Press KEY LARGO: FEATURE Missed opportunities F FLORIDA KEYS Page 43 R E E Local nurse helps in her native Cambodia Wednesday, September 19, 2012 ◆ Volume 25, Number 44 ◆ 56 pages FREE Page 20 District MARATHON: CLUB Passing the baton to make stragglers connect Group helps people find their voice BY JOSH GORE Page 21 Free Press Staff KEY LARGO: BUSINESS KEY LARGO — The Key Largo Wastewater Treatment District is preparing to send 143 resi- dents to county code compli- ance for failing to connect to its sewer system, according to a clerk’s report at the Sept. 11 board meeting. See COMPLIANCE, page 7 New bike shop offers sales, repairs Slight tax hike Page 38 for Marathon INSIDE THIS WEEK Business & Real Estate ..........38-39 Crossword ..................................22 BY JOSH GORE Faces & Places ...........................31 Football Contest .........................36 Free Press Staff Horoscope ..................................25 Keys Cruisin’ ..........................21-36 Mystery Photo ............................24 MARATHON — No public Opinion ......................................40 ROBERT SILK/Free Press comment was made last week Sports & Recreation ..............43-46 Michael Reckwerdt, right, who had held the largely honorary position of Islamorada mayor since the at the city of Marathon’s first Tides ..........................................46 spring of 2010, relinquished the gavel last week, handing it over to former Vice Mayor Ken Philipson, TV Guide ...............................32-33 of two public budget hear- left. The surprise move, which received unanimous support from the Village Council, came less than ings. two months before the November election. See story on page 10. See TAX, page 16 364083 44 BBAARRSS TTOO CCHHOOOOSSEE WWAATTCCHH AALLLL FFRROOMM WWIITTHH 3322 TTVV’’SS SSHHOOWWIINNGG AALLLL CCOOLLLLEEGGEE TTHHEE GGAAMMEESS && NNFFLL GGAAMMEESS BBEEEERR && WWIINNGG SSPPEECCIIAALLSS HHEERREE!! JJOOIINN UUSS EEVVEERRYY SSAATTUURRDDAAYY && SSUUNNDDAAYY MM104 Bayside (cid:129) (305) 453-9066 (cid:129) 2 (cid:129) UP FRONT s s e Pr ee State says sanctuary enforcement insufficient Fr 2 (cid:129) 1 0 2 9, 1 er mb BY ROBERT SILK remains concerned that we much territory. e pt Free Press Staff are so far below critical staff- The sanctuary funded a e S ing levels that our current similar number of officers MONROE COUNTY — resources are incapable of in 1999 as well, according to The Florida Keys National providing a sufficient enforce- spokeswoman Karrie Carnes. Marine Sanctuary, a division ment presence.” In 2003, however, the num- of the National Oceanic and Wiley submitted his com- ber reached as high as 19, Wiley Atmospheric Administration, ments in late June as part of wrote in separate letter to has come under sharp criti- the public scoping for the NOAA Deputy Administrator cism from Florida’s lead on- ongoing sanctuary review of Eric Schwaab. the-water law enforcement its regulatory and marine zon- Over the winter, sanctu- agency. ing plan. ary managers released the FWC/Contributed “Despite numerous com- Under an agreement “Condition Report 2011 for Officials from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, mitments from NOAA for between the two agencies, the Florida Keys National Marine which provides enforcement services in the Florida Keys National the staffing of sufficient law FWC provides enforcement Marine Sanctuary, say resources are below ‘minimally acceptable’ Sanctuary,” the first such enforcement services, en- in the 2,900-square-nautical- levels. report since the sanctuary forcement levels have fallen mile Florida Keys National was established 22 years ago. well below what can be con- Marine Sanctuary, which was said. The funds pay for five enforcing the federal sanctu- It outlines the health of the sidered ‘minimally accept- established in 1990. This year on-the-water patrollers, a ary rules. coral reef ecosystem and the able,’” Florida Fish and Wildlife the sanctuary is spending lieutenant, a dispatcher and The number of FWC officers fisheries in sanctuary waters Conservation Commission $1.5 million, or 30 percent of a third of the salary of local the sanctuary is funding now and cites a reduced number Executive Director Nick Wiley its $5 million budget, toward FWC Capt. Pat Langley. is similar to the seven that of corals, queen conch, long- wrote in a recent missive to that enforcement, sanctuary The funds also cover the NOAA was funding in 1990, spined sea urchins, groupers, the sanctuary. “... The FWC Superintendent Sean Morton cost of patrol boats for those when only 100-square-nauti- sea turtles and other keystone officers, as well as fuel, repairs cal-miles off of Key Largo and species. The report will guide HYPNOTEC INC. 364137 anIdn oaffdicdei tsiopnac, et.h e FWC has 5o.f3 L-soqouea rKee-yn awuetircea pl amrti loesf tohfef tmhaer siannec ztounairnyg’s r reevgiuewla tporroyc aenssd, CHANGE YOU WILL BELIEVE IN! 29 other officers who work National Marine Sanctuary Morton has said. SSTTOOPP SSMMOOKKIINNGG,, LLOOSSEE WWEEIIGGHHTT,, PPHHOOBBIIAASS,, SSTTRREESSSS && SSEELLFF HHYYPPNNOOSSIISS.. the Florida Keys, but they’re program. The Florida Keys In an interview last week, .. .. chiefly charged with enforc- National Marine Sanctuary WWWWWW HHYYPPNNOOTTEECC NNEETT 778866--335511--11003311 See SANCTUARY, page 3 ing state laws rather than covers nearly 30 times that 369203 Call for Details and Showing Appointment Ken Craig 305-367-3969 Reda Stephens • WANTED • NEW DEAD OR ALIVE ONLY — CLEAN — BROKERAGE BOATS TWO – SEVEN YEAR OLD POWERBOATS & PRE-OWNED 2012 13’ BOSTON WHALER SUPER SPORT 40 HP MERCURY OB “IN STOCK” “UN-NAMED” 2007 22’ PANGA LX SUZUKI 90 HP $23,995 2012 17’ BOSTON WHALER SUPER SPORT 60 HP MERCURY OB “IN STOCK” “LIL SEA STAR” 2011 25’ HUNT HARRIER DOWN EASTER VOLVO IB 300 HP $179,900 2012 32’ BOSTON WHALER OUTRAGE CUDDY TWIN 300 HP MERCURY OB “IN STOCK” “FISH ON” 2007 26’ ROBALO CENTER CONSOLE TWIN YAMAHA 250 HP $74,995 2012 16’ MAKO CC PRO 40 HP MERCURY OB “IN STOCK” “UN-NAMED” 2006 26’ EVERGLADES CENTER CONSOLE TWIN HONDA 225 HP $79,995 2012 18S SEA RAY SPORT BOAT 135 HP MERCRUISER I/O “IN STOCK” “UN-NAMED” 2010 27’ BLACKWOOD CENTER CONSOLE TWIN MERCURY 300HP $109,000 2012 177 SCOUT SPORT 70 HP YAMAHA OB “IN STOCK” “COLLEGE FUND” 2006 29’ SEARAY - AMBERJACK TWIN MERCRUISER $64,995 2012 210 SCOUT SPORTFISH 150 HP YAMAHA OB “IN STOCK” “MAHI” 2006 29’ TIARA CORONET TWIN CRUSADER 385 HP $99,000 2012 221 SCOUT WINYAH BAY 250 HP YAMAHA OB “IN STOCK” “MAJORITY OF ONE” 2008 30’ TIARA OPEN TWIN CUMMINS 330 HP $229,000 2013 245 SCOUT XSF 300 HP YAMAHA OB “IN STOCK” “RED BARON” 2007 32’ INTREPID CC TWIN MERCURY 275HP $129,500 2013 275 SCOUT XSF TWIN 150 YAMAHA OB “IN STOCK” “LATE NITE BITE” 2002 43’ TIARA EXPRESS TWIN CAT 660 HP $309,900 “HOOKED UP” “SCARAB” “MIZUNO” 2010 52’ SEARAY NEW CABO 40’ 2011 DEMO 2003 42’ TIARA 2007 WELLCRAFT 2004 37’ INTREPID SUNDANCER INCREDIBLE HANDLING EFFICIENCY C-12 CATS, IMPECCABLE! TRIPLE 250 HP YAMAHA’S TRIPLE YAMAHA 225 HP-4 STROKE JUST 192 HOURS, CUMMINS POD DRIVES. $359,000 NOW JUST $124,900 INCL. TLR! JUST REDUCED! LOADED & READY BUY OUR DEMO & YOU SAVE BIG! 3 UP FRONT (cid:129) F re e P re Childcare struck with funding double whammy s s (cid:129) S e p te m b e r 1 9 BY JOSH GORE the grant program. When she which took effect July 1, have “The kids have somewhere to sized childcare funding for- , 2 0 Free Press Staff receives comments from the given more money to counties be.” mula. 1 2 grant reviewers, it should shed that had a budget surplus of tax Boza has scheduled a meet- “Should you send a 9-year- FLORIDA KEYS — A loss of some light, she said. dollars last year and no wait- ing with the Boys and Girls old home alone?” Boza said. funding for afterschool pro- But Romain said she told ing list for families, while leav- Club to figure out if it can “I say no.” grams is leaving working par- principals there was a possi- ing Miami-Dade and Monroe provide some relief to parents [email protected] ents with few options for their bility the money would not counties with deep cuts. who need a safe place for their Staff writer Gwen Filosa con- elementary-aged children. come through. According to numbers pro- children to stay. tributed to this report. For the past five years, Key “There’s no guarantee,” she vided by the Early Learning Of his 388 students, 78 Largo School has used funds said. “You take your chances.” Coalition of Miami-Dade/ received afterschool supervi- from the 21st Century Grant, Hoar has begun meeting Monroe Counties, funding to sion under the 21st Century NEWS TIP? which is federal money direct- with YMCA officials to put cover 46 children will imme- Grant. CALL 853-7277 ed through a state application together an afterschool pro- diately be cut from Monroe Boza, too, is worried about process, in order to provide gram. She said the Upper Keys County, and money for 359 the ramifications of the sub- afterschool programs for stu- group seemed receptive. But will be eliminated over a six- RRRRRRR EEEEEEE MMMMMMMMM EEEEEEE DDDDDD YYYYYYYYY ’ SSSSS dents. The grant expired at she said she doesn’t expect the year period. “Celebrating the end of last school year, YMCA to match what the grant “The time to get involved 40 years of serving the and administrators were told terms and doesn’t know how is now,” said Evelio Torres, Keys Health” last week that it will not be many of her teachers might president of the Miami Dade/ Vitamins, Herbs, Tinctures, NUTRITION Essential Oils, and More! renewed. participate. Monroe division of ELC. At an “WE ARE THE MANUFACTURER.” Key Largo School Principal On top of losing the fed- information meeting last week Vitamin C (Buffer C) 1000 mg - 50 count Julia Hoar said 300 of her 900 eral grant, a new state fund- in Key Largo, Torres urged resi- BUY ONE GET ONE FREE students last year took advan- ing formula for subsidizing dents to ask state leaders to tage of the free afterschool childcare centers is expected change the formula. Offer ends 10/1/12. While supplies last! atecaacdheemrsi ca npdro gpraarmap. roSfhees sisoanid- tCoo ucuntt y$’s2 p06re,0v0io0u fsr otamke M, poonterone- for“ Tuhse rteo’ s noat nl osoep apnoyr tumnoirtey 369107 10080300 5O-3v9e6rs-e7a0s2 H8 iwghwwwa.rye, mKeeyd yLsanrugtor,i tFiolonr.icdoam 33037 als were paid under the grant tially further complicating money,” he said. *bagged supplements only money. afterschool care. Meanwhile, Henry Boza, Venetian Shores “It was first opened to stu- The state Office of Early principal of Glynn Archer dents who needed help aca- Learning altered its formula School in Key West, is facing Live on Snake Creek! demically,” she said. in response to a state Auditor the same grant problem as Nancy Romain, a grant writer General’s report last December KLS. for the Monroe County School that determined the existing “We’re in the process of fig- District, said she doesn’t know formula was unfair. The results uring if we can do some after- why the county was left out of of the new funding system, school program,” Boza said. Call Margo & Brett Today! Margo 305-393-3980 Sanctuary to do is work with the money far-flung Tortugas Ecological Islamorada Luxury Home Specialists Brett 305-393-1770 we’ve got,” Morton said. Reserve. Schmitt Continued from page 2 Despite the limited num- But, like Morton, he also Real Estate 369068 ber of officers charged with made mention of the lim- Morton said the sanctuary resource protection, NOAA ited resources within NOAA would like to beef up the has had some recent success in at large and the Florida Keys number of officers working on enforcing rules relating to ves- National Marine Sanctuary in resource protection. But he sel groundings, illegal anchor- particular. emphasized that the $5 mil- ing and poaching, Carnes said. Striking a conciliatory tone, lion budget also goes toward Since 2010, the sanctuary has Schwaab recommended that other crucial initiatives, collected $29,700 in penalties the agencies meet to discuss including education outreach from violators of such provi- not only law enforcement and scientific research, along sions, as well as for the viola- resources but also an effective with administration. tion of a provision designed enforcement strategy. In addition, he added, NOAA to keep large shipping vessels “I believe a collective dis- pays for two federal agents in out of sanctuary shallows. cussion on how best to iden- the sanctuary out of its Office In an Aug. 27 response tify the enforcement needs for of Law Enforcement budget to Wiley, NOAA’s Schwaab NOAA regulations would help rather than from the Florida emphasized that the agency provide a clearer pathway for Keys sanctuary budget. is very much committed to decision-makers,” Schwaab res“oTuhrecrees , asroe wnhoat t uwnel’ivme itgeodt psarnoctetuctairnyg atnhde eFslpoercidiaal lyK ethyes wrrostielk. 377791 4 (cid:129) UP FRONT s s e Pr ee Colleagues now opponents in state attorney’s race Fr 2 (cid:129) 1 0 2 9, 1 er mb BY ADAM LINHARDT conceded that disassociating was the secretary of the latter ment with Kohl’s office. Then- e pt Free Press Staff themselves from each other is and in line to be tapped presi- prosecutor Jeff Overby stated e S a challenge. dent when he was defeated by there was no proof as to how MONROE COUNTY — The “It’s extraordinarily diffi- Ward, he said. much money Suarez stole, and bitter tone that defined the cult,” Kohl said. “There’s a “These boards and commit- therefore he lacked evidence Democratic primary race for reason that Catherine was my tees provided me with con- that would have called for a Monroe County state attorney chief assistant for so many tacts statewide while working prison sentence. has largely fallen by the way- Kohl Vogel years. We think alike, have for Monroe County,” Kohl said. Kohl also cited investigations side as the two remaining can- similar experiences and simi- “If you’ve got the connections, into Key West police brutality didates and former office col- in August. Now Vogel, a former lar beliefs in how the office you get better results, and that charges, as well as starting an leagues now work to distance Monroe County chief assistant should be run.” helps when you’re trying to investigation of former County themselves from each other state attorney, will face her convince legislators to send Mayor Jack London, who died heading into the November former boss, Mark Kohl, the money to Monroe County in 2006 at the age of 68. general election. Republican that Ward ousted Running on his record instead of Miami-Dade.” Then-County Attorney Jim Democrat Catherine Vogel in 2008. Kohl spent much of the pri- Hendrick was convicted of beat incumbent Dennis Ward Vogel left the office shortly mary season recovering from advising London to leave for after Ward was elected in 2008 The differences between throat cancer. He said he was Ireland to avoid questioning in Interesting and has been in private prac- the two are experience and given a clean bill of health last a federal bribery and tax eva- tice, as has Kohl. political connections, Kohl week and is coming out of the sion investigation, and encour- Facts During the primary, Ward said. He named the myriad doctor’s office swinging, par- aging London and political was vocal in his accusation committees and boards on ticularly at Ward’s charge that consultant Randy Hilliard that Kohl and Vogel were in which he has served, such as his office did little to stymie to lie to federal investigators Brought To You Every Week cahoots and operating as one the Florida Medical Examiners public corruption in the Keys. about taking $82,500 from campaign to bring about his Commission, Criminal and “Dennis created this false Marathon developer Marvin defeat, an accusation denied Juvenile Justice Information narrative that I never tack- Rappaport in exchange for By Derek Martin-Vegue, by both candidates. Systems and the Prosecuting led this issue,” Kohl said. “My County Commission approval President Nonetheless, Kohl and Vogel Attorneys Association. Kohl office did, but I didn’t go out of building permits to rede- Keys Insurance Services and jump up and down about velop Halls Resort in 1996. A German woman lost her cat 16 years ago. Turns out, the animal Island Wellness it and run to the newspapers.” That case, however, was was living in the woods near her Kohl cited Sunshine Law handled by federal prosecu- house the entire time. A hiker (formerly Total Wellness Center) investigations involving for- tors. found the cat and reunited the mer County Commissioners And Kohl took Ward to task two. (305) 289-WELL (9355) (cid:129) (cid:129) (cid:129) Sonny McCoy, Dixie Spehar for saying he did not fully inves- Offering... If you’re walking around Las and Mario Di Gennaro. The tigate former Mosquito Control Acupuncture Reiki Vegas with a wicked hangover, Chinese Herbals Qigong Gift cases were handled by Kohl’s District Superintendent Mike look for Hangover Heaven, a mobile medical unit that cruises Massage Cellular Foot Cleanse Certifi cates office, which ruled there was Spoto, who gave company Raindrop Therapy Auricular Acupuncture the streets providing treatments insufficient evidence of viola- cellphones to his wife, daugh- Kinesiology Acupressure Available & starting at $90. A blend of fl uids, tions. ter and girlfriend. vitamins and medications are Appreciated provided intravenously on the 12701 O/S Hwy (cid:129) Marathon, FL 33050 Kohl also cited the investiga- When the issue came to light spot. 364965 tion into former Public Works in 2007, the district ordered (cid:129) (cid:129) (cid:129) Superintendent Gilbert Suarez, Spoto to pay $5,000 in phone After receiving a $400 traffi c who was sentenced on May bills and handed down a two- ticket, a UC San Diego physicist UPPER KEYS 15, 2005, to five years’ proba- week suspension. submitted a four-page report of graphs and equations in his VETERINARY HOSPITAL tion for grand theft for stealing Kohl took his investigation defense, “The Proof of Innocence,” change from parking meters, arguing that the police offi cer was See COLLEAGUES, page 5 after accepting a plea agree- fooled by an optical illusion. The DDrr.. RRoobbeerrtt FFoolleeyy judge ruled in his favor. (cid:129) (cid:129) (cid:129) Dr. Kimberly Greene - Dr. Irene Flegel Let us customize a program specific to your personal and KEYS JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER business needs. Whether you Excellence in Medicine (cid:129) Surgery (cid:129) Dentistry MM 93.5, TAVERNIER, FL 852-5235 need homeowners, health, Preventive Medicine (cid:129) Wellness Maintenance (cid:129) Acupuncture life, auto, marine, retirement We invite those of the Jewish faith to worship with us for High Holiday planning or commercial Alternative Medicine (cid:129) Prescription & Hypoallergenic Diets services led by Rabbi Danny Young and Cantor Mark Halpern. liability, we are a full time insurance agency waiting to Boarding (cid:129) Emergency Service (cid:129) Locally Owned & Operated For a schedule of services, please visit our website at service you! Call us today… TO ALL OUR FRIENDS: MAY YOU BE INSCRIBED FOR A HEALTHY, 294-4494 HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS YEAR 87801 Overseas Highway, Islamorada, FL 33036 Key West For information regarding membership and seats, 743-0494 453-1445 305-852-3665 Please call the above number. Marathon Key Largo 374623 369027 369042 5 UP FRONT (cid:129) F re e P re Colleagues ‘Newer, fresher ideas’ “Anybody would have pros- ss (cid:129) S ecuted Monique in that situa- ep DDRR.. JJOOHHNN HH.. DDEEAAGGLLEE,, DD..OO te Continued from page 4 “I think I’m more of a people- tion,” Vogel said. m b e person and more outgoing,” Vogel wants to work on AAnndd r 19 to the Florida Keys Mosquito Vogel said, comparing herself improving morale in the State , 2 0 Control District board. to Kohl. “We do have similar Attorney’s Office and broaden 1 JJooaannnnee MMaattttyy--GGaattttoorrnnoo,, RR..NN.. 2 “They wanted to handle it experience, and though Mark work with underage offenders internally, and we took that has tried more cases over the by being more active with the into consideration,” Kohl years, I think my experience in 16th Judicial Circuit Juvenile N! O said. “The board said they Miami-Dade County gave me Justice Board, a committee on SO John H. Deagle, D.O., will be offering didn’t want him prosecuted. I broader exposure to different which she has served. NG “Facial Aesthetic Rejuvination” MI believe the victim [the board] cases.” “We need to refrain from O C should have huge influence Vogel, too, was quick to say treating juveniles as adults with Joanne Matty-Gattorno, R.N. on case direction. That’s that she can’t be negative. wherever we can,” Vogel said. Botox, Restylane, Juviderm important to people, the vic- “I don’t have anything bad “That is going to take going tims, and I think it should to say about Mark,” Vogel said. to schools and working with are a few procedures offered. continue to be.” “I still think I’m better suited them as well as partnering In 2010, State Attorney to the position and that I’ve with whomever wins the sher- (cid:129) Accepting New Patients* Ward charged Spoto with fel- proven myself as a great pros- iff’s race, Mr. [Tom] Peteck or (cid:129) Now BCBS Provider ony theft. In June 2011, Spoto ecutor.” Mr. [Rick] Ramsay. pleaded guilty to the theft On the issue of public cor- Relationships with the (cid:129) Minor Emergency Offi ce charge and a judge withheld ruption, Vogel said Ward didn’t school system and Sheriff’s (cid:129) Drug Testing Available adjudication, but sentenced “do anything anyone else in his Office can be improved in an him to 90 days in jail and 2 -1⁄ position wouldn’t have done.” effort to keep juveniles out of (cid:129) Physicals Captains/CDL/School 2 years’ probation. She too said that the mosquito the system in the first place, *excludes chronic pain patients Ward maintained in his board decided to handle the Vogel said. 90290 Overseas Hwy. Suite 103 Tavernier, FL 33070 prosecution of Spoto that Spoto internally. “I’m going to bring fresher 330055--885522--88220088 taxpayers, not the mosquito “I think it’s debatable wheth- ideas and a newer perspective board, were the victims in the er Mark should have handled to the office,” she said. Monday-Friday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm case. the Spoto matter differently, The general election is Nov. 369125 The voters will have to but that’s only one situation,” 6. determine if Kohl’s experi- Vogel said. [email protected] ence outweighs Vogel’s in the Vogel declined to comment election, and Kohl sees that on her representation of for- 369126 SSnnaappppeerr’’ss wweellccoommeess as the defining aspect of the mer Schools Superintendent election. Randy Acevedo, whom a jury CChheeff AAnnddrreeww TTssaanngg “You can’t get me to say a found guilty of official mis- bad thing about Catherine,” conduct for trying to shield ttoo oouurr tteeaamm.. Kohl said. “What would that his school administrator wife say about me as the person from arrest. who hired her and kept her on The infamous local scan- so many years?” dal included the prosecution Come and try his Kohl said he wanted “vot- of Monique Acevedo, who is award-winning ers to remember the job I did currently serving eight years while in office. I think it’s going in prison for stealing $413,000 cuisine. to be a close election.” from the public till. brief south on U.S.1 at mile marker 111. He was clocked doing 124 mph in a 55 mph zone. The troopers let deputies know to No easy rider be on the lookout for a 2009 Andrew can assist you green Kawasaki motorcycle. with any upcoming holiday BIG PINE KEY — A 27-year- Cabrera allegedly continued old Miami man was arrested driving at excessive speeds, parties and catered events! Saturday afternoon for reck- refusing to stop for numerous less driving on a motorcycle, deputies before finally pulling according to the Monroe over on Big Pine Key. Just give us a call. County Sheriff’s Office. He was arrested for fleeing Ovidio Cabrera was first and eluding, reckless driving spotted by the Florida Highway and driving with his license Patrol at 1:40 p.m. heading suspended. k e y l a r g o n e w s 6 (cid:129) s s e Pr e e Fr 2 (cid:129) 1 0 2 9, 1 er briefs Fire chief, district at odds over budget b m e pt e S Ex-skinhead speaks BY JOSH GORE Some of the debate was turnover in his department were interested in joining the about tolerance Free Press Staff over a proposed $10,000 because many firefighters department, and only two of increase in regular pay and only stay long enough to gain them were serious. If a future KEY LARGO — Angela King KEY LARGO — The Key another $7,000 in volunteer certification before leaving to program is adopted, he said it will present “Experiences Largo Fire-EMS District board pay from this year. take full-time paying jobs in would take at least one paid of a Skinhead: The Road to was at odds with the fire chief “You have to allow us to Miami or elsewhere. staff member to manage the Recovery and the Dangers of last week over line items in his manage our department,” “We’re screwing our guys,” teenagers. Prejudice and Hate Groups” budget that would increase Garcia said. “At some point, Garcia said. “My biggest asset Garcia told the board it at 7 p.m. Friday, Sept. 21, at compensation for volunteers. you have to have confi- is my volunteers.” should be more proud of his the Key Largo Library, mile Key Largo Volunteer Fire- dence.” But board member Jennifer department. marker 101.4, oceanside. Rescue Chief Sergio Garcia The board tentatively Miller said quick turnover “We should be patted on The free did not want to budge. approved the budget at a was not something new. She the back for what we’ve done,” presentation “You keep inching this into property tax rate of $92.50 for told Garcia he should come Garcia said. is sponsored a fully paid staff,” said board every $100,000 in non-home- to expect that to happen in “[The voters] aren’t going by Be The member Tom Tharp. stead exempted property Key Largo. to pat us on the back when Change and Garcia did not take a liking value. The 2011-12 tax rate is Miller said the department’s we raise their taxes,” Miller Keys to Peace to the board’s positions and $78.90 for every $100,000 in volunteers receive state certi- said. in honor of the defended his desire to reim- value. The operating budget fications at no cost. That is an In a last-ditch effort to allow International burse his staff. for next year is currently set invaluable benefit, she said. more spending, Tharp pro- King Day of Peace. “As the fire chief, I know at just over $4 million. Board members asked posed cutting $200,000 from A for- they are underpaid,” Garcia Board members urged Garcia why he doesn’t have money earmarked for a fire mer skinhead, King grew said. Garcia to present ideas to a youth program to attract truck and putting it into the up in Florida and was once Garcia is asking the district help cut down on expenses. younger volunteers. In pre- district’s operating budget. entrenched in a racist under- to approve his $1.59 million “We’re looking for ways to vious years, the board said Staff was directed to draft a ground and criminal lifestyle. budget as it stands, which is get the people what you need the fire department has had a report on that possibility. After a prison sentence, slightly down from last year’s without spending what you’re much larger youth presence. The final public budget King’s life took a dramatic $1.88 million budget, though asking for,” board member Garcia said he has visited hearing is scheduled for shift and she earned a master’s that one included a rescue Bill Andersen said. Coral Shores High School and Monday, Sept. 24. degree from the University pumper. Garcia complained of found only four students who [email protected] of Central Florida in interdis- ciplinary studies focused on Wastewater board increases pay for attorney inequality in social systems. She has been interviewed by the Southern Poverty Law Center and National Public “We just need some- Radio as well as featured in BY JOSH GORE in Florida. “Guilty as charged,” Giglio films, books and magazines Free Press Staff “I am not interjected. one to say whether for her support of prejudice willing to In Giglio’s short time with reduction and Holocaust edu- KEY LARGO — Feeling work at a cut the district, he has built a something’s legally cation. overworked and underap- rate,” Giglio reputation of thoroughness sufficient.” The presentation is open to preciated, the attorney for told the board rather than speed. the public. the Key Largo Wastewater in a 10-min- Neither Brooks nor the For more information, call Treatment District asked for Giglio ute presenta- rest of the board would allow — Charlie Brooks Key Largo Wastewater Board member 852-1664. more money at a board meet- tion. Giglio to speak while they put ing last week — and he got it. Board member Charlie together an initial motion that Ray Giglio was hired for Brooks was noticeably irri- only slightly increased his pay. months. Road projects update $60,000 per year as a part- tated by the subject and Once the vote began, Giglio’s Giglio came prepared in his time employee without bene- was the lone dissenter in a wife, Marilyn, stood up at the plea, and offered the district fits. Though he was expected 3-1 vote to increase Giglio’s meeting and said that deal salary numbers for recent law KEY LARGO — The Florida to work 10 to 20 hours per pay. The board increased his wasn’t good enough. school graduates. According Department of Transportation week, timesheets he submits monthly pay to $7,500, up “I want him home,” she to the numbers he provided, will host an informal meeting to the district often show from $5,000. told the board. Giglio is making less than from 5 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, up to 35 hours of work. He “Ray’s need for detail is the Moments later the board most paralegals in Florida. described himself as one of culprit in this case,” Brooks agreed on a $2,500 per month See ROAD, page 8 See ATTORNEY, page 7 the most underpaid attorneys said of the increased hours. increase over the next six 7 KEY LARGO (cid:129) F re e P re Compliance homeowners feel if they if they nected. possibility of loaning home- agenda for the district meeting ss (cid:129) S don’t sign for the certified let- If a lot is vacant, the proper- owners money from the dis- Tuesday, Sept. 18. Results from ep te Continued from page 1 ter from the district directing ty owner should notify the dis- trct’s reserve fund, but decided that meeting were not avail- m b e them to connect, they can trict. In many instances, that is to take no action for possible able by press time. r 1 9 District Clerk Carol Walker plead ignorance. the case, Walker said. legal risks. They tabled the On Aug. 8, Susan Hammaker , 2 0 said if the property owners But that’s not the case, she But for a larger group, con- issue until the available grant resigned from the board. 1 2 call the district or show some says. necting to the sewer is too money dries up. According the board’s govern- sign of progress in the coming “I have met my legal obliga- costly to a family’s budget. In other district business, ing charter, her vacant seat weeks, she will not send the tion,” she said. Property owners have to pay Walker said that none of the needs to be filled within 45 report to the county. Walker keeps a file on each out-of-pocket to run lateral board members had asked that days, making the deadline “Once I send them to code property that includes a copy lines from their homes to the the issue of filling the empty Saturday, Sept. 22. compliance, it’s out of my of all communication from the street, which can run from board seat be placed on the [email protected] hands,” she said. district. After two years and $2,000 up, depending on the The 143 homes are located in no response, Walker turns the length of pipe required. north of the Marvin D. Adams file over to the county’s code Walker said grant money to PADDLEBOARDS Waterway, commonly known compliance office. help offset that cost is avail- SKATEBOARDS as “the cut.” These homeown- Walker said a special mag- able through the district. The KAYAKS ers have taken no action since istrate will review each case seven-page application can 94401 Overseas Hwy. being notified two years ago to independently to determine be picked up at the district’s Key Largo (cid:129) 305-434-5930 369122 tie in to the system, she said. why no action has been taken. office or found online at www. Of the 764 homes in that The magistrate will likely give MM AA RR TT II NN II SS area, 500 are connected to the violators another deadline to “People shouldn’t be too sewer and another 90 have told be connected to the sewer. If proud to take this money,” FFiinnee WWiinnee && SSppiirriittss the district they are making an they fail to meet that deadline, Walker said. effort to get connected. they can be assessed a penalty During last week’s meeting, SALE Walker explained some for every day they are not con- board members discussed the BEST LOCALS 19. $ 99 DISCOUNT Attorney do the amount of work Giglio hiring Giglio as a full-time in- in Monroe County! does. house counsel but took no 175’s Continued from page 6 “We just need someone action. 2200%% TTUUEESSDDAAYYSS to say whether something’s Chairman Robbie Majeska ($15.00 Minimum order) “I believe it would be in the legally sufficient,” Brooks suggested that Giglio should Sale Items Excluded best interest of the district to said. consider not attending all of raise my pay,” he said. On the other side of the the district meetings, only mm 81.6 Bayside •Islamorada Some board members asked room, board member Norm ones of some concern. (305) 664-4800 Giglio to find a way cut his Higgins offered an opposite Over the next six months, 369118 hours down significantly. point of view. the district plans to evaluate “I don’t think the district’s “He’s given us our dollar’s whether they need Giglio full- work can be done in 17 hours worth,” Higgins said. “I’ve got time. They will take the issue a week,” Giglio countered. nothing bad to say about the up again when his contract Brooks said the board work. I’m with him.” expires. doesn’t need an attorney to The board also considered [email protected] 369127 Stunning Black Tahitian Pearls HAVE A STORY IDEA? Florida Keys Jewelry CALL 853-7277 Your Diamond Destination. 305.453.0177 (cid:129) fl [email protected] 101427 Overseas Hwy. Key Largo (cid:129) Tradewinds Shopping Ctr. 364088 8 (cid:129) KEY LARGO s s e Pr ee Chef fatally stabs himself in neck in front of co-workers Fr 2 (cid:129) 1 0 2 9, 1 er mb BY JOSH GORE knife. In a letter to Stolze, his father that a memorial at the res- the knife in a plastic bag, not e pt Free Press Staff Chef Stephan Stolze, 46, of wrote there were fewer jobs in taurant was scheduled for knowing what is going on. I e S Steamers Restaurant at mile Germany and he needed to Tuesday. Sept. 18, so friends called the manager and 911.” KEY LARGO — Employees marker 107.6, was depressed stay where he was, the report could share stories about the Veronica Dunn, a bartender, are still in shock after the chef after his father in Germany says. chef and look at photos of his told deputies she saw Stolze of a Key Largo restaurant stood declined to send Stolze money “We’re all in shock,” said time in the Florida Keys. run up to his apartment, in front of his co-workers to return to live in Germany, Robin Schaupp, manager of Schaupp said he planned which is above the restaurant, Tuesday, Sept. 11, and fatally according to a report from the restaurant. “This will take on giving the photographs to after he stabbed himself in the stabbed himself in the neck the Monroe County Sheriff’s some getting use to.” Stolze’s family. neck. When Schaupp arrived with a largo white-handled Office. Schaupp told the Free Press After the incident, Schaupp at the apartment, Stolze was immediately closed the res- not responsive. NN CC EE AA YY EE AA RR NN OO HHAAGGGGLLEE LLIIQQUUIIDDAATTIIOONN SSAALL tdeamouwpranlon tyth,e eew fsoh tliilcmohwe ir nteomg rdaeaicnyo,e vtdoe r os.hffuert hpaaBdraa bnretooeindn ratecoctleidnn gdt ldeype opuvrteeires hss eiSsd tr oaelnlzade- OO EE!! According to the police tionship with his girlfriend. He report, deputies arrived at the said Stolze had nonchalantly DEMO BOATS: scene at 7:05 p.m. and Stolze made comments about dying SOUTH WIND 201 HYBRID FULL WARRANTY $29,988 was immediately pronounced but nothing overtly about sui- SEA DOO CHALLENGER 180 SAVE $10,000 OFF NEW $26,988 dead. cide, according to reports. SOUTH WIND 200 SPORT DECK FULL WARRANTY $35,488 “At 6:49 p.m., Stephan picked Despite the tragedy, the SAILFISH 2080 CENTER CONSOLE FULL WARRANTY $32,688 SAILFISH 2100 BAY BOAT FULL WARRANTY $34,688 up a knife from the kitchen restaurant plans to move SEACHASER 2100 CENTER CONSOLE FULL WARRANTY $35,488 and walked out with knife to ahead with its grand opening PRE-OWNED BOATS: throat (right side),” restau- Saturday, Sept. 22. Schaupp rant cook Don Barton said in credits Stolze’s diligent work 2004 11’ BOSTON WHALER TENDER 15HP MERC $4,988 a statement to police. “I then as a reason they can have the 2001 JJUUSSTT IINN 22’ GRADY WHITE CTR CONSOLE FIXER UPPER $7,488 exited the kitchen and turned opening. 1993 24’ CHRIS CRAFT CUDDY CABIN GREAT FIRST BOAT $8,788 2012 17’ CAROLINA SKIFF CTR CONSOLE NEEDS MOTOR $13,888 the corner to find blood on “We have to look forward,” 2004 19’ COBIA CTR CONSOLE YAMAHA POWERED $15,988 the floor and wooden table. he said. “We have a really good 2011 15’ SEA DOO SPEEDSTER 15’ ROCKET! $15,988 To avoid a customer seeing team.” 1989 29’ FORMULA CLASSIC SPORT BOAT TWIN 454’S SOLD the blood I mopped and put [email protected] 2004 26’ SEA RAY CUDDY CABIN GREAT WEEKENDER $41,988 2008 32’ CARRERA CUSTOM GO FAST SANDBAR OR FISH $67,988 2006 JJUUSSTT IINN 32’ BOSTON WHALER CUDDY CRUISE OR FISH $129,388 Road Islamorada will also partici- NNEEWW BBOOAATTSS FFIINNAANNCCEE SSPPEECCIIAALLSS pate in the meeting to discuss Continued from page 6 their plans for a wastewater pipeline to the Key Largo Sept. 19, about its design plans Wastewater Treatment District for two road projects along plant that is being planned U.S. 1 between mile markers concurrently with the FDOT Starting at Starting at Starting at Starting at 99.6 and 106.3 project. $150 mo.* $175 mo.* $420 mo.* $979 mo.* The meeting will take place The meeting will also pro- in the Key Largo Library com- vide on update on FDOT’s 178 DLV - 17’ Unsinkable 160FS – 16’ of Affordable 270 CC – 27’ 320 CC – 32’ munity room, mile marker plans for road work between Modifi ed V Classic Flats Fishing With Room To Spare! Stepped Deep V Hull Center Console In 7” of Water (2013 model) (2013 model) 101.4, oceanside. mile markers 90 and 97. The road agency plans to For more information, con- repave and restripe the road, tact Brian Rick at (305) 470- install new traffic signs, pro- 5349 or at brian.rick@dot. * OAC w/20% down certain restrictions apply. See dealer for details. Taxes, fees title, & registration extra. vide a five-foot paved shoul- THE KEY’S LARGEST SELECTION OF NEW & PRE-OWNED BOATS! der along the northbound and southbound lanes, upgrade drainage structures League meeting and repave the Florida Keys Overseas Heritage Trail/bicy- KEY LARGO — The new Factory Authorized Yamaha cle path. Upper Keys League of Women Come Experience The Professional Difference At RIVA Today Warranty Service Center Construction is to begin in Voters will meet 5:30 p.m. April and last seven months. Thursday, Sept. 20, at the 102550 Overseas Hwy. 11995 Southwest 222nd St. Total construction cost is esti- Holiday Inn in Key Largo, Key Largo, FL 33037 Miami, FL 33170 mated at $10 million. 99701 Overseas Highway. The Tel. (305) 451- 3320 Tel. (305) 258-2000 369206 Representatives from public is invited. 9 MONROE COUNTY (cid:129) F re e P re County cuts taxes, 11 new firefighter positions s s (cid:129) S e p te m b e r 1 9 BY TIMOTHY O’HARA owners $403 per $100,000 of The state Supreme Court the money they have already reoccurring expenses, County , 2 0 Free Press Staff taxable value and generate still must rule on the issue paid in returned to them. The Administrator Roman Gastesi 1 2 nearly $77 million for the gen- and determine whether the reserve money will be used assured. MARATHON — The Monroe eral operating fund. Property employees are entitled to have for one-time expenses, not [email protected] County Comm ission cut 11 owners paid $418 per $100,000 new firefighter positions from of taxable value this fiscal year, its budget last Thursday, as which ends Sept. 30. commissioners questioned The tentative budget does the need for them and noted it not include raises for the Fire would increase property taxes Department, county admin- in Layton and Sugarloaf Key by istrative staff, or the County at least 16 percent. Clerk, Supervisor of Elections, The County Commission Property Appraiser and Tax and Fire Chief Jim Callahan Collector’s offices. The Sheriff’s debated hiring seven new fire- Office doled out roughly 5 fighters for Sugarloaf and four percent raises to its sergeants new firefighters for Layton. and deputies that will cost the Sugarloaf residents also ques- county $1.2 million, according tioned the need for the new to Sheriff Bob Peryam. positions. Wigington proposed not Commissioner Kim Wiging- granting the sheriff’s raises, ton asked why the county was but no other commissioner beefing up service in those supported her request. areas and whether it was fair The county will draw $5.8 to other communities that million from its reserve don’t have stations so close. funds for the 2012-13 fiscal Bill Hunter, who repre- year, which will leave enough sented the Sugarloaf Keys money in reserves to cover five Homeowners Association, months’ operating expenses. also questioned the immedi- County policy requires the ate need for the new positions, county to keep enough in but argued there may be a reserves to cover four to six need in the future. The station months. is now staffed by volunteers. The reserve money will “No one knew there was a mainly be used to pay a one- problem with response time,” time bill to the state of $1.6 Hunter said. “We realize they million for Medicaid expenses have had a tough time recruit- dating back to 2001, and to ing volunteers.” cover $1.9 million in possible In the future, the county expenses if the county has to may have to hire paid firefight- pay retirement benefits. ers for Sugarloaf, Hunter said. The governor had mandated The county commission- county and state employees ers set an aggregate tentative pay toward those benefits, but property tax rate for the entire a state court has ruled against county that will cost property it. brief includes a 5K, 10K and half marathon. The course crosses the 65- foot-high, 1.25-mile-long Bridge run soon Jewfish Creek Bridge and por- tions of the 18-Mile Stretch. KEY LARGO — The fourth Race entry fees are $35 for annual Key Largo Bridge Run the 5K, $50 for the 10K and $70 is set for Nov. 10. for the half marathon through Nearly 900 runners are Nov. 4. For more details, visit expected for the event that 369111 i s l a m o r a d a n e w s 0 1 (cid:129) s s e Pr e e Fr 2 (cid:129) 1 0 2 9, 1 er FIRE ENGULFS HOME Reckwerdt passes b m e pt e S gavel to Philipson “I’m not going to prison. BY ROBERT SILK Free Press Staff I’m not going to be ISLAMORADA — Michael arrested. The UFO has not Reckwerdt, who had held the largely scheduled an abduction.” honorary position of village mayor since the spring of 2010, gave up the — Michael Reckwerdt gavel last week, handing it over to Islamorada councilman and mayor emeritus former Vice Mayor Ken Philipson. The move, which received unani- mous support from the five-mem- Philipson’s lead, voting 5-0 to name ber Village Council, came less than Reckwerdt mayor emeritus. Ted two months before the November Blackburn was unanimously selected elections, when Reckwerdt will be to replace Philipson as vice mayor. termed off the council after more Last week’s scene of mutual admi- BOB ROYALL/Contributed A house at 106 Madeira Court caught fire and burned last Wednesday on Lower than 8 ½ years and Philipson will ration was in stark contrast to last Matecumbe Key. The owner, 71-year-old Sergio Felipe, was not injured. Felipe told attempt to fight off a challenge for November, when the council reap- authorities he thinks the fire started in a generator on the south side of the building. his seat from harsh Reckwerdt and pointed Reckwerdt for an unprec- Deputies and firefighters responded to reports of a fire at 4:30 p.m. The blaze, which village critic Paul Bates, who has edented third straight term as fully engulfed the house, was extinguished by 6:30 p.m. Deputies offered to contact the lost in three previous runs for the mayor just weeks after the IRS and American Red Cross to obtain assistance for Felipe, but he refused, saying he had family council. other federal agencies had raided and friends on the way to assist. Speaking in the closing moments his home and marina businesses on of the Sept. 12 Village Council meet- Stock Island and Lower Matecumbe ing, Reckwerdt emphasized that he Key as part of a probe into his finan- ROAD WORK UNDER WAY wasn’t trying to set the course for cial dealings. the council that will be seated in The reappointment was made November, which will have to decide even though Philipson, as vice anew who will hold the mayor’s gavel. mayor, had made his interest in the Rather, he said, he felt Philipson had post clear. earned the job through hard work The vote was 5-0, but Blackburn and outstanding service. and Philipson went along with “We are not trying to put a hold the selection only after they saw on the future,” Reckwerdt said. “Ken that Reckwerdt had the support of deserves to have this sitting council councilmen Dave Purdo and Don vote for him as mayor.” Achenberg, making the issue a fait Philipson responded to accompli. Reckwerdt’s gesture with laudatory In the aftermath of the vote, comments of his own. Philipson retained legal counsel in “The last 2 ½ years I’ve had an case he needed to protect his inter- excellent mentor sitting in the cen- ests against the rest of the council. ter seat,” he said, before nominating “Just for my protection,” he told Reckwerdt for the honorary title of the Free Press at the time. mayor emeritus, which had previ- Reckwerdt, meanwhile, acknowl- ROBERT SILK/Free Press The Florida Department of Transportation has begun roadway construction between mile ously been bestowed upon just two edged that his decision to stand for markers 90.02 and 90.75 on Plantation Key. The $660,000 project includes milling and people; three-time mayor Chris a third term was in part driven by his resurfacing, updating signage and striping work. During construction, one of two lanes Sante and Ron Levy, a former mayor aggravation with Philipson for con- in each direction will be closed at times for worker safety. Closures will occur during who was also the driving force ducting talks on a possible settle- non-peak hours. Lanes will not be closed on Saturdays, holidays, Fridays preceding a behind Islamorada’s incorporation ment agreement with Cheeca Lodge Saturday holiday or Mondays following a Sunday holiday. The project should be completed nearly 15 years ago. in December. See GAVEL, page 12 Council members quickly took