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Partnership Council One Sheet #42 PDF

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Preview Partnership Council One Sheet #42

Socaal Enterprnse see page seven Besudents, Businesses, Voluntary sector, Publnc sector, Area 4 and Friends October 2001 No 42 “The most powerful words in our language were repeated again and again by people Ekclusrve ||IfO|'!II3I'|0!I for forum members & other partrclpan ts phoning home as they prepared to die, thinking not ofthemselves but of all that was about to be lost forever: ‘I love you, ’they told their partners, again and H ___ --_-_ again. ‘I love you”’. %%\\ q N\\Y\@1\\KxW RYEQUU \\E\<\7|1I f%%D@Y@U 2% %1@B§eg:i\¥% @‘1B1\§7 §t_.i\§fl ® III \J Voluntary Sector meetlng See page 6 Open Spaces update Page 3 See centre pages Quote Tony Parsons MIITOI’ newspaper 4 _ . . . i— j G - ,.l=’r<>ie<=t l »Op€Tl SDHCG - update l1 fuocrctellrslesmr Pseaomplhe y Partnership Council Forum After Successfully completing the first ;, Over 70 people attended a ll l stage of this five stage project. on 3rd l Throughout the consultation for the Boulevard Gardens - A survey is . Representatives l successful Community Safety 3 IIIIBSHBBI ll and 11th September BUILD held two Partnership Council s Community being undertaken regarding the poor l l event for Older People which > l l seminars on behalf of the PC that sort Partnership Plan local residents drainage in the area. There was also L j Business Sector Forum A to access how the Africa Caribbean il-i was held at the Association for raised issues and made some discussion regarding ‘raising “ PC Richard Hawthorne, Peter | and Asian Communities viewed the A Caribbean Family and Friends ; recommendations for the _ the Gardens.‘ PC's inclusion strategy These i Lowery, lssan Ghazni. in Hyson Green on Friday 21st l development of Open Space in the seminars were organised under the , area. An ‘Open Space Response llkeston Road Park - Not open j i September. j I A following nine themes: Inclusion or New Basford / Forest Fields . _ b . . 9 Meetings ‘he benefits of the PC sertin l Document‘ was produced further to enough. y Resident Forum l J up a Cultural or ‘Race’ Forum The this. R The event; organised by the . T PC Shaghofta Shah, Mr Mehdi, l PC's Recruitment Processes and Potential new sites l _l i Improving Services forOlder ,1 ‘i . l Vacancy. i Practices. Ways of Participation and = The following is a summary of issues The onesheet is exclusive to those who are People Steering Group included E Opportunities, Support for Funding, l raised in an Open Space Workshop Nottingham City Council have part of the Partnership Council forums or l i workshops facilitated by people A Going Forwards Committee Outreach and Feedback to Minority who are friends who actively participate in in at the Joint Residents Forum undertaken a city-wide parks review , 1 PC John Taylor, Marcia Watson, l, l Groups. Creating a Community l from the Safe as Houses the organisations work. l meeting held at Hyson Green that is proposing: l lftikhar Ahmed, Gary Long (sub). Agenda. Transparency, AccountabilitV ; Project, the Burglary Reduction Community Centre on Sept 17th. better access to school grounds A and Accessibility of the PC and its The Partnership Council aim is to act as a l l Team, Radford Road Police bridge builder so that all those who live and Hyson Green Resident Forum lll.l working structures. some open space be reserved in l Station and the URBAN l' Forest Recreation Ground - the development of the ‘Thomas l work in the local community can together PC Mike Rowe, Donna Payton, I 1 Community Safety Officer. influence decisions about local services, ln addition to these seminars BUlLD's l Discussion focussed on the conflict Forman' site. = Michael Briscoe. facilities and projects. We work with Social Inclusion and Diversity Team of use on the site between local l J Residents, Voluntary groups, Public sector has been visiting a number of minority people using the area for recreation, lt was suggested in the workshop y Local M.P. John Heppell also 1 Radford Resident Forum organisations. Businesses and the local r voluntary organisations. BUILD have sport, walking dogs etc and the city- that either the vacant Public House "l launched a local directory of l City Council Area Committee. ~ PC David Roberts, Phil Mattias, also conducted a number of street wide and regional events that take near John Carroll Leisure & l services for older people which A interviews to obtain the views of local 1, place there. People felt that: Community Centre or the former q, The aim of the Onesheet is to help lH i has been funded by Nottingham it Public Sector Forum residents and to find ways in which the all weather pitches, cafe and Club 1 on Boden Street, Radford communicate information and opportunities j% PC Mick Stringer, Farah Jamil, Mark local people are able to contribute to 1 City Council's Area 4 Committee. 1 amongst those participating within the i toilets needed upgrading could be developed. l Poflack. the PC's social inciusion initiatives. l Partnership Council. lt also aims to l ll there should be more bins and dog encourage participants to develop their ; If you would like copies of the i toilets and better lighting The workshop concluded with l l If you have not been contacted skills, knowledge or experience and to Voluntar Sector Forum l Directory and/or are interested Y l possibly CCTV cameras in place agreement that a Steering Group be regarding this project and would like promote achievements of work and I PC Julian Adams, Michael Henry, in being involved on the Steerin ; to get involved you can do so by l objections to the Park and Ride could set up to look at the future of all l 9 participants. -l ll 1 Sophia Ramcharan. l 1 Group please contact Rehman l contacting either Dan Robertson at . be made in the Local Plan. parks in the area and specifically to ~ ' BUILD on 924 4187 or Paul produce a management plan to take at the Partnership Council Office i Inclusions l l l Radford Residents Forum have a vacancy Sanguinazzi at the Partnership Council -9708200. i l There was general consensus that a strategic view of the use of the Z for a third rep. Please contact Martin in the on 970 8200. The Onesheet is mailed regularly at the beginning l any money being made from the site Forest Recreation Ground. s Outreach Team for more information. of each month. We occasionally take articles and was not being adequately ploughed adverts for activities and events which are related All Reps on Partnership Council sit in l to our partnership work or include such material in ; back into its maintenance and For more information please contact . *; order to represent their Forum not Spring Clean Update our mailouts. l development. Martin on 970 8200. 1 j themselves or their own individual r~ Radford Care Group Announcement Please note that we cannot commit to include such organisation -1 ____—__Il ; I information. Similarly, such items may necessitate l The Consultant - David Richards - a contribution to supporting mailing or distribution. who has been appointed to work The City Council are hoping to fund Radford Care Group Day Centre for n$n_4J__‘i_ Transport Update Pl_ease contact the Partnership Council office on l A Super model j I with the Partnership Council's multi- a more ‘demand responsive’ l the Elderly, Prospect Street, Radford, l 9:0 8200 before sending information. sector Spring Clean Steering Group transport service which might offer l are holding their AGM on Tuesday T ll l Further to the consultation events Sadly we have to report the sad news received feedback on his initial a scheduled taxi service or a pass 16th October 2001 at 3.00pm. All are Media ‘ll ‘ that took place across the area to ; that Ellen Neham, a user of Radford , I recommendations at a meeting on to subsidise taxi fares. welcome and there will be refresh- ' 1. develop the Community Partnership Care Group, died last week. Some of A September 3rd. He is presenting l ments provided. Contact Jill Davies If you are, _or work for, a media organisation Plan and the Area 4 Transport Plan; , you may remember Ellen as she or publication such as newspaper, community his final recommendations to the There will be improved signage in j on tel: 0115 9786133 for details. A a Transport workshop was held at modelled for our Vote 2000 poster last newsletter. radio etc, please do not use Steering Group on Monday October the area regarding speed limits and l information from the Onesheet without checking year. She kindly agreed to take part l the Joint Residents Forum meeting 1st and these will be presented in parking areas etc. More consultation , it past us first. as the campaign model because she ll A on the 17th September at Hyson lj.l full in next month’s One Sheet. needs to take place regarding the A BHPTHIN $Ul\BlET and l was old enough to have been of voting ‘l lY Green Community Centre. The majority of information is fine for wider use n l age back in the early 20th Century Watch this space. l extension of the cycle network and nowever some information contained within the l THE MYSTERONS ll. Onesheet is targeted specifically at Partnership when voting for women was still none re l links to the national cycle route. 1 The issues and concerns raised by '_.iOUi"lCll participants and not for general release. i existent. l The evil voice of the Mysterons I local residents during the Please be courteous and call us about using Small scale home zone type declares their next attack on Earth... niormation from this Onesheet. We also ask that L consultation are being addressed as - Ellen passed away in her sleep last any sourced articles must respect the immense developments are being investigated is shown from the following summary riard work that is put into projects by hundreds of week. Our love to her and condolences "We. the Mysterons. will rearrange all in key areas. The City Council are 1, oeoole and include appropriate credits for the i to her friends and family. lli , of the key points discussed: your buses and confuse everyone". ll developing a programme of school origin of the project as well as its funding. ll ll travel initiatives in conjunction with i City Transport Bus No 69 - the cross- Kiln lthought \ local schools, pupils and parents. ' you Captain . city service which links the two you were Green’? Partnership Council . 47 Gregory Blvd . I-lyson Green I l hospitals is to run every half an hour City Transport,Planners will be ‘F53. Nottingham . NG7 5-IA . Telephone: (01 15) 970 8200 ‘ from the end of the month and the invited to future Resident Forum [email protected] timetable will be extended into the meetings to keep updating people evening. The number of cars on the ls this Funded by__European Community Structural Funds, National on the above but any comments in the bus to * * Il- i COMMUNITY j Forest Park and Ride is being LotteiyCharilies Board, Nottingham City Council 8- a variety of Basford the interim can be passed on through other Public. Private & Voluntary resources. The Partnership ‘ii 2 FUflD H reduced with a new site being Council is a Company Ltd by Guarantee. Registered in England it"s -iv l Paul at the Partnership Council - I ‘Q. 7 it *_" , £_.9(:_e-ry money mi-i-.ki-..'1r; a rit.tference 8i Walas N0. 3495975 , developed on Wilkinson Street at Actually ‘ _ 9708200. I quite like the EUROPEANCOMMUNITY ' the Tram Interchange. with aiiologies to Gerry new route Structural Funds (URBAN) Anderson, 8- Nottingham City Transport '3 _ 7 <1 A Area Four a change The current boundanes for political wards Some years ago the City Council grouped always relate to the exa Ci °°mm"niiY bui The benefits to this proposal are that it will be changing after next year Wards political wards together to create Area that's because they are named by the are based around enumeration districts Committees. This was intended to enable Boundanes ' tains existing inner city i C0lTllT‘|lSSiOrl jUS'[ t0 *Large|y fnaln which break up the City into equal sized groups of councillors to work on more identify the separate wards. These four communities together. chunks to make voting distncts all roughly local issues as well to take local issues wards combi'ne to make our local Area the same size A number of enumeration to the broader city. Committee - numbered Area 4 Committee ‘Reduces work / costs to City Council by districts go together to create a political but more commonly c aiied 'G°'n9 Fm" reducing number of Area Committees ward and in each of our local wards there Our current local Wards are called Forest, Wards’ Area Committee. from ten to nine. are two seats to elect councillors to the Radford, Lenton and Robin Hood. As you City Council can see from the map the names don’t Every so often the boundar_ie_ s committee *Creates area with more related h_ousing review and restructure political wards to tenure and si'mi'larity of other social / ensure that voting numbers economic issues. remain equal. This took place _ last year and the new wards will *Enables Leen Valley to join Qt? come into existence in May 2003 - Aspley and avoid significant 5 Y‘ O division of Aspley communities. __, psi Because ofthis the City Council Q’\)~ ~<~*‘° eviewing the * V have 8|$0 linen F _ A oid dramatic split of _;§:§:§ \i Area Committee boun ' hbourhoods and ____;; dz‘-1l’leS and ne|g $11111" lbe? have put together new prop°$ai$ communi'ti'es which have __.-5_:212:21}: \\ for this. l\'\\,,.'.~__-er»’\~ si'gni"ficant soc_'ial'and '-:_§§§:§:§:§:§: l ii?,1.- \/ historic association. -._;.;.;.;. ‘ii-t~ \\\ The Partnership Council has PUT *Defines communities \\ ._ —-qg in 3 Silggesiinn more naturally and i e°° in Are? 4 supports Councillors \/ Aspley ’Qioiv / i\ /9,690’ Cnmmjiiee roles by enabling them \u / /FX a l'99_afdin9 to maintain a level of / Q ih”°@iq,. lei/i$i°n Oi ine ownership and continuity OrG31‘ F|e’ds dRd current ‘proposal’ for n 9W with their communities. f 9% (If; _ F area committee ./ H1/s 07981 Fields boundaries l0 in/_ and *Solve challenges of splitting O Means N ensure that existing \ existing agencies partnership Q Gen comm Uniiies Wiinin OUT work and avoi'd potenti'al if Recreatlon Giou X0 Mans area are not broken up divisions of service provision j:Qre5\ Boulewd . \a0‘ea Gre<3°ni into several other ? ound potential Area am)“ G *Maintenance of areas with Z\/E "C i COfl'lfl'lll'l8€S. ll ll_CllCl it . Qonnegted |53ues may I I_ lb 1it ‘awe would create various enable more successful I 1 m 1 Sest WBeemosevuard 11I it Piobienis i°l in-any drawing in of funding. °‘PpEE.'._.a... 0' In Q1 Q //‘T’! groups, agencies, and 1 m / I1t the Partnership Council. __ ngDeaorlif \‘\ 1* Q O70’ Q O OQAL Q\\$4 oret Q ’9e imm We are proposi'ng a new area 4 that would 0°‘ b I -I Rear *6 111 \\ comprise of the followi‘ng, newly named, lt must be stressed that No oQ‘Q’ Ar kmi lBP'AlG Ord Z I wards: (i) Berridge (ii) Arboreteum, and the only is_ sue w_hich_ is I §..::"— Q onisthe 4\' (iii) Radford and Park. We believe this °P@n in <Iil$Cl1$$i _ i\ Area Committee boundanes ____ wi‘ll be of significant benefit to the local stgn Rd it \\\\‘“ / SQ e No/SSrhtoheurwthood ' '| and The i'ndi'vi'dual Wards them communi'ty, Partnership Counci OPE-\;~t/°‘)/2/. hep/otag . . S 5 H Radforqr \ elves have been defined other agencies, and Area 4 Committee 0,» already by the Boundanes Commission. Area 4 Committee unanimously supported 7 ‘,1-— -_..__--- thi's proposal and this will now be passed _ -—,_.-- __¢--- on to the Executi've dealing wi'th Nexi Ynaliin9 Partne_ rship llkeston Rd f ' Council will be working ,0, boundanes. across the whole of Area 4 ~e\l“\ I of-:,<~°° fifffli he Park Q‘fiQx‘ \0"° itelio Ward Names \$*\\'\0e“- ' ' Hood Ward New Ward names U a-Berridge Proposed 2003 dB90‘-oe1'3-ni C rrent gifiggegtward '0 Area 4 Committee CZ Radford Ward '0 '2 °’A'”°'ei""‘ Area 4 Committee d: Lenton Ward c: Radford and Park i3 I I I j tr New Voluntary Group Business - eetmgs The Voluntary and Community Organisations Forum has recently taken on a new member who work across the city. TO FS offers support and information to the families and carers of Voluntary and babies bom with tracheo-oesophageal Fistula Co-operative Community Action (TOF), oesophageal altresia (OA) and related characteristic of the social economy as A workers co-operative providing support Social Enterprise, conditions. a whole. Community to people with mental health issues Most TOF Children are bom unable to swallow. to boldly go... Social businesses address many They require surgery soon ater birth and may Creative Solutions Organisations Forum community needs by creating and go to have feeding and medical problems in A socially owned business providing retaining jobs. delivering new and their early years. Radford, Hyson Green, New Basford training and business services in internet improved local services and. promoting and Forest Fields have a long and and multimedia technologies l The group enables families to benefit from economic development and tackling impressive history of residents I “Regeneration & Community [manning the friendship of other parents who have social issues. developing innovative ways of providing A total of £200,000 was made available _ experienced the particular stresses of caring services to the community, particularly to invest into these businesses. Not a - HOW D095 |’[ Fjt Together” forthese children - as well the joy when So how do you define a social i problems have been overcome. TOFS is a where residents have felt that either ‘the lot compared to what is available to 1-14 business? ' registered Charity (Number 327735) and can market’ or mainstream agencies arent establish businesses in the private sector. Tuesday 23rd October 2001 be contacted on 961 3092. TOFS are also -providing what is needed. A response but an important and effective amount There are a number of criteria that we jndian Cgmmunity Centre - holding acharity rtijight, for details contact them in the past has been to create resident to enable kickstarting of activity. 4.1-L444. use: , Rawson Street, New Basford °" the numbeia °"e' owned businesses that provide goods or services for local people. The model and the associated learning l Ownership of the business is defined _ 10am - 12 noon followed by lunch provided by the Centre. ‘ which we were able to develop through socially and the business does not exist The 1970’s saw the formation of the the URBAN funding has informed the r for the generation of private profit. ,, . . _ Nottin ham Mediation Service are pleased to institute of Workers Control on Russell development of support for the sector l Melanie Alker - Government Office East Midlands ( To be annoughce the launch of their new video- Street, the Workcon Building Co- within the city and the region. The employment policy of the business | confirm ed ) "Nottingham Mediation Service (a seniice for operative and the Arboretum Peoples _ neighbours infconflict)". The video is now is targeted at the recruitment of people Free Union. The latter organised their The Community Regeneration Fund in ,, . . available and eatures real neig bours telling experiencing or at risk of social and own community transport, children’s play Community Planning - An Update their own stories and experiences of conflict the SRB5 neighbourhoods was modelled economic exclusion. and holiday schemes, a community and gives a real insight into how mediation on our investment panel. Our practice kitchen, a food co-op and a workers co- actually works. has also informed work with Business * New Deal for Communities - An Overview The trading activities and service delivery The video was previewed at Area 4 Committee op providing agricultural workers and Link Nottinghamshire and the East of the business contributes to community * _ _ - and at a launch on Friday 28th September. If painting and decorating services. ln the Midlands Development Agency (EMDA), l Sophie Whitely - Nottingham City Council Education Department Y°“ ‘”°“'d like ""°‘° i"i°'"‘aii°" a°°“i "*9 and neighbourhood regeneration. 1980’s businesses such as the Tap and where we have supported the l l video and how to access copies please call Tile Co-op, Muchachas Restaurant and development of a regional support ,, I I . . i Nottingham Mediation Service for details on Regeneration Partnerships often support the Peoples’ Bakery were established structure for the social economy sector. "C Uslon Pinleni ~ 0115 9620035. the use of social economy as a means in the area, as were the Purlin and Local social businesses have also of delivering projects and services within l,_, Liberation Housing Co-operatives. - Nottingham Mediation Service is part funded informed the development of EMDA’s the area. This canenable local people contact ~Mart"" if-Paul 9' Rehman Q!‘ 970.8200 by URBAN through the Partnership Council. mapping of the sector in the region and -». __i_____ to have a major role in delivering services More recently the idea of ‘social the development of financial support that will address the needs of our companies’ and the ‘social economy’ initiatives for the social economy. community. Through the social economy providing a route for local communities we can ensure that job and training to develop a stake in their local economy To grow the work initiated through opportunities will benefit local people, and to address issues of social exclusion URBAN, New Deal for Communities will and that more of the money will be re- and regeneration has become more be making resources available to circulated within our local economy. prominent. Public agencies have continue support for the sector, as they recognised the role that self help and see the development of the social Through URBAN funding from the mutual organisation can have in economy as an important way of Partnership Council a project has been developing solutions to some of the involving the community in promoting running to support the growth of the concerns that local people have. the creation of wealth locally. Effective social economy in this area. A number self help and mutual organisation are of new and existing social businesses So what’s this ‘social economy’ thing‘? vital components of regeneration. have been assisted: r Enabling communities to develop For a little surprise The social economy is a thriving solutions to their own economic needs Force 7 collection of organisations that exist increases community confidence and A resident owned company established between the traditional private and public gives people the tools to change the see the Guardian Society to provide opportunities for residents of sectors. Sometimes referred to as the circumstances of their own lives. the NDC neighbourhoods. ‘third sector’ it includes voluntary and community organisations, enterprises, David Kelly. on October 31st Necta Ltd foundations and associations of many A socially owned construction company, types. Some social economy providing employment and training in David Kelly worked as development worker organisations, notably mutual financial construction skills for local residents. for the URBAN Social Enterprise Project. He and insurance organisations are very has recently moved on to work at New Deal large. You may be involved with a social Homecare Nottingham for Communities to carry on Social Enterprise business and not know it - Building A workers co-operative providing support for them. Societies, the Co-operative Bank, Co- homecare services to older people in op shops, Jessops, even BUPA are the community examples of large socially owned businesses. But the focus of social ' Fair Goose Credit Union Complaints procedure l enterprise is small business. Social Community owned provider of low cost businesses stand out from the rest of The Partnership Council has a complaints | financial services. the social economy as organisations that procedure which is available to anyone to use trading activities to achieve their use if they have a complaint to make about Birkin Patch Improvement the Partnership Council. For information 5 social goals and financial self sufficiency. Association or a copy of the complaints leaflet please l They are businesses that try to combine Developing resource and activity centre contact the Partnership Council office on the entrepreneurial skill of the private Partmership Council, European URBAN Initiative. Working Group 2 970 8200. at the old Smiths Arms on Radford Rd. sector with strong social aims that is

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