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Preview PATCO Journal: Vol. 17, Issues 1 and 2

PATCO journal Pennsylvania Area Token Collectors Organization Volume 17 - Issue 1 In this issue; “Pennsylvania Maverick Tokens” (Part Two) by Norman G. Peterson “Tuff Stuff - Laing” by Larry Dziubek “Book Review - PA Encased Catalog”by Rich Bottles Jr. (Encasements are Hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) PATCO DUES: Regular membership (Adult) $5.00; Associate (No journal) $3.00; Junior (Under 18) $3.00; Lifetime $100.00. ADVERTISING RATES: Full Page is $12; Half Page is $7.00; Quarter Page is $4.50; Eighth Page is $2.25. -/t I i oil ecrJcs for dues <and advert i s i mus t be paiyabl e t o F>7I zrco- Applications for membership and information on dues should be directed to: Secretary-Treasurer Jim Hartman, P.0. Box 1702, Beaver Falls, PA 15010 All paid ads should be "Camera Ready" (designed and laid out by you) for publication in order to avoid additional charges, and should be sent to: Editor Rich Bottles Jr., 1620 Crestmont Circle, Fairmont, WV 26554 17-3 TUFF STUFF LAING & McKALLIP. Dealers in Grain, Feed, Hydraulic Cemei Plaster, Anthracite foal, Sewer Pipe, Terra Cotta Ware, Fire Brick and flay. LAING & McKALLIP Co. 368 and 370 PEXX AYEXl'E. When one encounters a simple token with only a few letters it is usually beyond the realm of possibility to attribute the issuer. In this case there was the L & Me C.; but on the reverse was the maker's mark. It read.... J.D. MATTHEWS / 72 3rd Ave / PITTSBURGH. This would identify the likely vicinity where the merchant had his business, and the maker’s address will further narrow the time frame when the token was struck. After locating the plausible business in 1882,1 worked my way back to the earliest sign of existence. In 1866-67 there was a flour and feed dealer named Henderson, Laing, & Averys on Second Avenue. Henry M Henderson went it alone in 1869, and Lang & McKinney were also doing business on their own. The following year it became Lang & McKallip who were coal dealers at 358 Penn Ave. in Pittsburgh. In 1872 they moved to 347 Liberty. They expanded their products to include coal, grain, flour, and cement; and later built a grain elevator and chopping mill at 31st and the Allegheny Valley R. R. tracks. The principals in this business were George Laing of Hiland Avenue and L. S. McKallip who lived at 26 Fulton St. In 1880 J.D. Matthews first began doing business at 72 3rd Ave., the address on the token. In 1884 the company name changed to Laing & Davison and they continued to handle the building supplies, but no longer handled agricultural products. In the year 1887 Laing became president of Penna. Manufacturing, Mining & Supply Co., and the L.S. McKallip & Co. located at 12th and Pike sold all the above shown items. There are five different value numbers shown on the tokens, including 10, 20, 25, 35 and 50. Evidence points to this token being issued between 1880 and 1883. Brass 23 mm j? " v- r fu w. & C. Ry. Late of Laing A Mci LAING & DAVISON, Manufacturers’ Agents, And Dealers in all Standard Brands of HYDRAULIC CEMENT, Sewer Pipe and Anthracite Coal, Lime, Plaster, Fire Brick and Clay, Grate, Drain and Boiler Tile, Terra Cotta Chimney Tops, Pressed Brick, &c. -A.C3-EISrTS OF GRAITITE ROOFING OO OLD Nos. 246. 348 and 350 PENN AYKNTTE. NEW Nos. 1004,1006 and 1008 PENN AVENUE. Peterson's Pennsylvania Maverick listing PAGE 4 17-4 ERIE, PENNSYLVANIA FOUNTAIN HILL HOSE CO. / NO. 1 / ERIE PARKING AUTHORITY. THE 5 THE ERIE PARKING / (SAILING SHIP) / NIAGARA / A 28 S AUTHORITY RULAU90S GOOD ONLY IN / SHOP / IN / ERIE / PARKING LOT METERS FREELAND, PENNSYLVANIA B 22 R AMERIAN LEGION POST 0473 000035 AMERICAN / LEGION / POST / 473 GOOD FOR / 10C / IN TRADE ERIE. PENNSYLVANIA A 26 R ERIE SCHOOL DISTRICT T003385 SCHOOL DISTRICT OF ERIE / 5 / CAFETERIA (BIFACIAL) FRIEDENS, PENNSYLVANIA A 28 R FRIEDENS LUTHERAN SCHOOL T007576 FRIEDENS / EVANGELICAL / LUTHERAN / SCHOOL / TRANSPORTATION EXETER PENNSYLVANIA (BIFACIAL) FRANK'S CAFE A 26 R FRANK’S / CAFE / EXETER TO 11093 GOOD FOR / 10 C IN / TRADE PRD 23 R GALETON, PENNSYLVANIA A002614 GALETON AERIE GALETON AERIE 1733 5C (NEED INFORMATION) EXETER PENNSYLVANIA BBC-06A (CATALOG# NONE GIVEN) WALSH'S A 25 R WALSH’S / / EXETER RULAU90S TAMS 17-3 GOOD FOR / 10 C / IN TRADE B 23 R GLEN ROCK. PENNSYLVANIA TO10267A001976 BIXLER W.O. (ORNAMENT) / W. O. (ORNAMENT) / FAIR VIEW, PENNSYLVANIA (ORNAMENT) / BIXLER FAIR VIEW DAIRY GOOD FOR / (STAR) 5 C (STAR) / IN TRADE (5C FAIRVIEW DAIRY / S. M. S. IN CIRCLE OF DOTS) (COW) / N. W. S. W. B 25 R B 23 R MDT00143 REITER GLENSEDE (?), PENNSYLVANIA FAYETTEVILLE, NEW YORK ALIQUIPPA, BROWN'S DAIRY PENNSYLVANIA BROWN'S / DAIRY SOFSPRA CAR WASH HOPEWELL GOOD FOR / 5 C / WHEN / RETURNED / WITH GOOD FOR -5- MINUTES AT / SOFSPRA CAR EMPTY BOTTLE WASH / HOPEWELL SHOPPING CENTER A 25 R (SOFSPRA LOGO) REITER WM27R T003663 GRAPEVILLE. PENNSYLVANIA GRAPEVILLE VOLUNTEER FIRE DEP1 FOREST CITY, PENNSYLVANIA GRAPEVILLE / VOLUNTEER / FIRE / KOON’S FOREST CITY HOTEL DEPARTMENT KOON'S / FOREST / CITY / HOTEL GOOD FOR / 5 C / IN / MERCHANDISE GOOD / FOR 10C IN / TRADE A 20 R PGN 23 R RULAU90S T010018 GREENSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA FORT LIGONIER PENNSYLVANIA S. F. P. & CO. LTD FORT LIGONIER S.F.P. & CO LTD FORT LIGONIER / 2 / CHILD GOOD FOR / ONE STICK / DYNAMITE (BIFACIAL) B 22 8 COPPER 27 R T004163 T009181 FOUNTAIN HELL, PENNSYLVANIA FOUNTAIN HILL HOSE CO. 17-5 Peterson’s Pennsylvania Maverick listing PAGE 5 GREENSBURY, PENNSYLVANIA GOOD FOR / 5 C / WHEN / RETURNED / WITH MT. PLEASANT SUPPLY CO. EMPTY BOTTLE MT. PLEASANT SUPPLY CO. / (DI) / NO. 4 A 26 8 GOOD FOR / ONE / STICK / OF / PERMISSIBLE / REITER EXPLOSIVE A ? 4S HILLSIDE, PENNSYLVANIA TO14853 K. S. CO. K. S. CO. / HILLSIDE / STORE HANOVER. PENNSYLVANIA GOOD FOR / $100 / IN TRADE PECILS'S A 31 R PECTLS'S / 109 ESPY ST. / HANOVER / SECTION CT000242 EDKINS GOOD / FOR 10C IN / TRADE PRD 23 R HOMER CITY, PENNSYLVANIA T003085 WALTERMIRE DAIRY WALTERMIRE DAIRY / BOTTLE / DEPOSIT HARRISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA (UNIFACE) CAMUBEAS LYCEUM A 32 R CAMUBEAS 1927 LYCEUM (ALSO 1920) REITER GOOD FOR 5C IN MERCHANDISE (ALSO 25) A 28 8S / A 26 8 HOMESTEAD, PENNSYLVANIA TO 12278 IK00226 HOMESTEAD HOTEL HOMESTEAD / HOTEL / & / RESTAURANT HARRISBURG. PENNSYLVANIA GOOD FOR / 5C / IN TRADE WALNUT ST. BILLIARD HALL B 21 R WALNUT ST. BILLIARD HALL / (STAR TOO1170 ALUMINUM CENTER) GOOD FOR 50 IN TRADE HOMESTEAD, PENNSYLVANIA BIMETAL 21 R STAHL THEATRE T002945 STAHL / THEATRE GOOD FOR / ONE / ADMISSION HAZELTON, PENNSYLVANIA NI24R CRANBERRY ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION TO13158 CRANBERRY / ATHLETIC / ASSOCIATION GOOD FOR / 5C / IN / MERCHANDISE HOMESTEAD, PENNSYLVANIA A 20 R STEEL VALLEY SHOP TO12322 STEEL VALLEY / SHOP / HOMESTEAD / C. OF C. GOOD IN / PARKING / LOT / AND STREET HAZLETON, PENNSYLVANIA METERS B. P. O. E. 0005? B 22 R B. P. O. E. / 5 / (5 IS INSIDE A CIRCLE INCUSE) CT001318 (UNIFACE) B 19 R IRONTON, PENNSYLVANIA (AQUA, TAMS) T003866 WILLIAM LONG WILLIAM / LONG HAZLETON, PENNSYLVANIA GOOD FOR / 5 0 / IN TRADE POLLOCK AND MANN A 29 8S POLLOCK / AND / MANN TO 13494 MDT00335 GOOD FOR / 10C / IN MERCHANDISE B 22X31 OVAL JEANNETTE, PENNSYLVANIA T002355 DENO’S TAVERN DENO’S / TAVERN / JEANNETTE HENSINGERSVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA (UNIFACE) HENSINGERSVILLE HOTEL PBEGD 29 R HENSINGERS- / VILLE / HOTEL NA013 84 GOOD / FOR 5C IN / TRADE PRD 23 8 TO10737 HERSHEY. PENNSYLVANIA HERSHEY DAIRY PRODUCTS HERSHEY / DAIRY / PRODUCTS Peterson’s Pennsylvania Maverick listing PAGE 6 17-6 JOHNSTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA I &0 B. P. 0. E. 0175 I & O (IN AND OUT CLUB, 30N WATER ST.) B. P. 0. E. / 175 / GOOD FOR / 5 C / NON GOOD FOR / 5 / IN TRADE TRANSFERABLE (ALSO 25C) B 22 8 (ELK WITH ANTLERS) 3 (I) (ALSO WITH INCUSE MJ1-1 2 AND 5, ALSO WITHOUT INCUSE NUMBER ON 5 C TOKEN) LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA A 21 R/A257R J & L STEEL CT001565 FOR DEPENDABLE WAREHOUSE SERVICE / J & L / STEEL / CALL LANCASTER / 4- 4097 (416 STEEL KANE, PENNSYLVANIA WAY) KANE DAIRY CO-OPERATIVE ASSN. YOU (ARROW) WIN / WITH / (HORSESHOE) / J & KANE DAIRY CO-OPERATIVE / ASSN. / * L / STEEL / (4 LEAF CLOVE) / STOCKS (SPINNER) GOOD FOR / 5 C / IN TRADE / ON RETURN / S 37 R WITH 1 BOTTLE MJ1-1 A 25 8 T009055 REITER LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA L. S. V. KEELERSVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA L.S.V. KEELERS - VILLE CLUB (BULLS EYE IN SQUARE) KEELERS- / VILLE / CLUB / 10 WM20R 10 MJl-l PGN 23 8 T006104 LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA LANC., L. K. KRATZERVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA LANC. / L. K. KRATZERVILLE FIRE CO. (UNIFACE) KRATZERVILLE / FIRE CO. / 20 i B 21 R (UNIFACE) MJl-l B 25 R TO 13453 LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA LANCASTER SANITARY MILK CO. LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA LANCASTER / SANITARY / MILK / CO. ARION MUSICAL ASSN. INC GOOD FOR / 5 C / IF RETURNED / TO STORE / ARION / MUSICAL / ASSN. / INC NO. 59 (I) / WITH AN EMPTY / BOTTLE (ALSO GOOD FOR / 5 / CENTS OTHER STORE NUMBERS) A 26 R A 31 9 MJ1-1 REITER LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA LANCASTER. PENNSYLVANIA CONESTOGA LODGE 140 MEEKINS NEWS AGENCY CONESTOGA / LODGE / 140 MEEKINS / NEWS / AGENCY / TIME CHECK GOOD FOR / 5 / IN TRADE (ALSO 25,50) DAILY TIME CHECK / 5C B 23 R/B29R/B31 R B 26 R MJ1-1 MJl-l LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA LANCASTER. PENNSYLVANIA DICK'S COINS NATIONAL NOVELTY CO. DICK'S COINS / GOOD THRU 1978 / ANY NATIONAL / NOVELTY / CO. PURCHASE / OVER / $3.00 GOOD FOR / 5C / IN TRADE 50C / IN TRADE B 21 R A 32 R MJl-l MJ1-1 LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA G M GM (MONOGRAM) (LYRE) A 21 R MDT00390 MJ1-1 LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA Book Review: 17-7 Catalog of Pennsylvania Encased Coins by Rich Bottles Jr. If you haven’t picked up your copy of the “Catalog of Pennsylvania Encased Coins,” you may want to contact author Vic Nolan before the 1st Edition sells out. The 119-page catalog lists hundreds of encased pennies from the state of Pennsylvania, and was co-authored by Richard A. Gaetano (who first listed encased coins from Allegheny County PA as part of a WPNS project) and Herman M Aqua (who is finishing up PA’s first book on tokens). The catalog is set up as a check list and is broken down by city, with all known encased coins from each town listed under the city name (including all known lettering varieties and all known dates/mintmarks of the coins). The catalog covers the usual round and horseshoe style aluminum encased pennies, along with older and rarer encasements, such as chamberpot-shaped & bear-shaped, celluloid buttons & celluloid mirrors, and encased-coin denominations other than cents. If you have an encased coin that doesn’t have a city name and you’re not sure whether it’s from Pennsylvania, there’s an alphabetical listing of maverick merchant names in the back that will direct you to the appropriate city where the token is listed. There’s also some helpful advise on how to detect whether an encased coin has been replaced in an attempt to make it appear original (including the dates of the coins in the listings is also helpful in determining whether a coin is original or not, since the person at \\pting to replace a missing coin would probably not know what date of coin to place into an encasement). You can contact the author by writing to: Vic Nolan, P.O. Box 101850, Pittsburgh, PA 15237. PATCO SWAP & MEETING Saturday, May 12, 2001 A PATCO club meeting and swap will be held from 10:30 a.m. to Noon at the Pittsburgh Bxpomart in Monroeville, PA (near the Monroeville Mall), along Business Route 22. The PATCO meeting is being held in conjunction with the Pennsylvania Association of Numismatics (PAN) Show. Look for signs near the bourse floor to direct you to the PATCO meeting area. To gain access to Route 22 in Monroeville - Take Exit 6 of the Pennsylvania Turnpike (Route 76), or take the Penn-Lincoln Parkway East (Route 365) from the City of Pittsburgh. PATCO journal Pennsylvania Area Token Collectors Organization Volume 17 - Issue 2 In this issue: “Pennsylvania Maverick Tokens” (Part Three) by Norman G. Peterson “Book Review - Pennsylvania Merchant Tokens” by Rich Bottles Jr. (Pittsburgh A/E & R/F, per Aqua Numbers) PATCO DUES: Regular membership (Adult) $5.00; Associate (No journal) $3.00; Junior (Under 18) $3.00; Lifetime $100.00. ADVERTISING RATES: Full Page is $12; Half Page is $7.00; Quarter Page is $4.50; Eighth Page is $2.25. -y\ JL J. oLieclcs for* dues and «adver*t i si og raus t t>e payable to : F>J\TCO- Applications for membership and information on dues should be directed to: Secretary-Treasurer Jim Hartman, P.0. Box 1702, Beaver Falls, PA 15010 All paid ads should be "Camera Ready" (designed and laid out by you) for publication in order to avoid additional charges, and should be sent to: Editor Rich Bottles Jr., 1620 Crestmont Circle, Fairmont, WV 26554

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