Parity violating elastic electron scattering from 27Al and the Qweak measurement C. J. Horowitz1,∗ 1Department of Physics and Nuclear Theory Center, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405, USA (Dated: April 15, 2014) I calculate the parity violating asymmetry A for elastic electron scattering from 27Al in order pv to compare with the Qweak experiment “background” 27Al measurement. I find that Coulomb distortions,andthequadrupoleformfactor,reduceA nearthediffractionminimum. TheQweak pv datacanbeusedtoconfirmtheneutronradiusof27Al,ifnuclearstructureuncertaintiesareindeed small, as I suggest, and one can estimate inelastic and impurity contributions. This could provide an important check of the measurement, analysis, and theory. PACSnumbers: 25.30.Bf,21.10.Gv,24.80.+y,27.30.+t 4 1 I. INTRODUCTION provideacheckofsomeoftheimportantassumptionsin- 0 volved in the subtraction. For example, if the 27Al mea- 2 Parityviolatingelasticelectronscatteringfromaheavy surementdisagreeswiththeory,onecouldworrythatthis r p nucleus is interesting for several reasons. First, it is sen- might be due to a common systematic error that could A sitive to neutron distributions, because the weak charge also impact the main hydrogen measurement. Alterna- tively if the 27Al measurement agrees with theory, this of a neutron is much larger than that of a proton [1, 2]. 4 willhelpsupportthevalidityofthebackgroundsubtrac- The PREX experiment at Jefferson Laboratory has pi- 1 tion procedure. oneered using parity violation to measure the neutron ] densityof208Pb[3,4]. Thisresultwillbeimprovedwith Finally the precision 27Al measurement is interesting h in its own right and can be used to confirm the neutron a follow on PREX-II measurement [5], and the approved t radius R of 27Al. In this paper I calculate the effects of - CREX experiment will measure the neutron radius of n cl 48Ca[6,7]. Notethatneutrondensitiescanalsobemea- Coulomb distortions, discuss the main nuclear structure u sured,inprinciple,withelasticneutrinoscattering[8,9], sensitivities,andpresentresultsforthecrosssectionand n parity violating asymmetry. In Section II I present my a process that could be important in astrophysics [10]. [ formalism for elastic electron scattering from a non spin Second, parity violation can be used to test the stan- zero nucleus. Section III presents results for A , while 2 dard model, [11, 12]. For example, a precision electron pv v scattering experiment could measure the weak charge of possible inelastic contributions are discussed in Section 8 12C. This is like an atomic parity measurement with- IV, and I conclude in Section V. 9 outmanyoftheatomicstructureuncertainties. Electron 8 scattering could also probe radiative corrections, such as 6 II. FORMALISM . Coulomb distortions [13], and other nuclear structure ef- 1 fects [14]. 0 I begin calculating the cross section, first in Born ap- Recently, the Qweak experiment is measuring the par- 4 proximation and then including Coulomb distortions. I :1 i2t7yAvlio[1la5t,in1g6]a.syTmhmiseetxrypeAripmvefonrteplericmtraornilsyscmatetaesruinregsfrAom describe 27Al as a very simple pure d5/2 proton hole in a v pv relativistic mean field model using the FSUgold [17] in- from hydrogen to determine the weak charge of the pro- i teraction. Table I presents proton R , neutron R , and X ton and test the standard model. However, the Qweak p n r hydrogen target has 27Al windows. These windows are chargeRch radiiofthismodel. Theprotondensityhasa a an important source of background because A for 27Al sphericallysymmetricpartρ0p(r)andapartthatcontains pv is much larger than that for hydrogen.1 Therefore a sep- the d5/2 hole ρ2p(r), arate precise measurement of A for 27Al is being un- pv ρ (r)=ρ0(r)+ρ2(r). (1) dertaken,inordertosubtractthecontributionofwindow p p p scattering from the main hydrogen measurement. Explicitly I write out InthispaperIcalculateA forelasticscatteringfrom pv 27Al in order to compare to the Qweak measurement. 1 (cid:110) ρ0(r)= 2(G 2+F 2)+4(G 2+F 2) While the experimental Qweak background subtraction p 4πr2 s1/2 s1/2 p3/2 p3/2 does not depend directly on theory, our calculations will (cid:111) +2(G 2+F 2)+5(G 2+F 2) p1/2 p1/2 d5/2 d5/2 (2) where G is the Dirac upper component and F is the ∗Electronicaddress: [email protected] j j 1 Because the weak charge of 27Al is much larger than the small lower component of the proton wave functions for the weakchargeoftheproton occupied states j = 1s1/2,1p3/2,1p1/2,1d5/2 [18]. Note 2 that there are only 5 protons in the d level. The con- 5/2 tribution of the hole is written, 0 10 1 1 ρ2p(r)= r2(Gd5/22+Fd5/22)(4π −|Y2M(ˆr)|2), (3) 10-1 CC02 C4 where Y is a spherical harmonic. These densities are 2M normalized, (cid:82) d3rρ0(r)=Z =13, and (cid:82) d3rρ2(r)=0. 2410-2 p p C 2C2, 10-3 T27AABlLfoEr FI:SUPgrooltdonRRMpF, nmeoudtreol.n Rn, and charge Rch radii of 2C0, 10-4 R (fm) R (fm) R (fm) p n ch -5 2.904 2.913 3.013 10 -6 I assume that the neutron density is spherically sym- 10 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 metric, ρn(r)=ρ0n(r), where ρ0n(r) has the same form as q (fm-1) Eq. (2), with 5 replaced by 6 and the Dirac wave func- tions are slightly different for the neutron states. The noTrmhealpizraottioonnfiosr(cid:82)mdf3arcρt0no(rrF)p=(qN) i=s, 14. F(sIoGli.d)1,: C(C22o(lodrasohnedli)n,e)anSdquCa42re(odfotthteedp),,8,f9a)c,tovresrsCu02s momentum transfer q. F (q)= 1 (cid:90) d3r(cid:0)ρ0(r)+ρ2(r)(cid:1)eiq·r, (4) p Z p p q = 1.4 fm−1 where C is important. The L = 4 con- where q is the momentum transfer. 2 tribution C2 is small. These results are similar to much 4 Fp(q)=Z1 (cid:90) d3r(cid:0)ρ0p(r)+ρ2p(r)(cid:1) ewaarvlieerfusnhcetlilomnsod[1e9l]c.alculations using harmonic oscillator (cid:8) √ √ (cid:9) The cross section dσ/dΩ for elastic electron scattering j (qr)− 20πj (qr)Y + 36πj (qr)Y . 0 2 20 4 40 canbecalculatedinBornapproximation,seeforexample (5) ref. [19]. Here I have expanded the plane wave and only kept terms that make nonzero contributions. Finally, j are dσ q2 L =σ η µF2 ≈σ F2 (10) spherical Bessel functions. There are contributions for dΩ m q2 L m L L = 0,2,4. Squaring |F |2 and averaging over orbital p angular momentum projection M from -2 to 2 yields, Here the Mott cross section is, σ = Z2α2cos2θ/2, with θ m 4E2sin4θ/2 |Fp|2 =C02+C22+C42, (6) the scattering angle and Ei the incidentielectron energy. The recoil factor is η =(1+2E /Msin2θ/2)−1 ≈1 with i with M the mass of the nucleus. Finally q2 = q2 − (E − µ i 1 (cid:90) E )2 with E the final electron energy and the three C (q)= d3rρ0(r)j (qr), (7) f F 0 Z p 0 momentum transfer is q2 =4EiEfsin2θ/2+(Ei−Ef)2. The longitudinal form factor F is F folded with the L p C2(q)= Z1(cid:114)170(cid:90)0∞drj2(qr)(cid:0)Gd5/22+Fd5/22(cid:1), (8) eGolreEbci(ttqr)cic2uFrfrpo2e,rnmhtso.wfaEecvqteuorratsoieoefnra(e1fs.0i)n[2gn0lee]gflpoercrotastocdnoisncGturEisbs,uiotFnioLon(fqs)sf2rpoinm=- transverse currents. For 27Al these have been calculated and in ref. [19] and found to be very small, comparable to C4(q)= Z1(cid:114)27(cid:90) ∞drj4(qr)(cid:0)Gd5/22+Fd5/22(cid:1). (9) Ctr4a2nisnveFrisge.c1o.ntNriobtuettiohnastfionrgtehneefroarlwIadrdoannogtleexkpinecetmlaatrigces 0 of Qweak. The form factor is normalized F (0) = C (0) = 1. Coulombdistortionscanbeimportantneardiffraction p 0 The neutron form factor only has an L = 0 contribu- minima. If one neglects the aspherical ρ2(r), Coulomb tion, F (q)= 1 (cid:82) d3rρ0(r)j (qr),andisalsonormalized distortionshavebeencalculated,intheusupalway,bynu- n N n 0 F (0)=1. mericallysolvingtheDiracequationandsummingpartial n In Figure 1 I plot the square of the proton form fac- waves [13]. Our procedure is to include Coulomb distor- tors for L=0,2,4. I see that the L=0 contribution C2 tions for C contributions exactly [13] and then simply 0 0 dominates, except near the diffraction minimum around add C contributions in Born approximation. Our best 2 3 −. dσ/dΩ| −dσ/dΩ| 1 Apv = dσ/dΩ|++dσ/dΩ|− (12) + − E=250 MeV Perhaps the simplest approximation is to assume ρ2 =0 0.1 p and that the proton and neutron distributions have the sr) same shape so that Fp(q) = Fn(q). In Born approxima- mb/ 0.01 tion Apv is then simply proportional to q2, ((cid:49) G q2Q d/d(cid:109) 0.001 Apv =A0pv =−4πF√2αWZ . (13) HereG istheFermiconstantandthetotalweakcharge F 0.0001 of 27Al, Q is, W Qweak Q =Q N +Q Z =−12.8919. (14) 30 40 50 60 70 80 W n p (cid:79) (deg) The weak charge of the neutron Q is -1 at tree level. n However including radiative corrections [22, 23] I use Q = −0.9878. The weak charge of the proton Q FIG. 2: (Color on line) Cross section for elastic scattering n p of 250 MeV electrons from 27Al versus laboratory scattering is small. It is 1 − 4sin2θW at tree level and I use angleΘ. Theredcirclesareexperimentalresultsfromref. [21] Q =0.0721 with radiative corrections. p while the solid line is Eq. (11) with ξ2 =1. The upper (and Including different neutron and proton distributions, lower)dottedlinescorrespondtoξ2 =0.5(1.5)andindicates A in Born approximation becomes, pv a very generous estimate for nuclear structure uncertainties. The average momentum transfer of the Qweak experiment C CW +C CW +C CW A =A0 0 0 2 2 4 4 . (15) corresponds to the arrow near 37 degrees. pv pv C 2+C 2+C 2 0 2 4 Here the weak Coulomb form factors CW are Fourier L estimate for the cross section is, transforms of the weak charge density ρ (r), W dσ dσ (cid:12) ρ (r)≈Q ρ (r)+Q ρ (r). (16) ≈ (C )(cid:12) +σ ξ2C2, (11) W n n p p dΩ dΩ 0 (cid:12)DW m 2 If one defines CW(q) = (cid:82) d3rρ (r)j (qr)/Q so that 0 W 0 W where I have neglected C and transverse contributions. CW(0)=1, I have, 4 0 I add a parameter ξ to include a generous estimate for 1 (cid:104) (cid:105) uncertainties in the nuclear structure and for the effects CW(q)= Q NF (q)+Q ZC (q) . (17) 0 Q n n p 0 ofCoulombdistortionsontheC contribution. Notethat W 2 IdonotexpectCoulombdistortionstobeveryimportant The weak form factors for L = 2,4 are small because for the C contribution because it is only relevant for q the proton weak charge Q is small and I assumed that 2 p near 1.4 fm−1, which is far away from the diffraction the neutron density is spherically symmetric. I have minimuminC . Allowingξ2 toverybetween0.5and1.5 CW(q)=Q ZC (q)/Q and CW =Q ZC (q)/Q . 2 2 p 2 W 4 p 4 W providesagenerousuncertaintyrangethatlikelyincludes It would be very interesting to calculate core polariza- many far more sophisticated nuclear structure models. tion corrections to CW. The proton hole is expected to 2 Equation(11)isplottedinFig. 2andagreeswellwith polarize the neutron density and this can make a signif- measuredcrosssectionsfor250MeVelasticelectronscat- icant contribution to CW because the weak charge of a 2 teringfrom27Al[21]. Thisgoodagreementindicatesthat neutronismuchlargerthanthatofaproton. Ithinkthe our FSUgold relativistic mean field model has approxi- neteffectofthiscorepolarizationonA canbeincluded pv mately the correct charge radius and that our picture of by reducing the value of ξ, see below. 27Al as a simple d proton hole is a reasonable first I now include Coulomb distortions for the C (and 5/2 0 approximation. Furthermore it suggests that values of CW) contributions as I did for the cross section. I calcu- 0 ξ2 < 0.5 or greater than 1.5 are unlikely because they late A = A (C ) exactly for spherically symmetric pv DW 0 disagree with measured cross sections. Note that Eq. weak charge and E+M charge distributions by solving (11) is slightly above the data for very large scattering theDiracequationnumericallyforanelectronmovingin angles beyond 80 degrees. This suggests that our form an axial vector weak potential (of order a few eV) and factorsmayhaveslightlythewrongshape(probablysur- the Coulomb potential [13]. Then I add the C and CW 2 2 facethickness). Howevertheselargemomentumtransfers contributions in Born approximation. My best estimate are not relevant for the Qweak experiment. for A is, pv I now calculate the parity violating asymmetry A . pv dσ(C )| A (C )+σ ξ2C CWA0 This is the fractional cross section difference for scatter- A ≈ dΩ 0 DW DW 0 m 2 2 pv. (18) ingofelectronsofpositivehelicity+andnegativehelicity pv dσ(C )| +σ ξ2C 2 dΩ 0 DW m 2 4 theangularacceptanceoftheQweakexperimentislarge, as shown very roughly by the blue arrows in Fig. 3, and 8×10-6 includes some acceptance near the diffraction minimum. The cross section falls very rapidly with increasing an- gle so that only a small fraction of the events may come 6×10-6 from angles near the diffraction minimum. Therefore, the acceptance averaged contribution of the large dip in A may not be large. Nevertheless it is important to pv Apv4×10-6 carefully average our Apv predictions, with its complex shape, with the experimental acceptance. Note that our A is not proportional to q2. Indeed for angles beyond pv 2×10-6 11.5 degrees, Apv actually decreases with increasing q2. Thereforeoneshouldbesomewhatcarefulinextrapolat- ing a measurement at one q2 to a different q2. Acceptance 0 The asymmetry A is somewhat sensitive to nu- 5 10 15 pv (cid:79) (deg) clearstructureuncertainties,forscatteringanglesbeyond about 11 degrees. This is shown in Fig. 3 by the dotted errorbandswhichcorrespondtodifferentξ2values. How- FIG. 3: (Color on line) Parity violating asymmetry A for ever, this nuclear structure uncertainty is very small at pv elasticscatteringof1160MeVelectronsfrom27Alversusscat- theaverageq2 near7.8degrees. Thereforetheremaining tering angle Θ. The blue dot dashed curve shows plane wave nuclear structure uncertainty, by the time one averages Bornapproximationresultsforthesameshapedneutronand over the acceptance, may be small. This should be care- protondensities,A0 inEq. (13). Thereddashedcurveshows pv fully checked. full distorted wave results for spherically symmetric neutron and proton densities, A (C ). Distorted wave results for DW 0 C plus plane wave C and CW contributions, Eq. (18), are 0 2 2 IV. INELASTIC CONTRIBUTIONS shown by the black upper dotted line, solid line, and lower dotted line for ξ2 = 0.5,1, and 1.5. The average momentum transfer ofthe Qweak experimentis shown bythe redarrow, My calculation of A can be compared to the Qweak pv whiletheangularacceptanceisveryroughlyindicatedbythe measurement. However, there are important inelastic the blue arrows. backgrounds that need to be estimated before one can fullyinterprettheexperimentalresults. TheQweakspec- trometer has only modest energy resolution and accepts Note that the second term in the numerator is small be- inelastically scattered electrons with energy losses up to cause C2W and Qp are small. Therefore the primary im- about 100 MeV. Therefore one will also have contribu- pact of the C2 contribution is to increase the denomina- tions from discrete excited states, collective giant reso- tor, and therefore reduce Apv, for q near the diffraction nances, and quasielastic scattering. For the forward an- minimuminC0. Equation(18)reproducestheexactdis- gleQweakkinematicsIexpectthediscreteexcitedstates torted wave result if C2 is small and reproduces the full to be dominated by Coulomb multipoles. For these one Born approximation result, Eq. (15), when the effects of can easily make an estimate of A , see also ref. [2]. pv Coulomb distortions are small. The most important property is the isospin of the ex- citation. Isoscalar excitations, where neutrons move in phase with protons, should have A ≈ A0 , see Eq. pv pv III. RESULTS (13). For isovector excitations, where the neutrons move out of phase with the protons, one has an asymmetry of opposite sign to the elastic A ≈−A0 . I would expect Figure 3 shows A for electrons of energy 1160 MeV pv pv pv excitations of mixed isospin to be in-between. These es- (the energy of Qweak) versus scattering angle. Even timates should also hold for giant resonances where for for spherically symmetric neutron and proton densi- exampletheisovectorgiantdipoleresonanceshouldhave ties, CoulombdistortionssignificantlyreduceA , inthe pv A ≈−A0 . I have calculated A for quasielastic scat- diffraction minimum near 13 degrees, compared to the pv pv pv tering in ref. [25] as discussed below. plane wave A0 result. Including C and CW contribu- pv 2 2 The measured asymmetry A includes contribu- tions further reduces A . Our best estimate for A meas pv pv tions from both elastic scattering with asymmetry A shown by the solid black line, Eq. (18) is only one third el and from inelastic excitations, of A0 in the minimum near 13.5 degrees. pv TheaveragemomentumtransferofQweakcorresponds A =(1−f)A +f(cid:104)A (cid:105). (19) meas el in toabout7.8degreesasshownbytheredarrowinFig. 3. At this angle the effects of Coulomb distortions and C Here f is the fraction of accepted events that involve 2 are small. This suggests that the final uncertainty in ac- an inelastic excitation of 27Al and (cid:104)A (cid:105) is the average in ceptanceaveragedtheoryresultsmaybesmall. However parityviolatingasymmetryfortheseinelasticexcitations. 5 Thismustbecalculatedandinvolvesanappropriatecross someCu,Mg,andZnandothertraceelements. Infuture section and acceptance weighted sum over the various workIwillcalculateA forelasticscatteringfromthese pv inelastic excitations. I invert Eq. 19 to extract A from nuclei using relativistic mean field densities. el A , V. CONCLUSIONS meas A −f(cid:104)A (cid:105) A = meas in . (20) Iftheremainingnuclearstructureuncertaintyisinfact el 1−f smallandinelasticexcitationscanbeestimated, one can usetheQweakA datatoconfirmtheneutronradiusR Now it is a simple matter to determine how accurately pv n of 27Al. This is one of my main results. To determine f and (cid:104)A (cid:105) must be determined so that A can be ex- in el the sensitivity to R , I uniformly stretch the FSUgold tracted with total error comparable to the experimental n neutron density, so that R increases by 1%, while keep- errorinA . Idefine∆A astheerrorintheextracted n meas f ing the proton density unchanged, see also [24]. I then A from an error ∆f in the inelastic fraction. el calculate the log derivative of A (C ) with respect to DW 0 A −(cid:104)A (cid:105) R , evaluated at 7.8 degrees. I find, ∆A = meas in ∆f (21) n f (1−f)2 (cid:12)dlnA (C )(cid:12) (cid:12) DW 0 (cid:12)≈2. (23) Likewise ∆Ain is the error in Ael from an error in (cid:104)Ain(cid:105), (cid:12) dlnRn (cid:12) f ∆A = ∆(cid:104)A (cid:105). (22) Thisshowsthata4%measurementofA issensitiveto in 1−f in pv 2% changes in R . Therefore, in principle, one can use n A , good to 4%, to probe the neutron radius of 27Al to Iemphasizethat∆A willbesmallaslongas∆f issmall. pv f about 2%. For comparison, the PREX experiment mea- I.E. f is reasonably well determined from measured, or sured R of 208Pb to 3% [3]. Note that the follow up well known theoretical, cross sections and knowledge of n experiment PREX-II aims to improve this to 1% [5]. the detector acceptance. In this case ∆A will be small f despite (cid:104)A (cid:105) having considerable uncertainty, or even If one estimates contributions from inelastic excita- in differinginsignfromA . Likewise∆A willbesmall tions and impurity scattering to the necessary accuracy, meas in providedf issmall. Indeed,Iexpectf tobesmall,atlow and the nuclear structure uncertainties for 27Al are in- momentum transfers, became of the large elastic cross deed small, one can determine Rn. What is the physics section. For example suppose f ≈ 4%. (Please note content of this measurement? For 208Pb, Rn determines this is an arbitrary number. The real value should be the density dependence of the symmetry energy and the determined by the Qweak collaboration from studying pressure of pure neutron matter with important applica- the detector acceptance.) In this case one would only tionstoastrophysics[2,26–28]. Howeverfor27Al,N ≈Z need to determine (cid:104)Ain(cid:105) to 50% in order for the error and many relativistic mean field models have Rn ≈ Rp, ∆Ain to be less than 2%. where Rp is the proton radius. There may only be a Likewise ∆Af will be less than 2% provided that ∆f small range of Rn values predicted by all reasonable nu- is determined to 25% (of f). This will be true even in clearstructuremodels. Thisshouldbeexplicitlychecked theunfavorablecasewhere(cid:104)A (cid:105)≈−A . Thiswould bylookingatalargenumberofnuclearstructuremodels. in meas require most of the inelastic strength to be isovector and Very likely theory makes a sharp prediction for Rn−Rp is not expected. If calculations give (cid:104)A (cid:105) small or pos- for 27Al that is essentially independent of the density in itive than one would only need f to 50% for ∆A to be dependence of the symmetry energy. Therefore the mea- f less than 2%. surement of Rn could provide a sharp test of theory and The inelastic asymmetry (cid:104)A (cid:105) will have errors in the experiment. A disagreement would suggest an impor- in theoretical calculations of the parity violating asymme- tantproblemeitherinthemeasurementorinthetheory. tries for various excited states. In addition it will have While agreement of the Qweak Rn measurement with errors from uncertainties in the relative contributions of theorywouldsupportthevalidityofmanyaspectsofthe different excited states. However as long as f is rela- measurement, analysis, and theory. tively small, the required accuracy on (cid:104)A (cid:105) is very mod- in est, perhaps of order 50%. Therefore relatively crude calculations of the asymmetry may suffice. Acknowledgments As an example I discuss calculations of the parity vi- olating asymmetry for quasielastic scattering [25]. One does not need a detailed description of quasielastic scat- Robert Michaels and Rupesh Silwal are thanked for tering in order to determine A to of order 50%. In- helpful discussions and for information on the Qweak pv stead, all that is needed is a very rough idea of the ratio 27Al measurement. This research was supported in part of isoscalar to isovector strength. by DOE grants DE-FG02-87ER40365 (Indiana Univer- Finally there are impurities in the Qweak target. An sity) and de-sc0008808 (NUCLEI SciDAC Collabora- alloy is used that is about 90% 27Al but also contains tion). 6 [1] T.W. Donnelly, J. Dubach, I. Sick, Nucl. Phys.A 503, [17] B.G. Todd-Rutel, J. Piekarewicz, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, (1989) 589. (2005) 122501. [2] C.J. Horowitz, S.J. Pollock, P.A. Souder, R. Michaels, [18] C.J. 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