Particle creation in the early Universe: achievements and problems A. A. Grib1,2,†, Yu. V. Pavlov1,3,‡ 1A.Friedmann Laboratory for Theoretical Physics, St.Petersburg, Russia; 6 2Theoretical Physics and Astronomy Department, The Herzen University, 1 Moika 48, St. Petersburg 191186, Russia; 0 3Institute of Problems in Mechanical Engineering, Russian Acad. Sci., 2 Bol’shoy pr. 61, St. Petersburg 199178, Russia n a J Abstract. Results on particle creation from vacuum by the gravitationalfield of the expanding Friedmann 5 Universearepresented. Finite resultsforthedensityofparticlesandtheenergydensityforcreatedparticles 2 are given for different exact solutions for different regimes of the expansion of the Universe. The results are obtained as for conformal as for nonconformal particles. The hypothesis of the origination of visible matter ] c from the decay of created from vacuum superheavy particles identified with the dark matter is discussed. q - PACS number: 04.62.+v,98.80.Cq, 95.35.+d r g Key words: particle creation, early Universe, dark matter [ 1 1. Introduction nation of the fact that our Universe is isotropic. v 8 However after these first successes the interest to The problem of particle creationfrom vacuum by 1 the problem somehow failed. The reason for this is 6 thegravitationalfieldoftheexpandingUniversewas theincorrectevaluationofthequantitativemeaning 6 studied intensively in the 70-ies of the past century of the effect in books of high authority [8, 9] using 0 (see our works [1, 2] and papers of Ya.B.Zel’dovich . thehypothesisofthecreationofonlythoseparticles 1 and A.A.Starobinsky [3, 4]). High interest to the which are observed today. Due to the fact that the 0 problemwasexpressedbyK.P.Staniukovich[5],who effect is proportionalto the mass of the particle the 6 always supported one of the authors of this paper 1 effect is surely negligible for small masses. However (A.A.G.) in his activity. Really, differently from the : if one supposes that observable particles appeared v usualopinionthatspeakingabouttheBigBangone aftercreationbythegravitationofmassiveparticles i X must consider very high densities of matter com- with the mass of the order of the Grand Unification posed from massive particles particle creation from r the resultis notsmallatallandevenmoreit makes a vacuum at the certain epoch of the evolution of the possible to explain the observable number of parti- Universe makes possible to say that early Universe cles in the Universe [10, 11]. The other reason of did notcontainmassiveparticles andlookedas vac- theneglectistheincorrectstatementinmuchpopu- uum and possibly some fields. In works [1, 2, 6] lar book [12] that calculations based on the method finite values for the density of created particles and of the diagonization of the Hamiltonian lead to the the energy density were obtained for the first time. infinite value of the density of the created particles ItbecameclearthatintheUniversedescribedbythe for nonconformalparticles. This opinion was shown Friedmann metric some special era exists for every to be wrong by calculations in [13]. Note that in typeofparticlesdefinedbytheComptontimeofthe thebook[12]aswellasinthe book[14]thereareno particlesothatthereisnocreationoftheseparticles anyfinite(!) valuesofphysicalevaluationsoftheef- for the time much smaller or much larger than this fectofparticlecreationincosmology. Thisoccurred time passed from the beginning of the Universe. In because of the fact that the method of the diago- papers [3, 7] an important result was obtained that nalization of the Hamiltonian strongly depends on intheanisotropicUniverseparticlecreationleadsto the form of the Hamiltonian used for calculation of the isotropizationof the metric which can be expla- the particle creation in Friedmann Universe. The †andrei [email protected] authors of [1] were lucky in 1969 to use the cor- ‡[email protected] rectexpressionofthisHamiltonianthegroundstate 1 2 PARTICLE CREATION IN THE EARLY UNIVERSE of which leads to the finite value of the observable in inflationmodels [15]. In quantumtheory of fields quantities. This Hamiltonian is defined by the met- in curved space-time one often considers the case ricalenergy-momentumtensorofthequantizedmas- of arbitrary ξ [12] (more general case of coupling sivefieldandisconnectedwiththecanonicalHamil- with the curvature of Gauss-Bonnet type was con- tonian of particles with varied mass in conformally sidered in [16, 17]). Then conformal invariance for connected to the Friedmann metric static space. It masslessfieldsisabsent. Thestudyofnonconformal isthisconnectionwhichisleadingtotofiniteresults case is important due to different reasons. Massive as for conformal as for nonconformal particles. Any vector mesons [10] (longitudinal components) and other choice of vacuum or Hamiltonian leads to the gravitons [18] satisfy equations of this type. In case infinitevalueofthedensityofcreatedparticlesmak- of the scalar field with self interaction in general it ing the theoryphysically meaningless. Inthis paper is impossible to conserve conformal invariance not afterashortreviewoftheresultswhichcanbefound only ofthe effective action(the conformalanomaly) inourbook[10]wegiveareviewofsomenewresults but of the action itself [12]. obtainedbytheauthorsinlasttime. Someunsolved Note that the Dirac equation in curved space for problems are discussed in the Conclusion. m=0isconformalinvariantwithoutanyadditional We use the system of units in which ¯h=c=1. modifications [10, 12]. Furthermore, let us consider an N-dimensional 2. Scalar field in curved Fried- homogeneous isotropic space-time, choosing the metric in the form mann space-time ds2 =g dxidxk =a2(η)(dη2 dl2), (5) ik Consider the complex scalar field ϕ(x) of the − mass m in curved Friedmann space-time with the where dl2 =γ dxαdxβ is the metric ofan (N 1)- αβ Lagrangian dimensional space of constant curvature K =0−, 1. ± The complete set of solutions to Eq. (2) in the L(x)= g gik∂ ϕ∗∂ ϕ (m2+ξR)ϕ∗ϕ , (1) | | i k − metric (5) may be found in the form leading topEule(cid:2)r equations (cid:3) ϕ˜(x) ϕ(x)= =a−(N−2)/2(η)g (η)Φ (x), ( i +ξR+m2)ϕ(x)=0, (2) a(N−2)/2(η) λ J i ∇ ∇ (6) where are covariant derivatives in metric g of where i ik the N-∇dimensional space-time, g = det(gik), R — gλ′′(η)+Ω2(η)gλ(η)=0, (7) the curvature scalar. For m=0 and ξ =ξ (N c 2)/[4(N 1)] equation (2) is conformal in≡varian−t. Ω2(η)=(m2+(ξ ξc)R)a2+λ2, (8) − − This means that in mapping of the space-time with 2 N 2 metric gik on the space-time with metric g˜ik: ∆N−1ΦJ(x)= λ2 − K ΦJ(x), (9) − − 2 (cid:18) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:19) g g˜ =exp[ 2σ(x)]g , (3) ik → ik − ik the prime denotes a derivative with respect to the conformal time η, and J is the set of indices where σ(x) is arbitrary smooth function of coordi- (quantum numbers) numbering the eigenfunctions nates there exists such scale transformation of the Laplace-Beltrami operator ∆N−1 in (N 1)- − N 2 dimensional space. ϕ(x) ϕ˜(x)=exp − σ(x) ϕ(x), (4) → 2 To perform quantization, let us expand the field (cid:20) (cid:21) ϕ(x) in the complete set of solutions (6) that the waveequationconservesits form(see [10]). The physical sense of the conformal invariance is ϕ(x)= dµ(J) ϕ(+)a(+)+ϕ(−)a(−) , (10) thatmasslessfieldhasnoitsproperlengthscale(for J J J J the massive case such a scale is given by the Comp- Z (cid:20) (cid:21) ton wave length λC = 1/m) and so it must behave where dµ(J) is a measure on the set of quantum equallyinconformallyconnectedspaces(3). Incase numbers, ξ =ξ equation(2)iscalledequationwithconformal c coupling(ξc =1/6forN =4). Thecaseξ =0corre- ϕ(+)(x)= gλ(η)Φ∗J(x) , ϕ(−)(x)= ϕ(+)(x)∗, sponds to minimal coupling. Such type of coupling J √2a(N−2)/2(η) J J ofthescalarfieldwithcurvatureusuallyissupposed (cid:0) ((cid:1)11) GRIB, PAVLOV 3 andrequirethatthestandardcommutationrelations + F (η)a∗(+)a(+)+F∗(η)a∗(−)a(−) , (15) hold for a(±)and a∗(±). J J J¯ J J¯ J J J (cid:21) A corpuscular interpretation of a quantized field where basedonthemethodofHamiltoniandiagonalization E = |gλ′|2+Ω2|gλ|2, F = ϑJ g′2+Ω2g2 , byBogoliubov’stransformationshavebeenproposed J 2 J 2 λ λ for the gravitationalexternal field in paper [1]. (cid:2) (cid:3)(16) We givethefollowingdefinitionofparticlesinthe and we have chosensuch eigenfunctions ΦJ(x) that, external field [10], p. 46: “In the framework of this for arbitrary J, there is such J¯ that ΦJ∗(x) = interpretation one calls as particles (quasiparticle) ϑJΦJ¯(x), |ϑJ|=1,(J¯¯=J, ϑJ¯=ϑJ). Suchachoice creation-annihilation operators at moment t those is possible due to completeness and orthonormality operators in terms of which the Hamiltonian of a of the set ΦJ(x). quantized field is diagonal at the moment t. There- According to the Hamiltonian diagonalization foreaquasiparticleisinterpretedasanenergyquan- method [10] (the nonconformal case see in [13, 19]), tum and the measurement of the number of quasi- the functions gλ(η) should obey the followinginitial particles is connected with the measurement of en- conditions: ergy. Indeed, the measurement theory in quantum g′(η )=iΩ(η )g (η ), g (η ) =Ω−1/2(η ). mechanics requires that in the result of measuring λ 0 0 λ 0 | λ 0 | 0 (17) of some physical quantity a system would found it- Ifthequantizedscalarfieldisinthevacuumstate self in a proper state of the corresponding opera- at the instant η , then the number density of the tor. Thereforethemeasurementofenergyinevitably 0 pairs of particles created up to the instant η can be transfers the system in a proper state of the Hamil- evaluated (for K =0) as [10] tonian. To find this state the Hamiltonian must be diagonalized.” ∞ B Let us build the Hamiltonian as the canonical n(η)= N S (η)λN−2dλ, (18) one for the variables ϕ˜(x) and ϕ˜∗(x), for which the 2aN−1 Z λ 0 equationofmotiondoesnotcontaintheirfirst-order derivatives with respect to the time η. Recall that where B = 2N−3π(N−1)/2Γ((N 1)/2) −1, Γ(z) N − the equations of motion do not change after adding is the gamma function, and (cid:2) (cid:3) a full divergence ∂Ji/∂xi to the Lagrangian den- g′(η) iΩg (η)2 sity L(x). Let us choose, in the coordinate system S (η)= | λ − λ | . (19) λ (η,x), the vector 4Ω (Ji)=(√γcϕ˜∗ϕ˜(N 2)/2,0,...,0), (12) As shownin[13], Sλ ∼λ−6, andthe integralin(18) − converges for N < 7. So the density of particles where γ = det(γαβ), c = a′/a. Then, using the createdinfourdimensionalFriedmannspace-timeis Lagrangian density L∆(x) = L(x) + ∂Ji/∂xi, we finite. Notethatthefirstuseofthemethodofdiago- obtain for the momenta canonically conjugate to ϕ˜ nalizationoftheHamiltonianinpaper[20]ledtothe ∗ and ϕ˜ : infinite density of created quasiparticles. However ∂L∆ ∂L∆ there not the canonical Hamiltonian for fields ϕ˜(x), ∗′ ′ π ≡ ∂ϕ˜′ =√γϕ˜ , π∗ ≡ ∂ϕ˜∗′ =√γϕ˜, (13) buttheHamiltonianwhichisobtainedfromthemet- rical energy momentum tensor for the scalar field respectively. Integrating the Hamiltonian density with minimal coupling was used. In the work [21] h(x) = ϕ˜′π+ϕ˜∗′π∗ −L∆(x) over the hypersurface created particle were defined for the so called adi- Σ: η =const, we obtainthe followingexpressionfor abatic vacuum state in such a way that the corre- the canonical Hamiltonian: sponding Hamiltonian was not diagonal at any mo- H(η)= dN−1x√γ ϕ˜∗′ϕ˜′+γαβ∂ ϕ˜∗∂ ϕ˜+ mentoftime. Thispreventedtoobtainfiniteresults α β for particle creation in Friedmann space-time. ZΣ (cid:26) N 2 Note that the equation (7) by use of the trans- (m2+ξR)a2 − 2c′+(N 2)c2 ϕ˜∗ϕ˜ .(14) formation g(η) = expz(η) is going to the following − 4 − (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:27) equation for the function v(η) z′(η) (cid:0) (cid:1) The Hamiltonian (14) may be written in terms of ≡ the operators a(±) and a∗(±) in the following way: v′(η)+v2(η)+Ω2(η)=0, (20) J J H(η) = dµ(J) E (η) a∗(+)a(−)+a∗(−)a(+) + beingtheRiccatiequationofthegeneraltypetheso- J J J J¯ J¯ lutions of which cannot be expressed in finite form Z (cid:20) (cid:16) (cid:17) 4 PARTICLE CREATION IN THE EARLY UNIVERSE in elementary functions. So the number of scale bH0L‰103 factors a(η) leading to exact solutions is relatively 4 small. In cases when exact solution can be found 3.5 it usually is expressed through special functions — 3 hypergeometric functions, Bessel functions etc. 2.5 2 3. Particle creation in cosmological 1.5 models with p = wε 1 0.5 The Einstein equations Α 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1 R g R= 8πGT , (21) ik ik ik − 2 − Figure 1: b(0) for conformal scalar particles and with the energy-momentum tensor of the back- a(t) tα. ∼ ground matter Ti = diag(ε, p,..., p) in met- k − − ric (5) have the form much smaller and later than the Compton one. On c2+K 16πGε Fig. 1 the results of numerical calculations of the = , a2 (N 1)(N 2) coefficient b(0) for N = 4 for different scale factors − − a(t) = a tα are given. From (24) one can see the 1 N 3 8πGp 0 c′+ − c2+K = . (22) effect of connection of the number of created parti- −a2 2 N 2 h (cid:0) (cid:1)i − cles with the number of causally disconnected parts From (22) it follows that for p = wε where w = on the Friedmann Universe at the Compton time of const, the energy density of the background matter its evolution. is changing according to the law ε a−(1+w)(N−1), The results for nonconformalscalar field can rad- ∼ i.e. is decreasing with the increasing of a and if ically depend on the initial moment of time (see w > 1 it is constant, for w = 1 it increases with Eqs.(7),(8)). Howeverforthecondition(ξ ξ)R> c − − − increasing a for w < 1. 0, for the case of the minimally coupled scalar field − For K = 0 and w > (N 3)/(N 1) from (22) in the dust Universe p = 0 (a(t) t2/3), the initial one obtains − − − momentcanbedefinedbythe con∼dition: Ω2 0for ≥ any λ. In the other case (negative squareof energy) 2 a=a tq =a ηβ, q = , onecanobtainchangeofthevacuumtakingintoac- 0 1 (N 1)(w+1) − count self interaction as it occurs for spontaneous q β = , q (0,1). (23) breaking of symmetry. 1 q ∈ − Here we take for nonconformal scalar field initial valueoft sothatm2+(ξ ξ )R(t )=0. Theresults ExpressionforthenumberofpairsNa(t)=n(t)a3(t) of numer0ical calculations−[2c2] of0the coefficient b(0) created in the volume a3(t) up to the moment of for the scalar field with minimal coupling and the time t can be written as scale factor a(t)=a tα are given on Fig. 2. 0 a(t ) N−1 In the interval q (0,1) the following two cases Na(t)=b(q0)(t)· tC , (24) has the exact soluti∈ons of equations for the scalar C (cid:16) (cid:17) field. where t = 1/m is the Compton time. Then C b(0)(t)/(1 q)N−1 is the coefficient of proportion- alqity for t−he number of created particles and the 3.1. The exact solution for a0√t = a1η number of causally disconnected regions Nc(t) = The Friedmann model with such scale factor is very ((1 q)a(t)/t)N−1 at the Compton time after the important for applications because for K = 0 in − Big Bang. four-dimensionalspace-timeitcorrespondstothera- The results of calculations [22] of the number of diationally dominated Universe. The initial condi- createdparticlesforthescalarparticleswithconfor- tions for the conformally coupled scalar field can be mal coupling don’t depend on the moment of time put at η 0 i.e. close to the singularity a=0 → whenoneputstheinitialconditionaswellasontime of observation of created particles if these times are g (0) =1/√λ, g′(0)=iλg (0). (25) | λ | λ λ GRIB, PAVLOV 5 bH0L‰103 3.3. The exact solution for a(t) t ∼ 4 For w = (N 3)/(N 1) one obtains from the − − − 3.5 Einstein equations (22) that a = a0t = a1ea0η. If 3 a0 = 1 and K = 1, then ε = 0 and the metric (5) − 2.5 with such scale factor is flat while coordinates xk describe the part of the Minkowski space. The four 2 dimensional hyperbolic space-time with a(t) = t is 1.5 known as the Milne Universe. 1 In metric(5) with a = a t the solution of equa- 0.5 0 tion (7) with ξ = ξ and initial conditions (17) put Α c 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 at the moment mt 0 has the form → √λ iλ Figure 2: b(0) for scalar particles with minimal cou- g (t)= Γ J (mt)eiα0, (29) pling and a(t) tα. λ a0 a0 iλ/a0 ∼ (cid:16) (cid:17) where Γ(z) is the gamma function, α is the ar- 0 Thesolutionofequation(7)withconditions(25)can bitrary real constant. Independently from a0 and be written in the form K the asymptotic at mt 1 value of the den- ≫ sity of created quasiparticles for N = 4 is equal ei(mt+α0) 1 i 1 g (t)= Φ δ2, ; i2mt + to n(t) m/(512πt2). So different from zero re- λ √λ (cid:20) (cid:16)4 − 2 2 − (cid:17) sult take≈s place even for the Milne Universe where 3 i 3 gravitationalfieldisabsentandonecannothavecre- i2δ√mt Φ δ2, ; i2mt , (26) 4 − 2 2 − ation of real particles! Really the space-time anal- (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:21) ysis of particle creation using correlation function where Φ(a, b; z) is the degenerate hypergeometric of the created pair of particles introduced in [23] Kummer function, δ λ/(ma(t )) has the sense of ≡ C shows that the corresponding correlation function thephysicalmomentattheComptontimet =1/m C of the created pair is exponentially small at dis- inunitsm. α isarbitraryrealconstant. Therepre- 0 tances larger than the Compton length of the par- sentationfor(26)throughfunctionsoftheparabolic ticle. This means that created quasiparticles in this (0) cylinderisgivenat[6]. Theasymptoticvalueb 1/2 ≈ case are virtual pairs with the characteristic corre- 5,3 10−4 [6]. lation length 1/m. · 3.2. The exact solution for a0t1/3 = 3.4. De Sitter space-time a √η 1 Thisisaspaceofconstantcurvature. Itisasolution The model with such scale factor for K = 0 and of Einstein equations in empty space with nonzero N = 4 is the Universe with limiting rigid p = ε cosmological constant. Using the special choice of equation of state. The solution of the equation (7) coordinatesinDeSitterspaceonecanwriteitsmet- withξ =ξc andinitialconditions(25)for suchscale ric in the form (5) with scale factor 1–3) for the De factor [6]: Sitterspaceofthe firsttypeand4)forthe DeSitter space of the second type: πδ2eiα0 g (t)= (mt)2/3+δ2 λ √3λ × 1 coshHt 1 q 1)a eHt = − , 2) = , 1 C (δ)J (mt)2/3+δ2 3/2 + Hη H Hsinη 1 1/3 sinhHt 1 cosHt 1 +hC2(δ)J−1/3(cid:16)(cid:0) (mt)2/3+δ2(cid:1) 3/2(cid:17) , (27) 3) H = Hs−inhη, 4) H = Hcoshη. (30) where J (x) — Bes(cid:16)se(cid:0)l functions (cid:1) (cid:17)i Inallthesecasestheequationforthescalarfield(7) ν hastheexactsolution. Incase1),t ( ,+ ) C1(δ)=J2/3 δ3 +iJ−1/3 δ3 , η ( , 0), the solution of equati∈on−(7∞) wit∞h co⇔n- ∈ −∞ C2(δ)=J−2/3 δ3 −iJ1/3(cid:0)δ3(cid:1), δ ≡ ma(cid:0)λ(t (cid:1)). (28) ditions (17) for η0 →−∞ has the form C The asymptotic(cid:0)va(cid:1)lue for b(cid:0)(10/)3(cid:1)≈8,1·10−4. gλ(η)=r−π2η eπ2ImνHν(2)(−λη)eiα0, 6 PARTICLE CREATION IN THE EARLY UNIVERSE 1 m2+(ξ ξ )R metrics c ν = − , (31) 4 − H2 r a(η)=A+Btanhγη, a(η)= A+Btanhγη, where H(2)(z) is the Hankel function, α is arbi- ν 0 (33) trary real constant. As it was shown in [23] (and p A, B, γ = const are expressed through the hyper- for nonconformal case for m2 (ξ ξ)R in [24]) ≥ c − geometric function (see [10], 9.5, [12], 3.4). by the method of the space-time correlation func- § § Metric with the scale factor a(η)= aη2+bη in tionthe createdpairsmustbe interpretedasvirtual fourdimensionalspace-timeforη b/acorresponds pairs. AbsenceofcreationofrealparticlesinDeSit- ≪ p to the limiting rigid equation of state p = ε. For ter space is confirmed by the local form of the vac- η b/a(K =0)thisscalefactorcorrespondstothe uum energy-momentum tensor and zero imaginary ≫ radiationdominatedUniversep=ε/3. Thesolution part of the effective Lagrangian[10]. of equation (7) with ξ = ξ for this scale factor can In cases 2 – 4 also for the same scale factors but c beexpressedthroughthedegeneratehypergeometric taking η γη, γ = const the solution also can → Kummer function. be expressedthrough hypergeometric functions (see Homogeneous isotropic space-time with the scale 9.5 in [10] and [17]). For γ = 1 these scale fac- § 6 factor tors don’t describe the De Sitter space. For ex- ample the space-time with the scale factor a(η) = 2γt 1/(Hcoshγη) = sin(γHt)/H has the evolution be- a(η)=a tanγη=a exp 1, 1 1 tween two singularities. s (cid:18) a1 (cid:19)− π η 0, , t (0, + ) (34) 3.5. Particle creation in cosmology ∈ 2γ ∈ ∞ (cid:18) (cid:19) with phantom matter is describing the the radiation dominated Universe Forw < 1the exactsolutionofequation(7)exists a(t) √2γa tforsmalltimes,forlargertimes—ex- − ≈ 1 for the value w = (N +1)/(N 1) (w = 5/3, ponentiallyexpandingUniversea(t) a expγt/a . − − − ≈ 1 1 if N = 4). The scale factor of metric in this case is The solutionofequation(7)forthe scalarfieldwith a = a0/( t) = a1/√ η. For t 0 there is a sin- conformalcouplingandinitialvaluesatη 0isex- − − → − → gularityoftheBigRip. Thesolutionofequation(7) pressedthroughthegeometricfunctionF(a, b, c; z): satisfying the conditions (17) for η has the 0 → −∞ form g(η)= eiα0(cosγη) 1+√1−4m2a21/γ2 /2 πm2a2 √λ gλ(η)= 2iη√λ exp 1 +i(λη+α0) (cid:0) (cid:1) − − 4λ 1 λ ×Ψ(cid:16)1+ im22λa21 ,2;−2iλη(cid:17), (32) (cid:20)F(cid:16)α,β,2; s1in2γη(cid:17)1+3iγ sinγη× (cid:16) (cid:17) F α+ ,β+ , ;sin2γη , where Ψ(a, b; z) is the degenerate hyperbolic Tri- × 2 2 2 comifunction, α isthe arbitraryrealconstant. For (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:21) 0 tohneedoebntsaitinysof(lpoaorkti[c2le5s])crnea=tedmin3/N24π=2.4fIonrtsp→ite−o0f, α,β = 41"1+s1− 4mγ22a21 ± γ2 λ2−m2a21#. (35) q the fact that the general number of created parti- cles Na(t) = n(t)a3(t) in Lagrange volume a3(t) is Note that if one finds the general solution (7) unboundedly increasing for t 0, the back reac- for the scalar conformally coupled to the metric → − tion of particles creation and vacuum polarization with the scale factor a(η) one can obtain by redef- ofa massive,conformallycoupledscalarfieldonthe inition λ the general solution for the scale factor space-time metric can be neglected in the whole re- a˜ = a2(η)+b2, where b = const. For example gion where one can apply the approach of quantum take the model with the scale factor p field theory in curved space-time [25]. a(η)= a2η2+b2, <η < , (36) 4. Exact solutions in cosmological 1 −∞ ∞ q models with p/ε = const which in asymptotic regions η corresponds 6 (for N = 4) to radiation dom→in±at∞ed cosmology. Letusmakeashortreviewofscalefactorsleading The space is contracting to the minimal scale fac- to exact solutions of the equation (7). Solutions for tor a(0) = b, is reflecting and again is expanding. GRIB, PAVLOV 7 The solution of the equation (7) with initial condi- for creation from vacuum pairs of superheavy par- tions (17) defined by the condition of the diagonal- ticles with the mass of the Grand Unification scale ization of the Hamiltonian at the moment η = 0 in the early radiation dominated Universe give the like (26) has the form surprisingresult— its number is of the order ofthe observed Eddington-Dirac number. So putting the expi α0+ma1η2/2 hypothesis of their decay on quarks and leptons in g (η)= λ (λ(cid:0)2+m2b2)1/4 (cid:1) × the earlyUniverseone obtains the observednumber of protons and electrons. All this shows that one 1 i 1 Φ δ2, ; ima η2 + cannot neglect the effect of particle creation in the 1 ×" 4 − 2 2 − ! early Universe! The radiation dominance in the end of inflation +iη λ2+m2b2 Φ 3 i δ2, 3; ima η2 ,(37) era is important for our calculations. However this 1 4 − 2 2 − !# radiationis formednotbyour visibleparticles. Itis p quintessence or some dark light particles not inter- δ2 = λ2+m2b2. The influence of the parameter b on acting with ordinary particles. the inte2nmsait1y ofparticle creationfor the case m=1, Forthetimet m−1thereisaneraofgoingfrom ≫ a=1/2is shownonFig. 3. It is seenthat for b 0 theradiationdominatedmodeltothe dustmodelof → superheavy particles, N(cid:144)N0 1 3 2 M 4 1 Pl t , (39) 0.8 X ≈ 64πb(s) m m (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) 0.6 where M 1,2 1019GeV is Planck mass. If m 0.4 1014GeVP,lt≈ 1·0−15sforscalarand t 10−17∼s X X 0.2 ∼ ∼ for spinor particles. b Let us define d, the permitted part of long-living 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 X-particles, from the condition: on the moment of Figure3: Therelationofnumberofthecreatedpar- recombination trec in the observable Universe one ticlesinmodel(36)withparameterbtotheradiation has dεX(trec)=εcrit(trec). It leads to dominated case (b=0). 2 3 M 1 Pl d= . (40) thenumberofcreatedparticlesisgoingtotheknown 64πb(s) (cid:18) m (cid:19) √mtrec resultforb=0. Thisshowsthepossibilityofputting Form=1013 1014GeVonehasd 10−12 10−14 theinitialconditions(17)atb=0, η →0,i.e. atthe forscalarand−d 10−13 10−15for≈spinorpa−rticles. singularity for the radiation dominated Universe. ≈ − So the lifetime of the main part or all X-particles Note that for some scale factors the solutions for must be smaller or equal than t . the scalar field with nonconformal coupling can be X We giveinRef.[26,27]the modelwhichcangive: obtained by the redefinition of the mass and mo- (a) short-living X-particles decay in time τ < t mentum. The problem of description of such scale q X (more wishful is τ t 10−38 10−35s, i.e., factors was solved in [17]. q ∼ C ≈ − the Compton time for X-particles); (b) long-living particles decay with τ >1/m. l 5. Superheavy particles in the If τ is larger than the time of breaking of the l Grand Unification symmetry it can be that some early Universe quantum number can be conserved leading to some effectivetimeτeff >t 4.3 1017s (t istheageof The total number of massive particles created the Universe).lThe smUa≈ll d · 10−15 U10−12 part of in Friedmann radiation dominated Universe (scale ∼ − long-living X-particles with τ > t forms the dark factor a(t)=a t1/2) inside the horizon is (see (24)) l U 0 matter. Na =n(s)(t)a3(t)=b(s)m3/2a30, (38) For telff ≤1027s one must get a strong anisotropy of ultra high energy cosmic rays in the direction to where b(0) 5.3 10−4 for scalar and b(1/2) thecenteroftheGalaxy. However,experimentswith 3.9 10−3 fo≈r spino·r particles [10]. It occurs tha≈t cosmic rays don’t show such an anisotropy and one · N 1080 for m 1014GeV [10, 11]. Calculations must suppose teff > 1027s. The special conditions a ∼ ∼ l 8 PARTICLE CREATION IN THE EARLY UNIVERSE existing in vicinity of black holes can lead to the nonlinearterms(seepaper[30]forsomespecialcase) collisions of superheavy particles with high energy leading to redefinition of vacuum as it is done in and to their decay there on ordinary particles as it spontaneous symmetry breaking theories. was in the early Universe. Our estimates [28] show Acknowledgments. This work was supported that such processes near the black holes of active bytheRussianFoundationforBasicResearch,grant galactic nuclei can explain the stream of ultrahigh No. 15-02-06818-a. energy cosmic rays with energy 1019eV observed ≥ in experiments. References The observed entropy in this scenario originates due to transformation of X-particles into light par- [1] A.A. Grib and S.G. Mamayev, Yadernaya ticles: quarks, antiquarks and some particle similar Fizika10,1276–1281(1969)[Engl.transl.: Sov. to Λ0 in K0-meson theory, having the same quan- J. 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