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Partners in Crime: The Rockefeller, CFR, CIA and Castro Connection to the Kennedy Assassination PDF

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Partners in Crime 1 Partners in Crime 2 Servando Gonzalez Also by Servando Gonzalez The Secret Fidel Castro The Nuclear Hoax Psychological Warfare and the New World Order Obamania I Dare Call It Treason The Swastika and the Nazis American Inventors He is the author of the books in Spanish: Historia herética de la revolución fidelista Observando La madre de todas las conspiraciones La CIA, Fidel Castro, el Bogotazo y el Nuevo Orden Mundial. Servando also wrote and hosted the documentaries: Treason in America: The Council on Foreign Relations Partners in Treason: The CFR-CIA-Castro Connection. Partners in Crime 3 Servando Gonzalez Partners in Crime The Rockefeller, CFR, CIA and Castro Connection to the Kennedy Assassination Spooks Books Hayward, California 4 Servando Gonzalez To Jim Garrison, in memoriam To Stanley Monteith, in memoriam Copyright © 2017 by Servando Gonzalez. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer, who may quote short passages in a review. Cataloging-in-Publication Data Partners in Crime: The Rockefeller, CFR, CIA, and Castro Connection to the Kennedy Assassination / Servando Gonzalez. p. cm. Includes notes, bibliography and index. 1. Kennedy, John F., 1917-1963 2. Castro, Fidel, 1927- 2016 3. Rockefeller, David, 1915-2017 4. United States—Politics and government—20th Century I. Title. II. Gonzalez Servando, 1935- ISBN 13: 978-1979784689 ISBN 10: 197978468X This book was printed in the United States of America Spooks Books an imprint of InteliBooks Hayward, California Partners in Crime 5 CONTENTS Introduction 9 The Dog that Didn’t Bark 11 Living in a Historical Flat Land 12 Historical Forensics 14 Historians vs Intelligence Analysts 16 PART 1 Chapter 1 David Rockefeller’s New World Order 23 The Rockefeller’s Obsession With Population Reduction 24 Another Rockefeller Obsession: Making Us All Dirt Poor 32 Chapter 2 Kennedy Against David’s New World Order 37 Kennedy Wants America to Get Moving Again 39 Kennedy’s Anti-Imperialist Foreign Policy 43 Kennedy Creates the Alliance for Progress 45 Kennedy Against the Rockefellers 47 Chapter 3 David Rockefeller Against President Kennedy 52 David Surrounds Kennedy With CFR Agents 52 David’s Globalist Mafia Shows Its Hand 56 The Rockefeller-Controlled Press Attacks President Kennedy 58 Kennedy Tries to End the Vietnam War 61 Chapter 4 David Rockefeller Throws Obstacles Onto JFK’s Path 64 The Bay Of Pigs Betrayal 64 The Steel Confrontation 73 Tne Missile Crisis Than Never Was 76 Kennedy’s Efforts to End the Cold War 85 6 Servando Gonzalez Chapter 5 David’s Agents Control the JFK Assassination Cover-up 89 The CFR: A Communo-Fascist Government in Power 90 The CFR Launches a Cover-up Campaign 92 CFR Agents Control the Post-Cover-Up 95 More Post-Cover-Up Disinformers 105 PART 2 Chapter 6 The Rockefellers: A Criminal Gang 115 The Rockefellers’ Criminal Activities 116 Nelson and David Inherit Granpa’s Passion for Spying 120 The Family Tradition Continues 122 The CFR: An Organization of Traitors, Thieves, Assassins and Mass Murderers 125 Chapter 7 The Rockefellers Create the Inquiry, the CFR and the OSS 127 U.S. Intelligence Before WWI 127 The Rockefellers Create the First U.S. Civilian Intelligence Agency 129 The CFR: The Rockefellers’ Secret Intelligence Agency 133 The OSS: Covert Operations for the Rockefellers 138 The Chase Bank: David’s Private Intelligence Agency 141 Chapter 8 The Rockefellers Create the CIA 143 The National Security Act Creates the CIA 144 The NSC Authorizes the CIA to Conduct Covert Operations 145 Why Did the Rockefellers Create the CIA? 151 The CIA: The Rockefellers’ Secret Military Arm 154 Covert Operations: The CIA’s True and Only Purpose 156 The Rockefeller Family’s Tradition Continues 158 Chapter 9 The Rockefellers Recruit Castro 161 The CIA Recruits Castro as Agent Provocateur 162 The Bogotazo Operation and the Cold War PsyOp 165 Partners in Crime 7 CIA’s Agent Provocateurs Plant False Clues 167 The Assassination of Gaitán and the Bogotazo Riots 169 Was Gaitán Assassin a Patsy? 172 Chapter 10 David Rockefeller Puts Castro in Power in Cuba 177 David Helps Castro Overthrow President Batista 179 Castro the Fascist 180 Castro the Communist 182 PART 3 Chapter 11 Killing Presidents: Castro Life-Long Obsession 191 Castro’s Attempts to Kill Cuban and Foreign Presidents 192 Castro Profoundly Hated President Kennedy 195 Castro’s Version of the Kennedy Assassination 200 A Different Version of Castro’s Role in the Kennedy Assassination 206 Chapter 12 The CIA and the Kennedy Assassination 214 Angleton and Oswald 214 Angleton and the Assassination of Gaitán 218 Roa Sierra and Lee Harvey Oswald: Manchurian Candidates? 221 The CFR, the CIA and the Assassinations of Gaitán and Kennedy 224 Chapter 13 Who Killed President Kennedy? 228 Did the U.S. Government Kill President Kennedy? 228 Did the CIA Kill President Kennedy? 233 Did Castro Kill President Kennedy? 236 David Rockefeller, the CIA and Fidel Castro 240 Who Was the Mastermind? 242 Epilogue The End of the American Dream 248 Will the CFR Conspirators Allow President Trump to Accomplish JFK’s Dream? 251 8 Servando Gonzalez Will the CFR Conspirators Overthrow President Trump? 255 To Make America Great Again President Trump Must Destroy the Alien Queen 257 Appendix I Fidel Castro: A Rockefeller’s Eugenic Tool? 266 The Rockefellers and Eugenics 266 Castro’s Extraordinary Love for Nuclear Missiles 269 The Rockefellers and Nuclear War 271 Appendix II Information and Intelligence 278 The Value of Documents 278 The Evaluation of Information 280 Notes 283 Bibliography 359 Index 369 Partners in Crime 9 Introduction There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one striking at the root. —Henry David Thoreau T he assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963, is a seminal occurrence in recent American history. Probably with the ex- ception of the 9/11 events, nothing has affected the American mind and soul more than the JFK assassination. Despite the concerted efforts of the U.S. Government, the media and the academia to promote the “lone nut” narrative, ever since Kennedy was assassinated many Americans have suspected foul play. Moreover, they suspect that their President was the victim of a huge conspiracy involving people at the highest levels in the U.S. Government. In the spring of 1964, less than a year after the assassination, one third of the people interviewed by pollsters believed that Lee Harvey Oswald, the alleged “lone assassin,” actually acted in complicity with others. Within two years that number had doubled. Since then, every poll taken has shown between 60% to 80% of Americans believe that President Kennedy was killed as a result of a conspiracy. They are not wrong. In 1978 the House Select Committee on Assassi- nations confirmed the suspicion that JFK was assassinated as the result of 10 Servando Gonzalez a conspiracy. According to the Committee Summary of Findings, “The committee believes, on the basis of the evidence available to it, that Presi- dent John F. Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy.”1 Nevertheless, for reasons I will explain in this book, most “serious” investigators who have studied the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and whose books have been published by “prestigious” publish- ing houses not only have denied the possibility of a conspiracy but have also avoided focusing on the three obvious suspects of the crime: the Cen- tral Intelligence Agency, Fidel Castro and David Rockefeller. This general denial is difficult to understand, not only because the three of them had the motive, the ability, the means and the opportunity to com- mit such a crime, but also a proven history of resorting to assassination to protect and advance their interests. The CIA2 had a strong motive to kill President Kennedy. He not only openly showed his lack of appreciation for the Agency’s work, but also because, after the Bay of Pigs debacle, he fired CIA Director Allen Dulles and Deputy Director for Plans3 Richard Bissell, both of them trusted CFR members in charge of covert operations on behalf of the Rockefellers and their fellow members of the military-industrial-banking-complex. Even worse, he threatened to disband the Agency. Castro had also enough reasons to want to get rid of Kennedy, if only because he discovered that Kennedy was trying to assassinate him. Even more important, Castro was the only one among the main suspects who had publicly threatened both John and Robert Kennedy with assassination. Last, but not least, David Rockefeller’s visceral hatred for JFK was evidenced in his strong opposition to the President, personally and through his agents in the U.S. Government and the mainstream press. It is known that he orchestrated a political campaign against the young President. More- over, three of Kennedy’s major crises during his term as President, the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion, the confrontation with the steel magnates and the Cuban missile crisis seem to have been artificially created by David’s CFR agents. Even more important, the CIA, Fidel Castro and David Rockefeller not only had the motive, the means and the opportunity, but also the expertise and the propensity to commit such a crime — the three of them were in the assassination business — and David Rockefeller controlled both Castro and the CIA. Actually, as I will show in this book, David had created both the CIA and Castro.4 That is the reason why I have devoted so many pages in this book to study the true origins of both the CIA and Fidel Castro.

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