn u sstit g-hwhsaotr tsh andFloer.e wionpr rdesv viooluusom fe sWt rhaeot fh the ofs trawnhigseep rinnogsi emsi ghtth ey whheialreR ightAedovuesnP tautgrhie v e gsoooamdde v ice regarding exlporainnA gby slsj nauglHeo?wa botuhtne o xiaonuds hotw oh anodu etx eprieunsncighe e,r poo tisni,n volving straycn ogmeeplllsiecntngts h esym ewlalft iunpfrg o ma morNeP Ctso tahiPedC sg,i vionugt esxutprspal, i e sweegrr taeA?n dd oe'sttnh e winldi tbfetietltlhe i ac kearn da jdsutimnogn stsetsract tisiY.o uc anu steeh se asi tb rusahgeasi ynosustrk iInn?jt ceetru nexpecstuegdig oenswsit tthh is adavswe enlTtlhu.eer n ec toeurns decsripntoiawon ntdsh enp-laao tffoe o tdh samte olfl si nt haidsv engteunarelerfal lyil n taC oR r anogf1e 2 -18. deycy aetta spteerstfe lficyn et,r etehsla ot onko rmbault Asar euslit't,bs e isyfto u tshtaiadsrv te nwtiuturhte h ­ feewle ircdolalyndr d u bbetrhtyeo utoocrh h o,fow o tprinltesvP eClsI .tm i gbhete astioes sitm pilnyfo rtmh PeC s leiftnt hsena ds eetmos liatnhcdeh ra nignse t rawnagyes whetnh ecihra ractleeervlassn edgs acithneh uwes oef XP wheyno luo oaktt hem ooftu hcteo ronfeyr o ueryF ee.e le ntiMrakeels yut.rco e h ectkh Woeru atot tfhh Rei tgehous freteoi mposa- e2p enaolnst moye s kiclhlen cokws anmde sasgbeoaradtps a izoa.swc eo-lmIl 'bletl h earleo ng theants h ael ieennv isrtotanors t tg hbeeet t ottfeh Pre C s­ witnhu mreouosth eexerpr ieGnMcste oodff earvd ice. thseyh onuelvdfee ertl r ualhtyo mient hAeby ss! My�hiTRica ls int he M1dnic;Ihstl es Thiasd venptrueernsett shP eC ssve emny thtircit aol s faceTh.oe r dienwr h icha ctchoemyp elsicesav hna rtyh. JamJeasc obs Tri1a-lD estthrNeoa yh yndRerfiinaTenor s yi:g nificantly CreaDtiirtveoecr curttahWieol r ldwoaubnidlt'iopst r yuo cdNea yhnrdian jamJeasbcso@paciozmo . -� - �--- -� _- -- - Advent:uRe Bacf«;Round frusttiroNanoa.tn y crwyosudtloadt;l h sen ye edteobd e Thewi tAcrhee lVuo rldeisdh nota tfsepirlt a yiidnlmgei nfreodm t hoel doetfsh tMe i dntiI gshlaenpsdwo, e rful hepra irnto penitnhgWe o rldwSoiunntcdhe.ri usi noumsi nioofnNsto iccruullaael tdleh siees slH.e pmziardaihd accomhpmleinssth,e s'resv eDdes kaarsia n vaiodsr, nowta nttoi nvotlehvsmeei noins-woorsr eN,oc ticula ambaasdsoern,vg oeyn,e erxaelc,u tainmodon reaerlw,,lh ileh er-skenlofwtihniagwft o rdt hocefr ystawlesr'e value puurisnhgeo rw rne esarOcnhoe.f hgerre adticesoesvrti est os rpeacdo,m petfoirtt hirioesons u rwcoeu dlrdvi eh er int htiismt eo opkl aocne rtehmeo iltsaeno dfV azgolfa ro fft hpel aantbe e sotra, tw o rswto ufilndd ahs elrat voe thMei dgnhiIts lients hA eb syIs.n ah iddceanv esrhne, t hLea dyS hiand ow. dicsoevraed de ptoo sfei xcegelrdyai Nrnaeyh ndrcyirsaltnsa WheHne pmziarcaahm teo rtehmeoi tesoe lfC olyphyr, ofu npretceepddu erniTtheys.ce r ylsstt,ha foes silizsehdae tl afosutn wdh asthw ea s lofoor-kdienspgioo tfs the lifeobdlo ofm urderdeedm olnro dsco,n tawiintehdi nc rystthawalets re ev emno rpeo ttehnattn oh sfoeu nodn thefaicre sttso orfem sy thpiwoce rA.r eue slepnyte arsV azgSlhasere t.tow orakto nce,A rweuhde iillhdee bre st resrcehaiawn agy utneola sthh aptwo era,ne dv entuatlobl ryo akt erru ocfse o rwtistNo h c tiicnou rldtaeo sr eu cre useittdo c eansadnb dce omame y thaircc hmage. perimsosni mtiono ent hiels anTdh.e se negotiations came Busth dei dsnt'ottph eTrheep. r oucreed shoen utsone odt hbiunHtge ,pm ziaraanhAd r eude ildn'fotrt whaei t hesretloaf t tmayitnhp iwocet ro oyke aarnsnd e akrillyl edde ttaboi efil nsa lbiezfoetrdhe be eyg tahneo ipret riaoinns hetrh rteiesm -eisfh e cmoauktlehd pe r eoscfass taenrd sercetC oolny pThhyerrii.rtft ot hWeo rldwroeumnadi ns saefr, shdei sbctuorttuiehl pidwos e arm ontghg ee neraolnVs a zgslota hrde,e momnesr etellye tphoecrirtry sttoa ls andc ommdaenrst hWoeof r ldwounidns, od oainndg V azgtloca arrt rhyet mh rotuotg hhMe a tePrliaanle and graDnestk aarn iec w asotfue n stbolpmepy athic dewmhoaintnss o w knaostw hMne i dniFgahnbteu ,tt h emyus t to cohmiptsla eostnkGe o larSihsoeeun tp. s ear cemti ningd os oc arefultlhyea ytl tertsahthce ot s taitltee notfi on opetriaonV aozngw liattrhh e aaip dr isoesfns atmeed Nocticmuilnoain'ossre, n ragdee mtolhnoeh r edsr el£ Hepziarmah-ontohnteehr a n theo fdpBahauogmhette.rO fc osuerN,o ctikcnuolwaas la lbo utth mei ning Witthh aei odfm inotcauuslrtto sifB aphoamneudts n,ig opreatisohne-a'lsl oiwtte odc otninfouren owa,s thesikrai mtli ln ianntgdh eir afubnicltiiintto aynn gtloe idts erhveeprsu prosEevse.pr l otatnidnsh gce ming, undergrreoguninsAdo,r eue alndH epmziaraqhu icklNyot cickunloaw ss otnohg artteh areoweiscl olm teoh er harsvteemda naNysa y hndryisaltnasa sp c osrsibfrloem thMei dgnhiIts lseeisen ktgod esttrhmoeiy ns ae nsdh uotff caves trhiieds dWllieitt.nhh ag ei o df XanVtahnAigrr,eu e lthWeo rldwfrooumtn hdfai nst asrteoisucr Bcyge ar.n ting waesv eanbtl oee x npdao n stmaheer icfta-suimnagg ic sthhseeeh re oaecssc tseo C olypahnyrd aeivdetinh negm in hauds teoodp etnhW eo rwlodu ncdr,e aatp irontga l betswmoeese mna wlayls s,h heop etso cyuergtrr yte eafarvo rs onoef Vtahzegm lianraen sad n o lsdh roitfnh eee m pyreafrlo mt hgeo dosft hcer audse-wfohra gtr teearreo surce lord PulWuorral diwnTo hutipnhsrde o. v ainde eaadsn yd itsh etroaed emolno rd fatvohroaswn de b yt heen emy? convewnaityeto nr ntas rpto ptuhreNe asyhtn drciryaslntts oa as aefprl atcobe ep reoscsaenudds efodre xpiemrentatiPoaniu:. 1:T heM idnic;Fhacn e Dozeonfps u rNea yhnrdiacnr ylsswt eardee rsotyedA tt he oeftn hdpe r evaidovutesun rwei,tt hhd eee faotf duritnhsgeee xepritmsemn,u cthoA reue'frlsu tsratioXna,n tVhaintrgh ,e PCs smhaodsuevel edri amhlpa ovret ant bute ventsuhasello lvyet dh per oblweimtt hh aei d dicsoevriiens fotrhmeo fi ntellgiagtehnfrecoremet dh e ofa brialnlati lcmhiesnta meMdut asaWfeint.hh i s IvoSrayn cTthumemo .s t imoptfoeh rssteha onbute lt dh at techuneaisp q,u rcer ycsotuabllepd o wderleiudqe afineddt hdee mohnasv e mbieneiNnna yghn drcyirsaltnfrsa o m the intas oi negllietx hiart ,i mwbheiedbwn,o udlodo noef ilsanodfNs oc ticAubylsasr'aesla alnmd, tthhemayit g ht twtoh isnu:gn lotchdker inker'psto emnytotirha ilkc ie lvleb nes eekinrge uctirhote troD eskaarniBd a phomet's thder inSkienrtc.he e n, aXnaAdnr teuhhe ialrv e movcueasdAe d!d ityit,o hnea lsPlhCosuh ladv e ltehatarthn ee d on ottohp erjroce t(sn otl etahset woafs w cthrhieeca ht iNoaynhn drieialxnui sretsobd o ldsetmeorwn ist h mythic power ofam agicchsaielfr lo ma N ayhndrciraylnts htawato uldh ave sbeeoneutfrnt o mal ocactailtolhnMee id d niFgahnte . finitshhje bo o ffr actuard ianmga gweasdrt d)o,wn heile Whetnh PeC hsa vhea da c hantcore e vceoarb it, Mutaesnah fabse elnett f ot htea osfkm akitnhgee l ixirresp leonrai usghm ent thepirerh sagc pehaeircn,k and distfriolmtl hecedr ysstaeafarln smd o reef ficient.o na ndyo wntpirjmoceet tsh emya y hhaavrdeu nning Bacoknt hMei dntiI gshlHeespm,zi arnaohsw truggilneD sr ezoennoe,ft hermee cisvn eotitfiicvoainaa s edinn.!J tpor ovtihrdeae mw at ernieaeldfoser td eh seexe pritmse.n sepll QfruoemGe anl .fr ey After Ntayhhnredi carny lsistn ta hmei nsae ncda svo en Vazglwaerrd ee pdl,eH tezepamisrepanhnt e aary leya r" aHvsee ceudar ni teomfu tmossiitgf nniccea-mseotihntgh at serachiforna gn eswu orcet hroeaf cr rey lssrtc,ear uiticnnags htuhtWe o roludwnrdif froter vW.ee n eetdom eeatss oon AreelVuor lse'hasi wdh esnh mee atg aainnad g awiint h asp ossibtodl eics sus." -� - �--- -� _- -- - ovaec re nturapy wo earggfuorl,o up ctohutelo dmt eou se do rtehvseee cr:ls oteh Weo rldwfooruenvde r. Att hipsiot n,Ga lfreyt haPesC kfossr uapdna toen whatth 'evylee arSnheieds p. a rtaircliutynlr igbuye d three vteilofranosm i ntellgitagheenracette dh Iev ory Snactutmh atth peto enNtay hnrdiacnry lssat rabee ing refiniendt o oemfly itxhpiiworces r ,s haiencs do ncerned byt hdeic sovtehrtayht e ocfDu letsska anrBdia phomet arseek eintgod raNwot ciciunlttaho e pilsro. t Thtea bsekfo trhePe C iscs o mpalneddxa ngsen;ro otu onlmya yt heir pgworeorwmsia nktgeh etmhb ee ssutti ed Theq ueiesnr a edtyo t eleipnow irtth tohfea atioad c compltihmseih ssiinogn -mtahbyee ty h oen loyn es craudsweirz aarlaldny md e et wPitCahsto ntcihtefe h ey capaobfdl oei snogG. a lfrgeoyet hsr otuhglehi o sftt a sks araeb lTeh.le o caotfhi eomrne etwiinttghh P eC isls et f shel'itdkh ePe C tsoa ccosmhp alpa irse ltuod eetv heen tual toy oudric sretbiuiotstn h ,o buels dmo ewhsereuecra en d missioofcn l ostihWneog r ldwfooruenvde r. saef-iCni taDdreelzn eena rS wtohorefVd alo iris d eal. i.D etsrotyh Nea hyndRreifianneT rhyeP: C msu st travtehlMe i tdgonh iFta ne wNahyhenrderc iraylnsas tr ae MEETNIGW ITHT HEQ UEEN refinseaedr,ct hhfa en efo rt hmee tdhsbo yw hitchhe Thiet etmhq eu eheanss e cuiraser da arnedd a ngeroduesm oannstd h eailrl iecsrt eiaantreghe s eel isxt,ih ren tomcea ltlheLede xiocfP oanr adoxsm-aetb hoeo okf desytt rhoetiolrosr ,eo sursca,en idn vernst.o forbidrdietnua anildns c atnitoanso vueashr eun dd red ClotshMeei dniFgahnRtei fNte:xt th,e mPusCutss e 2. yeaargsto oo petnhW eo rldwaonuddnse dt rSorayk osr.i thLee xiofPc aorna tdoco lsxote h sem abluplte m raennrti ft AreelVuo rlleasttheo trrh ebe o oiknh a alnfdd e rsotytehde witthhine tfahncaeot n cnttesh wiosr tltod h Aeby ss. portciotonani ntihineng rfo mataiboonhu otsw h oep ened 3.P revtehnMeti dniAglhlti TahnPecCe m:su sttr vael thWeo rldwsoout nhdan too nceo urleedvr esneg-inebeyero ntdh rei iftn ttoh Mei dgnhitI slteoss ba otage thper eoscFso.r tunfoartt hecelr yud sesart,h aec tiontshW eo rldwoautntde'tmsops teu craen a lliwaintche ofas maglrlo oufmp e rcieenlsaeb rdyV etnuer-pCtaainN otcicuTlhaim.sa y reaq faucier--efact eoe ncounter Varian hJietsgi geaflaricenc,go mplicaen tdRh aed owviattnhh, e dleomrwodhn,os eetmohs a vheeo rw nr easons ha-llefvepna laOdpairnah la vreeu tsleidn t hbeo ko's ton owta nttoe nttehrai lsl iTahnbece eps.lt a tcoe go to redciovsaenrrdye t soraatnitdoh nce,o mptleeixtnsteo w seucraen a udiweintcNheot ciciushle acr a pictioatfly inc rudsehara ndeset h K(eis nogfC hasodise bar). Alhuisynrraan,td h bee st gweahtye artt ot enwtoiuolnd Whetnh PeC s mweietGtha rlefsyh,e ndoobter si ngb et o mseetedhksoo fcboeminnogti ooriunts h cei ty. thLee xiwciothnhe r-biete'pnsl aicneas d e ucrvea uilnt 4.F intdhC er ystSauolrsca'en Cdu Otff T heir Flow: Lastwallib,se wishntegur dbeiys e ikdti s lhcloeldua nrdse rT heP Cmsu stdi csovweherr et hiMeni dgnhiIts ltehse careofubslea rtviotnh Kebn yi gohfOt zse bmu,st h deo esN ayhndrciraylnsas tr caeo mifrnogm t,h epnu ats top to havpea oiatfr h in cpolpartpeeemsro frvoemd the artthtioa faprcetati on. concearr niittnuhgaca lat in nt,h eboeruy s,te od sdhowunt TreasAustr hmeee: e teidnnsQg,u eGeanl frgeisyve each as marliblfte twteheMenat erPilaaln et hAaebyn sds . PCa nt laismoaftn rf uaiet( ehsep ag6)ei.S intchemi isss ion Garlefayl ltohwPesC tso extahmteiw npoel aittfeh se y reuqierst hPeC tso d eldvepeel iyn ttohA eby sasn tdo wi-sthhearrdeee nysi enclsrbiewdi trhue nsi,n catnitoansi,n tewriatscmhote osmf oisdtta ngearnomdua sn ipulative anedq uasts,iw ointcfrhoimTn hga osnsiitaloAn by sstaol deinzetnehss,ie t ewmishl ell ppr evcehnattr eafrrcosm HaltloAi ktl aon,ed v etnoD ruiidnpi lcas Ac.c e haractuenrw ittaicntgiilnnwyg a ytsh amti ghetn danger their whoc arne aadlfi lv oeft e hslea ngucaagcneo sn fiwrimt h souFlrso.am m etagsatmaen dtp,ao wianrdtiehnsge as ucsfucsleD C2 5K nowl(eadrgcoear n ap lcahnetechska) t i tetmos paarrtlhiyoc louyrlz ealcohuasr ahcetsle prs thpea gest ods ecesreimarb iet fourca llo sriitnbfsge tweeyno gui tvhee mg aimn"e-p ersominifr"so mt hefaiirtt hos plasnb,eu atl tshoat thr ei tiusian lc ompTlheet em.a gdiecwa ilt hl etshosefte wreo v ils fiignha tgt ahietnihsret infustiehnsgte w op lsat,ceo mbiwnietadhs ignificWaonrtl dwNooutcnidc.iu scl eaar itnalp ywo erfufolr cfoer suorcoef mapgwoiecsrau lca hst hat wineolwb dyte hde evbiulat,l lywiinthghei ras c alssicca osfte h een emy of PCssh,o buleed n ough dtoowa ns s mhaulrtli eAftrn. id f onee'nse bmeyi innfgo ,atfr ieanltd e,aa ns etsc tseyi. thatk stw,ho eGrna lfrcearyne rpttoh seu csctseoL astwall andg reaatclcye ltehrpear teoesc osf d eciphtehrei nREgC UR1NTG1A LLIES remaindebrok o.So hfbe e tlhiteeh vjaeutsas stt h reti ualsA st hmee etwiinttghh q eue ewnr asup pG,a rleftye tlhles int hLee xiofPc aorna wdeoruxes etodo petnhW eo rldwouPnCdts h sahtie n tenadcsc otmotp haenmyt hoemnii srsi on, -_ �-- - -- �- '_

Chapter 4: "The Midnight Isles" by Greg A. Vaughan and James Jacobs After an audience with the Crusader Queen, the heroes journey to a fortress that straddles the boundary between this world and the demon-haunted realm of the Abyss. There, they must face powerful agents of the architects of the Worl
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