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Pathfinder Adventure Path #67: The Snows of Summer (Reign of Winter 1 of 6) PDF

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Preview Pathfinder Adventure Path #67: The Snows of Summer (Reign of Winter 1 of 6)

TH5EN OOWfS 5UMMER byN eiSlp icer N THES NOWY LANDSO FI RRISEN, THEW ITCHQ UEENB ABAY AGA I LIKETSO KEEHPE RE YESO N ALLH ER CHILDREANN,D SHED OESS O THROUGH HERC HICKEN-LEGGHEUDT SA ND THEIR RESIDENGTU ARDIAND OLLSM.A DE IN THEI MAGEO fH ERF AMOUSD ANCING HUT,T HESES TRANGEH UTSW ATCH THEB ORDERSO fT HISF ROZENL AND, KEEPINFGO REIGNEROSU T WHILE KEEPINTGH EI RRISEINNIA. C CORDING TOT HEL EGENDSI,f HAU TD ANCES AROUNDA ND REFUSETSO LEYTO U IN THROUGHI TST INYD OOR,Y OU MUST STANDI NF RONTO f IATN D LOUDLY CALLO UT," HUT0, HUT,T URNY OUR BACKT OT HEW OODSA ND YOUR FRONT TO ME." 0 ADVENTURPEA TH PARTI OF 6 TH5EN OOWfS 5UMMER CREDITS Authors RobM cCerayl,rv< nieA nrdeMwu pryhN, eSipli, ac neJdmra eWsilb er CovAersrtt i CariJSg p enagr i ItnerAitrsoitrs KeBnat rheylD,m mteiyrB umra,Mk iugeRle goHdar6knn KeasMtsae,mx oivcihB,yr nMnet heyn, e SaaOr trtsetaRtobteteroPr ti,rut rRuay,nP rotlioDl,mt iyrP orsrvininD,o uSagt mabugahnl,de< arinYan ner Catrogprhase r JaedrB laanndRdoob etLr azrzeiat t CeratDiriveec •tJ moareJsca obs PubliEsirhMkeo rn•a Edi-tionre-fCF•hW. ei sylS echneider PaiCzEOo•L iSstaen vse SenEidooir•rtJ maeLsS. tu etr ChfiO epaeotrinOsffi c•eJ rfferAeylr veaz DeevlopmLeenatdAs da•mD aiagnlRdeo M bc Crrye a DriecotfSo ar•l P eisceWera tters MartkieDnrige c•tJ oerynB nendel DeevlopTmeaemn•At da mD aiRgolMbec ,C rrye,a FinaMnacnea• gC ehrsritpohSeerl f MakrM oeralnadn,Pd a tRrneiicek StaAcffc onutnatK•un jSie do EdiitaToealrm •J duyB au,Le goraBno en,rn ChieecfhTnOifficca•eVl ri Wcer tz ChriospthCearrea yn,Rd yn aM aciknl SenSioofrt Dweaevrleo •pG eayrTr teer LeaDde si•gJ nsaeoBrnu lmahn CamapiCgondo nirat•Mo riekB orck DesTieagmn•S etphRedanny -eMaacrFlaanndd PrjoeMcatn a•gJ esersiPcrai ce Sena RKye nolds WebseiT team•R osBsyre sL,iC zor utLsi,sG sulaie lt, SenAiroDtrri ectSoarr•aR hob iEn.s on and LCahmrtbizes r GarphDiecs isg•Sn oejnrMao rarniAdsn r deVwal als WareheoT ueasm•W ilClh eaM,si chKanewealy , PruocdtSipoienac tl•Ci yrstslaF arsier JffeS tnrdaa,n Kde vUinendr wood CustoSmeerrvT eiacm•e C osEmio sEerkl ieiK,te h, anda M SaairTerte er Thibso okr efetross everoatlh ePra thfinRdoelre plaGyaimneg produucstisnt gh efo llowianbgb reviatyieottn hse,sa ed ditisounpapll ements aren otr equirteod make ofut sheib so okR.e adeirnst erestreedf eirne ntcoPe ast hfinRdPeGrh ardcovcearnfs i ntdh ec omplertuel eosft hese bookasv ailaobnllei fonref reaet p aiz/op.rcdo.m AdvancPelda yeGru'isd e APG InneSre aM agic ISM Bestiary B1 Peopolfe tNhoer th POTN Besti2a ry B2 UltimaCtoem bat UC Besti3ar y B3 UltimaEtqeu ipment UE GameMasteGruyi de GMG Ultimate Magic UM Thipsr oduicsct o mpliwaintth OtpheenG ameL icen(sOeG La)n d is sfouriu tsaewb ilteh Ptahteh finder RoGlaempelo arty hi3en. ge5 d itoifot nh e woorlldde'fassnt t asy roleplagyaimneg. ProduIcdte ntTihtefoy l;l owiintge ms haerreei bdye ntiafise dP roIdduecntt aisdt eyfi,n eidn tOhpee nG ameL icenvseer siio.noS ae,c tiio(ne ), and are not Open ConteAnlttl:r ademarrekgsi,s tterraedde maprrkosp,ne arm e(sc haracdteeirtesit,ec sd.,i) a,l ogpuleo,ts st,o rylines, locatairotnwsoa,rn kdc, h tarrraaedcsetsed.r s, (Elemetnhtast phraevvei obueselny designOapteenGd a maeCs o nteonrat r ien t he pudbolmiacia nr e not iinntc hluiddsee cdl aration.) OpenC ontenEtx:c efoprtm aterial desiPgrnoadtuIecddte nat(sis teayeb ove)g,a mtehm ee chanoifct sh iPsa izPou blisghaimnegp roduacrtOe p enG ameC onteanst , defineidn tOhpee nG ameL icenvseer siio.noS ae ctiio(ndN )o.p ortiooftn h iwso rokt hetrh an the material deGsaimgenC aotnetdem naatys b erO epperno duicne d anyfo rmw ithout wpreirtmtiesns ion. PaizPou blishLiLnCg , 712i08 5tAhv eN E,S tie2 0 RedmonWdA, 9 8052-0577 paizo.com PathAfidnudeePnrat tuhr e# 67o:Sf u Tmhmee20 r1S©P3an, i ozPouw bsli shLiLnCgA.,l Rli ghRtess erved. PaizPoa,i zPou blishLiLnCgt,,h eg olem lPoagtoh,fi ndPeart,h findSeorc ieatnydG, a meMaste;;iryr ere gistetrreC1dd emaorfkP s;;i izPou blishing, LLC; P;;ithfinAddevre ntuPraet h, P;;itCh;;ifimnpdaeirg Sne ttiPn;;igt,h findCearr dPs;;i,t hfindFelri p-MP;;iatt,h findMe;;irpP ackP,a thfindMeord uleP,a thfinder PP;;iawtnhsfi,n dPelra yCeorm p;;inion, Pathfinder RolGeapmleaa,yn idnP ga thfinTdaelre asre t rademaorfkP sa izPou blishLiLnCg., PrintienCd h ina. TABLOEF C ONTENTS Foreword 4 TheS nowso fS ummer 6 byN eSipli cer NPC Gallery 56 byN eSipli cer Reigonf W inteTrr easures 60 byN eSipli cer Heldren byR oMbc Creary Waldsby 66 byR oMbc Creary Reigonf W inteTro olkit 70 writatnecdno mpbiylR eodMb c Creary Pahtfinders JournBaoln:e dTuhDseot l l1so f6 74 byK evAinnd rMeuwr phy Bestiary So byN eSipli acneJdra mWeisl ber CampaigOnu tline 90 Preview 92 The RoefiWginnA tdveern Ptauthrhaea s c tubaelelny h appweintB ha bYaa gaI rarniidn2 s1 0e.3An n ndo hwe wree int hweo rsfok rq uistmoeet ime-aotlr e atshte, a rWee.l ctoo2m e03 1W.e lctoomR eei ogfnW inAtnjedur .s t concoeifpht ta K se.e n-eyeodtf h rPeaefi tanhddeerr isn c aysoeu r'eraed tihnaignsa d r pel annipnligany t thoi s ChronGiaczleetsbt:ae cieknr2 00(8a nodfi tssu ecscrsso, AdvenPtautbrhewe, a rned-atrmheaje orsrepi olaehresa d! thPea fitnhdeCrh ronCiacmlpeasSi_g ent tainnPd9a fitnhder Asw es tarotuetdl itnhiAend gv enPttauhri,ets oon CampaSie9tnt TihneI9 n:n SeerWa o rGlud imdei)g hhatv e bemceac letahRraei tg onf Wiwnotueblre"d t BhaebY aa ga notiacnoe tdh esriewn inoceunotiurnsty h tei mefolri neA dvenPttauhrn,eo" "t t Iher riAsdevenn Pttauhr.e" After thyee 4a6r3A 1 R:" BaYbaagi an sthaedlral usg Ehltvearn naal Bla,bY aa gDaa'niscn H9u ct atna hkeear n ywhientr hee assv oereoifglnr rIistse eeanmr .set" li avmeilnypo ire ocfe uneirvsfroem,o ther tpool tahnpeelrtas nsa,e n idwt o uld roytarli viqau-eoernnee'i esgn nda sna dn otthaekhree sr bes moethoifand gi esrsvtiotc heGe r teC arotnole i mit placei-ntb huett ecoxoftnl ernrh'iisss tioctra yr,far ri esh etrjo u Isrtr iFsuernt.h eea,rsw me od retamiolraeend d grteemare aniBneugcs.aBe a bYaa gcao msbe actkoI rrismeonr oeft h cea mpapilgoinstt'o ,sn ob ceamcel etahrwa et eve1r0yy0 e atrops u atn edwa ugohntt ehtreh rone,w ahnettreog d i tvhePe C asc sctseot hDea nicnH9u ta,n wdi th nexshtce dualpeapdre aincisen 4 731 ora,sG olarisounc ahp owerafurfaltc iitn t hepiors ssieowsnew, a nted AR, histbousrffk yn oiwn2, 0 3o1 n oowucnra lendar. thetmob ea btloue s ieat si wt a istn endd.e rSaott hhearn Ino thweorrd tsh,se e eodRfse iogfnW iwnetreprel antesdte tiRnegio gfnW initnase irn cgiloterny a toirro eng ion, abo5uy te aargswo i,tt hh e tphlasaton m etbhiiwgno gu ldt hheu itst elfm eba le octcaiaotny,it nogg eatlholeft r h e campaaidgvnte'unssrT. eh PeC wsi tlrla tvoaen lu mboefr wodnruose,x oltoicscab, lu teth heu stre vaetssh e"iohrm e basteh"r oouutgthh e pcaaimgn. Thanto'ttsso atyh Raeti ogfnW idnotee'grsto n Itror isen, howeTvhePerC .ts r atvoIe rlr foirst ehfiner tsitm ient his voluamnesd p ends eotcnhhdea olfft haed ventthuerree , whitlhesec e ond insttahAledl vmeennPttau t"rohTefe,h ShacHkultet,da"s kp elaecnet iirnte hlleay n odf Wthhiet e WitscB.hue otn ctehP eC gse tth eir onhB aanbYdaas g a's DangcH iuntt,h 'reneyo l onrgeersrit cttjoeu dGs otl arion. Soj uswthe droet hPeC gso i nt he pcaaimgWne? grapplitnhrgea mwiifitchoa tfth idioesnc si Psuibolni,s her thotul gohnagn hda radb otuhtwi hsi blrea instorEmriiMnkog nc aa muepw itohnm eo rber ililnisanaatnn,ed , thAed venPttauhar,ne cd a muepw itanh u mboefre iads.u ttaewrelysi odmeeaa na: d ventur"eRp ausctaMilunls etd ObovuiysI,lr rwiosueblnead n i mpaonrltto tciaobnuw,te Dei!t"ha actt ufaaeltlutyrh eMeda Mdo nhki msWeewl ef.r e alwsaon tteosd h oowfft hterv aelcianpga tbioieflts ih e alfllo orbeytd hi ed ea-fighptuitniignanP aRtahsfinder DangcH iuntw,h irleet aisnmoeio nftg h dea rfaki rtya lea dvteunrSeo?l Bdu!wt e a lsroe altihzasetted t ianng qualoiftt hyoe r igsitnoafrlaei utersi BnbagaY aga. Thaed venotnEu arrewt ahasr ispkryoo stpiioAnsw. efu rther enrde tsi ustl hmeo st lfaurnA-gdf venPtautwrhee ' ved etamiolroeetfd h aed venatntudhr ceea pmaihgonw,e ver, madyee! t web emceae vemno reext ceiadn,wd e h ope iwttih blaetl Wed ecided yte ox tgetrnha"dedb uoearrldoslf"t h e justth raisal nlfudin nfo gro ufarn s. AdvteunrPea tbhe yotnhIden nSeerra e gbiyos nte ting Wes thialodln meo raed venttopu lratenh ,o ugh, and thteh iarddvt eunr"eM,a iMdoetnh,Ce rro,n e,b"a riinai ,wtI a ocsl eari wtto hubaletdh artdo gtooiptn oEg a rth. juesatos Aftv sitoannt hceot nintoe fnCaasrmoIno.b ariSaow ec amfuel cli racnlddee ,c itdose etdth e en tirety of idse taiinil toeswd gn a zeitnPt aetelifirn Addevre nPtautrhe t hfien aRle iogWfni ntaedrvt eunr"eT,hW ei htQ-cueen's #3·3I tt'hsme o s"tuR ssn"io afa nrye goinoG no larioRneev,n gien,s"i deY aBgaDaab'nasgc Hiuntis telIf.ni ts anndo a dvteunrheasvy eeb te ent hseesrtoie st,e e med variionucsa rnianfot likolnaosnri dent hweo rlodls'dtse litkhebe e pslta focrte h PeC tsot atkheDe a ngcH iunot n rolepglaamyBeia,nbY gaa gDaa'nsgcH iunhta asl wbaeyesn itmsa idjeuonr n.e y bigognte hrie n sidoent thohetua snia dnwede,w antteod AfteIrr riansIdeo nb awrhieaer,leo s nGe o lacroiuolnd p laaryo uwnidt ho wotnua rok net haIt'.l lm otraaebl oku t thheu gto W?i ntwearosvb ioyug solitnobg e o noeft he thiinsn exmto ntfohr'esw obrusdtu, iff ciett osy at hat strontgheesmte tsh efo rA dvPetanhat,nu tdrh ee ontlhyie n tertihoheru it nt o hfle a asdtv enitsu rceo mpletely placcoel tdhearIn r riistshe Cenr wono ft hWeo lrdB.u t dieffrtefr nomt hheu tth PeC tsrv aealr ouinndd u rtihneg we'adla rdeeyx plored otfth hee CWirontor hwlJenda dec amapigupnt ot hpaiottn a,n tdh emroer'tesh aenn ough RegeAndtv enPtautsrhowe,e n eedteod leovoefaknr therr ooimn stiodd oje u tsicteh fietn oa olfRe e iogfWni nter fort hheu' tnse xdte satitionn. (ansdh esmdoe l igohnot n oef lernrg'irsste eamsystt esr:i e EntGeolra risolona'srsy stleomv,i nglyb yd ejtuawsihtlad etod eB bsaa Y agdaow itahlt lhs oeda utgehsrhse SneiEodri JtaomrLe S.su titnPea rt lifinCdaemrp aS(qentg t:i nrmeovsfre omt hteh roonfel rr)i.s en? DistWaonrtlA dnsd. lboe haonDldids ,tWa onrtla dlasr dey RPG SupNeeriSslpt iacwrhe orl',os n g wbaenetni ng hetlhdpe e ercfptl afocrRe ei gonWf intteovr it ns eixt: ttogh eeht i s hoann edaasnr A ldyv enPtautirhnea s ltlment, plaTnrieatux sw,hs o3e71 -yeoarrbr ieutsl itnasp lanetafirnyay lg lehtiscs h anacshe ek icksRe igoonfffW inter wintthearlt a sfotrds e csap,dr eiodvtehsse te tionftg h e wit"hT hSen owsS uomfm etra,k"it nhPgeC frso ma fouritnhs ltmaeolnftR eoifgWni n"tTehFrer, o zSterans ."w arm Tsaulmdamtneo Ir r ernih'sasr asnhud n ending Andh erweh'estr heb er ainsttoooisrkts m t rsatng,e witneSrop. u otny oubro oatnscd o ld-woeuattgfihrtea,rb funnieasntd, sctaurryineW etes.'at dl redaedcyit doe dg oy ouurhs anaknayd o ucrh ickgegneh-dulm teit teints'-s beyotnhIden nSeeraa n,ed v ebne yoGnodl arWihoenr.efr eezoiutnthg e arnetd,h R eei gonf Wihntajesur bs etg un! showuelg don exIdt o?n r'etm emwbhesoru ggtehswatete d take Reigtnto h boeif rWtihnotpfelBraa cbeab uIYtd a og a, rememwbewe erra ele lx ciatbeoidutb t,e u csateh maeta nt goitnoEg a rOtuhrE. a rWteh'.ev sebt lsaihetdh aEta rth exiisntt shs ema e uenrisavesG olarioMnat-etrhiea l Plainisen finoirnt eea,sr ols,yot h eprlee'onsfrt o yo fomr RoMbc Cerary juasbto auntpy l aanneytw herteht-a'bssut taifa lrlc ry Devpeelro froma ctusateltliaynna g d ventthueBrrueeat .sw e s tarted [email protected] PARTO NE:A N EARLY FROST Toi nsvteiagp autzez ilnicnugr osfwi ionntw retyah earnrd e useac m issinnogb le kidpnpaebdyb antdsti,hP eC s tvueirnnett hoBe o rWdoeordm ,ys teryib oluasnkleted ins onwe veantt hheeg ihotfs ummer. PARTT wo:T HED EPTHOSF W 1NTER PAGE23 Delving idneteofop reterhts eht Pe,C dsic sovaem ra gpiocr tthatia ls stohueor fc e botthhw ei nwterayt ahneddra ngeirnaovduesfrr osm fatrhn eo rth. PARTT HRElAEN:D OFT HEW HITWEI TCEHS PAGE34 Competloul nedde ratd aakneg eqrueostutoss v a et hewiorrt lhdPe,C csor stsh rough thpeo ritnattlho we i nbtoeurnd llarnrdiw shoreefetn h,es yon om aknee frwi ends anedn emsa imeontghl eo cianblhi attasn. PARTF OURT:HE P ALTEO WER Toc olsteh wei npteorra tnasdlva eT aldtohPreC, ms u sats usltath Pea Tloew earn, icfoer tsrcseo tnroblyla enad m btiiowuisn wtietrc h. ADVENTURBEA CKGORUND Excaty1 l,4y00e arsa p awogeorw,fui lt frcohma nother wornladm eBda bYaag aa rriovnGe odl arwiiothnhe r DanicnH.!Ju ta,fo rmidaarbtliefa cctat nrt ahbvaeettl w een worladnesdv ebnte wetehnpe l asnI.en aq uibcrku,t al colnifkcnto wanst hWei ntert hWseae -rlp,fcr loaimed QueeonfW itcsh ceouneqrtehdee astLeirnnn orm KingdoofRmase merarnutdnh Ddeju rsCtooenrdf eracy anfodu ndaen de nwa tlioocnk eedt eirwnni anlt er-the lanodfl rriAsfteenr. inhsetdraa lulgiJhnatgde wroi ng a thteh roansIe r ernifi'srss qtue eBna,b Yaag ad eparted inh eDra n.!Jc Hiuntb,u sth ree tutronI erdr iesxeaync tl 100y ealrastt eorr e plJaacdeww iigtah daa ungehwt er, Morgantnaaknit,nh gfoe r mer qaunedte hnfie r st generoafth iedoren cs entdsaw nithhe wrh esnh lee ft agaBibanaY. a ghaac so tnintuehtdir sa deivtie1or0ny0 yeartsh lefoa r1s 4ct e tnursri,ee usltiinnas g u ecscosni of14 q ueeonfIs r riMsoespntoe. p laesm seuB baaY aga takheesr dtaeturoegs xh lposrter annegwe l wdotsri,em s, anddi emnsisohnasr,wi inttghh etmh seer ceotfs the muletrisBveutt.h ter uhtihd,de evnefr no mB baaY aga's dautgehirfassr ,d arker. BbaaY agiaasn earilmym orwtiatolcfm hy t hpiwoce r, and the soulrocneg aeonvfdib taohyrte chrma inhgeeih rst onoef hert segstcre reteasT:hd ea utgehtrhstBa baaY aga removesI rerfrniot'mshs r odnone o t moonv beti og gehre arl lw-eprofumolt hEevlra,n hnaads e citdoe adgl ol anbdte ttehri ngs-itnhseatyres eaa dc,r itfiofuc eeld thwea ya,ni dsf u ecsclsh,fue rre bewlilalillol no wt oh er themiorte hrp'wose Bra.b Yaag at emopraygr rialnts seuapcaphntl th Qeu eoefnW ithceshreelsf. daugthhtceer ro owfnl rornilssyose h nce a mna tulriek e Witthh e ohfhe elhrpa -lbfroGtrhiegrRo arsip utin, fine wwihrneeeu,p BobanaY agar etuarftne1s0ry0 eatros ElvalnunraBe badaY agai ntato r aopn tQhuee eonf dratihtnda autgehvri'tsa alnridet pysl heh neoirw nS.h e Witschh'oe melwdo-rEaArd tuahn.t icnotgne osfwt i lls theinmp ristohnets h weiruendd,eh audsd ke eipn sideen subeuEdtl, v awnanvsai cotuoasrn,iid mp roinsehde r heDra n.!Jc Hiunta ndc rowannso tdhaeurg hter mqouteheiennRr a stpiunfo'rrste isnsS b ierDieaps.i Bteab a ofI rriusnteihnle n re xrte tuTrhnip.sl ohyaw so rdk,e Yagas'eesm idnge fetha,o wesvhehrea, md a dhee orw n almsowti thfoluafotwr 1, , 4y00er asO.nl yf wea o fB aba cotningepnlcaayng sa insttr aecshu.ecS rhuy stpiencg Yagad'asu tgehhrasv rebe elalgeadi tnhsemtio rt her stmooe thianmigsi snR astpiuns'usm mnosB,ba aY aga rettahienci rrno swb,u etv etnh enno,no eft hekmn ew summohneeTrdh rReied -efrehsya rbiwnhgaoepp resa r aynthoifBn bga aY agat'rspu lea fonrts h em. inI rriesvee1nr0 y0y eatrohs e rahlerdre rtnu-and Nowt,h tei mteoa bditcea thed rcarnwoeswa fonrr informtehdet mht ia sfh e ndomitad k e shhceerd uled Irernic'susr tr eeqneuEnvl,a ntnhafoe,u retnetdha ughtaepprae ranicnIe r ritsheenn, s thhoeuayls mdse us moe ofB baaY agat oh oltdht at italnesd, h hea bse gtuon ilfalth ea bdfae llheenar n cdo mteoh eari Bdba.aY aga's suescptt t thhpeao pular beltihefaeft eor fe gpalrawdnait snol g ev aeat rahiellro ysarelvt ascno ulodw ,fo ll BbaaY agdaa'ustg ehrs-gptareobdpyh a esrsi tQeru,e enc ontsiinosgfa n ubmeorf ie tms tt haackte yfoasrs Aele9n00ya e,a argso -mtin gobhtet hter uth. Thcrotonruoglhhl eiDran ng.!Jc H iuntT.h itsr awioluel ndba lteh e decaodfre eses aracnhdm agidciavlti inoaEnl,v annTah rReied (eororst hreecrsu etrots r)ah cedkro wanc srso leartnhteae dv eqrueye onf I rrihsaedsni sappeavraerdil,oad unsas,n edv eont hweolrrd tso, hfreere. nevteobr eh eafrrodma gna-inootna ny ppllaanneet,,U nawoafhr eemr o thperreu'tcsina osE,l varnentau rned ord imensshiceoo nufi lnddT .h ouEgvlha ncnoau nlodt toG olarainodsn h acBkalbeYadag aD'asn .!Jc Hiunti n divtihneeex afacttoe f h elro ssitrs sts,eh deic soevredW htiethrMoanrekS'euqsta raesa t rpohayn edv idence enoutghthas hree fusteosd ip mlwya ifotrh er motohfhe ersr u cscsien o evrtwhirnog mhoetrht eark,ic nagr e tor etuarnsndbu jceth etrot hsema efa teU.n lihkeer tod ecatviaatleol ft hkee yisn sidtce o utblheuda s etdo prevrieobuesl sliisohtuoeswr esv,e r, Elvanncaot nrstoehleDe ak ns.!Jc H imunutsc,on ho o nceo usltdei frtao lm h er. morteh asnip mltyor ettahitenh roonfel rnrT.io ds eyef Att hsema et imEevl,a ncnrae aabt aecddk o or tihnet o hufotr h esre-lamf agmiicr rpoorr tata ll lthohewars tuop otnhc ea raovfaay no unnogb lewnoammaAenrd g entea freyep lastsw eebnte he RPoayliaalnWc heti etharnodn eM aalsesnweh,ow atsrv aelfrionmgt hcei otfZyi mtaor thheu' tisn nsenarc tum. onoefT aldocra'nssa ols shce o urledt buyrb not ta ot he Witthh heu tth usseu creEdl,v aenmbnaar koenad capiitnOa plpr aaI.m metdeyir laecogntihvzeai lnougfe hunfotrB baaY agaT'hsr Reied seW.rh islhee was saubcalth ea rRgoehtk,ua rrg Iezdo tzoaet t atchkce a vraan. toc aptaunrkde i tlwloo f t hRei dset,rh Bel aRcikd erT hei cmee pihta greperdo,v ithdbeea dn dtiototskh e manatgoee dv acdaeup rtoen,lt yod icsovtehtrwa itiht s noblewcoampatrnia vteth hearsnt a intgh ebilorodu lst. kedyaesc ttievhdaec, o unloudts tehD ea nicnHJJu ht imselTfh bea ndhiatvtsea kLeandA yr gebnatcetkaot heliari r, tofi ndB abYaag aT.a kitnhgea cdtteiekvdea wyist hhi m as tuylr odddgeeei pnt he hoefa fotrrhtee bs uttt,h ey toI boartihaBe,l aRcikd felre d tihwneit lod sesr.nh eavleea ftc letarria nit lhd ee espn ow. iRsov hoskraairn g Enrda,gE elvainnnsat rhuecartr emsdit eoh undto wn thmeo metwn henh ec atna kLea dAyr gtee'nalsei a fsa thRei deevrea nss hteu rnheeardt tetnott hineoe nxp ta rts acrfoirNfi o croegr ebrw,h iIlzeoa znTede Kbn oetnt have ofhaemrbt iiopulsa n. instheaatdc hedt oua st ehp nelo abnl ewosmtaanti'uns r e Levainmgo sotft hdea y-datayo d-misnttiriaoonf Taldsaoince ttofuy r thtehrec iuars e. Irerni'gsso vnemrenitnt hhea ndosfh edrua ghter,B ut ALragdtyeei nans o tth oen lpye rnts oofa lalfo ul PrciensCsa sshiesa,on cda smaalrlym ofJ adwigoaft hseev iilnlSsao.m et holefo cnaelaHsre ldhraevne bureatusEc,vlra anbneag paenrr fomicnogm prlietxu aallses noc toeurntehdbe a ndainttdsh eciorlf yeda lsl,i e toe xnpdaI rernie'stse rwniantltoc e orv aelorlf Gloarioansw elalso thcerrte uaroefts h freo zneonr tththwa ere antdu rtnhu en perpaarneuddn sutsippnelgca inneattno drwant hrotuhgeh pRourmotraaslr a.el ardesyw irling icwyo rulndd heerir r coontn rWoilt.th hp ewo eorfa n ew abouwth atthu inss oenaaswbelaet choeumrle dafo nrt he icea htae gcreo mmaEnldv,ab nenlait ehvnaeotfos r ce orne giNooon n.se u scpttesht a ciotu alcdt yus aplelll doom Golaorrib yoeonn cdo uelvdce hra llheeanrgg aeTi hne. fort heen twiorre.l d firsstt aogfevE alnnpal'ahsnai sn vvoeoldp enpionrgt als betwIererni sneunm earnlodou csa atcisrotsonh sge lb oe. ADVETNURSEU MMARY Asar euslstm,a ploklce otfs utnunrwaailn taelrow,ni gt h Whens uap aeutrrnaplo ckoefwt i ntaeppre airnts h e mosntrdoeunsi zetnhsfre o zoefn hnaovrbete hg,u nB ordWeoordn eatrh e voifHl elladgree n, the PCs are appeaarloilvn Aegvir s nta anGda urnd-idnicnnlgeu ar settn oi nsvtetiega,an tdo fi nda nrde useac t rvaeling thsema lvli lolfHageel dirnte hnne ta ioofnaT ldor. aricsrttaa oppatrlkeyin dpnpaebdyb andiintt hswe oo d. Thiwsi ntpeorr mtaanlei sfbtesuc saoef t hdei recAtt tcheent oeftr h wei ntpeokrce tth,Pe C dsi csover actioofnt shW eh ite NWaizthcehVn asai lliao vntahs,euo rcet huoenf s oenaasbwleteah earm :a gpiocr tal membeorfI rernir'susl eilniagts iess tEilnvga innhn ear leadtiotn hfrgeo zleanno df lrristehnne,o rBfaturht . t o pwoegrr aNba.ze hnaa'psp trieacnw ei,n wtietrnc ahm edt hesyon or ealtihtzat eht eh rtee nadanmgoerrtesh an RadosPevakr iilsc, a rroynih newgro rwkh iNlaez henjau Hsetl dwrheeannd yihnogr secmoamsnte hrotuhgeh retutroWn hsti ethtroor neoepr ttoE lvaonnnt ah eirp oarlt-tBhleaR cikd tehrle,a ssutir vvoofBr baaY aga's prosgsRr.aed osheakas l ardesyne tm ancyo lfyeda gentTsh rReieds eH.re c hargesw ittfihhne d iBPnCbagsaY aga intthoBe or dWeoro dn eHare ldrsetnr etnoIg rterhnie'sns t os top EQluveaefrnnon mas prdeianIgr ernie'stse rnal preenscient haer eTahf.eye a re unldeeard etorhfase h iwpi notveaerlr ol fG olarion. devimoosutssr oll TneKabnm oetdat neadnv iciiocues Drvien byn etethdoes v aet hehiorm eland and mephciatlI lzeodwz heo, b aortcehh arwgietgdhu ardicnogm epllteoad c btyt hweti chcorfta hftBe l aRcikd er, thwei nptroetra l. thPeC csr soisn tIor ritshernot uhgoehp epnro tTahle. Sooanft ecrrs oistnhgr otuhgpeho ritnattlho Be o rdePrC s thhaoevp oepr tiuttnyob eefrnid ptehanesst oa tfh e Woodt,h Ier erniiisn avdecrasm ien tcoo lnifct wviitlhlo afWg aels dbbyu,at l so pmwoaekrefue ln emsa ise ag rooufpb andciatlsRl ohekda Rra'eisrd osp reatinwge ll-tfohWreh iWtiet wchhro u ltehrsee giNoanz,h ena int hfoer elsetbd,y a c onnipvriinoegfsN to rbgeorr Vasiilolvinsaa l,rs oe snpsboilfoer c rteiantghw ei nter nameRdo hkCairn dArletnh.o Ruoghhka anrhd i gsa ng poritnaT lal doTrh.eP Cmsu sjtu ornteoyt hWeh ite inailtrlieys itshtiene dvdrea st,hb ea ndlietaq dueiryc klWitcsht'rso nagfo hrotlsrdose,f p uriecc ea ltlhePeda le camteor ealtihttza hee y nwome artefoc rht hfeye andT owearnfa,dc e eNnaaza'hpsp triecRnaed,o Psaeivklra , surrenBdeleireevtdiht.Rna ogh kmairgtp h roveb lvea lsukaiwlilnewtdie tric nhh i osw rni tg.h laOy ftneRra dosek ins hariinnfomgra tiaobonu Ttal doarn cdo ualcdt aisds e efatceadn PtChssvea e t hehiorm etoofHwenl dren theaigrtei nnt hlea nsdusor urndtihnBego rdWeoord , ansdh udtow tnh wei nptoerrWt iatlth.hp eo rctlsaoeld , Izowzaaesb tloce onvTientbcos e p atrhbeea ntdsi. thPeC fisn tdh esmevselt rpapeidnI rrisenB,l abcukt the Nowi n uanne apsayr tnetrhbseah nidphi,at vhsee e ldp Rideqru'epssio ttn tsh etmo watrhcdei otfyW theithrone, Izoezxep ltohreeed goefts h foer ewshte,rt eh ecya me thnee xstt otph iesnier rac fohrB baaY aga.

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