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Parton content of the real photon: astrophysical implications ∗ I. Alikhanov Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 60-th October Anniversary pr. 7a, Moscow 117312, Russia We possess convincing experimental evidence for the fact that the real photon has non-trivial parton structure. On the other hand, interactions of the cosmic microwave background photons withhighenergyparticlespropagatingthroughtheUniverseplayanimportantroleinastrophysics. Inthiscontext,toinvokethepartoncontentcouldbeconvenientforcalculationsoftheprobabilities ofdifferentprocessesinvolvingthesephotons. Asanexample,thecrosssectionofinclusiveresonant W+ boson production in the reaction νγ → W+X is calculated by using the parton language. Neutrino–photon deep inelastic scattering is considered. 9 PACSnumbers: 95.30.Cq,95.85.Ry,13.15.+g,13.60.Hb 0 0 2 I. INTRODUCTION On the other hand, the cosmic microwavebackground n (CMB)photonsmayplayanimportantroleintheforma- a tionofcosmicrays(CR).Oneofthebrightestrepresenta- J The parton model, according to which hadrons con- tivesistheGreisen–Zatsepin–Kuzmin(GZK)limitonthe 6 sist of quarks antiquarks and gluons (partons), bound energyofCR[15,16]. Forexample,protonsofenergiesof 2 together in different ways, has been very successful over about 1020 eV would be decelerated by interaction ] in reproducing experiment. This provides a relatively withtheCMBphotons,mostlyduetoresonantpionpro- explicit and transparent technique for the description h duction, pγ ∆+ pπ0(nπ+). Other interesting pro- p of high energy particle interactions. The distribu- → → cesses, the νγ reactions and their possible astrophysical - tions of partons inside hadrons are characterized by the p implications, were extensively discussed in the literature structure functions satisfying the Dokshitzer–Gribov– e (see, e.g., Refs. [17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24] and the h Lipatov–Altarelli–Parisi(DGLAP) equations [1, 2, 3] or references cited therein). In this context, to invoke the [ ones that are basically similar. Such a function is the partoncontentoftherealphotoncouldbeconvenientfor probability density of finding a parton in a hadron car- 4 calculations of the probabilities of such processes. Here, rying a fraction of the total hadron’s momentum. Nu- v we attempt to show the example of W+ boson produc- merical solutions of the equations are in a remarkable 7 tionintheνγ scatteringwhichmayhaveimportantcon- 0 agreement with experimental measurements, especially sequences for astrophysics [17]. Studying this reaction 7 for the nucleon [4]. couldalsoprovideatestoftheuniversalityoftheparton 3 Photonsbeing involvedinhighenergyinteractionsare distribution functions of the photon. . 3 also able to manifest hadronic structure. One can intu- 0 itivelycomprehendthissincethephotondirectlycouples 8 to quarks and therefore may split into quark–antiquark II. NEUTRINO–PHOTON REACTIONS 0 pairs. The parton contributions in two-photonprocesses WITHIN PARTON MODEL : v and some crucial peculiarities of the kinematic behav- Xi ior of the photon structure function have been described Let us first consider inclusive on-shell W+ boson pro- by Walsh and Zerwas [5]. The first work in studying duction in the reaction ν γ W+X at the resonance r e → a quantum-chromodynamicscorrectionstothenaivepoint- region using the parton language. We will view it from like structure of the photon belongs to Witten [6]. This thecenter-of-mass(CMS)frameoftheν γ system. Here, e problem was also studied in Refs. [7, 8, 9]. Introducing for example, a substantial fraction of the CMB photons the evolution equations, similar to the DGLAP ones, for will be of energies of about (εElab)1/2, where Elab is the ν ν photons as well as the properties of the corresponding neutrino energy in the laboratory frame defined as the solutions were under scrutiny, for instance, in a series of frame in which the CMB is isotropic, ε is the CMB pho- papers by Glu¨k, Reya, Grassie and Vogt [10, 11, 12]. A tonenergy(typicalvalueε 10−3eV[24]). Thisreaction ∼ formulationofhighenergyγpinteractionstakingintoac- is standardly factorizedinto two subprocesses: the emis- countthehadronicpropertiesofthephotonwasproposed sion of a positron by the photon and annihilation of the in Ref. [13]. neutrino with the positron into W+ (see Fig. 1a). Then Today, we possess convincing experimental evidence the corresponding cross section may be written as for the fact that the real photon has non-trivial parton structure [14]. 1 σ(s)= σˆ(xs)fe(x,s)dx; (1) Z γ 0 here s is the total CMS energy squared (s 4εElab), ∗E-mail:[email protected] fe(x,s) is the probability density function t≃o findνthe γ 2 ν dfe(x,Q2) α e e γ = k0(x), (4) dlnQ2 2π W + where α is the fine structure constant, k0(x)=2[x2+(1 x)2] [27, 28]. Replacing in Eq. (4) Q2bys,forthereaso−nexplainedabove,andchoosingthe γ d, –u u, d – b) electron mass squared m2e as the lower integration limit, one obtains ν e α s W + fe(x,s)= [x2+(1 x)2]ln . (5) γ π − m2 e e Note that the latter result is similar, for example, to γ the one from Ref. [29]. a) Substituting Eqs. (2) and (5) into Eq. (1) and per- forming the integration, one finally arrives at the cross section FIG. 1: Diagrams illustrating a) the inclusive reaction νeγ → W+X. Neutrino annihilates with positron emitted 8αΓ2 s2 2m2 (s+Γ2 m2 ) bythephotonintoon-shellW+;b)chargedcurrentneutrino σ(s)= 2s+ − W − W 3 s3 (cid:20) Γm scattering off quarks (antiquarks) coming from the photon. W In this paper we take into account only the u and d quarks s m2 m arctan − W +arctan W (antiquarks) and neglect Cabibbo–Kobayashi–Maskawa mix- ×(cid:18) Γm Γ (cid:19) W ing. Γ2m2 +m4 s +(s 2m2 )ln W W ln . (6) − W Γ2m2 +(s m2 )2(cid:21) m2 W − W e positroninthephotoncarryingthefractionxofthetotal The dependence of the cross section on s is displayed photon’smomentum,andσˆ(xs)isthecrosssectionofthe in Fig. 2a in comparison with calculations of the closely annihilation subprocess. Note that we explicitly write related process ν γ W+e− carried out by Seckel [17]. the s dependence of the function instead of the more Here m 80.4eGe→V, G 1.16 10−5 GeV−2, traditionalQ2 one (4-momentumtransfer squared)since α(m2 )W ≃1/128 [30]. OnFe ≃can see×that the values given we deal with an s-channel subprocess. W ≃ by Eq. (6) are about two times higher than those of In the resonance region σˆ(xs) is given by the Breit– Ref. [17]. Wigner formula [25] Let us turn now to the charged current interaction of the neutrino with the quark content of the photon (see ΓΓ Fig. 1b). The corresponding cross section can be ob- i σˆ(xs)=24π , (2) (xs m2 )2+m2 Γ2 tained in the same way as it is done for neutrino–proton − W W scattering [25]: where m is the mass of the W+ boson, Γ is the W i partialwidth of the initialchannel (the partialwidth for G2 s m2 2 1 the decay W+ ν e+), and Γ is the total decay width σν(s)= F W fq(Q2)+ fq¯(Q2) , of W+. In the l→eadieng order one can find that [26] π (cid:18)m2W +Q2(cid:19) (cid:18) γ 3 γ (cid:19) (7) with G m3 Γ = F W, Γ=9Γ, (3) i i 6π√2 1 fq(q¯)(Q2)= xfˆq(q¯)(x,Q2)dx, (8) γ Z γ where G is Fermi’s constant. 0 F maTliosmdegteivrmeninine tRheef.fu[1n2c]t.ioInt ifsγef(axir,st)o, ewxepaecdtopfte(txh,es)fotro- where fˆγq(q¯)(x,Q2) is the probability density to find a γ quarkq (antiquarkq¯)inthephotoncarryingthefraction satisfy,uptofactorsassociatedwiththequarkcolorsand x of the total photon’s momentum. Taking into account fractional electric charges, the same evolution equation only the densities of the lightest quarks u and d from asthequarkdistributionsinthephotondo,providedthe Ref. [11], we found that gluons are excluded and one takes into account only the electromagnetic interaction. Then, in the leading order wewritethefollowingequationforthe positrondistribu- fq(Q2)=e2 α ln Q2 3 ; (9) tion [12]: γ q2π (cid:18) m2 − 4(cid:19) q 3 hadrons. The latter can be highly boosted and on de- 5 10 15 20 E lνa b (1022 eV) caying (if unstable) may produce particles with energies b) m νσ (10-11 νeγ e- X eoxfcteheediEngartthhetirheGdZeKcaylimpirto.duIfctistmocacyurrseaicnhtuhse wviictihnoiutyt Q2=15 GeV2 significant energy loss, provided the incident quark mo- Q2=10 GeV2 -12 Q2=5 GeV2 mentum pointed in the direction of the Earth. A similar 10 idea has been proposed, for example, in Ref. [31], when b) -13 photons would appear beyond the GZK limit from de- 10 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 caysofhighlyboostedπ0,which,inturn,werethedecay s (GeV2) productsofrealZ0bosonsexcitedinνν¯annihilation(the 162.5 175 187.5 200 212.5 E lνa b (1022 eV) so-called”Z-burst”mechanism). Butthereareproblems b) here, mainly associated with the origin of such high en- σ (m10-5 ννeeγγ WW ++e X- eorugrycnaseeu,trtihneosm, iEnνilamba≃l nmeu2Zt/ri4nεo(esneee,rgey.gr.,eqRueirf.ed[2t1o]).prIon- duce hadrons is smaller than the latter one by about a -6 10 factor of 400,and the corresponding cross section is also suppressed by a factor αG . Anyway, one may expect 10-7 a) thatthese processeswereimFportantforhighenergyneu- 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 8500 9000 trino absorption in the early Universe. s (GeV2) Throughout this paper we implicitly used the as- FIG. 2: a) Dependence of the cross section of the inclusive sumption that the parton distributions are process– reaction νeγ → W+X on s in the resonance region (solid independent, whichhas been experimentally justified for curve). The same calculated for the closely related reaction the nucleon. For example, the functions phenomeno- νeγ → W+e− [17] is shown by the dashed curve. b) De- logically derived from electron–nucleon and neutrino– pendence of the cross section of the reaction νeγ → e−X nucleon deep inelastic scattering data are close to each on s at some fixedvaluesof Q2 (Q2= 5 GeV2 – solid curve, other. Usingthemonecancorrectlypredicttheprobabil- Q2=10GeV2–dashedcurve,Q2=15GeV2–dottedcurve). itiesofinclusiveproductionofµ+µ− pairsinpp¯collisions Nisoctaelctuhlaattetdheatlaεb=ora1t0o−r3yeeVne.rgy of the neutrino Eνlab ≃s/4ε (Drell–Yan process) [32]. Analogously,theneutrino–photonreactionscouldpro- vide an instrument for studying the universality of the here e andm arethe electric chargeandmass ofthe q q parton distributions in the photon. quarkqrespectively(forantiquarkstheequationisanalo- gous). NotethatEq.(9)isvalidinthelimitm2/Q2 1. We have discussed only the ν γ interactions. Mean- q ≪ e We set m = m = 0.2 GeV and α = 1/137. The while, all the things we said above may be straightfor- u d dependence of the cross section thus determined on s in wardly applied to the reactions involving the antineu- the range 20 GeV2 s 1000 GeV2 at some values of trino. Likewise, heavier charged leptons can be consid- Q2 is shown in Fig.≤2b. ≤ ered. One may also include neutral current interactions This reaction may have interesting astrophysical im- intheneutrino–quarkscattering. Otherprocessesinvolv- plications because the struck quark may fragment into ing the CMB photons can be treated in similar way. [1] V.N.Gribov,L.N.Lipatov,Sov.J.Nucl.Phys.15,438 [13] G. A. Schuler and T. Sj¨ostrand, Phys. Lett. B 300, 169 (1972). (1993). [2] G. Altarelli, G. Parisi, Nucl.Phys. B 126, 298 (1977). [14] J. Cvach, Nucl.Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 79, 501 (1999). [3] Y.L. Dokshitzer, Sov.Phys. JETP 46, 641 (1977). [15] K. Greisen, Phys.Rev. Lett. 16, 748 (1966). [4] ZEUS Collaboration, Z. Phys. C 72, 399 (1996). [16] G. T. Zatsepin and V. A. 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