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PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS An Introduction 1-:utiquio C. Young The Florida Seate Unhersi~r A I lyn an<l Bacon, Inc. Boston t Copyright 1972 by Allyn and Bacon, Inc. 470 Atlantic AYenuc, Boston. All rights reserved. l'•."o par! of !he 1110/erial pro/ec!ed b.1· 1his copyr(r;/11 no/ice may he reproduced or 11li/i~ed in a11_1· j(1m1 or In· any means, e/eclronic or 111echa11ical. i11c/11di11g pho1ocop_1 i11g, recording, or b1· a11_1· i11fomwlio11a/ storage and relrie1 al .1Tsle111 1ri1ho11/ »Tillen permission from rhe copyrighl 011·11er Librar) of Congress Catalog Cnd Number: 70-166551 Printed in the United States of America. T O M Y P A R E N T S A N D M Y F A ~I I L Y Contents Preface 1x Chapter 1 Introduction 1. Some Properties of Functions of One Variable 2. Partial Derivatives 3. Differentiation of Composite Functions; the Chain Rule 4. Differentiation of Integrals Depending on a Parameter 5. Uniform Convergence of Series 6. Im proper Integrals Depending on a Parameter 7. Directional Derivatives 8. Green's Theorem and Related Formulas Chapter 2 Linear Partial Differential Equations 36 J. Basic Concepts and Definitions 2. General Solutions and Auxiliary Conditions 3. Linear Operators and Prin ciple of Superposition 4. Linear First-Order Equations 5. Solutions of Second-Order Equations with Constant Co efficients 6. Classification of Second-Order Equations 7. The Canonical Forms Chapter 3 The Wave Equation 71 1. The Vibrating String 2. The Initial Value Problem 3. Interpretation of the Solution 4. Domain of Dependence and Characteristic Lines 5. The Nonhomogeneous Wave Equation 6. Uniqueness of Solution 7. Initial-Boundary Value Problems 8. Nonhomogeneous Problems and Re flection of Waves 9. Method of Separation of Variables vii \iii Contents Chapter 4 Green's Function and Sturm-Liouville Problems 121 1. Homogeneous Boundary Value Problems 2. Nonhomo geneous Problems; Green's Function 3. Modified Green"s Function 4. Sturrn-Liouville Problems 5. Orthogonality of Eigenfunctions 6. Eigenfunction Expansions; Mean Convergence 7. Nonhomogeneous Sturm-Liouville Prob lems; Bilinear Expansion Chapter 5 Fourier Series and Fourier Integral 163 I. Orthogonal Trigonometric Functions 2. Fourier Series 3. Fourier Cosine and Sine Series 4. Bessel's Inequality; Riemann-Lebesgue Theorem 5. Convergence of Fourier Series 6. Uniform Convergence of Fourier Series 7. Fourier Integral 8. Fourier Transform Chapter 6 The Heat Equation 212 1. Derivation of the Heat Equation 2. Initial and Boundary Conditions 3. The Maximum Principle and Uniqueness Theorem 4. Initial-Boundary Value Problems 5. Non hornogeneous Initial-Boundary Value Problems 6. The Initial Value Problem 7. Initial-Boundary Value Problems in Infinite Domain Chapter 7 Laplace's Equation 250 1. Boundary Value Problems 2. Green's Theorem and Uniqueness of Solutions 3. Maximum Principle for Har monic Functions 4. Dirichlet Problem in a Rectangle 5. Dirichlet Problem in a Disk 6. Poisson's Integral Formula 7. Neumann Problem in a Disk 8. Problems in Infinite Domains 9. Fundamental Solution and Green"s Functions JO. Examples of Green's Functions 11. Neu mann's Function and Examples 311 References Solutions of the Exercises 313 343 Index Preface This book is the outgrowth of an introductory course in partial differential equations which the author has given for a number of years. The students are mostly undergraduates who are majors of mathematics, engineering, or the physical sciences. The purpose of the book is to acquaint the students with some of the tech niques of applied mathematics and to provide them with basic material necessary for further study in partial differential equations. As the needs and interests or the students are varied, the author attempts to strike a balance in emphasis between theory and application. The book treats principally linear partial differential equations of the first and second order involving two independent variables. Problems involving :,econd-order differential equations are discussed with reference to the three prominent classical equations of mathematical physics, namely, the wave equation, the heat equation, and Laplace's equation. These equations serve as prototypes for the three main types of linear partial differential equations of second order. The kinds of problems that are treated for each of these equations in two variables as well as the properties of the solutions are generally typical of what can be expected with more general differential equations of the same type in three or more independent variables. Several techniques of applied mathematics-such as the method of eigen function expansion, the Fourier transform, and the use of Green's function are developed and their basic underlying theory are discussed. Along with many examples, a sufficient number of exercises of varying degree of difficulty appear in nearly every section. These exercises form an integral part of the text. They are designed not only to test comprehension of the subject matter pre- ix x Preface sented, but also to introduce other general ideas and procedures. Answers to almost all exercises are given at the back of the book. A list of selected references for further reading on the subject is also given. As a prerequisite for a course based on this book, the student must have a working knowledge of the topics usually covered in a standard calculus course and must be familiar with the contents of a basic course in ordinary differential equations. Many of the topics in the calculus which are extensively used in later discussion are discussed briefly in the beginning chapter. For those students who have an adequate background, this material can serve as a review. Although the book is intended for use in a two-quarter course, it can be adopted for a one-quarter or a one-semester course, depending on the back ground of students and the interest of the instructor. For example, topics selected from Chapters 2, 3, 6, and 7 can be the bases of a one-quarter course for students who are already familiar with the contents of Chapters 4 and 5. A word about the numbering of equations and theorems: Unless a different chapter is explicitly stated, the first number indicating an equation or a theorem always refers to the section of the particular chapter under study. The exercises are, however, numbered according to the chapters. Thus, the heading Exercises 5.1 refers to the first set of exercises in Chapter 5. The author wishes to thank Professors Thomas G. Hallam and Howard E. Taylor for testing some of the material in its early version and for making helpful comments, and to Professor C. Y. Chan for reading the manuscript and for making many invaluable suggestions. The author also acknowledges with gratitude the secretarial help extended by the Department of Mathematics. Last but not least, it is a pleasure to thank Mrs. Margaret Parramore for her skillful typing of the manuscript. Tallahassee, Florida EUTIQUIO c. YOUNG Partial Differential Equations An Introduction

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