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REET Cees \ ’ GAEKWAD'S 73 ORIENTAL SERIES __ | hie) Now: seria ior GAEKWAD'S ORIENTAL SERIES Published under the Authority of the Mabsraja Sayajirao University of Baroda. General Editor: B, BHATTACHARYYA, M.A. PH.D. No. XXII aieaeqere trea (faeftaraPr:) BREPSHRT EO AER BTER Cory cup leh te) PARASURAMAKALPASUTRA Ee} WITH * Ramesvara’s Commentary Eprtep By A, MAHADEVA SASTRI, B.A. oF Apya Secon Eprrion py pe YAJNESWAR SASTRI DAVE or Baropa 1950 BARODA ORIENTAL INSTITUTE, i id aad Fat a* Printed by RG. Thakar at the Government Press, Baroda and published on behalf of the Maharaja Sayajirae University of Barodn by Benoytosh Bhattacharyya, Director, Oriental Tnstitatey ‘Baroda Price Rs. 19-0-0 sparen: geen at Aegan. ad Renaat: — Beanoainidtetavaer—aerda ahatas: supurdnictasnd 4, amataernepres amaeRdaaRed wae arama aeaytaaia agar a Seeihaameraeed Ba At wt wal waite, aeaatiiietuaaeoeadrt a aatrateoarartag- aL TT Wohi eat ageactaframarein fro feuga: araaafateliel. (aarmafeat ) = Sara U ernhadaaitiiackecsimentaahieaa, tart: eamaazaanrraehn ging firsrarcrgvesesNeTTA ARATE OR REARIQATT A GER TaaTwaR fam, Carat ae a oma dadaaierarsaamaringibadis a: wea gfe PTAA, Uabesrepigadard-alaalignt tien treautateaaarbeaaa- aerate Aaa: fea: manatees at Age ged we} amass ela ligsaarae afcart Pamiaaaa-aaneroaa ae ATURE aT RaTGCNT | aT seatctnatanat aaa oa feos feat aictasé a oibamndarat Ba wPaTl Sele Rargha-ariegaa saamcion eons masher att Pee aguas maaAcIgaameeael Rd) Ro-8o-88 fet anisaata Rg aaa Preface to the First Edition, Tn writing this Preface, Tam tempied to refer to afew remini« seences of my visit lo Baroda in 1909 ~ an incident which has much to do with my undertaking to edit this work for Gaekwad’s Oriental Se- ries, Twas invited to visit Baroda by H. H. the Gaekwad through TI, the Maharaja of Mysore in whose Government was then serving as Curator, Government Oriental Library, Mysore, and Superintendent of Studies in Maharaja's Sanskrit College, Mysore. The invitation was the direct outcome of my presentation to His Highness the Gaekwad of my pamphlets on questions of social reform such as marriage and caste, During my seven week's siay at Baroda I discussed, in Highness’ presence, the questions of caste reform with Baroda Pandits ¢ delivered public lectures on the same. [was greatly struck with His Highness’ keen personal interest in the subjects discussed and his encouragement in our private talks of free expression of my considered opinions. His appreciation of the value of our ancient learning has since materialised in the addition of the Sanskrit Section to the Central Library, which as the result of the Ixbour of my friend Pandit R. Anantakrishna Sastri bids fair to be one of the best collections in India. His Highness’ kind remembrance of me was evinced on several subse: quent occasions; and when I retired from Mysore Government service in 1916 1 was invited by His Highness to take charge of the Sanskrit Seclion of the Library, But as I had, on the invitation of the President of the Theosophical Society, already settled as the Director of the Adyar Library af tae Headquarlers of the Theosophical Society, I could not accept His Highness’ kind offer. Bnt T have all along felt that Baroda and His Highness have a claim on my services, so that when I was invited to take some share in the editorial work in connection with the Gaekwad’s Oriental Series 1 could not peremptorily decline, though Thad then on my hands as much work as I had time to do so. At first Iwas asked to edit Paragurima-Kalpa-Silra and Nityotsava~ Paddbati, for which presumably I was held qualified, because I had edited already S'ri_ S'ankatitchirya’s Saundarya Lahari with Laksmi- dhara’s commentary published in the Mysore Goverament Oriental Library Series. About five years have clapsed between my promise to edit this work and its performance; and this delay requires. some explanation. It was in the latter part of 1917 that at the request of my friend Pandit R, Anaatakrishna Sustti of the Baroda Central Library, | undertook to edit Paragurima-Kalpa-Silra and Nuiyorsava for the Gackwad’s Oriental Series. Thad, however, soon alter to regrelfully give it up owing to some pressing work I thea had in hand. Thereupon, Sir John Woodroffe who had for several years been making a special ‘study of the subject Was approached as one qualified for the work; bul, a8 he was just then going on leave to Europe, he could only promise to take up the work after his return to India, ‘The work was again pressed onme and accepted. ‘There was some delay even after this.” Tcould not at onve proceed with the edition of 1g the Sitra as no good edition of the Sitra could be prepared with the materials then available. These consisted of a few indifferent. manus: cript copies of the Sita which showed much divergence and two complete and a [ew fragmentary copies of Nityotsava. latter again is a Paddlali based on the Siitra, but not a s\ gloss or commentary of the Sutra. By good chance, however, I soon 4 copy of Ramesvara’s Vriti on the Satra, which was so full and infor- ming that it was found worth while publishing italong with the Sutra. But this copy of the Vylti was {ar from correct, so that other copies Were scarchéd for; and a continued search of two years was crowned with the discovery of other manuscript copies, x carefal collution of which enabled me to prepare a satisfactory edition of the Satra and i. Ry the time Sutra with Vriti was edited, the edition of Nity- otsava became an easy affair; and good copies also of the latter have been secured in the meanwhile, ‘This edition of the Paragurima-Kalpa-Satra with Vriti is based on the following manuscript 1. The copy belonging to the Adyar Library transcribed in Devanagari from a Telugu manuscript copy belonging tw late Mr. Jagga Rao of Vizagapatam, This is ciled as 2 The copy mentioned above was sent to Baroda for collation with the excellent MS copy belonging to Pandit Dhanavantay fama of Karnali, The noteworthy readings of this copy were qoled in the Adyar copy, and they are cited as those of For the marking of the variants Iam indebted lo the Wind services of Mr, G, K. Srigondekar, M.A., Sanskrit Baroda Central Library, who worked at it for eight hours a day. A complete Deva A ndgari copy belongiugto the Baroda Library soutaining 302 leaves, “This copy Was found in be faitly Foor StvimS correct readings where other copies were found faulty. ‘This is cited as "> = Acopy in Grantha character in three volumes sacle. fror HSgreripl deposited inthe Madras Government’ Cott MSS Library, ‘The owner of this transcript My, M. V. Stecnivass Iyer of “Triplicane (Madras) collnteg it will another MS and has noted ia it variations frou tut other ole eons gepy is thus equivalent 1 two distinct copies of tie Work. ‘This transcript is cited as =, 5. Portions of a coy f Ris v% Benares Gov ment Senet’ ‘croment Sanskrit Coll But by the side of the others this c and it did not offer correct readin doubts. Itis referred to as a3. Vrili were got from the lege Library ‘for collation. OPY Was found superfluous gs where there were any

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