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Preview Partial covering of emission regions of Q 0528-250 by intervening H$_2$ clouds

Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,1–13(2015) Printed29January 2015 (MNLATEXstylefilev2.2) − Partial covering of emission regions of Q 0528 250 by intervening H clouds. 2 V.V. Klimenko1,2, S.A. Balashev1,2, A.V. Ivanchik1,2, C. Ledoux4, P. Noterdaeme3, P. Petitjean3, R. Srianand5, D.A. Varshalovich1,2 5 1 0 2 1Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute of RAS, Polyteknicheskaya26, 194021 Saint-Petersburg, Russia n 2St.-Petersburg State Polytechnical University,Polyteknicheskaya29, 195251 Saint-Petersburg, Russia a 3UniversitéPierre et Marie-Curie, Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris, CNRS-UMR7095, 98bis boulevard Arago, 75014 Paris, France J 4European Southern Observatory,Alonso de Córdova 3107, Casilla 19001, Vitacura, Santiago 19, Chile 8 2 5 Inter-UniversityCentre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Post Bag 4, Ganesh Khind, Pune 411 007, India ] A G Accepted 15.12.2014Received08.10.2014 . h p - ABSTRACT o We present an analysis of the molecular hydrogen absorption system at zabs = 2.811 r in the spectrum of the blazar Q0528−250.We demonstrate that the molecular cloud t s does not cover the background source completely. The partial coverage reveals itself a [ as a residual flux in the bottom of saturated H2 absorption lines. This amounts to about (2.22±0.54)% of the continuum and does not depend on the wavelength.This 1 valueissmallanditexplainswhythiseffecthasnotbeendetectedinpreviousstudies v ofthisquasarspectrum.However,itisrobustlydetectedandsignificantlyhigherthan 0 the zero flux level in the bottom of saturated lines of the Lyα forest, (−0.21±0.22) 1 per cent. The presence of the residual flux could be caused by unresolved quasar 2 7 multicomponents, by light scatteredby dust, and/orby jet-cloud interaction. The H2 absorptionsystemisverywelldescribedbyatwo-componentmodelwithoutinclusion 0 . ofadditionalcomponentswhenwetakepartialcoverageintoaccount.Thederivedtotal 1 column densities in the H2 absorption components A and B are logN(H2)[cm−2] = 0 18.10±0.02and17.82±0.02,respectively.HDmoleculesarepresentonlyincomponent 15 B. Given the column density, logN(HD)=13.33 ± 0.02, we find N(HD)/2N(H2) = (1.48±0.10)×10−5,significantlylowerthanpreviousestimations.Wearguethatitis : v crucial to take into account the partial coverage effects in any analysis of H2 bearing Xi absorption systems, in particular when studying the physical state of high-redshift interstellar medium. r a Key words: cosmology:observations,ISM:clouds, quasar:individual:Q0528−250 1 INTRODUCTION Direct imaging ofthespatial structureofAGNsispos- siblewithcurrentinstrumentsmainlyprobinglongerscales. Todate,severalinterferometricstudiesofthecentralengine As a result of their cosmological distances quasars ofthebrightestAGNs(e.g.Jaffe et al.2004;Tristram et al. (QSOs) appear as point-like objects. Various studies have 2014; López-Gonzaga et al. 2014) have revealed the exis- aimed to explore the detailed inner structure of quasars, tenceofahot,parsec-scalediskthatissurroundedbywarm which isunresolvedevenfor low-redshift activegalactic nu- dust extended in the polar direction. In the optical band clei (AGNs), because of their remote distances and sub- the geometry of the emission line region is investigated by parsecscalesoftheiremissionregions.InthestandardAGN indirectmethods.Reverberationmappingestablishesthere- paradigmthecentralregionisdividedintoanaccretiondisk, lationship between the size and the luminosity of the BLR adusty-torus,ajet,abroadlineregion(BLR),andanarrow andyieldsatypicalBLRsizeofR ∼0.2pc(Kaspi et al. line region (NLR). Each of these regions contribute differ- BLR 2007; Chelouche & Daniel 2012) for high redshift luminous ently to theAGN emission spectrum. (cid:13)c 2015RAS 2 Klimenko et al. quasars. Differential microlensing allows for a constraint on tial coverage for the H cloud at z = 2.811 in the spec- 2 abs the accretion disk size <∼ 3×10−3pc (Blackburneet al. trum of Q0528−2508 is presented in this study. We anal- 2011; Jiménez-Vicente et al. 2012) and for an estimation of yse a new spectrum and detect residual flux in the bottom the size of the BLR ∼ 0.1 pc (Sluse et al. 2011). The ob- of saturated H lines (J=0 and J=1 levels). In case this 2 servationsofgamma-ray emission constrain thesizeofajet flux is not taken into account, saturated lines yield large constituent to a few parsecs (Abdoet al. 2010). χ2 valuesandamulticomponentmodelisusedinstead(e.g. Another estimate of the size of the AGN emitting re- Kinget al. 2011). gions comes from constraints derived from covering factor The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. A analysis of intervening H bearing clouds which happen to brief description of thedata is given in Section2. The prin- 2 cover the background source only partially. Analysis of the ciples of partial coverage are described in Section3. In Sec- partialcoverageofQ1232+082byamolecularhydrogenab- tion4,we presenttheanalysis of theH2 absorption system, sorptioncloudallowedBalashev et al.(2011)toestimatethe accountingforpartialcoverage.TheHDmolecularlinesare size of theCIV BLR, RCIV ∼ 0.16+−00..0181pc. exploredinSection5.TheresultsarediscussedinSection6, Molecular hydrogen absorption systems, a subset and we give a brief conclusion in Section7. of damped Lyα systems (DLAs) and sub-damped Lyα systems (sub-DLAs), reveal diffuse and translucent in- terstellar clouds in high redshift intervening galaxies 2 DATA (Noterdaeme et al. 2008). An analysis of H absorption 2 systems allows for examining the physical conditions of The molecular hydrogen was identified for the first diffuse clouds in distant galaxies (Srianand et al. 2005; time at high redshift in the very spectrum of Q0528−2508 Noterdaeme et al. 2007). It has been shown that the gas (Levshakov& Varshalovich1985).Thisquasarwasobserved is a part of the cold neutral medium with comparatively many times, in particular during the period between 2001 low kinetic temperature (T ∼ 50−500K) and high den- and 2009 using both spectroscopic arms of Ultraviolet and sities (nH > 10 cm−3), thus compact sizes (l <∼ 1pc). Visual Echelle Spectrograph (UVES) of the Very Large Comparison of 21 cm and H2 absorptions suggests that Telescope (VLT); for a description of the instrument, see the H2 absorption originates from a compact gas that Dekkeret al.(2000).Thelogoftheobservationsusedinour probably contains only a small fraction of Hi measured work is shown in Table 1. These observations relate to four along the line of sight (Srianand et al. 2012). These sys- programmes, three of which were carried out in 2001–2002: tems are important instruments for the analysis of sev- 66.A-0594(A)(PI:Molaro),68.A-0600(A)(PI:Ledoux),and eral cosmological problems, as follows. (i) The discov- 68.A-0106(A) (PI:Petitjean). Theinstrument settingsused ery of HD/H2 clouds at high redshift (Varshalovich et al. duringtheseobservationswere a1-arcsec slit and 2x2CCD 2001) provides an independent way to estimate the pri- pixelbinninginbotharms,resultinginaresolvingpowerof mordial deuterium abundance (D/H) and therefore the R∼45000intheblueandR∼43000inthered.Therewasno relative baryon density of the Universe Ωb which is one ThArlampcalibrationattachedtoeachoftheexposures.An of the key cosmological parameters (Balashev et al. 2010; additionalseriesofobservationswasperformedin2008-2009 Ivanchiket al. 2010). (ii) The comparison of H2 wave- underprogramme082.A-0087(A)(PI:Ubachs).Thesettings lengths observed in QSO spectra with laboratory ones forthatprogrammewerea0.8-arcsecslitinthebluearmand (justforthisquasarQ0528−250,Varshalovich & Levshakov a0.7-arcsec slit in thered. The2x2CCD pixelbinningwas (1993), Cowie & Songaila (1995), Potekhin et al. (1998), alsousedatthattime.Thisresultedinaresolvingpowerof Ubachs& Reinhold (2004), King et al. (2011)) allows us to R∼60000 in the blue and R∼56000 in the red. Because the test the possible cosmological variation of the proton-to- goal of that programme was to set a limit on the variation electronmassratioµ=mp/me.Becausethede-composition of µ, ThAr lamp calibrations were also taken immediately of H2 absorptions into several components is crucial for after each observation. studies of the fundamental constant variability problem, The data presented in Table 1 were reduced using we should pay attention to the partial coverage effect. It theUVESCommon PipelineLibrary(CPL) datareduction is known that taking into account the partial coverage ef- pipelinerelease4.9.5usingtheoptimalextractionmethod1. fects,thephysicalmodeloftheabsorptionsystemdiffers(see The inter-order background (scattered light inside the in- Balashev et al.2011).(iii)Theinterpretationoftherelative strument) was carefully subtracted in both the flat-field populations of Ci fine-structure excitation levels and CO framesandthescienceexposures.Linearsplineinterpolation rotational levels (Srianand et al. 2000; Noterdaeme et al. was used to produce a two-dimensional background image, 2011)allows ustomeasurethetemperatureTCMB(z)ofthe whichwas subsequentlysmoothed usinganaverage boxcar. cosmic microwave background radiation at high redshift. Fourth-order polynomials were used to find the dispersion Here,wearguethatitisnecessarytotakeintoaccount solutions.However,theerrorsonlyreflectthecalibrationer- the partial coverage of quasar emission regions by a com- ror at the observed wavelengths of the ThAr lines used for pact intervening H2 cloud in order to derive a robust fit wavelength calibration. All the spectra were corrected for of the absorption lines. If this effect is not taken into ac- themotion of theobservatory around thebarycentreof the count, column densities can be underestimated by a factor Solar system and then converted to vacuum wavelengths. of up to two orders of magnitude. The first case of such These spectrawere interpolated intoacommon wavelength an analysis has been presented by Balashev et al. 2011 for Q1232+082. The second case of partial coverage has been detected by Albornoz Vásquezet al. (2014) for H2 bearing 1 see the UVES pipeline user manual available for download at cloudtowardsthequasarQ0643−504.Thethirdcaseofpar- ftp://ftp.eso.org/pub/dfs/pipelines/uves/uves-pipeline-manual-22.8.pdf (cid:13)c 2015RAS,MNRAS000,1–13 Partial covering of Q0528−250 by intervening H clouds. 3 2 Table 1.Logoftheobservations a) b) c) No. UTDate Program ID Exposure Slit s (sec) (arcsec) unit d 12 0034..0022..22000011 6666..AA--00559944((AA)) 12××55665555 11..00 bitrary Ftotal Fclou r a 3 05.02.2001 66.A-0594(A) 1×5655 1.0 x, u 4 07.02.2001 66.A-0594(A) 1×5655 1.0 Fl 5 13.02.2001 66.A-0594(A) 1×5655 1.0 LFR Ftotal 6 13.03.2001 66.A-0594(A) 1×5655 1.0 7 15.03.2001 66.A-0594(A) 1×5655 1.0 Wavelength 8 17.10.2001 68.A-0600(A) 1×3600 1.0 Figure 1.Anillustrationoftheeffectofpartialcoverage onthe 9 18.10.2001 68.A-0600(A) 2×3600 1.0 absorption-line profiles. Different panels show (a) a highly satu- 10 08.01.2002 68.A-0106(A) 2×3600 1.0 ratedlinewithtotalcoverage,fc=1, (b)ahighlysaturatedline 11 09.01.2002 68.A-0106(A) 2×3600 1.0 withpartialcoverage,fc=0.8 and(c)apartiallysaturatedline 12 10.01.2002 68.A-0106(A) 2×3600 1.0 with the same partial coverage, fc = 0.8. The line flux residual 13 23.11.2008 082.A-0087(A) 2×2900 0.8-0.7 (LFR)is thefraction of the QSOflux that isnot intercepted by the cloud. It can be easily derived from the spectral analysis in 14 25.11.2008 082.A-0087(A) 1×2900 0.8-0.7 case(b),butitisnotstraightforward todetect incase(c). 15 23.12.2008 082.A-0087(A) 4×2900 0.8-0.7 16 25.01.2009 082.A-0087(A) 1×2900 0.8-0.7 17 26.01.2009 082.A-0087(A) 1×2900 0.8-0.7 illustrated in Fig.1. The determination of the covering fac- 18 26.02.2009 082.A-0087(A) 1×2900 0.8-0.7 toristrivialin thecase ofhighlysaturated absorptionlines Total 108450 (seeFig.1panels(a)and(b))whileforapartiallysaturated line(seeFig.1case(c))theanalysisrequiresamoresophis- ticated procedure. In this case it is necessary to use several absorption lines originating from the same levels but with arrayandgeneratedtheweighted-meancombinedspectrum differentvalues of λf,which istheproduct of theoscillator using theinverse squares of errors as weights. All theavail- strength, f, and the wavelength of the transition, λ. Such able exposures were utilized to increase the signal-to-noise an analysis has been performed by Ivanchiket al. (2010) ratio up to ∼60 per pixel in the wavelength range of the and more precisely by Balashev et al. (2011) for the spec- H2 absorption lines (at z = 2.811). As shown below, this trumofQ1232+082,andbyAlbornoz Vásquezet al.(2014) allows us to detect and study the effect of partial coverage for the spectrum of Q0643−504. A similar situation was in details. observed for HE0001−2340. Jones et al. (2010) have con- sidered thepossibility ofpartial coverage oftheBLR toex- plaintheobservedMgiiequivalentwidths.Incontrasttothe rare situations where partial coveringoccurs from interven- 3 EFFECT OF PARTIAL COVERING ingsystems(seealso Petitjean et al.2000),partial covering Partial covering implies that only a part of the back- is typical for absorption systems associated with quasars ( ground source is covered by the absorbing cloud. Mainly e.g. Petitjean et al. 1994; Rupkeet al. 2005; Hamann et al. this can bea consequence of theabsorbing cloud size being 2010; Muzahid et al. 2013). comparableto,orevensmallerthan,theprojectedextentof Afailuretotakeintoaccountthepartialcoverageeffect thebackground source. inaspectroscopicanalysiscanleadtoasignificantunderes- Partialcoveringisreadilydetectableinthespectrumof timationofthecolumndensityofanabsorber.Thesystem- abackgroundquasarifthecoresofthesaturatedabsorption atic bias (of column density) can exceed several orders of lines do not reach the zero flux level. This indicates that a magnitude for saturated lines. As an example, consider an partoftheradiationfromtheQSOpassesbythecloud.The absorptionlinewhichconsistsofonecomponentandhasthe covering factor characterizing partial coverage is definedby high column density. The spectrum and the corresponding theratio, one-component model are shown in panel (a) of Fig. 2. In panels (b), (c), (d) and (e) the same line is presented, but F fc = Fcloud, (1) part of radiation from background source (10% for clarity) total passesbyacloud.IfwetakeintoaccounttheLFR,thenthe where Fcloud is the flux that passes through the absorbing line can be properly fitted by a one component model and gas andFtotal isthetotal flux.Therefore themeasured flux we can recover the high input column density (with given in thespectrum, F(λ),can be written as: accuracy) and measure theLFR value(panel (e) of Fig. 2). F(λ)=[F (λ)−F (λ)]+F (λ)exp[−τ(λ)], (2) If the residual flux is not taken into account, then the one total cloud cloud component model – Lorentzian (b) or Gaussian (c) profiles here τ(λ) istheopticaldepthofthecloudatthewavelength – is not adequate, the reason being that a one-component λ. The line flux residual (LFR) is the fraction of the QSO Voigt profile cannot describe the unsaturated bottom and fluxwhichisnotcoveredbythecloud.Thesedefinitionsare far wings of the line simultaneously. Using additional com- (cid:13)c 2015RAS,MNRAS000,1–13 4 Klimenko et al. a b c d e x u Fl d 1 e aliz 2=2.2 2=89.1 2=29.6 2=2.1 2=2.0 m AICC = 85.8 AICC = 3299.4 AICC = 1100.9 AICC = 198.3 AICC = 83.0 r o logN=18.2 logN=18.2 logN=15.1 logN=15.8 logN=18.2 10% N 0 -30 0 30 -30 0 30 -30 0 30 -30 0 30 -30 0 30 v, km/s Figure 2. Panel (a) shows a single-component H2 absorption line with logN = 18.2 and b = 4kms−1 and a fit by a one-component model(redline).Thefluxatthebottomofthelinegoestozero. Weaddaresidualfluxofabout10percent(forclarity)tothedatain panels(b),(c),(d)and(e).Thefluxatthebottomofthelinesdoesnotgotothezerolevel,andsimultaneouslythelineshaveLorentzian wings.Asimpleone-component modelcannot describe thisline(cases (b)and(c)) andreturns alarge reduced χ2.However, ifweadd a new unresolved component to the model, the χ2 will be significantly decreased (case (d)) but not the statistical criterion, the AICC (seeKingetal.2011),andthereturned columndensitywillbetwoorderofmagnitudetoosmall. Table 2. Results of the previous analyses of the H2 system at z=2.811towards Q0528−250. Year logNtot NComp. Resolution Ref. J=0 J=1 L1R0 L1R1 1985 16.46±0.07 1 [1] 1988 18.0 1 10000 [2] ux 1998 16.77±0.09 1 10000 [3] d fl 22000065 1188..4252±+−000...110372 –2 40000 [[45]] malize J=2 J= 3 2011 16.56±0.02 3 45000 [6] Nor L1R2 L4P3 2015 18.28±0.02 2 45000 This work [1] Levshakov&Varshalovich(1985);[2] Foltzetal.(1988); [3] Srianand&Petitjean(1998);[4] Srianandetal.(2005); J=4 J=5 [5] Ćirkovićetal.(2006);[6] Kingetal.(2011) L5P4 L4P5 Velocity, km/s ponents, as shown in panel (d), a result with a satisfactory Figure3.ExamplesofH2lineprofilescorrespondingtothetran- χ2 is obtained. However, this solution is incorrect, because sitionsfromJ=0−5levels.Twocomponentsareclearlyseenin theresultingcolumndensity(logN =15.8) ismuchsmaller the J=4 and 5 lines. We have found that two components are than the input one (logN = 18.2). To distinguish between enoughtoobtainasatisfyingχ2.Theoriginofthevelocityscale cases (d) and (e) we propose a new method based on an istakenattheredshiftoftheH2 component, zA=2.81099. analysis of several absorption lines with different oscillator strengths. The description of the method and application to the analysis of H in Q0528−250 are described in more 2 detail later. 4.1 Number of components The profiles of the H absorption lines have a com- 2 plex structure that cannot be fitted with a single com- ponent. At least two components are clearly seen in the lines corresponding to J=4,J=5 rotational levels (see 4 MOLECULAR HYDROGEN Fig.3). Since the first identification of the H system in 2 Molecular hydrogen lines are detected in the spectrum of the quasar (Levshakov & Varshalovich 1985) other studies Q0528−250 from the DLA at z =2.811. Column den- have been conducted, providing discordant results (see Ta- abs sityofneutralhydrogeninthisDLAsystemislogN(Hi)= ble2).Srianand et al.(2005)used atwo-componentmodel, 21.35±0.07 (Noterdaeme et al. 2008). H lines correspond whileKinget al.(2011)pointedoutthatathree-component 2 to transitions from rotational levels up to J=5. To fit the modelisverystronglypreferredovertwo-componentmodel. molecular hydrogen lines, the spectrum has been normal- Kinget al. (2011) used a fitting procedure where they in- ized with a continuum constructed by fitting the selected creased the number of components in the absorption sys- continuum regions devoid of any absorptions with spline. tem in order to minimize the corrected Akaike information (cid:13)c 2015RAS,MNRAS000,1–13 Partial covering of Q0528−250 by intervening H clouds. 5 2 1,0 x Flu 0,5 d e z ali L1P1 L1R0 L2P1 L3P1 m 0,0 or N -30 0 30 -30 0 30 -30 0 30 -30 0 30 0,05 0,00 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 1,0 W1Q4 x Flu 0,5 d e z ali L4P1 L4R0 L9R1 L9R0 m 0,0 Nor -30 0 30 -30 0 30 -30 0 30 -30 0 30 0,05 0,00 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 Velocity km/s ( ) Figure4.SomeoftheabsorptionlinesofH2 fromtheJ=0,1levelsdetectedinthespectrumofQ0528−250andthebestVoigtprofile fit (red line). Two components of the absorption system are shown by blue dashed lines. Only unblended saturated lines are present. Thepresence ofprominentLorentzian wingsofthelinesindicatehighH2 columndensity. Theadditional panelsshow aclose-upofthe bottomofthecorrespondinglines.Thedashedblackhorizontallinerepresents thezerofluxlevel.Itisclearlyseenthatabout2percent of the LFR is present at the bottom of the saturated H2 lines. The x-axes show the velocity offset from the centre of H2 component at z=2.81099. In the profile of H2 lineL9R1, some pixels inthe bottom of the lineare lower than 2 per cent level, which is probably becausethislineisblendedwithLyαforestabsorptionlines. criterion, AICC2 (Sugiura 1978; King et al. 2011). The re- at the bottom which significantly differs from the zero flux sulting total column density differs by two order of magni- level (see Fig. 4 and Fig. 5). As a consequence, the fit by tudefromSrianand et al.(2005).Inthatcaseacriterionfor Srianand et al.(2005)givesthelargereducedχ2.Itisprob- choosing preferred model is the consistent derived physical able that the signal-to-noise ratio in the previous spectrum parameters of a cloud. It can be noted note that by using was insufficient to detect theresidual flux. H columndensityreportedbyKinget al.(2011)(basedon Thecurrentstudyshowsthattheresidualfluxdetected 2 the three-component model) a N(HD)/2N(H ) ratio is ob- in the bottom of saturated H lines in the spectrum of 2 2 tained,thatisaboutanorderofmagnitudehigherthanthe Q0528−250 istheresult ofapartial coverageeffect.Inthis primordial one. Meanwhile, the H column density in two- case, the profiles of H lines can be very well fitted by two- 2 2 component model of Srianand et al. (2005) gives a reason- component model. Therefore, there is no need to increase ableN(HD)/2N(H )ratio,whichisconsistentwiththetyp- thenumberofcomponentsinH profiles(suchasit isdone 2 2 icalvaluesmeasuredathighredshift(Balashev et al.2010). byKing et al.2011)toexplainthecomplexstructureoflines A very important point for the choice of a reasonable (anexampleisgiveninFig.2).Inthenextthreesubsections, absorption profile model in the case of Q0528−250 is the we provideevidenceof the existenceof thepartial coverage presence of Lorentzian wings in J=0, J=1 line profiles in the spectrum of Q0528−250. (see Fig. 4). It is an indicator of the high H column den- 2 sityofabsorptionsystemwithlogN(H )>18whichiscon- 2 sistent with the result reported by Srianand et al. (2005). 4.2 Zero-flux level correction However, in the new spectrum of Q0528−250 the H lines 2 with prominent Lorentzian wings have some residual flux TomeasuretheLFRinH absorptionlinesweneedtoderive 2 the zero flux level in the spectrum. A non-zero flux in the coreofasaturatedabsorptionlinecanbetheresultofinac- 2 This statistical criteria allows for a choice of prefered model curatedeterminationinbetweenspectralordersofscattered among several models with different numbers of fitting parame- light inside the instrument. The zero flux level in the spec- ters.AICC=χ2+2p+2p(p+1),wherepisthenumberoffitting trum can be estimated using the saturated Lyα absorption n−p−1 parameters, n is the number of spectral points, included in an lines which are numerous and almost uniformly distributed analysis. overthewavelengthrangewhereH2 absorptionlinesarelo- (cid:13)c 2015RAS,MNRAS000,1–13 6 Klimenko et al. Thecomparison oftheobtainedresidualfluxintheJ=0,1 1,0 H lineswith thelevelof theresidualfluxintheLyαforest 0,10 2 linesisshowninFig.5.Thefilledsquaresrepresenttheresid- 0,8 ual flux in H2 lines versus its location in the spectrum. We 0,05 LFR haveestimatedthelinefluxresidualatthelevel2.22±0.54% x zed flu 0,6 0,00 olefvtehl.e continuum, which significantly exceeds the zero-flux mali -8-6-4-20 2 4 6 8 Non-zero residual flux at thebottom of saturated lines or 0,4 can also be the result of the convolution of the satu- N rated lines with the instrumental function, or an imperfect Width data reduction, and/or of the blend of several unresolved 0,2 unsaturated lines. First, however H lines are wide with 2 abs = 3720.5 ¯ widths larger than the FWHM of the UVES spectrograph 0,0 (6km/s,i.e.∼0.08Å), so after convolution with the instru- ment function, the flux at the bottom of these lines must -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 still go to zero. Secondly, the improper data reduction is Velocity, km/s not a viable explanation of the residual fluxes of saturated Figure 6.Anillustrationof the residual flux measurement pro- Lyα lines are consistently equal to zero. Also we tested the cedure. To estimate the residual flux we determine the median dependence of residual flux on the width of the bottom of fluxforpixels inalineprofile thatare intherange of±1σ from line for H and for the Lyα forest lines. This is shown in 2 the flux at the nearest pixel to the central wavelength λc. This Fig.B1. Several lines in the Lyα forest were detected; these region isshownbypurple shading. Werefer tothe widthofthis havesimilar widthsastheH linesandgotothezerolevel. regionasthewidthofthebottomoftheline. 2 The profiles of these lines are shown in Fig.B2. Lastly,theresidualfluxcannotbearesult ofthecom- positionofseveralunresolvedunsaturatedlinesbecausethe cated.Lyαlinesareassociatedwithintergalacticcloudsthat lines haveLorentzian wings. are larger than several kpc, thus it is most likely that they coverthe background source completely. Wideflatbottomlines(∆λ>1Å,i.e.δv>80kms−1) 4.3.1 The λf test wereselected,whichguaranteesthatlinesaresaturatedand Anadditionaltestwhichconfirmsthepresenceofthepartial thereforemeasuredfluxesinthebottomofthelines(LFRs) coverage effect is discussed here (and illustrated in Fig.7). aretherealzerofluxlevelinthespectrum.Theselineswere Molecular hydrogen lines from J=0,1 levels have very dif- selected in the spectral region 3500−4700Å. To estimate ferent values of the product λf (from 0.6 for L0P1 to 36.0 the residual flux at the bottom of the line the procedure for W1Q1). It is known that the flux in the bottom of an illustrated in Fig.6 was implemented. We selected several absorption line decreases exponentially when λf increases, pixelsinalineprofileforwhichfluxiswithinfc±1σi,where F ∝ exp(−λf). The results of the calculation of this de- fc is the flux at the centre of the line and σi is the error in pendence for an absorption line in the spectrum with VLT pixel i. The residual flux was calculated as the median of resolution (FWHM=6kms−1) are shown in Fig.7 by the thefluxintheselected pixels.Thewidthofthelinebottom dashedlines.Forsimplicity,themodeledlineprofileconsists was estimated as the differencebetween theright most and ofonecomponent.TheDopplerparameterb=4kms−1and left-mostselectedpixelsfromthelinecentre(seeFig.6).The top-leftpanelofFig.5showstheLFRvaluesobtainedforthe theDampingwidthΓlm isthesameasfortheH2 lineL2P1. Because the equivalent width of the line gets to the log- selectedsaturatedLyαabsorptionlines.Theaveragevalueis arithmic part of the curve of growth, we do not consider foundtobe(−0.21±0.04)%.Thestandarddeviationofthe thedifferentDopplerparameters.Twodashedcurves(violet points is σ ≃ 0.22%. The green stars show the LFR values and grey) are calculated for the line with column densities measuredatthebottomoftheLyαandLyβlinesassociated logN =15and16.Thecurveisshiftedfromrighttoleft as with the DLA-system at z =2.79 and with the Lyα line abs the column density N increases. For a higher column den- of the second DLA-system at z =2.14. These lines are abs sity, the residual flux equals zero for a wide range of λf themost saturated lines for thespectrum. (becausethelineissaturated)anddiffersfromzeroonlyfor small values of λf 6 5 (the case of an unsaturated line). In a case of a multicomponent line (i.e. the blend of two or 4.3 Partial coverage of H absorption lines 2 threelineswithsmallcolumndensitylogN =15),theresid- ToestimatetheresidualfluxinH linesweselectedJ=0,1 ualfluxinthebottomoftheblendedlinewouldalsobehave 2 lines without apparent blends. The LFR was measured by exponentially(dashed-dotcurves).However,thebehaviorof the same technique as for the Lyα forest lines. The analy- theresidualfluxesinthebottomofthesaturatedH linesin 2 sis found that the flux in the bottom of the lines is quite thespectrum of Q0528−250 isquitedifferent.Theresidual constant over large velocity range δv ≃ 10kms−1 (i.e. the fluxes in the H lines are shown by the filled blue and red 2 dispersionofpointsiswithintherangeoftheaveragestatis- squares. The squares do not follow the expected behavior, tical error) that is wider than thefull width half maximum moreoverthepointsscattersimilarlyaroundamedianvalue (FWHM) of the UVES (6kms−1) and is comparable with in the whole range of λf. theshiftbetweencentresofthetwocomponents.Therefore, Twomodelswereappliedtoobtainaconsistentandcor- thestructureofH systemhasnoeffectontheresidualflux. rect fit to the H lines. Model (i) considers the best fit of 2 2 (cid:13)c 2015RAS,MNRAS000,1–13 Partial covering of Q0528−250 by intervening H clouds. 7 2 L14 L12 L9 L7 L4 L2 L1 L0 4 4 % % R, R, F2 F2 L L -0.21 – 0.22 2.22 – 0.54 0 0 Ly CIII Ly ArI FeIII -2 -2 3600 3800 4000 4200 4400 4600 3600 3800 4000 4200 1 1 0,08 0,08 0,06 0,06 L4P(1) L4P(1) L9R(0) 0,04 0,04 0,02 -0.22% 0,02 2.4% 0,00 0,00 2.4 % 1.7 % 0 -0,02 4254,8 4255,2 4255,6 4256,0 -0,042005,3 4005,4 4005,5 4005,6 4005,7 0 4156 4157 4158 4252 4256 4005 4006 3778 Waveleng th (¯) Wavelen gth (¯) Figure 5.Topleft:Analysisofthezerofluxlevel inthespectrum ofQ0528−250. TheLFRsmeasured atthebottom ofthesaturated absorption lines in the Lyα forest are plotted against the wavelength as filled squares. The residual fluxes are expressed in per cent of thecontinuum.ThegreenstarsshowtheLFRmeasuredintheLyβ andLyαabsorptionlinesoftheDLAsystematzabs=2.79andthe Lyα absorption from the DLA system at zabs=2.14. The average value of the zero flux level is shown by the red horizontal line. The scatter intheLFRatthebottom ofthelines(i.e.noiseinthespectrum) isfoundtobeatthelevelof0.22percent. Bottom left:afew examplesofsaturated Lyαlines.Thethirdbottom panelisthezoomofapartofthesecondpanel.Topright:theresidualfluxesatthe bottom of the H2 absorption linesfrom rotational levels J=0(blue) and J=1 (red) are plotted against wavelengths as filledsquares. The average value of the LFR in the H2 lines is shown by the blue line. Blue circles and orange horizontal lines show the positions of QSObroademissionlinesandtheirwidthstakenfromVandenBerketal.(2001).Bottomright:AfewsaturatedH2absorptionlinesare present. The red dashed lines show the estimated residual flux in each H2 line. The black line indicates the zero level. The first panel shows the zoom of a part of the second panel. It can be seen that the flux in the pixels located at the bottom of saturated H2 lines systematicallydeparts fromzero. Theshiftisabout2percentofthecontinuum. the certain H line (e.g. L2P1), which has a value of λf = 4.4 Voigt profile Fitting 2 4.23 and LFR=1.7%of thetotal flux.Thelinehasawide flat bottom (δv ∼ 10kms−1) and Lorentzian wings. To fit A Voigt profile fitting of the H2 absorption lines was per- formed,takingintoaccountthepartialcoverage.Todescribe this line without the partial coverage, it is necessary to use a complex structure of line profiles we have divided the to- several unsaturated components in the line profile. There- talfluxdetectedbyanobserverintotwoparts:fromamain fore, this model describes the line profile well. Model (ii) source and an additional one. In addition, we consider the takes into account the partial coverage, and the line L2P1 H system to be composed of two components (A and B) canbefittedbytheone-componentmodelwithhighcolumn 2 at redshifts z =2.81099 and z =2.81112. The light from density log N=18.2 and LFR=1.7% (theblue line in the A B the main source (∼98% of the total flux) is intercepted by right-handtoppanel).Thismodelalsodescribesthelinepro- the two H components and does not produce any residual file accurately. Usingonly oneH line we cannot determine 2 2 flux in the saturated lines. The light from the additional the most probable model. However, if we consider several source that passes by H clouds is not absorbed and there- H lines from the same J level which cover a wide range of 2 2 fore produces a uniform residual flux in H lines. The flux λf, we will be able to discriminate it. It is known that the 2 in the absorption line of two components A and B can be lines from thesameJ levelcorrespond tothesamephysical described as regionofamolecularcloud;thereforethelinesaredescribed bythesameset of physicalparameters(thecolumn density F(λ)=(1−fc)Ftotal+fcFtotale−τA(λ)e−τB(λ), (3) N and Doppler parameter b). The difference between line profiles originating from the same J level is caused only by wherefc(inrelativeunits)isthecoveringfactorforH2lines. However, because the physical conditions in the A and thedifferentvaluesofλf forthelines.Therefore,thecorrect B clouds (such us linear size, volume density, etc.) might model of an absorption system must describe all measure- be different, we can expect the covering factors of quasar mentsof residual fluxin thebottom of lines from a given J emission regions by two H clouds also to be different. In levelsimultaneously.Usingthebestfitparametersformod- 2 this case the construction of the H line profiles is more els (i) and (ii) we have calculated the dependence of the 2 complicated and we present an analysis of this case below residualfluxonλf (thickredandbluecurves,respectively). (see AppendixA). Here, it is important to note that taking The thick red line cannot describe all squares in the main intoaccounttwocoveringfactorsdoesnotallowforabetter panel simultaneously, whereas thebluethick line can. fit to theH lines (see thediscussion in AppendixA). 2 Then the absorption lines for each J level were de- (cid:13)c 2015RAS,MNRAS000,1–13 8 Klimenko et al. m u lo lti-c log L2P1 g o m N N po = = n % 1 en 15 6 t lin R, e 1.7% F L v, km/s fit with additional source of intensity fit by 3 component model f, ¯f Figure7.TheresidualfluxatthebottomoftheH2 absorptionlinesisgivenversustheparameterλf (wheref istheoscillatorstrength of a line). Blue and red points correspond to the H2 lines from the J=0 and J=1 levels. The theoretical flux at the bottom of the one-component linewithafixed columndensityN and Dopplerparameter bisshown bythedashed curve. Thevioletand grey curves correspond tocolumndensities logN(H2)=15and16. Itisseenthat allpoints cannot bedescribed byone curve simultaneously. The blue dash-dotted linerepresents the calculated residual flux at the bottom of a composite line,which consists of two components with logN(H2)=15forbothlinesandavelocityseparationofδv=2kms−1.Thegreen dash-dottedlinepresents thesamemodelforthree components with the same column densities and velocity separations of δv = 2 and 4 kms−1, respectively (see text). An example is showninthe right-handtop panel. Wefitacertain H2 line(L2P1)bytwomodels:onecomponent withthe LFR(blue line)andthree components (redline).Bothmodelsgiveadequate fitoftheline.ButmodelwithouttheLFRcannotdescribefluxinalllinestogether, as shownbythe thick red lineinthe graph. In contrast, all points are described by aone-component model withresidual flux(see the thickblueline). scribed using seven fitting parameters: z , z , b , b , N , the current analysis, we selected H lines that are free of A B A B A 2 NB, fc. We used uniform values of fc over the whole wave- anyobviousblends.Thesampleexaminedcontains99lines. length range, because the residual flux in the H lines ThebestfitofH linesareshowninFig.C1−Fig.C5ranked 2 2 is almost independent of the wavelength (see Fig.5). The following wavelength positions. The best-fittingparameters Doppler parameter b is a function of the rotational level areillustrated inTable3.Thereducedχ2 is1.08 (thenum- J. To estimate fitting parameters Markov Chain Monte berof fittingpoints ∼1500). Carlo (MCMC) method was implemented, and to speed TheH absorptionsystemishighlysaturated.Thetotal 2 the convergence the Affine invariant ensemble sampler by H column densities are 18.10±0.02 and 17.82±0.02 for 2 Goodman & Weare (2010) was used. The main advantage the A and B components consequently. This is consistent of this searching algorithm is tobetterexplore a parameter with the presence of the Lorentzian wings in the profiles space and to avoid using the partial derivatives of the χ2 of J=0 and J=1 levels. The obtained orto–to–para ratios function which eases a numberof numerical issues. This al- are 2.7±0.1 and 3.2±0.3 for the A and B components, lowed for more reliable estimates of the fitting parameters respectively.Thecorresponding kinetictemperaturesof the in comparison with other algorithms. H2 clouds are T01,A =141±6K and T01,B =167±13K. Fig.8showsacomparisonoftheH excitationdiagrams 2 for ourmeasurementsand those of previouswork.The left- 4.5 Fitting results hand panel shows the result of the analysis performed by The H absorption system at z =2.811 has more than 130 Kinget al. (2011), the right-hand panel shows the result 2 absorption lines from J=0 to J=5 rotational levels. For from the present work. Because the results presented here (cid:13)c 2015RAS,MNRAS000,1–13 Partial covering of Q0528−250 by intervening H clouds. 9 2 Table 3. Column densities and Doppler parameters obtained Table 4. Best fitting parameters for HD molecular lines in the from Voigt profile fitting of the H2 system at zabs=2.811 to- spectrum ofQ0528−250. wardsQ0528−250aftertakingcareofpartialcoverage. zabs logN(cm−2) b(kms−1) System J zabs logN(cm−2) b(kms−1) 2.811121±0.000002 13.33±0.02 2.25±0.53 A 0 2.8109950(20) 17.50±0.02 2.66±0.05 1 2.8109950(20) 17.93±0.01 2.71±0.05 HD/2H2 (1.48±0.10)×10−5 2 2.8109952(5) 16.87±0.03 2.75±0.03 3 2.8109934(5) 15.97±0.07 2.87±0.07 ing improved laboratory wavelengths, Ivanov et al. 2010). 4 2.8109938(8) 14.18±0.01 4.79±0.11 The presence of HD lines in this system was first re- 5 2.8109938(8) 13.58±0.02 5.04±0.39 ported by King et al. (2011). The HD molecular lines are present only in thecomponent B. Some of theHD lines are B 0 2.8111240(20) 17.16±0.03 1.17±0.06 shown in Fig.9. Wehaveestimated the HDcolumn density 1 2.8111230(20) 17.67±0.02 1.14±0.06 logN(HD)B = 13.33 ± 0.02 by analysis of the two most 2 2.8111235(7) 16.64±0.03 1.22±0.02 prominent unblended absorption lines, L4-0R(0) and L8- 3 2.8111238(6) 16.24±0.06 1.25±0.03 0R(0). The results of Voigt profile fitting are presented in Table4. Other HD lines are highly blended and cannot be 4 2.8111231(6) 14.20±0.01 1.72±0.09 used in the analysis. The obtained column density is sig- 5 2.8111231(6) 13.60±0.02 2.38±0.45 nificantly less than that required to produce self-shielding, logN(HD) ≃ 15, thus we can set only a lower limit to the isotopic ratio D/H in the cloud. Because the total column are close to data reported by Srianand et al. (2005), these density of H in the component B is logN(H ) = 17.85± arenotshownhere.WeshowexcitationdiagramsfortwoH 2 2 2 0.02,weestimateD/H>N(HD)/2N(H )=(1.48±0.10)× componentsatz =2.81099 (2.811001 foundbyKing et al. 2 A 10−5. The obtained HD column density is close to the re- (2011)) and z =2.81112. The third H component found B 2 sult, logN(HD) = 13.267±0.072, reported by King et al. by King et al. (2011) at z =2.8109346(11) is represented C (2011).However,takingintoaccountthesignificantlylarger by the green stars. Although the ratio of J=0 and J=1 H column density of the component B we have obtained a levels of third component is the same as in other compo- 2 lowervalueofN(HD)/2N(H )thantheresultbyKing et al. nents,theexcitationdiagram isnotphysicallyrealistic (the 2 (2011). This limit is consistent with D/H ratio obtained excitation temperatures T and T for the third compo- 02 13 from the analyses of atomic species in quasar spectra (e.g. nentarenegative).Thismightbetheresultoftheincorrect Oliveet al. 2012). The comparison of this result with other model being used. It is seen, that the discrepancy between N(HD)/2N(H ) measurements at high redshift is shown in ourresults and thoseof King et al. (2011) is larger only for 2 Fig.10. The N(HD)/2N(H ) in this system is consistent the low J levels, where theinfluence of the partial coverage 2 withothervaluesandcorrespondtopredictionsofdeuterium effect on the structure of the line profiles is significant. For chemistrymodelsofdiffuseISMclouds(e.g.Balashev et al. high J levels, where column densities of H are less, the re- 2 2010; Liszt 2014). sults agree in 1σ. To sum up, the total column density of Note that in the component B we detect HD and Ci H from the measurement is 18.284±0.025, that is about 2 whereas in the component A these species are not present, two orders of magnitude larger than the value reported by despite the higher H column density of this component in King et al. (2011) 16.556±0.024. 2 comparison with the component B. As for the component It should be noted, that the same values of N and b A we set an upper limit for HD and Ci column densities parameters for all transitions of one J level were used. Us- which are logN(HD) 6 13.1 and logN(Ci) 612.0. The ingthemodelwith takingintoaccountthepartial coverage A A lackofHDandCiinthecomponentAmightbetheresultof effect we obtain the reduced χ2 ≃1 without an increase of higherlocalUVradiation(e.g.brightyoungstarsnearcloud thestatisticalerrorsofthespectrum.Thisisimportant,be- A).ItcandestroyHDandionizeCiwhiletheH molecules cause in the previous analysis of H system in Q0528−250 2 2 self-shieldagainstthelocalstellarradiationbecausetotheir King et al. (2011) noted that without artificially increasing high column density. the statistical errors, the reduced χ2 was ≫1 (see the cap- tion of table6 in King et al. 2011). The value of the residual flux in H lines is fitted as 2 an independent parameter of an analysis. The best value 6 DISCUSSION is 2.40±0.07% of the continuum, which agrees with the The presence of a residual flux at the bottom of the averagevalueoftheresidualfluxobtainedfromtheanalysis saturated lines of the H system at z =2.811 towards of J=0,1 H lines (see Section4.3). 2 abs 2 Q0528−250 can be interpreted according to the arguments described in thefollowing subsections. 5 HD MOLECULES 6.1 Unresolved multicomponent quasars Inthenewspectrum(obtainedbyco-addingallpreviousand additional new observations) the molecular HD lines asso- At redshift z∼2, the internal structures in the emitting ciated with the H absorption system were detected (us- regions of of quasars with transverse dimensions . 3kpc 2 (cid:13)c 2015RAS,MNRAS000,1–13 10 Klimenko et al. King et al. (2011) This work 2.8110056(9) 2.8109950(20) 2.8111223(7) 2.8111240(20) +6 gJ 2.8109346(11) T01=141-6 K / NJ +55 g T01=123-55 K o +45 L T01=111-45 K +65 T01=134-65 K +13 T01=167-13 K -1 -1 E(J), cm E(J), cm Figure 8.The excitation diagram forH2 towards Q0528−250. Here, NJ is thecolumn density ofthe transition from the J level with gJ degeneracy. Solidlines(blue,redandgreen)correspondtotheexcitationtemperature T01 derivedfromJ =0andJ =1levels.The left-hand panel shows the result of the analysis performed by Kingetal. (2011). The excitation diagrams for different components of theH2 systemareshownbyblue,redandgreencolors.Theright-handpanelshowstheresultsfromourpresentwork.Instead ofthree unsaturated components weusetwocomponents withhigherH2 columndensities. 1,0 Q 0528-250 (King et al. 2011) log N(HD 0,8 -4 ) = 15 J 2123-0050 J 1232+082 ormalixed flux 01,,60 L440-107R,8(0) 3L957-04R,2(0) 3854,5L8 -0R(0) 383W80,5-0R(0) HD)/2(H)N2 -5 D/H atomicQ 0528-250 J 1237J+ 10463497+1117 J 1331+17J0 A0812+3208A N (N (This work) 0,8 W1-0R(0) og J2100-064 J 1331+170B l L11-0R(0) L14-0R(0) L16-0R(0) 0,6 -6 3762,6 3749,9 3657,6 3602,5 Q 0812+3208B Wavelength, ¯ Figure 9. The line profiles of HD molecules in the absorption 17 18 19 20 21 systematzabs=2.811inthespectrum ofQ0528−250. HDlines aredetectedincomponentBonly.ThefittotheW0-0R(0)lineis log N(H2) inconsistentowingtoapoordefinitionofthelocalcontinuumnear Figure 10. The measurements of N(HD)/N(H2) vs N(H2) in thebaseoftheLyαlineofthesecondDLAsystematzabs=2.14. absorption systems at high redshift. The data are taken from Ivanchiketal. (2015). The estimates of N(HD)/N(H2) toward Q0528−250 fromthis workandKingetal.(2011)are shownby redandbluecircles,accordingly.Thebluehorizontalstriprepre- are unresolved by UVES observations. For example, bi- sents the ratio of atomic Diand Hi measured inquasar spectra nary quasars with separations of the order of ∼10kpc (Oliveetal.2012).Thesoliddashedlinecorrespondstoconstant (Hennawiet al.2006;Vivek et al.2009)mightremainunre- columndensityofHD,logN(HD)=15. solved. Partial coverage can arise ifQ0528−250 has acom- plex multicomponent structureand if not all of thecompo- nentsare covered bytheabsorbing H clouds. 2 TheavailableVeryLongBaselineArray(VLBA)image of Q0528−250 (Kanekaret al. 2009; Srianand et al. 2012) dio emission core component is 65×380pc (Kanekaret al. showsanunresolvedcomponentcontaining∼94percentof 2009), that is significantly larger than the size of the H 2 thetotalfluxintheradioband(seetable6ofSrianand et al. clouds.WehavealsolookedattheimagesofPKS0528−250 2012).Another∼6percentisprobablyemittedbyadiffuse in 13 and 4cm taken as part of National Radio Astron- component.However,itisintriguingtonotetheconsistency omy Observatories’ VLBA calibrators. The sources are un- of these numbers with our findings. The spatial size of ra- resolved even at higherresolution achieved in theseimages. (cid:13)c 2015RAS,MNRAS000,1–13

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