ppaarrttiiccllee pphhyyssiiccss aanndd ccoossmmoollooggyy ffrroomm aallmmoosstt--ccoommmmuuttaattiivvee mmaanniiffoollddss mairi sakellariadou king’s college london university of london outline (cid:1) motivation (cid:1) formalism: noncommutative spectral geometry (cid:1) physical meaning ooff tthhee doubling of the algebra (cid:1) particle physics phenomenology: geometric explanation of SM (cid:1) gravitational theory early universe cosmology (cid:1) conclusions mmoottiivvaattiioonn cosmology particle physics cosmology cosmology EU models tested with (cid:1) astrophysical data (CMB) (cid:1) high energy experiments (LHC) cosmology EU models tested with (cid:1) astrophysical data (CMB) (cid:1) high energy experiments (LHC) despite the golden era of cosmology, a number of questions: (cid:1) origin of DE / DM (cid:1) search for natural and well-motivated inflationary model (alternatives…) . . . are still awaiting for a definite answer main approaches: (cid:1) string theory (cid:1) LQC, SF, WdW, CDT, CS,… main approaches: (cid:1) string theory (cid:1) LQC, SF, WdW, CDT, CS,… (cid:1) noncommutative spectral geometry particle physics particle physics at low energies: S + S Einstein(cid:1)Hilbert Standard Model