Daniel and Revelation From the Islamic Antichrist Perspective The Coming New Jerusalem Blasphemed by The Coming Islamic Antichrist by Philip B. Brown www.newwine.org 3 Copyright © 2015 by Philip B. Brown. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. You may make copies of the PDF eBook edition of this book and send it to anyone so long as no changes are made. The PDF eBook is freely downloadable from the www.newwine.org website. Published: April 4, 2015 ISBN 978-0-9653538-5-4 Published by: Philip B. Brown 4126 Wallingford Place Durham, NC 27707 www.newwine .org Printed in the United States of America Philip B. Brown (www.newwine.org) Daniel and Revelation - From the Islamic Antichrist Perspective 4 Unless otherwise marked, all Scripture quotations are taken from the World English Bible (WEB), which is in the public domain. "World English Bible" is a trademark of Rainbow Missions, Inc. Scripture quotations marked (ESV) are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved. The “NIV” and “New International Version” trademarks are registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by the International Bible Society. Use of either trademark requires the permission of International Bible Society. Scripture quotations marked (NKJV) are from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked (YLT) are from Young’s Literal Translation (1862 / 1898), which is in the public domain. 5 Table of Contents Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9 Part One ----- End Time Sequence of Daniel and Revelation ---------- 17 Chapter 1 ---------- Isaiah 17 - An Oracle Concerning Damascus -- 19 Chapter 2 ---------- The Islamic Antichrist is Coming; No Rapture-Escape from Persecution ----------- 25 Chapter 3 ---------- Ezekiel 38 (Not 39) Will Unfold; Psalm 83 Considered -------------------------------- 41 Chapter 4 ---------- The Pre-Millennial Appearance of the New Jerusalem ------------------------------- 53 Chapter 5 ---------- The Pre-Tribulation Appearance of the New Jerusalem ------------------------------- 69 Chapter 6 ---------- The Powerful Delusion; The Blasphemous Lie of the Antichrist --------- 79 Chapter 7 ---------- The 144,000 Are Firstfruits of Fulfilled Israel -- 87 Chapter 8 ---------- Daniel 11 - The Day of the Lord Begins -------- 95 Chapter 9 ---------- Daniel 7 - The Building of the World Government -------------------------------- 107 Chapter 10 -------- Daniel 8 and 12 - The War in Heaven; The Abomination of Desolation ----------------- 111 Chapter 11 -------- Ezekiel 39 - Armageddon ------------------------- 117 Chapter 12 -------- Daniel 12:1-3 - The Resurrection and the Millennial Reign --------------------------- 121 6 Part Two ---- Daniel from the Two-Beast Islamic Antichrist Perspective 133 Chapter 13 ---- Daniel Chapters 1-6 --- Antichrist Type ------- 135 13.1) Daniel 1: Introduction --------------------------------------------- 137 13.2) More Important Background Information ---------------------- 141 13.3) Daniel 2: The Statue is Babylon and the Islamic Caliphate -- 152 13.4) Daniel 3: The Fiery Furnace - Watch and be Ready ---------- 162 13.5) Daniel 4: The Dream of a Tree; Two Trees; Two Kingdoms 164 13.6) Daniel 5: Belshazzar and the Fall of Babylon ------------------ 169 13.7) Daniel 6: The Lion's Den ------------------------------------------ 171 Chapter 14 ---- Daniel Chapters 7-8 -- End Time Kingdoms 173 14.1) Daniel 7: The Four Beasts ----------------------------------------- 173 14.2) Daniel 8: The Ram and the Goat --------------------------------- 180 Chapter 15 ---- Daniel Chapter 9 ------ The Seventy Weeks --- 191 15.1) Seventy Weeks Based On Nehemiah 2 (Artaxerxes) ---------- 192 15.2) Seventy Weeks Based On Ezra 7 (Artaxerxes) ----------------- 194 15.3) BC Dates Should Only Be For Comparison -------------------- 194 15.4) Seventy Weeks Based On Ezra 1 (Decree of Cyrus) ---------- 195 15.5) Daniel’s Prayer ------------------------------------------------------- 197 15.6) Comparison between Three Systems of Interpretation ------- 198 15.7) The Purpose of the Seventy Weeks ------------------------------ 201 15.8) The Messiah is Cut-Off --------------------------------------------- 205 15.9) The Sixty-Two Weeks ----------------------------------------------- 207 15.10) The Seven Weeks --------------------------------------------------- 211 15.11) The Messiah vs. the Prince (or Ruler) -------------------------- 213 15.12) The People of the Prince ----------------------------------------- 216 15.13) Two Generations --------------------------------------------------- 220 15.14) Prophecies Are Conditional -------------------------------------- 224 15.15) The Week of the Covenant --------------------------------------- 230 Chapter 16 ---- Daniel Chapters 10-12 End Time Vision ----- 233 16.1) Daniel 11:2 - 11:35: Fulfilled Prophecy ------------------------- 240 16.2) Daniel 11:36 - 12:3: Unfulfilled Prophecy ---------------------- 255 16.3) Daniel 12:4 - 12:13: When Will All This Happen? ------------ 259 7 Part Three -- Revelation from the Two-Beast Islamic Antichrist Perspective 271 Chapter 17 --- Introduction to Revelation ---------------------------- 273 Chapter 18 --- Revelation 4 - John Sees Heaven -------------------- 293 Chapter 19 --- Revelation 5 - The Seals of the Scroll are Broken 299 Chapter 20 --- Revelation 6 - The Six Seals of the Scroll ---------- 313 Chapter 21 --- Revelation 7 - 144,000 and the Countless Number 321 Chapter 22 --- Revelation 8-9 - The Trumpet-Plagues ------------- 327 Chapter 23 --- Revelation 9 - The Three Woes ---------------------- 335 Chapter 24 --- Revelation 10 - The Call to Preach ------------------ 339 Chapter 25 --- Revelation 11 - The Building of the Temple ------- 341 Chapter 26 --- Revelation 12 - The Woman About to Give Birth 357 Chapter 27 --- Revelation 13 - The Reign of Two Beasts ---------- 369 Chapter 28 --- Revelation 14 - A Summary of the Tribulation ---- 385 Chapter 29 --- Revelation 15-16 – The Seven Bowls of Wrath -- 397 Chapter 30 --- Revelation 17-18 – Mystery Babylon Destroyed -- 407 Chapter 31 --- Revelation 19 - Armageddon ------------------------- 421 Chapter 32 --- Revelation 20 - Amillennialism ----------------------- 431 Chapter 33 --- Revelation 20 - Dispensationalism ------------------ 475 Chapter 34 --- Revelation 20 – New Wine Premillennialism ------ 499 Chapter 35 --- Revelation 20:9-21:8 ---- The New Heavens ------ 543 Chapter 36 --- Revelation 21:9 - 22 - The New Jerusalem --------- 551 Appendix A -- Problems with the Pre-tribulation Rapture -------- 559 Appendix B -- Problems with Christian Universalism -------------- 599 Appendix C -- Problems with Preterism (Past Fulfilment) --------- 623 Introduction T his is a book about the end times. Eschatology, which is the study of the end times, is the study of what the Bible says about the events leading up to Christ's return, and the age to come. Part One of this book examines in detail the sequence of end-time events I think will begin to unfold in the near future. Part Two of this book is a commentary on Daniel. Part Three is a similar commentary on Revelation. In other words, this book covers the end-time sequence of events that will unfold, and then it's a complete chapter-by-chapter commentary on Daniel and Revelation in support of this view of eschatology. This view of eschatology is different from many of the more traditional views. The antichrist, many say, will control a revived Roman Empire, which will control the world. Some claim that the Islamic nations in the middle-east will be destroyed in order to allow for a revived Roman empire to take center-stage. This book however, supports the view held by Joel Richardson, and others, that there will be a revived Islamic Caliphate instead of a revived Roman empire. Islam will be the world religion and used to persecute Christians and Jews around the world. In many respects, this book is the fruit of what I learned from Joel Richardson about Bible prophecy. Before hearing Richardson, I had never considered the idea that the Islamic Caliphate could be an alternative to the Roman Empire. Before, there were parts of Revelation that I had ideas about, but I knew were a bit murky. With this new understanding, parts of Revelation became much clearer. This was especially true in Revelation 15, 18, and 19. For example, the seven heads are seven kings. Five have fallen. One is, and one is yet to come. The beast is an eighth king and belongs to the seven. Try to make sense of this with Rome being the last kingdom, even if it's revived. But with the Islamic Caliphate in the picture, the riddle becomes clear. The five that have fallen are the Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Medo-Persian, and Greek empires. The one at the time of John is the Roman Empire. And the one that would come is the Islamic Caliphate. All these are kingdoms that controlled Israel or Jerusalem at some point in Israel's history. This makes perfect sense to me. Suddenly I was looking at Bible prophecy in a whole new way. I'm Joel Richardson's biggest fan. But in some respects, there are topics for which we have disagreement. And Richardson is the first to respect disagreement. Richardson's view is that the great tribulation is predominantly middle-eastern and that the coming antichrist is the Islamic Mahdi. Perhaps the biggest area of 10 Daniel and Revelation - From the Islamic Antichrist Perspective disagreement is whether or not the antichrist will rule globally. Richardson has a great point in that Bible prophecy is mostly middle-east centric because it's about Israel in the middle-east. The nations surrounding Israel mentioned in the Bible are today Islamic nations. And a very good case can be made for the antichrist coming from Assyria, or more specifically the region that today is Turkey and Syria. By my count, critics have pointed to four valid problems with Richardson's view. This book presents a slightly altered view that I believe solves all of these rough edges with Richardson's view. The title of this book is The Two Beasts of Daniel and Revelation. The sub-title is The Two-Beast Islamic Antichrist Perspective. In other words, I think there are two antichrists involved in both Daniel and Revelation. As we will see, this solves three of the problems. The fourth is solved using a different non-traditional interpretation of Daniel 9. First, let's look at the four problems. Then let's take a brief look at the two-beast solution. Problem One) Richardson believes the antichrist will rule over only middle-east countries. But then we come to those verses in Revelation 13:5-7, where it says the beast will rule over every nation, tribe, people, and language. Does not this prove a global rule of the antichrist? Richardson responds to this argument with a similar verse in Daniel 5:18-19, where all peoples, languages and nations fear before Belshazzar. However, every nation, tribe, people, and language is also used in Revelation for believers (Revelation 5:9, 7:9). And Daniel 7:14 says all peoples, languages, and nations will serve Christ in the everlasting kingdom. Could it be that God has a purpose for allowing the Church to go through the great tribulation? Persecution and tribulation bring holiness. Each of the seven letters to the seven churches speak of a reward that Christ will bring to those who overcome sin. This includes reigning with Christ over the nations. Today, the Church is not ready for Christ to return. But just before Armageddon, in Revelation 19:7, the Bride finally makes herself ready. Revelation 12:11 says, "They overcame him because of the Lamb's blood, and because of the word of their testimony. They didn't love their life, even to death." Then, Revelation 21:7 concludes with the fact that he who overcomes sin will inherit all this and will be God's son. The theme of Revelation is all about overcoming sin so that we will be ready to reign with Christ in his kingdom. As the Church has become global, I believe the scope of the tribulation and the purpose behind Revelation has become global. The Bride of Christ includes people from every nation, tribe, people, and language of the globe. Thus, we must also conclude that the antichrist will rule over every nation, tribe, people, and language of the globe.