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Preview Particle-in-cell simulations of particle energization via shock drift acceleration from low Mach number quasi-perpendicular shocks in solar flares

Draftversion October 23,2012 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.5/2/11 PARTICLE-IN-CELL SIMULATIONS OF PARTICLE ENERGIZATION VIA SHOCK DRIFT ACCELERATION FROM LOW MACH NUMBER QUASI-PERPENDICULAR SHOCKS IN SOLAR FLARES Jaehong Park1,2, Chuang Ren1,2,3, Jared C. Workman4,1, and Eric G. Blackman1,2 1DepartmentofPhysics&Astronomy,UniversityofRochester,Rochester NY,14627 2LaboratoryforLaserEnergetics,UniversityofRochester, RochesterNY,14623 3DepartmentofMechanical Engineering,UniversityofRochester, RochesterNY,14627and 4DepartmentofPhysical&Environmental Sciences,ColoradoMesaUniversity,GrandJunctionCO,81501 Draft versionOctober 23, 2012 2 1 ABSTRACT 0 2 Low Mach number, high beta fast mode shocks can occur in the magnetic reconnection outflows of solar flares. These shocks, which occur above flare loop tops, may provide the electron energization t c responsibleforsomeoftheobservedhardX-raysandcontemporaneousradioemission. Herewepresent O new 2D particle-in-cell simulations of low Mach number/high beta quasi-perpendicular shocks. The simulations show that electrons above a certain energy threshold experience shock-drift-acceleration. 0 The transition energy between the thermal and non-thermal spectrum and the spectral index from 2 the simulations are consistent with some of the X-ray spectra from RHESSI in the energy regime, E .40 100keV.Plasmainstabilities associatedwiththe shockstructuresuchas the modified-two- ] ∼ R stream and the electron whistler/mirror instabilities are examined and compared with the numerical solutions of the kinetic dispersion relations. S Subject headings: PIC simulation, solar flares, low Mach number shocks, shock drift acceleration, . h modified two-stream, whistler and mirror instabilities p - o 1. INTRODUCTION the constraint that the shocks are exactly perpendicu- r t Low Mach number (M), high plasma beta (β ) fast lar and consider the case of quasi-perpendicularity. The s p difference is significant because particles can cross back a mode shocks can occur in the magnetic reconnection upstream for quasi-perpendicular shocks. [ outflows of solar flares. Hard X-ray data from Yohkoh Inthispaper,wepresenttheresultsoffullPICsimula- and RHESSI has revealed that electrons are energized 1 tionsforquasi-perpendicularlowM/highβ shocks. The above flare loop tops and foot points (e.g., Lin et al. p v upstream magnetic field makes angles of θ = 80◦,82◦, 2003). Solar flares are diverse and the associated re- B 4 and 83.5◦ respectively to the shock normal and the connectioneventsare likely “accelerationenvironments” 5 shocks satisfy the subluminal condition, V /cosθ < withpotentiallydifferentmechanismsofparticleacceler- sh B 6 c, where V is the shock speed in the upstream rest ation operating on different scales. One potential source sh 5 frame and c is the speed of light. In such a sublumi- . of particle acceleration, seen from analytic predictions 0 (Blackman & Field 1994) and numerical simulations of nal shock, electrons can then be reflected at the shock 1 front due to the magnetic mirror effect and gain en- reconnection configurations in which an obstacle was 2 ergy (e.g., Ball & Melrose 2001; Mann et al. 2006, 2009; present (e.g., Forbes 1998; Workman et al. 2011), in- 1 Warmuth et al. 2009). volves the presence of low Mach number fast shocks in : One difficulty in performing PIC simulations for SDA v reconnection outflows. These “termination” shocks may in solar flares is that they require sufficiently high en- i contribute to the high energy accelerationobservedover X ergy electrons above the threshold energy for SDA in some frequency range, studying the potential ways in the simulation to obtain statistically reliable results. r which these shocks can accelerate particles is well moti- a The commonly used Maxwellian distribution has too vated. few above the threshold electrons to be used in a Mann et al. (2006, 2009) and Warmuth et al. (2009) simulation. Herein we use a kappa distribution for suggested an electron energization via shock drift ac- both ions and electrons with κ = 10 for the injected celeration (hereafter SDA) in a solar flare termination particles. This increases the number of high energy shock. Guo & Giacalone (2010, 2012) performed hybrid electrons but does not significantly alter the original simulations for a solar flare termination shock and test shock structure, which is determined by the bulk of electronsareeffectivelyenergizedviatheinteractionwith the thermal particles. Although the kappa distribu- pre-existing large-scale magnetic fluctuations. In recent tion is used for computational convenience in this pa- work (Park et al. 2012), we performed a full particle-in- per, the kappa distribution can also be physically a cell(PIC)simulationforpurely perpendicular(i.e. mag- relevant distribution in the outflow driven electron-ion netic field perpendicular to shock normal), low M/high jet (e.g., Yoon et al 2006; Ka˘sparov´a& Karlicky´ 2009; β shocks, where the upstream magnetic field was di- p Mann et al. 2006, 2009; Warmuth et al. 2009). rected out of the simulation plane. We found that both The goals of this paper are two-fold: (1) studying the electrons and ions are participated in SDA. formationandstructureofsuchshocks,includingthetur- Termination shocks may however deviate from purely bulent dissipation mechanism for collisionless shock sus- perpendicularityinsolarflares,the extenttowhichisan tenance and entropy creation, and (2) studying the par- openquestion. Inthemeantime,itisinstructivetorelax 2 Park et al. ticle acceleration mechanism relevant for the soft/hard X-ray flux observations in solar flares. We observe the same modified-two-stream instability in the shock tran- sition region as in the perpendicular shocks (Park et al. 2012) which can providethe turbulent dissipation in the downstream. Furthermore,a temperature anisotropyaf- ter the shocktransitionregionis foundto drivethe elec- tron whistler/mirror instabilities. As we will see, more abundant SDA-accelerated elec- trons are found in the present simulations of the quasi- perpendicular case compared to the previously simula- tions of the perpendicular case (Park et al. 2012). In Fig.1.— The initial energy distribution in the upstream rest this context, we also extend the theoretical analysis in framefromthesimulation. Thedashedlineisakappadistribution Mann et al. (2006, 2009); Warmuth et al. (2009) to in- with κ = 10 and T = 0.8keV. The dotted line is a Maxwellian cludethe electricpotentialjumpattheshockfront(e.g., distributionwithT =0.8keV. Ball & Melrose 2001) and generalize the electron energy spectrum. Both our theoretical analysis and our simu- lations show a transition energy, Etrans,p, between the MA/ 1+(5/6)βp = 2.28. The ratio of the electron thermal and non-thermal photon spectrum that is de- cyclotron frequency to the electron plasma frequency is termined by the minimum angle of θB. We find that Ωce/ωppe = 0.0265. With these upstream values of MA the transition energy Etrans,p and the spectral index δ andβp,theRankine-Hugoniotrelation(Tidman & Krall fromtheoryandoursimulationareconsistentwithsome 1971) for the shocks with the angles used gives the com- of the X-ray spectra of solar flares from RHESSI (e.g., pression ratio between (2.06,2.50), where the lower and Altyntsev et al. 2012) in the energy range, E . 40 the upper limits are calculated for 2D and 3D, respec- ∼ 100keV. Beyond E = 40 100keV, to maintain the tively. ∼ power-lawdistributionup toE MeV,additionalmech- The simulation box is initialized with a kappa– ∼ anisms beyond the shock acceleration studied are re- distributed ion-electron plasma drifting with V = d quired. 0.0213c and T = T = 0.8keV, where V is set to a e i d Therestofthepaperis organizedasfollows. Thesim- smaller value than the upstream speed V (= 0.032c) in 1 ulation setup is described in section 2. The shock struc- the shock rest frame considering the shock to be travel- ture and particle acceleration are described in section 3. ing to the left. In the upstream rest frame, the energy We summarize in section 4. distribution is a kappa distribution such as 2. SIMULATION SETUP f(E)= 25/2 1 Γ(κ+1) E1/2 √π (2κ 3)3/2Γ(κ 1/2)T3/2 We use the fully relativistic PIC code OSIRIS − − (Fonseca et al. 2002) to study the formation of and par- 2 E −κ−1 ticle energization in low-M, high-β shocks, where M 1+ , (1) p × 2κ 3T is the Mach number and β is the ratio of thermal (cid:18) − (cid:19) p to magnetic pressure. To launch a shock, we use the whereΓisthegammafunctionandf(E)isnormalizedto moving wall boundary condition (Langdon et al. 1988; 1, ∞dEf(E) = 1. The kappa distribution approaches Park et al. 2012) at the right boundary of the 2D simu- the0Maxwellian distribution as κ goes to . Figure 1 lation box. The moving wall method generates a slowly shoRwstheinitialenergydistributionintheu∞pstreamrest propagating shock compared to the more standard fixed frame from the simulation. The dashed line is a kappa reflection boundary method, and allows for smaller box distributioninEquation(1)withκ=10andT =0.8keV sizes and more efficient use of simulation time. andthedottedlineisaMaxwelliandistributionwiththe We adopt parameters typical of those found in same temperature. The bulk parts (E < 5 keV) of the solar flare reconnection outflows (Tsuneta 1996; two distributions are very similar. The implementation Workman et al. 2011) as the upstream conditions for of the kappa distribution in OSIRIS is described in Ap- our shock. In particular, we use a plasma density pendix A. n = 5×109/cm3, electron and ion temperatures Te = A uniform external Ez field is set up along the z-axis fiTeil=ds0t.r8eknegVth(=B9=.276G×1w0i6tKh)β,and8tπhne(Tup+stTrea)/mBm2 =agn8.e9t3ic. wdiistthribEuzti=on−isVcdoBnys/tca.ntAlyninejwecpteladsfmroamofthtehelesftamboeuknadpaprya p e i ≡ The magnetic field is in the x-y plane and has an angle (x = 0) throughout the simulation. The simulation box of θ = 80◦, 82◦, and 83.5◦ from the shock normal(x- sizes are L L = 250c/ω 50c/ω . The grid size B x y pe pe × × axis) in each simulation. A reduced ion/electron mass used is dx = dy = 0.08c/ω and the time step used is pe ratio of m /m = 30 is used to reduce computational dt = 0.056/ω . For each particle species, 196 particles i e pe demands. The Alfv´en Mach number is chosen to be percellareused. Theparticlenumber/cellisfairlylarge M V √4πm n/B = 6.62, which equates to an up- to reduce numerical collisions and maintain the kappa A 1 i ≡ stream plasma flow velocity in the shock rest frame, distribution for a sufficiently long time. V = 0.032c, for m /m = 30. If the real mass ratio, A linear current deposition scheme is used for all sim- 1 i e m /m = 1836, is used for the same M , then the up- ulations in this paper. A periodic boundary condition i e A streamflowvelocitywouldbe1226km/s(=0.0041c). The is used in the y-direction for both particles and fields. super-fast-magnetosonic Mach number M satisfies M For fields, an open boundary condition is used in the x- ≡ Particle-in-cell simulations of particle energization via shock drift acceleration 3 Fig.2.—Theratios,n/n1,V1/Vx,andBy/By1,momentumdistributionofpx−x,py−x,andpz−x,y-averagedflowvelocityofVx,Vy, andVz,andtemperature Tk, T⊥,Tz forthe electrons(left column)andthe ions(rightcolumn)att=11200/ωpe. (a)∼(b) arecalculated intheshock-restframeandtheotherplotsareobtainedinthesimulationframe. (m-o)showtheBx,By,andBz fieldsinthex−y space. direction. Particles that reach x=0 are re-injected into moves to the left with a speed of 0.01c in the simula- theboxwiththeinitialkappadistribution. Atx=L ,a tion frame. In Figure 2(a&b), the compression ratio is x moving wall boundary condition is adopted (Park et al. r = 2.5 near the shock front and oscillates around 2.0 2012)andthe movingwallspeedis settoV =0.004c. downstream,in reasonableagreementwith the Rankine- wall Hugoniotrelation(Tidman & Krall1971). InFigure2(c- 3. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS h),weshowthattheelectronsandionsareheateddown- stream,but the ionsareconspicuouslyless heatedin the 3.1. Shock structure y-direction [Figure 2f]. In Figure 2(i&j), the flow ve- In Figure 2(a&b), we plot the ratios of downstream locity, V = 0.021c, in the upstream decreases down- x to upstream density n(x)/n , upstream to downstream stream to the moving wall speed, V =0.004c. The z- 1 wall flow speeds, V /V(x), and downstream to upstream y- component of the velocity, V , is oscillating around zero 1 z magnetic field, B (x)/B . In Figure 2(c-l), we plot the downstream due to the E B -drift while V 0. In y y1 x × y y ≃ phase-space distributions of p x, p x, and p x, Figure 2(k&l), we see that the downstreamtemperature x y z the y-averagedflowvelocitypro−filesofV−(x), V (x),−and isanisotropic,thatisT >T withT =T 1.66keV x y ⊥ k e⊥ ez ≈ V (x), andthe temperatureprofilesofT (x), T (x), and and T 1.5keV for the electrons, and T = T z k ⊥ ek ≈ i⊥ iz ≈ BTz((xx)), (rweshpeerceti⊥vealyn)d, fkorartehpeeerlpeecntrdoincusla(trhaenldefptacroallulemlnto) 2.5FkiegVurean2d(mTi-ko)≈s1h.o0wkeVBfionrxthe iyonssp.ace. The B and x − andthe ions(the rightcolumn)att=11200/ω for the B fields show oscillatory patterns along the y-axis near pe z θ =80◦ case. the shock front (x 150c/ω ) and the B field shows B ∼ pe y In this subsection, we present results for the shock a rippled surface along the y-axis. These variations are structure for θ = 80◦ only but other simulations for duetoelectronwhistler/mirrorinstabilitiesdrivenbythe B θ = 82◦ and 83.5◦ also show similar shock structures. electron temperature anisotropy, T >T . B e⊥ ek TheelectronenergizationviaSDAshowsdifferentenergy Figure3showsthe y-averagedE, B, andthe potential x spectraforthedifferentanglesofθ aswewillseeinthe energy eΦ(x)(= e E dx) at t = 11200/ω , mea- B | | x1 x pe next subsection. suredintheshockrestframe. TheE , E ,andB fields In Figure 2, the shock front is at x 140c/ω and R y z x pe ≈ 4 Park et al. Fig.3.—y-averagedEandBfields,andthepotentialenergy|e|φ(x)att=11200/ωpe measuredintheshockrestframe. Fig.4.—(a)∼(d): FourierspectraoftheEandBfieldsinthekx−ky spacefromthesimulation. TheB0 fieldhasanangleof86◦ from the x-axis. (e&f): The growth rates for the electron whistler/mirror modes from the kinetic dispersion relation (Appendix C), (f): The growthratesfortheelectronwhistler/ioncyclotronmodesfork×B0=0. are approximately constant across the shock while E an angle θ =21◦ from B . The electron whistler modes x 0 andB oscillatewithawavenumberk =0.2ω /cdown- are circularly polarized and therefore not seen in the B z pe k stream. The potential energy jump e∆Φ at the shock plot [Figure 4c]. | | front is 3.5keV [Figure 3d]. Some ions in the low en- Tocomparethesimulationresultswiththekineticdis- ∼ ergytailreflectattheshockfrontanddrivethemodified persionrelations,we numericallysolvethe dispersionre- two-streaminstability. lation (Appendix C) in Figure 4(e&f). Here we assume InFigure4(a-d),weplottheFourierspectraoftheE⊥, thattheelectronandiondistributionsarebi-Maxwellian B⊥, Bk, and Bz fields, where and are perpendicular for simplicity. We use the parameters extracted in the ⊥ k andparalleltoB ,respectively. TheB (=B xˆ+B yˆ) region of 150<x<170(c/ω ) at t=11200/ω in Fig- 0 0 0x 0y pe pe is an averaged field over 150 < x < 170(c/ω ) in ure 2(k&l) with T = 1.33keV and T = 1.8keV for pe ek e⊥ Figure 2 and has an angle 86◦ from the x-axis. The the electrons, and T = 0.85keV and T = 2.3keV for ik i⊥ electron whistler and mirror modes driven by electron the ions. The magnetic field strength B = 16G. The 0 temperature anisotropy, T > T (e.g., Gary 1993; maximum growth rate for the electron whistler mode e⊥ ek Gary & Karimabadi 2006) are indicated. The dominant is ωi = 5.2 10−4ωpe at kk = 0.47(ωpe/c) [Figure × electronwhistlermodeisalongtheB withk =0.5ω /c. 4e&f]. Themaximumgrowthrateforthemirrormodeis 0 pe The dominant mirror mode has k =0.8ωpe/c and makes ωi = 1.4 10−3ωpe at k⊥ = 0.63 and kk = 0.88(ωpe/c). × Particle-in-cell simulations of particle energization via shock drift acceleration 5 simulation with an in-plane B field is the same as that with the out-of-plane B field which then precludes the whistler/mirror instability. We are led to conclude that the MTSI is the most likely candidate to provide the needed turbulence (e.g., Park et al. 2012). 3.2. particle heating via shock drift acceleration InFigure6,weplotthe electronandionenergydistri- butions, f(E)(= dN/dE) upstream(50< x < 155c/ω ) pe and downstream(155 < x < 250c/ω ) at t = 8400/ω pe pe for θ = 80◦. We fit the thermal (bulk) part of the B distributions using a kappa distribution with κ = 10 (dashed lines), yielding T = T = 0.8keV upstream and e i T = 1.58keV and T = 1.8keV downstream. In Figure e i 6(a&d), we plot the electron and ion phase-space dis- tributions in E x, overlaid with B field to indicate y − the location of the shock front. Abundant non-thermal electrons are seen ahead of the shock at x = 155c/ω , pe traveling as far back as x=10c/ω [Figure 6a]. pe Fig. 5.— (a&b): Ion and electron distributions in the shock In Figure 6(b), the electron energy spectrum shows transition region, 155 < x < 175(c/ωpe) at t = 8400/ωpe. We a deviation from a thermal distribution at E 12keV fit the distributions with Maxwellian distributions(dashed lines). ∼ and the spectrum becomes steeper at E 50keV. The (c&d): The growth rates and real frequencies obtained from the ∼ MTSIdispersionrelation(AppendixB). dotted line in Figure 6(b) is the theoretical energy dis- tribution via SDA when the electric potential energy jump e∆Φ 3.5(keV) at the shock front is consid- | | ≈ ered (See section 3.2.1). In Figure 6(e), the ion energy Thesolutionsforthedispersionrelationwhenk B=0 × spectrum shows a deviation from a thermal distribution (Appendix C) and the ion-cyclotron instability weaker at E 15keV and the spectrum becomes steeper at thantheelectronwhistlerinstabilityareexplicitlyshown ∼ E 30keV. in Figure 4(f). ∼ InFigure 7(a-d), we plot a typicaltrack ofan electron Figure5(a&b)showstheelectronandiondistributions experiencingSDA, overlaidwith the shock frontand the in the shock transition region in 155 < x < 175(c/ω ) pe subsequent compression peaks [Figure 7a]. The electron at t = 8400/ω . We observe that 27% of the incom- pe isreflectedattheshockfront[Figure7a]andgainsenergy ing ions are reflected at the shock front [Figure 5a] and from8keVto50keV[Figure7c]. After thereflection,the the modified two-stream instability (MTSI) can be ex- electron drifts along the upstream magnetic field lines cited. The MTSI is electrostatic with its wave vector [Figure 7b]. In Figure 7(d), we plot the electron in the alongthex-axis(AppendixB).Theelectronshaveatem- v v phase-space. The electrons in the region I are perature of Tex = 1.65keV and drift with Vex = 0.0064c tr⊥an−sfekrred to the region II after the reflection. in the simulation frame [Figure 5b]. We fit the dis- In Figure 7(e&f), we plot a typical track for an ion tributions using drifting Maxwellians. The electrons experiencing SDA. Whether or not an ion gains energy are magnetized with B = 10G while the ions are as- via SDA depends on its incident speed and angle of in- sumedto be non-magnetized. Inthe electronrestframe, cidence at the shock front (Kirk 1994). When the ion the drift velocities for the incoming and reflecting ions meetstheshockfront,itturnsbacktowardtheupstream are V = 0.0116c and V = 0.0134c, respectively. xin xre − with a larger gyro-radius [Figure 7a] and is accelerated Bothincoming andreflecting ionshavea temperature of by the E field. The kinetic energy of the ion increases T = T = 0.98keV. In Figure 5(c&d), we solve the z xin xre from 5keV up to 20keV [Figure 7b]. A detailed analysis kinetic dispersion relation for the MTSI. The maximum for ions experiencing SDA in perpendicular shocks was growth rate is ω = 3.2 10−4ω at k = 0.2c/ω and i × pe pe described in our previous work (Park et al. 2012). the real frequency is ω = 0.0015ω . r pe − Turbulent dissipation is needed to randomize the up- 3.2.1. Electron spectrum via SDA stream flow to form collisionless shocks (e.g., Wu 1982). The macroscopic jump conditions across a shock are In this subsection, we generalize the electron en- essentially independent of the source of microphysical ergy spectrum via SDA by Mann et al. (2006, 2009); turbulence, as long as there is such a source. Plasma Warmuth et al. (2009) to include the electric potential instabilities in the shock transition region are natural jump, e∆Φ, at the shock front (e.g., Ball & Melrose sources for this needed turbulent dissipation and we 2001) and compare with the PIC simulation results. consider three possible instabilities: (1)lower hybrid in- First,weconsiderthe de Hoffmann-Teller(dHT)frame stability (the excited modes are in the B B di- (denoted by ′) where the motional E (= V /cB ) field z 1 y × ∇ − rection) (e.g., Zhou et al. 1983), (2)whistler/mirror in- vanishes. The dHT frame is obtained by boosting with stability, and (3)MTSI (e.g., Papadopoulos et al. 1971; v = V /cosθ along the magnetic field line in the up- s sh B Wagner et al. 1971). The lower hybrid instability is pre- streamrest frame. (Here we consider the negative shock cluded in these 2D simulations where the B-field is in speed, V <0,forashocktravelingtothe -xˆdirection.) sh the x y simulation plane. In addition, we notice that The maximum θ for the existence of the dHT frame is B the sh−ock structure (i.e. the compression ratio) in the given by θ =cos−1(V /c)(<90◦). Bmax sh 6 Park et al. Fig.6.— (a&d): Energy distribution vs. x-ranges with the By field is over-plotted with an arbitrary scale. The electron(b&c) and ion(e&f) energy distributions upstream (50<x<155c/ωpe) and downstream (155<x<250c/ωpe)at t=8400/ωpe. In (b), the dotted lineisa theoretical energy distribution whenthe potential energy at the shock frontis eΦ=−3.5(keV). We fit the thermal distributions withkappadistributionswithκ=10(dashed lines). Fig.7.—(a-d): Atypical electrontrackingexperiencingSDA.(e&f): AtypicaliontrackingexperiencingSDA. Particle-in-cell simulations of particle energization via shock drift acceleration 7 Fig.9.— The transition energy Etrans,e vs θB for eΦ = −3.5 keV(solid)and0keV(dashed)fromEq.(8). TheenergypointE2,e Fig.8.— The condition for SDA in the βk − β⊥ space vs θB(dot-dashed) from Eq.(9). Here Vsh =0.0041c, r =2.5 and when βs = −0.293. The incoming electrons in the region mi/me=1836(MA=6.62andβp=8.93.) I(light shaded) aretransferredtothe regionII(dark shaded) after reflection(Mannetal. 2006, 2009). The hyperbolic curve is given by the potential energy eΦ = −3.5keV at the shock front, which approaches thestraightdottedlineswheneΦ→0. In Figure 8, we plot the SDA condition in the βk β⊥ − space for β = 0.293 as an example (e.g., Mann et al. s − 2006, 2009). Equation (5) defines the region I(light shaded region) and the hyperbolic curve is given by the In the dHT frame, the condition for an electron to potentialenergyeΦ= 3.5keVattheshockfront. When reflect at the shock front is (e.g., Ball & Melrose 2001; − eΦ goes to zero, the hyperbolic curve approaches the Mann et al. 2006, 2009) straightlines as seen in Mann et al.(2006, 2009). Equa- β′ >β′tanα and β′ >0, (2) tion(6)impliesthattheincomingelectronsintheregion ⊥ k 0 k IaretransferredtotheregionII(darkshadedregion)af- where and are perpendicular and parallel to the terreflection. Asθ increasestoθ (=cos−1(V /c)), upstrea⊥m B1, krespectively, βk′,⊥ = vk′,⊥/c, and α0 = βsgoesto 1inFigBure8andthenBummabxerofelectrosnhssat- − sin−1 B /B ( sin−1 1/r). If we include the po- isfying the reflection condition in Equation (5) decrease 1 2 tential energy ≈eΦ(< 0) at the shock front, the reflec- tozero. Therefore,noelectronreflectsattheshockfront tion cpondition, Equationp(2), can be written in the non- inthesuperluminalshocks(where βs 1)orperpendic- | |≥ relativistic limit by (e.g., Ball & Melrose 2001) ular shocks. The threshold energy E for SDA is given by the thres shortestdistancefromtheorigintothehyperboliccurve, 2eΦ β′ > β′2 tanα , β′ >0. (3) oq(=β ) in Figure 8, namely ⊥ s(cid:18) k − mec2(cid:19) 0 k thres 0F.o1r17r)e,lathtievpisotitcenetlieaclternoenrsgyweiΦthisβnk′eg≫ligible2a|ne|dΦE/mqueact2i(o=n Ethres =(cid:18)1/q1−βt2hres−1(cid:19)mec2, where (7) (3) is reduced to Equation (2). p β = D2[(1−βs)2D2P2{P −(1+βs2)}+βs2−P], fraUmsein(′g) athnedLthoereunptsztrteraamnsfroersmt afrtaiomne,between the dHT thres s 1+D2(1−Pβs2) where D =γ tanα and P =2eΦ/m c2. β′ = βk−βs , β′ = β⊥ , (4) The transistion e0nergy Etrans,e beteween thermal and k 1 β β ⊥ γ (1 v β ) non-thermalelectronpopulationsisgivenbythedistance k s s k s − − from the origin to the point p, op(= β ), in Figure 8 trans where βs = vs/c(= Vsh/(ccosθB)) and γs = 1/ 1−βs2, such as Equation (3) is transformed in the upstream rest frame into p E = 1/ 1 β2 1 m c2, where (8) trans,e − trans− e β⊥ >γstanα0 (βk−βs)2− m2eΦc2(1−βsβk)2 1/2, βtrans =β(cid:18)s2−q(1−βs2)(2eΦ/m(cid:19)ec2)tan2α0. (cid:20) e (cid:21) The energy point E where the maximum energy ra- β >β . (5) 2,e k s tio of the reflecting to the incoming electron occurs is Thevelocityofthe electronafterreflectioninthe dHT givenbyBall & Melrose(2001)inthenon-relativisticap- frame is given by β′ = β′ and β′ = β′ , where proximation, namely rk − ik r⊥ i⊥ the indices i and r representthe incoming and reflecting electron, respectively. In the upstream rest frame, one E2,e ≈ 1/ 1−β22−1 mec2, gets (Mann et al. 2006, 2009) (cid:18) q (cid:19) β =2β cos(α /2), (9) 2 s 0 β = 2βs−βrk(1+βs2),β = βr⊥ . Beyond E = E , the spectral index δ, defined as in ik 1 2β β +β2 i⊥ γ2 1 2β β +β2 2,e − rk s s s − rk s s f(E) E−δ, becomes increasing. Figure 9 shows how (6) ∝ the transition energy E for eΦ = 3.5 keV(solid) (cid:0) (cid:1) trans,e − 8 Park et al. Fig.10.— (a-c): The upstream electron distribution in the βk−β⊥ plane from the simulations for θB = 80◦,82◦, and 83.5◦. (d∼f): The upstream electron energy distributions in the upstream rest frame from the theoretical distributions with eΦ = 0(dashed) and eΦ = −3.5keV(dot-dashed), and the simulations(solid). We fit the thermal distribution with a kappa distribution with T = 0.8keV and κ=10(dotted). HereVsh=−0.032c,r=2.5andmi/me=30(MA=6.62andβp=8.93). and0 keV(dashed),andE (dot-dashed)varieswithθ using Equations (6-12) to obtain 2,e B when V =0.0041c, r =2.5 and m /m =1836 (M = sh i e A 6.62 and β =8.93). 2πβ2 1 dtf (β) p −1 i Thereflectedelectrondistributionintheupstreamrest ................. for β <β frame is writtefnr(aβsr)=fi[βi(βr)](d3βi/d3βr)Θ(βs−βrk)× f(β)= ......2.2.π.π.β.β.2.2.(cid:16)...Rtt−3t2f3o1drdRttβdd33+tβhβrriRefst11i≤[dβtiβ(cid:17)(βt<fh,ir(teβ)βs]t)rans, (13) Θ βr⊥−γstanα0(cid:20)(βs−βrk)2− m2eeΦc2(1−βsβrk)2(cid:21)(11/02)!, where t =cosθ+a2n..πd..β..θ2...R(cid:16)i.s.R..−tt.2.1h..edtfeo+lrecRβtt1r1≥odntβ’(cid:17)strfapin(istβc)h angle-the angle between β and B . The boundaries t (= cosθ ), 1 1 1 where Θ is the step function and the term d3β /d3β is t2(= cosθ2), and t3(= cosθ3) as shown in Figure 8 are i r given as t = β /β, and t and t (< t ) are roots of the given by the Jacobian determinant, 2 s 1 3 1 equation, β d3βi = βi⊥ ∂(βi⊥,βik) = (1−βs)4 . (11) t21,3 1+D2 1−Pβs2 −2t1,3D2 βs (1−P) d3β β ∂(β ,β ) (1 2β β +β2)4 r r⊥ (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) r⊥ rk (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) − rk s s (cid:8) (cid:0) +(cid:1)(cid:9)Dβ22 βs2−P −1=0. (14) HerewelettheincomingdistributioninEquation(10)be (cid:0) (cid:1) a semi-relativistic kappa distribution (Mann et al. 2006, In Figure 10(a-c), we plot the upstream electron dis- 2009), tributions in the β β plane from the simulations for k ⊥ θ =80,82 and 83.5−◦. We see that electrons in region I B aretransferredto regionII. As θ increases,the number B 2(γ 1)m c2 −κ−1 of electrons which participate in SDA decrease since the fi(βi)=cκ 1+ 2κi−3 Te , (12) energy threshold for SDA in Equation (7) increases. (cid:18) − (cid:19) In Figure 10(d f), we plot the normalized upstream ∼ electron energy distributions, f(E)(= 1/NdN/dE), in the upstream rest frame for θ = 80,82 and 83.5◦. where γi =1/ 1−β2i and cκ =1/ d3βifi(βi). We compare the results of EqBuation (13) for eΦ = We calculatqe the upstream electron energy distribu- 0(dashed) and 3.5(keV)(dot-dashed) with the simu- R − tions, f(E) = f(β)dβ/dE, in the upstream rest frame lation results(solid). The dotted line is the incoming Particle-in-cell simulations of particle energization via shock drift acceleration 9 Fig.11.— (a&b): The photon distribution via bremsstrahlung radiation for θB =80◦, 82◦, and 83.5◦ when the electron distributions are given by Eq.(13) and by simulations. (c): The averaged photon distribution of 80◦ ≤ θB ≤ θBmax(= 88.17◦) from the theoretical distributions with eΦ = 0 and −3.5keV. (d): The averaged photon distribution of θB = 80◦, 82◦, and 83.5◦. The dotted line is the photondistributionwhentheelectrondistributionisakappadistributionwithT =0.8keV andκ=10. HereVsh=−0.032c,r=2.5and mi/me=30(MA=6.62andβp=8.93). kappa distribution with T = 0.8keV and κ = 10. Us- the X-rays, V = 1027cm3. In Figure 11(a&b), we show ing Equation (8), the transition energy points are given the photon distribution for θ = 80(solid), 82(dashed), B by E = 11.3keV, 16.5keV, and 24.2keV for the and 83.5(dot-dashed) when the electron distribution is trans,e angles, θ = 80◦, 82◦, and 83.5◦, respectively, when given by the theoretical distribution in Equation (13) B eΦ = 3.5keV. Using Equation (9), the energy points with eΦ = 3.5keV [Figure 11a] and by the simula- − − E ’s, beyond which the spectral index increases, are tion [Figure 11b]. The dotted line is the photon dis- 2,e given by E = 34keV, 56keV, and 93keV for the an- tribution when the electron distribution is given by a 2,e gles, θ = 80◦, 82◦, and 83.5◦, respectively. Here kappa distribution with T = 0.8keV and κ = 10. Here B V = 0.032c, r = 2.5 and m /m = 30 (M = 6.62 V = 0.032c, r = 2.5 and m /m = 30 (M = 6.62 sh i e A sh i e A − − and β =8.93). and β =8.93). p p In Figure 11(c), we plot the averagedphoton distribu- 3.2.2. Bremsstrahlung radiation tionof80◦ θ θ (=88.17◦)fromthe theoretical B Bmax Electrons accelerated via SDA move along the mag- distribution≤in E≤quation (13) with eΦ = 0(dashed) and netic field lines as can be seen from the electron track- eΦ= 3.5keV(solid). In Figure 11(d), we plot the aver- ing in Figure 7(b) and will collide with ions to emit aged p−hoton distribution of θ =80, 82, and 83.5◦ from B bremsstrahlung radiation. In the low-frequency limit of the electron distribution given by Equation (13) with ωb/γv 1, where ω is a photon angular frequency, b eΦ = 0(dashed) and eΦ = 3.5keV(dot-dashed), and is the i≪mpact parameter, v is the electron speed, and bythe simulation(solid). InF−igure 11(d), we notice that γ = 1/ 1 (v/c)2, the number of photons per unit the theoretical result with eΦ= 3.5keV(dot-dashed)is frequency p−er unit volume per unit time produced by in good agreement with the simu−lation result(solid). thebrempsstrahlungprocessis(e.g.,Rybicki & Lightman In Figure 11(d), the simulation result shows that the 1979) transition energy Etrans,p between the thermal and non- thermal photon spectrum is E 10keV and the dN 16Z2e6n n c γ γm v2 trans,p ≈ e i e energy point E , beyond which the photon spectrum = ln f(v)dv, 2,p dωdVdt 3c3m2~2ω v ~ω becomes steeper, is E 40keV. The spectral index e Zvmin (cid:18) (cid:19) 2,p ≈ (15) δ is δ = 3(simulation) and δ = 2.2(theory with eΦ = wheref(v)isanormalizedelectrondistributionandv 3.5keV) in 10keV< E < 40keV and δ = 7(simulation) min − is determined by the equation ~ω =(γ 1)mc2. in E > 40keV. For emission from multiple shocks with min Given the electron distributions in Figu−re 10(d-f), we different θB’s, the transition energy Etrans,p and E2,p calculate the number of photons per unit time(sec) per wouldbedominatedbytheshockwiththeminimumθB. unit energy(keV) using Equation (15) for the ion den- Note that the transition energy Etrans,p for the photon sity of ni = ne and the volume of the region emitting distribution is a bit smaller than Etrans,e for the elec- 10 Park et al. compared to m /m =30, i e cosθ θ′ =cos−1 B . (16) B " 1836/30# For example, 80◦ θ θ p (=88.17◦) for m /m = B Bmax i e 30 corresponds to≤88.73≤◦ θ 89.77◦ for m /m = B i e ≤ ≤ 1836. InFigure12,weplotthe averagedphotondistribution of θ θ θ (=89.77◦) for a realion/electron Bmin B Bmax ≤ ≤ mass ratio, m /m = 1836, from the electron distribu- i e tion given by Equation (13) with eΦ = 3.5keV. Here − V = 0.0041c and r = 2.5 (M = 6.62 and β = 8.93). sh A p The different values of θ , from θ = 88.73◦ to Bmin Bmin 89.43◦, give the different transition energy points, from E = 10 to 35 keV. The power indices of the Fig.12.— The averaged photon distribution of θBmin ≤ θB ≤ phtroatnosn,p spectrum are nearly the same as δ 2.2 in θBmax(= 89.77◦) from the theoretical distributions in Equation ∼ (13) with eΦ=−3.5keV for several minimum values of θB. Here Etrans,p < E < E2,p, where E2,p runs from 40 to 150 Vsh = 0.0041c, r = 2.5 and mi/me = 1836 (MA = 6.62 and keV. βp=8.93). ThetransitionenergyincreasesasθBmin increases. 4. CONCLUSION In summary, we studied quasi-perpendicular, low M/highβ shocks with full PIC 2-Dsimulations using a p reducedion/electronmassratiom /m =30. The shock i e tron distribution because bremsstrahlung photons are compression ratio we found was in agreement with the producedbyelectronswithhigherenergiesthanthepho- Rankine-Hugoniotrelation. Electronwhistler/mirrorin- ton energy (e.g., Holman 2003). The energy point E stabilitiesdrivenbydownstreamtemperatureanisotropy 2,p is approximately given by Equation (9). wereobserved. A modified two-streaminstability due to RHESSI data for several solar flares (Table I in the incoming and reflecting ions in the shock transition Altyntsev et al. (2012)), shows that the spectral index δ region was also observed. isintherange2.5<δ <3andthetransitionenergyisin Abundant non-thermal electrons accelerated via SDA therange12.1keV<E <29.2keV.Therefore,the were observed upstream. We compared the electron trans,p electron energization via SDA well explains some of the energy distribution from the simulation with the dis- RHESSI X-ray spectra for the energy regime, E < E tributions derived by extending a theoretical model 2,p and how the transition energy is related with the shock (Mann et al.2006,2009;Warmuth et al.2009)toinclude geometry, i.e., the minimum θ . electric potential energy at the shock front, and found B The observedRHESSI spectra do not show a steepen- good agreement. ing beyond E = E , and thus the theory herein can- In perpendicular shocks, however, SDA can be 2,p notbyitself accountforthe electronaccelerationtopro- achieved only by particles transmitted into the down- duce those photons. This indicates additional mecha- stream,andtheenergyobtainedbythetransmittedpar- nisms, such as diffusive shock acceleration, are required ticles are smaller than that by the reflected ones (e.g., for further electron energization to maintain the power- Ball & Melrose 2001). Therefore, such abundant non- law spectrum up to E MeV. It is not unreasonable thermalelectronsobservedinquasi-perpendicularshocks ∼ to expect that solar flares involve multiple acceleration in this paper are not seen in perpendicular shocks (e.g., mechanisms operating on a range of scales. Park et al. 2012). We calculated the photon flux via bremsstrahlung ra- 3.3. Effects of a realistic proton/electron mass ratio on diationfromtheelectrondistributionsfromboththethe- the spectra oryandsimulationandweidentifieda transitionenergy, E markingthe changebetweena thermalandnon- When the actual ion/electron mass ratio of m /m = trans,p i e thermal photon spectrum. E is determined by the 1836is used,the shockspeedin the upstreamrestframe trans,p minimum θ from multiple shocks with different θ ’s in B B is reduced by 30/1836 compared to our simulations θ θ 90◦. Different solar flares have different Bmin B wThheencothmepMreasscihopnnuramtbioerrMandantdhetheelepctlariscmpaotβepntairaelfijuxmedp. θdBiffmeirne’ns≤tintrathn≤esiitriotneremnienragtyiopnoisnhtosc.ks and therefore show e∆Φ are unchanged for a fixed M and βp(e.g., Hoshino From the simulations, the averaged photon spectrum 2001). Therefore, the shock structure are not expected of θ =80◦, 82◦, and 83.5◦ gives a spectral index δ 3 B to change for a realistic mass ratio simulation. in 10keV< E < 40keV and the spectral index increa∼ses The electron energy spectrum in Equation (6) de- beyond E = 40keV. The spectral index δ 3 as well pends only on βs, α0, and eΦ. For a fixed M and βp, as the transition energy, Etrans,p = 10keV, w∼ell explains α ( sin−1 B /B ) and eΦ are unchanged. From the someoftheRHESSI X-rayspectrainthe energyregime, 0 1 2 ≡ definition of β ( V /ccosθ ), we only need to change E <40keV.ToaccountthespectralindexoftheRHESSI s sh B the angle frpom θ≡ into θ′ to make the electron energy X-ray spectrum up to E MeV, however, additional B B ∼ spectrum unchanged for the mass ratio m /m = 1836 mechanisms other than SDA are required. i e

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