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Partnership Council One Sheet #20 PDF

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—— --- %.-_'- l’ E J nrf l think good constmtion should be about have had to sit down and seriously plan enabling local people to make informed how to discuss with local people the judgement aboutme issues that matter problems of the area and th_en work _ to them - this is sming to happen and together to find radical solutions. Having groups will form a the first congress to said that it's the first time some residents take those issuesfonivard and start to have had to sit down and work with people prioritise action mints. Some of the from other sectors, and it’s been a themed groups need more time to challenge to many of them as well. But 2 e engage with people effectively and l think A view on this is what New Deal is asking of that the interim wtnership should start everybody involved - it's different - much ioj New Deal to flex its muscles to ensure that this more demanding than the ‘normal’ way happens. of doing things. There is a good reason for this: you only have to spend time Background knocking on doors and talking to people I recently went to a New Deal for See what might in their homes or in pubs and community Communities nmrial conference in New Deal for Communities is a centres and you begin to get a vivid and London where wetrad presentations from major new regeneration programme happen & give sometimes frightening picture of what Birmingham and Newcastle New Deal which has been launched by the your resident people have to put up with in terms of Areas. Both desmfibed their difficulties - Gjpvernment. ideasforthe poor health , inadequate housing, high lots of antagonism" between local people By David Roberts crime rates, long term unemployment and the city council - stormy public £50 million It is offering between £35 and £50 A personal View and low educational achievement - these meetings -recrufiig and involving Million to be spent in parts of project. conditions would be unacceptable in more residents was not easy - in fact Piadford and Hyson Green which prosperous parts of the city. lt’s no wonder Birmingham’s New Deal Partnership The first themed are experiencing some of the worst that many local people are angry and originally only hm2 resident reps. Hilary problems within our wider consultation sessions antagonistic towards some who deliver Armstrong, the Gevt. Minister in charge community. services in the area - in the past they of New Deal, also spoke - confirming that for New Deal for have been guilty of accepting poor it New Deal derrands more from every The Partnership Council, as an delivery and low aspirations as ‘normal’ agency or sector-the public sector organisation, has been asked to Communities have just - now there is a chance to change things. needed to be mue open and willing to help with some parts of Phase 2. accept changes M mainstream services finished and having Mainly publicity for consultation Also, the Government is bringing in . She said thatflie public sector is part events and recruiting people to something called “Best Value” which is of the solution ndjust part of the problem taken part in all of attend consultation events. asking organisations like the City Council . She also said tlm residents cannot work P1,|P them, l‘m offering some and the Health Authority to be more in isolation and it many communities You may have seen posters around accountable to their ‘customers’- that’s there were exisfig networks of voluntary observations on the the area or had someone knock on you and me. The services provided will and community goups which should be yourdoon be judged against local performance built on and enmrraged to take part in process so far. indicators with Customer Scrutiny Panels the changes thmcould be brought about. being set up so that local people can l was struck bylns and remembered it Interim Partnership really help shape services. when l attendedme recent community The sessions have all been quite different involvement even for Area 4 at Fladford The Partnership Council is however in style and content and the le,vel of In one or two of the New Deal consultation Fload Police Stmn. Fifty or Sixty not in charge of New Deal for engagement with and involvement of local people has varied immensely. The sessions local residents have been representatives sf over twenty local Communities and is not responsible outnumbered by professionals - but some resident and votintary groups plus reps amount of discussion has ranged from for how the consultation work is interesting and exciting ideas are already from public sects organisations attended nil or very little to lively, informed group carried out. coming up. Ones l have seen include: and it demonstrmd the amount of activity sessions which l really wanted to continue The consultation work is being lead getting a local business to ‘adopt’ a street going on in this -ma - probably much to participate in. Some agencies have by a New Deal lnterim Partnership. or community centre similar to the ‘adopt more than in other parts of Nottingham. begun with information sharing - but this This group includes some 9' a school’ scheme - establish a University is a very one sided affair and we need to representatives from the of the First Age where young people are lf New Deal is mut investing in people go much further. l also filled in some Partnership Council Forums trained in leadership, citizenship and rather than builiiigs , more work needs survey forms - useful for gathering views (including Resident Forums) morality based on what young people to be done to emblish links between but for me covering old ground. representatives from other actually do rather than what older people community and voluntary groups and organisations and eight resident think - recruiting and training local people businesses andpublic sector agencies. Overall l get the impression that some ._s :- places for resident groups in parts to deliver socially useful work such as By following a my similar agenda I public sector agencies are wary of of Radford and Hyson Green. home security or energy saving schemes believe that thislnwhat we have been discussing the services they deliver with Advice, workshops, kids activities, free prize draw, locally and to be paid no less than £5 an trying to do at the Partnership Council . the users of those services. lt’s probably Difficult task food and refreshments. |f youlre a |oca| houn As Hilary Armsmng said : ‘Without the first time for some of them, that they All those people involved in New community invoillement you cannot resident you should be here! Deal are beginning to recognise sustain regenermn in the long term’ - that genuine consultation is a but, as we have barnt from experience Creche, disabled access & free transport (for elderly h at the PC, worlimig together to achieve difficult task that takes time. or infirm). Contact Michael or Kenny on the info’ line 1 ‘|I7*"&|| i 1 change is challarging for some people Similarly that sometimes mistakes Go digital ! 111111111111"'|1111111111111111111111111111T'i“1111'|'|11Ti."I and agencies iiaolved in the process. are made and that it is a learning 924 4571 __ __ _ _ iy 111111111111"11111'l'|1'|0001111111111111000‘"'i'1'|111111"1iri D'g't3”e,eW5'onlsthelatesttechnologlcal ‘ 11"'l1111111“.111111111000111'|'|11111111000T‘f'1111111111“i process. g elp us stay in at nig j Dl'€8kfl"ll'OU hi0/l hf 1111111111111 "11111111‘l1i'111111111111111111‘“‘11‘l"11‘l1"1"ll 8 With New Dealtie Govt are prepared and veg out infront of the the television. i 111111111‘1‘i11‘l‘l1111111“.11111100001111111‘l111111‘l1‘l1“1 9 For those of you not familiar with the 90 to be flexible md are willing to back -I -I J ‘1111111111"?‘1111110000111111"“"111"11111‘i"T Indeed the Government is getting technology ‘digital’ television is made up Til11111111‘lil00111111111‘l1111001""1‘l1“l111“i radical new ways of working - so lets of binary code used by computers. these news from other New Deal areas ‘1111‘l11111“.O0111111111111O0l"‘lT111i11111‘l"A are transmitted through the ai'r to our t. l/s. * not have proceses like the old who are all indicating the difficulties Here is an image showing the high quality "11111111111110001111111100011‘l‘l111‘l11111111l definition that digital shows. Can you tell L|,,—l-_L LLg--L LLL|, 11111111111*"1110000000001111i'111‘l1l'i11111“ i regeneration pmgrammes (bricks and of drawing together an action plan. I 1_L-L.--I-._..L_L -L-L-1L.-L-LL4LL-A*._l-—L_.L...J.-Ai_lr.-I-_iA..-l._Li-I--L...-I-_|.-_iL ii,_.L--Li...-.L_.L-Li_;,_L_L-i-L_L ii_,L-Li-L-A-Liiiiiiiii“11_g__i__11ii1i1111111i1iiiiniiiiri November what it is. buildings ratheidian people) - lt would be such a wawd opportunity, We are not saying that New Deal particularly ate all the ‘joined up’ is perfect or that the process so far @970 8200 I 1- * * 5 i at Tennyson Hall Youth working we hare struggled to develop could not be improved but we are ‘ w 1- - I i i saying that the only way to make i 1- * it , at the Partnership Council. & Community Centre 47 Gregory Blvd . Hyson Green NATIONAL ‘ W" * * "W "‘ it work is to become involved, and ,_ torrent EUROPEAN COMMUNITY Forest Road West Nottingham . NG7 5JA . ‘-‘*§§f,,’;,‘,.§,‘=*“' Structural Funds (URBAN) take part. Sat:fOam-5.00pm, Sunzflam-3.30pm Funded by European Community Structural Funds. National Lottery Charities Board, Nottingham City Council 8r a variety of other Public, Private & Voluntary resources. he Partnership Council is a Company Ltd by Guarantee. Registered in England 8. Wales No. 3495975 .. __ _ I i I —~ ~ --‘F-,'-._-,‘;i_-3_1- .. -_ Mary Potter Rebuild The redevelopment is dependent on Tram talk - ‘Q —— Central Government funding. Jill] [||l|l0l'tllllI'lIBS Nottingham Community Health Trust Over the past few months preliminary You may have seen loads of posters have been consulting with both on the new Tram system go up. discussions have been taking place i t current and potential users of the . *,,* National Coordinator ’ Construction work is expected to start with regard to the proposed ll service over the plans but would very soon and a number of meetings are redevelopment of Mary Potter Health * * Salary £23,894 - £26,002 much welcome more comments and scheduled to begin giving more Centre on Gregory Boulevard in more involvement from local residents information about the tram and the I 1k ir i Hyson Green. 1 in the discussions. ongoing construction. * 1- A One year fixed term contract * ,i, * (renewable) based in Sheffield. The existing centre is nearly 30 years One of the first meetings set up by They are committed to the old and is no longer able to meet all the Tram organisers will take place FoL rum SocV iai l development of a project which is true l.___ _ diverse needs of local residents and The UK URBAN Network is a network of regeneration partnerships in 18 UK at the Vine Centre on Bobbersmill partnership between local residents help to overcome health and social Road, on Wednesday 24th November Cities funded by the European Commission. We meet quarterly to share _ and statutory and voluntary bodies. at 7.00pm. inequalities of the area. information and best practice and to have a united voice onissues to do with European funding and community involvement in regeneration. Everybody from Hyson Green, So if you have any ideas regarding For more info on this meeting call ‘The vision is to put health in the heart New Basford and Radford how the new building should look or (0115) 915 6000. For more info about For an appliaction pack { no CV’s } or to discuss the post please contact of the community by becoming a Resident Forums are invited to a: the sen/ices it should provide please resident forum involvement contact Laurie Adams Singh, HSPRC, Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9PH. Email vibrant easily accessible one stop Martin at the Partnership Council on contact Shahinda Hasan the Manager Joint Resident Forums Social on [email protected] or Tel: 01273 643904 Fax: 01273 643496 Health and Social Care Centre that 970 8200 of Mary Potter on 9420330. Tuesday 14th December 1999 takes a holistic and innovative from 6pm-8pm at The Vine approach to delivering health and Centre off Bobbersmill Road, social care.'(September 1999) Radford on TV? Millenium Eve Hyson Green. Redford Residents Forum are _ applying for funding toward making a There will be food, refreshments Seasonal closing video about the local community, the and the telephone will be on answer [MR1-Q17 Comunity and entertainment including an areas image and the people who llive The Partnership Council office will be machine. Asian dance group. Children are in Radford. The idea is to present a closing over the Christmas period. The office will close at 5.30pm on very welcome. new and positive image of the area. Although staff may still be at work the Tusday 21 st December and re-open for a New Millenium The Forum would even like to try and office itself will not be open to the public at 9.30am on Wednesday 5th January. get the final film on television. lf you need transport to get to and from the Vine please can you Anyone interested should contact Basford Gas Works contact Martin on 9708200. David Roberts via the Partnership (Assistant director of Development Speakers from the Muslim, Sikh, Secular & Christian Council office. Department) who expressed his Many people have been waiting to commitment to involving local people. faiths. Discussion, food and friendship. All welcome. see what might go on the famous The group will next be meeting with Basford Gas Works site on Radford British Gas who own the site. Together A new com muriitv for a new Road. Vine they hope to agree a way forward that millennium is the theme of a Centre 6_ meets everyone's needs. programme being arranged on The New Basford & Forest Fields Q‘ ”’//> Millennium Eve, 31 st December. lts 3L?“"115-iii‘-Eii-1‘: Residents Forum have got together One suggestion is to do a ‘community Q7 with the New Basford Action Group ‘ls aim is to bring people of religeous ed planning day’ attached to a project and set up a “Gas works strategy faith and those of secular faith @5,“ already being developed by the group . <9O66 together. It will be from 4.30pm - Partnership Council. Community @.tv 6.30pm and held at the Forest Relds % planning is starting around the New The aim of this is to ensure that Community Centre on Sturton Deal for Communities area but intends residents can take a lead on p)0Q\‘5Q6 @- *7/,;@ to look at each neighbourhood in the ‘% Street. The centre is kindly providing consultation regarding the site. They Partnership area. the room rent free. lt is open to all. "50,9 @990 have recently met with John Lynch QAQAU If you are interested in finding out The first hour will be broadcast live more contact Shirley Anne at the over Radio Ramzan and speakers 3:3I3§i§3:?§§-..- 1..I.I'..I I111‘1111111......... . "Q’<>,., Partnership Council. I I from Muslim, Sikh, Christian and . .I.- II . I ............................ H/5)_/firs Secular faith perspectives will speak. .../.-;-.-i?:~i-ii-" We all recognise the fact that we News ire .{-.jI:-Ij:IjI3Ij:IjI:-I‘if. are living 2000 years after the birth of Jesus Christ and we are Partnership Council staff O I ' . I I ' conscious we share a common life I ' I ' I ' I ' .I ' II ' .I ' . ' II ' .I ' 'I ' .I ' . ' " ' I .I I .I I I I I I I I I I ‘I I .I I .I I -I I .I I ' I . I . I‘ ' ' ' I- I. I' O. I- O‘ I' I' O. I. I. I. O' I. I' I. I. I. I- I I- I I‘ I I' I I. I I' I Q' I'Q. Q' . |. . Q I ' The Partnership Council has three together in inner-city Nottingham. /‘-'--'-'-" ----------------------------' II‘ IOI. I''I I.'I II.'I III'I II.'I II.'I III'I II-'I II.'I II 'I II 'I II 'I II 'I'II ''II ''I| ''|| ''q' ''' ‘Q‘I. . new staff members joining the team. Food and Music and an opportunity . . | . . I I I ' I . I ' I '. I ' I . I . I ‘I ' . I I . I ' I . I . I I I . I . I . I ‘' I . I ' I I I - O ‘- I '. I '. I 'I I 'I I 'I I '' I '' I '. I '. I 'I I '. I '. I '- I '. I '. I New people are MichaelBriscoe . I . I - U '. '. '. ‘. I '. I - I . I . I '. I '. I '‘ I '- I '- I 'I I '- I ' I ' I ' | ' I '. I '. I ‘O to mix together and talk will form ‘I . .I I .I I .I.5 I I.'.I I.''I I''.I I.'.I I.'II II..I I.'-I I.'-I II'II I-'.I I_'-I I.'-| I.''| I.'II I.'.I'q-'.I.QI'II.I.I-I'I‘‘II I'''I I.'.I I.'- ' ' I ' I ' I ' II..- II--I IO... IO ..I -I..I .I..I 'I..I 'I-II .I‘II II.'I .I‘'I .IIII .I'II .I‘-I 'II.I .I..I -IIII 'I.II .p II II II .. II .I II .I.II .I.QI 'I.II.I (Assistant Outreach & Support the second hour. Come along and I. . II I I' . II - I. . I. I II ' II . II - I. . I. . II . II ' II I I. . I' . I. . I. . II . I . I .' I '' | .' I .' I . I. . I. . II I I- I I. Q I' I II I I-I II 'I.II ...II ...II 'I.II -‘-II ‘‘.II .''II ‘..II .'.II '. II .''II I- II I II ‘ II'. II'.' II'.' |I'.. II'.. II'.I II -I II .I II .I II ' ' I ' I ' I . I ' I -I ' I I . I - I . I . I. . I' I I' . - . I . . . I . I . I . I . I ' I . I ‘I worker) Meilani Radzi (URBAN build for a new future. ' Q'-''IQ'qIII'.'I'Q'qI‘I.'‘'I'I'II..III'II_'I'I'III.-QIIII.'I.II'IIIIII'II.I'II''IIIIIIIIII-'II‘I'IIIIIIII.I‘.I1II‘IIIIOI..IIIIIIII.'I'.''-II.IIIII'I'...I''-II.'IIII'I''..'.''II.IIIIII'.'-'.-''IIIIIIIII''I-.I-''II.I.IIII'‘'.I..''II.I'lIII'.'....-'III.-III'I..I'‘I''II.I-III'I.-'.‘.''II-.IIII'I'..II‘'II.IIII'I-II'.'II'IIII'I..I-'III‘IIIII'I‘.I''.II.IIIII'I.'.I'III.IIIII''.I-''‘II'III-I'..II''.III'.I-I'‘-.''.III'‘.I.I'II..I'''II'I.ggI.I'''-.I''II'IQQ.I.I'..'.'''II'IQ-g.I'I..'I'''II'III|'I'I'’.II‘'III'III-I‘I..'I'.'II‘IIIIII.'‘-.II.I.I.'.'I._.I..I.'.'.I,.I.-I..'..I..I.-I..''.I..I..'I........I..-I.|.‘.-.I._'-.. - \,<°‘Q6‘. Project worker) Paul Sanguinazzi - -_ I ‘ I ' I I I . I . I ' I . I I I . I ‘ I ' I ' I ‘ I . I . I ; ; Q Q g I I I O I (Partnership Building & Outreach Graham Burton ‘ ',1. .I I' I I. I II I I. I I' I I- I II O I' I I. I I' I I' I I. O I. I I‘I . . . ‘I .1 -I ‘I-I . I I I . I . I - I .0 I Q I I Q I I I I O I Radford Road """B' uQ'.iep1selM\ Team leader). A fourth post of Eland St. t ("Ii Administrative Assistant is been re- _. N advertised. C BA }5UJd$ 6_e3 Michael has started recently and .l9_l\$ npues 4.30 - 6.30pm @Forest Fields lie jsiueug the others will be starting soon. pe e are When we find out some personal eep p.io PH Community Centre Sturton St. gossip about them all then we will do a little write up on them all.

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