Pasca Islamisme Dalam Gerakan Islam: Pelaksanaan Syariah Dr. Zulkifli Hasan 1 Pendahuluan • Globaliza7on – Shortens geographic distances, Eased human travel through faster means of communica7on, Vast and free dissemina7on of informa7on, Changes of lifestyle • Compe77on • Inequality and Poverty: – The richest 1% owned 48% of global wealth, leaving just 52% to be shared between the other 99% of adults on the planet. – In 2010, the richest 80 people in the world had a net wealth of $1.3tn. By 2014, $1.9tn; an increase of $600bn in just 4 years. – Specula7on represented about 99.2% of the ac7vi7es of our equity market system, with capital forma7on accoun7ng for 0.8%. Islamisme and Islamist • “Poli2cal Islam, is a set of ideologies holding that "Islam should guide social and poli2cal as well as personal life” (Experiment) • bentuk aliran atau jenama pemikiran bagi merujuk kepada himpunan fenomena berfikir yang berkembang dalam masyarakat Islam bermula di awal abad ke 20. Kelahirannya didorong oleh semangat yang dikenali sebagai islah (pembaikan) dan tajdid (pembaharuan) dalam kehidupan masyarakat Islam. • Islam dan an2-‐Islam, Islam dan Barat, radical eg. Ghannoushi • Graham Fuller (Poli2cal Islam), Bernard Lewis (Ac2vist Islam), Trevor Stanley (Poli2cal Islam), Hun2ngton, clash of civilisa2on, clash of fundamentalism, tariq Ali 3 Pasca Islamisme and Neo-‐Islamisme • Asef Bayat: By ‘post-‐Islamism”, a condi2on where, following a phase of experimenta2on, the appeal, energy, symbols and sources of legi2macy of Islamism get exhausted, even among its once-‐ardent supporters.” (Learn from experiment’) • bentuk aliran berfikir yang menghimpunkan corak dan gaya baru pemikiran golongan Islamis, pergerakan poli2k Islam dari segi sikap, pendirian dan kefahaman mereka terhadap reali2 baru. • “pasca-‐Islamisme 2dak sekadar suatu kondisi tetapi juga suatu projek, suatu percubaan yang sedar untuk merangka konsep dan strategi dalam dasar dan kaedah untuk menembusi Islamisme dalam lapangan sosial, poli2k dan intelek. • Dialog dan diploma2k, demokrasi, kebebasan individu, moderat, liberal • Olivier Roy: Failure of Poli2cal Islam, Wael Hallaq: The Impossible State 4 Faktor Pasca Islamisme • 1. a series of intellectual contribu2ons. The wri2ngs by contemporary Islamic scholars such as Yusuf Al Qaradawi, Fahmy Howeidi, Tareq Ramadan, Raysuni, Imarah, Turabi, Ghannoushi and others, endorsed a synthesis between Islam and democracy • 2. the successful Turkish Islamist experience acts as an inspira2on to the neo-‐Islamists and failures of other Islamist experiences in Sudan, Egypt, Afghanistan, Algeria and etc. 5 Faktor Pasca Islamisme • 3. The revolu2ons in the Arab world. Islamists are aware that these same people will not submit or acquiesce once more to totalitarianism even if it is under a religious banner. • 4. struggling with dire economic condi2ons. • 5. popularity was strengthened by a plaaorm of social work and public welfare programs • 6. The pluralism within the Islamic poli2cal spectrum • 7. Islamists have to acknowledge that they acquired legi2macy through the ballot boxes. • 8. the liber2es that Islamists enjoy currently, compared to the oppression they suffered under the deposed dictators, 6 • Islah • Tajdid (Renewal), • Islah (Reform), • Sahwah/Nahdah (Awakening), and • Ihya (Revival) • Individu: Iqbal, Fazlur Rahman, Muhammad Abduh, Ali Nadwi, Maududi, Al Banna, Syed Ahmad Khan, Hamka, Pak Natsir, Abu Bakar Bakir, Burhanuddin Helmy, Anwar Ibrahim • Institusi: Jamaat Islami, Ikhwan, el Nahda, Hamas, FOSIS, ISNA, AMSS, ABIM, IKRAM, ISMA etc 7 ABIM • Menegakkan Kebenaran dan Keadilan • Jurubicara Umat • Islam Sebagai Cara Hidup • Membentuk fikrah Umat • Visi: Membina dan Memimpin Tamadun Khayra Ummah • Misi: Menjadi Gerakan Islam Yang Komprehensif Untuk Merealisasikan Cita- Cita Islamiyyah 8 Agenda • Pendidikan • Sosial • Belia • Antarabangsa 9 Islamisasi • Intellectual agenda of Islamic Resurgence • Epistemological Revolu2on • Relevan2sa2on • 1. Libera2on of the Muslim ummah from its internal crisis, backwardness, malaise and predicaments. • 2. the realiza2on of universal, balanced and integrated civilisa2on based upon the harmony of divine revela2on and human reason to achieve al Falah. • Al Amas, Faruqi, Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Kamal Hasan 10