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Preview Path of Fire and Light, Vol. 1: Advanced Practices of Yoga

Path of Fire and Light VOLUME I ALSO BY SWAMI RAMA Costin Hef ee non From the Brae f Kerman ly Lovano Pgs! Prana Gaile, File Heh lnc A Pach Eurasia Spb af tbe Stapp Gita ash ire and Like 2 Path of Bie wad tight 2 Sphiasys Traafomaion Chie ‘family Call Taman) The Aveo Pri Living Mention ond Proce and bon Li Wie ‘Upanishad Teanslaons and Comm emaries gk of nde: Tapurehad ij Have and Heras Nagata Gaigeteament abot Gat Sandvtyn paihed Winton of hs niet Sees. Mondo Uponhad Books of de Sith Traian: Cobia Smpibind Get’ Fae Mein on Sine “Sabre Sbib: Fonte of Be Fe ine Seta) Pacer of Siow Path of Fire and Light Vouume | Swami Rama Honesdale, Pennsylvanin “The Hien Lice Bees RR 1, Hons Tloncedale, eangeaas 12L 18 1988, 1694 Hiway Sreematoaa,imtiute ant Phixophe ut the USA, Allsigh essay Nu grt ofthe ole may be cepeoduced Jn aay focus or by ayy nian wi permiiom in ering Front the sublisher. Pie ia she Lestee Stare Amerie Cove desige Wy Robot Auden Ye yer wee thin eatin ec he neezn requitemenss or Amsricin Nesnal Sandad fr Tforsndon Selencrs—Peuinaneees of Paper for Puned Libary Marcie’ ANST ZS ALE Libowy 0° Conran Cualging in Pubbeston Data ama, Sear ‘Bath offre a ight Trude ihn, I rethiny evercises 2. Youn eth, I Title, E4104 6ISP0IS Be 3688 kan Contents Foreword by tals Hatetine 1. «vi Imgeduetian «si Praparation for Aaya Practices in Pranayama + 1 Ihe Practice of Pranayama + 20 Svarodaya: The Science af Breath + iS CHAPTER FOUR Dhyana « 95 “The Awakenlag of Kanda 111 Glossary + 14 About the Author «153 Foreword ‘Ine Hinslayan Isttne i espialy ys aedeged to ‘his urrque and valuable buok i Uke jblie, LChis long 2een knows that authontie yogis, by dnt of some speccal triaing, pusesseatraordlaary pawersafaustial ve. mind and body In recent yeacs Westen paysholygars nave cee te eee hac th: fans uf coneol cahibned by dhe eine yogi are fre mare than mane wicks, Gracnally ir has become fueog- nized that tae more difficult ofthese demorerstinns ae pos sible only bocause dhe yogt lias atained secs to levels oF smciemere that ace bey al dhe espera, oF even the Snrgiuaion, 0 Cue average gencn. As a result there fae merged a new eld of uly. dhe study uf consciousness, Seience, plelosapy, aul paycunlogy ate all wndergoing preeping revisions ani reorganiratiom as 2 result ol the fnnplcrtinas of cze realiastiom thie consciousness exists ot ‘many grades a level. Ac this new sage inthe develapmene of ove understanding of hnmnas. nate unk, the more “Hlvchiavous and geveepuve of ecuee’ leaders hare begun. Used tat de hey esl ae evn = a wae standing is the devdlapayent Uy ac. perso hin se ‘expaciy for mate advanced and refined stats of cansiwas~ anes, Te varios states of comseinwaness eannar he ertied and undetstned by chose whose own experience of them is inadequare. Wrscvey, whether ane i philemopher, a p5y= to she degree in whi Ie ha developed his coe canaciey fae wares, insight, al erctivi (Close upon the heels of his ealizniun comes x borg Alesie sanders Sone roe mone adeanned Tevele of eu sciourzes ca. be approached, Is there a eytematia mucho! i+ Foreword dough which one cén eulnvate x capacity for, anda access to, ebese altered ané adranco! seuss of cansciousics? I sal: ests where be fun anol eh der sande it? Fmich an undceseding exis cane whe have den strat the “exert repre i est haw some gris oF Whur is the knowledge and method that has Jel the yogi 1 ke attainments? For ecatuics a aura of mysery ha Inuug like « vel uver Cos ancient knowledge, Those why fare cuca] have always claimed itis deception, ‘Those wh ace aot have often fad chew eure. usleated al have been led to exneluce tat, whenever krvostelge ana onder seonding ley behind the yori’ enews 1 “The effort o understand bas ccmtinued, buc its success has awa.ced the cppsarance ofa yogt wha ina castor of U tealitionsl visdoat anu tecusiques, and who is a te cam time conversant with the language and thaght 0? modern rman. Swami Kam epitounizes, ih weany say the lls yng teaches ee hae ere Me oe trv om chil ‘hood inthe ancient techniques, aswell as ehe systems of phi- losophy and psychology on which such rechniqnesare based Moreover, he wis euucmed after che Western Fshiom and spon deeados in Euragze, Amevia, ad Japan, Fanlisting, Fil it the bryan huang nf day, Hl ch Serassrasa ina commilled hercony secding «high shins of jnyslngien ancl pepelagiealentnerl, dal bas earned ta comminicate with audieares in the West in simple apd practical lnguage. This book set fonh, io sscuightforvard language, some of the busi recigues tt Ihave bsen used For eillennia ro mae, seep by step ster afeally vl sels, frie levee ava fcxousnes tthe nese, Although chere are ancien sriprores sohign voice ws sacs webuciyues, ay of these methods have Foreword * i never hefore been describe i, writ with such deta! and fleck, Geralule the appearance of this unformution in Fenda preset! eves Perhaps even more exciting is the tect thar these avlvanced yogs technignes ave non simply deseriee as tvctamical proves, Wit sack att, the prises aul (Gne snighe expect hve the principles chac underhs die ‘uuveauent frum ane sta a eonssivvstes wo aotler wel have implications that ar far-reaching, Iedeed, the explana- tioce al Uiete principles contain within them 2 basis for snderstaraing any af te Canlmental aypets af hota naeare and human evoluron. For example che principles of Iemilalini yen are explain fn corms of three imenictny Ipaanuete kt, vay al kvena. Shale owe rotates movement and chanye, Vay sta flow oF energy involved in that process, walle Kaen ts che lieing fscor etermainy te pats along which sal aay propel vy Snme readers will recognize the imilaity of this paradigm to cur modern undcescnding of lectneity: the concepts of sole, current al ra hydrodynamics: pressure, low, and resiseanee "Through his crm praccce and smudy of he maser! in irchale the chai erates oye wil grail same ce taderstand as be read, for sxumple, sbout che sic. of Lantana 3, thatthe ashenaisexastl or seal some, Or gin sesidniy wth ayuy and lato is ce tay sualogous tu: Ure pysieal and electrical knw that meyer sigma fa ornate, my he prmepmctive cn whick yogs sienue i bunel pyr, ler ‘eal, nd peychologeal lnws avo exarnles—apocitie aapicr- ors of die ute ese asd Fandinnctl law. sel hse described in eres of shal, saya. and kara, The yogi as tesperienial cant ei this bate law shag his ase ofthe Doc presi This experenen aking em wile Ee + Foreword fhe world cule, the anerovoa. As he mnensends ths fnierooram and brings inewasiglywnler his oma, th alas Inns to smlercand the raaerocosrs ed cose queatly gains a dagrce of concol over ite plicmament est seems talllng wy ace who dee aut uaderstund such an approaea. By leding the reader 29 see such connzetions, chit yoge sconce offer Mary of rhe pracret a this book like the nore rexler 98 veeoubleningly difiene Yer the ses cae are eta era, leading up 16 the acter oF such dificult tech kgs, mk it cleer thatthe gral ulation of deepline, focus and concenmanen eatbls one grids sone ese echnigaes.‘Uhongh gue sagt be awe ly die degree of di cipline needed, atverdzeless what wes previnly mystcions snd suspert snow undessadable and lily attainable Moreover, dy umlersenling che luce and raronale hehinal the adomoed proctices, che zeader and student becomes convinced char case echo ques for guning aocess to mare saphitriared anc avbnle coves of censuses are indeed werkle acl wale, and ae azesult he fas mativaad and ingured 20 peepate bien! hy refi hi Living is sel seuriseg ewe aes agg old It ack, wuld no, be a agyeracon sy tha his bok i ‘mnpreceduued. Hs likly hat she seeker who aparoaches its evitents with a tensa wil ind revealed co inna ss rae world, the pace of wich vill dhange his life, Suane ‘who approach che path of tee and light willbe darted and Dlindet vn ura thee Aeacs. Ochers wll he intrigued al fnspced, atl wil se bagi tren ha pathy slay sing will iy Fre sal light ané making ic cer om. Ta be able tar such a book sn she ceader is tndees an hones, Rardafel Bailntine, MED. Prasat, Himalayan Inetite ‘of Ung bosk the advanced arte- fiasy of yoga, semnlemned Fsce ance evan oe, have calexvored to verify and exsuine the auLaembiisy of Ubese fexeretes myself, and Trvcead and saz che fer uf ebuse who ‘completely acon hele lives ro ataning fhe pool of life. L ss fortanace co esta few ho walked on the path af light, and who demed che existence nf darkness by suying Eat ae sar ita ee ens cada knes looks tke Iris only the jgnorunt who Hie in dhe Tuskatss of igusriee, awl the ened nes. But who ave these ealighened ona? Tall yoctenllares there ive ber yroat pel, nee Dears, thu, chrungh tier wisdom, lave celped suany ou the path of eruth, Theat exicnce ausures humancy thie Ihurnan heings are ale ea sulle an rhe path of lighr if chey follow the inszasuons inepareed by the great ones and pracrce Iuesiue cesearely is madanentally dierent thors the research conduesed in the exrerad wor, ba ue external vwarld she rescarcher finds sujces Fr a exporiments, bee in ineerior reseurl dhe researhct wet eax eu Timelf. his rk is encomoody difficult, for the interior esezrchet mit actume the airide, "Tanta easeaecher, | 4 laboratory, and Tam the subject." Ty have the corvic iow ha ime can suunenialy pare thie approach, ee must fist gather suficiet iniortmation by: saying He seripanes and visiting those ceachers who really practic, tei to attain the tear, rere rons be an naickering Aan burning inthe hesctof che szpirant, This arses when ‘ne has carefully excnvined she external woo ane Fv that ‘he caren ld iyjus ssa partite he was! universe Anything chat occurs in the exemnal world bas serully realy occurred within long before, chough che caus femains hide. Whats ae awakens 1 ahis ft and fly snnrineed thar life inthe external world ie noc complet _nisfping chen he rns within in search of the wrath. Aame reatcler noe all vee ela ter ae Ge the ease the happenings inthe internal work, He wants ey now che ‘ouch; he wants o undersand life within = well she under- stands ic wotside hia, ‘The way of lmawing the extemal world is entice dif. event frown the way af knowing che internal staves of 2 Fra cing, bv the fra ne jr fromthe gms tt the grower and chen rvrard she eroviest, The later is rom. the gros roche fie and then to che hele, Onky a fe lar tetera tix servma path, Eiri iy the, yath Hh ‘unknown, There is a ening that wzen 2 scudenr searches, the eacher appears. Tes wie, Ie is enue that when one sn cesely searches for tow with all bis ui, vetioa, and spbech, he attains it ‘The mort ancient science i poga selene Ls an ancient 2x Imam existenes. Bie, alin it ws psec bys amly 2 fortunate few and has aot Decemne a part ofthe edacaticaal syscem of sociery Pethape modem ran dics nox undertake hinrescarc forte ePuanns. Fis, te practies oF yg st ace require that cine be soe aside, and modern mun it aught in the whielpoe af lis amen excaions acl eapestte ‘Gams ich keep bic ‘oldesly buy, Su diene fs a ex eo seekers: “We dn have enengh time.* The second pole ix far oF the unknowen. ‘Those 39 ane waar Ie begun ep realize chac che purpose of ife canner be fulfilled solely by am external way of living. ‘hey start organizing ‘het Liver md adjust themselves in such a way that they have ‘ime to feel the innermvat urge to Koo truch and under seand cher inrerma sires. Suc pies start treading Hh path uf lighe Ineroduetion + al “To teal the path of inne>lighe onc locks heve, there, and everywhere fot the means and Inwwledge When une Thon lispline bes hub patcens, he Gnds al made~ quite al searches for guides, As wate Fo ite ove level, ‘ine meer similar and when be is prepared, che sapirant pcs whi have eee ere the path cP ice plane ‘Moat of tic people un the world ave not geaze of her apavity and sbi, al lave luedlyane sl-ccasidence that ‘hey ean ever arin the purpose of life, But duose who have leained co decide start praccoung sterically, The ft stnatine fe pumely ova lyse level: egalatng she denary [rte and appetites, de der see tn phy a enact re in Pf, .0 also do evher appre, such ay seep, sex ane sli jrmereation, Yor. snes ays, *Nelther he sha dss ant sleep nor he wh sleeps tau mack: nvither ine who works txt auch noe he who does act work—none of these ean be sep at page" Tea fale notion that une hu 9 geaouace the wotid to sctiee this seiones, UF enurss ont bas to lea to organize oneself. et it nati reno unes. A day cornes when av apiznorreal:zes aa remunsution aul sell daernaly one and ehe same. Then he kauws at ey i the wos and eomaining unaltered, ov leaving The wenn and ‘becoming a renunciate, bods have one aad the sam aim ul Ie differnee between ths sa, here Hine to begin use ysneuee? Busty de eusiauuunest sind bo made enndneise. Then the phpsial hody ees stents es rein a aly insane ae cating fone the reserva elcently. Awarenose of ciet wn exerise should boswmea yar of we life Tn the course oF sed ene finds tha it isnot only food thar sustains fe ce chis plane, Fut has pra, the vital fee thar we inhale, sere ier tant eh che pee tr Fad we cat Oi prana trongh f20d, sur che quumigy aad gzality 0 ae heron prana which we receive frum foud alone is rot enough to help che umaia being ro lire and grow. Whe air we breathe ecw 4 tans mop he vital fren, nl thar fs how we five eds ue thae breath is ie "The ancien yogis disonvered ravines subele bresthirg sxeceinee ul weleieel le beuly reat dina erating in @ profoond and compreheasive way, The exercise: explainsd 1 this book are based 2 che seripuures and :he teachings of chose great unes wu T visited in any calld hood and youth, Thave an reason to doubt the autbeaticicy of those crarises, but lel me ftanklp say chat L have set aay practioner but only «dew wile, Far the cane aience of advanced seekers ané aspirin I have grren 2 fae exerehes which are no dffesir rm pracria, hnr again, leat Bet that racer stuart Iw che patience, se ‘confidence; al slf-aciplie 20 conti the practice, In every human heart and mind ehere ¢ 2 constant hatte Deuvesn Lnewang the rah aud euiaying the world, Macy aspiranss would lize ro practice. ut only a fee begin the journey, and among these few, cnly 2 formate few eantinue fon. Rarely, 2 very Fortunate few atte te al [tues + bruod on who is enlightened and whe is not; "One who hums to be enligheened ix surely xr, and one who prctiss and fallow rhe ah aay he ealighraned.” No one knows. Ie is beter to practice oneself and erad the path f igh ‘The aspirant Beoouncs aware that dhe psysisal ual ie sur ese. adal oul, but mot di wl of is being, acl Uae the each isthe life Force. When he learns eh. hen he ries ba combina shen al ts ralestated their ration ie te the chinking and feling principles of the human mind and heaet. Qu tate is Thant she geass body ws de xbuler realine of our being, Our thinker seldum remsins under cour canuel. A vast Iterature 1s avaliable on she mind aad 8 fimetiocting, cr Feslings and enasiony ost practical Iectodatton + exercscs for gating enna ever she red anil the ec tions are slim gvuille. This lev ier at analy the mind, che chinking process, or the emotions, Jt priwides apeuie pesctiees lev mainnining a heathy body, serene Dreath, and x crangull sun, which help cc tu aac the goal of life. Students who are alceady aravticing desire ‘book cemes int evivence Train all che smidenc, rerders, an appre not 0 practice any exercise crplaned inthis ok widhour a a perent tercher, This bool 1s wren for advanced anaes aly. During ny wanderings in rd ead my uavels in Japan sndetsera Europe Leute wsurs umuy wuulogess, dita tows, and clairvopants. T have a9 ceason to condemn dit ronal ais, Iu ic true Una nome of tora nes the scence of seaalaya, witha whieh ame ranmot have a systemade appecae or acces to annuiive nowdede. 1 ve not mat any ascologer who gould sceurazcly predict, smother Bitar, or even hig rn. Wahoo the vont uf ‘varvdaya, no one could convince me abaut the predierive pst of wri Fave mat oily three people wha cou securstely sy things about ie Tutu, (oc ney ku the 925, ff anseeating the inti evmiroms of the minds Ute. spree ard capaci. The way of seared ba syscunatized snd organized meshod of zrining inticie knowlelge. T duct olan ist huwivive kzereledge canno: be received other ways, but Lem fully convinced tha: sestodaya & one tuethod cheougl: which one can hive ascess zo the infinice Tis af, “This book is «small pact of a bike mimntcripe which sas wriren when 1 led wich my guredeva iu the Tlimlayns. For many yeare this aameripr remained ‘onpsblished, buzsry close asoeites and students constant “ urged me co pmblish this houk, There are five chapeers ths bool, wire ats aur ill ke wselul lor anced er ents, These chapters inti infrsatoa om slieeund prec tical exercises on breath, praneyame, meditacen, sarod, sual Keli hove not gone inco the deulls of the palucophics feerasce anentroned in tte sceptuces. [ have perl eamined any af the peetinns exslained i iy nk A fase Have en bets ae to, hecntne of eae cine Saerar— Thal to leave for Tin al the Westone wood, Valea tspred in aby exiting rosenech on these mercies. We have sor ap a lburatony fur eemmnang cenain breadhg sarcises, bur so for nothing has cowbe inu> vey visivn regarding ways 10 szamine déyanr (meditaice) cad kon dhl peaerices ‘Be far a3 Tamm concerned I have ao doubt alias the aadhenicty atid effese uf ene praetions. However, Uae vt Teen sie ty squire ppese for vaming lw use Tse Beemuge shuTe ie ae laboratory wath eqament rod enngh ro help me eoensiially marine rd been cing 2 serious difticaley.eicher Test attri 1 meer religions: anc piilosopaees but L deo meet spats who aze prepared to evaluate and vevify the fects of those practices. 1 Rope that ne day this sere wll popular ail avilay For the se seekers in mdera soci, The mayoriey uf poople mee yoya only as a spstam of physical enlrore, Very fow uverstand thar yuge suiemce ie fomplere in ite and deals systematically with body broach, mind, att rit, When ane mmlerstinds at + thaws eins new only playsial being Luc 2 breathing bing wud tbiueng being to, then bit renareh doce noe limit rsalf to che hod and seeach only. Fur him, anining Introduction =i vase ves tbe ind ad its amocaions av ie Selinge and emotions, becomes murt important thun practcicy 2 fxr possures or bresthing exercises, Meditation and con Lneplatiey alone san help the ajc x wndeetatclay, conrraling, an dicecting the min TEreath anc mind are clove sssoenne, which conrancly the aspirant ro control tke mid, ml practicing med:taion helps one ur Enhom the deeper dimensions af (fs, The tie aie ener wala this the enerven of euncentratint aul if pursue ‘uuhlity snd regu, lead ome tm daspe: mediaicve states, Mecreati is & con sions way ni ramiralling the ating tenancy 9" the tind, making it one-poinced and inward, and acing. perfec silence. When the mind is wained be cal and ‘det, chert the aspiram arsine samadhi, re deepest ar2 of ‘When che aspirant learns to practice 2 meditative pos: Ione gary aul pores se Ts ceeain obi i ‘vig, Ute ruc, This em be serause of te eirony eet vex hieh he Ties, his food babs, ansteady posture. ierey- slat hreahirg, or he nnrainess af hie mind, When be zane ruastery of the meditative posture, making it sweady, aad then learns mo practice pranjama, the mind sul remainn a barter foe him. Ip shenld ie anders thar cashumng apolicsion i te only uiethodieal way of preventing the die- Sipation of the sind. Whar wslanea ieappicd, the id ids delight in the practice of weitation, Dégane barouee case and spontancons. Thave deweribed bert a few methods oF changing tae flow of the breath and appsing aisha Ty practicing meditation the aspirant aequires the abslery + yrs the avaceniy of Sedalia, Withee awaheniag ‘could, Ube indisiua cereus priive, wiser of she fgnl of life. There are many pracuets mentiuned iw the ssid + Inereduction scesprares; a competent reali iayuris Une kavledge of awakening this domoane force, The aspirancleacs this fa-ec tu the sthoetara chal and sesomplses the goal lil ire ‘heawaksning of undalis one sheual have the knowledge of the chacras all shee profile brief deser-plon ofthe ebolaes is given in tis book ‘thar they continue their prctice Preparation for Advanced Practices in Pranayama ik VACANIGURS OF PRANAYAMA are unique and fen be ret neil ti Ie aspiennis treading the tun of light, These mechods arc bighly effeccive and their sfficaey may be fully appreciateé by unly the advanced students, Most sles heginurts neat heir utteutiu eithe: o1 the yoga postures o che medicti rechniques, withonr mderstand-ng the importance of th Pranapeme exercises, which feet the hole beiuy When one hs been doing the auuce basic breaching exer cises dor some tins, then ho realizes that rhe hrosching fexerciees are a5 ‘portant ag the exercises of cmcentra ton om meskcacinn, At this poine the aspirant amy Ussi. Ihegin to cetious.y and faithfully practice aoamaytane and sud this syste “Tp underecand che parposs and goals of practicing pranayaina it i useful to bogia hy locking at the meaning ‘af the word itself. Praga means “breath” and wow means “pause.” Pranayama is the means of properly regulating the otherwise segulas me lewrinl teqpirstney joncest without using excessive force or rosvaing. Pranayame rogiiaes The three prnecsses of exhaiar on srecako.

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