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Particle Detectors Particle Detectors Fundamentals and Applications Hermann Kolanoski Norbert Wermes 1 1 Great Clarendon Street, Oxford, OX2 6DP, United Kingdom Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries © Hermann Kolanoski and Norbert Wermes 2020 The moral rights of the authors have been asserted All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press, or as expressly permitted by law, by licence or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organization. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to the Rights Department, Oxford University Press, at the address above You must not circulate this work in any other form and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer Published in the United States of America by Oxford University Press 198 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016, United States of America British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Data available Library of Congress Control Number: 2020930757 ISBN 978–0–19–885836–2 Printed and bound by CPI Group (UK) Ltd, Croydon, CR0 4YY Translation from the German language edition: Teilchendetektoren - Grundlagen und Anwendungen by Hermann Kolanoski and Norbert Wermes. Copyright © Springer Verlag GmbH Berlin Heidelberg 2016. Springer Verlag GmbH is part of Springer Science+Business Media. All Rights Reserved. Links to third party websites are provided by Oxford in good faith and for information only. Oxford disclaims any responsibility for the materials contained in any third party website referenced in this work. Preface New ideas and concepts in the development of particle detectors have often been the prerequisites for important experiments that led to discoveries or new perceptions in particle and astroparticle physics. Therefore the physical principles and techniques of detector development belong to the basic skills of an experimental physicist in this field. Often novel detector developments also pave the way for advancements in imaging methods using particles or radiation, for example, in medicine, biology or material science. Thephysicsofdetectorsinterrelatestomanyotherareasofphysicsandengineering. Developing and operating detectors requires knowledge of the interactions of particles with matter, of the physics of gases, liquids and solids, of the phenomena of charge transport and the formation of signals as well as of the techniques of electronic signal processing and microelectronics. The idea for this book originated within the framework of a transregional edu- cational project on the subject of detector physics, funded by the German ‘Federal Ministry of Education and Research’, in which the authors participated. The central elements of the project were lecture series and accompanying manuscripts on detector physics which became the seeds for this book. A German edition was published in 2016 [623]. Major parts have, however, been substantially revised and enlarged. Originally conceived as a lecture book for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, the book evolved over the years with regard to content and depth of the treated material such that the content now goes beyond that of typical lectures on this topic. The target group for the book are both students who want to get an introduction or wish to deepen their knowledge on the subject as well as lecturers and researchers who want to extend their expertise. In addition, numerous tables and comparativesynopsesshouldserveasareferenceforscientificwork.Wehavemadean effort, and hope to have succeeded, to treat the available abundant material on the various subjects as clearly as possible and as deeply as necessary. At this point, we want to thank the many colleagues, co-workers and students who in one way or another contributed to the completion of this book. For support in producing the numerous figures we thank David Barney, Axel Hagedorn, Christine Iezzi, Jens Janssen, Manuel Koch, Edgar Kraft, Susann Niedworok, Philip Pütsch, Ludwig Rauch, Marco Vogt and Bert Wiegers. For the simulation of reaction events, cross checks of analytical formulae by simulations, and for assistance with using the GEANT4 program package we thank Timo Karg, Sven Menke, David-Leon Pohl and Yannick Dieter. For numerous discussions, information and/or proofreading of sin- gle chapters we want to thank Markus Ackermann, Peter Fischer, Eckhart Fretwurst, Fabian Hügging, Fabian Kislat, Hans Krüger, Teresa Marrodán Undagoitia, Peter Lewis, Michael Moll, Rainer Richter, Ludwig Rauch, Jochen Schwiening and Peter Wegner as well as Ted Masselink for enlightening discussions on the topic of charge transport in solids. We are grateful to Sabine Baer for the support in obtaining copy- rights and to Martin Köhler for advice in questions concerning the publication of a vi Preface book.FortheEnglisheditionweobtainedinformationandhelpinlanguagequestions from Summer Blot, Ian Brock, John Kelly, Jakob van Santen and Andrew Taylor. For the support during the genesis and the realisation of this book we thank the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the Helmholtz Research Centre Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY). Inparticular,wewouldliketodeeplythankourwives,MarionandSonja,fortheir continuous support for our work on the book over almost two decades. Hermann Kolanoski and Norbert Wermes Berlin and Bonn, March 2020 1 Introduction The visual perception of objects is due to the fact that light, or more generally speak- ing electromagnetic radiation, interacts with matter. The light is first scattered at the object, is then absorbed in the eye and subsequently transformed into neural signalswhicharefurtherprocessedbythebrainwhichfinallygeneratestheobjectim- age perceived by us. The detection of elementary particles, nuclei and high-energetic electromagnetic radiation, in this book commonly designated as ‘particles’, proceeds similarly through interactions of the particles with matter. In general, though, we do not directly perceive particles with our sense organs. Instead we need an external ‘de- tector’ in which the particles interact and which derives perceptible signals from the interaction. The electromagnetic interaction of particles with matter is by far most frequently employed for detection. Charged particles are detected through the ionisation of the matteralongtheirtrajectoryoralsothroughemissionofelectromagneticradiationlike bremsstrahlungorCherenkovandtransitionradiation.Photonsandelectronsdevelop electromagnetic showers in matter which can be used for energy measurement. The strong interaction is exploited, for example, for the detection of neutrons or for the energy determination of high energetic hadrons through the development of hadronic showers. Finally, the weak interaction is exploited for the detection of neutrinos. Depending on the application, particle detectors have to fulfil different tasks with quite different requirements. A simple example is the measurement of the radiation flux with a Geiger counter for the detection of radioactivity. In particle physics ex- perimentsoneusuallywantstomeasureinadditiontheparticlekinematics(direction, momentum, energy) and preferably also determine the identity of a detected particle. Therequirementsontheperformanceofparticledetectors,whicharecloselyrelated to the costs, vary over a wide range. For the specification of a detector the following criteria come into consideration depending on the intended application purpose: – high detection probability; – small perturbation of the process to be measured; – high signal-to-background ratio; – good resolution (position, time, energy, momentum, angle, ...); – fast, deadtime-free electronic signal processing; – simple online monitoring and control; – justifiable costs. The development of detectors and detection methods for particles was mainly drivenbyapplicationsinbasicresearch,asinparticleandnuclearphysics.Theprogress in these fields crucially depends on the state of the detector technology. This has also been recognised by the Nobel Committee which repeatedly awarded the Nobel Prize for decisive breakthroughs in detection methods, such as the cloud chamber: Particle Detectors: Fundamentals and Applications. Hermann Kolanoski and Norbert Wermes. © Hermann Kolanoski and Norbert Wermes 2020. Published in 2020 by Oxford University Press 2 Chapter 1: Introduction C.T.R.Wilson1927,theadvancementsofthecloudchambermethod:P.Blackett1948, nuclearemulsions:C.F.Powell1950,thecoincidencemethod:W.Bothe1958,thebub- ble chamber: D.A.Glaser 1960 and the multiwire proportional chamber: G.Charpak, 1992.Besidestheuseofdetectorsinparticle,nuclearandastroparticlephysics,thereis meanwhile a variety of detector applications in other fields, for example, in medicine, geology, archaeology and material science. The detector sizes vary between a cubic- centimetre, for example, of a dosimeter in the format of a ball-point pen, and cubic- kilometre detectors for the detection of air showers initiated by cosmic rays. Besides referencing the original literature we have made an effort to also point to literature for further reading, lecture books and compact reviews of the respec- tive fields. Comprehensive introductions into the subject of detectors are the books by Kleinknecht [611] and Grupen and Shwartz [488]. The books by Knoll [615] and Leo [651] are particularly suited to learn about the classical methods of construction and operation of detectors. The applications in modern particle physics experiments are covered, for example, in the books by Leroy and Rancoita [652] and Green [472]. Expert articles related to the different chapters of this book can be found in various collections, for example, the ones issued by Ferbel [396] or by Sauli [849]. A com- prehensive collection of many detection methods are the two volumes ‘Handbook of particle detection and imaging’ edited by Grupen and Buvat [487]. This book originates from lectures which the authors gave repeatedly for the speciali- sationsin‘ExperimentalParticlePhysics’and‘AstroparticlePhysics’attheHumboldt UniversityinBerlinandattheFriedrich-WilhelmsUniversityinBonn.Thevolumeof this book, however, has evolved far beyond what can be presented in such a lecture comprising typically two hours per week for one semester. However, the book should be well suited as a basis for such a lecture, for going more deeply into the subject matter and for getting prepared for instrumental work in particle and astroparticle physics as well as in many fields which are addressed in section 2.4. Besides the introductory and overview chapters (chapters 1 and 2), the book is divided into five subject areas: – fundamentals (chapters 3 to 5), – detection of charged tracks (chapters 6 to 9), – phenomena and methods mainly for particle identification (chapters 10 to 14), – energymeasurement(acceleratorandnon-acceleratorexperiments)(chapters15and 16), – electronics and data acquisition (chapters 17 and 18). Comprehensivelistsofliterature,keywordsandabbreviationscanbefoundattheend of the book. 2 Overview, history and concepts 2.1 On the history of detectors 3 2.2 Detectors at accelerators 10 2.3 Detectors in astroparticle physics 17 2.4 Other detector applications 19 2.5 Units and conventions 19 2.6 Content overview 22 2.1 On the history of detectors Progressinnuclearandparticlephysicsisbasedonthedevelopmentofdetectorswith whichparticlesandradiationcanbedetectedandtheirpropertiescanbemeasured(see table2.1).ThediscoveryofradioactivitybyH.Becquerelin1896marksthebeginning: Becquerelconcludedfromtheobservationofblackeningofaphotographicplate,which he kept in the dark close to a sample of uranium salt, that radiation is coming from the uranium, a phenomenon which was later called radioactivity. Such an integral measurement of radiation (in contrast to the detection of single quanta or particles) wasalsothebasisforthediscoveryofcosmicradiationbyV.Hessin1912(NobelPrize 1936 [519]). During a balloon flight he observed the discharge of an electrometer with increasing altitude which he interpreted as being due to ionising radiation originating from outer space (chapter 16). In contrast to this indirect evidence for radiation it is important for basic research that particles are individually measured with as many details about their properties andkinematicsaspossible.Around1900,photographicplatesandscintillatingcoatings of screens became the first detectors for the newly discovered radiation—besides the α,β andγ radiationfromnuclei,alsoforcathoderays(electronbeams)andX-rays.In scatteringexperimentswithαparticles,Rutherford,GeigerandMarsdendetectedthe scatteredparticlesonascintillatingzincsulfidescreen(ZnS)therebydeterminingtheir scatteringangle[840,452].Figure2.1showstheapparatuswithwhichthescintillation flashes on the screen were recorded by eye using a microscope [452]. Also, the photoemulsion technique has been refined further so that the kinematics ofsingleparticlesofcosmicradiationcouldbereconstructedbyanalysingphotographic pictures (see section 6.3). Using this method, C.F.Powell and co-workers discovered thepionin1947(seefig.16.2).TheNobelPrizeinPhysics1950wasawardedtoPowell ‘forhisdevelopmentofthephotographicmethodofstudyingnuclearprocessesandhis discoveries regarding mesons made with this method’ [792]. For the electrical recording of single particles H.Geiger developed tubes based on the principle of gas amplification of the ionisation charge in strong electric fields (H.Geiger 1908 [841]). The strong field is obtained by a high voltage applied between Particle Detectors: Fundamentals and Applications. Hermann Kolanoski and Norbert Wermes. © Hermann Kolanoski and Norbert Wermes 2020. Published in 2020 by Oxford University Press 4 Chapter 2: Overview, history and concepts Table 2.1 Somebreakthroughsinthehistoryofdetectordevelopment.Sinceforsuchdevel- opments precise time specifications are often not possible the specifications of years in the first column are given for orientation only. The assignment of discoveries to persons is also sometimesarbitrary.Forexample,theprincipleofgasamplification,whichishereassociated with the name of Geiger, was essential for the works on the classification of the radioactive radiationforwhichRutherfordreceivedtheNobelPrizeinchemistryin1908.Somedetector principles, like gas amplification, coincidence method and wire chambers, have been so fun- damental that it is not possible to link them to specific discoveries. In more recent times it became also increasingly difficult to associate detector developments with single individuals, asforexampleinthecaseofmicrostripdetectorswithwhichimportantdiscoveriesinvolving heavy fermions were made. Year Name Detector principle Discovery Nobel Prize 1896 H. Becquerel photographic plate radioactivity 1903 1908 H. Geiger gas amplification 1911 E. Rutherford scintillation screen atomic nucleus 1912 C.T.R. Wilson cloud chamber many new particles 1927 1912 V. Hess electrometer cosmic rays 1936 1924 W. Bothe coincidence method 1954 1933 P. Blackett triggered cloud chamber e+e− pairs 1948 1934 P.A. Cherenkov Cherenkov radiation ν oscillation 1958 1947 C.F. Powell photoemulsion pion 1950 1953 D.A. Glaser bubble chamber Ω−, neutral currents 1960 1968 G. Charpak multiwire prop. chamber 1992 1980 Si microstrip detector BB oscillation Fig.2.1 Apparatusfortheobservationofthe scatteringofαparticlesoffagoldfoil(Rutherford scattering)asdescribedin[452].AnαsourceR radiatesthroughathindiaphragmDontothefoil F.Thescatteredparticlesareobservedonascreen usingamicroscopewhoseobjectivecarriesasmall scintillationscreenS.Themicroscopeisrigidly connectedtotheboxBwhichisclosedbytheplate PandevacuatedthroughthetubeT.Thescattering angleissetbyturningtheboxwiththemicroscope relativelytofoilandsource(thebaseplateAturns inthemountCfixedtothebaseplateL).Reprint from[452],withkindpermissionofTaylor&Francis Ltd. the wall of a cylinder (cathode) and a thin wire (anode) which is strung along the cylinderaxis,seesection7.2.2.Gasamplificationbysecondaryionisationleadingtothe developmentofavalanchesingases[941,942]hadalreadybeenstudiedbyJ.Townsend since about 1900 (see references in [841]). These developments led to the radiation monitor known as the Geiger–Müller tube [453] (often just called ‘Geiger counter’, in particularwhenreferringtotheready-to-useinstrument)andlatertothe‘proportional counter’ which employs also gas amplification but in a more modest operation mode

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