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Preview Partial Revertants of the Transposable Element-Associated Suppressible Allele white-apricot in ...

Copyright 0 1988 by the Genetics Society for America Partial Revertants of the Transposable Element-Associated Suppressible Allele white-apricot in Drosophila melanogaster: Structures and Responsiveness to Genetic Modifiers Stephen M. Mount,*'? Melvin M. Green?: and Gerald M. Rubin* * Department of Biochemistry, University o f California, Berkeley, California 94720, $Department of Genetics, University o f California, Davis, California 95616 and tDepartment of Biological Sciences, Columbia University, New York, New York 10027 Manuscript received July 17, 1987 Revised copy accepted October 8, 1987 ABSTRACT The eye color phenotype of white-apricot (w'), a mutant allele of the white locus caused by the insertion of the transposable element copia into a small intron, is suppressed by the extragenic suppressor suppressor-of-white-apricot (su(wa))a nd enhanced by the extragenic enhancers suppressor- of-forked suo)a nd Enhancer-of-white-apricot( E(w")).D erivatives of w" have been analyzed molecularly and genetically in order to correlate thes tructure of these derivatives with their responset o modifiers. Derivatives in which the copia element is replaced precisely by a solo long terminal repeat (sLTR) were generated in vitro and returned to the germlineb y P-element mediated transformation; flies carrying this allele within a P transposon show a nearly wild-type phenotype and no response to either su(f) or su(wn). In addition, eleven partial phenotypic revertants of wn were analyzed. Of these, one appears to be a duplication of a large region which includes w", three are new alleles of su(w'), two are sLTR derivatives whose properties confirm results obtained using transformation, and five are secondary insertions into the copia element within w'. One of these, w'"'*~'', differs from wn by the insertion of the most 3' 83 nucleotides of the I factor. The five insertion derivatives show a variety of phenotypes and modes of interaction with su((fa)n d su(w'). The eye pigmentation of WaR84h I' S affected by su(f) and E(w"), but not su(wa). These results demonstrate that copia (as opposed to the interruption of white sequences) is essential for the W" phenotype and its response to genetic modifiers, and that there arem ultiple mechanisms for the alteration of the W" phenotype by modifiers. GE NETIC suppression in Drosophila is charac- indicates that suppressor loci encode factors which terized by suppressor (and enhancer) mutations function at such stages of gene expression as tran- which can modify the phenotype of alleles at diverse scription or RNA processing (for reviews of suppres- loci.M any suppressible alleles are of spontaneous sion in Drosophila, see CHANGet al. 1986 and KUBLI origin and associated with the insertion of retrovirus- 1986). like transposablee l ements inton oncoding DNA Mutations at thew hite locus affect the pigmentation (flanking sequences or introns) within a gene. The of eyes, ocelli, Malpighian tubules, and testes, with geneticm odifiers of such alleles are most often eye pigmentation in a number of white alleles varying recessive, and primarilya ffect thep henotype of between bleach white and the dark red of wild type mutationsc aused by thei nsertion of ap articular (LINDSLEaYn d GRELL1 968). The white-apricot (u") transposablee l ement. For example, suppressor-of- mutation, which aroses pontaneously in 1923 (LIN- Hairy-wing [su(Hw);3 -54.81 acts almost exclusively on DSLEY and GRELL 1968)c,a uses a change in eye color insertions of the transposablee lement gypsy (Mo- from wild-type redt o orange-yellow, and was the DOLELL, BENDERan d MESELSON1 983). Suppression first Drosophila mutation shown tboe associated with of mutationsa tt he forked [f;1-56.71 (MCLACHLIN the insertion of copia or a related element (GEHRING 1986; PARKHURSaTnd CORCES1 985, 1986b), yellow and PARO 1980; BINGHAanMd JUDD 1981; BINGHAM, F; 1-0.01 (PARKHURaSnTd CORCES 1986aH),a iry-wing LEVISa nd RUBIN19 81; GOLDBERG, PaAndR GOE HRING [Hw; 1-0.01 (CAMPUZANet Oal . 1986), white [w; 1-1.51 1982). The mutant phenotype is caused by the pres- (LEVIS, O'HARanEd RUBIN1 984; ZACHARe t al. 1985), ence of copia in a 74 nucleotide intron, oriented such and vermilion [v; 1-33.01 (SEARLEaSn d VOELKER1 986; that the white gene and copia are transcribed in the WALKERH, OWELLaSn d TEARL1E98 6) loci of Droso- same direction (O'HAREe t al. 1984). phila melanogaster has been described at the molecular The two most abundant polyadenylated transcripts level, but in noca se has the mechanism of suppression from wa (other than those which might be derived beene lucidated definitively. Available information from sequences entirelyw ithin copia) are comparable Genetics 118: 221-234 (February, 1988) 222 S. M. MouMnt. , M. Ganrde en G. M. Rubin in abundance to w+ RNA, are detected by hybridi- correlating structural alterations of copia with alter- zation probes upstream but not downstream of the ations in the phenotype and genetic interactions of insertion, and appear to have 5' termini correspond- w". We have found that sequences within copia but ingt ot hat of wild-type white RNA but 3' termini not in the LTR are essential for both them utant within copia (see Figure 1)I.t is likely that ther esidual phenotype of wa and its response to modifiers, and expression characteristico f wa is due to the generation that insertions within copia can disrupt these phe- of small amounts of structurally normal mRNA after nomena in a variety of ways. In particulart, h e the removal of copia by splicing, and such RNA has existence of ap artialr evertant (w"~'"~w) hich is been detected (LEVIS, O'HARE andR UBIN1 984; PIR- sensitive to su(f) and E(w"), but not su(w0),i mplies ROTTA and BROCKL 1984Z;A CHARe t al. 1985). Thus, that these modifiers have distinct sites of action. w" transcriptsi nitiateda tt he white promotera re generally polyadenylated at a site, or sites, within MATERIALS ANDM ETHODS copia, and the wa phenotype appears to be caused by Stocks: The genotypesa nd sources of the fly strains whatever molecular events lead to the production of used in these experiments are given in Table 1. Recombi- these aberrant RNAs at the expense ofR NAw ith nants described in the textw ere derivedf rom crosses the wild type structure. among the starting strains listed in Table 1 and standard The mutant phenotypeo f wa is enhanced (pigmen- ~~~'~f'su(su((fw)f,l) will8 and y su(wa) w"" strains. wI1l8 tation is further reduced) by viable recessive alleles is a hleach-white allele of white with a deletion of sequences at the 5' end of the locus, including the entire first exon of suppressor-of-forked [suo; 1-65.91 and by the dom- (HAZELRIGG,L EVISa ndR UBI1N9 84). wfflXf ' su((f) was inantm utation Enhancer-of-white-a~rzcot[ E(w "); 2- - derived from wh'f5, wlflXa nd w" f55u(f) stocks via a w""~ 1061, but suppressed (pigmentationi s increased) by f' recombinant. su(w") will8 was derived from su(w") w" recessive alleles of suppressor-ofwhite-apricot [m(wa); and wl"*. y su(w") wlllX was derived from su(w") wlllNa nd 1-0.11 (LINDSLEY and GR1E9L6L8 ). Mutations at su(f) y w'~R.e combinations involving SU(W") [ 1-0.11 were followed suppress a numbero ff alleles, at least some of which using y [ 1-0.01 as a marker and confirmed by complemen- tation tests or by regeneration of su(w") w". Recombinations are associated with the presence of the transposable ' involving su(f)w ere followed using f to identify the su( (f) element gypsy and are also suppressed by su(Hw) allele. All recombinants were recovered using the C(I)DX, (MODOLELBLE, NDER aMndE SELSON1 983).T he effects y wfand FM7c stocks. The effects of E(w") were generally of m(wa)a nd su(f) are specific for wn among white studied by mating males with theg enotype ofi nterest alleles, implying that these are not simply regulators either with C( I)RA85, y wrf5; Cy0 lE(w") females (compar- ing Cy and Cy' male progeny) or with wf118; Cy0 lE(w") of white expression. Lethal alleles of su(f) (DUDICK, females (comparing Cy and Cy' female progeny). WRIGHTa ndB ROTHERS1 974; RUSSELI1. 974), and wu derivatives: A number of partial revertants of W"a re possibly su(wu) (ZACHARe t al. 1985) have been iden- described in thel iterature( LINDSLEYa ndG RELL 1968; tified. These properties are consistent with the pro- RASMUSONG,R EENa nd EWER-ISON1 960)a ndm ore have been isolated recently (this work). A brief introduction to posal that these modifiers play important, even es- each of the w" derivatives or putative W" derivativese x- sential, roles in gene expression. amined in this study is appropriate. The transposablee lement copia is am ember of WaH 5YkI (RASMUSON, GREEN and EWERT19S6O0N) w as in- thel arge class of structurallyh omologous genetic duced by x-rays, and has recently been shown by sequence elements that includes the transposable Ty elements anal sis (CAKBONAREa ndG EHRIN1G98 5) tor epresent a w~Rd?TR derivative.W nRM, wr, waR84h and WnRX4~7w ere isolated of yeast (ROEDER and FINK 1983), verrteetbrroavtier al as spontaneous mutations by MOSSICE (described in RAS- proviruses (VARMUS 1983), aan dn umber of distinct MUSON, GREEN andE WERI-SO1N9 60), MULLER( 1944), BIR- Drosophila transposable elements, including most of CHLER (1984) and MOUNT( 1984), respectively. The origin those found associated with suppressible mutant al- of W~R79127a nd WaR84r19(13) is described below. wnr arose leles (RUBIN1 983). Complete nucleotide sequencing from an insertion of the retrovirus-like transposable ele- ment roo within copia, at nucleotide 2195, oriented such of two independent copia elements,i ncludingt he that the direction of its transcription is identical to that element at wa, found them to be virtually identical found in copia and white; the unmodified phenotype of w'" (differing at seven noncoding positions in 5146 nu- is not distinct from that of w", and the difference between cleotides) and confirmed the similarity of copia to these two alleles was discovered by Southern analysis (DAVIS, retroviruses and Ty with regard to coding potential SHEN andJU UU 1987). Removal of wr from the Muller-5 balancer and gener- (EMOReIt al. 1985; MOUNT and RUBIN 1985). The ation of C(l)RA85y, w'f': wlarose in 1944 as a spontaneous conserved feature of this classo f elements most revertant of w' on Zn(l)s c8Zn( I )S, sc8 w" B (MULLER1 944). relevent to this work is their transcription pattern: It was liberated from the doubly inverted chromosome for initiation occurs in the 5' LTR (FLAVELeLt al. 198 1) use in these studies by recombination in In( I) scam(1 ) S, and polyadenylation in the 3' LTR (EMOReIt al. 1985). scX w'ly w11i8 f'; CyOl+; TM3/+ ; females mated to y w1'18 An important step in the elucidation of the mech- f' males. C(I)RA85, y w' f5, which behaves asa stable compound X, also arose from these females, presumably anism of action of geneticm odifiers of w ' is the by recombination within heterochromatin (NOVITS1K9I6 3). identificationo fs equences within copia which are The chromosome was originally heterozygous at f,b ut a responsible for these effects. Here we report results f' homozygote has been obtained (heterozygosity for W' Reversion and Suppression of wa 223 TABLE 1 Eye pigmentation comparisons: Eye coloration was ex- amined in flies which had been raised entirely at 25" and D. melanoguster stocks used in this work" aged for five to eight days following eclosion. The numer- ical scale used in Table 3 was developed starting with the Genotype Sourceb Notes principle that the difference in pigmentation between a fly carrying two copies of ap articular white allele and one wbff BG heterozygous for that allele and the deletion w"18 should Y ufp BJ be 1.0, with a lower number indicating less pigmentation. w= su(w0) BG In each of two experiments (a and b), all flies were raised Wa BG simultaneously and compared inter se (see Table 3). Geno- W"f suo RL types with widely disparate scores were not generally com- )DX, C(I y w f RL pared, but all distinct genotypes with identical scores were FM7cIKAl4 RL -c directly compared and found to be identically pigmented, IwnI1(1I8) S FI n(I)S , sc8 w' CRLT -d and all pairs of genotypes with similar scores (a difference ofl ess than 1.0) were directly compared to verify the Cwyb"O 'l~n ;u b Sco It std RL direction and approximate extent of difference indicated w""; TM3, p' b24e e" Sblln(3LR)CxD RL by the score. It was empirically observed that the numerical C(I )RM,fly X Yw" .Y", y wa JB difference between homozygotes and w"" heterozygotes C(Wf4,f LC sometimes varied from 1.0. However, confidence in this - w'118 XYL.YS9 RL scale is based on analysis of a large number of phenotypes, E(wa)l CyOY ; y w a/bw+ CT including many whose relative level of white expression is WWadMR5 9kI DDVV known, which reveals an unbroken continuum from white eyes to wild type eyes. Only in the case of w~~~~~~w~ ere wa4 BG there qualitative differences making it difficult to rank all WdPe 55 BCGT f genotypes on a common scale. It was consistently observed that, as the level of white expression increased, the pigmen- Wd RL tation first grew darker in color up to the brown tones up3 BG characteristic of a score of about 5.5 on this scale. Beyond WCf RL that, increased white expression led to a redder coloration, gt Wi+A sf1 DV -R typical of wild type. In fact, the phenotype which corre- JR4 DT -h sc JR5 DT -h sponds to a 4.5 on this scale (e.g., w'"'~/w'''~is) similar in color tone to those with scores above 7 (which are indistin- sc JR6 DT -h guishable from wild type). However, these two phenotypes sc z wu RL are easily distinguished by the presence of an "eye spot" in dal BG those fliesw ith the higher levelso f expression. Previous sc z W'I RL experience with pigment assays indicates that careful direct sc z w'" RL comparison as performed here is more reliable, particularly gt wa DV for genotypes with low levels of white expression (see LEVIS, a Descriptions of genotypes, unless footnoted, can be found in HAZELRIM anRdU BIN1 985b). LINDSLEaYn d GRELL( 1968). Construction of theP[wddTR] allele: p3922a15 (MOUNT Abbreviations are as follows: BG, the Mid-America Drosophila and RUBIN1 985) was opened by partial digestion with BalI, Stock Center; BJ, BURKEJU DD; RL, Rubin laboratory; CT, the which cleaves within the copia LTR at nucleotide 70. The California Technology Drosophila stock center; JB, JIM BIRCHLER; appropriately sized fragment was isolated from low-melting LC, LORINGC RAYMERD;V , Green laboratoryD; T, DANIELLE agarose and religated to form p3922.LTR. Regeneration THIERRY-MIEG. MERRIAM(1 968). of the Ball site by precise religation was verified by complete HAZELRIGLGE, VISa nd RUBIN( 1984). digestion of this plasmid with BalI. Next, pClLTR.2 was R. LEVIS( unpublished data). generated by replacement of the wild-type SacI-XbaI frag- ~ZACHAaRn d BINGHAM(1 982). ment (white +432 to -600) of pC1 (LEVIS, HAZELR~CC and g KARESSa nd RUBIN( 1982). RUBIN 1985a) with thec orrespondingf r agmenft r om BUCHETONet al. (1982). p3922.LTR. pCILTR.2 therefore contains a single copia LTR at the precise location of the original copia insertion, In(1) S on one arm and wl'" on the other is maintained). now in the context of a complete W+ gene (-5.1 to +6.6) The reversed acrocentric structure and continued hetero- in the P element vector pCIW4 (RUBINa ndS PRADLINC zygosity for In( I ) S has been confirmed by examination of 1983). polytene chromosomes (J. YEUNCa nd T. LAVERTY, personal Drosophilat ransformation: The preparation of DNA communication). and microinjection into embryos were as described in . Isolation of wd79127a nd w ~ ~ ~The~ se ~wer~e de(- ~ ~SPR)AD-LI NGa nRdU BIN( 1982). The P[waRSLTRal]l ele itself tected as phenotypicr evertants amongt he progeny of was used as a dominant visual marker following injection females heteroallelic for gt (f sc gt""/gt w"), a condition of wll" flies with pC1.LTR and ~ 1 1 2 5 .(1K~AR~E SSa nd which appears to be mutagenic (GREEN19 82). Three other RUBIN1 984). The subsequent isolation of isochromosome independent alleles isolated in this manner appeared iden- lines was as described in LEVIS,H AZELRICGa ndR UBIN tical to wQR79(2I7n phenotype, interactions with su(wa)a nd (1985a). Transformants were observed among thep rogeny ' su(f),a nd preliminar Southern analysis, but have not been of three of 35 fertile w'"~ adultsr esulting from these analyzed further. wa'84e'9('3) appears to be unique among injections, and strains were established from a single fly the five wa revertants derived from this cross. (A complete derived from each of these three. description of mutagenesis bJ gt heteroalleles will be pub- Mobilization of the P[wdATR]2t4 r ansposon: The lished elsewhere; only and w ~ ~ ~ a~re~ co'ns~id-( ' ~P[)wa RSLTR]2in4s ertion confers a low level of pigmentation, ered here.) and is lethal when homozygous or hemizygous. The eye 224 S. M. Mount, M. M. Green and G. M. Rubin 8' E' FIGURE1 .-Structure of the white-apricot Probes: allele and its transcripts. Exons of the wild- I C A type white mRNA are indicated by black boxes; the copia insertion is indicated by -D stippled box, except for the long terminal repeats, which are indicated by white boxes. Immediately below the map are shown re- striction fragments used as hybridization probes A through F. Below that is a listing of observed transcripts from white-apricot to- gether with their hypothesized structures (based on data in LEVISO, 'HAKEan d KUBIN RNAs: 1984; PIRROJTA and BROCK1L9 84; ZACHAK + + et al. 1985; and this work). A plus or minus 5.7 I sign indicates whether each transcript is de- tected by each of the three hybridization probes A through C (Figure 5 and data not + + + 2.6 shown). Restriction sites are: A, Apal; B, -I" I m BamHI; H, HindIII; Hp, HpaI; Ps, PstI; Pv, + + PvuI; Sc, SacI; SI, SalI; Xb, XbaI; and Xh, 1.25 XhoI. ? I I + + 0.9 I 1 kb color of progeny of willN I ~ [ ~ ~ ' ~ ~wI'1~Ix,- .P ~[h~sp~;w]-l2/ 4 , RUBIN1 983). Figure5 showsb lots probed withD NA + females was examined. Transpositionso f P[w'""~'1~ f rom synthesized from-an XbaI-Nad fragment (B in Figure I), 2C1 were detected by either pigmentation in males (which white nucleotides +68 to +432, cloned in M13mp19. would not normally inherit P[~"~"~*'~d]u2e 4to its associ- Isolation of DNA and Southern blots were performed ated lethality) or increased igmentation levels in females. as described previously (HAZELRIGLGEV, ISa nd RUBIN1 984). Transpositions of P[waR51,Tqw ere due to the activityo f The copy number and structure of P[waRSLTRin]s ertions P[hp;w-], a single complete P elemendt erived from was determined( data not shown) by digestion of DNA P[hp;w+] (LASKIR, IO and RUBIN1 986) bFy . SPENCER fromt ransformed flies with BamHI plus SacI (revealing (unpublished results).T hat only one P element was present the copy number) and HindIII plus SacI (revealing any in the w"18; P[hp;w-]s train at the time of this experiment rearrangements within thet ransposon);t hep robe used was indicated by Southern analysis of ap arental wl'IN; was lambda m 2.2, which encompasses the entire region P[hp;w-]s tock several generations prior to this experiment shown in Figure 1 (white coordinates -5.8 to +5.5; LEVIS, (F. SPENCEuRn,p ublished data), and the absence of subse- BINGHAM aRnUd BIN1 982). The structure of w" derivatives quent instability (see below). However, latera ttempts to was analyzed (always in arallel with w") using the following P use precisely this stock in similar experiments revealed P digests and probes: waK and w~~~~~w~ ere digested with activity mapping to multiple chromosomes. In this exper- XbaI and SacI and probed with pm12.5 (white coordinates + iment, P[hp;w-] was present on the third + chromosome, 3.17 to - 0.67; D in Figure 1). w ~UnRM a~nd waR~Syk1 ~ ~ ~ , and w1118 1 pIWaRsLTR 124 w1II8; P[hp;w-] I females were were digested with BamHI plus EcoRI and BamHI alone mated to will8; TM3,SbICxD males to facilitate rapid sep- and probed with pm12.5 (D). w ~wCtRM~a nd Wa~R5Ykl ~ ~ ~ , aration of the intact P element from any newly induced were digested separately with Sac1 and HindIII and Smai transpositions. Twenty-five out of 54 single-female matings and probed first with pm12.5 (D) and later with pm12.3 gave rise to a least one reddish rogeny, and all but 2 of (white coordinates - 1.5 to - 0.67; E in Figure 1). w ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , 18 lines carrying new P[waRALTdin; sertions on the X or WaRM and WaRSYkl were digested with HindIII and probed ' second chromosomes were stable after isolation. with lambda m 2.2. w~~~~~~w as analyzed alongside Anal sis of the effect of an extra Y chromosome on p[waRJLT] Rby digestion with BamHI and SacI and probing P[Wd" $22: To analyze the effect of an extra Y chro- with lambda m 2.2. w ~waRMa ~nd wnR~gYkw1 ere~ digeste~d ~ , mosome, wI1l8; ~ [121 mawles were ~first ma~ted to ~ separ~ately wi~th SacI a~nd Hind III and SmaI and probed C(I)RM,y w f l 0 females from a C(Z)RM,y w fl XUL . Ys first with 11112.5 (D) and later with pm12.3 (E). w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , i y wa stock. The resulting C(I) RM, y w f 1 Y; P[wUXrLTR]21 WaRwM & ge7 WaR84h and wr were digested with HindIII + females were then mated to either XYL . Ys,w ~"~/oYr plus Sal1 and probed first with lambda m 2.1 (white coor- XYL . Y', will8/ 0 males to generate C(I )RM, y w f I 0; dinates - 5.0 to + 9.5) and later with pm 12.5. wnR7y12a7n d p[WaR,'LT1R2 1 I + and C(l )RMy, w f I Y; P [ w ~121~ / +~ ~ -w~ ~~ ~were~ dige~sted 'with~ EcOR~I plu~s Ba~mHI )plus SacI females, whose pigmentation was compared. and probed first with lambda m 2.1 and later with pm12.5 Molecular biology: RNA blots were performed using (D). Wa1z7y127w as digested with EcoRI alone and A d 1a nd single-strandedp robes as described (O'HAKE,L EVISa nd probed first with lambda m 2.1 and later with pm12.5. Reversion and Suppression of w" 225 WaR79L27 WaRM and WaR84e19(13) were digested with HindIII TABLE 2 plus ApaI, plus NarI, plus HpaI or HindIII alone; waRM and WaR84rI (13) were digested with Sal1 ?l us BamHI plus Transduced wddTR transposons AccI or SalI plus BamHI plus ApaI; waR 9127 was digested ~~ ~~~~ with Sal1 plus BamHI plus HpaI, or SalI plus BamHI plus Cytological Abbreviation position" Eye color PstI, or SalI plus BamHI plus StuI; wURMw as digested with BalI, ApaI or NarI plus StuI; these digests were all probed v3 47D Reddish with single stranded radiolabeled DNA from the BamHI- v21 81F Variable and + SalI fragment of white (coordinates 1.4 to - 0.7; F in variegated Figure 1). V24 2c 1 Dark apricot For sequencing, w~~~~~w as cloned as an XhoI fragment V24- 12 2c1 Reddish in the SalI site of lambda Charon 35 (LOENENan d BLAIINER V24-20C 84F Yellow, red 1983), subcloned as a BamHI-Sal1 fragment (white coordi- spots + nates 1.4 to -0.7) in pBR322 and sequenced by shotgun V24-20D 52A Reddish cloning random subfragmentso f the 1 kb. HincII fragment V24-35 60D Reddish (copia nucleotide4 777t o white nucleotide -675) into V24-55 2c1 Reddish m13mp19 (see BANKIER and BAR1R9E8L3) . V24-B4B 34A(puff) Reddish V24-B8 2c1 Reddish Assignments by T. LAVERTY(p ersonal communication). a RESULTS (Canton S) allele (see Figure 2 for sample data and Transformation with a solo LTR derivative of wa: MATERIALS AND METHODS for experimental details). was suspected to be a derivative on We originally sought to study suppression phenom- WuR59ki WaRsLTR ena in a simplified system by replacing the copia the basis of co-migration of 2.3-kb SacI-BamHI frag- + element of W" with a single copia LTR. Polyadeny- ments (from coordinates - 0.60 to 1.38) in DNA from and P[waRJLTRs]t ocks. Shortlyt here- lation of copia RNA occurs within the 3' LTR (Emori WuR59kI et al. 1985). Because polyadenyiation within copia is after, the sequence of this region from w~~~~~~w~a s likely to be responsible for the mutant phenotype of published, confirming this suspicion (CARBONAaRnEd w", and possibly for its interaction with modifiers as GEHRING19 85). wr is believed to be a waRsLTRd eriv- well, it was of interest to see whether these properties ative on the basis of the co-migration of 4.1-kb SalI- required sequences other than those within the LTR. HindIIfI r agment(s f rom coordinate-s0 .6t7o + A derivative of w" in which copia is replaced by a 3.17) in DNA from wr and P[wURLTRs]to cks (com- single LTR was generated from cloned w" DNA by pare lanes 2 and 3 in Figure 2A; this fragment is 3.8 precise in vitro recombination between the two LTRs kb in wild-type strains, and is split into two fragments at a BalI restriction site. The solo LTR derivative was of 5.4 and 3.4 kb in w"). and wuR79127w ere analyzed by inserted into a P element vector and three indepen- WaRM WaR84e19(i3) dentg ermlinet ransformants were recovered (see comparison to wfLf ollowing digestion with enzymes MATERIALS AND METHODS). These will be referred to having recognition sites within copia and hybridiza- as carrying the insertions P[wnRaLTR]3, P[w"R'i1.2? 1'R tion with white probes flanking copia (see Figure 2 and P[wURJLTR]2(4a bbreviated V3,V 21 and V24). fora ne xamplea nd MATERIALS AND METHODS for Genomic DNA blotting experiments (see MATERIALS details). wURMw as found to be an insertion of roughly AND METHODS) and in situ hybridization (see Table 2) 2.3 kb into the copia element at w", between the BaZI revealed that each of these strains carries one un- site within the 5' LTR atc opia nucleotide 70 and the rearranged copy of P[waRJLTR]. ApaI site just outsideo f the 5' LTR c aotp ia nucleotide V3, an insertion on the second chromosome, con- 288. Thus, it is likely that this insertion is within the ferred strong pigmentation: homozygous males were 5' LTR (which extends from copia nucleotide1 t o wild type in appearance; females and heterozygous copia nucleotide 276). w ~ ~was fo~und t~o be a~n ~ ~ ( ~ ~ ) males were almost so (less pigmentation in females insertion of roughly 6 kb between the AccI site at is the expected result of dosage compensation; HA- copia nucleotide 1348 and the HindIII site at copia ZELRIGG, LEVISa nd RUBIN1 984). Thesep roperties nucleotide 2253. waR79127w as found to be an insertion are typical of P[waRALTRtr]a nsposons. Distinct pheno- of roughly 4.5 kb between the PstI site at copia types were observed in V21 and V24,b ut were shown nucleotide 4038 and theH paI site at copia nucleotide to be caused by position effects; a descriptiono f their 4777. These results are summarized schematically in propertiesa ndt he evidence for this conclusion is Figure 3. presented in a later section. Sequence of the w~~~~ insertion: w~~~~~ was orig- Structure of additional wa derivatives: Partial rev- inally observed to be associated with a very slight ertants of wa, namely w ~wr, wU~RM,w ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~alter~at~io~n rel~~ative~ to, w(" in~ the~ mo)bilit,y of the HindIII- @79127, and w ~were ~analyz~ed by ~South~ern ge,n- Sal1 fragment containing the 3' end of copia (copia omic blot analysis using probes from the wild type nucleotide 2253 to white coordinate -0.67). To in- 226 S. M. Mount, M.M . Green and G. M. Rubin FIGURF2.. -Southern analysis of some u!hite-nprico/ revertants. A, DNA from wild A. I B. type (Oregon K), 10"'~:V21 and ulr flies was :4v1 digested with Snll plus HindIII and hybrid- ized afterS outhernt ransfer with pm12.5 (probe D of Figure I),w hich containst he - same Salt-HindIII fragment from wild type 6.1 5.4 (Canton S) DNA. The largerb and in the ?"I I /x., V21 lane is due to u!"" (the u~"" deletionh as removed sequencesf romt he right portion of the wild-type SnlI-HindlII fragmenti, n cludingt h e HinclIlI site). B. DNA from ui' and UP^^^'^^ was digested with Sac1 plus RnmHI plus PsfI (left /ones) or Sac1 plus RnmHI plus HpnI (right lanes), and 1.8 probed with the Sal1 to RnmHI fragment from wild type (Canton S). This probe, F in - Figure I, is nearly identical to the fragment being detected (but extends 69 nucleotides -1.1 longer at one end). CA, n interpretive draw- ing indicating the 3.8-kb( wild type) and 4.1- kb (&*/<>I.'//)< SnlI-Hind111 fragments visual- - C. D. ized in A (the larger fragment in the middle lane of A is due to the w"'"' allele). D, An - - interpretive drawing indicating the sourcein dRsLTR SI H ui' of fragments visualized in R. Note that 4.1 Sc Hp ..P..I.s .. .................................................................... ,I B1 the 1.8-kb SncI-PstI fragment and the 6. I-kb HpnI-BnmHI fragmentsa rea ltered by the - 61.1 :: 6.1 * insertion (which must therefore lie between HpaI and PstI). W* SI H + 3.8 FIGUR3E. -Structures of the w" inser- tion derivatives. The location and size of insertions associated with five derivatives of up are depicted below the map of uf'. The size of each insertion is indicated by 5' the lower black bar. The sites ofi nsertion are precisely known by sequence analysis ;ips for dRx4(t"hi s work) and w''~ (DAVIS, Stlm andJ UDD 1987). Others were deter- mined by Southern analysis and the limits within which the insertion site is known are indicated by the top bnr. - aR84e19(13) 1 kb W k vestigate this further, we cloned DNA from this allele estingly, the insertion itself is identical to the most 3' and sequenced the region around the insertion (see 83 nucleotides of the I factor (FAWCEITe &a l. 1986). MATERIALS AND METHODS). This sequence is shown in Response of wa derivatives to su(wa)a nd su(f):T he Figure 4. An 83 nucleotide insertion generating a 13 responses of several P[w~~"\'~?in'~se']r tions, wnH5Vklw, ', nucleotide duplication of the target site was discov- Wnf<*\l wr~c, u,nRX4clY(13) W~~f~7Y12a7n d wnRXJhto su(w'I) ered. This insertion occurs only 31 nucleotides up- and su((f)w ere examined using an ad hoc serniquan- streamo ft hee xtreme3 e' nd of copia and 62 titative scale of eye color (see MATERIALS AND METH- nucleotidesu pstreamo f the 3' splice site which is ODS). Table 3 presentst he results of this analysis. presumedt o be used in the removal of copia se- Note thath t e lack of responsoe f alleles to quences fromw '' transcripts. The insertion also occurs su(wf') and su(f) is confirmed by the behavioro f 45 nucleotides downstream of the site where copia Wr~R59kla nd wr. RNAs are polyadenylated (EMOKI et 01. 1985). Inter- Two of the insertiodn e rivatives, w''~'''' and Suppres siona nd Re version of w" 227 GGTCGTGGTG CTGGTGTTGCA G T T ~ T AA C T T ~ T AT AAAT~TM FIGURE4 ,"Sequenceo ft he wYRXJhin sertion. The se- *>> copial quenceo ft he w'~"'' allele fromc opian ucleotide5 029 (MOUNT andR UBIN1 985) to white nucleotide -36 (O'HAKE TAAACTTGACT ATTTATTTA TTTATTqBEB AAGGAAATAT et al. 1984) is presented. The 83 nucleotide insertion labeled [I element "I element" is identhtiec a l to 3' end of the 1 factor in dRl TATTATTATT ATTATTATTA TGATAGATAG AATAGTTTAC AAAACTW (FAWC:KI-eIt al. 1986; nucleotides5 297-5375) exceptt hat I element] [copia twhTe "A ' rAe p eat is fonu ur cleotidleo sn ger in waRX4" than in TAACTT-T AGTAT-T T ~ T A ET- c ~ W U ~ T and the opposite strand is indicated. The 13 nucleotide target site duplication surrounding the I element insertion copia J [white laon is underlined. The site of polyadenylation of copia tran- AAcATAAAGG GTccAATTAC cAATTTGAAA CTmTTTGC scripts (EMOKI et a[. 1986) is indicated by carets. WaR84e/Y(/3), do respondt ob oth SU(W") and suo, pattern itself; we have not attempted to reexamine suggesting that although these reversion events have the results of those studies, which are summarized affected the phenotype of w", they have not signifi- in the introduction. However, we have looked at the cantly interfered with thes equences necessary for gross effects on RNA structure of some of the rever- the interaction of W" with the products of the su(w") sion events described here. and su(f) loci. wnC,a derivative which does not differ Northern blot analysis of RNA from adult males from w" phenotypically, shows a clear but lessened (0-24 hr post-eclosion) has shown that the previously response to both su(w") and suo.T he effect of these described wn RNAs of 5.7 and 1.25 kb are eliminated in the derivatives studied( for w " ~ ~ ~ ~ ' modifiers on w~~~~~~~w as examined in many exper- WuR.sLTR see iments. Although response to both su(w") and su(f) Figure 5, lanes 5 and 6 of the right panel; identical was occasionally observed (Table 3 andd atan ot data were obtained for V? but are not shown). Also shown), this was not always the case. Thus, it appears seen in these revertants are extremely low levels of that in w ~the re'spons~e to b~oth su(~w") an~d su(f)~ a group of RNAs of approximately 900 nucleotides is largely, but perhaps not completely, eliminated. In that hybridize to DNA probes covering both the first contrast, the results with wfiH8"', a strong revertant, and second white exons. These RNAs appear onc loser were unambiguous. Expression of w"'"~" is unaf- examination to be present in wn and all revertants fected by SU(W"), but is greatly reduced by suo. examined, but are absent from wild type. Their size Enhancer of white-apricot: The allele specificity is consistent with polyadenylation within the 5' copia of E(w") was investigated in females heterozygous LTR. The level of these RNAs is not greatly affected for various white alleles and wII1". In accordance with by su(w") or su(f) (Figure5 a ndd ata nots hown). previous results (VON HAUE 1969; BIRCHLE1K98 6), Thus, the polyadenylation activity of the 5' LTR, or the white alleles a, a4, e and $155, but not +, u2, a3, a solo LTR, appears to be very low and unaffected bJ 4 i + A, IR4, IR5, IRG, is, sat, sp', zl or zm showed by modifiers. markedly less pigmentation in combination with a In the insertion revertantw " (righ~t pane~l, lan~e ~ ~ ~ single copy of E(w"). All known responsive alleles are 4) both the 5.7- and 1.25-kb RNAs are eliminated, associated with transposable element insertions into and a band of wild type mobility is visible. In contrast, the transcribed region, and this pattern of interaction the 5.7-kb RNA, but not the 1.25-kb RNA, is elimi- supports ar estriction of the effects of E(w") toa nated in the insertion revertant waRM( lanes 3 and 4). subset of transposable element insertions at white. We In this case, however, the 5.7-kb RNA is replaced by tested the action of this dominant extragenic modifier an RNA of approximately 7.9 kb, the size expected ont he various wn derivatives describedh ere: the if the waRMi nsertion were to be simply incorporated insertion derivatives w('RM,w ~~~~~~~a~n d w ~wer'e ~ into~ the ~body ~of th~e 5.7 -kb RNA. waRXJh(l anes 1 and affected by E(w"), but w ~ ~ w '~ an~d ~sev~eral' , 2 ) differs from w" only in the presence of increased P[W['K.'LTR] transformed lines were unaffected. These levels of an RNA or RNAs in the 2.6-kb size range. results show that sequences in addition to the copia Position effects observed with P[wnRsLTRin] ser- LTR are necessary for the response of w" to yet a tionst:th hO r eef e origitnra anl sformant third extragenic modifier. lines, two, 1/21 and V24, hadp henotypes different Structure of polyadenylated RNA products: A from V3 andf rom each other.T hese phenotypes number of studies on the structureo f polyadenylated appear to be due to the influenceo f sequences around RNAs from wn and the effects of su(wf') and su(f) on the site of insertion. these RNAs have been published (LEVIS, O'HARE and V21 flies havev ariegated eyes. The insertion is RUBIN1 984; PIRROTTA anBdR OCKI1.9 84; ZACHARe t present at the very base of the right armo f the third al. 1985). These analyses are complicated by the low chromosome (Table 2)a,n d variegation is presumably abundance of white RNA, by the difficulty of obtain- due to the proximity of the insertion to centromeric ing RNA from the appropriate tissue (the eye disc) heterochromatin (SPOFFOR1D9 76). Interestingly, ex- att hea ppropriate time in development( the early treme variation in the overall level of pigmentation pupalp eriod)a nd by the complexity of the RNA was observed among V21 flies, and this variation 228 S. M. MouMn.t , M. aGnrde en G. M. Rubin TABLE 3 Phenotypes of white-apricot derivatives 4.0".' W1."0 ".' 4.0".' 3.0".' 5.5"*' 2.00.' W"RM 3.0' 5.0' 4.5' 53.8.'7 ' 6.3' #84~19(13) 3.0' 3.75'. 7' 44.1.2' ' 2.0' 2.7' w 7ic 3.7' 3.0' 43.0.'7 ' 4.4' waR79127 4.36' .4' 56.2.0' ' 4.3' 6.0' 6.8" 6.8w"& 84 h 3.4" 5.5" 5.5" 4.1" W>a6R.85'9 k l 6.1' 6.1' 6.1' >6.8' >6.8' W? 5.5" 5.5" 5.5. >6.8" >6.8" >6.8" P[W-=R]3 4.5Q.b 4.5..' 4.ja.' 5.5 0.6 5,5 0.6 5.5".' P[wnR'L=R]24 4.0" NA 4.S0A" SA NA P[flLTR]24-35 5.0" NA 5.0" 6.3" SA 6.3" W& refers to the white allele indicated at left. Superscripts a and b refer to two independent experiments. See text for an explanation of the numerical scale. FIGURE5. -Northern analysis of uto and some revertants. Po- lyadenylated RNA preparedf rom newly eclosed adults of the indicated genotypes was prepared,e lectrophoresed in agarose, transferred to nitrocellulose and hybridized as described (O'HARE, LEVISa nd RUBIN1 983) using a "'P-labeled single-stranded probe prepared from an M13 clone containing the XbnI-Nor1 fragment of white (probe B of Figure 1). RNAs diagramed in Figures 1 and 3 are indicated. The W" samples in the two rightmost lanes of the left panela ndt he first andt hirdl aneso ft her ightp anela re identical. Note (1) the absence of any stronegff ects of-eithers u(uf') or su((f)o n RNA from this stage, (2) the overall similarity of preparations from W" and wf~"'', (3) the presence in u~"~"o"f a 7.9-kb RNA, which is larger than the 5.7-kb RNA by the size of the insert found in that revertant, and (4) the presence of the 5.7- and 1.25-kb RNAs (or, in the case of w"~"the' c,o rresponding 7.9- and 1.25-kb RNAs) in samples from W", w"~"'a nd ufJRX4, "b ut not Wd779LW2 7n R59kl or wild type( Oregon R) flies. The P[W''~'~~~] insertion V3 produces RNAs which are identical to those seen in dR59kI (data not shown). appeared to be strongly influenced by their precise Cy0 flies). Similar results were obtained with other genetic background. For example, whefnli es carrying chromosomes ubstitutions. Ina nothere xperiment, the second chromosome balancer Cy0 and homozy- selection in vials for ten generations, at a population gous for V21 were backcrossed to W"", the W""; size of three pairs of flies per generation, resulted in + Cy0 l+ ; V21 / progeny were as a class much less two V21 sublines, one of which had nearly bleach- pigmented than their w'II8; +l+ ; V21 /+ siblings white eyes with a small number of lightly pigmented (greater than 90% of the Cy+ flies had more pigment spots and one of which was resembled V3, showing than the median level of pigmentation among the only slight variegation. Reversion and Suppression of wa 229 Position effect mutations associated with chromo- fTWURbLTR] insertions for study, we induced the V24 somal rearrangements placing cell autonomous eu- insertion to transpose to new sites, as had been done chromatic genes under the influence of centromeric previously for white transposons showing a position heterochromatin are generally responsive to in- effect (LEVIS, HAZELRIaGnGd RUBIN1 985b). creased temperature and the presence of additional For this experiment, we crossed the V24 w1'18 strain Y chromosomes (both of these factors generally in- with a w'lrX strain carrying a derivativea n o ifn sertion crease the amount of wild type tissue; see SPOFFORD of P[h.sP;w+] (LASKIR, IO and RUBIN 1986) on the (1976) for a review of position effect variegation). To third chromosome. This element had lost the heat see if V21 behaved like these rearrangements,t he shock promoter and white sequences by deletion and effects of extra Y chromosomes and increased tem- was essentially a single wild-type P element (F. SPEN- perature was investigated. C( 1) RM, y w f / Y; V21 /+ CER, unpublished data) but could provide functional females displayed considerably more eye pigmenta- P transposase activity, inducing the transposition of tion than C(I )RM, y w f; V21 I+ females, with no P[WURSL]T Rto new sites. Following the mobilization, overlap in expressionH. owever, wlJrx;V 2I flies the active P element was separated from these new raiseda t 25" weren ot obviously morep igmented insertions by additional crosses (see MATERIALS AND than those raised at 18" (small effects would have METHODS for experimental details). beeno bscured by thel argea mount of variation As a result of these mobilization crosses, 25 inde- between individuals characteristiocf this stock). Thus, pendent reversions of the V24 position effect were the V2I insertion appears to place the P[wflRJLTR] observed.O ft hese, 24 were phenotypically similar allele under the influence of a position effect which to V3, demonstrating that in most genomic positions displays some, but not all, of the features typically P[W'rRrLTR3 confers reddish pigmentation. These re- seen in classical position effect variegation. version events were characterized to varying extents; V24 results in a pigmentation level commensurate most were mapped to a chromosome and discarded. with a twofold increase in gene expression relative In all, there were eight transpositions to the second to wa (;.e., V24 w ~ ~and ~homo~zygoIus wwn fema~les ~ ch~rom~osom e, five transpositions to thet hirdc hro- arep igmented identically; w ~ ' f~emawles ~are~, of~ ~ m osome and 12 cases of X-linked reversion. Of the course, less pigmented-see Table 3). Thus, V24 latter, six were homozygous viable (the lethality as- shows significantly less expressiont han do other sociated with the original copy of V24 was not ob- P[waRSLTR]-containinlgin es, and differs from V21 in served) and six were not. Of those which were not having a constant non-variegating phenotype. This homozygous viable, three (V24-12, V24-55 and V24- insertion is intot hee uchromaticr egion 2C1 and 88)w ere examined by in situ hybridization (see Table confers hemizygous lethality. 2), with the result that in each case only a single band The effect of su(w") and su(f) on these P[W"~""1' ~ of hybridization at 2C1 was visible. While this hy- insertions was investigated, but this analysis was ren- bridization could result from transpositions to a site dered impossible in the case of V22 by extreme adjacentt o the originali nsertion, it is more likely variability in thep henotype. V24 was shown to be thatr earrangements which altert hef lanking se- unaffected by su(f) by comparison of V24 wlrrXf' quences responsible for the position effect were the su(f) lw"" f'su(f) and V24 wlIrxf ' 1 ~ f's~u((f~) ~ ba'sis for the phenotypic reversion in 1/24-12, V24-55 females. Since recombinants between SU(W") and V24 and V24-B8 (see LEVIS, HAZELRICCR U aBndI N19 85b). were not obtained, the effect of su(wn) on V24 could In this experiment, transpositionso f P[wnRaLTR] not be tested. Definitive results on thee ffects of from the X chromosome would have been detected su(w") and su(f) on P [ w ~ ~w. e'r~e ~ob~ta]in ed with V? regardless of their phenotype (so long as it were not and the mobilized derivatives of V24. bleach white). The phenotypic similarity of the ma- Mobilization of the V24 insertion by a single gen- jority of the derivatives of V24 therefore allows us to omic P factor: In a large number of experiments conclude thatt hep henotype of the original 1/24 involving P element mediated transformation it has insertion was due to a nonvariegating euchromatic been observed that the majority of insertions exhibit postion effect, and to take V? (which they resemble) relatively uniform expression, but a minority (on the as a standard. order of 10-20%) show variant levels of expression The strains listed in Table 2 were retained for [see, foer xampleH, AZELRIGGL, EVISa nd RUBIN further analysis. One transpositiont, o cytological (1984) and SPRADLING and RU(B19I8N3 )l. We there- position 84F (V24-2OC), conferred yellow eyes with fore considered it likely that the variation in pheno- red spots, and appears tob e another case of a strong type among the three original P [ w " ~ . 't~ra~ns~fo]r- euchromatic position effect. The structural integrity mant lines (V?, V22 and V24) was due to a chance of P[waRSLTRin] this strain has not been confirmed occurrence of two cases of strong position effects in by genomicb lotting,b ut further transpositionsr e- these three. In order to investigate whether V24 was sulting in the reddish phenotype were observed in indeeda position effect, and providea dditional unstable sublines of V24-2OC. 230 S. M. Mount, M. GM.. a Gnrde en M. Rubin appears to be a duplication: A spontaneous WaR84e7 would affect the efficiency of polyadenylation at sites partial revertant of u" (phenotypically like su(w')w") within copia or splicing between sites flanking the was observed in the su(wa) wa f'su(f) stock. Recom- insertion. (Note that these two events are mutually bination analysis revealedt hatt hea lteration was exclusive fates of a single primary transcript.) linked to the white locus, and the revertantw as named 2. Ar elated,b utd istinct, hypothesis holds that . Evidence that uuR84ies 7a duplication of a WaRN4e7 actual termination of transcription occurs within the large region including the white locus was provided copia insertion. In this modelm odifiers are genes by (1) Southern analysis, (2) a study of interactions whose products are termination (or antitermination) with su(wn) and su(f), (3) the observation of effects factors. It should be stressed that since termination on recombination in the vicinity of white, (4) a study of transcription by eukaryotic RNA polymerase I1 is of interactions with zeste, and( 5)t he detection of an ill-defined process whicht y pically occurs well phenotypic revertants (to apricot) in association with downstream of the polyadenylation sites which form recombination (see ROBERTS 1976)A. ccordingly, the the mature 3' ends of messenger RNAs (BIRNSTIEL, increased pigmentation seen in this derivative can be BUSSLINGEaRn d STKUU1 985), the presence of poly- attributedt oi ncreasedg ene copy numberr ather adenylated 3' ends within copia does not, by itself, than an alteration of the properties of the gene, and constitute evidence in favor of this model. unRX4e7 was not informative with regard to the mo- 3. Copiac ouldp rovide cis-acting transcriptional lecular mechanisms by which the phenotype of wn is control elements which alter the initiation of tran- modified by suppressors or enhancers. scription. This could be eithera d irect effect of New su(wa) alleles: su( u")~s~u( *Z ,U " ) a~n~d ~s~ (w")~.' transcriptional enhancers or repressors within copia were first identified as single darker-eyed males in or a product of competition between promoters in un stocks by J. BIRCHLER( unpublishedd ata), K. copia and white. Modifiers, in this model, are genes RENDAHL (unpublished data) and B. JAFFE (unpub- whose products act in trans to allow the functioning lished data), respectively. These alleles were passed of cis-acting transcriptionalc ontrols equences, and on to us as putative u" revertants by their discoverers, mutations in the modifiers affect either the ability of and were identified as newa lleleso f su(wf'). The the white promoter to respond to these sequences or possibility that these apparently new alleles of su(wN) the competition between promoterIsn . yeast, are in fact su( wn)' contaminants cannotb e completely suppression by spt? of his4 mutations caused by the excluded, but seems unlikely, particularly in the case insertion of Ty elements has been traced to a require- of which arose on a marked chromosome (y ment for SPT? in Ty transcription (WINSTONet al. s ~ ( w ' ~ ) ~ J , un f) in a laboratory which does not maintain any 1984; WINSTON,D URBANa ndF INK1 984). Similar su(w")' stocks (B. JAFFE, personalc ommunication). hypotheses advanced to explain suppression in Dro- The phenotypes of su(w'L)xJzu ", S U ( U ~ ' )w~",~ a~n d sophila by su((f) and su(Hw) have found support in su(w")e' ua are indistinguishablef rom su(wn)' u", that these suppressors affect transcription frogmy psy demonstrating that the mutationo f su( w") to a state (PARKHURST aCnOdR CES19 86a, b). In the case of u", + like su(w')' is not a novel event. This is particularly where any transcriptionala lteration ofR NAl evels interesting in light of the occurrence of much more would be superimposed upon a defecti n RNA struc- extreme alleles of su(w") (ZACHARe t al. 1985). ture, copia has been found to altert het emporal pattern of white expression (ZACHARe t al. 1985). Behavior of waRsLTRd erivatives shows that se- quences within the internal portiono f copia are nec- DISCUSSION essary for both the severityo f the wa phenotype and Models of suppression: It is usefult od escribe its response to trans-acting modifiers: The u"R".TR three general hypotheses for the molecular basis of allele was originally conceived of as a simplified suppression (or enhancement) of wu: version of wfL.( Note that zunR.",'l'*' I' S used here to refer 1. The majority of RNAs from are polyadeny- to both the specific allele generated inv itro and zdL lated within copia and probably do not function in studied as P [ U " ~] .t'ra~ns~po~s ons, and alleles, such pigmentation, but a small amount of RNA with wild- as WuR5YK/ and ur,w hich arose in flies and have the type structure is produced by the removal of copia identical structure.) Polyadenylation of white tran- sequences via RNA splicing (LEVIS,O 'HAREa nd scripts within copia appears toi nterfere with the RUBIN1 984; PIRROTTaAn d BROCKL19 84; ZACHARe t synthesis of wild type ut RNA from u", andt he allele contains the copia polyadenylation site. al. 1985; see Figure1 ). These observations lead us WaR.~LTR ~ l ~ c~ontai,ns a single LTR at precisely the to favor models in which geneticm odifiers act WnR.\LTR through an effect on RNA processing (either poly- same location as the copia element in w". Thus, any adenylation or splicing). In these models, modifier defect which is caused by thed isruption of white gene products could play roles in either polyadeny- sequences, by the creation of novel sequences at the lation or splicing and mutations in them odifiers junction between white and copia, or by the action of

The eye color phenotype of white-apricot (w'), a mutant allele of the white locus insertion of the transposable element copia into a small intron,
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