PARTIAL ACTIONS AND A THEOREM BY O’CARROLL 7 1 MYKOLAKHRYPCHENKO 0 2 Abstract. We give asimpleproof of atheorem by L. O’Carroll,whichuses r partialactionsofinversesemigroups. a M 0 3 Introduction ] It was proved by D. McAlsiter in [8, Theorem 2.6] that, up to an isomorphism, R each E-unitary inverse semigroup is of the form P(G,X,Y) for some McAlister G triple (G,X,Y). There are many alternative proofs of this fact (see, for example, . h the survey [6]), in particular, the one given in [4] uses partial actions of groups on t semilattices. a m L.O’Carrollgeneralizedin[9,Theorem4]theMcAlister’sP-theorembyshowing that, given an inverse semigroup S and an idempotent pure congruence ρ on S, [ there is a fully strict L-triple (T,X,Y) with T ∼= S/ρ and Y ∼= E(S), such that 3 S ∼= Lm(T,X,Y). When S is E-unitary and ρ is the minimum group congruence v on S, this coincides with the McAlister’s description of S as P(G,X,Y). 9 In this shortnote we use partialactionsof inversesemigroupsonsemilattices to 5 0 get a simple proof of [9, Theorem 4]. 0 0 . 1. Preliminaries 2 0 GivenaninversesemigroupS,weuse the standardnotationsE(S)forthe semi- 7 lattice of idempotents of S and≤ for the naturalpartialorderonS. A congruence 1 ρ on S is said to be idempotent pure, if (e,s)∈ρ with e∈E(S) implies s∈E(S). : v The semigroup S is called E-unitary, if its minimum group congruence σ, defined Xi by (s,t) ∈ σ ⇔ ∃u ≤ s,t, is idempotent pure. An F-inverse monoid is an in- verse semigroup, in which every σ-class has the maximum element under ≤. Each r a F-inverse monoid is E-unitary. Let S and T be inverse semigroups. Recall from [4] that a map τ : S → T is called a premorphism1, if (i) τ(s−1)=τ(s)−1; (ii) τ(s)τ(t) ≤τ(st). Observe from (i) that τ(e) = τ(e)−1 for any e ∈ E(S). Moreover, by (ii) one has τ(e)τ(e)−1 = τ(e)τ(e) ≤ τ(e), whence τ(e)τ(e)−1 = τ(e)τ(e)−1τ(e) = τ(e). So, τ(E(S))⊆E(T). 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary20M18,20M30;Secondary20M15. Key words and phrases. Inversesemigroup,premorphism,idempotentpurecongruence. SupportedbyFAPESPofBrazil(process number: 2012/01554–7). 1In[7,10]suchamapiscalledadual prehomomorphism. 1 2 MYKOLAKHRYPCHENKO Given a set X, by I(X) we denote the symmetric inverse monoid on X. The elements of I(X) are partial bijections of X, where the product of f,g ∈I(X) is f ◦g :g−1(domf ∩rang)→f(domf ∩rang). By a partial action of an inverse semigroup S on a set X we mean a premorphism τ : S → I(X). If τ is a homomorphism, then we say that the partial action is global. We use the notation τ for the partial bijection τ(s). s 2. Construction We fist make several observations. By [5, Proposition 2.4.5] a congruence ρ on S is idempotent pure if and only if ρ is contained in the compatibility relation ∼ defined by s ∼ t ⇔ s−1t,st−1 ∈ E(S). Furthermore, in view of [5, Lemmas 1.4.11–12],s∼t implies that there exists inf{s,t} (under ≤) which coincides with st−1t=ts−1t=ts−1s=st−1s=ss−1t=tt−1s. (1) Thus, if ρ is idempotent pure and (s,t)∈ρ, then the equalities (1) hold. We would also like to note that, given a partial action τ of S on X and s ∈ S, then by (i) and (ii) iddomτs =τ−s1◦τs =τs−1 ◦τs ≤τs−1s, so τs−1s acts trivially on domτs (and symmetrically τss−1 acts trivially on ranτs). Lemma 2.1. Let S be an inverse semigroup, X a set, ρ an idempotent pure con- gruence on S and τ a partial action of S on X. If (s,t) ∈ ρ, x ∈ domτ and s y ∈domτ , then τ (x)=τ (y)⇔x=y. t s t Proof. Letτs(x)=τt(y). Sinceτs(x)∈ranτt,then,asitwasobservedabove,τtt−1◦ τs(x) = τs(x). But τtt−1 ◦τs ≤ τtt−1s by (ii), so τs(x) = τtt−1s(x). By symmetry τt(y) = τss−1t(y). It remains to note that tt−1s = ss−1t in view of (1). The same argument works in the proof of the implication x=y ⇒τ (x)=τ (y). (cid:3) s t Definition 2.2. Under the conditions of Lemma 2.1 for any class [s]∈S/ρ define τ˜[s] : [ domτt → [ ranτt t∈[s] t∈[s] by τ˜ (x)=τ (x), if t∈[s] and x∈domτ . [s] t t By Lemma 2.1 the map τ˜ is well-defined and bijective. [s] Proposition2.3. Assumetheconditions of Lemma2.1. Then τ˜is apartial action of S/ρ on X. Proof. We first show that τ˜[s−1] =τ˜−[s]1. Observe that x∈domτ˜[s−1] ⇔x∈domτt for some t∈[s−1]⇔x∈ranτu for some u∈[s]. Thus, domτ˜[s−1] = ranτ˜[s] = domτ˜−[s]1. Moreover, τ˜[s−1](x) = τt(x) = τ−t−11(x) = τ˜−[s]1(x), where x∈domτt and t∈[s−1] (equivalently, x∈ranτt−1 and t−1 ∈[s]). We now prove the inequality τ˜ ◦τ˜ ≤ τ˜ . Take x ∈ X with x ∈ domτ˜ [s] [t] [st] [t] and τ˜[t](x) ∈ domτ˜[s]. There is t′ ∈ [t], such that x ∈ domτt′. Then τ˜[t](x) = τt′(x) ∈ domτs′ for some s′ ∈ [s], and hence τ˜[s] ◦ τ˜[t](x) = τs′ ◦ τt′(x). Since τs′ ◦τt′ ≤ τs′t′, one has x ∈ domτs′t′ and τs′ ◦τt′(x) = τs′t′(x), the latter being τ (x), as s′t′ ∈[st]. (cid:3) [st] PARTIAL ACTIONS AND A THEOREM BY O’CARROLL 3 Remark 2.4. If, under the conditions of Proposition 2.3, S is E-unitary, ρ = σ and domτ = X, then τ˜ is a partial action [3, 4] of the maximum group Se∈E(S) e image G(S)=S/σ of S on X as in [10, Theorem 1.2]. Indeed,we only needto showthatthe identity element1 ofG(S) actstrivially: G(S) domτ˜ = domτ =X and τ˜ (x)=τ (x)=x for x∈domτ . 1G(S) Se∈E(S) e 1G(S) e e Remark2.5. If,undertheconditionsofProposition2.3,S isanF-inversemonoid, τ is global and ρ=σ, then domτ˜[s] = [ domτt = [ domτt =domτmax[s] t∈[s] t≤max[s] andhence τ˜ =τ . In particular,if S is the Exel’s monoidS(G) of a groupG [s] max[s] and τ =id , then identifying G(S) with G, we see that τ˜ is the partial action 1S(G) X of G on X induced by τ as in [3, Theorem 4.2]. 3. A theorem by O’Carroll LetE beasemilattice,i.e. acommutativesemigroup,whoseelementsareidem- potents. Denote by I (E) the inverse subsemigroup of I(E) consisting of the iso- i morphisms between ideals of E. By a partial action τ of an inverse semigroup S on E we mean a premorphism τ : S → I (E). For any partial action τ of S on i E define E∗ S to be the set {eδ | s ∈ S and e ∈ ranτ } with the multiplication τ s s eδ ·fδ =τ (τ−1(e)f)δ . Since τ (τ−1(e)f)∈τ (domτ ∩ranτ )=ran(τ ◦τ )⊆ s t s s st s s s s t s t ranτ , the product is well-defined. st Lemma 3.1. The set E∗ S is an inverse semigroup.2 τ Proof. As in the proof of [1, Theorem 3.1] the associativity of E ∗ S reduces τ to the equality τ (τ−1(ef)g) = eτ (τ−1(f)g), where f ∈ domτ . The latter is s s s s s straightforward: τ (τ−1(ef)g)=τ (τ−1(ef)τ−1(f)g)=efτ (τ−1(f)g)=eτ (τ−1(f)g). s s s s s s s s s The idempotents of E ∗ S are of the form eδ , where f ∈ E(S). Clearly, any τ f two idempotents commute. By a direct calculation one checks that τ−s1(e)δs−1 is inverse to eδ (see, for example, the proof of [2, Lemma 5.12]). (cid:3) s Denote by ρ˜the congruence {(eδ ,eδ )∈(E∗ S)2 |(s,t)∈ρ} on E∗ S. s t τ τ Proposition 3.2. Let τ be a partial action of an inverse semigroup S on a semi- lattice E and ρ an idempotent pure congruence on S. Then τ˜ is a partial action of S/ρ on the semilattice E and (E∗τ S)/ρ˜∼=E∗τ˜(S/ρ). Proof. We know from Proposition 2.3 that τ˜ is a premorphism from S/ρ to I(E). Clearly,domτ˜ is anideal ofE as the union domτ ofideals of E. We need [s] St∈[s] t to prove that τ˜ is a homomorphism domτ˜ → ranτ˜ . By the definition of τ˜ it [s] [s] [s] suffices to show that τ (e)τ (f)=τ (ef)=τ (ef) (2) s t s t for (s,t) ∈ ρ and e ∈ domτ , f ∈ domτ . Since ranτ and ranτ are ideals in E, s t s t there exist g ∈domτ and h∈domτ , such that s t τ (e)τ (f)=τ (g)=τ (h). (3) s t s t 2ThesemigroupE∗τ S isananalogueofL(T,X,Y)from[9] 4 MYKOLAKHRYPCHENKO Observe that g = h by Lemma 2.1, in particular, g ∈ domτ ∩ domτ . Then s t using (3) and Lemma 2.1 we have τ (e)τ (f)=τ (eg)τ (f)=τ (eg)τ (f)=τ (egf)=τ (ef)τ (g) s t s t t t t t t =τ (ef)τ (e)τ (f)=τ (ef)τ (e)=τ (ef)τ (e)=τ (ef), t s t t s s s s proving (2). Toprovethesecondstatementoftheproposition,forany[eδ ]∈(E∗ S)/ρ˜define s τ ϕ([eδ ])=eδ . Observe that the definition does not depend on the representative s [s] eδ of the class [eδ ] and gives different eδ for different [eδ ]. Since s s [s] s e∈ranτs ⊆ [ ranτt =ranτ˜[s], t∈[s] wehaveeδ ∈E∗ (S/ρ),soϕisaninjectivemapfrom(E∗ S)/ρ˜toE∗ (S/ρ). It [s] τ˜ τ τ˜ is also clearly surjective,because e∈ranτ˜ means that e∈ranτ for some t∈[s]. [s] t It remains to prove that ϕ is a homomorphism: ϕ([eδ ][fδ ])=ϕ([τ (τ−1(e)f)δ ]) s t s s st =τ (τ−1(e)f)δ s s [st] =τ˜ (τ˜−1(e)f)δ [s] [s] [s][t] =eδ ·fδ [s] [t] =ϕ([eδ ])ϕ([fδ ]). s t (cid:3) Proposition3.3. LetS beaninversesemigroup, ρanidempotent purecongruence on S and τ the canonical (global) action of S on E(S), namely, τ : s−1sE(S) → s ss−1E(S) and τ (e)=ses−1. Then S embeds into (E(S)∗ S)/ρ˜. s τ Proof. Define φ:S →(E(S)∗ S)/ρ˜by φ(s)=[ss−1δ ]. Since τ s ss−1δ ·tt−1δ =ss−1·s(tt−1)s−1δ =st(st)−1δ , s t st st the map φ is a homomorphism. Suppose that φ(s) = φ(t). By the definition of ρ˜ this means that ss−1 =tt−1 and (s,t)∈ρ. Then, taking into account (1), s=ss−1s=tt−1s=ss−1t=tt−1t=t, and hence φ is one-to-one. (cid:3) Corollary 3.4. Let S be an inverse semigroup and ρ an idempotent pure congru- ence on S. Then there exists a semilattice E ∼=E(S) and a partial action τ of S/ρ on E, such that S embeds into E∗ (S/ρ). τ The embedding is explained by Propositions 3.2 and 3.3. To make the result of Corollary 3.4 more precise, we follow [9]. We say that a partialactionτ ofS onE isstrict,ifforeache∈E theset{f ∈E(S)|e∈domτ } f has the minimum element, denoted by α(e), and the map α : E → E(S) is a homomorphism. Observe that if eδ ∈ E ∗ S, then α(e) ≤ ss−1. The set of s τ eδ ∈E∗ S for which α(e)=ss−1 will be denoted by E⋆ S.3 s τ τ 3ThisisananalogueofLm(T,X,Y)from[9] PARTIAL ACTIONS AND A THEOREM BY O’CARROLL 5 Lemma 3.5. The subset E⋆ S is an inverse subsemigroup of E∗ S. τ τ Proof. We first observe, as in [9, Lemma 2], that α(τ (e))=sα(e)s−1 (4) s for e ∈ domτ . Indeed, e ∈ domτ , therefore, τ (e) ∈ ran(τ ◦τ ) ⊆ s α(e) s s α(e) ranτsα(e) ⊆ domτsα(e)s−1, so α(τs(e)) ≤ sα(e)s−1. For the converse inequality replace e by τ (e) and s by s−1. s Let eδ ,fδ ∈ E ⋆ S. Then for their product τ (τ−1(e)f)δ we have by (4) s t τ s s st and (i) α(τ (τ−1(e)f))=sα(τ−1(e)f)s−1 =s·s−1α(e)s·α(f)s−1 =stt−1s−1. s s s Hence, eδ ·fδ ∈ E ⋆ S. Moreover, for each eδ ∈ E ⋆ S the inverse (eδ )−1 = s t τ s τ s τ−s1(e)δs−1 belongs to E⋆τ S, as α(τ−s1(e))=s−1α(e)s=s−1s. (cid:3) A strict partial action τ of S on E is called fully strict, if the homomorphism E⋆ S →S, which maps eδ to s, is surjective. τ s Remark3.6. Letτ beafullystrictpartialactionofS onE. ThenE⋆ S =E∗ S τ τ if and only if S is a group. Indeed, the “if” part trivially holds for any strict τ. For the “only if” part take s ∈ S and suppose that s ≤ t for some t ∈ S. Since τ is fully strict, there are e,f ∈E, suchthateδ ,fδ ∈E⋆ S. Inparticular,e∈ranτ andf ∈ranτ . Since s t τ s t ranτ andranτ areidealsofE,wehaveef ∈ranτ ∩ranτ ,soefδ ,efδ ∈E∗ S. s t s t s t τ But E∗ S = E⋆ S, so α(ef) = ss−1 = tt−1. Therefore, s = ss−1t = tt−1t = t, τ τ and thus the natural partial order on S is trivial. Theorem 3.7 (Theorem 4 from [9]). Given an inverse semigroup S and an idem- potentpure congruenceρ on S, there exist asemilattice E ∼=E(S) and afully strict partial action τ of S/ρ on E, such that S embeds into E∗ (S/ρ). Moreover, the τ image of S in E∗ (S/ρ) coincides with E ⋆ (S/ρ). In particular, the embedding τ τ is surjective if and only if ρ is a group congruence, i.e. S is E-unitary and ρ=σ. Proof. As we know from Propositions 3.2 and 3.3, E can be chosen to be equal to E(S) and τ[s] : [ t−1tE(S)→ [ tt−1E(S), t∈[s] t∈[s] τ (e) = tet−1 for e ∈ t−1tE(S). Consider the set A = {[f] ∈ E(S/ρ) | e ∈ [s] e domτ }. Clearly, [e] ∈ A , as e ∈ eE(S) ⊆ domτ . Moreover, if [f] ∈ A , [f] e [e] e then e ∈ gE(S) for some idempotent g ∈ [f]. So, e ≤ g and hence [e] ≤ [g] = [f]. This shows that [e] is the minimum element of A , and since α(e) = [e] is a e homomorphism E(S) → E(S/ρ), the partial action τ is strict. For each [s] ∈ S/ρ the element ss−1δ belongs to E(S) ∗ (S/ρ), as ss−1 ∈ ss−1E(S) ⊆ ranτ . [s] τ [s] Moreover, α(ss−1)=[ss−1]=[s][s]−1, so in fact ss−1δ ∈E(S)⋆ (S/ρ), proving [s] τ that τ is fully strict. The embedding S → E(S)∗ (S/ρ) maps s to ss−1δ , which is an element of τ [s] E(S)⋆ (S/ρ) as shownabove. Now if eδ ∈E(S)⋆ (S/ρ), then e∈tt−1E(S) for τ [s] τ some t∈[s] and [e]=α(e)=[s][s]−1 =[ss−1]. It follows that e=ett−1 =et(et)−1 and [et]=[ss−1][t]=[ss−1][s]=[s]. Hence, eδ is the image of et∈S. Finally, if [s] the embedding is surjective,then E(S)⋆ (S/ρ)=E(S)∗ (S/ρ), so S/ρ is a group τ τ by Remark 3.6. (cid:3) 6 MYKOLAKHRYPCHENKO References [1] Dokuchaev,M.,andExel,R.Associativityofcrossedproductsbypartialactions,envelop- ingactions andpartialrepresentations. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 357,5(2005), 1931–1952. [2] Dokuchaev,M.,andKhrypchenko,M.Twistedpartialactionsandextensionsofsemilat- ticesofgroupsbygroups.arXiv:1602.02424 (2016). [3] Exel,R.Partialactionsofgroupsandactionsofinversesemigroups.Proc.Amer.Math.Soc. 126,12(1998), 3481–3494. 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DepartamentodeMatema´tica,UniversidadeFederaldeSantaCatarina,CampusRe- itor Joa˜oDavidFerreira Lima,Floriano´polis, SC,CEP: 88040–900,Brazil E-mail address: [email protected]