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University of Southampton Research Repository ePrints Soton Copyright © and Moral Rights for this thesis are retained by the author and/or other copyright owners. A copy can be downloaded for personal non-commercial research or study, without prior permission or charge. This thesis cannot be reproduced or quoted extensively from without first obtaining permission in writing from the copyright holder/s. The content must not be changed in any way or sold commercially in any format or medium without the formal permission of the copyright holders. When referring to this work, full bibliographic details including the author, title, awarding institution and date of the thesis must be given e.g. AUTHOR (year of submission) "Full thesis title", University of Southampton, name of the University School or Department, PhD Thesis, pagination http://eprints.soton.ac.uk UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHAMPTON SCHOOL OF HUMANITIES Centre for Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies Partition and Its Aftermath: Violence, Migration and the Role of Refugees in the Socio-Economic Development of Gujranwala and Sialkot Cities, 1947-1961 by Ilyas Ahmad Chattha Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy September 2009 Iwouldliketodedicatethis worktomyfamilywhogavemethe confidencetotry and Professor Ian Talbot mysupervisorwho guidedmetoaconclusion Abstract The partition of India in August 1947 was marked by the greatest migration in the Twentieth Century and the death of an estimated one million persons. Yet until recently (Ansari 2005; Talbot 2006) little was written about the longer term socio- economic consequences of this massive dislocation, especially for Pakistan. Even when the ‘human dimension’ of refugee experience rather than the ‘high politics’ of partition was addressed, it was not specifically tied to local case studies (Butalia, 1998). A comparative dimension was also missing, even in the ‘new history’ of partition. The thesis through case studies of the Pakistan Punjab cities of Gujranwala and Sialkot examines partition related episodes of violence, migration and resettlement. It draws on hitherto unexplored original sources to explain the nature, motivation and purpose of violence at the local level. It argues that the violence in bothcities was clearlypoliticallyratherthanculturallyand religiouslyrooted. The problems of finding accommodation and employment as well as patterns of urban resettlement are also explored. The thesis shows how the massive shifts in population influenced and transformed the socio-economic landscape of the two cities. It also addresses wider issues regarding the relative roles of refugees and locally skilled craftsmen in rebuilding the cities’ economies following the migration of the Hindu and Sikh trading and commercial class. This analysis reveals that while partition represented a major disruption, continuities persisted from the colonial era. Indeed, Sialkot’s post-independence development owed more to the skill base it inheritedthantotherefugeeinflux. Contents List ofTables vi List ofMaps and Illustrations vii DeclarationofAuthorship ix PrefaceandAcknowledgement x List ofAbbreviations xiii Translations/Transliterations xiv Introduction 1 TheHistoriographyofPartition Explanations oftheViolence Definition TheStudysites, MethodologyandSources OrganizationofChapters Part1 Contexts:Historical and Provincial 1.Colonial Inheritance: LifebeforePartitioninGujranwala andSialkot 25 2.Violence,Migration andResettlement: BroaderPunjab Level Picture 93 PartII Locality,Partition Violenceand Migration 3. Partition,Violenceand Migration: CaseStudyofGujranwala 125 4. Partition,Violenceand Migration: CaseStudyof Sialkot 160 Conclusion PartIII Localityand theAftermath of Partition 5. Aftermath of Partition: Case Study of Refugee Resettlement and Development in Gujranwala 198 6. Aftermath of Partition: Case Study of Refugee Resettlement and Development in Sialkot 230 Conclusion Conclusion 282 Appendixes 293 Glossary 297 Bibliography 300 List of Tables Table Page Table1.1 CompositionofUrbanPopulationinthedistrict ofGujranwalaTowns 44 Table1.2 CompositionofPopulationinGujranwalaDistrict 45 Table1.3 CompositionofPopulationinSialkot Suburbs, 1881-1891 54 Table1.4 CompositionofPopulationinSialkot Town 69 Table1.5 Religious CompositionofPopulationinSialkot Town/Cantonment Table1.6 Values of Export Sports Goods beforePartition 76 Table1.7 CompositionofChristianPopulationinSialkot District 79 Table1.8 Places oftheOriginofMuslim Refugees inWest Punjab 111 Table1.9 Patterns of RefugeeResettlement inPakistan,1948 112 Table1.10 RehabilitationofRefugees inRural andUrban Areas West Punjab Table2.1 Annual Outputs ofSialkot’s Surgical Instruments 249 Table2.2 Total ValueofExport ofSporting- Goods, 1952-9 265 Table2.3 Customer Countries ofSport Goods andExportedAmount inRupees Table2.4 Numberof JammuKashmirrefugees inWest Punjab,1952 268 vi Maps and Illustrations Map ofthePunjabin1947 xv Map ofGujranwala cityin1947 26 Map ofSialkot cityin1947 53 Map ofJammuandKashmirin1947 179 Ranjit Singh’s BirthPlaceinGujranwala 29 TheTombofMahanSingh,inGujranwala,CourtesyBritish Library ResidenceofSardar Hari SinghNalwa,inGujranwala GujranwalaSialkoti Gate in1869,CourtesyBritish Library 35 GujranwalaSialkoti Gate in2007 GujranwalaChurchfoundedin1865,CourtesyBritish Library 36 GujranwalaRailwayStation,whichwas built in1861 CharanSingh’s formerresidenceinGujranwala 37 Banarasi Shah’s former residenceinGujranwala ShaiwalaTejaSinghTempleinSialkot 55 Gurdwara Baba-di-Bari inSialkot Traditional WoodworkArchitectureinSialkot’s Kashmiri mohalla 56 Uberoi GandaSingh’s formerMansioninSialkot’s Paris Road AviewoftheKashmiri Mohalla inSialkot 57 Uberoi CooperativeSports LimitedinSialkot’s Paris Road Former HinduRangPura mohalla inSialkot Sialkot Cathedral establishedin1850 63 Sialkot MurrayChurchofScotlandfoundedin1889 Sialkot MurrayCollege, whichtheChurchofScotlandfoundedin1889 vii NizamabadRailwayStationonthePunjabNorth-WesternRailwayTrack 146 Photos ofMohammadRamzanandMohammad Ali ofNizamabad 147 Photos ofAbdul Islam Butt,MalikAbbas andDr Lal 174 Photos ofKazim ShahandKhalidAnwar 210 Metal-Works inaGujranwalafactory 211 Aluminium RollerbeingpreparedinaGujranwala workshop BatalaSteel Vessel General StoreinGujranwala’s Sialkoti Gate 228 GuffarPatialaJewellers inGujranwala’s Sarafa Bazaar Surgical Instruments beingmanufacturedinaSialkot Factory 261 Surgical Instruments beingmanufacturedinaSialkot homebasedWorkshop Tennis rackets beingmanufacturedinaSialkot factory 262 Hockeysticks beingmanufacturedinaSialkot factory viii DECLARATION OF AUTHORSHIP I,ILYAS AHMADCHATTHAdeclarethat the thesis entitled: ‘Partition and Its Aftermath:Violence, Migration and theRoleof Refugees in theSocio-economic Developmentof Gujranwalaand SialkotCities, 1947-1961’ andtheworkpresentedinthethesis arebothmyown,andhavebeen generatedbyme as theresult ofmyownoriginal research. Iconfirm that:  this workwas donewhollyormainlywhileincandidaturefor aresearchdegreeat this University;  where anypart ofthis thesis has previouslybeensubmittedforadegreeor any otherqualificationat this Universityoranyotherinstitution,this has beenclearly stated;  where Ihave consultedthepublishedworkofothers, this is always clearly attributed;  where Ihavequotedfrom theworkofothers, the sourceis always given. Withthe exceptionofsuchquotations, this thesis is entirelymyownwork;  Ihaveacknowledgedall mainsources ofhelp;  wherethethesis is based onworkdonebymyself jointlywithothers, Ihavemade clear exactlywhat was donebyothers andwhat Ihavecontributedmyself;  noneofthis workhas beenpublishedbeforesubmission Signed:…IlyasChattha………………………………………… Date: ix

commercially in any format or medium without the formal permission of the copyright holders Baba-di-Bari in Sialkot. Traditional Woodwork Architecture in Sialkot's Kashmiri mohalla. 56 . Gujranwala's population comprised Muslim refugees from different parts of East. Punjab and elsewhere in India.
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