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Preview Parity violating superfluidity in ultra-cold fermions under the influence of artificial non-Abelian gauge fields

Parity violating superfluidity in ultra-cold fermions under the influence of artificial non-Abelian gauge fields Kangjun Seo1,2, Li Han1 and C. A. R. Sa´ de Melo1 1. School of Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia 30332, USA and 2. Department of Physics, Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina 29634, USA (Dated: December 11, 2013) WediscussthecreationofparityviolatingFermisuperfluidsinthepresenceofnon-Abeliangauge 3 fields involving spin-orbit coupling and crossed Zeeman fields. We focus on spin-orbit coupling 1 with equal Rashba and Dresselhaus (ERD) strengths which has been realized experimentally in 0 ultra-cold atoms, butwealso discuss thecase of arbitrary mixingof Rashbaand Dresselhaus (RD) 2 andofRashba-only(RO)spin-orbitcoupling. Toillustrate theemergence ofparityviolation in the superfluid,weanalyzefirsttheexcitationspectruminthenormalstateandshowthatthegeneralized n helicitybandsdonothaveinversionsymmetryinmomentumspacewhencrossed Zeeman fieldsare a present. This is also reflected in the superfluid phase, where the order parameter tensor in the J generalized helicity basis violates parity. However, the pairing fields in singlet and triplet channels 7 of the generalized helicity basis are still parity even and odd, respectively. Parity violation is further reflected on ground state properties such as the spin-resolved momentum distribution, and ] s in excitation properties such as the spin-dependentspectral function and density of states. a g PACSnumbers: 03.75.Ss,67.85.Lm,67.85.-d - t n a Parity violating phenomena are very rare in physics, laboratory is u but a classical example is known from particle physics, q where parity violating processes of the weak interaction HZSO(k)=−hzσz −[hy+hERD(k)]σy (1) . t wereproposed[1]andobservedinthe decayof60Cosev- a for an atom with center-of-mass momentum k and spin m eral decades ago [2]. In this case, the weak interactions basis |↑i, |↓i. The fields h = −Ω /2, h =−δ/2, and allowforparityviolation,buttheparticlekineticenergies z R y - h (k) = vk can be controlled independently. Here, d areparityeven,reflectingtheinversionsymmetryoftheir ERD x n space. The Standard Model of particle physics, which is ΩR is the Raman coupling and δ is the detuning, which o canbeadjustedtoexplorephasediagramsasachievedin a non-Abelian gauge theory, incorporates parity viola- c 87Rb experiments [7], or to study the high-temperature [ tionsandpostulatesthatfornuclearbetadecayparityis normal phases of Fermi atoms [20, 21]. maximally violated. Other examples of parity violation 1 In this letter, we show that ultra-cold Fermi superflu- existforinstanceincondensedmatterphysics,wherepar- v ids in the presence of non-Abelian gauge fields consist- 3 itybreakingisassociatedwithcrystalswithoutinversion ing of artificially created spin-orbit and crossed Zeeman 5 symmetry [3] or with crystals which have inversionsym- fields described in Eq.(1) canproduce a parity violating 3 metryinitially,butcandevelopspontaneouslypermanent 1 superfluid state when interactions are included. How- electric polarization through lattice distortions leading . ever,unlikethe caseofthe StandardModelwhereparity 1 to ferroelectric materials [4]. However, examples of par- 0 ity breaking in superfluids, such as those encountered in breaking is driven by the weak force, in our case, par- 3 ity breaking is driven by the effects of the non-Abelian nuclear, atomic, condensed matter and astrophysics are 1 gaugefieldonthekineticenergy. Toillustratethelackof hard to find, and to our knowledge there seems to be no : v confirmed example in nature. parity in physical observables, we analyze spectroscopic i quantities such as the elementary excitation spectrum, X Recently, it has been possible to create non-Abelian momentumdistribution,spectralfunctionanddensityof r gauge fields in ultra-cold atoms via artificial spin-orbit a (SO) coupling of equal superposition of Rashba [5] states in the superfluid state. Hamiltonian: To analyze parity violationin ultra-cold h (k) = v (−k xˆ +k yˆ) and Dresselhaus [6] h (k) = R R y x D Fermi superfluids, we start from the Hamiltonian in mo- v (k xˆ + k yˆ) terms, leading to the equal-Rashba- D y x mentum space as Dresselhaus (ERD) form [7, 8] h (k) = vk yˆ, where ERD x v = v = v/2, for which parity preserving superfluid- R D H = ψ†(k)H (k)ψ (k), (2) ity is possible [9–11]. Other forms of SO fields, such as 0 s 0 s Xks the Rashba-only or Dresselhaus-only cases, require ad- ditional lasers and create further experimental difficul- where H (k) = [K(k)1−h (k)·σ] with K(k) = 0 eff ties [12], while several theory groups have investigated k2/2m−µ being the single particle kinetic energy rela- the Rashba-only case [13–16] due to the connection to tive to the chemical potential µ; the vector-matrix σ de- earlier condensed matter literature [17–19]. scribesthePaulimatrices(σ ,σ ,σ );h (k)istheeffec- x y z eff The current Zeeman-SO Hamiltonian created in the tivemagneticfieldwithcomponents[h (k),h (k),h (k)] x y z 2 and ψ†(k) is the creation operator for fermions with (a) (b) s " " spin s and momentum k. In the ERD case, which is readily available in ultra-cold atoms, the effective mag- #$% #$% netic field is simply h (k) = [0,h +h (k),h ], eff y ERD z # # where h and h are Zeeman components correspond- y z ingtothe detuning δ andthe RamancouplingΩR,while F #$% #$% ! h (k) = vk is the spin-orbit field. We define the ! ERD x ) " " total number of fermions as N = N↑ +N↓, and the in- =0 ! " # " ! ! " # " ! z ducedpopulationimbalanceasPind =(N↑−N↓)/N. We =k "(c) "(d) choose our scales through the Fermi momentum kF de- ky finedfromN/V =k3/(3π2),leadingtotheFermienergy k,x #$% #$% F ( ǫF =kF2/2m and the Fermi velocity vF =kF/m. !! # # Generalized Helicity Basis: The matrix H (k) can 0 be diagonalized in the generalized helicity (GH) basis #$% #$% |k,αi≡Φ†(k)|0i via a momentum-dependent SU(2) ro- α " " tation generated by the unitary matrix ! " # " ! ! " # " ! k !k k !k x F x F u v Uk =(cid:18)−vkk∗ ukk(cid:19), (3) (FbIlGue. 1li.ne)(caonldorǫ⇓on(kli)n/eǫ)FG(erenderlailnizee)dvehresluicsitmyobmaenndtsuǫm⇑(kkx)//kǫFF with ky = kz = 0 and for ERD spin-orbit coupling v/vF = where the normalization condition |uk|2 +|vk|2 = 1 is 0.4. The black dashed lines show the helicity bands for imposed to satisfy the unitarity condition U†kUk = 1. v/vF = 0.4 with hz/ǫF = hy/ǫF = 0. The Zeeman fields The corresponding eigenvectors are the spinors Φ(k) = are (a) hy/ǫF = 0 and hz/ǫF = 0.1, (b) hy/ǫF = 0 and U†Ψ(k), where Φ(k) = [Φ (k),Φ (k)] is expressed in hz/ǫF = 0.7, (c) hy/ǫF =0.1 and hz/ǫF = 0.1, (d) hy/ǫF = terkms of ψ(k)=[ψ (k),ψ (k⇑)] by t⇓he relations Φ (k)= 0.2 and hz/ǫF =0.7. Notice that ǫα(k)6=ǫα(−k) in (c) and ↑ ↓ ⇑ (d),indicating the absence of parity. u c −v c andΦ (k)=v∗c +u c .Thecoherence k k↑ k k↓ ⇓ k k↑ k k↓ factor u = 1 1+ hz is chosen to be real with- k r2(cid:16) |heff(k)|(cid:17) Interactions and Order Parameter: In order to under- stand the underlying physics of this system, it is im- out loss of generality, and v = −eiϕk 1 1− hz k r2(cid:16) |heff(k)|(cid:17) portant to rewrite the interaction Hamiltonian in the is a complex function with phase ϕ defined by ϕ = generalized helicity basis. The starting interaction is k k Arg[h⊥(k)]. The complex field h⊥(k) = hx(k)−ihy(k) HI = −g qb†(q)b(q), where the pair creation op- hascomponentshx(k)andhy(k)alongthexandydirec- erator withPcenter of mass momentum q is b†(q) = tions,respectively. Themagnitudeoftheeffectivefieldis ψ†(k+q/2)ψ†(−k+q/2),canbewritteninthehelic- k ↑ ↓ |heff(k)| = h2z +|h⊥(k)|2. In the ERD case hx(k)=0, iPty basis as H = −g B† (q)B (q), where the and the raptio h⊥(k)/|h⊥(k)| = eiϕk = −isgn[hy(k)], indices α,β,γ,Iδ coverP⇑qαaβnγdδ⇓αsβtates.γδPairing is now where h (k)=h +vk . e y y x described by the operator The generalized helicity spins α = (⇑,⇓) are aligned orantialignedwithrespecttotheeffectivemagneticfield B (q)= Λ (k ,k )Φ (k )Φ (k ) (4) αβ αβ + − α + β − heff(k), and the corresponding eigenvalues of H0(k) are Xk ξ (k) = ǫ (k)−µ and ξ (k) = ǫ (k)−µ. Here, the he- ⇑ ⇑ ⇓ ⇓ and its Hermitian conjugate, with momentum indices licity energies are simply ǫ (k) = K(k)−|h (k)| and ⇑ eff k =±k+q/2. The matrix Λ (k ,k ) is directly re- ǫ (k) = K(k) + |h (k)|. In the specific case of ERD ± αβ + − ⇓ eff latedtoproductsofcoherencefactorsu(k ), v(k )(and coupling with non-zero detuning (h 6= 0) the effective ± ± y their complex conjugates) of the momentum dependent field is h (k) = h ˆz+[h +h (k)]yˆ, with magni- eff z y ERD SU(2)rotationmatrixU(k ). Seeninthe GHbasis,the ± tude |heff(k)| = h2z +(hy+vkx)2 and parity violation interactions reveal that the center of mass momentum q occurring along the x axis. This is illustrated in Fig. 1, k +k =q and the relative momentum k −k =2k + − + − where for finite h (non-zerodetuning δ) the generalized are coupled and no longer independent, and thus do y helicity bands ǫ (k) and ǫ (k) do not have well defined not obey Galilean invariance. The interaction constant ⇑ ⇓ parityinmomentumspace. AsseeninFig.1(a)-(b),par- g is related to the scattering length via the Lippman- ityispreservedforv 6=0ifh =0(zerodetuning). While Schwinger relation V/g =−Vm/(4πa )+ 1/(2ǫ ). y s k k as noted in Fig. 1(c)-(d), parity is violated for v 6= 0, if From Eq. (4) it is clear that pairing betwPeen fermions h 6= 0 (finite detuning). Similar parity violation along ofmomenta k andk canoccur within the samehelic- y + − the xaxisoccursforothermixturesofRashbaandDres- ity band (intra-helicity pairing) or between two different selhaus terms as long as h 6=0. helicitybands(inter-helicitypairing). Forpairingatzero y 3 center-of-mass momentum q = 0, the order parameter have even parity, while a (k) has odd parity and is thus 1 for superfluidity is the tensor ∆ (k) = ∆ Λ (k,−k), responsiblefortheparityviolationthatoccursintheele- αβ 0 αβ where ∆ = −g hB (0)i, leading to components: mentaryexcitationspectrum. Furthermore,parityviola- 0 γδ γδ ∆⇑⇑(k) = ∆0(uPkv−k−vku−k) for total helicity pro- tion occurs only when both v and hy are non-zero,since jection λ = +1; ∆ (k) = −∆ u u +v v∗ and wheneitherh =0orv =0thecoefficienta (k)vanishes ⇑⇓ 0 k −k k −k y 1 ∆⇓⇑(k) = ∆0(uku−k+vk∗v−k) for(cid:0)total helicity p(cid:1)rojec- andparityinthe elementaryexcitationspectrumis fully tion λ=0; and ∆ (k)=∆ u v∗ −v∗u for total restored. Fromthesecularequation,itfollowsthatwhen ⇓⇓ 0 k −k k −k helicity projection λ=−1. Pa(cid:0)rity is violated i(cid:1)n ∆αβ(k) kx =0,thecoefficienta1(k)alsovanishesandtheexcita- since they do not have well defined parity for non-zero tion energies E (0,k ,k ) have the same analytical form i y z spin-orbitcouplingandcrossedZeemanfields h andh . as in the case for h = 0, with the simple replacement y z y However, we may still define singlet and triplet sec- of h2 → h2 +h2. This property is just a consequence z z y tors in the generalizedhelicity basis, which are even and of the reflection symmetry of the Hamiltonian through oddinmomentumspacerespectivelyforanyvalueofh . the k = 0 plane. However, parity is violated, be- y x The singlet sector is defined by the scalar order param- causeinversionsymmetrythroughtheoriginofmomenta eter ∆ (k) = [∆ (k)−∆ (k)]/2 corresponding to does not exist, that is, E (−k) 6= E (k). In contrast, S,0 ⇑⇓ ⇓⇑ i i λ = 0. While the triplet sector is defined by the vector quasiparticle-quasihole symmetry is preserved since the orderparameter∆ (k),byitsgeneralizedhelicitycom- corresponding quasiparticle-quasihole energies obey the T,λ ponents ∆ (k) = ∆ (k) corresponding to λ = +1; relations E (k)=−E (−k) and E (k)=−E (−k). T,+1 ⇑⇑ 2 3 1 4 ∆ (k)=[∆ (k)+∆ (k)]/2correspondingtoλ=0; T,0 ⇑⇓ ⇓⇑ A simple inspection shows that gapless and fully ∆ (k)=∆ (k) corresponding to λ=−1. T,−1 ⇑⇑ gapped phases emerge. A gapless phase with two rings Superfluid Ground State and Elementary Excita- of nodes (US-2) appears when h2 + h2 − |∆ |2 > 0 y z 0 tions: The ground state for uniform superfluidity and µ > h2+h2−|∆ |2. A gapless phase with one can be expressed in terms of fermion pairs in the y z 0 q GH basis as the many-body wavefunction |Gi = ring of nodes (US-1) occurs for h2 + h2 − |∆ |2 > 0 y z 0 k αβ Uαβ(k)+Vαβ(k)Φ†α(k)Φ†β(−k) |0i, where and |µ| < h2y+h2z −|∆0|2. A directly gapped phase |Q0i insPthe vhacuum state with no particles. io (d-US-0) arqises for h2 + h2 − |∆ |2 > 0 and µ < y z 0 The Hamiltonian matrix in the GH basis is − h2 +h2−|∆ |2,whileanindirectlygappedphase(i- y z 0 ξk⇑ 0 ∆⇑⇑(k) ∆⇑⇓(k) USq-0)emergesforh2+h2−|∆ |2 <0andµ>0. Lastly, Heex(k)=∆∆∗⇑∗⇑⇓⇑0((kk)) ∆∆∗⇓∗⇓ξ⇓⇑k⇓((kk)) ∆−⇓ξ⇑0−(kk⇑) ∆−⇓ξ⇓0−(kk⇓), (5) iatnhtdieviceqauitnainsigcpeatrrhttaaiictnletmheexoycmuitneanitftoizuormnmergne0regoriugoynndsEws2t(haket)enbbhee2yccoom>mees|s∆nl0ee|gs2s-, energetically favorable against the normal state [22]. which is traceless, showing that the sum of its eigenval- ues is zero. We have obtained analytical solutions for Phase Diagram and Thermodynamic Poten- the eigenvaluesofHex(k) forarbitraryRDspin-orbitor- tial: From the thermodynamic potential ΩUS = bit and arbitrary Zeeman fields hy and hz, but we do −(T/2) k,jln[1+exp(−Ej(k)/T)] + kK(k) + e notlistthemhere,becausetheirexpressionsarecumber- |∆0|2/gPwe obtain self-consistently the zePro tempera- some. However, for each momentum k, the determinant ture (T = 0) phase diagram as a function of crossed Det ω1−H (k) , leads to the quartic equation Zeeman fields hy and hz for v/vF = 0.4 at unitarity ex h i 1/(kFas) = 0 in Fig. 2(a), and at the BEC regime ω4+a (ek)ω3+a (k)ω2+a (k)ω+a (k)=0. (6) 1/(kFas) = 2.0 in Fig. 2(b), but a stability analysis 3 2 1 0 against non-uniform phases is necessary as in the Inthe particularcaseofERDspin-orbitcouplingwith parity-preserving case [10, 11]. At unitarity the uniform crossedZeemanfields,the coefficientsbecomea (k)=0, superfluid phases i-US-0, US-1, US-2 and the normal 3 the coefficient of the quadratic term takes the form (N) phase are present in the range shown, while in the BEC regime only the d-US-0 occurs in the same range a2(k)=−2 K2(k)+|∆0|2+|vkx|2+|hy|2+|hz|2 , of fields. The transitions between different US phases (cid:0) (cid:1) is topological with no change in symmetry as in the while the coefficient of the linear term is a (k) = 1 parity-preserving case [10, 11]. While the transitions −8K(k)(vk )h , and lastly the coefficient of the zero-th x y from US phases to the N phase involve a change in order term is symmetry, from broken to non-broken U(1), and are discontinuous, as seen in the insets of Fig. 2. a (k)=ξ (k)ξ (k)ξ (−k)ξ (−k)+|∆ |2α2(k), 0 ⇑ ⇓ ⇑ ⇓ 0 0 Detecting parity violation: A direct measurement where α2(k) = 2K2(k)+|∆ |2+h2(k) with h2(k) = of parity violation in the superfluid state can be 0 0 0 0 2|vkx|2 − 2|hy|2(cid:0)− 2|hz|2. Notice that a(cid:1)2(k) and a0(k) made through the momentum distributions ns(k) = 4 (a) (b) festation of parity violation in the elementary excitation 11 11 0.8 2.0 spectrum for the US-1 superfluid phase, and the corre- 0.08.8 US-1 !!|!0F000...246 0.08.8 !!|!0F11..68 sponding implications for momentum integrated quanti- !!F 0.06.6 US-2 | 00 0.25h0y!.5!F0.75 1 !!F 0.06.6 | 00 0.25h0y.!5!0F.75 1 tieksAsusc(hω,aks).thTehespmino-srtesiomlvpeodrtdaenntspitoyinotfissttahtaetsfρosr(ωfin)it=e hz 0.04.4 hz 0.04.4 sPpin-orbit coupling v and when hy 6= 0, the excitation d-US-0 energies E (k) 6= E (−k). This implies that degenerate 0.02.2 i-US-0 N 0.02.2 i i peaks at h =0 (corresponding to minima or maxima of y 00 00 theexcitationspectrum)areincreasinglysplitwithgrow- 00 00..22 00..44 00..66 00..88 11 00 00..22 00..44 00..66 00..88 11 hy!!F hy!!F inghy. This effectis illustratedinFig.4atthe locations indicated by the small black arrows. FIG. 2. The T = 0 phase diagram in the hy-hz parameter space showing variousuniform superfluid phasesUS-2,US-1, (a) (b) (c) (d) ! ! ! ! d-US-0andi-US-0,andthenormalphaseforERDspin-orbit " " " " h coupling v/vF = 0.4 and at (a) unitarity 1/(kFas) = 0.0 # !F# !F# # and in (b) the BEC regime 1/(kFas)=2.0. The insets show " /!" /!" " h |∆0| as a function of hy for hz/ǫF = 0.2 (dotted line); for ! ! ! ! hz/ǫF = 0.4 (dot-dashed line); hz/ǫF = 0.6 (dashed line); ! " # " ! # " ! $ # " ! $ ! " # " ! and hz/ǫF = 0.8 (solid line). In the range shown, |∆0| is !! "kx#/kF" ! !# "!!("!) $ !# "!!("!) $ !! "ky#/kF" ! essentially independentof hy and hz in the BEC regime. !(e) !(f) !(g) !(h) " !" !" " h # !F# !F# # hψ†(k)ψ (k)i. They are illustrated in Fig. 3 for US- " /!" /!" " h s s 1 superfluid with spin-orbit v/v = 0.4 and interac- ! ! ! ! F ! " # " ! # " ! $ # " ! $ ! " # " ! tion 1/(kFas) = 0, in the parity-preserving case with kx/kF !!(") !!(") ky/kF h /ǫ =0 and h /ǫ =0.7 in (a)-(d) and in the parity- y F z F # violating case with hy/ǫF = 0.2 and hz/ǫF = 0.7 in (e)- FIG.4. (coloronline)EigenvaluesEi(k)anddensityofstates (h). Atfinitetemperatures,themomentumdistributions ρs(ω) (in units of ǫF and ǫ−F1, respectively) for 1/(kFas)=0 broaden, but parity violation is still self-evident. anUdv/vF =0.4intheUS-1phase,butclosetotheUS-1/US-2 boundary, with parameters hy/ǫF =0, hz/ǫF =0.7, µ/ǫF = (a) (b) (c) (d) 0.h5803, |∆0|/ǫF = 0.3592, and Pind = 0.6592 in (a)-(d); and " ! ! " hy/ǫF =0.2, hz/ǫF =0.7, µ/ǫF =0.5871, |∆0|/ǫF =0.3157, ###$$!&$%%% kk!yF#"" kk!yF#"" ###$$!&$%%% aaanrnhedds(Phhoin)w.dnI=ninp0(.aa6n)9e5al8sndfionr(e(ρ)e,s)(a-ω(nh)d).aalsComnugatls(l0ob,frkoEya,id0(ek)n)ainraeglosδnh/goǫwF(kn=xi,n00,(.0d01)) # ! ! # is used. The black arrows indicate examples of peaks that ! " # " ! ! " # " ! ! " # " ! ! " # " ! "! "ki!#kF" ! !! "kx#!kF" ! !! "kx#!kF" ! "! " k#i!kF" ! split when parity breakingoccurs for finite hy. (e) (f) (g) (h) " ! ! " #$&% " " #$&% Conclusions: Weshowedthatnon-Abeliangaugefields ##$!$%% kk!yF#" kk!yF#" ##$!$%% cohnsisting of spin-orbit and crossed Zeeman fields lead to parity violating superfluidity in ultra-cold Fermi sys- # ! ! # ! " # " ! ! " # " ! ! " # " ! ! " # " ! tehms. We derived general relations that can be applied ki!kF kx!kF kx!kF ki!kF to spin-orbit couplings involving any linear combination ofRashbaandDresselhausterms. We focusedmostlyon FIG. 3. (color online) Momentum distributions (T = 0) n↑(k) (two left-most columns) and n↓(k) (two right-most the case of equal Rashba-Dresselhaus (ERD) spin-orbit columns) for 1/(kFas) = 0.0 and v/vF = 0.40 at the US-1 coupling. The presence of such fields produce a super- phase. In(a)-(d)thefieldvaluesarehy/ǫF =0,hz/ǫF =0.7, fluid order parameter tensor whose components in the withµ/ǫF =0.5803,|∆0|/ǫF =0.3592,andPind=0.6592. In generalized helicity basis are neither even nor odd un- (e)-(h)thefieldvaluesarehy/ǫF =0.2andhz/ǫF =0.7,with der spatial inversion. Even though the elements of this bµl/uǫeF-d=ash0e.5d8a7n1,d|r∆ed0|-/sǫoFlid=lin0e.3s1r5e7p,reasnedntPcinudts=of0n.6s9(5k8).alTonhge tensor written in generalized singlet or triplet helicity channels have even or odd parity, respectively, the exci- thedirections (0,ky,0) and (kx,0,0), respectively. tation spectrum does not have well defined parity, but preserves quasiparticle-quasihole symmetry. This parity Parity violation is also manifested in other momen- violation has important experimental signatures leading tum resolved properties such as the spectral func- to momentum distributions without inversion symmetry tion A (ω,k) = −(1/π)ImG (iω = ω + iδ,k), where s ss and to spin-resolved density of states that possess split −1 Gss(iω,k) = iω1−Hex(k) , written in the s =↑,↓ peaks in frequency. h i basis. 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