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PARTIAL ORDER EMBEDDINGS WITH CONVEX RANGE JAMES HIRSCHORN 7 0 Abstra t. A arefulstudyismadeofembeddingsofposetswhi hhavea onvex 0 range. We observe that su h embeddings share ni e properties with the homo- 2 morphismsof morerestri tive ategories; for example,we show thateveryorder n embeddingbetweentwo latti es with onvexrange isa ontinuous latti e homo- a J morphism. Anumberof pσos:etNsNar→e NoNnsidered; forexample,we provethatevery produ t order embedding with onvexrange is of the form 7 σ(x)(n)=`(x◦gσ)+yσ´(n) n∈Kσ, 1 (0.1) if σ(x)(n) = yσ(n) x ∈ NN Kσ ⊆ N gσ : Kσ → N ] and yσ ∈NoNtherwise, for all , where , is A a bije tion and . Themost omplexposetexaminedhereisthequNoItient of the latti e of Baire measurable fun tions, with odomain of the form for R I some indexset , modulo equality on a omeager subset of thedomain, with its . h `natural' ordering. t a m [ Contents 1 v 1. Overview 2 6 8 1.1. Terminology 4 4 2. The quasi ordering of a monoid 6 1 2.1. Distributive laws 9 0 3. Order embeddings with preregular range 12 7 0 3.1. Preregularity 12 / 3.2. Order re(cid:29)e ting homomorphisms 14 h t 3.3. Continuity 15 a m 3.4. Bases of latti es 19 3.5. Extensions of embeddings 22 : v 4. The partial orders 28 i X 4.1. Power set algebras 28 N r 4.2. Powers of 29 a 4.3. Category algebras 31 N 4.4. Baire fun tions into powers of modulo almost always equality 37 N 4.5. Continuous fun tions into powers of 50 Date: January2, 2007. 2000 Mathemati s Subje t Classi(cid:28) ation. Primary 06A06; Se ondary 03E15, 03E40, 06A11, 06B30, 06F05, 54C35. Key words and phrases. Partial order, embedding, onvex, S ott topology, irrationals, Baire measurable, omplete semilatti e, monoid. The author a knowledges the generous support of the Japanese So iety for the Promotion of S ien e (JSPS Fellowship for Foreign Resear hers, ID# P04301). 1 2 JAMESHIRSCHORN 4.6. Further dire tions 53 Referen es 56 1. Overview The abstra t obje ts of study here are embeddings between arbitrary posets hav- ing preregular (e.g. onvex, see de(cid:28)nition 3.11) range. The main observation is that they are ontinuous with respe t to a natural poset topology (namely the S ott topology). This observation is then applied to investigate embeddings with onvex range between some spe i(cid:28) lasses of posets. It turns out that the determination of these embeddings for various examples of posets generalizes known results about homomorphisms in more restri tive ate- σ :P(X) → P(Y) gories. For example, we show in Ÿ4.1 that every order embedding σ(a) = h[a] ∪ b h : X → Y with onvex range is of the form for some inje tion b ⊆ Y and some ; this an be ompared with the known fa t that every ontinuous σ : P(X) → P(Y) σ(a) = h−1[a] Boolean algebra monomorphism is of the form for h :Y 99K X some partial surje tion . By de(cid:28)nition, an order embedding is an order preserving map (i.e. partial order homomorphism) that is an isomorphism onto its range. Thus for order theoreti stru tures, e.g. latti es and Boolean algebras, where the stru ture is ompletely determined by the ordering, an order embedding is in fa t an isomorphism for the given stru ture onto its range. Hen e hara terizing these embeddings involves two aspe ts: determining the isomorphisms of the given stru ture; and determining the range of these embeddings. For example, it is a spe ial ase of the above mentioned P(X) P(Y) known fa t, that Boolean algebra isomorphisms between and are of the σ(a) = h[a] h : X → Y form for some bije tion . Thus the `new result' in the above σ :P(X) → hara terization on ernstherange,namelythateveryorderembedding P(Y) [σ(∅),σ(X)] = {a ⊆ Y : with onvex range has range equal to the interval σ(∅) ⊆ a⊆ σ(X)} . (Of ourse, the omputation of the range in thisexample follows trivially from the de(cid:28)nition of onvexity, but in slightly more omplex examples this omputation an be ome di(cid:30) ult). However, this is an in omplete view of the situation where there is additional stru ture that is not purely order theoreti . Indeed many our examples are also monoids. N {0,1,...} Write for the set of nonnegative integers. The usual (linear) partial N 0 < 1 < ··· ordering of is . The example most imNportant to us is the lass of N partial order embeddings between the irrationals , i.e. the set of all fun tions N N from into (see e.g. [Hir06a℄), with the produ t order. Indeed this paper is the se ond part of a series, where the third part [Hir06a℄ is entitled (cid:16)Chara terizing the quasi ordering of the irrationals by eventual dominan e(cid:17) (and it is the sequel to [Hir06b℄), where order embeddings of the irrationals with onvex range play a ru ial role in hara terizing the eventual dominan e ordering ( f. Ÿ4.6.4) in terms of the produ t order. PARTIAL ORDER EMBEDDINGS WITH CONVEX RANGE 3 NI NJ More generally, we onsider embeddings between the produ t orders and I J x,y ∈ NI for arbitrary index sets and . Thus for all , x≤ y iff x(i) ≤ y(i) i∈ I. (1.1) for all NI NJ In this ase we as ertained ( f. Ÿ4.2) that every order embedding from into with onvex range is in fa t a monoid embedding for oordinatewise addition plus a NJ onstant in . Further generalization was desired to fun tion spa es with the irrationals as the X Y Baire(X,Y) odomain. Let and betopologi alspa es. Welet denotethefamily X Y of all BaireNmeasurableNfun tions from into . In Ÿ4.4 we onsider quotients of Baire(X,N ) N (where has the produ t topology) over the equivalen e relation of = aa (cid:16)almost always(cid:17) equality : f = g f(z) = g(z) z ∈X aa (1.2) if for almost all , N z ∈ X Baire(X,N )/=aa or in other words for omeagerly many ; where is given ≤ ≤ aa the order indu ed by : [f]≤ [g] iff f(z)≤ g(z) z ∈ X. aa (1.3) for almost all N N Baire(X,N )/=aa Baire(Y,N )/=aa The embeddings of into with onvex range are des ribed pre isely, where, as far as we know, even the isomorphism stru ture was not previously known. This involves hara terizing embeddings with onvex range of ategory algebras of topologi al spa es, or equivalently the regular open algebras of these spa es, in Ÿ4.3. We note that there are some subtleties in generalizing to Baire(X,NI)/=aa arbitrary index sets, i.e. to , that are addressed there. Our interest in quotients of Baire fun tions stems from set theoreti for ing. For I example, for an index set in the `referen e model'(cid:22) alled the ground model in the NI terminology of set theoreti for ing, it is well known that every member of in the extension of this model obtained by Cohen for ing, is determined by a member of Baire(R,NI)/=aa in the ground model. Whilst in the other dire tion, we shall use (Baire(X,NI)/=aa,≤aa) settheoreti for ing toprove that isa omplete semilatti e NI satisfyingmanyofthesamepropertiesas (theorem4.40). This anbegeneralized S P(S) extensively; for example, for in the ground model, every member of in the Baire(R,P(S))/=aa Cohen model orresponds to a member of ( f. Ÿ4.6.1), and by repla ing (cid:16)almost always(cid:17) with (cid:16)almost everywhere(cid:17) in the measure theoreti sense, we obtain a orresponden e with random for ing ( f. Ÿ4.6.2). In Ÿ2 we study a standard asso iation of a quasi order to every monoid. We are espe ially interested in those monoids(cid:22)we all them latti e monoids(cid:22)where the asso iated quasi order is in fa t a latti e. Then various in(cid:28)nite distributive laws are examined for these latti e monoids. The main purpose of this se tion for the present paper, is that it allows us in Ÿ3.5 to use algebrai methods to extend embeddings from a suitably dense subset of some latti e monoid to the entire latti e ( f. orollary 3.98). This in turn is applied in Ÿ4.5 to use our des ription in Ÿ4.4 of Baire(X,NI)/=aa Baire(Y,NJ)/=aa the embeddings of into with onvex range in order to obtain a pre ise des ription of the lass of embeddings with onvex range C(X,NI) C(Y,NJ) of into . That is, the family of ontinuous fun tions ordered 4 JAMESHIRSCHORN pointwise. We also see examples (e.g. lemma 3.16, theorem 3.59) of how algebrai properties of subsets of latti es may entail order theoreti regularity properties. The general theory is in Ÿ3, in luding the S ott ontinuity of embeddings with preregularrange,andnumerous onsequen esofthisresult. InŸ3.4,westudyvarious notionsofdensenessinalatti e,andthisisappliedinŸ3.5toextendhomomorphisms from suitably densesubsetsof alatti ewhile preserving variousdesirableproperties. (P(N)/Fin,⊆∗) Further d(NireN /tiFonins,f≤or∗)the Boolean algebra and its lose relative the latti e are suggested in Ÿ4.6.3 and Ÿ4.6.4. 1.1. Terminology. A homomorphism refers to an arrow (i.e. morphism) of the intended ategory, while an isomorphism is an invertible homomorphism. For a (C,U) h : c → d on rete ategory , we say that an embedding is a homomorphism g c for whi h there exists some invertible homomorphism with domain su h that Uh(x) = Ug(x) x ∈ Uc for all . Thus in a ategory where the homomorphisms are f : X → Y fun tions, an embedding is a homomorphism that is an isomorphism ran(f) f′ : X → ran(f) onto its range, i.e. is an obje t of the ategory and given f′(x) = f(x) by is an isomorphism. Monomorphisms (i.e. moni s) refer to homo- f morphisms that are left an ellative under omposition, i.e. is a monomorphism f ◦g = f ◦h g = h g,h f i(cid:27) implies for all with odomain equal to the domain of . And epimorphisms (i.e. epis) refer to homomorphisms that are right an ellative. In all of the on rete ategories onsidered below, monomorphisms are simply the inje tive homomorphisms, and in all of these ategories with the ex eption of the monoids, epimorphisms are pre isely the surje tive homomorphisms. (O,≤) ≤ A quasi order (also often alled a preorder) is a pair where is a re(cid:29)exive O (O,≤) < and transitive relation on . For a quasi order , we write for the relation p < q p ≤ q q (cid:2) p de(cid:28)ned by if and . Note this disagrees with another usage where p < q p ≤ q p 6=q i(cid:27) and . A poset (partial order) is a quasi order where the relation p ≤ q q ≤ p p = q (P,≤) p < q is also antisymmetri (i.e. and imply ). In a poset , p ≤ q p 6= q i(cid:27) and . A poset with a minimum element is alled a pointed poset. (O,≤) A ⊆ O (A,≤) Note that if is a quasi order (poset) then for every subset , is also a quasi order (poset). We all it a quasi suborder (subposet). In the ategory of quasi orders, the homomorphisms are order preserving maps, i.e. for two quasi (O,≤) (Q,.) σ :O → Q p ≤ q σ(p). σ(q) orders and , isorder preserving if implies p,q ∈ O for all . Thus isomorphisms are bije tions that are both order preserving σ : O → Q σ(p) . σ(q) and order re(cid:29)e ting, where is order re(cid:29)e ting if implies p ≤ q p,q ∈ O A ⊆ O for all . A subset is alled bounded above, or just bounded, if it p ∈O a≤ p a∈ A has an upper bound, i.e. some su h that for all . And we say that A q ∈ O q ≤ a is bounded below if it has a lower bound, i.e. some su h that for all a ∈ A . The lass of posets is viewed as a full sub ategory of the quasi orders. Noti e (P,≤) (Q,.) σ : P → Q that for a poset and a quasi order, is an embedding i(cid:27) it is A both order preserving and re(cid:29)e ting. Wewrite for the supremum, i.e. minimum A ⊆ P A upper bound, of a subset (whi h may oWr may not exist), and we write a∨b a∧b {a,b} for the in(cid:28)mum, i.e. maximum lower bound. We write and for V W PARTIAL ORDER EMBEDDINGS WITH CONVEX RANGE 5 {a,b} σ : P → Q and , respe tively. A fun tion between two posets is alled join- σ(p ∨q) = σ(p)∨σ(q) p∨q p,q ∈ P preseVrving if whenever exists, for all (i.e. if p∨q σ(p)∨σ(q) exists then so does satisfying the equation). The dual notion is meet-preserving. We take a join semilatti e, whi h we also just all a semilatti e, to be a poset (L,≤) ∨ L p∨q p,q ∈ L su h that is a binary operation on , i.e. exists for all . And a meet semilatti e is de(cid:28)ned dually. A latti e is a poset that is both a semilatti e and (L,≤) (A,≤) a meet semilatti e. A subsemilatti e of a semilatti e is a semilatti e , A⊆ L (A,≤) |= pc =a∨bq (L,≤)|= pc = a∨bq where , su h that i(cid:27) , i.e. the supre- (A,≤) L mum omputed in the order agrees with the supremum taken in . Meet A ⊆ L subsemilatti es and sublatti es are de(cid:28)ned analogously. Note that a subset (L,≤) may be a latti e as a subposet of , without being a sublatti e. The homomor- phisms of the ategory of semilatti es are the join-preserving fun tions, while the homomorphisms of the ategory of meet semilatti es are the meet-preserving fun - p∨q tions. Notethatthesearebothsub ategoriesoftheposet ategory, be ause and p∧q p ≤ q q ≤ p q 6= p do not exist when , and , and be ause join/meet semilatti e p ≤ q p∨q = q p∧q = p homomorphismsareorderpreserving, as i(cid:27) i(cid:27) . The ategory of latti es is the interse tion of the ategories of join and meet semilatti es, i.e. the homomorphisms are the fun tions that are both join and meet-preserving. It is easy to (cid:28)nd a ounterexample showing that a quasi order homomorphism between two latti es need not be a latti e homomorphism (i.e. latti es are not a full sub ategory of the quasi orders). On the other hand, sin e the latti e operations are obviously determined by the ordering of the latti e, a quasi order isomorphism between two latti es (equivalently, a poset isomorphism) is in fa t a latti e isomorphism. Take note that latti e embeddings are the same thing as latti e monomorphisms (and similarly for join/meet semilatti e embeddings), i.e. they are the inje tive latti e homomorphisms (this is not true of the ategory of posets). Moreover: σ Proposition 1.1. A latti e homomorphism is an embedding i(cid:27) it is stri tly order p < q σ(p) < σ(q) preserving, i.e. implies . (L,≤) A By a omplete semilatti e we mean a join semilatti e su h that exists A ⊆ L whenever is bounded. Note that a omplete semilatti e is poinWted, with ∅ 0 minimumelement ,whi hwedenoteby . Noti ealsothata ompletesemilatti e A A 6= ∅ is in fa t a latti e,Wand moreover exists whenever (see e.g. [DP02℄). A A A A⊆ L omplete latti e is a latti e su h thVat and exist for every subset . By adding a top element to any ompleteWsemilattVi e one obtains a omplete latti e. A latti e is alled bounded if ithas both amaximum and minimum element; we denote 1 the maximum element by . (B,≤) p ∈ B We take a Boolean algebra to be a bounded latti e su h that every −p p∧−p = 0 p∨−p = 1 has a omplement, whi h we write as , satisfying and . Homomorphismsinthe ategoryofBooleanalgebrasarelatti ehomomorphismsthat 0 1 preserve omplements (and thus also preserve and ). Sin e the Boolean algebra operationsare ompletelydeterminedbytheorder,everyposetisomorphismbetween two Boolean algebras is in fa t a Boolean algebra isomorphism. In the ategory of Boolean algebras embeddings and monomorphisms oin ide. 6 JAMESHIRSCHORN (M,·) Re allthatamonoid isasemigroupthathasanidentity. Wedonotneedto e spe ifytheidentitybe auseitisuniquelydetermined; wedenoteitby . Amonoidis a·b = a·c b = c b·a =c·a b = c a,b,c ∈ M an ellative if implies and implies ,forall . a∈ M a−1 a·b−1 The inverse of , when itexists, isdenoted ; more generally, we write c ∈ M a = c·b for the element su h that , if it exists. It is uniquely determined M (M,+) so long as is an ellative. We write when dealing with a ommutative − 0 monoid; use to denote the inverse; and we use to denote the identity. A monoid homomorphismismappreservingboththemonoidoperationandtheidentity. Inthe ategory of monoids embeddings and monomorphisms both oin ide with inje tive S homomorphisms. When we say that a subset of a ommutative monoid is losed a−b ∈ S a,b ∈ S a−b under subtra tion we of ourse mean that whenever and exists. Sin e every an ellative ommutative monoid embeds into an Abelian group (lemma 2.13), a submonoid of a an ellative ommutative monoid that is losed under subtra tion an be viewed as a `subgroup'. (G,+) M ⊆ G Proposition 1.2. Let be an Abelian group, and be a submonoid. S ⊆ M hSi∩M = S hSi Then a subsemigroup is losed under subtra tion i(cid:27) , where S denotes the subgroup generated by . S hSi = S−S Proof. Sin e is a subsemigroup of an Abelian group, . It immediately hSi∩M = S S (cid:3) follows that i(cid:27) is losed under subtra tion. R X n Re all that a binary relation on a set is a ongruen e on some -ary S X S(x ,...,x ) S(x′,...,x′ ) x R x′ relation on , if 0 n−1 i(cid:27) 0 n−1 , whenever k k for k = 0,...,n − 1 n f X all ; and it is a ongruen e on some -ary fun tion on , if f(x ,...,x ) R f(x′,...,x′ ) x R x′ k = 0,...,n − 1 0 k−1 0 k−1 whenever k k for all . A ∼ (O,≤) ≤ ongruen e on some quasi order , i.e. a ongruen e on , that is moreover O (O,≤) an equivalen e relation on is an orderable partition of in the terminology ≤ of [DR81℄, and it is alled so be ause determines a well de(cid:28)ned ordering of the O /∼ [p] ≤ [q] p ≤ q (L,≤) quotient via if . A latti e ongruen e on some latti e L means a relation on that is a ongruen e for both of the binary latti e operations. ∼ Alatti e ongruen e thatisalsoanequivalen erelationindu esalatti estru ture L/∼ [a]∧[b] = [a∧b] [a]∨[b] = [a∨b] on , with and . And a Boolean algebra on- gruen e is a latti e ongruen e that is also a ongruen e for the unary omplement operator. Of ourse a Boolean algebra ongruen e that is an equivalen e relation on (B,≤) B/∼ −[a]= [−a] determines a quotient Boolean algebra with . (M,·) Similarly, amonoid ongruen e foramonoid isa ongruen eonthemonoid · ∼ · operation , and an equivalen e relation that is a ongruen e on determines a (M /∼,·) quotient monoid . 2. The quasi ordering of a monoid All monoids have a naturally asso iated quasi ordering. This is well known, e.g. [Kan69℄ to give one example. In this se tion we examine some basi properties of this asso iated quasi ordering, and introdu e the notion of a latti e monoid. Then we fo uson distributivity, where we prove that a large lass of monoids satisfy ertain in(cid:28)nitary distributive laws; for example, in orollary 2.30 we prove that in PARTIAL ORDER EMBEDDINGS WITH CONVEX RANGE 7 every an ellative ommutativemonoid,additiondistributesoverarbitrarysuprema. AsfarastheexamplesofŸ4are on erned, theresultsofthisse tionareonlyapplied to the latti e monoid of Ÿ4.5. However, latti e monoids will play a bigger role in the sequel to this paper. (M,·) ≤ M (M,·) De(cid:28)nition 2.1. A monoid hasan asso iated quasi order on de(cid:28)ned by x≤ y x·a= y a∈ M (M,·) (2.1) if for some . (M,·) Proposition 2.2. If is a monoid the the relation de(cid:28)ned in equation (2.1) is a quasi ordering. (M,·) (M,·) Proof. Itisre(cid:29)exivebe ause hasanidentity, anditistransitivebe ause (cid:3) is a semigroup. Proposition 2.3. For any monoid, the identity is a minimum element of the asso- iated quasi order. a∈ M e·a= a e≤ a (cid:3) (M,·) Proof. For all , implies . The quasi order asso iated with a an ellative monoid has no maximal elements unlessthemonoidisagroup,inwhi h asetheasso iatedquasiorderisthe omplete quasi order. (M,·) (M,≤ ) (M,·) Lemma 2.4. Let be a an ellative monoid. If has a maximal (M,·) element then is a group. a ∈ M b ∈ M a ≤ a ·b (M,·) Proof. Let be a maximal element. Take any . Then a · b ≤ a a · b · c = a c ∈ M b · c = e (M,·) implies and thus for some . Hen e by (M,·) an ellativity. The existen e of right inverses for all elements entails that is (cid:3) a group. (M,·) b ≤ c a·b ≤ a·c (M,·) (M,·) Proposition 2.5. Let be a monoid. Then implies , a,b,c ∈ M for all . b ≤ c d b ·d = c (a ·b)· d = (M,·) Proof. Assuming , there exists su h that . Thus a·(b·d) = a·c (cid:3) . We are mostly interested in ommutative monoids so that we at least have mono- toni ity. Indeed, the ategory of positively quasi ordered ommutative monoids is widely studied in Ordered Algebra, see e.g. [Weh92℄ where they are named POM's, ≤ (M,+) and the quasi order asso iated with a ommutative monoid is the minimal (M,+,≤ ) (M,+) quasi ordering su h that is a POM. (M,+) a ≤ b (M,+) Proposition 2.6. Let be a ommutative monoid. Then implies a+c≤ b+c a,b,c ∈ M (M,+) , for all . a+d= b (a+c)+d =a+d+c = b+c (cid:3) Proof. Write . Then . (M,·) De(cid:28)nition 2.7. A poset monoid is a monoid whose asso iated quasi order is in fa t a partial order. 8 JAMESHIRSCHORN e Proposition 2.8. Every poset monoid is pointed with the minimum element. (cid:3) Proof. Proposition 2.3. Lemma 2.9. Poset monoids do not have invertible elements besides the identity. a ∈ M a·a−1 = e a ≤ e (M,·) Proof. Suppose that is invertible. Then implies , and e ≤ a a= e (cid:3) (M,·) by proposition 2.3. Thus by antisymmetry. Corollary 2.10. Can ellative poset monoids do not have maximal elements, with {e} the ex eption of the singleton monoid . (cid:3) Proof. Lemmas 2.4 and 2.9. (M,·) De(cid:28)nition 2.11. A monoid is alled a semilatti e monoid if the asso iated quasiorderisa tually asemilatti e, anditis alledalatti e monoid iftheasso iated quasi order is moreover a latti e. 0= e Remark 2.12. Note that in a semilatti e monoid by proposition 2.8. Thus our 0 usage of as the additive identity in a ommutative monoid is onsistent with its usage as the minimum element of a pointed semilatti e. We re all the following basi fa t and provide a proof. Lemma 2.13. A ommutative monoidis embeddable (as amonoid) in some Abelian group i(cid:27) it is an ellative. (M,+) M− Proof. Let be ommutativeand an ellative. Let denotethesubgroupof M N = (M\M−)∪{0} invertible elements of . Notethat ommutativity entailsthat (M,+) M ×N is a submonoid of . Now onsider the produ t monoid modulo the relation de(cid:28)ned by (a,b) ∼ (a¯,¯b) ∃r,r¯∈ N a+r = a¯+r¯ and b+r =¯b+r¯. (2.2) if ∼ 0 ∈ N Note that is an equivalen e relation: im(ap,bli)es∼r(ea¯(cid:29),e¯bx)ivity,(a¯sy,¯bm)m∼et(ra¯¯y,¯¯bi)s obvious, andwehavetransitivitybe ausesupposing and , a+r = a¯+r¯ a¯+s= a¯¯+s¯ a+r+s= a¯+r¯+s= a¯¯+r¯+s¯ and b+r+whsi= h¯¯bw+itrh¯+ os¯mmutativity imply ∼ , and similarly . And using ommutativity similarly, (M ×N)/∼ is a ongruen e for addition ( f. Ÿ1.1). Therefore is a quotient monoid. Observe that [b,b] = [0,0] b ∈N (2.3) for all , [0,0] [(0,0)] and of ourse , i.e. , is the identity. ((M ×N)/∼,+) Claim 2.14. is an Abelian group. Proof. It is ommutative be ause it is the quotient of a ommutative monoid. Take [a,b] −[a,b] in the quotient. We prove that it has an inverse . First suppose that a ∈ M− −[a,b] = [−a + b,0] [a,b] + [−a + b,0] = [b,b] = [0,0] . Then be ause −[a,b] = [b,a] [a,b]+[b,a] = [a+b,a+b] (cid:3) by (2.3). Otherwise be ause . a7→ [a,0] M (M ×N)/∼ Claim 2.15. is a monomorphism between and . PARTIAL ORDER EMBEDDINGS WITH CONVEX RANGE 9 a+ b [a+b,0] = [a,0] + [b,0] Proof. is mapped to and hen e it a monoid homo- [a,0] = [b,0] r s N morphism. Now suppose . Then there are and in su h that a + r = b + s 0 + r = 0 + s r = s , and , i.e. . And by the an ellative property a+r = b+r a= b (cid:3) implies as needed. Claims 2.14 and 2.15 establish one dire tion of the lemma, and it is lear that a (cid:3) non an ellative monoid annot be embedded in a group. This is used to show that an ellative ommutative monoids satisfy monotoni ity for subtra tion. (M,+) Proposition 2.16. Let be a an ellative ommutative monoid. Whenever a−c b ≤ c a−b a−b ≥ a−c a,b,c ∈M (M,+) (M,+) exists, implies exists and , for all . M Proof. By lemma 2.13, we may assume that is a submonoid of some Abelian (G,+) b ≤ c b + d = c d ∈ M (M,+) group . Now implies for some , and thus (a − c) + d = (a − (b + d)) + d = a − b as wanted, by the basi properties of a (cid:3) group. (M,+) Proposition 2.17. Let be a an ellative ommutative monoid. Whenever a−c a ≤ b b−c a−c≤ b−c a,b,c ∈M (M,+) (M,+) exists, implies exists and , for all . a+d = b Proof. Write . Then sin e by lemma 2.13 we an assume we are working (a−c)+d= (a+d)−c = b−c inside an Abelian group, by basi properties of an (cid:3) Abelian group. (L,∨,∧) a∧(b∨c)= 2.1. Distributive laws. Re all that a latti e isdistributive if (a∧b)∨(a∧c) a,b,c ∈ L for all , and that: (L,∨,∧) a∨(b∧c) = (a∨b)∧(a∨c) Proposition 2.18. is distributive i(cid:27) for all a,b,c ∈ L . (M,·) · ∨ De(cid:28)nition 2.19. Wesay that amonoid isleft -distributive over , or simply (·,∨) left -distributive, if a·(b∨c) = (a·b)∨(a·c) b∨c (2.4) whenever exists a,b,c ∈ M · ∨ for all , and it is right -distributive over if (a∨b)·c = (a·c)∨(b·c) a∨b (2.5) whenever exists a,b,c ∈ M · ∨ (·,∨) for all , while it is -distributive over (or just -distributive) if it is · ∨ · ∧ both left and right -distributive over . The de(cid:28)nition of -distributivity over is exa tly analogous. (·,∨∧) (·,∨) (·,∧) Let us say that it is -distributive if it is both -distributive and - (·,∨∧) distributive. We will say that a latti e monoid is distributive if it is both - distributive and distributive as a latti e. · ∨ Note that while we are mostly interested in -distributivity over in semilatti e · ∧ monoids, and -distributivity over is meet semilatti e monoids, the de(cid:28)nition does make sense for arbitrary monoids. (+,∨) (+,∨) Of ourse, the notions of left -distributivity, right -distributivity and (+,∨) (M,+) -distributivity all oin ide for any ommutative monoid , and similarly + ∧ for -distributivity over . 10 JAMESHIRSCHORN (M,+) (+,∧) Lemma 2.20. Let be a ommutative -distributive monoid. Then a∧b = 0 a∨b = a+b a,b ∈ M implies , for all . a,b ≤ a+b = b + a a∧ b = 0 d ≥ a,b Proof. By ommutativity, . Suppose and . c a + c = d (+,∧) c = (a ∧ b) + c = Let satisfy . Then by right -distributivity, (a+c)∧(b+c) = d∧(b+c) ≥ b d≥ a+b (cid:3) implies by proposition 2.5. (M,+) + Lemma 2.21. Let be a ommutative an ellative -distributive monoid ∨ ∧ a∧c= 0 b∧c = 0 (a+b)∧c = 0 over and . Then and imply . a∧c = b∧c = 0 d ≤ (a+b),c Proof. Suppose that , and take . By lemma 2.20 and + ∨ a+b+d = a+(b∨d) = (a+b)∨(a+d) -distributivity over , , and similarly a+b+d= (a+b)∨(b+d) . Thus a+b+d =(a+b)∨(a+d)∨(b+d). (2.6) a+b +2d = (a+ d)+(b + d) = (a∨d)+ (b ∨d) = (a+ b)∨ But we also have (a+d)∨(d+b)∨(d+d) ∨ 2d ≤ a+b+d by distributivity over . Therefore, as sin e d ≤ a+b a+b+2d = a+b+d d= 0 (cid:3) , we obtain , and thus by an ellativity. 2.1.1. In(cid:28)nite distributive laws. a∧B = Notation 2.22. We extend binary operations to sets in the usual way, e.g. {a∧b : b ∈ B} A·b = {a·b :a∈ A} , , et ... . L A latti e is join-in(cid:28)nite distributive (JID) if a∧ B = (a∧B) (2.7) (cid:16)_ (cid:17) _ whenever the supremum on the left hand side exists. The dual ondition is alled meet-in(cid:28)nite distributive (MID). Note that distributivity does not imply either of these properties, even for omplete latti es (see e.g. [DP02℄). Also note that every Boolean algebra is both join-in(cid:28)nite and meet-in(cid:28)nite distributive (see e.g. [Kop89, a Ch. 1, Ÿ1℄). We will need to re all that an be repla ed with a supremum: L A ∧ B = (A∧B) A Proposition 2.23. If is (JID), then whenever B and both exist. Similarly for the (M(cid:0)IWD).(cid:1) (cid:0)W (cid:1) W W W (M,·) · ∨ De(cid:28)nition 2.24. We shall all a monoid in(cid:28)nitely left -distributive over (·,∨) or in(cid:28)nitely left -distributive if a· B = (a·B) a∈ M B ⊆ M (2.8) for all and , _ _ B (·,∨) whenever exists, and all it in(cid:28)nitely right -distributive if W A ·b = (A·b) A⊆ M b ∈ M (2.9) for all and , A (cid:16)_ (cid:17) _ (·,∨) whenever exists, and we all the monoid in(cid:28)nitely -distributive if it is (·,∨) (·,∧) both in(cid:28)niWtely left and right -distributive. The de(cid:28)nition of in(cid:28)nite - distributivity is exa tly analogous. (M,·) (·,∨) A · B = Proposition 2.25. If is in(cid:28)nitely -distributive, then (A·B) A B (·,∧) whenever and both exist; similarly for in(cid:28)nite (cid:0)W-di(cid:1)str(cid:0)ibWutiv(cid:1)ity. W W W

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