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Preview Pascal-Sc. A Computer Language for Scientific Computation

Pascal-SC A Computer Language for Scientific Computation Gerd Bohlender Christian Ullrich Jürgen Wolff von Gudenberg Universität Karlsruhe Institut für Angewandte Mathematik Karlsruhe Federal Republic of Germany Louis B. Rail Mathematics Research Center University of Wisconsin—Madison Madison, Wisconsin ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers Boston Orlando San Diego New York Austin London Sydney Tokyo Toronto Copyright © 1987 by Academic Press, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. Orlando, Florida 32887 United Kingdom Edition published by ACADEMIC PRESS INC. (LONDON) LTD 24-28 Oval Road, London NW1 7DX Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Pascal-SC : a computer language for scientific computation. (Perspectives in computing ; vol. 17) Bibliography: p. Includes index. 1. PASCAL-SC (Computer program language) 2. Computer arithmetic. I. Bohlender, Gerd. II. Title: Scientific computation. III. Series. QA76.73.P216P37 1987 005.13'3 87-14543 ISBN 0-12-111155-5 87 88 89 90 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Printed in the United States of America PREFACE Pascal-SC is a powerful programming language developed as an extension of standard Pascal. It offers numerous advantages and opens possibilities for many new applications. The key new elements of this language are: • Arithmetic operations with controlled rounding; • An optimal scalar product; • Functions with general result types; • An operator concept for abstract data types; • Overloading of procedures, functions, and operators; • Strings; • Dynamic arrays; • Modules. In addition, Pascal-SC provides a number of predefined standard modules for calculation with complex numbers, real and complex intervals, and also matrices and vectors with these component types. Pascal-SC was developed over the last ten years at the Institute for Ap- plied Mathematics at the University of Karlsruhe in West Germany. In the course of this time, a number of publications and research reports appeared, which in addition to the Authors of this book were produced by U. Allendoer- fer, K. Braune, K. Gruener, E. Kaucher, R. Klatte, W. Kraemer, U. Kulisch, and M. Neaga of the University of Karlsruhe, R. Kirchner and H.-W. Wip- permann of the University of Kaiserslautern, H. Boehm and S. Rump of IBM Germany, and W. L. Miranker of the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Labo- ratory, Yorktown Heights, U.S.A. The state of the development at present has produced implementations of Pascal-SC for microcomputers with Z80, 8088, and 68000 processors. Following an informal introduction to standard Pascal, this book explains the details of the new language elements of Pascal-SC, illustrated by examples of numerical and non-numerical applications. The material is arranged so that it is immediately suitable for use as a text. Even inexperienced programmers will find that these new and important concepts will make it easier to write v VI PREFACE clearer, better structured, and more powerful programs. In addition, this book presents the basic fundamentals of the new computer arithmetic, and shows how the tools provided by Pascal-SC can be used for controlled, maximally accurate calculations for the solution of numerical problems. A register and diagrams for the complete syntax of the language, descrip- tions of its existing implementations, and a bibliography and indexes complete the book. We would like to thank all those who have contributed to the preparation of this book by testing programs and the preparation of syntax diagrams or typing the manuscript, particularly Mrs. K. Assisi and Mrs. U. Denninger, Mr. D. Husung, Mr. W. Klein, Mr. M. Neaga, Mr. U. Nootbar in Germany, and Mrs. Camilla Klyve in the U.S.A. The text of the American edition was produced by the corresponding Author using TEX, but the syntax diagrams still had to be done by hand and required the efforts of the capable staff of Academic Press Boston. Karlsruhe and Madison, Spring, 1987 The Authors CHAPTER I An Introduction to Pascal-SC 1.1. Why Pascal-SC? The introduction of a new programming language requires careful justifica- tion. The same applies to the modification or extension of an existing lan- guage, particularly as successful and widely used as Pascal. However, the present situation with regard to numerical computation is that existing pro- gramming languages and the floating-point arithmetic they employ have not bridged the gap between what engineers, scientists, and other users would like to compute and what they can compute. This is particularly true with respect to the amount of effort they have to devote to programming their problems. For example, many problems lead to calculations with matrices or vec- tors over the real or complex numbers. The architecture of the most powerful computers available today is designed especially to perform these calcula- tions. However, the most frequently used programming languages, such as FORTRAN or Pascal, require that matrices and vectors be handled compo- nentwise. Since floating-point arithmetic only approximates the real operations, un- avoidable rounding errors occur in the course of calculations. Except for Ada, no widely available programming language makes any requirement regarding the accuracy of floating-point arithmetic. For this reason, arithmetic has and is being designed on the basis of how cheap and simple the hardware can be made, or for fast execution time, particularly in the case of vector computers. One hopes that the calculated results will lie in the vicinity of the solutions sought, and the programmer responsible for the computation is burdened with the task of a theoretical error analysis, which cannot be carried out in most cases because the amount of data is too large. In both numerical and non-numerical calculations, it is convenient to be able to introduce abstract data types, that is, data types with the appropriate operations. Further, one would like to have the capability of separate translation of program segments, and the use of libraries with the possibility of checking the entries properly. 1 2 1. AN INTRODUCTION TO PASCAL-SC In the following sections, we will describe in more detail how some of the problems raised above are solved in Pascal-SC. 1.2. The propagation of roundoff error. A basic requirement for floating-point arithmetic should be that at least the four basic arithmetic operations +,—,*,/ are accurate in the sense that the result of an operation is the closest floating-point number to the exact real result. It will now be assumed that this simple requirement is satisfied. In a single arithmetic operation, roundoff then effects only the last digit of the result. The following examples show that in only a few successive operations, roundoff error alters not only all digits of the result, but also its sign and order of magnitude. Example 1.2.1. Calculation of the value w = 9x4 — y4 + 2y2 three different ways: (a) w := 9*x*x*x*x - y*y*y*y + 2*y*y; (b) w := 9*(x**4) - y**4 + 2*(y**2); (c) w := (3*(x**2) - y**2)*(3*(x**2) + y**2) + 2*(y**2); For x = 10864, y = 18817, these three expressions give, respectively, (a) w= 1.58978 x 105, (b) w = 8.41022 x 105, (c) w = 1.000000000000. In each case, 13-digit decimal arithmetic was used, and the result of each operation was rounded to the closest floating-point number. For x — 18817 and y = 10864, all three evaluations give the same value w = 1.11442030725 x 1018. Example 1.2.2. Calculate the value of the polynomial (a) by multiplying out the powers, (b) by the Horner scheme. Using an accurate 53-digit binary arithmetic, which corresponds to about 16 decimal digits, the value p(0.707107) = 1.95541360881180 x 10"11 was obtained for (a) and (b). Example 1.2.3. By Gaussian elimination, the solutions of the linear system of equations 41869520.5x - 102558961y = 0, 1.2. THE PROPAGATION OF ROUNDOFF ERROR 3 (a) using 12-digit decimal arithmetic are x = 1.540378 ... x 105, y = 6.2885677... x 104; (b) using 53-digit decimal arithmetic are x = 8.656... x 107, y = 3.53... x 107. Which of the above results are correct? How can the quality of a re- sult be verified, without reevaluating the expression by hand? Is it possible to give bounds within which the result can be guaranteed to lie? Can en- tire expressions or algorithms be evaluated with the same accuracy as single operations? Answers to these questions should be expected from a programming lan- guage for scientific computation. This language should also be easy to learn. The assistance which Pascal-SC provides for the solutions of these prob- lems is described in this book. The correct answers to the above examples are: Example 1.2.1: w = 1.0 Example 1.2.2: p[x) = -1.915273 ... x 10"11 Example 1.2.3: x = 2.05117922 x 108, y = 8.3739041 X 107 Without delving into details, the next few sections outline the theory of computer arithmetic. For a full treatment, we recommend the book by U. Kulisch and W. Mir anker, Computer Arithmetic in Theory and Practice. 1.3. Real floating-point arithmetic. In a given floating-point system 5, two floating-point numbers u, v with u < v are said to be adjacent if there is no floating-point number w such that u < w < v. For x, y G S, the exact result x o y of an arithmetic operation o with o G {+)—)*>/} is either a floating-point number or a real number w such that u < w < V) where u, v are adjacent floating-point numbers. In the latter case, w must be rounded to u or v in 5, since the result must be a floating- point number. This property represents the basic requirement of reliability of a floating-point arithmetic operation. Unfortunately, the floating-point arithmetics implemented in software on many microcomputers or in hardware on a number of mainframe computers do not satisfy this simplest requirement of reliability. This situation has lead to the promulgation of standards for floating-point arithmetic by the IEEE Computer Society. An accurate rounding □ (x o y) of the exact result x o y gives either the value u or v and minimizes the roundoff error eps(a: o y) =□ (xo y) — x o y. 4 1. AN INTRODUCTION TO PASCAL-SC If w is exactly halfway between u and v, then a definite, consistent rule is applied to break the tie. In Pascal-SC, the value which is urthest from zero is chosen as the answer. Thus, this rounding is antisymmetric, that is, □ (—x) = — □ (x), as required by the general theory. The distance v — u between u and t; depends in particular on the precision, or number of digits in the floating-point system used. This determines the maximum roundoff error of a reliable operation. Of course, if the arithmetic being used is not reliable, then roundoff error is not related in a simple way to precision, and the attempt to "buy" greater accuracy by increasing precision can be futile, as well as expensive. There are other ways in which rounding to a reliable result can be carried out, including: (i) x is rounded upward to υ; (ii) x is rounded downward to u. The directed roundings (i) and (ii) are necessary to support interval arithmetic, among other things. Rounding is said to be controllable if the user can choose the way in which the result of a floating-point operation is generated. Pascal-SC gives the user the choice of the rounding □ to the closest floating-point number and the upward and downward directed roundings Δ, V, for each of the four basic arithmetic operations +,—,*,/. Thus, a total of twelve arithmetic operators are provided: -f — * / (Rounding to the closest floating-point number); + > —> *> I > (Upward rounding); + < —< *< I < (Downward rounding). Thus, the programmer can control the direction of rounding if desired, for example to obtain guaranteed upper or lower bounds for the value of an arithmetic expression. The reliability of Pascal-SC arithmetic also insures that addition and multiplication are commutative, which is not true for a number of existing floating-point arithmetics. 1.4. Complex floating-point arithmetic. Numerical calculations frequently involve complex numbers. In contrast to FORTRAN, standard Pascal does not provide the data type complex. Pascal- SC provides a number of operators, functions, and procedures for computation with complex numbers. The subroutines are organized into an arithmetic module. In order to use these routines, the standard declaration type complex = record re, im : real end; is assumed. Thus, the standard representation of complex numbers in Pascal- SC is in Cartesian coordinates. For input and output of complex numbers 2, the standard format is (z. re, z. im). 1.4. COMPLEX FLOATING-POINT ARITHMETIC 5 In standard Pascal, procedures have to be used for complex arithmetic and function evaluation. In Pascal-SC, operator overloading considerably sim- plifies notation and hence programming. The following simple example shows how to declare the operator +: Example 1.4.1. Complex Addition operator + (a,b: complex) res: complex; var u: complex; begin u.re := a.re + b.re; u.im := a.im + b.im; res := u end; This declaration is essentially the same as for a function or procedure for the same purpose. However, to add the two complex numbers v, w and assign the result to z in the subsequent statement part of the program, one writes only the simple statement z := v + w; All complex floating-point operations in Pascal-SC compute the real and imaginary parts of their results with the highest possible accuracy. For addi- tion and subtraction, operators similar to the example above are satisfactory; however, multiplication and division require special algorithms to attain this accuracy. Consider the following procedure, which does complex division ac- cording to the ordinary formulas: Example 1.4.2. Ordinary Complex Division procedure cdiv(a,b: complex, var u: complex); var denom: real; begin denom := b.re*b.re + b.im*b.im; u.re := (a.re*b.re + a.im*b.im)/denom; u.im := (a.im*b.re - a.re*b.im)/denom end; The Pascal-SC operator for complex division has a number of advantages over the procedure cdiv. Among these are: a. Accuracy. Because of the large number of rounding errors which occur, ordinary Pascal functions and procedures for complex multiplication or division, such as cdiv, cannot attain the accuracy of the complex Pascal- SC operators, which give the best possible values for all results. In fact, catastrophic cancellation can occur in ordinary calculations which renders the computed results meaningless. For example, for t; = (1.23456789,1.23456789), w = (1.0000123e - 05,1.0000321e - 05), 6 1. AN INTRODUCTION TO PASCAL-SC the result of the division is v/w = (1.23454048308e + 05, -1.22216794612e + 00), while the procedure cdiv(v,w,u) gives u = (l.23454048308e + 05,-1.221673053), where the incorrect digits of u are indicated in boldface. Even in this fairly harmless looking example, the ordinary algorithm has lost five significant digits in the imaginary part of the result of a single division, while all digits of the Pascal-SC result are correct. To he sure, roundoff error will also increase with successive use of Pascal-SC division, but at a slower and more predictable rate. b. Avoidance of overflow. In the Pascal-SC algorithms for complex multi- plication and division overflow does not occur unless the real or imaginary part of the result is greater in absolute value than the largest possible floating-point number. By contrast, overflow can occur in the procedure cdiv during the cal- culation of the intermediate results denom, u.re, or u.im, even though the final result has real and imaginary parts which are representable as floating-point numbers. For t; = (3.0e + 99, -1.0e + 99), w = (l.Oe + 99, -1.0e + 99), Pascal-SC complex division gives the result v/w = (2.00000000000e + 00,1.00000000000e + 00), while cdiv(v,w,u) overflows when trying to compute denom. c. Ease of use. If u, υ, w are variables of type complex, then Pascal-SC permits one to write u := v/w; in the source code of a program instead of cdiv(v, w, u); as would be required in standard Pascal. In case of complicated expressions involving complex operands, the use of familiar mathematical notation with operators instead of a sequence of procedure pays off. The program is more likely to be written correctly in the first place, and will also be easier to document and read. 1.5. Interval arithmetic. Directed rounding makes it possible for the user to calculate bounds for the values of arithmetic expressions. However, in the case of extensive expres- sions, this is not very convenient and has to be done with great care. Interval

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