Description:Детские игры и забавы - организация и планирование детских праздниковПредлагается обширный диапазон игр, подходящих для различных возрастных групп, с 3 до 11 лет.Childrens parties are a lot of fun-but they do call forcareful organization and planning. While the food is,of course, of great interest-the right games are what makesthe party go with a bang! It is well worth giving some timeand thought to this aspect.Make sure to choose a list of games which takes intoconsideration the age group and the number of guests youhave invited to the party-this may not be as simple as itappears, especially if the ages of the children are fairlywidespread. Another important consideration is the sequenceof games so that a noisy one is followed by a quieter one and arush-around game is followed by a sit-down one!This book has been specially compiled to offer anextensive range of games suitable for different age groups,from 3 to 11 years. Each game has been methodicallyexplained through an easy-to-understand text and beautifulillustrations and a check-list of props has also been provided.This will enable you to get the bits and pieces together, wellbefore the party begins.This volume also contains a run-down check-list of all thethings you will need for the party as a whole-a great help toavoid having things missing at the last, frantic moment!But, above all, this book is dedicated to the spirit of funand making sure that every party is a great one!