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Path of the Blessing: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob PDF

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Path of the Blessing Abraham-Isaac-Jacob Tasha Johnson PATH OF THE BLESSING: ABRAHAM ISAAC JACOB First Edition 2012 Copyright © 2012 by Tasha Johnson All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. ISBN-10: 1475202881 ISBN-13: 978-1475202885 To Order: www.pathoftheblessing.com Cover Design: Troy Johnson, Gig Harbor, WA THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, NEW INTERNATIONAL READER'S VERSION®.Copyright © 1996, 1998 Biblica. All rights reserved throughout the world. Used by permission of Biblica. Scripture quotations taken from the Amplified® Bible, Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation Used by permission. (www.Lockman.org) Scripture taken from The Message. Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group. Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. To all who are ready foranew adventure; readyto travel anewpath: Youwillexperience a deeper relationship with God along the way. As you travelyou willfindyourself becoming more andmore refined into His image sothat othersmay followyour lead. Youwilllearn howto chase after theblessingsof God and take holdof them for yourself andthe generationsthat follow. Are you ready to start? Then let’s travel togetherdiscoveringwhat blessingsawait you on your path… Preface Introduction Part One Abraham Chapter 1: Beginnings Start with the Past -Generational Blessings…………………………21 Chapter 2: A Call to Walk a Specific Path ……………………………………………………..…...31 Chapter 3: Choosing a Path …..……….…..…37 Chapter 4: A Path Chosen …..……………..…..47 Chapter 5: Walking with God on the Path of Blessing ……………………………………………...55 Chapter 6: Living in a Place of Worship .63 Chapter 6: Living in a Place of Worship .63 Chapter 7: Walking a Path Void of Blessing ……………………………………………..….…73 Chapter 8: Slipping on the Path of Blessing ……………………………………………..…….79 Chapter 9: Traveling Through Mountaintops and Valleys …………………….87 Chapter 10: The End of One Path Leads to Another Beginning ………………………………….95 Part Two Isaac Chapter 1: Two Separate Paths Meet….101 Chapter 2: Children are a Blessing…….107 Chapter 3: A Path of Obedience Leads to a Path of Blessing …………………………..………113 Chapter 4: Worshipping on the Path of Blessing……………………………………………….…121 Chapter 5: The Effects of the Path of Other’s Around Us …………………….... ……...125 Chapter 6: The Self-Reliant Path Divides a Family ……………………………………..…………..….129 Part Three Jacob Chapter 1: Chasing After the Blessings of God ……………………………………………………137 Chapter 2: Deceit, Competition and Witchcraft ….…………………………………..…...143 Chapter 3: A Prosperous Path Towards Home ………………………………………………..……..149 Chapter 4: Walking a Path of Faith …...155 Chapter 5: The Path of Blessing Brings Reconciliation ………….. ………………………….161 Chapter 6: Seemingly Hopeless Paths Lead to Salvation ……. …………………………..167 Chapter 7: Traveling an Unknown Path ………………………………………………….…...173 Final Encouragement Notes…….179 Index..183 Acknowledgements I would like to express my sincere thanks first of all to the Holy Spirit. Without inspiration and motivation from God I could have never written this book. Second of all, I would like to acknowledge my best friend and husband Troy and my two beautiful girls Taylor and Madison. With their patience and encouragement I found the time and strength I needed to finish what God had placed on my heart to accomplish. I would also like to thank all of the friends and family that have prayed for me and believed in me. Every word of encouragement whether through email, texts, or cards were deeply appreciated. Thank you. I treasure you all, Tasha Preface Here I am, sitting at my computer staring at the blank page before me, praying the Lord would lead me as I walk this path that I am on and currently that includes this preface. I have never written a book before, but don’t count me out just yet, what I know of the Lord is that he always uses the most simple. I am a wife to my husband of 18 years and mother of two wonderful little girls. I know who I am in Christ and not afraid to live that out; strong, courageous, bold, confident lover of God’s Word. I am a “girly girl” loving fashion and jewelry, I love shopping (ok I know that that sort of fits in with fashion, but didn’t want to leave it out), I love going out on “dates” with my husband, I love eating out at really fabulous restaurants, I love being in charge when called upon and I do rise to the occasion. I love to pray for people and see the Lord set people free. I love worship and I love feeling His presence like a ray of sunshine through a window on a cool day. I love Jesus. I am passionate about the Lord and his Word but I must admit, I didn’t always feel that way. I grew up in the church and was saved at a young age. Being raised in a Conservative Baptist denomination I was like any good Baptist girl and was taught to know the Word. As I grew older and had moved on to a Non- Denominational church, I realized that I knew the Word, but struggled to read it or even desire to read it. I had absolutely no passion for the Word until one evening, when I was 29 years old. My husband and I were watching a show called “30 Days” and it was about a person experiencing something that they wouldn’t normally experience for 30 days through the lens of reality TV. That evening’s show was about a Christian man living with a Muslim family for 30 days. As I watched, I saw how the Muslim family was very devout with their prayer times and reading of their scriptures. It got me thinking, here is this family who is religiously praying to a god who isn’t the One True God of the Bible and reading scriptures written by a man. They are so incredibly adamant about their faith, waking to pray even in the earliest hours of the morning. I then thought, what would happen if the body of Christ, who worships the One True God, who is intricately active in and throughout our lives, would be as devoted to their faith as the Muslims? What would happen if I sought the Lord through his Word daily expecting to hear from him? After all, this is what the Muslim’s were doing every day motivated from him? After all, this is what the Muslim’s were doing every day motivated by religious duty instead of motives of relationship. What would happen in my life if I were so devoted, seeking the Lord motivated by relationship, not religion? I started to get really fired up inside as I watched this show and as I talked out my thoughts with my husband. After that night, a passion ignited for the Word like I had never experienced. I prayed and still pray, “God, let this passion for your Word never die out in me.” For the past nine years I have been an avid studier of the Word, at times writing bible studies and storing them away not knowing who is going to ever listen to them, but me. During one of those times I was seeking God on where to read in his Word next. (I hate putting God in a box, forcing myself to read through a whole book of the bible if it feels like an obligation. So I read his Word in a random fashion, reading a whole chapter or just a verse, pausing to listen to what God is saying personally to me.) The story of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob kept coming to mind and I admit, I wasn’t quite sure what the story of their lives were. So in September 2010 I sat down and started reading, and as I read, it was as if the story of blessing through the life of those families was lifting off of the page. I almost envisioned it like an unending red ribbon of blessing flowing through the lives of these families. I started to write down some of my thoughts, and then realizing that I had quite a few thoughts I went to my computer. I wrote down how they lived, why they were blessed, who was blessed, what did this all mean in relationship to God and why in the world did God lead me to this story; down this path? At first the note taking seemed overwhelming, there was so much to be told here. Was this another bible study that was seemingly just for me? It just seemed too massive for that to be true. Then my notes turned into sentences, and my sentences turned into paragraphs, then thoughts that would be interjected, then personal stories. What was happening? I was starting to actually have a book. My personal hope is that all believers get a passion for the Word, and seek the Lord out for themselves, igniting their own fire within. Maybe my book, The Path of the Blessing will inspire you, and who knows, maybe the Lord will lead you to write a book of your own. you to write a book of your own. Introduction We are all walking a path in this life. Whether you have consciously been aware of your choices or not, you are in control of your own path and have made decisions along the way that determine the outcome of your path. It is an ancient path, which we are placed on the moment we are born. This path that we are born onto has a beginning as far back as your ancestry goes. This is when our own journey begins. This path of life that we are all walking has the capability of going in another direction any time you choose. That’s the beauty of the concept of “free will.” You can choose to follow the path of the blessing or a path void of blessing. The path of the blessing is also an ancient path. It is a path that was created out of love for mankind to follow. It is considered God’s best for your life. It is our choice whether we follow that path of interdependence or a path of independence. To understand the direction that you are heading, you must first look back to see where the path of your ancestors have been. Then you will be able to determine if you want to continue on that path or choose another. Can you see the path of the blessing in your ancestry? If not, there is a way to find it for yourself. In this book, we take a look at the lives of three men and the paths that they have chosen. Sometimes they choose to follow the path of the blessing and other times they choose to do it their own way. Throughout their lives, all three of them experienced abundant blessings. These blessings were experienced not only in their lives and in the lives of their families, but even others around them were blessed just by being near them. Why were some family members blessed and others not? Did their relationship with God effect their path of blessing, and if so how? What about generational blessings from the past, how do they affect us today? How many kinds of blessings can we experience? Also throughout this book, you will find at the end of each chapter what I call “Trail Blazing.” This is a little section that will challenge you on your walk with the Lord and help you stay on or find your path of blessing. When I looked up

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